Should teachers use Facebook to air their disagreements with parents? When does a teacher’s right to free speech cross the line? The growing use of social networking sites by teachers, parents and students raises some thorny questions.
A case in point is the slugfest going on in Havre de Grace over the controversial drama production known as Drama Therapy.
To review:
Drama Therapy was developed four years ago by teachers and guidance counselors at Havre de Grace High School as a series of short skits that are part drama, part therapy, and mainly written by students. The skits deal with serious issues facing some teens, such as suicide, incest and abortion, but they also include more light-hearted fare. The founders of Drama Therapy expected that some students would seek counseling as a result of seeing the skits. The idea was to help those students.
The skits comprising Drama Therapy changed each year, but somehow the 2009 production was never reviewed by the school principal, the Harford County Board of Education, or any of the layers of administrators in between. Nonetheless, Drama Therapy was shown to the Havre de Grace HS student body, at a school-wide assembly last December.
When parents started asking questions, the school system suddenly came up with the outlines of a plan to do in the future, what, everyone now seems to agree, should have been done in the first place. As a result, Drama Therapy isn’t going away, but it might not be shown during the school day and parents are going to be notified about the content and given the chance to opt-out of the presentation.
Enter Facebook, the social networking site where Drama Therapy was discussed by parents, students and alumni of Havre de Grace High. A page entitled “SaveDramaTherapy” was created after the dust-up became public, and an online petition to save the program was also circulated.
Joining in the Facebook discussions was Havre de Grace High School teacher and English Department Chair, Deb Cummins. Mrs. Cummins was among the founders of Drama Therapy, along with her husband, drama teacher Mark Cummins.
In an undated series Facebook posts, the subject turns to comments made about Drama Therapy in other media by State Delegate Rick Impallaria. Impallaria had reportedly called for staff to be fired and said in a letter posted on The Dagger that he believed Drama Therapy “abused” students.
Posting on a Facebook page, Mrs. Cummins expresses outrage over Impallaria’s remarks. Anger at public officials may be fair game. But Cummins then welcomes help from a Havre de Grace parent who tells Cummins “…if they want blood. I say let’s give them blood”. The parent adds that he is also calling for “a boycott of the businesses of those that started this entire mess.”
It was another Havre de Grace parent, Rachel Tate, who first asked to review the content of Drama Therapy, prompting Harford County Public Schools’ own belated review. Rachel Tate and her husband Chad are also business owners in Havre de Grace.
Deb Cummins doesn’t discourage the boycott, but thanks the parent instead, adding: “Mark is a wreck and God help those who cause anything to happen to him.” Later in the postings, Mrs. Cummins says: “Rachel is behind this, I am certain.”
Someone else adds: “Screw the Tate’s!”
Finally, a student tells Mrs. Cummins that she has his support, along with support from 600 other students. Cummins thanks the student and tells him, “They have gone way too far!”
Mrs. Cummins surely has the right to defend herself and her husband. At the time, she obviously feared for their jobs, not only because of Del. Impallaria’s remarks, but because she and her husband were on the front lines of a program that seemed well intentioned, but lacked proper oversight.
On the other hand, Facebook may not be the right place for teachers to vent. It sends a powerful message when a teacher thanks a parent who plans to fight with blood and boycotts; issues warnings to other parents whom she identifies as her adversaries; and puts it all in writing on the internet. Regardless of the venue, when professional educators involve parents and students in their disagreements with other parents, they can divide a community and create a terrible ripple effect.
Forget Drama Therapy. Imagine that you are a parent at another school, with questions about a different program. You might think twice before speaking up if you thought a teacher would identify you as a troublemaker on a social networking site and rally your neighbors against you, especially when your children have to continue going to school.
The Facebook postings in this case have reportedly been taken down. But as part of a March 9 letter, Delegate Rick Impallaria sent a copy of the postings to Harford Schools Superintendent Robert Tomback. Impallaria also included several comments posted here on The Dagger, although unlike the Facebook postings, the Dagger comments were anonymous. Impallaria says in his letter that policies are needed regarding school employees’ internet communications.
Harford County Public Schools spokesperson Teri Kranefeld didn’t immediately respond to a request from The Dagger for comment.
To be fair to HCPS, school policies may not have caught up with the technology. Or maybe the school system has no ability or no right to control what employees do outside of school.
But in a March 4 press release by HCPS, Superintendent Robert Tomback is quoted saying that he supports “with great conviction” the drama teachers at Havre de Grace High, concluding “…we are certain that their dedication to students will help pull the Havre de Grace community together to the greater benefit of the students and the school.”
At the very least, HCPS may want to reconsider that statement.
Here is a copy of the Facebook postings sent to Dr. Tomback by Delegate Impallaria, a copy of which was provided to The Dagger. The name of the student who posted on the Facebook page has been removed:
I wonder what may be in the teacher’s contratcs regarding professionalism. This would definitely show a lack of professionalism.
Wow, that is an extremely disappointing display coming from a teacher. Reguardless of how social media has evolved a teacher is supposed to stand as a role model to students. I certainly hope that this teacher has or will receive, at minimum, a decent consequence for their actions. Every parent has the right to question what their children are being taught and by whom,that is our rights as parents. As far as Drama Therapy goes if the proper channels would have been followed from the start then this whole issue would not be occurring.
Lorrie – it is agreed that some protocals were not met. Every parent SHOULD question what their child is being taught without reservation. But there is a correct way in doing that.
However, the lack of patience from and some of the actions taken by the people who don’t ‘appreciate’ Drama Therapy is what has made the situation ‘explosive’. It doesn’t help that a delegate from another district who has no bearing on OUR district would use this situation as a political ploy.
Tom, this isn’t about Impallaria, this is about a foolish teacher- director of the English department- posting things publicly.
She screwed up, you screwed up, now deal with the consequences.
To REALLY? – SHE DID NOT POST ANYTHING PUBLICLY. This is another one of those lies that is being tossed around. It was too MY personal wall and between my friends and I. That is how these people intend on “winning” – BY LYING and giving false information.
Tom, since when is FACEBOOK not been a public forum!?!?! Guess some of your friends must disagree with you, your son and Ms. Cummins or they wouldn’t have sent your threats against another concerned parent to a dagger reporter, huh!!!LOL!!
Here are some of Facebooks statements straight off their website that should be noted…this is not the full document obviously.
“You will not post content that is hateful, threatening, pornographic, or that contains nudity or graphic or gratuitous violence”
“You will not use Facebook to do anything unlawful, misleading, malicious, or discriminatory”
“You will not facilitate or encourage any violations of this Statement”
“You will not post content or take any action on Facebook that infringes or violates someone else’s rights or otherwise violates the law”
How many of these have been violated by this one conversation. Facebook is a public forum whether it is on your private wall or not. If you don’t want something made public don’t post it. BTW Tom, what false information are we going by now? The story has been updated and the Facebook page is a direct print. I think the majority of readers can make an informed decision by just reading that learning who the players are. You want the Tates and the other families that simply disagreed with how Drama Therapy was handled to stand up and “be clear about their intentions” they tried to and they were steamrolled and harassed. Is it any surprise they are not responding now? I never saw a comment that Rachel Tate wanted to have teachers fired or stop the program, she just wanted answers, and no one was willing to do that without some massive cover-up. Maybe if everyone got ahold of their tempers this situation could be rectified more peacefully than it is going now.
I can not remember the case name but I believe the Supreme Court ruled in a case that a school system has no right to abridge the free speech of an employee as long as that free speech does not cause an undue distraction in the classroom. Essentially what an employee does in their private time, weather you agree with it or not, is not open to policy etc. as long as it does not burden the educational enviornment. I believe the case they where confronted with was a biology teacher in Arkansas who attended a protest about inserting creationism in the school curriculum. She taught the school curriculum and made no mention of her views at school. She simply attended and spoke at a rally as a private citizen. Essentially the Supreme Court ruled that just as a school can not sanction a student for free speech as long as it does not disrupt the school enviornment the same goes for teachers neither group sheeds their constitutional rights at the door.
I think it is a bad idea when any teacher involves members of a school community on their social network site. The school system however has no right to infringe the free speech of any employee by creating policy or sanctioning that free speech as long as it does not create a burden on the enviornment in their classroom. That said (based on the report above and I can’t see the auxillary posts) this seems to come dangerously close to that fine line.
That is correct CDEV. The school cannot block her freedom of speech. Being a school teacher is not the equivalent of being in the military. Since I am the person she was talking to in those posts, I can tell you what you see is pretty much all that there was to say. And the bottom line is she has EVERY right to be angry and express her anger. People may not like what she has to say but they should defend her right to say it.
Tom Barnes –
While Ms. Cummins can say or write anything she wants it does not mean that she will not suffer consequences for doing so. And let’s be clear the Facebook conversation was not just with you, it was with everyone with access to the page.
Ms. Cummins is held to a higher standard of conduct as compared with a parent. Ms. Cummins and you were foolish and reckless in posting on Facebook.
The conversation was with Mr. Barnes. The fact that others have access to it does not change that fact. If I converse with a colleague in my cafeteria complex and that conversation is overheard, taped, and played for others, am I responsible for disseminating it? Of course not.
Joe the supreme court has ruled otherwise!
Keep backtracking Tom. You were clearly wrong here, and you cannot admit it.
Just keep digging.
Backtrack? I doubt it. You will find out REALLY soon exactly how vocal I can be.
Tom, I don’t believe threatening other parents would constitute freedom of speach or be considered defending her right to freedom of speach.
While free speech cannot be infringed if it causes no distraction in the classroom, I believe this is conduct unbecoming of a public employee as well as very public foul language calling for vengeance.
And perhaps worse than that, it appears to be defamation of character towards Ms. Tate and her family.
Tell me where the defamation is, REALLY?. It was a personal conversation on my personal wall. Much like the person that STOLE the script this too was stolen and misused/misrepresented.
Nice try. But my character remains in tact: I didn’t steal anything. And I welcome anyone that wants to challenge that.
“I’ve no doubt there is a buddy situation.” Quote from you, Mr. Barnes, found above.
Looks like you are challenging Ms. Konipacki’s journalistic integrity with comments to an outside individual. Where I come from (Harford County) that is know as defamation of character with real consequences if anybody believed a fool like you.
You see, defamation with actual damages occurs when one party tells a lie about another party that damages them. Let’s hope The Aegis doesn’t feel litigous. You have acknowledged that these were your comments and that other people have seen them.
If I were you, I would quit digging a hole.
Tom Barnes –
If it’s on Facebook it’s public.
No Joe, that is not correct. It is to a private list of individuals – it is not public.
Tom Barnes –
Facebook is a public forum.
You may not have intended that your words would be distributed broadly, however they were and Facebook posts are not privileged in any way.
You should be more careful what you write. The words are yours are they not?
Tom, anything that you post on Facebook is pretty much public. If it’s posted to your wall or wall-to-wall between you and someone else than anyone who is friends with either of you can read it and that’s assuming both of you have privacy settings in place. If one of you doesn’t then anyone on Facebook can read it whether they know you or not.
My privacy settings state only my friends, DW. Thanks for the heads up on settings though. So, it was someone on my specific “friends” list that hit screen print and sent the info off.
Or someone one of you know logged in on a public computer and didn’t log out or saved their log in and password in the browser. There have been a few times I’ve sat down at a public computer and found that the previous person didn’t log out or saved passwords to financial accounts, email accounts, facebook, etc. Fortunately for them it was me who used the computer next and not someone looking to steal their information.
The fact is, you can’t assume anything posted on Facebook is really private unless it’s a direct message sent (not a wall-to-wall post) and even then I wouldn’t assume no one else could see it.
True, DW, true. I just know that I will continue to console and uplift my friends the Cummins in this entire situation. They are the most genuine people that I have met since moving to HdeG and to see them slandered and defamed REALLY infuriates me. They would NEVER dream of hurting a child in anyway like they have been accused of.
Like I said in another posting, I will get the petition to the right people in a couple weeks and I am done with this situation. It is way out of hand (and even my anger is starting to get the best of me and that’s not good for my own health). And since there is a resolution in the works there really isn’t much for anyone to say on this matter any more.
Give it a break Tom!! You threaten people and their income on a public forum like FACEBOOK and call it a private conversation!?!?! LOL!! No wonder Ms Tate won’t meet with you!!!
ONly in yours and Givemeabreak’s minds!!
The supreme court ruling states you can in fact not hold the employee to that standard. becoming a teacher does not shed these rights. In another case in Kentucky against a teacher the Supreme Court held that the teacher was allowed to be pregnant out of wedlock and a morals clause in her contract was an infrigment of her rights. Do not get me wrong I believe the description above sounds like this is flirting with the line but the expectation that a teacher gives up their rights is not in keeping with school law precedents.
Maybe not, but to allow her(minor)students to be involved (as Tom’s son so obviously is) in any way with her grievances with another student’s parent is included in unacceptable behavior and is highly unprofessional. Ms. Cummins and any other teacher who would cunduct her/himself in the immature and irresponsible mannor in which she has conduucted herself in this situation should not only be censured, she should be fired imediately regardless of the final outcome of the HDG Drama Therapy FIASCO.
Cindy Mumby – Let me clarify some things for you so you don’t twist the purpose behind the words I posted:
“Blood and boycott” By stating “then let’s give them blood” I meant ***OUR*** hard work (blood and sweat) and by boycott I mean exactly that! I NEVER called for anyone’s blood in what I wrote. And, as I personally find out what businesses they are attached to, I will NOT do business with them. I will not use my family’s money to support them. It’s simply not happening.
I nor my family will have anything to do with those that caused this trouble to begin with. We also have friends who feel the exact same way (obviously). My kids are forbidden to even utter a word to ANY of them (adult or child) because, just like in your story, you never know what will be completely taken out of context and used as a smear campaign. And really that is what this has become. Be aware it is not because we hate them (I think it is stupid to hate anyone over this) but because we don’t want any trouble ***FROM*** them. Not respecting someone for their actions is not the same as hating them. And I stand by what I stated – I have lost all respect.
I sit here TOTALLY unintimidated by this (non)”story” and defend every word that I have said. It was however a nice attempt at bullying.
And also, Cindy, NONE of the above was posted to the SAVE DRAMA THERAPY facebook wall. It was my PERSONAL wall and it was posted on February 27th at 7:23 pm – which means someone that I am friends with within the area sent it to you. I would advise that revamp your story to reflect it was posted on a personal wall and NOT the public group as you stated.
Looks like you need to revisit your “friend” list!
Seems like Tom knows as much about facebook as he does about therapy 🙁
Alan – who said I was a therapist. And fyi: I worked as a paralegal a few decades ago for Brown and McCormick.
Oh trust me Sarah I have an idea of who did it and I will be addressing it. Not only did they lie about where they got the information but they mislead a state Delegate and the Dagger Reporter.
Don’t think so, they provided a copy of the FACEBOOK page, we’ve all seen it!! So much for you being the voice of reason in this FIASCO! LOL!! The truth always comes out!!
Ain’t that the truth!!! LMAO!!!
For those that are interested in protecting Drama Therapy, please feel free to sign our online petition at:
(FYI: My goal is to finish this petition, let the school board and OUR delegates know that we do support the program then be done with this situation. Like Del. James has said (and I paraphrase): We need to let cooler heads prevail and move forward)
You’re joking right?!?! LOL!!! You and Ms Cummins have just been caught threatening her students’ parents and you want us to sign a petition to keep her!?!? Yep, you’ve got to be joking because no responsible parent would sign that petition let alone request that other parents do!! LMAO!!
Cite the threats, you continue to throw this word around like it’s nothing SHOW ME
Do your own research if you’re really interest, right now I’m just not inclined to be a Tom and explain my self to you or anyone else, maybe tomorrow!! LOL!!!
This is why people need to be careful about what they post on the internet. It will come back to haunt you. I don’t know of it happening to any teachers anywhere, but I know for a fact that police officers have lost their jobs over stupid stuff they’ve posted on Facebook, Myspace, or their personal websites.
This is also a prime example of how people posting on the internet fuel and rapidly escalate situations well beyond any reasonable point. The stuff that’s been posted on this topic (and other topics, for that matter) is simply ridiculous and that’s just going off what I’ve seen on The Dagger. Having elected officials (especially when they don’t even represent anyone involved in this) jumping with inflammatory rhetoric doesn’t help matters either and people in those positions should know better.
You seem to be an incredibly incendiary source in these posts. It’s quite hypocritical to try to come off as the voice of reason at this point. I really don’t see the difference between encouraging a community to boycott a business and asking for a teacher’s job. The difference today is, that I haven’t seen a rally cry from the Tate’s side that is as disgusting and as vile as yours. Trying to back-peddle at this point is disingenuous and draws into question your integrity. I’d respect a reply that simply said that you felt threatened and over reacted.
Let me put this in language that you can understand: ***YOU*** are a bad example!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ***YOU*** need a reality check!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ((((((((((Chad)))))))))))))) ((((((((((Rachael)))))))))))))) (((((((((((((Rachel))))))))))) (((((((((Cindy))))))))))))))))) ((((((((((((Anyone who stands up for parent’s right to be parents)))))))))))))))
“Forbidding” your children to speak to other children and running a petition that has a large group of minors speaks volumes to the fact that you are “stirring the pot” with the children. An EIGHTH GRADER came to the school board meeting to support the program which we all seem to agree is R rated. The hazards of using such a realistic gun as seen in the photo published in the Baltimore Sun should be obvious. I suggest that you stop now before YOU do any more damage.
So you’re police officer right? It’s my guess that you’re Deputy W. Can you tell us your thoughts about using an exact replica of an semi-automatic weapon in a high school program?
WOAH Alan! You are misreading. I do not call for a teachers job! I encourage the teachers keeping their job – I’m opn the OTHER side of that coin. What is the difference of them asking for the financial demise of the Cummins thru losing their jobs and anyone calling for a boycott? And boycotts are legal and effective tools. If they weren’t, boycotts would be illegal and every person who ever called for one would be in jail. So, let’s be real here.
I have also ABSOLUTLEY called for parents to stand up and be parents and know what is going on at the school. In fact, I have posted it over and over and over and over again. I have also stated that Rachel is 100% right that things needed to be handled differently: Notification to the parents (not so much a permission slip because I know personally that parents can be the perps), don’t do the program on a Friday afternoon, oversight by the school. We can all agree on that.
What ticks me off is the way in which this entire thing was handled – and I have and I will say THAT over and over and over again. Bottom line is this: Who went to the delegates to begin with? So I am correct about who is behind this am I not? No false information there! That is simply not a lie and no one can call it one. Who has been writing articles that are one sided and not talking to parents and students that support the program? So, I can certainly have my speculations (Constitutionally protected even!) about how the articles are being handled.
Now, let me ask you this, Alan. You have children, correct? If you don’t want your children around people that you feel as parent can cause issues or problems, don’t you forbid them from being around them? So, what is the difference? See, I know more then just this story and I won’t go into the things that I have been told. But the bottom line is that I don’t want my children around that potential atmosphere. That makes me a bad parent? On the contrary. That makes me an INVOLVED parent that keeps my children away from potentially bad situations. Understand that I have instructed my kids to not be rude but to NOT engage in conversations. I’m not the only parent that has chosen to do this.
And Alan I agree about the gun. It could have easily been a wooden block with a gun shape. We didn’t even use real looking guns in Seussical when we did it and we aren’t part of the school. We used colorful outrageous water guns.
To clarify, I was comparing the two not suggesting that you were in favor of any punitive actions toward HCPS employees. My point is: that just like it is your right to call for a boycott it’s other’s right to call for dismissal. In either case it’s a slippery slope.
I understand that there may be WAY more to this than meets the eye, but as ugly as it may be, I hold true to the idea that nothing is gained by “quietly” handling it. I must say that I was shocked and disappointed to see the conversation that you had on fb. It seems contradictory to your “public” posts here. I encourage all involved to strongly consider the ramifications of taking this issue to the level of causing economic crisis for the families on either side either in private or public conversations. That being said, it’s somewhat universal that Mrs. Cummings was just plain wrong on several points, but it’s her push back to a concerned parent that (in my opinion) brings the attention.
Other thoughts:
Mrs. James obviously sees that HCPS are NOT good enough for her children. If she really wants to help she should enroll, invest, and involve! Mr. Imp. could use a LOT of tact! The media will always seem bias to the side that doesn’t like what it has to say. Facebook is not private. ie: It’s in the news today that the FBI monitors fb. Surprise! If you’re writing on your employer’s computers, phones, or even e-mail accounts it’s NOT private.
Alan – if on puts into context that it truly was a personal conversation, this is no different then sounding of to your friend on the phone, at a bar, in emails, etc. And the day I wrote this I was TRULY pissed and angry. I know Mark and know Deb. And they would NEVER bring harm to any child deliberately. Pleas take into consideration that we ALL say things to our friends and never suspect that we would be betrayed. Of course I still stand by what I said in those posts but I could have said it differently… with friends you don’ suspect that you should have to remain “PC.”
I know how this can be resolved: If Rachel and her friends truly do not agree with what Imp is saying then they need to stand up and say it: LOUD AND CLEAR and without hesitation. Otherwise, everyone I know is taking it that this is actually the beliefs of those on the “against drama therapy” side. THEY NEED TO BE CLEAR ABOUT THEIR INTENTIONS. IF they aren’t,then I standby telling my kids they aren’t to be in any overly friendly contact and I will (along wth my friends and family) still boycott their business.
(And fyi: I think Rachel is genuine in her concern, but I think she has handled this wrong OR let others handle it wrong for her)
I am, though “DW” really has nothing to do with who I am…just a couple random letters I put in for my name.
As far as using an “exact replica” of a handgun in a school production, there’s nothing illegal about it as far as I know. I haven’t seen what they used and I don’t know what you would consider an “exact replica” to be exactly without seeing a picture of it at least. In general, I think it’s stupid for people to have replica firearms (or airsoft/BB guns designed to look like a real firearm) because some of them do look and feel very real and if someone decided to pull one out on an officer there’s a very good chance that person will get shot (and it’s happened before in other jurisdictions and in every case I’m familiar with the shooting was ruled fully justified.)
To be honest, I stopped paying much attention to this entire incident a long time ago when it started getting particularly stupid so I can’t really comment much on it. What little I know about it sounds like it may have been poor judgment to use it, but I haven’t seen exactly how it was used and since I don’t live in HdG, don’t have kids who go there, and don’t know any of the teachers/parents/kids involved I doubt I’ll ever see it. I only commented on this because it happened to involve people posting stupid stuff on Facebook (which is public) that will probably get them jammed up (and even if it doesn’t all it does is further inflame an already heated situation.)
DW – it did look pretty much like a real gun. I have to admit I was kind of shocked by it myself because I was led to believe that even outside organizations that use the schools can’t use guns or replica’s of guns.
This article states that it was posted on the SAVE DRAMA THERAPY wall, a public group. It was not. It was posted on a private wall that can be seen by people on a specific list. The article needs to be amended to state the truth that it was NOT on a public GROUP wall but rather a personal conversation between two friends.
From the photo I saw, it looked a whole lot like a Glock 9mm. BAD IDEA! Even the army trains with flourescent “rubber duck” fire arms. As Tom B mentioned (and in my opinion) a water gun or block of wood would have been good enough. Does my child attend HHS no. Is this my concern YOU BET YOUR ASS! Was this prop locked up in between shows? Doubt it.
It’s funny (odd) Alan. After this particular play, a friend that was with me looked at me and said “This one will cause some problems.” Boy did she hit the nail on the head. The only reason that I actually defend this one particular play is because it DOES hit home that my spouses mentally retarded brother was abused in a home that was in. So, I know that the abuse among our more challenged fellow human beings is definitely there and highlighting that abuse is something I can stand behind.
I guess when people start asking questions as to why so many of us support this program people will get answers they may not want to hear. This stuff is real stuff that happens. Is it sad? Yes. Should the conversation and bringing it to light be stymied? Definitely not.
I’m very aware that bad things happen and the most vulnerable deserve protection and help from all of us. However I’m not ready for my kids to watch “Silence of the Lambs”, “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” or even “Victor Victoria” to talk about serial killers, mental illness, or social issues.
Each child is different. While I’m not impressed at Mrs. James’ thoughts from the ivory tower of an elitist private school, I’ll have to agree that this is not a program that should be disseminated to a wide audience. As I mentioned above, I saw a recording of an eight grader speaking in support of this program. I think that’s a bit much… Don’t you?
I think this discussion could (in general terms) benefit from a large dose of decorum. Once again, calling for economic repercussions for families on either side seem short sighted and, might I say, un-neighborly. I truly respect you for just saying “I was pissed” and I empathize with your frustration. As a parent I would beg you to keep your energies focused and TRULY engage both sides. Then, respect their feelings even if their delivery is less than eloquent.
Alan – that 8th grader is my son and the same “minor” that was being “protected” by Mumby. As a victim prior to his adoption he can speak very clearly on what Drama Therapy means to him and the line of communication that it opened for us. So a lot of those “r-rated” things actually have happened to him (and I will not discuss which ones). So no. I do not think that is a bit much. Again, you need to know the facts before you can pass judgment.
One fact I do know is that you were on FB calling for a teacher’s dismissal saying that you were on your way to Dr. Tomback’s office to demand it in FACT. An other fact I know is that the Save DramaTherapy FB group slams anyone who attempts to be a voice of reason. There seems to be a Junior at NYU that wants only Tate-hate and calls for anyone who has less to get off the page. As you said, there’s a lot more here than meets the eye.
Love Ya,
Alan – again it is posted by you that I called for a teacher firing. I did not. And I never said I was on my way to Tombacks office. But then, I am pretty sure that this isn’t you posting.
I see that this thread has gone berserk and I won’t post to it. It has given me GREAT insight into what the “Daggerpress” is all about and the people that it seems to attract. Now I pretty much know why the good people of Havre de Grace don’t post on it and call it “garbage.” I am now of the same mind. It’s trash as are – evidently – most of it’s posters. So, you go ahead and have your fun peeps. I don’t deal in trash and won’t be dragged to that level any further.
Signing off and not posting for your entertainment value folks.
Sorry to call you out but you posted this on 2/28. I think both sides are in need of some self-evaluation. I’d like to meet in the middle on most things but the Save DramaTherapy posts are littered with hatred. In all fairness, you do call for calm more often then not but the words below are indeed yours. Here’s a link See the post from Feb 9!/group.php?v=wall&ref=search&gid=247846726005
This is your reply from Feb 28. I think you owe me an apology.
Tom Barnes:
I want to know WHO the employee is. I personally will be at Tombacks office to ask for their job. Obviously this person cannot be trusted even with students grades or personal information. Tenure my butt. Now it’s a trust issue of personal records.
February 28 at 5:25am • Report
By the way, this goes back to our original conversation. I don’t think that a lighting cue sheet is a personal record and it raises a great amount of suspicion that someone would be so protective of it.
Alan it was not just the cue sheet it was the script as well…And your link is not helpful if you read everything you will see what the concern is about
I’ve looked at EVERY post and it leaves a LOT of room for concerns. In any case, Tom DID call for a teacher’s job and that’s kinda the same as what you’re accusing the Tates of doing. Difference is I can’t find the web link to them saying the same about Mrs. Cummins. THIS IS SOMEONES LIVELYHOOD! Both sides need to check it. HCPS needs to step up and do it’s job in a timely manor. I agree with Tom on many things. I’m done.
I read the entire conversation on FB sounds like these parents are pissed because confidential information was given out to a parent and anyone who blatantly disregards the process should not be in a position that would allow them to have access to records.
Makes me wonder if this is the first time or multiple times this faculty member has done this
Totally agreed with you up to the point you mentioned having, “elected officials jumping in with inflammatory rhetoric.” If HDG was the only city in Harford county, I could agree with you on that point too, however its not. I’ve had conversations with several people who’s children attend different schools and they all worry about Ms. Cummins so called Drama therapy being adopted by the county and forced upon their children. No doubt the elected official to whom you’re referring has gotten calls and had conversations with worried parents who are his constituants, read the Dagger, and feel they too have a vested interest in this situation.
Wow where do you get your information Ms Cummins does not have a Drama Therapy Group…If you can’t post accurate information then don’t post anything at all
Practice what you preach!!! Have you ever posted a single msg in which you didn’t attack or call someone a name!?!?! Make a deal with you, I’ll try meet your standard of accuracy after I read a msg from you that actually makes a point, is at least halfway intelligent and doesn’t attack or call anyone a name!!! LOL!!!
Tom, your comments on the page whether they were on your personal page or public page were in essence internet bulling. Despite you trying to come in to “clarify” your words people will take them in the context that they are written. The Tate family did not call for the ending of Drama Therapy they wanted the school to follow the proper guidelines in notifying parents about the performance and giving them the option to “opt out”. That is their right. How dare you condemn them for it. The school did not follow the guidelines and made the situation what it is. They had the right to get others involved when their simple requests for viewing the material and asking questions was not met. If you get lied to and stonewalled enough it will make anyone angry. Whether or not a teacher can be held responsible for their postings is not the point, this teacher should know better and if they can not set an example that is above the mentality and maturity of an adolescent then they should consider a different career path. You say that your children are not permitted to say anything to the people that were opposed to the way Drama Therapy was run, how can you expect that to happen when you yourself are inciting others, including students, to do just that.
People will take things anyway they want, interpret them and post their opinions all day long. It doesn’t matter. They are entitled to their opinions and they can either listen to me or not – I don’t care either way to be honest.
I have NEVER condemned the Tates for standing up to the school. Rachel and I have even exchanged emails to that effect. I absolutely have supported that the school had some flaws in how the program was delivered this year. What I have condemned is the way in which the group that supports her has pushed the envelope on this and DID NOT given an appropriate amount of time for responses before going off half cocked. Does anyone realize that in the VERY beginning of this that when the request was made for the tape that the college where it was housed was closed? It takes time to do things and this group has just pushed and pushed and pushed. I equate it to a tantrum and it could have been avoided if they would have waited a time with patience.
As for how I am raising my children: I stand by restricting my children from conversations and situations that I deem unfavorable or dangerous to them in any way. I would happily sit down with Rachel and Chad any day to discuss that (because in fact my children are/were friends with her kids). But I at this time am NOT comfortable with my children being placed in what I deem a a potentially bad situation. Condemn me all day long – it doesn’t matter. I stand by my convictions on this issue.
So Tom since you seem to like explaining things, please explain exactly what you deem to be unfavorable or dangerous conversations and situations for children since alcohol, drugs, sex, and fowl language are obviously not among them, nor is seeing and even helping their father threaten “their friends” parents!?!?!?! Give it up!! The real Tom has finally been forced out of the closet so to speak!!
Are you for real or just a lonely ass loser who wants to continue to stir the pot.
Let’s be real for one freaking ass moment
Having a child post “It’s not burger king you can’t have it your way” is not a freaking ass threat. Rather it was quite funny how a child put it in perceptive we as a society cannot always have it our way.
Get a life
Are you!?!?! LOL!!! Guess you’re no more concerned about our kids hearing and using foul language than Tom and Ms. Cummins are or you wouldn’t be using it on a public forum you know kids use!!!
…..and don’t tell me they use worse language. If you really are an adult, you’re supposed to be setting the example, not joining the children in their bad behavior!!!
Oh, and Lorrie just so that you know the student they mention is MY SON. Glenn is my spouse (well, at least in a few states anyway) and Lisa is a friend of mine and a concerned parent. Can you put that all in context now?
No that would mean she would have to think before she wrote
Wow what an utterly intelligent thought from someone who has no idea who I am.
But Lorrie do you get it now? Someone deliberately did a screen print and lied in the article to say it was a PUBLIC forum called “SAVE DRAMA THERAPY” then deliberately left out the “student” when they knew it was my son so that it ADDS the suspicion. And they did this to stir the pot. That seems to be the MO. So, rather than you beng able to read the truth, they mislead all of you DELIBERATELY thinking that it will go unchecked. Doesn’t that speak VOLUMES about the situation? It does in my mind – and it does to my friends as well.
And I care…Not really
I understand that it was a screen shot. The journalist writing the article can only write with the information provided which looks like it has been changed. Cindy has always done a wonderful job of covering the educational news but faulty information does occur. I am certainly able to read and draw my own conclusions, in fact I read the conversation before reading the article. You said that you would not let your children be rude to people that were on the other side of the debate but if I am reading the information correctly on the screen-shot your son was during the second comment. This conversation was entirely inappropriate under any circumstances, a teacher should never rally other parents and students against another teacher or student. Any information on the internet whether it is “private” or not can end up being posted for the world to read. If the situation would have been handled correctly when parents were questioning the lack of notification and information it would have not escalated to this point. Many people were against the Tate’s and others that believed the same thing, they attempted to destroy their lives, I watched postings on here that would never be said to a persons face because someone can hide under a false name. I think it is time that everyone involved, reguardless of which side they are on, sit down and have some sort of conversation that actually gets something accomplished otherwise I am sure this is going to keep going for quite some time. Mistakes were made on both sides, I am sure, but the beginning mistake was made from the school officials who have turned this into a catastrophe.
As my moma used to say “I don’t care who started it…it’s over!”
Tom how is who your spouse is or isn’t relavent in any way to the debate on HDG’s Drama therapy debate!?!?!
Tom, I did not write that these postings came specifically from SaveDramaTherapy, and I didn’t write that they came from a public wall, because I didn’t know at the time which wall they came from. That’s why I did write that they came from “…a Facebook page”.
The Facebook page in question was an attachment to a letter sent from one public official to another, making it part of the public record. That was the basis for their publication here on The Dagger.
But I did have the name of the student blocked out; it was not blocked on the original. My only intention was to protect the privacy of a minor.
Privacy of a minor..hmmm did you notified the other parties when you published the article? Did you get factual information before you wrote the article from the other side about their posting?
If you did then why are those quotes not put in the article?
You stated ‘Tom, I did not write that these postings came specifically from SaveDramaTherapy, and I didn’t write that they came from a public wall, because I didn’t know at the time which wall they came from. That’s why I did write that they came from “…a Facebook page”.
If you did not have all the facts then is it fair to say your research was messy and the article was misleading?
Just curious
What does it matter, If I were Tom and Deb Cummins I’d be more concerned about who the “two public officials” were!!!LOL!! Who ever they were obviously at least one of them didn’t like what they were reading…..and just what if that one had a vote on the board of education!?!?!….and since it looks like the hope of sueing Cindy has been appropriately shot down!! Oh Deb and Tom will just have to stick to the plan to go after “the other Rachel” LOL!!
I can say Cindy as a reader of your piece that I can understand Tom’s concern. I jumped to the same conclusion he outlined because you did not deliniate in each paragraph which things where posted on facebook on different pages. After starting by refering to a specific group page on facebook you continue to lack specificity as to where tus leading the reader to assume it was all the same place. While I am now understand that you have clarified that it was not your intent initially when reading it I assumed otherwise based on what you had stated. Perhaps you should clarify the story especially now that you have more information to prevent readers from jumping to the same conclusions.
That is the point Cdev – there were no “different pages.” The deception continues with the line stating that the conversation was taken down. WRONG on that, too. The conversation was not taken down – it is on my private wall dated February 17 at 7:23pm. The entire article is written deceptively.
And Deb was speaking to me and my family as a FRIEND. So you can all post whatever you liked. I already alerted Imp and Tomback that were deceived and that it was in facct deliberately done.
Funny – I post with my real name and I don’t try to deceive. I guess people that are honest get it in the crotch everytime, right? But at least people know MY character and MY honesty.
Don’t worry about Tom they are closed minded individuals that only write a one-sided story with no facts being presented. It is funny how some things get posted and delivered to Delegates and other things are swept under the rug… Only half truths are being presented.
I stand by my posting, as of today they still mean nothing to me.
Cindy, no need to defend your actions on this matter!! You provided a great service to the citizens of HDG and all who read and post to the Dagger!!! Now all reaponsible and honest, level headed adults know who the real culprits are, and its obviously not the Tate Family!!!
Yes she (Cindy) did an excellent job in not reporting the facts misleading the readers. Great job…i could not be more proud.
Too Funny!!! The “FACTS” are there for all to see written by none other than Deb Cummins, Tom Barnes, Glenn Gorleski, and Lisa Mcnamara-barber!!!! LOL!!!
Thank you Cindy! You have done a good job of presenting balanced information regarding Drama Therapy. I think most people are aware of the policy not to publish minor’s names in controversial stories regardless of who their parents are. If the adults responsible for the vindictive facebook posting don’t like how they come across in this story, they should reread their own writing. The truth is that as a teacher Mrs.Cummins IS free to have this conversation with her friend; but when she has this conversation with a minor and any of the many students she has friended on facebook, then her professional judgement/behavior can and should be questioned and delt with. It seems like at some point the school would find some way to make her stop digging them in deeper.
I am wrong. I have been outbested. My arguments are weak. I feel shame. I will no longer post to this thread.
Once again, I am wrong. Sorry.
No Really?…I am wrong. You are right. This hole thing is ridiculous. I will no longer post to this thread. This topic should have been long over by now.
Forgive me.
Not posted by the REAL Tom Barnes.
Tom, it would have been over long ago but for loud mouthed hot heads like you, Ms. Cummins and the rest of her brain dead minions!!!
Wow nice comebacks. you must be so proud of what you have become
Actually I am quite proud of who and what I am. Unlike you, I can have an intelligent conversation and actually make a point!!
I am wrong also. My arguments are just as weak as yours. I promise not to post anymore to this thread.
Forgive me. Sorry.
Also not posted by the Real Lorrie…but all sides need to find some type of middle ground
I fear thats never going to happen when dealing with people who don’t really want any kind of resolution, they thrive on keeping the mud slinging going!!
I’m taking this conversation back to Facebook where it belongs!
What the hell is this people posting as if they are you? This is ridiculous, people need to grow up
Again, not posted by the REAL Tom Barnes altho my personal conversation with my friends are not open to ANYONES review and each person that has a problem with MY personal conversation can speak to me DIRECTLY. My email address is public knowledge, my Facebook account is public knowledge AND my home phone is listed. Go for it.
As for the author of this “story” – Shame on you, you should know better. We both know this is NOT journalism. You had an opportunity to contact me directly before you posted bogus and misleading information that was meant to be slanderous and liable as well as bullying. Enough said on this end. I’m sure my family my attorney will be saying the rest.
A bit litigous, are we?
Now, Now Tom calm down and be patient!! Wouldn’t want to jump the gun and get a big uproar started over much to about nothing, or would you!! LOL!!!
What are you in Middle school? Grow up it’s time you act like an adult
Na, not in school at all, graduated from college years ago!! Just trying to help remind Tom of what can happen when we aren’t patient and jump the gun over “much ado about nothing”!! LOL!!!
This is a hoot. This guy is a classic example of an Internet bully, and some of the folks on the Facebook page aren’t a whole lot better.
Really, you must know them do tell
Why am I not surprised by your insightful comment!?!?! LOL!!
Phil doesn’t need to know them personally….guess he formed his opinion when he read that face book page, as Tom & truthsays say, “and that speaks volumes” LOL!! You see its not only their words others see on that page, its their character outlined in shining lights for all to see!!!
Where you can threaten people who disagree with you in secrecy!?!?! Do you honestly still think FACEBOOK is a private forum, LOL!!!
Really I’m not aware of any posting calling for bodily harm. Please cite examples
Live up to your name and really give it a break!!! If you really think that threat of bodily harm is the only type of threat, then the Tates have absolutely nothing to worry about from your corner!! LOL!!
Actually Tom, after reading most of the articles on HDG’s Drama Therapy issue, it appears that most if not all of the negativity and personal attacks on other concerned parents come from Ms. Cummins and those like you who support her.
Also I can’t help but wonder just exactly what type of “discussion/content you would consider inappropriate for your children and restrict them from since drinking, drugs, sex and fowl language are obviously not among them.
Last but certainly not least is the fact that you see nothing wrong the conversation between you and Ms. Cummins threatening “Rachel” and the “Tate businesses” and even defend it because it was on FACEBOOK instead of the Dagger. As you’re so fond of saying, “that speaks volumes”!!!!….not only to the level of immaturity and irresponsibility of both you and Ms. Cummins as parent and teacher, but also as adults.
Funny Ms.Cummins has not posted on this website or are you talking about this one article?
What any parent considers appropriate or inappropriate for their children is not of your concern.
boycotting a business is not against the law. I can shop around and check the BBB for business’s that have a bad reputation and avoid them.
These people wouldn’t dare say this bull crap to my face – that’s why they don’t use their real names. Trash is trash, Giveme. Don’t waste your breath. I’m certainly not.
Naw Tom I just think the entire article and the postings are such a joke i find them rather amusing to say the least.
I will say it to your face!
Givemeabreak, Are you for real? LOL!!! Actually there’s nothing funny about Ms Cummins posting the type of dribble she posts on any website!!! But I’m referring to the Face Book page on which she, Tom, and Tom’s son were threatening the Tate family, yes threatening!!!
“What any parent considers appropriate or inappropriate for their children is not of your concern.” Really…But it is yours!?!? LOL!!! Please don’t tell me you’re naive enough to think that you and Tom are the only parents posting on this site!! LOL!!!
Guess I need to go buy that book on how to argue with idiots after all because I honestly don’t know how to respond to any idiot who’d say, “What any parent considers appropriate or inappropriate for their children is not of your concern.” when this whole article so obviously deals exclusively with what parents consider appropriate or inappropriate for their children!!! ROFLMAO
Just think, if Ms Cummins had only asked you before she took it upon herself to decide what was and wasn’t appropriate for her students/OUR CHILDREN this whole FIASCO would never have happened huh!! Sure hope she asks you before she does another Drama Therapy play, that way all HDG and Harford county parents can rest easy in the knowledge that you’ve got the whole propriety thing covered for all of us!!! LOL!!!!
Why yes I am for real I find these postings to be amusing.
NO but she sure did post on Face Book didn’t she!!! ROFLMAO!!!!
I stopped posting because Tom Barnes was calling me names on here. I don’t even know him. I wouldn’t have known he had anything to do with this either until he brought it up. There is a bigger issue here about teachers being on Facebook with current students and talking about parents in the school. It’s too bad the story got hijacked because that is a concern. I am sure the Supreme Court won’t ban Free Speech but teachers are going to have to be very careful about who they talk to on a public forum especially when it is something concerning them and an issue at the school.
Wow Sarah lie much? Please show where Tom Barnes was calling you names….
Why don’t you prove she’s lying!?!? Bet your can’t!!!LMAO!!! Tom was caught, you will be too!!
Bring it….I’ve read every article and every post on this site cannot find one name calling that Tom has done to sarah
So enlighten us, put your money where your big mouth is and offer up the proof!!!! LOL!!!! Like they say either put up or shut up!!!
If we are talking about role models and setting an example, then let’s hold parents to the same standard when talking about teachers and schools on Facebook as well. Besides, we should all be comfortable with employers looking into our personal lives right? Free speech is just so over rated, isn’t it?
I know firsthand of a student who was suspended for things that she said about another student on Facebook. It was about my daughter and other kids told her about it. I took the copies of the postings to the school and they dealt with it because it was considered bullying.
i agree with “givemeabreak” that person knows what shes talking about.
Says who!?!?! Do you know her!?!?! LMAO!!!
I really think the witch hunt needs to stop. Rachel Tate has done nothing wrong! She has acted as any responsible parent would and called the school to task for their mistakes. The fact that some small minded vindictive people are calling for “blood and boycotts” is ludicrous and shows a complete lack of maturity. Shame on you Tom Barnes, and Mrs. Cummins!!!
And as for Tom losing respect for Rachel, I have lost all respect for you Tom, not that you care, obviously. I used to think you were a good guy who helped the community with drama productions, but all of your comments have put you in a different light for me. Anything on the internet is public, privacy settings or not. Rachel and Chad are well liked and respected members of the community, and did nothing to deserve the treatment they have received. You , on the other hand, have brought all this on yourself.
The absolute ridiculousness of thinking that facebook is private gave me a really good laugh today! Come on Tom!
On the other side of the coin, I am not sure a teacher losing his job for this is appropriate. Nevermind the fact that the teachers union is very powerful and would never let that happen. You have not seen anything till you see the union pull out the big gun lawyers to defend a union member. That is , of course, assuming the Cummins’ are union members.
The person who should have been held accountable is Principle Walling. She obviously had no clue as to the content of this program. Unforgiveable in my opinion. She is responsible for the school and everything that happens on campus during school hours especially, and after hours, to some extent. She was derelict in her duties that day.
A very severe reprimand, demotion and a probationary period for the school personnel involved may be an appropriate punishment for this.
Just because one wears the title “teacher” does not make them infallible or extraordinary. There are good and bad among them, just as in every facet of life.
As has been pointed out by several people before. Alot of people agree with the fact that Mrs. Tate has a right to ask questions but question the method she took and in some peoples opinion the unreasonable demand for a response time in light of everything the school principal has to do.
As has also been said you can not unring the bell so based on the fact Mrs. Tate was playing monday morning quarterback a few days later, a response that day was not going to be fully investigated and not going to be of any value. Did the school make an error in judgement….YES but again you can not unring the bell! After an effort was made to show the video to a group of parents as per their request they then complained about the lack of return addresses on the stationary. In my opinion that is a little petty.
We have an action plan from the school system but unfortunatley for some that is not good enough they are cntinueing to insist for the blood and head on a platter. This is as unreasonable as those that say there was absolutely no wrong doing on the part of the school.
We can all have differing opinions as to the value of this in an educational enviornment and had the school sent home a permission slip or a letter before hand that would have probably made most people happy.
I think like there are some people in the lynchmob on one side who are passionate and want a head on a platter there are others in ther opposing lynchmob who are passionate about the program and don’t understand how some people have concerns.
We all know that personell issues like hirings and firings are private and you get no right to find out how a teacher is disciplined.
So lets all chill and stop calling people names and work for the collective good!
Restating what we all already know is not only a waste of your time but of all us who actually take the time to read it.!! You could’ve simply said, “lets all chill and stop calling people names and work for the collective good!”
SERIOUSLY??? you people have nothing better to do than continue to tear a school and community apart. Come on, after months of this debate it’s time to move on. I think everyone can find a better use of their time. What is all this fighting teaching our children?
Some are being taught that they are the most important people in their parents’ lives and others are being taught how to bully people on the internet and make threats!! Having said that, don’t you think its up to mature, responsible adults ie. parents AND teachers to help those who don’t to realize just how important they are?
Its because there are almost as many views on what’s appropriate and inappropriate for children of all ages as there are parents and teachers that we pass laws that stores, movies and schools must abide by. Incompetence or poor judgement can’t be an accepted excuse in our schools any more than it is in homes when it comes to the health, safety and well being of our children.
Its all the threats and name calling that’s prevented this from being a learning experience for all involved, not the questions nor actions of one concerned parent!!
I agree! And don’t forget the lesson about it doesn’t matter if you break the rule or the law for that matter if you marginalize, demean, or humiliate the whistle blower you can pretty much go on just as before with no interference from any one who doesn’t appreciate your artistic genius (as long as you call it something else next time).
I hope the school system has moved to use a professional mediator in this matter. The saddest part of this is that there are now children not speaking to, or allowed to speak to, other children. I am sure the Tate’s children are suffering from this socially and, although I happen to disagree with most of the Tate’s opinions, no one can possibly believe that is fair or right.
A Matter of an Apology
I have spent 2 days in deep contemplation and prayer over this entire situation. What I am about to post will be my last on this matter as I am bowing out of this particular situation. It is time for discussion and calm. Continued anger and accusations on either side cannot be a part of that and it has no place in the healing process.
First and foremost, I am humbly offering an apology to Rachel and Chad Tate that I would attribute the words of Del. Impallaria to their own beliefs. They didn’t say and I should not have assumed that they agree. I have to go back to my first thoughts when all of this started months ago – Rachel is in fact a concerned mother, and I need to stand up for her right to express her concern. She should not be demonized for her beliefs. I am guilty of doing that and I am guilty of shutting her out and not being reasonable enough to listen to the oppositions position. I allowed that to build up and become personal. I am truly sorry.
Second, I offer them an apology that the posts on Daggerpress have been attributed to being part of her cause. These posts should not be attributed to her, Chad or their family (or her group of concerned parents for that matter) since they are all done in “secret” where real names are not used. We all know what happens when you assume and – WOW! – have I assumed a lot the past few months. I allowed myself to get caught up in the sweeping rhetoric and anger. I am sorry.
Third, I have allowed my personal feelings about my good friends, Mark and Deb Cummins, to draw me to anger in order to protect them and their good name. And make no mistake, they are good people. But, in the midst of that need to protect, I have forgotten that those on the “opposition” aren’t bad people either – they are just the opposition on this particular issue. For that forgetfulness I also offer my humble apologies as well.
I still support Mark and Deb 100%. I still passionately support keeping Drama Therapy in our school. I still see the positive of the people and the program. My wish is that those on the opposition could see the positive as well. But in the heat of the moment, what I forgot was a core belief that I was raised on: “Even if you do not agree, support the other persons right to disagree and express their thoughts freely without judgment.” I failed to do that and only I can be blamed for that failure. For that, I again apologize. I also apologize that I allowed myself to be drawn into all this anger and bitterness. I hold myself to a higher standard. But, as a human being, I do make mistakes. I am not perfect (nor do I want to be). But I do hope that my apology can be accepted.
To those on the “opposition” I also specifically offer my apologies to you. I forgot to stand up for your right to express your feelings on this topic. And I apologize if I have been a person that has helped to deepen any divide in our community. I vow that I will do my best to help to repair that damage in any positive way that I can (even if that means shutting my mouth at this point on the issue).
Rachel and Chad, if you do in fact read the Dagger, please accept my apologies. They are truly from my heart. I make my apology to you publicly because I don’t think you as people should be made to feel badly for only wanting to do what you feel is right for your children. After a lot of contemplation, I do think that people are forgetting that you are not bad people just because you care ‘differently’ adn see things from a different perspective. I am sorry if any of my words – public or private – have hurt you or the kids in any way whatsoever. Rachel, I forgot one of the lines that I sent you in a personal email and that was “Little eyes are indeed watching.” In the past few days, my thoughts have to turned to what is expected of me as a man. I guess our walk to ‘maturity’ and learning is never truly over no matter what age we attain.
My prayer is to see the community come back together, work towards a resolution to the issues and see what we can do about supporting our children and our school so that the errors that were made are not made again. No one should be demonized personally on either side. I will do my best in the future to always remember that.
Humbly yours ~
Tom Barnes
“I have spent two days considering whether or not I will be sued over defamation of character and my counsel has suggested that an apology on this website would be the best way to strategically counteract that. Please accept my apology.”
You could be very right, but let’s give him a chance to see if he stands behind his words. Everyone has made mistakes and said words out of anger but if he truly means his words then maybe there is a chance that this dispute could end somewhat peacefully. If he doesn’t then we know his words were false. But I hope that this situation can be resolved for all parties. This could have been resolved very easily in the beginning but snowballed into something horrible. Let’s all hope that things shall go better.
I’m not entirely sure why “Drama Therapy” was such a predicament in the first place?