From Harford County government:
(Bel Air, MD) – Verizon began installation of their FTTP (Fiber To The Property) Project in the Harford County Road Right-of-Ways in March 2009. In 2009, Verizon installed over 178 miles of FTTP and is now permitted to connect over 18,000 customers to Verizon FiOS. Verizon will continue construction in the Aberdeen, Bel Air, Edgewood, and Winters Run Wire Centers in 2010.
The 2010 Verizon FTTP / FiOS Project will be slightly less aggressive due to the economy, with just under 90 miles of new construction planned. Communities currently under construction will be completed, and construction will then expand to the Edgewood and Winters Run Wire Center, involving some Abingdon, Edgewood, and Joppa communities over the next few years.
As each area of construction is completed, Verizon will begin installing their FiOS (Residential Connections) in serviceable areas, following their schedule.
Reliable network cabling is essential for seamless fiber-optic connectivity, whether for large-scale infrastructure projects or business installations. For network cabling Triad area, call Applied Telecom, Inc. Their expertise in structured cabling ensures fast, secure, and efficient network solutions for commercial and residential properties.
In an effort to continue communication with County Citizens and manage incoming inquiries, the Department of Public Works, in conjunction with Verizon, requests that all complaints regarding this construction activity be directed to the following numbers:
If the caller is aware of the contractor’s name, please direct the calls to:
Span Pro (SSG)1-888-772-6776
S&N Communications 1-800-757-6842
NTI 1-866-796-7770
CableCom 1-800-322-6852
If the caller is not aware of the contractor’s name, please direct the calls to:
Verizon Customer Service Center at 1-888-550-2244.
These numbers are staffed on a 24/7 basis, however the caller can also leave a message.
These numbers have been provided to each residence and business by a door hanger which is placed 72 hours in advance of this construction. Additionally, each development area under construction will have informational signs placed each day near the construction activity.
Should a caller not be satisfied by Verizon’s response, and needs to speak to a Verizon Project –Harford County Department of Public Works Compliance Inspector, a message can be left at the Utilities & Access Office at 410-612-1704. The Department of Public Works will make every effort to resolve any issues. Updates on thisinformation will be available as changes occur.
Can’t wait until FiOS comes to my neighborhood. I dream of the phone call I’ll make to Comcast where I tell them to stick it.
if the milk’s sour, i ain’t the cat to drink it!
Have fun getting your front yard dug up when you go to get fios installed. Not to mention that both comcast and verizon dsl/fios are hub based connections so the more users on the hub, the lower your speeds will be.
The standard home based users fail to realize that they NEVER get the download speeds that are advertised. Fios will be no different. You may pay for a 50 to 100 mbps connection but you will never see those kind of speeds… Unless you do all your downloading between 1 and 4 am, that is.
Before you go riding verizon’s nuts, realize that you’re going to pay more per month for prerty much the exact same services and speeds.
Are you kidding?
I have Fios, and you are completely wrong.
I get 25mb, and 15mb upload consistently. I live in an area where Fios has been around a while (Tampa)
I’m a computer technician, system engineer (MSCT)
It’s pretty obvious you have not really even studied your information about FIOS.
So stop spewing at the lips.
Actually, FIOS is a little cheaper if you ignore all the promo rates and look at what you will actually be spending a year from now. And you are mistaken about the speeds. You don’t share with the rest of the neighbors, your line is yours alone, Fiber To The Property. Your speeds won’t slow no matter who else is on the internet like they do with Comcast. For what I use, high speeds like that don’t make a difference. It’s no big deal if my emails take a few more seconds to download. But my husband is a systems analyst and it will save him time when he is uploading code to a client’s site from home. I really just hate Comcast, and I’m happy to have a competitor out there, that will benefit everyone.
Digging up the yard is a pain, changing my email is a bigger pain, but I’m willing to make those changes to take the risk. I hope I’m right, it is being installed next week.
I’ve had FiOS pretty close to 5 years now with no problems. The startup was bit painful in that our development went through a major lawn trenchings. Lots of complaining but all the grass grew back and all is well (VZ saw that the all lawn issues were cared for). There were a few Comcast cable cuts but Comcast has on occassion did the same to VZ’s fiber. I am sure when the cable company initally installed their cable and nodes the same opposition arose.
As for data speeds you do get very close to what you pay for. Naturally if you ping a IP in Seattle Wash and you live on the east coast you may no get the same response as a ping to an coast IP.You “data pipe” is dedicated to you and capacity built into this network is way beyond cable(remember it’s pure light to your home and not electrical), FiOS has been pretty much rock solid for me and folks in my area.
I got excited when I heard FIOS was coming to my neighborhood. THEN I check out what it would cost me. After the promo rate it would have cost me $30 more a month. I also didn’t like the idea of having my yard dug up or finding an electrical outlet near the ONT that would be installed.I think what made my decision to stick with Comcast was my neighbor who had FIOS installed,spent the next week on the phone with their support staff who could not get their internet to work. This was after the installer said they were good to go.
We’ve had it for several months have had no issues (TV, internet, and phone.) Once the promo period ends we’ll be paying about the same as what we were paying before for DirecTV and Verizon phone/dsl except that we’ll also have most of the movie channels and HD (which we didn’t have before.) One big plus is that now every time it rains our phones don’t go out (and then stay out for 2 weeks or so until Verizon could get a tech out here for a 5 minute fix.)
The only drawback is that we only have 1 DVR now instead of 2, but that’s not really a big deal since it’s multi-room and there’s not enough stuff on TV worth watching that I’d want to record more than 2 shows at the same time anyway. Our internet speed seems to be about the same as it was with Verizon dsl, but since all we usually do is surf the web that’s not a big deal.
I’m with Bob–the best part of FIOS is not having to call Comcast every other week because the tv picture is messed up. It was truly a pleasure turning in my converter boxes to the joyful clerks at the Comcast office in Aberdeen. Knock on wood, we have only had 2 problems when it was first installed and we got a fast response. My bill for tv, internet & phone with FIOS is less than my Comcast bill for just tv & internet. Of course, everyone will have their own horror stories about Verizon and Comcast, I’m just telling my happy one.
FiOS Internet service offers the nation’s fastest consumer broadband connections.
Fios speed is always accurate to what u subscribed for upload and downloads and it doesn’t matter What day or what time zones you are in. BELIEVE IT I DO TECH SUPPORT FOR FIOS and waiting for my contract to end with DirecTv for TV.
Why won’t VERIZON release their construction schedules?Some people have a need to know this information.It’s easier getting Obama’s birth certificate than it is to get VERIZON’s data.I’ve accused them of redlining incessantly.They tell me that they’re making a business decision when they see too many Direct TV’s in a neighborhood,figuring that they all belong to illegal aliens.
That is about the lamest thing I have heard on the Dagger in quite sometime! Never knew I was an illegal alien because I had DirecTV! Comcast won’t come down my street (too far as they have to run almost 1300 feet from the head end on 22!) Losers. FIOS is doing the same because HarCo gave them a pass. If you aren’t able to bring it to EVERY house in the county, don’t give them a pass. They did it with Comcrap and all of us “rural” types have to suffer. I love DirecTV, but I suffer with HughesNet Sat Internet. I only want hi-speed internet, they can keep their crappy TV. Can’t wait for Wi-Max so I can get real speed with NO LIMITS, no dug up yard, no “accidental” cut cable on Super Bowl Sunday!
This infromation is posted and updated every month
Here is a link to the June FIOS construction schedule:
Here is a link to check each months construction schedule . Look on right side of page and click “FIBER CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE”
fios halted building new plant a few weeks ago due to a lack of money! thats why there were huge rolls of fiber all over belcamp for weeks