The following letter was sent by former Harford County Sheriff Tom Golding to several local newspapers, which refused to publish it, Golding claimed, saying among other things that it was contrary to their recollection of events.
Commenting that he “didn’t know that that was a standard by which a letter to the editor or to an opinion colunm was judged,” Golding provided a copy of his letter to The Dagger, hoping that we would publish it.
“I do hope that you will post it as I feel that the citizens of Harford County need to understand that Sheriff Bane is not being candid as to his credentials and as my letter indicates he likes to take credit for the efforts of others which is a deception to the voters as they think he responsible for all these initiatives,” Golding said.
“Please be assured that I am not overstating things from my end and that the events, etc alluded to in the letter are factual as others can attest,” Golding added.
Here is the full text of Golding’s letter:
I was recently contacted by a number of people concerning your lead article “A Lid on Gangs in Harford” dated March 19th. After reading the piece, I fully understand their displeasure with the article and Sheriff Bane. It seems that Sheriff Bane has a less than clear memory of what occurred six years ago especially his total lack of involvement during that time period. It has never ceased to amaze me how Sheriff Bane routinely deflects personal responsibility yet will readily accept credit where it certainly isn’t due. Let’s be very clear, the comment that I “grudgingly” accepted gangs is way off base and contrary, as usual, to the facts. The Sheriff’s Office was aware of the low level presence of gangs reaching back into the Sheriff Comes administration. I know this as I commanded the Narcotics/Vice and Intelligence Unit at that time. Their presence from that time and up to the unfortunate murder of the cab driver had been solely confined to dealing drugs. When I became Sheriff, I instituted the practice of having an intelligence briefing at every monthly Command Staff meeting. During that time we were briefed on many matters, among which were ongoing drug investigations. It was during late 2003, that we began to learn that several drug organizations had begun to haphazardly align with the Bloods and Crips. All information we received indicated that they were still solely confined to the drug markets. No information from all available sources indicated that a single punk would decide to take the life of an innocent, hardworking and dedicated family man during the act of a robbery. In fact, we had no idea that it was gang related until after the arrests were made. As a result, we took immediate steps to gather further information to determine if this was an isolated incident committed by a rouge wannabe or a concerted effort to expand the gang role within Harford County. The results revealed that it was in fact both and that outside leadership had quietly arrived and was seeking to make additional inroads throughout the county, especially along the Rt. 40 corridor. Given that information, I immediately, in conjunction with County Executive Harkins, established a strategic planning group in order to develop a short and long term strategy to address this obvious concern. One of the first steps resulting from that plan was the formation of the Gang Suppression Unit as well as the assignment of personnel at the Detention Center charged with gathering much needed information concerning inmates association with gang activity (quite to the contrary of Sheriff Bane’s indication that he formed the unit at the Detention Center). In addition, a detailed community and governmental education plan was implemented. Countless hours were spent educating the public, governmental agencies and school administrators regarding gangs. The Gang Suppression Unit was availed of many gang training programs to include an “internship” with the PG County Gang Unit. I sought the assistance of the US Attorney, Rod Rosenstein, and working with the federal resouces he brought to bear numerous criminal convictions were obtained against various gang leaders. In addition, in June 2005, Governor Ehrlich presented me with a $50,000.00 check to further assist us in these efforts. So for Sheriff Bane to in anyway lead the public to believe that he was the one who instituted the gang strategies and units that have supposedly proven successful to date is irresponsible and a discredit to all the dedicated efforts of many since 2004. Then Major Bane was not in anyway part of these efforts. In fact, on several occasions he had to be directed by the Chief Deputy or myself to provide personnel to assist in various special initiatives targeting gang activity due to his stubborn reluctance to provide needed personnel when approached by other commanders. Major Bane had a “seat at the table” but brought nothing to it especially where gang strategies were involved and again for him to in anyway indicate such is a deception to the citizens of Harford County.
As I have indicated, there is nothing that bothers me more than for someone to have the gall to accept credit for the efforts and acheivements of others. The day after I was sworn in, we dedicated the new state of the art firing range located in Broadcreek. At that time, I took the opportunity to give much deserved credit to former Sheriff Joe Meadows for without his support and efforts we would not have that facility. I say this because I have come to realize that Sheriff Bane will readily make you believe that he and he alone is responsible for the indicated reductions and the strategies which achieved them. It is abundantly clear to me and to many who were on the frontline when these gangs came to reality that the strategies developed in 2004 and 2005 are what has led to any successes. In 2004, we had just begun the fight and like any strategy the proof is in the long term. As part of any attempt to address ongoing criminal gangs one must comprehend the scope of their criminal enterprise. Gangs as we knew them then were aligned to the drug trade. However, it has, since that time become abundantly clear that they are and will be involved in any criminal act that will give them power and a source of income. It is my understanding that Sheriff Bane has decided that gangs are not involved in robberies. If this is in fact his position and edict to his staff then he is even less atuned and even more naive than I ever thought he was. Either this is an utter lack of understanding (which would not be unusual) or an effort to sway the crime statistics to reflect less gang related crime. Either way this is again a total disservice to the public and a slap in the face of his investigators and patrol personnel who are on the fronlines and know what they are facing. The last thing they and the citizens of Harford County need is a Sheriff who has “no clue”.
R. Thomas Golding
Retired Sheriff of Harford County
Wise Old Guy says
WOW! The truth is finally be coming out about the “illustrious” Sheriff Bane! It’s just too bad that those folks at the Aegis, which I must be one of the the “local” newspapers, doesn’t have the intestinal fortitude to print Sheriff Golding’s letter. What are they afraid of? It appears that true investigative reporting is not part of their reporting process, and hasn’t been for quite some time.
It is time for Sheriff Bane to retire from law enforcement….for the second time. The Deputies, Correctional Officers and, more so, the citizens of Harford County deserve better.
Recently Retired says
Yes, the truth will always derail those who practice deception. Bane certainly has a long track record of that. It’s sad that a man who can’t recognize a gang member would claim credit for the efforts against them. It demeans all of the hard work put in by the previous Sheriff’s and the men and women who confront the gangs in the dark hours of the night. I can attest to the facts as presented by Tom Golding. While Golding was busy constructing an anti-gang effort Bane was nowhere to be found. Let it be written, let it be known.
Blue says
Recently Retired: Let it be known… if only we could. Quite a few people read The Dagger but not enough for it to make a difference in an election. We each need to show this article to 10 friends and have them show it to 10 friends, and so on–friends being registered voters in Harford County. I hope readers don’t think this is just a disgruntled ex-employee lashing out. Golding was an ex-Sheriff, who chose not to run for re-election, has moved out of the area, so he has nothing at all to gain personally from speaking out. Bane needs to be exposed and hopefully more people will have the guts to speak out against the great and mighty Bane. Just pull back the curtain and look at what is there.
Concerned Citizen says
Wow! Thank you Dagger for printing Golding’s letter. Shame on you Bane! My biggest concerns are for our children, our community, and our schools. There are so many wannabe gang members. Many of these kids do make it to the bigtime Bane – open your eyes. Unfortunately, when the top is so naive, so is the bottom. It’s those in the middle that make a difference. Let’s clean house. Times are a changin’ …
RetiredCop says
Concerned, you have a dedicated group of people at the Sheriff’s Office who do a good job and work hard. It is unfortunate that good things for the most part go unreported to the public, only the bad news makes the paper. If you want to call the Aegis a newspaper. Get involved, search the candidates web sites and go to meet the men running for Sheriff. Look at what their plans are and make a decision based on that. Look at the resume of the man, this will tell you a lot about the job he will do for you.
Not RETIRED...working for Sheriff Bane (happily) says
This letter SICKENS me. Four years later, former Sheriff Golding, who left in the shame of scandal that darkened his legacy, as well as the fomer chief deputy’s legacy, would have what he calls, “the gull”, to judge anyones character? I’d be willing to bet that the follow up comments to his letter are from the former chief deputy, howard walter, and his wife, Theresa Walter. Did I mention it’s an election year and Tom Golding’s timing is predictable and vindictive, as was his leadership? If this really bothered him, why didn’t he bring out his poison pen before now? Did I mention that Theresa is the chief of police at Havre de Grace Police Department? I could write letters that would stretch across harford county with regard to the back room activities that placed those two men, and Theresa, in the positions that they achieved. And they were not of ethical means!! Does anyone remember an article that WAS printed by the Aegis where the deputies of the Harford County sheriff’s office turned their backs toward former Chief Deputy Walter, as he walked the street in Bel Air? It was from a lack of respect for the leadership during their administration, from corruption, bullying and unethical practices. The last four years with Sheriff Bane have been a FAR cry from the business as usual backstabbing, vindictive so called managing of the sheriff’s office. During Bane’s time as a Major in the Sheriff’s office under Golding’s administartion, he was treated with disrespect and disregard. Golding says that Bane had a seat at the table, but did he really Tom? As I remember it, Bane would not play along with your antics, or Howards, which made him an outsider to you and the former leadership. Harford County is a better place for the leadership of Sheriff Jesse Bane and the sheriff’s office is no longer sullied with scandal and dishoner, as was brought and tendered by former Sheriff’s Meadows, Golding and Chief Deputy Howard Walter. It will be a dark day when anyone gives creedence to the verbal spatterings of any member of that former administration. But I can guarantee you that as long as Tom Golding, Howard Walter or anyone else would like to speak during an election year, about what they perceive as other candidates shortcomings……..I will be here to air their dirty laundry!!! And do me a favor Tom, check your facts before you bring pen to hand…… you know what your crime reduction stats were? I’d be ashamed to print them if I were you……..
Mark West says
Tom stay retired and just play golf. You are talking just like you did back in the day. Tom remember that this is the NEW Harford County Sheriff’s Office and the day of you and sidekick Howard is over. You can not push Sheriff Bane around. So please collect your money and go away.
Wise Old Guy says
Mark West: Back in the day? Sheriff Golding was Sheriff only four years ago. “NEW” Harford County Sheriff’s Office? Well, you got me there. It certainly is “new” to the younger people that work there. They’ve never seen such a screwed up mess as it has been for the last 3+ years. Some are embarrassed, some are disgusted but, ALL are confused, with the exception of the _ _ _kissers who make out very well in rank and pay. You can’t push Sheriff Bane around? I respect the position he holds but, absolutely NOT his style of “management”. He must be voted out in order to allow the Sheriff’s Office to go forward without all the internal politics, vindictiveness, and micromanaging that goes on. Buy the way, did you know that Sheriff Bane, during his campaign in 2006, PROMISED to remove all internal politics from they Sheriff’s Office? It continues to run rampant.
RetiredCop says
How is this the new Sheriff’s Office. Policing like we are in the 1970’s. Sheriff Golding and again Mark West he deserves that titlte, was on the streets when I was there with hands on bad guys. Sheriff Meadows was on the streets when we spent several weeks looking for a realy bad guy at one point. I never recall ever seeing Sheriff Bane in the thick of anything. He did and always has done his best “police work” setting in the safety of his office. Howard was Sheriff Meadow’s “sidekick” for many years and I do not recall Howard running the show. You have bone to pick with Howard then pick it with Howard. Sheriff Golding earned his retirement and he was smart enough to take it and go. Sheriff Bane has set this department back so many years with his reactive type of policing it will take years to bring us back to where we once were. You do not know what you are talking about. As far as people pushing people around, Sheriff Bane did a good job of it as Under Sheriff with Sheriff Bane, and from what I hear from my fellow deputies he has continued this for the last four years. If you were never a real cop how can you lead real cops, not by example that is for sure.
RetiredCop says
I meant Sheriff Bane did a good job of it as Under Sheriff with Sheriff Mele, I get befuddled sometimes.
Wise Old Guy says
Not retired…Working for Sheriff Bane (happily?): I would bet the farm that that you would lose the “bet” that the follow-up comments to Sheriff Golding’s letter are from the former Chief Deputy, Howard Walter, and his wife, Theresa Walter. Sure, Sheriff Golding may have had a hard time due to the some of the actions of his Chief Deputy, but he did NOT retire in shame. I, and many, many others have the utmost respect for Sheriff Golding. Every Sheriff that I have ever known has always had some negative press of some kind or another, but most times it was not their fault. You say that you could write letters about Sheriff Golding that would stretch across Harford County about “back room” deals to put him in the position of Sheriff? I seriously doubt it. But, that is not the point.
Obviously, you have no knowledge of the selection process of an interim Sheriff when a sitting Sheriff is removed, leaves office before his term expires, or he dies. Multiple names are submitted to the Central Committee for the party afilliation that the outgoing Sheriff was at the time of his departure/death. The Central Committee, be it Republican or Democrat, usually narrows the submitted names down to two to four candidates. Those names are submitted to the Governor for him to make the selection.
Once the interim Sheriff is appointed, it is his choice alone as to whom he selects to be Chief Deputy, even though that particular choice may not have been the correct one. There are no smoke-filled back room deals. I cannot comment on any “deals” made with Teresa Walter to become Chief of Police in Havre de Grace and will not talk about what I do not know. If you have verified information, please put it in print but, only if it is factual.
As for the Deputies Union members turning their backs on then Cheif Deputy Walter, and the charges that were that he was accused, anonymously, of pressuring Deputies to support Sheriff Golding’s fall election bid. Those charges were dropped.
As for the Deputy that was charged, which is public knowledge, Fred Visnaw, he was caught sleeping on the job, falsifying police reports, claiming to have responded to calls and gave false dispositions for those calls and even told new Deputies that they were not to bother him between 3AM and 5AM, and he was no longer allowed to testify in Court because he lost his credibility. Mr. Visnaw was the President of the Deputies Union. Sheriff Golding was in the process of firing Mr. Visnaw, and rightfully so. Additionally, while Mr. Visnaw was on Medical Leave from the Sheriff’s Office and walking around with a brace on his leg, he was seen coming out of Sheriff Bane’s headquarters carrying 2 armloads of Bane for Sheriff yard signs and no doubt was putting them up for Bane.
Now, here’s a man on Medical Leave from his regular job at the Sheriff’s Office going out and putting up election signs. Is there any doubt that a deal was cut between Bane and Visnaw regarding the Deputies Union supporting Bane. There’s no doubt in any reasonable person’s mind that one of the percs of this scenario, hidden scandal if you will, was that, if elected, Bane retain Visnaw so he could work three more years to get his full retirement, which is what happened. Does Sheriff Bane run the Sheriff’s Office, or does the Deputies Union run the Sheriff’s Office?
Scandal? Back-room dealing? Vindictiveness? Unethical? Oh, and micro-managegment of the Sheriff’s Office. Honestly, doesn’t Mr. Bane fit into some, if not all of these categories….the Aegis just won’t print it because it certainly seems that Mr. Bane has them in his back pocket.
Honesty says
A lot of these posts seem to be by people who have inside information. But as an outsider these posts have just left me with questions. If the accusations that this officer slept on the job and was dishonest are true, how could any police department keep such an officer employed in any capacity? Maybe we need to step back and take a look at the bigger picture. If I worked at Walmart and behaved in such a way I would no doubt be fired. Why on earth would a police agency allow him to keep a gun and a badge? Given the unemployment rate I can’t imagine there are not qualified, willing, and honest people out there who would be happy to have the job.
If we accept this behavior from the very people who are entrusted with enforcing the law how can we ever hope to get rid of the gang problem in Harford County? It sounds to me like the clean up needs to start inside the sheriff’s department and work its way out to the streets.
Recently Retired says
You said “If the accusations that this officer slept on the job and was dishonest are true, how could any police department keep such an officer employed in any capacity?”
Not only is it true but Bane welcomed the deputy into his office for the past three years as an advisor. Bane highly valued what this deputy had to say. The officer had so much priority with Bane that if a Commander was in Bane’s office he would be told to leave so that the deputy could come in to bend the Sheriff’s ear. The officer should have been fired but instead was given a cushy dayshift job and paid the same rate of pay as the other officers risking their lives to protect the citizens of Harford County.
Speaking of giving someone a cushy job, Bane hired a civilian (known as a personal friend) without conducting a required background check on that person. This civilian was known for wearing very short skirts about the office and had little to no skills at all. Her job… record and type meeting minutes. Bane even paid her overtime to do this solitary job! Oh, she also answers the telephone at times and has claimed to be Bane’s executive secretary! That is your tax dollars hard at work! When there is a budget crisis the answer is to hire unskilled labor and pay them overtime…..Nice work there Sheriff!
Wise Old Guy says
Recently Retired: This is amazing stuff! Why in the world does the Aegis keep these things hidden? Oh, right, that is a dumb question! Sheriff Bane obviously has them in his back pocket, too. I would like to have my tax money back that has been wastefully spent at the Sheriff’s Office in the past 3 years….I could pay off my car loan. Seriously, we need to elect a conservative Sheriff that is fiscally responsible and and will restore nearly non-existent ethics to the Sheriff’s Office upper echelon.
RetiredCop: I actually did do research on each of the Sheriff’s candidates and came to the logical conclusion that the absolute most qualified candidate for this job is Steven Bodway, without question. All seem to be “nice guys”, but Mr. Bodway is the only one that stands out with the knowledge of the total operation of the Sheriff’s Office and what changes must be made to provide a better working environment for the Deputies and Correctional Officers which, in turn, will provide much needed better law enforcement service to the citizens.
RetiredCop says
Honesty, Sheriff Golding tried to fire Visnaw. Visnaw kept getting the hearing postponed with the help of the Union lawyer until Sheriff Bane took over. Sheriff Bane kept this guy on, just makes you wonder what other deals Sheriff Bane would be willing to make to stay the Sheriff. Every department has there bad apples, law enforcement is no different. Visnaw never set the county on fire with arrests or tickets. He was more then happy to be a slug and let everyone else do the job.
Recently Retired says
“This letter SICKENS me.”
I am so sorry to hear that. Unfortunately the truth can have that affect on those who have been disillusioned by Mr. Bane. You might want to check into a hospital just in case your symptoms become worse. Going through Bane withdrawal can be a tough thing but you just need to “say no” to his continuing untruths.
“During Bane’s time as a Major in the Sheriff’s office under Golding’s administration, he was treated with disrespect and disregard.”
Maybe Bane felt left out but that was only because he brought no value to the table. He had no operational experience, his decision-making capability was non-existent, and his ability to even write a report was arduous for him. (That is an amazing fact about Mr. Bane. The man purports to be educated but he cannot even write an email to the troops without one of his civilians reviewing and re-writing it for him…) The fact is that when Mr. Bane would be addressed he would most often return a blank stare signaling that he was not paying attention or had no clue what the discussion was about. Even a lump on a log wears out the welcome over time. Mr. Bane was “dead wood” under Golding and should thank his lucky stars that he wasn’t removed from his position.
RetiredCop says
When something went to Major Bane’s office for review we would refer to it as the black hole. Because we know we would probably never see it again.
RetiredCop says
Hey go back and see how many arrests Sheriff Bane made in his 37 year career. Hug a thug is not a crime stat. Community organizing does not qualify you to be Sheriff. This is probably the most time he ever spent in Edgewood in his career, he didnt spend much time there during his career, too many bad guys.
Dion F. Guthrie - Councilman says
I agree with #4 “Not Retired” above. Do you know what Golding did for Edgewood and Joppatown when he was in office – NOTHING.
The murder rate while he was in office was about 9 a year. Look at Edgewood now, last year it was 1, so far this year, none. He did nothing but give us “lip” service. He should be ashame of himself to send in such a non-factual letter. What he going to do, run back for the office after he left office in SHAME and SCANDAL? He better not come to District A for votes, we will run him out of town. More likely he is supporting someone against Jesse. However if I was that person, I would not want his support.
Recently Retired says
It is obvious your have never studied crime or crime rates before. Show me someone who can prevent all murders and I will show you a Saint. Stick to what you know best and leave your nose out of these discussions. Maybe you like Bane because you pulled some weight to have the Sheriff pay your son a great deal of money to produce some stupid videos for the recruit graduations. Hey, you still want to play?
Worried Citizen says
Wow this guy/girl has his head far up the sheriff administration!
Stop says
Everyone just stop
EMT9091 says
True Blue says
You got that right West. Letter from Golding also posted on Bodway for Sheriff website, now that’s interesting detective work for you…
RetiredCop says
What is the problem with the letter being posted on Steve Bodway’s web page? It was sent to all GOP candidates.
RetiredCop says
Wow, for anyone to question Sheriff Golding is really something. And the Sheriff Bane supporter working happily you are either new to the department or you are in what we used to call a good position. I worked for Sheriff Bane when he was Under Sheriff for Sheriff Mele. If you have the time call me not retired, we went to the same academy together and I will tell you some of my Sheriff Bane stories. We elected Sheriff Coomes not because we were unhappy with Sheriff Mele, but we had our fill of Under Sheriff Bane. Say what you want to about Howard, he was a rub you the wrong way kind of person. To his credit he would tell you to your face his thoughts. As for Teresa Walter, she made her way up the ranks because of her ability and not because of Howard. I worked for Teresa during my time at the Sheriff’s Office and you could not have asked for a better supervisor. Teresa has been Chief of Police for how long? I have talked to some of her Officers who I worked with and they have no complaints, I read of now scandals down there. That dog will not hunt so you can stop attacking her and Sheriff Golding.
What should sicken you is the fact that Sheriff Bane has been caught in an untruth. Sheriff Golding (he was your Sheriff and deserves the respect of being addressed as such) is not supporting any candidate for office, I am glad he wrote this to tell the real story of how the events of the gang problem unfolded.
What scandal was Sheriff Golding involved in, he took over for a Sheriff who resigned over a scandal. Fred Visnaw was caught sleeping and responding to calls and never leaving his nest. Visnaw played his cards and postponed his hearings until Sheriff Bane came into office and kept his job doing back ground investigations on new hires. Now there is something for Sheriff Bane to be proud of, you kept a person who lied about responding to calls on and you now have that same person who really lacks ethics to investigate your new recruits. And he ran your Sheriff Union for how many years.
If you’re happy it is because you are taken care of and have a sweet job and you will not bite the hand that feeds you. There are so many more who are feed up with this administration. You are the minority in the department, and Sheriff Bane knows this.
I am glad the Dagger printed this letter; they had the courage to do what the Aegis will not do. It is time for the public to see the Community Organizer Sheriff for what he is. As for Sheriff Golding’s crime stats, I worked during the time Sheriff Golding was in Vice and as I recall we were pretty busy with search warrants and buy bust details so do not question Sheriff Golding’s track record. Why don’t you look up how many CA’s your Sheriff pulled during his career. My stay with the Sheriff’s Office was over twenty years and I never saw Sheriff Bane stop a car, make an arrest or even back anyone up. As I recall Sheriff Golding worked many of our buy busts and he actually put his hands on some of the bad guys. Never saw Sheriff Bane with his hand cuffs out. And if I am right you probably have not seen the streets in a while either. Come to reality there
Not Retired your backing a losing horse. You may find yourself actually having to work when a new Sheriff comes into town.
And again Thank You Dagger Press for posting this letter, now I have something current to chat about.
Not RETIRED...working for Sheriff Bane (happily) says
I’ve yet to hear any of you complainers express exactly what Bane did while you worked with him that was vindictive and deceiptful? That’s what I call talking smack! Politicians call it rhetoric. It was no mystery that deals were made regarding Theresa being the choice for chief of police in havre de grace at the retirement of the former chief, which coincidentally coincided with the appointment of Craig as County Exec., who was the former mayor of havre de grace………all orchestrated by Howard Walter and his backwoods polictical machine…. Theresa may well be qualified to be the chief of a police department, i merely point out six degrees of seperation that always seem to have the common denominator of Howard Walter orchestrating! And….truth be known, Tom Golding was not running the sheriff’s office, after deals were made by howard walter wiht the republican party to appoint Golding after Meadows demise, Howard was running the show. He knew he could never get the backing to become sheriff, so Golding was nothing but a talking head with Howard’s hand up his shirt! And when their time was over, they did not part as friends. Howard was madder than hell that Golding dropped out of the race and left him with nowhere to put his hand….. Now he and Theresa have leached onto Gahler for a ressurection. Jeff, dump them like a bad habit. You deserve better!
RetiredCop says
You apparently know Howard very well, so you think. You give him a lot of credit for his political pull. I worked with him and he did not have any political pull. As you know Howard said what he thought. Not good in political circles. I am sure Howard would love to know you think he had this much pull.
As for Sheriff Bane okay here goes one for you. Ask Deputy Kenny Hildt who is a good deputy, how then Major Bane had a ticket he issued to a farmer driving a vehicle too wide for the roadway voided and for what reason the ticket was voided?
As for Howard and Sheriff Golding you are wrong, they are good friends. You do not know what you are talking about. If your complaining about an Under Sheriff Running the department ask Sheriff Bane how that works, he brought Sheriff Mele down by doing that, we all knew who was calling the shots. He micromanaged everything then as he is doing now. I guess anyone who helps with a campaign is leaching on and hoping to get a reward for helping someone getting elected. Well, some of us just want to help our candidate get elected and want nothing in return. You would not be attacking so bad and coming to Sheriff Bane’s rescue if you did not know Sheriff Bane’s days are numbered. You are right about one thing, Harford County, it’s citizens and Deputies deserve better then Sheriff Bane.
Recently Retired says
“…Bane did while you worked with him that was vindictive and deceitful.”
Well the list is long. Anyone who has worked under the rule of Bane knows that he treats his Commanders with the most disrespect. He does not value their hard earned experience and he certainly does not value their education. He has been known to openly belittle Commanders for their initiatives. He is quick to place blame before he has all the facts. He would never admit to being wrong, and who can forget his mismanagement of the Red Light Camera Program, the Interact and Records Management fiasco. Millions of taxpayers’ dollars wasted. Wait until the citizens become aware of that.
This is the same man who never served as a Patrol Duty Officer. He just skipped all of those positions that everyone else had to work to achieve rank. I doubt very much that Bane ever took a promotional test during his career. Anyone ever see him do any real police work? I know that as a Major his favorite office activity was playing solitaire on his computer. (Probably still is…)
At one time when he was Undersheriff he absolutely treated all road deputies with the same disrespect. He made insane decisions:
He threatened to discipline the men if they made a mistake on a new property form.
He directed officers to make arrests of all juveniles involved in altercations. (Let’s not check with Juvenile Services first. Let’s surprise them with an elevated caseload)
The K-9 handlers had to practically beg him to pay the food and medical expenses of their dogs.
He spent vast sums of money in a failed accreditation effort for the office. (While well-meaning, it was unrealistic for the times)
That is why Sheriff Mele lost that election. The Union wanted to get rid of Bane because he was destroying the morale and good order of the office. Now he is doing just that in a different way.
Instead of quibbling over what he has or hasn’t done, I would suggest people start examining his track record of mismanagement which directly affects the good taxpayers of Harford County. His business as usual spending disrespects all of the other County employees who have received furlough days. His gross mismanagement of departmental overtime disrespects those good citizens who have a difficult time paying their bills. (Why is he still allowing officers to attend court on overtime when they know very well that they are not needed?) That overtime could be better spent on directed foot patrols in the high-crime areas of the county. He allows that unethical overtime spending because a few Union officers want their overtime and he does not want to upset them.
Speaking of ethics, why does Bane continue to misrepresent his qualifications to the public? The answer is that he is by nature a deceitful person. He has created a fantasy world in which he presents himself as the most qualified candidate. Truth be told he just does not have the qualifications, so he invents them. I do not want a man who has lost credibility to be the chief law enforcement official in Harford County. The people need to be able to trust their Sheriff. That trust cannot exist if the Sheriff lies to the people.
As for Howard, he accomplished more while he was sleeping than Bane ever did while he was awake. At least Howard would back up the good men and women who went out there and did their jobs even if they made a mistake or two. It’s real hard to back up someone who openly slept night-after-night and falsified his call dispositions. Why Bane would solicit Fred’s opinions, instead of those of an honest Commander, is a mystery only Bane can answer.
Before you defend Bane maybe you should look up that word in a dictionary. Maybe you will come to realize that there are many candidates out there who are overwhelmingly more qualified to run the Sheriff’s Office. I bet they would never “Hug-A-Thug”…
Wise Old Guy says
Recently Retired: You obviously know what you are talking about! Too bad the local news media won’t print it. The public, Democrats, Republicans and Independents, needs to know!
RetiredCop says
Want to hear another good one. Did you know under the great leadership under J. J Miner he was able to get paid 800.00 dollars a month to do the work of the Union. With that came a specail patrol area, and an unmarked car. Fred Visnaw also got paid, he slept all night and then got paid by the Union to do work. What a sweet gig. Where does all the money the Union has collected from day one go?
RetiredCop says
I gave you an example and you did not respond. Did you look into this with Deputy Hildt? If you work there you know you can not question him about anything Major Bane did or your career maybe cut short or you will find yourself on midnight shift like a Crime Scene Detective did when they dared to question Sheriff Bane. The very experienced CSI spent 19 years doing crime scene work and was one of the very best. They dared to question Sheriff Bane who has no idea how to preserve a crime scene, a murder scene and found themselves working the midnight shift at 60 plus years of age. Now not only was this a officer’s safety issue this shows what happens to you when you cross Sheriff Bane. You work there you know all about this story. This Cpl. retired and this is what Sheriff Bane wanted. Now, there is two things any response from you?
RetiredCop says
Still waiting for any response. You still work there, did you check into my response?
RetiredCop says
You probably did and found them to be true, or you already new they were. That explains your silence.
EMT9091 says
B. says
You can tell the political season is upon us. The attacks begin!
B.Dan Riley says
You can tell the political season is upon us. The attacks begin!
Wise Old Guy says
B. Dan Riley: These are not made-up stories. They are the truth, as seen and experienced first-hand by retired Deputies, some being high-ranking retirees. It would do no good to ask current Deputies their thoughts and experiences, as they work under the threat of being terminated if they did so. “Let the attacks begin?” No, let the TRUTH be told!
RetiredCop says
Mr Riley, read my two stories 7.1.1 and 7.1.3, do some checking and see if this is just mud slinging. When a Sheriff puts the integrity of a crime scene in question to win some political advantage I would say that is a problem. So do some checking about both of my stories. You as an elected official owe the people you serve to do this, or just do nothing.
TrueBlue says
You must be older than dirt retired cop. Nobody cares about the past, all we know is that the present is working. Fred Visnaw was elected the leader of our union, because he was chosen by his peers as being the best man for the job. Yes, he fell asleep during his shift. But what you failed to mention was that a covert group (a major, captain and lieutenant) of Golding’s flunkies planned out and snuck up on him in the middle of the night to catch him in the act. Any cop that says he didn’t fall asleep while working the midnight shift is a liar! Fred got caught, he was close to retirement and Bane let him finish an otherwise fine career without leaving in shame. Now that’s the real world! Not one thats been manipulated by leaders who see a union president who is not prepared to back their campaign and want to oust him for retaliation.
Wise Old Guy says
TrueBlue: Watch what you say about old, retired cops! You must be fairly new to the business with an attitude like that. Even if you aren’t, you are talking without making any inquiries as to the facts. Isn’t that what cops are suppose to do? Look back, years ago, at a front page Aegis photo of your beloved Mr. Visnaw giving the finger to the Aegis photographer.
For your information, what you called the “covert operation” of sneaking up on Mr. Visnaw to catch him sleeping was not because of a single incident. The sleeping on duty had been going on for quite some time.
Investigate before you speak, or write. That’s what cops that are “older than dirt” use to do.
RetiredCop says
Dear True Blue, no I am not older then dirt. Just 49. Fred Visnaw fell asleep a lot. Just every night. This was not a one time deal. and yes everyone who works that shift closes their eyes from time to time. And you know that Fred and other senior deputies on that shift would tell new people no one talks on the radio from three to five AM. I myself met with people on the shift from time to time and closed my eyes, better then wrecking a car. Your buddy Fred did this every night. If the covert group new he was not responding to calls and sleeping I think they had a responsibility to do what they did, I would like to know why it took so long.
I think the Union would be smart to elect a retired active union member to run the Union so this would not be a problem. He could represent the Union Members and not so he could have his perks. Like a special sector (11) made just for him and an unmarked car. J. J. Miner started this. Visnaw played the victim card that his screw up was just the covert team after him. He did what he did and he should have manned up and took his punishment. No he was a victim, yeah right. Now he gets his retirement for a job he did poorly.
I guess if you went into the Internal Affairs Unit and looked at the files there all those complaints are because those deputies did not back a certain campaign. No, sometimes they do things that are wrong and the majority of them take their punishment and that is the end of it. No political motivation. Fred Visnaw got what he deserved, well not really he got his retirement that he did not deserve.
Mr. Riley, stating the truth is not an attack.
Braveheart says
Seems like this Visnaw issue should put the nail in Jesse’s coffin. It is no secret that Visnaw couldn’t testify. Now we all know why. Why wasn’t Visnaw fired?
Oh, and by the way, to lazy cops who can’t stay awake on the job – try doing that in the private sector – disgraceful!
Wise Old Guy says
Braveheart: He wasn’t fired because he played “Let’s Make A Deal” with the incumbent because he knew that he and the Union could control him….and they won.
RetiredCop says
No Braveheart, Visnaw left the Union in good hands and supporting Sheriff Bane. The Union started out with good intentions under Chris Riechard, but J. J. Miner sold it out under Sheriff Meadows for his personal gain. J. J. screened everything for lawyer requests or submissions for command staff. J. J. is another one who spent his fair share of time snoozing with Visnaw and others. J. J. even had a key to a local towers storage yard where he could open the gate and park inside and get his rest.
EMT9091 says
Wise Old Guy says
EMT9091: That’s the attitude of some, not all, of the Deputies. It all starts at the top rung of the ladder. If there’s a decayed, or rotten rung there, the ladder breaks and it makes a mess of things all the way to the bottom rung. The Sheriff’s Office was once a strong, proud, very professional para-military agency and number one in the State. Sadly, it has fallen flat on its face in recent years. Why? Because the para-military presence has totally disappeared. Who is responsible for this failure? The top rung…..who, by the way, has never served in the military and does not understand the difference. Rule by fear and intimidation is the order of the day……….
Recently Retired says
Mr. Wise Old Guy,
There is no chain of command at the present-day Sheriff’s Office. Perhaps if Bane had ever been exposed to the military he may have better appreciated it. But since we know he would not have passed basic training this issue is mute anyway.
The management at the Sheifff’s Office is from the “bottom up” (union) just as the Sheriff wanted. That is one reason why no one wants to be on the Command Staff. The salary is not worth the headache of putting up with Bane, the clueless one, or could that really be… Mr. Smithers!
If the public really knew how Smithers, (Bane) is destroying a once proud agency. He has no management abilities so he thinks no one else can manage, so he micro-manages. (He has been known to interfere with various Edgewood Duty Officers from his estate in Fallston) He cannot make decisions so he refuses to let anyone else from making decisions. If a critical situation develops and a decision needs to be made, I’am afraid that someone is going to get hurt because of his ineptness. What is wrong with this picture?
He has no memory, so he thinks everyone is wrong when they advise him of his previous decisions, that he then reverses just to prove others are wrong. You would think that because of his poor memory that he would write things down during meetings. But wait, that would require an ability to write, and we know he can’t do that!
These are dark days at HCSO. Change can’t come soon enough for the citizens and for the officers who are trapped by the situation.
Wise Old Guy says
Recently Retired: I agree with you 100%. It makes one wonder if Sheriff Bane may have a hidden medical problem, such as the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s or dementia? These are terrible diseases that are not easily detectable, as there is no real accurate, formal testing for it, yet.
Managing from the “bottom up” is the best way for the Sheriff’s Office to be totally destroyed, and it won’t take long. It sounds like this is well in progress. A sad situation, indeed. The men and women of the Sheriff’s Office do not deserve this type of “leadership”, and I use that word loosely in this case, nor do the taxpaying citizens of Harford County.
We can only hope that the Deputies and Correctional Officers look out for each other because nobody else in the current administration is doing so. God forbid that any of these fine people get hurt, or worse, because of what you describe as ineptness….very fitting terminology, for sure.
EMT9091 says
I remember how the HCSO used to be. I was proud of it then. Then when I applied and didnt get in, ha THANK YOU HOWARD WALTERS. I applied because of where my heart was. I would have been proud to wear that uniform and do whats right. Now I just call and give them tips and turn people in. THANK YOU AGAIN HOWARD WALTERS which way you lookin old chap lol
ProudDemocrat says
Apparently many of you did not see the part of this article that reads “saying among other things that it was contrary to their recollection of events”. In other words, the Aegis knows what really has happened, and that Golding is full of it. Sadly, the Dagger has not had journalistic integrity very often when it comes to reporting word for word lies and misleading statements from politicians. McDonough’s diatribe last month is proof of that.
I am not saying that Bane has been the best sheriff since Wyatt Earp, but Golding’s letter is clearly politically biased and obviously aimed at a political goal of getting a sheriff of the other party elected. Shame that we even have sheriff elections… but when it comes to sheriff, at least the county overlooked party in 2006 and elected the best person for the job.
RetiredCop says
If they knew this why won’t they print Sheriff Golding’s letter. I would say Sheriff Golding wants a better candidate and he is a Republican so he probably would back a Republican.
Wise Old Guy says
ProudDemocrat: It’s too bad that Sheriff Golding did not send the reply letter he received from the Aegis Editor to The Dagger for publication to this website, as well. Translated, it says that everything that they print is the truth and they won’t print anything to the contrary. Sound familiar? They, like the national news media, are feeding the public only what they want them to know….with no investigative reporting. Had they made just a few inquirires with some of those in higher ranks that retired from the Sheriff’s Office, they would have found the truth, but most likely would not have printed it anyway. You know…the Obama Kool-Aid theory. How many other letters from retired Sheriff’s Office administrators have they not printed contradicting this particular article? I know of at least one other from a retired Captain. The reason? It would expose their bias, non-investigative reporting. Sheriff Golding’s letter is NOT politically bias. He has nothing to gain. He only wants the citizens of Harford County to know the truth. Please read paragraph 7.1.2, above, from Recently Retired for more truth about Sheriff Bane. You most likely won’t ever see that in the Aegis, either.
Aaron Cahall says
To be clear, we’re not “reporting” anything, PD. And this isn’t an “article,” it’s a letter that was sent to us by an individual. We publish many of these and, despite what your personal opinion may be of the contents, we do put serious thought into whether to run each one we receive.
With this one we decided it was a letter expressing a viewpoint, like many others, and could be published as long as we made it very clear that this was Mr. Golding’s opinion. It’s the same treatment we give a letter from any elected official or other individual. The fact that the Aegis opted not to run it wasn’t really a major factor. We’re not here just to tweak them, but to be another outlet for news and opinion in this community. It’s certainly big enough–and interested enough–to support one.
Wise Old Guy says
AC: Sheriff Golding stated, “Please be assured that I am not overstating things from my end and that the events, etc alluded to in the letter are factual as others can attest.” Facts that others can attest to are NOT opinions but, are in fact, facts. Sheriff Golding is an honorable man, who dedicated his entire adult life to the public safety of the citizens of Harford County, ending that service as Sheriff of Harford County. With nothing to gain, or lose, do you think that he wrote his letter on a whim? Don’t you think that the facts, as set forth in Sheriff Golding’s letter are something the public should know? Obviously not… a letter sent to Sheriff Golding by your Chief Editor indicated that Sheriff Golding’s letter would not be printed because it contradicted the Aegis’ story. C’mon, what kind of crap is that?
A lightbulb should have gone off in somebody’s head and they should have said, “There must be substance to Sheriff Golding’s letter, why else would he write this? I think we should print his letter as a rebuttal and do some “investigative reporting” on this. The public deserves to know.”
Aaron Cahall says
Wise Guy: I thought my response was clear, but I work for The Dagger, not The Aegis. Maybe my byline needs to be bigger. I’ll tell Brian, 48-point font from now on.
And my point wasn’t to fish for thanks (though its appreciated) but just that I didn’t want anyone to think that this letter represented The Dagger’s opinion. And also that while we decided to print it, we didn’t do so just to stick it to the Aegis. That’s not our purpose here.
Wise Old Guy says
AC: Well, I did not know that you worked for The Dagger! Ya’ shoulda’ said so in da’ foist place! Please accept my humble apology, as I truly thought that you worked for the Aegis.
RetiredCop says
Aaron, thank you for doing this.
Wise Old Guy says
Retired Cop: Thank you….? For doing what? The letter was NOT printed, will NOT be printed and the Aegis editors continue putting on their own different spins….even on their excuses! They, after all of this, STILL think Sheriff Golding’s letter is “just an opinion”, even though Sheriff Golding stated that the information in his letter is factual. You’d think they would want the TRUTH to be known….and made public.
RetiredCop says
WiseoldGuy, I do not think he works for the Sleagis!
Wise Old Guy says
Yes, so I found out. Although, what he wrote sounded like somebody from the Aegis. I have, however, extended my humble apology to him for my misunderstanding(see 11.3.1, third entry).
ProudDemocrat says
Putting a person’s option piece (particularly one with questionable ‘facts’ at best) on a headline with a line like ‘has no clue’ under a big banner on the front page of your site is a tacit approval of that letter. You are not running a fair and open site here… Dagger is clearly a vocice for Republicans in Harford County, and cannot be considered a reliable source of local news as long as you continue this type of ‘reporting’. Aaron there are many ways to be fully open without sinking to the level of ‘publishing’ pure lies under a big banner on the front page without so much as a tag line identifiying the letter for what it is.
ProudDemocrat says
opinion piece that is
RetiredCop says
Aaron, you just keep doing what you are doing. Anyone can come on here and comment. Seems fair and balanced to me, Proud is just another Democrat who wants to shut down anything from the Right. Proud Sheriff Bane has no clue my friend.
Stefano Dimera says
How can The Dagger not be a “fair and open site” when EVERYONE can write his/her own opinion and ANYONE can submit articles? Can’t get much more unbiased than that. Just because you don’t like or agree with what everyone is saying, you whine and complain. If you would read what Aaron is saying, this is not a report or an article, The Dagger merely printed a letter that no other news outlet would. How is that biased and leaning to the right?
Wise Old Guy says
ProudDemocrat: The “FACTS” are that the Aegis doesn’t like anybody to expose their articles as being biased, or untrue, which is the way of 90+% of the news media. Re-read the Aegis article. The “FACTS” are truthfully told in Sheriff Golding’s letter, not in the Aegis article. That is the truth!
Recently Retired says
Proud Democrat,
I saw it differently. Golding was trying to set the record straight. It was the Gang article in the Aegis that sparked this discussion thread. The article contained flawed information that Bane presented. What was the purpose of the article other than to make Bane out to be the Gang Guru? His misrepresentation of the facts is partly due to his failure to recollect key events in the previous administration. That is due in part because he was never involved in any anti-gang effort as a road deputy or supervisor. Like I said before, Bane couldn’t spot a gang member even if he was flashing signs. If you would have mentioned this topic to him several years ago he would have emulated that thousand yard stare, similar to a deer being illuminated by headlights…Today he just emmulates a deer, then rushes out to hug-a-thug. After all, the gang members are the sons of voters….I wonder how many he will drive to the polls during the next primary. What a joke.
One not happy person says
After reading all of these comments I’m truly disgusted. People really need to ask the Officers that work for the department if they are truly happy with how the Agency is being run. Sheriff Bane has broken many promises to the Officers that he said in his platform. We are regressing into the old days. The Agnecy is not moving forward. All we have are committees and more committees to get nothing accomplished. When things are mentioned to Sheriff Bane he always states “I wasn’t aware it was an issue.” Even though he has been told numerous times.
I applaud former Sheriff Golding for publishing this letter. He ran the Agency with pride. He took care of the issues.
Stop beating a dead horse with things that happened in former administrations. Let’s move forward and elect a new Sheriff!!
RetiredCop says
There is just one problem one not happy, they can not speak their mind. So many are backing other candidates but will do so only in the shadows.
Worried Citizen says
Yea I believe its time to move to a County Police Dept. and stop all the favortism and inside back door deals that an elected Sheriff is able to do. I have personally witnessed the favortism given by Sheriff Bane and his administration to his employees. Also, the look the other way approach. A very unprofessional department at the top. Time for a change!
KGB says
Do you honestly think that a county police dept will solve all the problems? It will just create new ones. The police chief in Baltimore CoPD, BaltPD, and MSP are political appointments by the chief executive. They job is on the line every day of they don’t please their boss whether its a mayor, county executive or the governor. The Harford County Sheriff being an elected position is accountable to the citizens of Harford County. If you don’t like the job the sheriff is doing then vote him out of office in the next election.
Every administration has problems…some more than others. Is it possible that Sheriff Golding and others speaking against the current Sheriff has a political agenda of their own????
“The reverse side also has a reverse side….”
Bruin says
What hasn’t been addressed here is the Sheriff seeming to take credit for gang reduction throughout the entire county to include the municipalities. I know for a fact that they have done little to nothing in Aberdeen and Havre de Grace. Aberdeen’s unit is excellent and is run by none other than Bane’s nephew. I’ve been told by a couple of officers that upon being shown the Aegis’ article, he slammed the paper down in disgust and let some expletives escape because he felt that it was disrespectful to his people and the work they have done. I’d be interested to hear his thoughts. I know they are exact opposites when it comes to law enforcement. Sheriff Bane appears to be hug a thug while his nephew is aggressive and proactive.
Al J Thong says
Bruin-You hit upon the best part of this thread. Jesse’s nephew Kurt Bane is probably the one of the best and the brightest in the law enforce proffession. As the leader of Aberdeen’s Rapid Response Team he has done more to fight gangs and the violent crimes they bring than anyone in this county. He doesn’t say much and you won’t find him politicing at any chicken dinners but unlike his uncle he doesn’t pass off gangs as a social problem. Kurt takes the fight to them and matches their force and tactics with superior force and tactics that has run them out of Aberdeen. He’s an officer I could see as Sheriff some day when this county decides to put a crime fighting leader at the helm of the department instead of weak political union puppet.
Recently Retired says
Yes, I grew up in Aberdeen and I have noticed the excellent efforts by Kurt. The Aberdeen Police are impressive of late. The leadership there is excellent! He has my vote!
Bruin says
Recently Retired, You’re right APD has been impressive. The low level of violent crime for the past several years has been astounding. Sgt. Bane runs CID and Special Operations now but I worked for him when he was a road supervisor and loved it. Al’s right as well, he doesn’t say much which makes people that don’t know him think he’s abrasive but he’s an excellent supervisor who leads by example and actually WORKED beside his people. It seemed like evertime he stopped a car he was getting an arrest or in a pursuit. I do not know the Sheriff but I am angered that he/his agency took credit for gang reduction county wide. I do know Sgt Bane however and although he may be flattered by the comments from myself, Recently and Al J, I can say with relative certainty that he would not take credit for anything. He would deflect it to guys like Helf and Rieber, who by the way are two of the best in the county.
Al J Thong says
Bruin-A few years back APD got the ok from the State Police to go just outside their borders to Perrywood Gardens, a safehaven hot bed of gangs , drugs and guns. When Jesse heard about it he complained to the head of the State Police that Aberdeen would interfere with with ongoing undercover investigations by the Sheriff’s Department. The State recinded Aberdeen’s authority to clean up Perrywood. That was 3 years ago and Perrywood is worse today than it was then. Jesse didn’t want Aberdeen APD to make him look bad so he continues to sacrafice the good folks in Edgewood and Perryman but maintains proper troop strength in the upper part of the county where the votes are. Those of us that live along the rust belt of the Rt 40 corridor outside of Havre de Grace and Aberdeen are all too often protected by his sleeping officers who clear calls without moving their vehicles.
EMT9091 says
That is because you have to hug a thug, not thug the thug. I see more parked HCSO patrol cars at the edgewood precinct than I do patroling edgewood. I see more patrol cars parked side by side than I do writing tickets. I see more HCSO team members in public not displaying morals of the badge they stand behind and still they have jobs? I see in them a different light than I do the old road policemen. There very cocky and have the Im to good for you look. Instead of the how can I help you look. There is a gang problem in Harford County, there is a drug problem in harford county how bout more community checks, how bout more officers per shift? How bout work with the other agencies instead of bootin them out jesse for doing a better job than you are. Hug this thug jesse your simpson days are over mr smithers harford county would like you to step aside and let the real men take over
RetiredCop says
I worked with all of the local Police Departments during my career. I found these guys to be as dedicated as any other police officer or Trooper in the County. You would be amazed at the information that was gathered by our local departments and passed onto other agencies. Just because the are Town Police Departments does not mean the are not as important as the Sheriff’s Office or State Police. Uniforms are different but the mission was always and still is the same. I never met Sgt. Bane, but I like him.
Wise Old Guy says
Bruin: I’m not being critical of you here but, take a minute and re-read the Aegis article “A Lid On Gangs”, which portrays Sheriff Bane as the answer to all of the gang problems and that he instituted everything. Then, re-read Sheriff Golding’s letter to the Aegis, which they refused to print, but is the lead article at the top of this page. Sheriff Golding truthfully exposes the Aegis article as being untruthful.
There is no wonder that the Gang Units in the municipal police agencies in the county are mad at Sheriff Bane, and rightfully so!
G.V. says
Well we can tell that the Sheriff’s race is beginning to unfold. I had seen the gang article in the Aegis and knowing many of the facts were incorrect I knew it was just a matter of time that the responses would start emerging. I actually wrote to one of the reporters asking that the facts be verified before publishing them. Good investigative reporters would do that instead of going by a single source. At least Tom is staying connected and is defending his anti-gang efforts (and good name) that we all knew were going on before the current sheriff was involved. I know as I was one of the officers that was involved in drafting the gang plan in about 2005. I remember faxing it to Sheriff Golding just before a Command Staff meeting. Junk was presenting Power Points to community groups and to the Chiefs well before Bane became sheriff. Well, the truth will come out eventually. It’s too bad that the good men and women of the office have to endure another election. If that’s what it takes to elect a competent Sheriff then let the race begin.
RetiredCop says
G V, I emailed Jim Kennedy at the Aegis, I made mention of both letters that you are talking about. Mr. Kennedy told me they do not publish anonymous letters. He was talking about Sheriff Golding’s letter as well as yours. I think he actually believes his own lie.
B.Dan Riley says
Attcks do not have to be of a mudslinging nature. When in a political campaign you use all the weapons in your arsenal to get your point across. What is important when “Yelling Hooray for our side” do in a manner as to take the high road. Nothing wrong with a good,honest,hard fought campaign.
RWinger says
Trying not to be a wise butt here because I think the office of sheriff is extremely important in the county and the right person with the right progressive proactive mindset is what I look for. I have one burning question:
If Jesse Bane brought nothing to the table and Jesse Bane lacked experience then why didn’t Tom Golding simply can him? If Bane was a major, he was a commander, and unless I’m not reading the charter right, Golding, as sheriff, could have simply canned him or demoted him. If a commander serves at the pleasure of a sheriff and isn’t doing the job then they certainly aren’t a pleasure to have working for him.
Doesn’t change what I want in a sheriff and what candidate I’m looking at supporting but is a question that I would like answered.
RetiredCop says
Right Winger, I was there 25 years and no Sheriff coming into office ever played the serve at the pleasure card. If they did that it would be political suicide. Think about it, would you like to be running for a second term and have this brought out, politics plain and simple. No it is time for the citizens to play the serve at the pleasure card, time for Sheriff Bane to retire and let someone take the Sheriff’s Office into the future not back to the past.
RWinger says
Thanks for the info. Seems to me that Golding wasn’t going to run so why not can Bane when he had the chance for the betterment of the agency?
Oh well, I suppose that we’ll never know. Going to need proactive leadership that thinks outside of the box and may have to let some command no longer “serve at the pleasure of” if we are going to keep Harford County from downward spiral.
RetiredCop says
Sheriff Golding was a good man, he would not do anything to like that. It is no secret I am a Steve Bodway supporter. If you get a chance read his resume and compare him to the others. He is progressive and has a good leadership plan for the Sheriff’s Office. I do not know Roger Sheets. I know Jack Meckley and have no idea why he is running for Sheriff. He does not have the experience to run this agency, running a shift does not make you ready to be Sheriff. Jeff Gahler, again a good guy but when I see Howard Walter with him it bothers me that Howard is trying to get back into the Sheriff’s Office again.
I worked with Steve and know what a leader he is. He has done many things to bring the Sheriff’s Office up to date. He has always been one to look at things and think of ways to improve on them. He worked the streets in Edgewood and then in various positions in the Sheriff’s Office. He is up to the challenge and ready to go to work. Again, go to each web site and read and make up your own mind. I hope you see Steve is the right guy for the job.
Blue says
Out with the old, in with the new. If you look to see who is supporting which candidate, no one from within is supporting Bane. No one except the a _ _ kissers with the desk jobs just like him. No one wants Sheets or Gahler, who have already retired from law enforcement from other agencies and they are just looking for a fat salary until they can retire again and collect 2 pensions. A few, not many, retired deputies are backing Bodway, but if you look to see who the patrol deputies, who are the backbone of the agency, are supporting, it is Jack Meckley. To me, that means a lot. As has been said above, the officers dare not speak their feelings due to repurcussions from Bane, but Meckley is their guy. His detractors say he has no experience running an agency of this size. He is a lieutenant in the patrol division overseeing sergeants, corporals, DFCs and civilians. He is diversified and progressive. One of the best sheriff’s the agency ever had was Joe Meadows and for God’s sake, the man was an attorney with no management experience at all. Bottom line, Bane is useless and worthless and has definitely not helped this county at all.
Wise Old Guy says
Blue: FYI, Mr. Gahler is still working. He is in charge of the State Police Automotive Safety Enforcement Division. Also, more than a “few” retired Deputies are supporting Mr. Bodway, to include many, many active Deputies. However, those Deputies that are still active are in fear of losing their jobs if they were to publicly endorse Mr. Bodway. That seems likely to me to be the standard operation procedure of the incumbent. The only reason that he has not transferred Mr. Meckley to the Detention Center, or to a menial position is because he knows that it would be made public and that would not look good for his re-election bid. I think he will have more than enough credibility problems to try to deal with before the upcoming election. Besides, isn’t Mr. Meckley going to retire soon? I am guessing that the incumbent thought that if he could keep Mr. Visnaw on the payroll long enough to retire, he could do the same for Mr. Meckley, because that would make him look bad, too.
I would certainly think that a Lieutenant in charge of a shift at one of the precinct stations does not have the knowledge and experience of Mr. Bodway, a police officer with 34 years of total experience and retiring from the Sheriff’s Office as a Major after commanding a Bureau and multiple Divisions.
The Harford County Sheriff’s Office is in dire need of a man to bring much needed life back to its operation and not be a puppet for anyone. There is no doubt that the ONLY man that can do that is Mr. Bodway.
EMT9091 says
Dave says
Blue, You sure sound like an informed voter. Let’s hope Harford County can muster better than you come Election Day. Wise old guy is correct about Gahler still working. In addition if Gahler wins or if Meckley wins, they must give up their current positions for the elected office and at that time that person will join Bane, Bodway and Sheets drawing a pension. If this is the best tool you can use to decide on which candidate to support, then go vote elsewhere. One thing is for sure, each man has committed his adult life to serving the citizens as a law enforcement officer and if you truly were “Blue” you would know that. I am betting you are “green around the ears” Blue.
Stefano Dimera says
Go Jack Go!
RetiredCop says
Go Jack Go? What does Jack Meckley bring to the table. When he worked undercover it was a status thing, long hair and dressing like Serpico. We had other narcs who never did the hippy thing and made cases. Being a cop and playing a cop is two different things. Meckley is the only candidate who said he would not support one of the other candidates when he looses the primary. No I am sorry this is just sour grapes and shows his immaturity. Classic Jack Meckley. Jack Meckley was a screw up in the academy, everyone heard the Meckley stories of him in the academy. At one point he was on the bubble of being terminated. He never took the job serious, and I am sorry knowing him I can not take him serious as wanting to be Sheriff. His little cult following at the Southern Patrol is just that a cult following. Having his men over for meals and giving them a place to stay between wives will not make him a good Sheriff. I am looking forward to the debates because Jack’s flaws will show. I worked with you Jack, I know you, you are not ready to be Sheriff. Being a Lt at the Southern Patrol is not like running the entire department. Not agreeing on supporting the winner of the primary shows your immature mind set, if I can’t win I will take my toys and go home. Some good advice, retire, and go back to Philly.
Stefano Dimera says
RetiredCop: Obviously you have a personal grudge against Mr. Meckley. You call him immature, yet your verbal attack against him reeks of immaturity. No one can take your postings seriously because you are either Mr. Bodway himself, a personal friend/family member who will benefit by him being elected, or just a supporter who cannot express himself without attempting to degrade others. If you are the type of person that Bodway is surrounding himself with, then I want nothing to do with the man. You are not doing your man Bodway any favors by personally attacking other candidates and by making rambling incoherent accusations about them. However, you did give the readers something to consider about Lt. Meckley–showing us what a caring and concerned supervisor he is to his troops–something that is sorely lack in the agency now. Be civilized or don’t post.
RetiredCop says
Dear Stefano, I am not Steve Bodway, I no longer live in Harford County, and nothing has been promised to me as I am gainfully employed and want nothing to do with police work ever again.I do still have good friends who still work there and I want to see the best man for the job be elected. For me that is Steve. I worked the road with Steve and when he became a supervisor our relationship changed. He was now my boss and not the guy I worked Edgewood with. He was a supervisor and he and I both knew the game had changed, he was always fair and I got my share of discipline from him. You can not be a good supervisor and still be one of the guys, it will not work. I worked with both Steve and Jack. Nothing personal against Jack I just know him and he is not up to being the Sheriff. I have never posted about Roger Sheets because I do not know him and it would be unfair to say anything about him. I do know Jeff Gahler and I like Jeff, I worked with him he was a good Trooper. I have nothing to post about Jeff. I do however know Jack and I was never impressed with him as a police officer. I was a deputy and would like to see a deputy be the next Sheriff, I can not vote but I would like to see Steve Bodway be the next Sheriff. I have been away from Harford County for ten years and I have no connections or people to call to help Steve. My opinion the last time I checked is something I can state. I fail to see that stating the truth in anyway degrades Jack. I would hope that none of the candidates are on here posting any comments without using their real names and I do not think any are. I did my 25 years on the streets as a DFC and I worked with Steve and Jack. I was one of Jack’s FTO’s. Once again Jack is not up for the job, I hope that was not to harsh for you to hear. I never had a Lt or any supervisor have gatherings at their homes or allow people to stay with them while I was there. Jack is a supervisor, when you start becoming buddies with your shift it may cause problems when evaluations or handing out discipline comes around. This also could cause problems in your chain of command by your people going over the Cpl or the Sgt to get to your Lt. You want nothing to do with Steve anyway as you are in Jack’s camp. Do you know Steve Bodway? Have you worked with him or talked to him? No. Do you know the other candidates? Maybe you should at least listen to all of them. Then talk to me. Sorry for my rambling postings. The only other candidate I write about is Sheriff Bane, I worked with him to so I do know him.
EMT9091 says
Wise Old Guy says
EMT9091: You da’ man!
EMT9091 says
wise old guy im a girl lol
anonymous says
Let’s get real for a minute here. First off, Bodway has more skeletons in his closet than a medical examiner in the morgue. If he opens the closet door just a crack, he might get buried alive by what falls out. With first hand knowledge, Steve has [slander, libel, and all that…] And he was teaching ethics at the Sheriff’s Office while employed- what a joke! That’s like asking a convicted check forger to balance your checkbook AND trusting them to do it.
Truthfully, there is no one running that I would consider voting for in this election. Bane is the worst sheriff we’ve had in years. He’s terrified to make even the smallest decision, pawning it off on any number of committees, letting them “decide” and then never implementing suggestions made. Apathy, my friends, is far worse than making a wrong decision.
I agree to earlier comments about the agency no longer being para military style. The departure from order and rank structure has caused our agency to become a joke. Anyone, who wants anything, can waltz into Bane’s office, make a complaint, and get what they want. Just ask Del Impallaria’s brother- he whined and got weekends off for “family” issues, while the other shift sergeants have to cover his days. Supervisor’s can’t issue disciplinary actions without fear of being reprimanded for doing their job. Recruits, both law enforcement and corrections, have outright lied during academies, and NOTHING is done. A recruit can tell a supervisor to “kiss my ass” and guess what?- she’s still working too. Oh, and she campaigned heavy for Bane. So much for ethics!
Bane knowningly promotes supervisors above their level of competence, all on the appearance of being “diverse”- it’s about skin color and gender- not on real abilities.
You’d be hard pressed to find 5 officers who think that Bane is doing a good job- and I can guess who they’d be. It’s true that Fred Visnaw was getting paid by the Union to be the president, and was able to conduct union business while on agency time, all while collecting a paycheck from the agency too. Double dipping, anyone? He couldn’t testify in court, due to the ruling issued by Joe Cassilly. Deputies found lying in court or during the course of IA investigations will not be called by the state’s attorney’s office to testify, as that damages the case and makes fools of the prosecutors. He was moved to a cushy job, created just for him, so he could quitely retire after helping Bane get elected.
This isn’t mud slinging, it’s the truth.
Stefano Dimera says
Finally someone telling it like it is. I hope everyone is listening.
EMT9091 says
do you have anything more interesting to post on here??? and speak for your self when stating “no one can take your positing seriously” 1st and for most this sight is a freedom of speech and if your a citizen of the US you should know that by now. #2 I would shake the hand of all running in this race. #3 just because some people are very verable doesnt mean anything. Its not degrading others it just simply stating what the real deal is. This is politics man so take your tissue box and roll out. You are personally doing the same thing retired cop is you want your point across as well, its okay man chill.
Wise Old Guy says
justthefax: Your slanderous, libel, lying posting against Mr. Bodway in your opening paragraph has been viewed by many PRIOR to being rightfully edited by The Dagger. It’s obvious to the reader that you have a deep-seated grudge against Mr. Bodway. Perhaps he was assigned to do an investigation involving you while he was working in Internal Affairs? A job he didn’t really want, but was assigned to that unit and required to do the investigations as assigned to him by the Sheriff. Or, maybe you had to be disciplined when he was your supervisor? Or, maybe you just like to stir up a lot of crap?
Whatever your reasons, the slanderous lies that you posted in that first paragraph NEVER HAPPENED.
These are the FAX, er, FACTS!
Don’t be surprised if there’s a knock at your door with someone delivering a Subpoena…….
EMT9091 says
wow someone needs a pacifier or someone wacked you for doing wrong and you still holding it all in, aw you poor thing.
EMT9091 says
wait why did you just make yourself anonymous???
Steve says
We were asked to change the username because someone else usually uses this one and did not post the comment.
EMT9091 says
thanks steve just curious thought i was seeing things
RetiredCop says
Just the fax or what ever your name is today. I hope you have a time stamped video or pictures, which I know you do not because this never happened. If not shame on you, you may just have to stand in front of a judge and explain yourself.
RetiredCop says
Mr anonymous, Steve Bodway will be at the Harford Mall Friday night from 630 to 930. Why dont you come on by and talk to him face to face about you bs accusation? Man enough?
Rob says
Some very interesting comments on both sides. Some true and some obviously false. Once again, maybe it’s time to start thinking county police force. It’s not something that will occur overnight (given the cost especially in this economy), but think about this: a nation-wide search for a police chief may result in a more qualified person to run the agency (someone with no inside ties). Right now, a boy scout leader with no police or management abilities (no discredit to the scouts), if popular, could win a race for sheriff. As crazy as it sounds, it could happen.
Wise Old Guy says
Rob: The county police force issue started in the late 1940’s and ran through the 1980’s. Each and every time that a feasability study was done, it was always determined that it would be cost prohibitive. The taxpayer was shown to be the big loser every time.
What is needed is a Sheriff with enough intestinal fortitude to actually remove the internal politics from the Sheriff’s Office and return the Office to a para-military organization.
I’ve been around for a long time and have seen how it was run when it was a very disciplined agency and how it is now being run, burdened with internal politics and being run from the bottom up.
There is only one candidate for Seriff that will do this and he will create an environment in which Deputiues and Correctional Officers will WANT to come to work, which will provide better service to the citizens.
Of course, you know that Mr. Bodway is the person for that job.
Rob says
FYI “Honesty says”,
He was caught, but the Golding administration was criticized on how they went about catching him. They sneaked up on him in the dark and caught him napping (how else would you catch someone napping on the job, announce that you are coming?). Although I don’t know this for sure, it was believed that the case was postponed for the next administration to handle (and perhaps for a more favorable result). I believe the deputy in question was the union president at the time and the candidates for Sheriff were seeking the support of union members (including the current administration). Whether the current Sheriff made a deal with the deputy for union support in exchange for a lesser punishment – You make the call. But here is what I want you to know: The majority of the men and women of the HCSO are dedicated hard working professionals, most of whom would never think of sleeping on the job or commit any other serious indiscretions. Hopefully you and many others who read these forum comments do not judge the agency and its people based on the behavior of a few.
Rob says
Wise Old Guy,
I’m not taking a position on the candidates, but other counties established police departments and perhaps it’s time for Harford County to step up to the plate and do the same. I’m sure there is Federal money available – it’s handed out for everything else – and considering BRAC, Homeland Security money may be available to help the county with it’s public safety issues.
I’m not necessarily saying that the HCSO is not capable of handling the “policing” of the county, but the political turmoil every four years is just too much for the men and women of the agency to deal with. It’s distracting and sometimes pits members against members. It’s truly not worth it. It’s just my opinion and I am sure there are pros and cons that we can all come up with, but just take a look at the turmoil occurring now . . . is it really worth it?
As to your feverish support for your candidate, that’s your right. However, you should also be factual when addressing others who have different views or support other candidates. If you think your person is the better candidate, don’t attack, but use fact and not opinion.
Wise Old Guy says
Rob: There’s some merit in your presentation. Even if there was grant money to create a county police force, that grant money would run out and the burden would be placed upon the taxpayers. I, for one of most taxpayers, cannot afford to pay any higher taxes for any reason.
As you have probably guessed by now, I am a retired law enforcement veteran and I have over 30 years of service. I don’t express my opinions on serious matters, which this is but, I do rely on fact.
Yes, I do support Mr. Bodway and I researched all of the candidates before making my decision to support him. Something everyone should do before voting and not just vote for a person because he is a friend, or someone they work with, or that person belongs to a particular political party. A voter must vote for the most qualified individual, regardless of the office they are seeking. Case in point…O’Malley, Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Waxman…and the list goes on.
Worried Citizen says
I 2nd the County Police Department movement. Its way overdue and would not cost taxpayers anymore. The foundation is already there and taxes in Harford County already rival Baltimore County. Out with the Sheriff and all the political bull and turmoil it brings!
Wise Old Guy says
Worried Citizen: What you do not realize is that there still has to be a Sheriff’s Office, as required by the Maryland Constitution. Why spend unnecessary monies to duplicate services? If the Harford County Sheriff’s Office ever returns to a para-military style internal operation demanding that the chain of command be followed, that in itself will help to rid the agency of its internal politics problem and provide better service to the citizens at a whole lot less expense to the taxpayers. Of course, that won’t happen with the current incumbent Sheriff. The right man must be elected for the job.
Worried Citizen says
I understand. Limit the Sheriff as do Baltimore City, Baltimore County, AA County, Howard County, etc. I believe Harford County is growing to the point it needs that change. But I am with you about the current Sheriff and his in house politics.
Wise Old Guy says
Worried Citizen: THe point that you missed is the cost to the taxpayers of Harford County. There have been a half-dozen, or more, actuarial studies and proposals on this subject from the 1940’s through the 1908’s. Each and every time it has been proven to be cost prohibitive. I can recall one that showed a cost of over $28 million just to implement a new police department, and that was over 20 years ago. With inflation, it would be at least double, or even triple that amount now. The service to the public would be no different, either. In fact, because it would be more political, the service may even be worse. For those reasons, I have always opposed the creation of a “County Police Department”. I hope this clears it up for you. There are plenty of Deputies on staff at this point. However, they are not deployed correctly. Mr. Bodway is the only candidate for Sheriff that has a written platform to correct the internal problems, both in the Sheriff’s Office as well as in the Detention Center. And, to answer your next question, he will remove internal politics from the Sheriff’s Office and Detention Center. This is something that the incumbent Sheriff promised that he would do, but it has, in fact, become worse than it ever has been.
Worried Citizen says
I believe you on the worse than ever internal politics. I know people inside the department and been informed of all shady politics, back stabbing and favortisms.
justthefax says
Just for the record, I didn’t write the post that is above. Someone used my logon without my permission. That is why I contacted the admin and asked them to either delete the post or change it so that I wasn’t associated with it. I’m sorry that this created so much turmoil.
RetiredCop says
Okay you stick with that story.
RetiredCop says
To all who have so many questions about Steve Bodway. He will be at the Harford Mall this evening from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM. So come on out and ask him questions or voice your concerns. Mr. Anonymous I encourage you to come and and voice your concerns. This is an opportunity for all of you who want to know what Steve’s plans are for you as citizens and for current employees at the Sheriff’s Office. I will be there, see if you can figure out who I am.
PeteM says
I stopped by last night and stopped at all the sheriff candidates this year. I didn’t realize there were a few running for county sheriff. I stopped by Banes table and I wasn’t impressed, he wasn’t there. It would have been nice to shake his hand. I stopped by Meckley and he was very nice. The people at this table were real nice too. Meckley seemed to be very friendly. I saw Bodway but he didn’t have a table there. I found him to be a little arrogant. My girlfriend even made the comment that he didn’t seem very friendly and wasn’t comfortable talking with him or being around him. We both got the same vibe. I haven’t made up my mind yet but my first impressions are not favorable to Bane and Bodway.
Rob says
And now we have a Harford County councilman in the debate. I ponder the idea if he even knows what he is talking about when comparing the murder rate of a single year during Sheriff Golding’s term to that of a single year in Sheriff Bane’s tenure.
First and foremost, what Councilman Guthrie gave are raw numbers or the crime index. He should know this but apparently does not. OK Mr. Guthrie here’s a lesson in crime rates: To determine the crime rate, you take the number of crimes (for example, burglaries – let’s use 500) and divide that by the population. The next step depends on whether you want to know the crime rate per 1,000, 5,000, or perhaps 10,000 people. Using Edgewood as an example, I’m guessing the population is about 25,000. Let’s use 5,000 (for calculating the crime rate per 5,000 persons). Here is what it looks like: 500 / 25,000 = .02. Now multiply .02 by 5,000 and now you have the crime rate for burglaries in Edgewood per 5,000 people; that is 100. Now these numbers are a bit ridiculous because crime rates are typically used for larger populations and comparing regions and trends. You would think our politicians know these things.
I’m not being critical of Mr. Guthrie (or maybe I am); but he decided to make a statement that, for the most part, does not make sense (on two fronts). First, he quoted RATES and what he gave were not rates. Second, Mr. Guthrie should know that Sheriff Golding had little to do with nine murders occurring in a year just as Sheriff Bane had little to do with only one murder occurring in another. The nine murders would have likely occurred regardless of who was sheriff. Mr. Guthrie made a statement but offered nothing to back it up. Another fact that many do not consider is this: politicians (nor the police) can do little about the things that cause crime. These include, among other things, poverty, unemployment, out-of-wedlock births, unsupervised youth, ineffective parenting, addiction, mental illness, and so on.
So here’s the deal. To make such a blatant statement, one should offer some evidence. None was offered here. If you want to quote numbers, be it crime rates or raw numbers, do it correctly. And please keep in mind that you do not speak for everyone in Edgewood and Joppatowne. It will be the voters who decide, not you, to run someone out of town (so to speak). You can’t run anyone out of town – but you can be (by the voters). Be more responsible and know your facts before opening your mouth. By the way, is it “Joppatown” or “Joppatowne”? You represent the area, do you know? Um, maybe it’s time for a change.
Recently Retired says
Thanks for taking the time to set the councilman straight. Everyone knows that he can pull Jesse’s strings. When he speaks Jesse jumps, just like a little dog who wants a treat. I think the two of them need to make plans to do something else. One is clueless and the other doesn’t know what he is takling about. I bet they have great discussions.
SilentOnIssues says
What about those officers who work for the municipalities, how can they be guaranteed a job if the County Police Department thing goes through?
Wise Old Guy says
SilentOnIssues:If Harford COunty ever goes to a Ccounty police department (shiver me timbers!), it would have no effect on the three incorporated municipalities. Unless, of course, they would voluntarily give up their police agencies. I don’t see that happening because the municpal politicians will not want to give up the power that they have over their police departments. Talk about back-door politics in police dpeartments! The Sheriff is an elected official and answers to no politicians. He only answers to the tax paying citizens that elected him. If he doesn’t do a good job, then he should be replaced by the citizens, not another politician, which is the case with municipal police departments, meaning more politics. Politics has no place in the internal operation of a law enforcement agency. The incumbent Sheriff and his administration, however, obviously disagree.
The KGB says
There can be no guarentee….there could get their “walking papers.”
Away says
Some municipal police probably are really nervous about the county going to a county police department. I like the keeping the sheriff’s dept though. If we don’t like the way the sheriff does things, we can through him out at the election. If we get a bad chief, we’re stuck with him because he’s a political chameleon.
Worried Citizen says
Yes a Chief gets appointed and their is political ties no doubt. Its a much cleaner system tho. Their is a lot less good ole boy connections that way and a better organized Police department. Anyone came become a Sheriff if he just campaigns well and has political ties with the right in crowd. The general Citizen voting has no clue who really is the right person for the job for the most part. All image and who you know..not what you know! Then once elected it becomes a dictatorship!
Wise Old Guy says
Worried Citizen: Ask any veteran police officer in any police department, large or small, how bad the politics are within his/her agency. You will be shocked at their answer.
Our Sheriff’s Office must return to the para-military operation and chain of command structure that it was in the 1960’s through 1981. Since then, it has become an open door policy into the Sheriff’s office for any Deputy for any reason(loss of chain of command). They have also lost, for the past 30 years, all para-military structuring.
Recently Retired says
What seems to be lost here is the fact that the Sheriff’s Office currently has no direction from the top. It’s like a boat without a sail, just drifting on the currents. Eventually it will hit a reef and sink. The Sheriff can’t make a decision, and the Colonel try’s to justify that indecision. (He is another sad story)A major was just suspended and another is getting ready to retire. There is only one Major on the L.E. side that is capable of keeping the ship right but he is undermined by Bane. The Sheriff spends more time degrading his supervisors that many just don’t care to make any type of decision. They know they will be criticized for their well-meaning efforts. It is just a matter of time before the experienced supervisors are run out of the office by Bane. That’s sick.
The deputies appreciate good leadership. When they know they can go out and do their jobs without being intimidated from within the citizens can expect higher quality law enforcement. We need a Sheriff who won’t hold hands with the thugs. The internal stress created by Bane’s hostile work environment affects everyone. Bane needs to go before the ship sinks.
Worried Citizen says
Back to the point of Retired Sheriff Golding’s letter. Can anyone tell me what Sheriff Bane has accomplished for Harford County and the Sheriff Dept. in his tenure so far(Other than taking credit for other peoples hard work)?
king of common sense says
Worried Citizen, what could possibly be more political and part of the good ol’ boy system than a system where a politician gets to bring in his buddy to run the county police? Why would you want to voluntarily turn the power to choose over to the politicians you already don’t trust? Don’t fool yourself into thinking that the Sheriff’s Office is just frozen, unable to function because an election is coming.
Worried Citizen says
It sure is frozen for employees of the Sheriffs office. If you don’t vote for the correct winner than you are an outsider. Expect to be messed with, demoted or fired.
king of common sense says
That sounds like a doomsday argument. The patrol officers will continue to patrol and the correctional officers will continue to house inmates as they always have. The outspoken officers that voice their political views may get wrapped up in this election but I assure you they are the minority and not the majority. Besides, how would the winner or loser know who I voted for without me telling them? I would love for you to attempt to show me some facts that support your idea that crime runs rampant while the Deputies are too distracted by the election.
Rob says
OK, here is what “Worried Citizen” is apparently worried about: It sure is frozen for employees of the Sheriffs office. If you don’t vote for the correct winner than you are an outsider. Expect to be messed with, demoted or fired.
Worried Citizen and anyone else,
You need not worry about the members of the Sheriff’s Office (SO) as they do quite well (pre and post elections). If any of them are struggling (personnaly or financially), it is usually their own doing.
First, very few SO members were “messed with”, “demoted” or “fired” in previous elections. Granted, some members left when their candidate did not win (usually because they put their foot in their mouth at a wrong time or perhaps they embarrassed the department). And there may have been some command staff members who were demoted when the new boss came in (something that is not unusual for any entity with a CEO change – including the corporate world). But I do recall one person who was “messed” with right after an election and that was Jesse Bane. I don’t recall all the details, but after an election, Jesse Bane was locked out of his office by the villainous Marlin Mills at the behest of the new Sheriff. Mr. Bane discovered he was locked out when he came in the next day (as I remember it). And of course, demotion followed.
For the most part, SO members are not “messed with”, “demoted” or “fired.” If anyone claims they were, think “I wonder what the rest of the story is.” There will always be another side to the story – one that is not often told by the person complaining.
So, Worried Citizen, do not fret as most of the members of the SO will be just fine (after this election and any others). They have nothing to worry about as long as they do their job and do it well. It is only those who get themselves into a jam and try to put the blame elsewhere who will claim being “messed with.”
For King of Common Sense . . . you are absolutely correct. There is no change in crime during an election. Anyone who asserts this is in the same boat with Councilman Guthrie (they don’t know what they are talking about).
Worried Citizen says
To clarify I do not mean that crime runs rampant during elections. The men and women of HCOSO do a fine job. Just talking about the election process of it all. Still waiting on someone telling me what the Sheriff has done for Ha. Co and the Sheriff’s Office so far in his tenure?
Wise Old Guy says
Worried Citizen:
Let’s see……for starters, how about wasting taxpayer money?Then, there’s spending more time socializing with the public, translation meaning politicking, than “working” in his office, as has been done for many, many years, and not just as Sheriff, either. Oh yeah, not allowing the Commanders to command and, letting the union rule him, which is obvious.
Rob says
What “worried Citizen” Wrote:
To clarify I do not mean that crime runs rampant during elections. The men and women of HCSO do a fine job. Just talking about the election process of it all. Still waiting on someone telling me what the Sheriff has done for Ha. Co and the Sheriff’s Office so far in his tenure?
Worried citizen,
Quite honestly, I am not sure what any of the sheriffs have done for the SO. Actually, the sheriff who did the most for the HCSO was Joseph Meadows (my opinion). He was a pain in the butt but he got things done “Big Time.” He moved the agency into the 21st Century in technology and buildings, and he cleaned house of many of the “good ole boys” who were clogging up the promotional system (some of whom were technologically disadvantaged). All were good people but were past their time. They had nothing more to offer and new blood was needed to improve the agency. After 25 or 30 years at one place, it’s time to go. But for Meadows, the unfortunate happened; he did the nasty with a woman who was very “skilled” at discrimination (leave the rest of it for you to imagine which type).
This brings me back to the county police force versus sheriff’s office topic. One of the responders here, I don’t recall who it was, quoted some old studies done on the county police force proposal and the cost. Obviously the cost would preclude any such capital projects in the current economy (and it will probably remain that way until the country rids itself of Obama and the liberals in congress (both democrat and republican). But the county police force issue should remain on the table and something considered and planned for for the future. And think about this; it’s not just law enforcement, how about the fire side (rhetorical). How long can the county rely on volunteers. They do a great job and I respect everyone who serves, but how long is it going to last (now I know someone will jump on this and say that we also have some paid fire officials – OK – so save your breath – or fingers). I see advertising around the county in both newspapers and signs asking for volunteers. Does this mean we are short on volunteers? The newer generations are not necessarily prone to volunteerism (my opinion) so the question is, will we eventually run out of quality people for our fire and ambulance services?
There’s a lot to think about . . . and quoting a couple of studies won’t get it (particularly those from the 40s – sorry to who ever quoted the study thing – time to face reality). Again, I’m not arguing that we need such a change right now, but it should remain on table for future talks (yikes, that sounds political).
Wise Old Guy says
Worried Citizen and Rob:
I apologize for my typo error. What I meant to say was the county police issue started in the 1940’s and the last study was done in the late 1980’s or early 1990’s, all with the same conclusion…the cost would be exhorbitant. I would hate to think what the cost would be in today’s dollars! i maintain that the taxpayer gets the biggest bang for their buck with the Sheriff’s Office.
I would lean more toward making the fire and ambulance service in Harford County paid personnel, phasing it in over a period of several years. The county has severe growing pains and sometimes the time from an alert for those services to the time the first unit goes on the road can be as much as 7 to 10 minutes. That in itself is a serious threat to life.
RetiredCop says
You do not need a County Police Department. You still have a Chief who is appointed by the County Executive, so politics will still have a part in it. You have a good group of people who work at the Sheriff’s Office with a few bad apples. Every department has this. You do need a leader who can do like Sheriff Meadows and bring the department out of this four year slump. It is not secret that I feel Steve Bodway has the resume to do this for the Sheriff’s Office. Look at the GOP candidates and make you own decision.
People who I worked with at the Sheriff’s Office have accused me of saying mean things about people on here. Those that know me know I did my share of dumb things, I never blamed my problems on other people. I took my medicine and did my job. So, those who accuse me of patting myself on the back, Ill put my job performance up against yours any day. I said nothing that was not true, and no one has called me about my statements. I have not been promised anytying to support Steve regardless of what the rumors are. I just strongly feel that the people who worked with me and will come after me deserve the best leader Harford County has to offer. That is Steve Bodway 2010.
Stefano Dimera says
Retired Cop: Is it possible for you to make a point without standing on your Bodway soap box? You have intelligent points to make but then you turn everything into a campaign commercial and it gets tedious, especially since the primary isn’t until September.
RetiredCop says
Dear Stenfano, no it is not. He is the man for the job. And I know when the primary is. This is why I am working for him to win the primary. You seem smart but your statements are really pointless.
I am a Retired Deputy that loved my job, my department and my fellow cops. I want what is best for them, you apparently have never been a cop so you would not understand. If you don’t like my posts, don’t read them it is that easy.
Of the People says
Come on Guys. Wise up it is time for a County Police Force. The problem with a politician in charge of Law Enforcement Agency is that a Sheriff chooses his command staff with commanders who support his political agenda. His Command staff works to get the Sheriff re-elected instead of providing support and resources to the Deputies working the street. Politics in Law enforcement is not only an issue at the Sheriff’s Office you only have to look at Aberdeen to see that. The Aberdeen Police Department is an Agency who won awards for Police excellence from the International Association of Chiefs of Police and State of Maryland. What happens? In comes a new Mayor who does not support the Officers or the Agency and routinely interferes and hinders the Departments operations.
It is time to bring back Question “A” and get Politicians out of Law Enforcement.
Stefano Dimera says
Retired Cop: You did miss my point. You did work for the department so I am interested in reading your postings; however, I want to be able to do so without having to sift through the Bodway propaganda.
RetiredCop says
NOT propaganda. And I will continue to push my friend and his agenda. You applauded anonymous when he was slandering Steve, and you did not mind commenting on that. Practice what you preach. And did you know that the original post was done on someone else’s account? Steve accepted the apology for this. If someone uses a false name to make such serious accusations this shows me they may have been lying. Guess you do not care about that.
Stefano Dimera says
What are you talking about? You can’t seem to focus. So I will take your initial advice and not read any more of your postings.
RetiredCop says
Thank you. You were easy.
Robert says
I’m not going to bother arguing over the fine details, but Sheriff Bane is a good man and he will have my vote anytime. I applaud everything he has done for Harford County, both in office and on the force.
knowledgeable says
man of little knowledge i see.
Robert says
I’m not going to bother arguing over the fine details, but Sheriff Bane is a good man and he will have my vote anytime. I applaud everything he has done for Harford County, both in office and on the force.
Wise Old Guy says
Robert: Just because a man is a friend is the wrong reason to vote for him if he is not qualified for the office he is seeking. The incumbent Sheriff will look out for those who benefit him and he will do whatever he can to belittle those who do not agree with him. Also, please know that he is a micromanager and can be very vindictive. The chain of command was broken when he took office and the internal workings of the Sheriff’s Office are too loosely run. This is just the tip of the iceberg. If you think this is a good thing, then you are sadly mistaken. He would, however, be a great social worker or, cruise director on a cruise ship.
Stefano Dimera says
Robert: What do you mean when you say you’re not going to argue over the fine details? Isn’t that what debate is all about? So you are simply going to vote for Sheriff Bane because he is a “good man”. Can you possibly be truly that naive to vote for someone because they are a “good person”? I am a good person but I don’t know how to run a government agency. Think about how foolish you look when you make across the board statements like that. While you are applauding everything Sheriff Bane has done for Harford County, could you mention one or two of the things he has accomplished? Or is that one of the fine details you don’t wish to argue because there is nothing to say?
RetiredCop says
I see that Sheriff Bane continues to take credit for the gang problem as well as having reduced the murder rate in the county again. It is amazing he can do all this as his department slowly crumbles around him. Sheriff Bane, what has taken up so much of you time that you can not go to the board of elections to file your election bid? Stefeno, I did this without one word of propaganda for my candidate. Proud of me?
Jeff, I love you man but who told you that you are the clear leader in this election? Howard?
HaCoDep says
Hey Retired Cop, I thought the same thing. Jeff you were alright on the road (20 yrs ago) but it looks like you are getting a little chip on your shoulder…….
RetiredCop says
Hey all you Bane fans. I want you to ask your Dear Sheriff Bane why he terminated DFC Steve Schwartz who was injured in the line of duty. This deputy who served for 18 years without any problems gets his shoulder hurt and can not work and is fired over the phone. Steve who can not drive was offered light duty work by the County Doctors. The only light duty work that was a available was in Edgewood. Steve again told Sheriff Bane he could not drive and asked if someone could pick him up for work? ( pain killers make it hard to drive a car safely) Of course no one was available for this ride to Parkton to pick Steve up just as there is no light duty work to be found in the Northern Precint. 18 years of dedicated service to the Harford County Sheriff’s Office, you have your pay and benefits cut off over 2 months ago. Now you have no pay no health insurance and the County lawyers are fighting you in getting a medical retirement. But your Sheriff Bane had the the lady from his office apologize for him after she fired him over the phone, telling him there was nothing else he could do. Sheriff Bane I saw a movie trailer where you were asked about being a hero, this made me sick to my stomach. I worked there with you, I can not for the life of me think of ever even hearing your voice on the radio. When were you a hero? How can you fire a man over the phone using someone else to do it. Is this what you call leadership and taking care of your people. I understand you took care of one person who had some medical problems and they were not terminated, I guess you have to be on the A list to receive special treatment. I talk to Steve all the time, you should be ashamed of what you have done. He has a family, bills, house payments. As you set in your home and your office think about what you have done to this brother. You would not understand the Brother hood because you have never been a real cop in your life, you just played on for all these years. And before your third in command pipes up about this and you know who you are, just remember the word pyramid!
Recently Retired says
“Sheriff Bane I saw a movie trailer where you were asked about being a hero, this made me sick to my stomach.”
HA! I saw the same trailer and I see Jesse crying because he says his career has been hard on his wife? Give me a break! What about all the other wives out there who had to endure their husbands working every night in the worst neighborhoods in Harford County? He disrespects all those families.
Jesse worked as an administrator for the bulk of his career having every night and weekend off. This trailer shows a weak person who cannot separate fact from fiction. Here’s a guy who did not work night shift, didn’t make arrests or write tickets. I wonder what nonsense he was telling his own wife? I never knew him to make an arrest in the 30 years I was there. When he was Undersheriff he would sit in his office night after night under the premise that he was critical to the operation. He should have been home taking care of his wife. We all know he is a complete failure as a leader, as a family man, and he was never a “Hero”. Real hero’s make decisions, make arrests, and put themselves out there to do real police work. Jesse never was a real cop and it is a travesty that he continues to perpetuate this fantasy on the public. Jesse is essentially lying on film! As the Chief Law enforcement officer in the County he should be held accountable for all the lies that he continues to convey. (Not to mention his fiscal mismanagementof the Sheriff’s Office) The uniform alone does not make a hero. The real heroes are the road deputies who answer the calls each and every night and still manage to be good parents and community leaders. Jesse strikes out in every category.
Mr. Smigley says
We need a hands-on Sheriff. Any of these Republican guys detail oriented but confident enough to let good officers make decisions. Seems like the Sheriff’s Office needs new blood.
How did Bane get elected in the first place? Elections do matter, i.e the fraud in the Whitehouse – Obama. I’m sure Jesse can hook on with Obama – never enough liberal panzies on his staff.
david roadhouse says
Hmmm, how come Sgt. Doug Reppar’s wife got driven to a downtown Baltimore hospital by a deputy Sheriff, when Sgt. Reppar was hospitalized with a non-work related issue. Bane playing favorites again. Oh, by the way, did I mention that while Sgt. Reppar was on sick leave, good old Sheriff Bane didn’t make him use any of his sick leave, so he got paid for not being there. This is your money being wasted, taxpayers. Vote for anyone but Bane in November.
Jimmy Stillwells says
darn…’retired cop’…that seems like something no one would do, especially not the sheriff…it is sad, for anyone, espedially a lawman, to be put on the street…assuming this is the whole story…the best thing Sheriff Bane could do is re-instate the deputy with pay, and certainly find a way to allow him to continue in law enforcement
Stefano Dimera says
Bane has picked up many “strays” along the way in his tenure. As Retired Cop said, if you are on the “A list” and have a friend or family member who needs a job, just call Bane, he’ll invent a spot for you regardless of whether or not you are qualified. No going through proper channels for these people. Retired Cop is absolutely on target with his post–there is no “other” side to this story. Everything Cop stated is the complete truth. Did Bane even attempt to contact DFC Schwartz when he was out for several months? I guess he createad a committee to look into it, as he does with everything else. And I’m sure he chose one of his Committee Members to make the dreaded phone call to DFC Schwartz because he can’t man up and do it himself. Bane creates jobs for everyone else–but he puts his own out on the street. Also, ask him what happened to DFC Todd Robinson, who was injured in a car accident in the line of duty. DFC Robinson desperately wanted to come back but he is the son-in-law of the second in command, Col. Carlevaro, and Bane thought it would “look bad” if he created a position for DFC Robinson. Too late Sheriff. So, in a nutshell, if you are related or are friends with someone on the A List, or if you have deep pockets, you have a friend in Bane. However, if you go through the HCSO Academy, protect and serve for countless years, then you can be sure that the first time you are injured, there is no support, no brotherhood and no job.
vietnam vet says
I think it would be best that sheriff Bane. just stepped aside and went on with his life. allowing some one else to handle the sheriff’s department.
RetiredCop says
Stefano we agree on something. I took Steve to his first meeting with Sheriff Bane three days before he was fired. I seen the broken man who can not understand why after his loyal service this would happen to him. I seen a man who was a great cop reduced to a man who has been just raped of his soul and spirit. He can not understand why this is taking place. There is more to the story of how a certain person who has unlimited access to the Sheriff. No chain of command here. I have emailed tv stations but no one will pick up on this story. And of course you know the Aegis will not do this story because of their loyalty to Sheriff Bane. The State Police, Baltimore County, and Baltimore City do not put injured officers through this cruel type of crap. Harford County will fight with every resource they have to keep from giving injured Deputies a full medical retirement. I know this because I went through this myself. And you are right he was not man enough to call Steve himself to fire him. The deputies know who I am, when they ask me I do not deny it. This is bs to treat this deputy in this way. Oh and by the way Mr Craig has been contacted on this matter and is a no show. He needs to go as well. This has nothing to do with the election, NO DEPUTY SHOULD BE TREATED IN THIS MANNER WHEN HE IS INJURED ON THE JOB. AND TO YOU ACTIVE MEMEBERS, BE EXTRA CAREFUL WHILE DOING YOU JOB, IF YOU GIVE YOUR ALL IT WILL COST YOU YOUR JOB. UNLESS YOU BANG ELECTION SIGNS FOR SHERIFF BANE THEN YOU WOULD BE OKAY.
Chuck2 says
I thought police in the state of Maryland had a “Bill or Rights”
Wise Old Guy says
Chuck2: Police nationwide have the LEOBR (Law Enforcement Officer’s Bill Of Rights). Sadly, the incumbent Sheriff of Harford County obviously does not know, or understand those rights as they apply to his Deputies.
Also, if I recall correctly, years ago Sheriff Comes worked to enact legislation in Annapolis that required the Sheriff to have “Just Cause” before he could fire a Deputy. Prior to this being passed, a Deputy “worked at the pleasure of the Sheriff”.
Hmmmmm….I wonder how long Sheriff Bane has been ignoring the law and “doing as he pleases”?
Too bad the Aegis, or the Sun, thinks he can do no wrong. They should wake up and do some honest investigative reporting. The public would be shocked into reality to find out the truth!
Stefano Dimera says
Not when you “work at the pleasure” of the Sheriff. Thus, if the Sheriff has a grudge against you, too bad.
Bystander says
Perhaps now is the time to create a county police department and do away with the elected Sheriff? It appears that these Sheriff elections are a complete drain and morale buster. While you’re at it, incorporate the Havre de Grace, Aberdeen and Bel Air police departments into the new county PD so we can eliminate Mayors from running the police. In terms of economy of scale, operational costs would be reduced overall, communications and training would improve significantly. Best of all, politics would be reduced and the county citizens would have improved police services.
Joebagonuts says
Interesting… If this happens, do you think the citizens of Harford would divide the powers between the county sheriff and the city’s chief of police? Typically, this results in the chief of police having control over law enforcement jurisdiction and the sheriff and his deputies having authority over jails and the serving of civil papers. Thoughts: A police chief must meet specific job requirements. The chief MUST be a certified
police officer with a law enforcement background; An elected sheriff, by definition, must campaign to get elected. There is no legal requirement that the sheriff have law enforcement
experience. If an appointed chief is not responsive to the
community’s needs, he or she can be replaced. An elected sheriff keeps his or her position until the four-year term ends.
Roger L. Sheets Sr. says
I think the on going debate regarding the Sheriffs race here in Harford County is healthy. I am hoping that more of our law enforcement professionals will chime in and provide their feedback.
It does appear from the postings and my recent conversations with HCSO members that there is concern about mico-management, the selection process for promotions and specialized assignments, internal and external politics and the morale of the good men & women working in the Sheriffs Office.
Based on what we hear, it does appear that a change in leadership is necessary. The National Sheriffs Association and the International Association of Chiefs of Police both have selection criteria for law enforcement leadership positions. That includes working in a larger law enforcement agency, and having both command experience in the field and administratvie experience. They also recommend attendance at a Police Executive training program to compliment experience and education for todays effective law enforcement leaders.
The NSA and ICPA, along with the Police Executive Research Forum have acted as a clearing house for local jurisdcitions when selecting a new law enforcement leader. They recommend that to effect the most positive change in a law enforcement agency, that a new leader should come from outside. It is very difficult for a leader in any environment to effect change in an organiztion that they have been a part of over an extended time.
I hope that this forum and others will continue to stir the debate over the best candidate for Harford County Sheriff. An educated public will make the best choice for our next Sheriff here in Harford County. The good men and women of the Harford County Sheriffs Office and the Citizens of Harford County deserve nothing less.
Retired Cop says
This debate needs to go mainstream. The Aegis is pro Bane and won’t even look into the allegations of mismanagement. Taxdollars are being continually wasted by the Sheriff. In that regard the public should be outraged! That does not seem to phase the Aegis. Joe Kennedy at the Aegis does not seem to think the Sheriff’s race is an important issue. How can the public be educated if the local press won’t publish these issues? And yes, a change in leadership is needed because Jesse brings no leadership value to the job. He cowers in the face of adversity just as he did working the road back in the early 70’s. The good men and women at the Sheriff’s Office will work for a leader who is efective and who will stand with them as they address the serious crime issues here. Jesse lacks the backbone to even make a decision. He feels he needs to form a committee for every issue that apears. That is a waste of time and manpower and has proven ineffective during his watch. If the citizen’s only knew the real Jesse like we do.
Roger L. Sheets Sr. says
Retired Cop: Thanks, It is your job and my job to help educate those who will vote in the primary for the next Sheriff. We need to stay focused on the issues and not the personalities.
As an object person, and a candidate for Sheriff here in Harford County, I want the issues that impact our qualtify of life in Harford County and the men and women of the Sheriff’s office abilities to carry out their assigned and sworn duties to be the least impacted by the political process.
While the other canidadates each offer similar experiences and background, I feel I am the person who can most effectively lead the Sheriffs Office to the become the best any where here in Maryland or in the Country. To do that we must regain the trust and respect of the Deputies and Correctional Officers and realign the Sheriffs Office with the values of our community.
Steve Bodway and Jack Meckley appear to be fine gentlemen and I have come to repect both of them during this campaign. I have worked more closely with Jeff Gahler on issues related to prisoner patients and they challenges they bring to law enforcement and Healthcare institutions.
Of all the candidates, I have the most experience and more diverse experience in Public Safety. I have a proven track record of leading organizations in public safety, in private security and in volunteer organizations in the Harford County community.
I welcome the debate and want to hear from others, on what they want to see in the next Sheriff for Harford County.
Stefano Dimera says
Candidate Sheets: I certainly would welcome a debate, but how are you going to know the real issues within the HCSO? I’m sure those in your camp have discussed matters with you, but I’m sure each and every deputy has a thought, idea or complaint that needs to be addressed. Certainly none of the deputies will speak up at the forum, due to repercussions that would be handed down. The fact that there is such discord and lack of morale at the agency in and of itself impacts the community. I pray that someone will come up with a format for a forum where everyone in attendance can speak freely and where the candidates give real answers, not more rhetoric.
RetiredCop says
Mr. Sheets, you have not been on here long I guess. If you had been paying attention to me you would know who I support. Why do you work closely with Jeff on prisoner patients and the challenge they bring to law enforcement. Really that is the issue you and Jeff are kicking around? I am sorry Mr. Sheets I do not see you out in front here. Are you working with Jeff or are you helping him run for the Office of Sheriff? It sounds like you have serious doubts about your chances of winning the primary. I was under the impression that you ran your own race until the primary and then if you would loose then you would support another candidate. You seem to change horses in mid stream. Sign waiving on busy roadways distracting drivers. I was just a lowly DFC who did accident investigations, I think this sign waving is reckless and shows poor judgment. While we are on poor judgment, your picture with Steve Wright after his death was in poor taste also. I went to school with Steve, what was the reason for the picture with him after his death? That is my opinion. I read and hear all about your vast experience, but I don’t see anything to back this up. I talk to Baltimore County Cops they don’t see it either. I worked the road with Jeff Gahler, he was a good cop. Never had any contact with Jeff after he was promoted and left Bel Air. I have total respect for Jeff Gahler. I am and always be loyal to the Sheriff’s Office, I do not want to see an outsider come in and bring back the old crew that was once there. I want someone with knowledge of the Sheriff’s Office and it’s traditions to be the next Sheriff. Someone who I worked with and trusted with my life knowing he had my back. Not someone who just brags about himself every time he gets the chance to do so. Mr. Sheets you are not the right man for the job.
Roger L. Sheets Sr. says
Retired Cop: Thanks, I do know who you support. You have been working very hard to support Steve Bodway. I would expect that from you after having worked with him for many years.
I like Steve Bodway and think he is a professional. I have always respected you as a good cop and hope that we can avoid personal attacks in this campaign.
I have been the one candidate who has been up front with each of the other republican candidates for Sheriff and have pledged to support whom ever wins the Primary. I have asked them to each commit to the same, so we don’t have what happened during the last Sheriff’s race. Again, we are battling an encumbent Sheriff and that will be a challenge for any of us in this race.
I think that the citizens who meet the candidates and hear us, will make their own decisions about who the best canidate is.
Wise Old Guy says
Mr. Sheets:
Your claims of recommendations by the National Sheriff’s Association (NSA), International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) are, well, just plain FALSE.
Your claims just did not sound right so, all three organizations were contacted and inquiry as to their involvement in selecting a Chief of Police was made. They are NOT involved in the actual selection process at all.
None of these three organizations make the recommendations that you have claimed. In fact, they laughed at the comments. Their ONLY involvement is to assist local governments in developing a format for the local governments to make their own selection of a POLICE CHIEF, NOT a Sheriff. Their assistance is done only at the request of the local governments, when the local governments deems it to be necessary.
Sheriff’s are elected by the citizens in Maryland, and are only appointed by the Governor if a Sheriff cannot complete his full elected term. This appointment only lasts until the next election cycle.
Thomas Jefferson stated that the most important elected official in a county is the Sheriff.
False statements to the public may get you elected but, you will be found out at some point in time…..just like the incumbent Sheriff.
Roger L. Sheets Sr. says
Wise Old Guy:
Got these from the IACP web site: I would be careful about making accusations you can’t support. Remember your anonimity is only a court order away from discovery.
I dont speak on behalf of any of these organiztions, but clearly these recommendations would make sense to a reasonable and prudent person. What does your selection criteria look like?
General Requirements for a Chief’s Job
Education and Training
Most hiring agencies desire candidates with a minimum of a BA/BS Degree from an accredited university in a related field of study. However, in today’s market, many candidates have Masters Degrees. Generally speaking, a degree in a discipline other than criminal justice or police science is still desired. The chief of police is the lead police executive. As such, a degree in business, public administration, psychology, sociology, anthropology, or communication, among others that are related to executive responsibilities, is advantageous.
In addition to an advanced degree, many hiring agencies are looking for candidates who have completed a major law enforcement management training program. This could include the FBI National Academy, Northwestern Center for Public Safety’s School of Police Management and Command, the Southern Police Institute’s Administrative Officers Course, the Police Executive Research Forum’s Senior Management Institute for Police, or the IACP’s Leadership in Police Organizations course.
Department Size
The larger the department that is recruiting, the more likely it is that the city will want a candidate from a similar sized agency. If a police chief in a smaller city desires to compete for a similar position in a larger agency, there is no absolute rule, but degree of executive complexity and competency is a major factor. Likewise, those making a selection for a very diverse, suburban city in a metro area may be skeptical about selecting a chief who comes from a smaller, more homogeneous, rural community. This is not to say that a candidate from a smaller department is not capable of managing a much larger one; but it is a perception issue that the candidate would have to overcome to gain credibility with the governing body and police agency. The hiring agency is looking for competency and fit. Knowing and selling one’s competencies is of major importance when applying for a chief’s job.
IACP Staff
Daniel N. Rosenblatt, Executive Director
James W. McMahon, Deputy Executive Director
John R. Firman, Research Center Director
Elaine F. Deck, Senior Program Manager &
Dianne C. Beer-Maxwell, Project Manager & Editor
Tamika S. Scott, Technical Assistance Coordinator & Editor
Danielle C. Menard, Project Assistant
Advisory Group Members
Chief David Banaszynski, Shorewood, WI
Chief Randy Bratton, Paducah, KY
Chief Teresa Chambers, Riverdale Park, MD
Chief Mark Chaney, New Albany, OH
Chief Elena Danishevskaya, Memphis, MI
Chief Larry Hesser, Retired
Chief David Kurz, Durham, NH
Joseph LaPorte, Director of Public Safety,
Little River Band of Ottawa Indians
Chief Jack McKeever, Lindenhurst, IL
Chief Terry Milam, St. John, MO
W. Dwayne Orrick, Director of Public Safety,
Cordele, GA
Chief Katherine Perez, Bowie, MD
Edward Reina, Director of Public Safety, Tohono
O’odham Nation, AZ
Chief Paul Schultz, Lafayette, CO
Cornelia Sorensen Sigworth, Washington, DC,
Chief Rick TerBorch, Arroyo Grande, CA (Ret.)
Beau Thurnauer, Deputy Chief, East
Hartford, CT
This resource is supported by grant award #2007-DD-BX-K113 from the Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of Justice, to the International Association of Chiefs of Police. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of the Department of Justice.
Wise Old Guy says
Mr. Sheets:
I am not going to argue with you. My post was based on exactly what was told to me by the folks at the NSA, IACP and PERF….that they DO NOT get involved in the selection process of a Chief of Police other than assisting the local governments in developing a format to meet their criteria and some of the suggestions, as you listed are made but not always used. Additionally, they do not get involved at all in the criteria for a High-Sheriff as I posted previously because that is an elected position. A Chief of Police is an appointed position, but I am sure you are aware of that.
The General Requirements for a Chief’s job, as you listed are just that….for a Chief of Police, NOT an elected High-Sheriff. The duties of each are different. The High-Sheriff must know not only the responsibilities of general law enforcement and carry them out efficiently. He also is required to know all of the different facets of the Office of the Sheriff, which includes many more responsibilities. It is not a shoot-’em-up-bang-bang, sit back on your haunches job. I am sure you are aware of that, too.
This is your paragraph that prompted the contacting of the NSA, IACP and PERF:
Quote: “The NSA and ICPA, along with the Police Executive Research Forum have acted as a clearing house for local jurisdictions when selecting a new law enforcement leader. They recommend that to effect the most positive change in a law enforcement agency, that a new leader should come from outside. It is very difficult for a leader in any environment to effect change in an organization that they have been a part of over an extended time.” Unquote.
1. The information that came from all three organizations was the same. They DO NOT recommend “that a new leader should come from the outside.”
2. All three organizations also relayed that they DO NOT teach that “It is very difficult for a leader in any environment to effect change in an organization that they have been a part of over an extended time.” This may have a little merit if the organization has only 10 to 15 personnel, as they probably drink beer and party together, but not in an organization with over 500 personnel.
I believe the Harford County Sheriff’s Office has, over the last several decades, had a retired high-ranking officer from a “larger organization” and a non-law enforcement individual serve as the High-Sheriff. There were many problems with both, even though they were nice guys.
If I worked for the Harford County Sheriff’s Office, I would certainly want someone to “lead the pack” that is well-versed in the total operation. A highly skilled, educated leader and someone from within the agency, a high-ranking Command Deputy, retired or active.
Stefano Dimera says
Oh Mr. Sheets. The last sentence of your first paragraph says it all. I don’t think the deputies want a sword constantly hanging over their heads. They have that now in Bane. Veiled threats, fear, reciminations… I will definitely print out your post and show all the deputies I know the way you operate, if they don’t know already.
yourneighbor says
wow. Nice post guys. Time to get a County PD with a “professional” Police Chief and do away with this election crap. How distracting this must be for the Deputies. Be safe.
RetiredCop says
No we do not need a County PD, you Chief can change every four years depending on the County Exec you have elected. The Sheriff’s Office ran fine under Meadows. Mr. Sheets was the only candidate to post on here. I think he is seeing why he should not have posted on here. Poor decision. Sheriff Kunkel ran a great department for many years. He had discipline, and a chain of command and he made decisions without micromanaging the operations. I can not ever begin to think of what it would cost Harford County to change over from the Sheriff’s Office to a County Police. Uniforms, cars, it would be a nightmare.
vietnam vet says
Have too agree. NO county PD. the men & women of Aberdeen P.D. are doing a fine job.they know who’s who. and what is what. best be left that way.
Roger L. Sheets Sr. says
Wise Old Guy; Thanks, I appreicate your clarification on these issues. You know my intent in posting is to get folks interested and discussing the qualifications of their next Sheriff. As I indicated, the posting should reflect my opinion only. I have read and studied the characteristics of a professional law enforcement leader, and my post comes from a variety of sources including those listed.
You are correct in that those organizations do not make specfic recommendations to local jurisdictions on their selection process.
I believe we agree that a well educated, experienced law enforcement professional with proven leadersip qualities is what we both want to see in our next Sheriff.
I have posted on the Dagger with my name. I am open to criticism and attacks, and knew that going into a political campaign. For those who post and disagree with me, I fully support their First Amendment rights to do so. I would only hope that we disagree in a civil and respectful manner.
Retired Cop; Thanks, It does take courage to post your position on the issues here on the Dagger. Will it be a good political decision? I won’t know until the voters decide. But, at least the voters will know where I stand. As I have said before, I have respect for the other candidates and hope that when the Primary is over we will stand united in our efforts to make positive change for the Harford County Sheriffs Office. The men and women of the Sheriff’s Office deserve nothing less than a strong, law enforcement professional, to work along side them.
Wondering says
Mr. Sheets,
Please tell me your stance on terrorism security for Harford County.
Roger L. Sheets Sr. says
Wondering: Thanks, our Country and Harford County must not forget that we are at war with a terrorist faction. I have been working with the Joint Terrorism Task Force and the Maryland Coordinating and Analysis Center (MCAC) for the last several years in my postion as a State leader in Healthcare Security.
We continue to work hard at sharing and developing intelligence information with all our Public and Private partners in the security field. Here in Harford County we will continue to work to build our partnerships with the State and Federal Homeland Security agencies. If I am elected Sheriff we will do our best to build on existing collaborations with these agencies and work to provide advanced training to our Deputies and Correctional officers in counter terrorism measures.
Our best tool will be in working closely with our communities who are the first to provide information and concerns that effect them where they live. The eyes and ears of the community will tell us when things are going on in their neighborhoods that need law enforcement intervention. In todays world we all must be alert and report anything that we feel is suspicious activity. The smallest thing may be the one piece of intelligence that leads to connecting a potential terrorist plot.
RetiredCop says
Mr. Sheets, I have a question for you. Do you have a degree, if you do where did you get it? What was the discipline it is in and what year did you obtain it?
John says
Here is Mr. Sheets bio It does not mention a degree, however he does have approximately 30 years of law enforcement experience and frankly I’d take it over a degree any day of the week.
RetiredCop says
Dear John, In this day and age a degree in management is not needed? Steve Bodway, Jeff Gahler, and I believe Jack Meckley all have degrees in management. Mr. Sheets wants to run the Harford County Sheriff’s Office because he was a cop for many years. Sorry, that dog will not hunt. I was a cop to, had many different jobs and assignments and that does not qualify me to be the Sheriff. You are as clueless as he is.
fedup says
I would NOT let the possession of a degree unduly influence my choices in this matter. I work with MBA’s and PhD’s on a daily basis and many of them don’t have the common sense of a box of toe-nail clippings. I have no degree at all and yet I’d pit my management abilities and overall knowledge base against most any one.
John says
fedup, the people who place the greatest emphasis on having a degree are typically people who have them and oftentimes they overpaid to get them.
GV says
I guess the message here according to you is maybe we should disregard all those people who are motivated enough to expand their knowledge base by seeking a degree. Because you don’t have an advanced degree you are probably unaware of the current management practices that are driving our most successful people. Your “overall knowledge base” would be lacking.
Because you don’t have an advanced degree in criminal justice you are unaware of all the various programs, principles, policies, leadership, and management techniques that have been applied across the nation. The lessons learned, successes and failures from these programs are extensively discussed in the academic environment and applied by those in the profession. Because you don’t have a degree you have not experienced the enrichment that advanced education brings. Expanding academic horizons enables people to be more receptive of the diversity in our modern workforce. Knowing how to allow employee empowerment and how to create an energetic and motivated work environment is a formula that is demonstrated and thoroughly discussed by people involved in the pursuit of their degrees. Many criminal justice institutions involve professionals active in law enforcement so that lessons learned can be directly relayed to students. First-hand knowledge can be a valuable tool to convey to those motivated students.
So the debate as it applies to the Sheriff’s race is this:
I an advanced degree important? The current Sheriff has a Bachelors degree in Sociology obtained in 1972. 38 years ago…(Sociology, not criminal justice as he claims) He has never gone back to school to advance his own learning. Sure, he has attended In-service training and a few seminars but that does not compare to a genuine effort to expand an educational horizon. For some reason he does not value advanced education. This is evidenced in the fact that he inherited the most educated Command Staff ever enjoyed by any Sheriff. What did he do? Instead of embracing education and experience be began to drive educated Commanders out of the office. (The Sheifff’s Office paid for many of those degrees) That is a result of his own insecurity and lack of trust. Even when those Commanders took and oath to support his efforts he disrergarded their value. As a result he is micro-managing from his experience as a deputy. Experience that is notably lacking in the area of operations. He has little actual police experience to bring to the table. As a result, he lacks confidence to make even the most simple of decisions. He forms committee’s to defray responsibility. He looks to blame others for his shortcomings.
All or most of the candidates seeking the position of Sheriff have either pursued or obtained advanced degrees. They know and understand the value that is obtained from them. I will consider the qualifications of each candidate because that is what a responsible citizen does. I will examine backgrounds, academics, experience, communication abilities, plans, enthusiasm, motivation, and most of all the ethics of the candidates. I want to see an educated, experienced, and decisive Sheriff leading the way here. As a citizen and taxpayer who’s fed up with the “business as usual mentality” I want to see change in our law enforcement leadership here. We deserve to see the best qualified person at the helm during these tough and challenging times. I don’t need another Sheriff who has absolutely no clue and cowers in the face of adversity.
John says
GV, quite a wall of text you posted. And you’ve managed to malign everyone working in both public and private sector who does not possess a degree. I suggest you call Michael Dell and Bill Gates to inform them that they should not have been successful because they don’t have a degree and have not experienced the enrichment that advanced education brings.
Regarding Sheriff Bane education or the lack thereof is not the problem since you can’t fix character and leadership no matter what degrees one achieves.
P.S. Please try fewer words and paragraphs on your future posts.
fedup says
GV, obviously I’ve struck a nerve. That was not my intention. I come from the old school where results are more important than the endless meetings mentality and blame storming that seems to monopolize the time of the “current management practices” crowd. I have seen every flavor of “the various programs, principles, policies, leadership, and management techniques that have been applied across the nation” march through this company over the last thirty years and they have all been superb failures. Most management types seem to have had two classes that stuck… the one where morality and fairness are removed and the one where management bonuses need to be paid out no matter how the company performs. Success is because of profound, insightful management strategies and failure is due to market pressures and workforce shortcomings. The sad reality is that corporate America is a surreal reflection of a Dilbert cartoon. Most of your first two paragraphs is typical corporate speak and I half expected Action Item the Professional Super Hero to appear at any moment. I don’t profess to know anything about the inner workings of the law enforcement community or about the Sheriff candidates… I only pointed out that a degree does not make the man. I knew a man who was Director of Public works for a Maryland city who had no degree and did an outstanding job because he had knowledge and integrity… he worked his way up from the very bottom but that would never be allowed now. Now some clueless management type would be hired to oversee the people who really know what’s going on. Sorry if I hurt your feelings, but you failed to revise my opinion.
GV says
I don’t know where you get the impression that I am advocating that people without degrees are inferior. What I conveyed is the fact that people who have sought their degrees are provided a wealth of information that they can take the opportunity to absorb. Once they take that knowledge into the workforce they are better prepared to address the variety of workplace issues.
Education has always been a prized asset in this country. The formula works more than it does not. We are fortunate that in America people from all walks of life have an opportunity to succeed regardless of their educational level. Apparently you are such a person. I will take the lessons learned from any successful person. Other countries do not present the same opportunities. That is why many people choose to come here for their education.
Some people in management don’t value education. I have already presented an example.
When you said “I have no degree at all and yet I’d pit my management abilities and overall knowledge base against most any one.” I wanted to ask you this: Would you elect someone who was not educated and had no operational experience to run your business? Would you feel confidence that the business would be well-managed and successful? I think any rational person would think just the opposite. But, that is exactly what can happen here in the Sheriff’s election. They turn into a popularity contest. Here is a Sheriff’s ad: “Wanted..A new Sheriff, no experience or education is needed. Apply here. Pay $10.00 to register.”
Again, I will consider education and experience of the candidates before I cast my vote. So should you.
I was not aware the Dagger required formal submissions to this blog. If you don’t want to take the time to read what is printed, then you don’t have to. Sometimes what is not written speaks as much as what is.
John says
GV, I got my impressions of you from your posts.
I didn’t say “I have no degree at all and yet I’d pit my management abilities and overall knowledge base against most any one.” Fedup did.
Educational or learning opportunities come from both traditional institutional curricula and experiential sources and since you value diversity you of course already know it and respect demonstrable acquired individual knowledge?
GV says
Sorry for any confusion, I get it..John is not Fedup.
Wise Old Guy says
John: I have looked at all of the candidates handouts. Unless I missed something, Mr. Bodway has several degrees, including a Master’s Degree from John’s Hopkins University AND 34 years of law enforcement experience, with 28 of those years at the Sheriff’s Office, retiring as a Major….without any hiccup in his career. It makes sense to me that he’s more qualified to run the Sheriff’s Office than any of the candidates, Republican or Democrat.
Doesn’t it make sense to vote for the most qualified man for the position, for the sake of the citizens, the Deputies and the Correctional Officers, even he is NOT your personal friend?
John says
Wise Old Guy, Of course voters should want the most qualified candidate for elected office. However college degrees are only a small part of the equation and oftentimes experience, communication skills and ability are much more desirable qualities.
There are and have been many highly successful people without a college degree like Presidents Washington, Lincoln and Truman along business tycoons like Rockefeller, Gates, Dell and Peter Jennings, Walter Cronkite, Chuck Yeager and Frank Loyd Wright.
Wise Old Guy says
John: Of course a college degree may be a small part of the equation but, nonetheless it is part of the equation. His degrees, coupled with his “street time”, knowledge, skills and abilities and command positions Mr. Bodway was promoted to, I have no doubt that Mr. Bodway is the most qualified.
By the way, do you have any idea which Sheriff’s candidate is telling citizens that live in areas with Home Owner’s Associations that do not allow political signs to be posted that he has an agreement with the HOA’s to place his signs and posts them anyway?
Stefano Dimera says
I’m getting a headache from these verbose postings. Short and sweet–I’d rather my Sheriff have street smarts than book smarts. Don’t tell me you need a management degree to run an office. You need to surround yourself with good people that you trust and can count on and then UTILIZE those people, unlike Bane. The agency is a mess with college-educated Bane at the helm.
John says
RetiredCop, We disagree. If Sheets had a management degree circa 1980 that would make all the difference for you? And while you may believe you’re not qualified I’ll not hold the lack of a degree against Mr. Sheets’ experience.
Dave says
Does anyone else think RetiredCop and Wise Old Guy are both the same guy, maybe even Bodway himself?
Wise Old Guy says
Dave: If you bet the ranch on that, you would be homeless. Not even close.
RetiredCop says
Dear Dave, my id number was 189. The Sheriffs Office knows who I am. Steve Bodway would never come on this site under a false name.
Comments like that say a lot about you. Would you like my cell phone number to verify who I am?
Blue says
Hey 189 I saw your boy’s sign hanging from the outside wall of Winters Run Inn. Hanging a sign on a bar is about as tasteful as wearing a campaign shirt to a somber Memorial Day event. Class act Bodd-way is.
RetiredCop says
Dear Blue, first I always refer to the candidates by the name, either Mr. or by their rank. My boy just shows your ignorance. As far as the sign, the owner of that bar supports us so he has the right to put a sign up. Really, all you have is Steve wearing his shirt to the Memorial Day event? That is all your small mind can come up with? Stop hiding behind the name Blue, what is you ID number? Lets see if you can man up?
RetiredCop says
And Mr. Sheets I have not seen your response to my question. You said you open to debate, was that true? Or are you fielding the questions and only responding to what you want to?
Dave says
Does anyone else think RetiredCop (#189) is hurting Mr. Bodway’s chances? As far as the Memorial Day embarrassment, did anyone see the letter to the Aegis. Mr. Bodway doesn’t even apologize for his own actions, he has some other guy do it for him. Maybe he is a good politician after all.
Stefano Dimera says
Yes, I saw the letter written by Terry Noye (Wise Old Guy), another ex-deputy retread who is buying into the Bodway garbage hoping to get one of those nice cush desk jobs if, God help us, Bodway is elected. It’s actually comical the way Wise Old Guy and Retired Cop are fawning all over Bodway, who is using them as puppets.
T. Noye says
Stefano Dimera, if that is really your name;
Ex-Deputy retread your ass!
I’m a retired Deputy that served from 1970 to 2001. My patrol area from 1970 to 1982 was from Bel Air to the Route 40 corridor and the Baltimore County line to Aberdeen, by myself, with no back-up unless another Deputy was sent from the Aberdeen-Havre de Grace area or, northern Harford County. MSP only had one trooper and occassionally we got to help each other. I’ve been shot at several times, etc., had 3 heart attacks because of the stress of the job and was pulled from patrol duty after 14 years on the street because of the physical disability it caused. It was not my choice.
I don’t ‘buy into garbage’ from anybody, including you.
I’m not hoping to get a ‘nice cush desk job’, as you put it. You may be, but certainly not me. For all I know, you may already have one of those cushy desk jobs in the current administration and don’t want to lose it.
I know that Retired Cop is a successful business man in another state. Why would he want to go back to the snake pit that the HCSO has become?
Fawning over Bodway? Using us as puppets? You’re funny. It looks like you get a thrill out of personally attacking anybody and everybody with your smart-ass remarks.
I spent an entire career in the once proud HCSO. From what I saw and experienced later in my career, it made me sick. What is needed is an effective Sheriff that won’t be pushed around and a Sheriff that will instill pride and boost moral and safety issues for Deputies and Correctional Officers.
Maybe you should speak with Steve Bodway, face to face, and find out for yourself.
The only reply that I would like to hear from you is, what verifiable proof, not hearsay, do you have that makes you think I am Wise Old Guy?
RetriedCop says
Dave, who are you? Man up and give us your name. Supporting you candidate and speaking your own opinion has nothing to do with Steve Bodway. Again, please tell me how wearing a shirt with a business card size sign on the front offend anyone? You have no clue.
Dave says
My name is Dave and I guess yours is RetiredCop. Why do I need to tell you something that is obvious. It was the point of an Aegis letter, it was mentioned here as being offensive and even Noye apologized for it. All I did was to agreed with the fact that it was in poor taste. I saw a bunch of politicians at the parade yesterday but only your guy and Preston were at the Memorial Day service, seems obvious to the rest of them.
Stefano Dimera says
Retired Cop: Why do you think you are so superior to the rest of the bloggers here? Did it ever cross your pea-sized brain that you can “man up” because you don’t work at the agency anymore, but maybe others of us still do and we don’t want to incur the wrath of Bane or anyone else by “manning up”. So please stop thinking you’re better than the rest of us because it’s just childish. And I continue to be offended by Mr. Bodway’s lack of judgment on Memorial Day. It is still pathetically obvious that Mr. Bodway is behind the scenes pulling your strings and Wise Old Guy’s (who doesn’t work at the agency anymore either) getting you to act as his henchmen. Anyone who ever worked with Bodway knows how he operates. Now make sure to tell me to “man up” and reveal my identity as that seems to be the main thrust of your posts.
GV says
Quit beating a dead horse. This is what the Bane Camp wants. He benefits when the various candidates bicker and become divisive. Ultimately one candidate will survive to meet Bane in the general election. Everyone will then either have to come together or Bane will be re-elected. Who wants that?
Agree to disagree and move on.
Stefano Dimera says
GV: Thank you for being the voice of reason. Almost forgot what the true objective was and that is to oust Bane. Does Bane even know The Dagger exists? He still uses a typewriter, doesn’t he?
GV says
Typewriter? Did you ever know of a document that he produced with or without a typewriter that was comprehensible? He once typed a memo to a Commander that was in all uppercase. ..What he was writing about were deficiencies he perceived to exist in the Commanders’ Division. In reality, he was identifying items that he failed to address when he was in charge of the division. His inactions demonstrated the level of his incompetence.
We spent more time cleaning up his messes and listening to his micro-management “counseling’s” than anything else. (He once said that he did not want his commanders to micro-manage their people…HA!) No, he never could write, but he would tell us how to write. He can’t even write an e-mail without screwing that up. And because he has no clue, he assumes that everyone else can’t use the technologies available. What a joke.
RetiredCop says
Sorry not superior, sorry to upset you for asking you to man up. Not better then the rest of you. Mr. Bodway does not pull my strings, no one ever pulled my strings now or when I was still a deputy. You know me so you know that. Sorry to have upset you by asking you to man up. If you guy would have been at the Memorial Day service wearing his shirt would this still be an issue. Complain about something that matters, find an issue with Mr. Bodway’s platform and we can debate that. No more childish things like he wore his shirt okay.
Mr. Smigley says
Retired Cop,
I’ve read on this site repeatedly and have heard from numerous sources close to Harford County Deputies that BODWAY IS ALL SHOW AND NO GO with allegations of “skirt chasing”. I’ve seen numerous opponents signs than all of a sudden a Bodway sign soon after. Seems like he is definitely a follower.
Is that the behavior of a Sheriff?
Wise Old Guy says
Stefano Dimera:
Your statement of “It is still pathetically obvious that Mr. Bodway is behind the scenes pulling your strings and Wise Old Guy’s (who doesn’t work at the agency anymore either) getting you to act as his henchmen.” is so far out in left field it seems that you are in the parking lot of the stadium. Mr. Bodway has NOT, and is NOT behind the scenes pulling anybody’s strings for this blog, or any other. And, he does NOT participate in this blog, or any other, unlike some other candidates. How you ever came up with that information is incorrect and purely fictional.
Regarding your statement of “Anyone who ever worked with Bodway knows how he operates.” I worked with Mr. Bodway for many years have only seen positive actions. It almost sounds like you were the subject of an internal investigation when Mr. Bodway was assigned to work in Internal Affairs, which was not a job that he liked but, was ordered to work in the unit. It’s strange how some people hold a grudge against the investigator when they do something wrong and, after a thorough investigation, receive disciplinary action. The facts are that Mr. Bodway, through his internal investigations, was able to find eveidence that EXONERATED more Deputies than find evidence to warrant disciplinary actions. Keep in mind that the Interal Affairs officer HAS NO SAY in any disciplinary actions meted out. That is done only by the Sheriff. You mention something about being “childish”. Holding a grudge for one’s own actions of stupidity and ignoring the Rules and Regulations or, in a few cases, violating criminal law, is childish.
Stick to known facts and life will be much easier.
Knowledgeable says
Using them as puppets? Ha. Bodway being elected would be the best thing that harford county would ever see.
Wise Old Guy says
You are 100% CORRECT in your assessment!
Mr. Smigley says
Wise Old Guy,
I’ve read on this site repeatedly and have heard from numerous sources close to Harford County Deputies that BODWAY IS ALL SHOW AND NO GO with allegations of “skirt chasing”. I’ve seen numerous opponents signs than all of a sudden a Bodway sign soon after. Seems like he is definitely a follower.
Is that the behavior of a Sheriff?
Mr. Smigley says
I’ve read on this site repeatedly and have heard from numerous sources close to Harford County Deputies that BODWAY IS ALL SHOW AND NO GO with allegations of “skirt chasing”. I’ve seen numerous opponents signs than all of a sudden a Bodway sign soon after. Seems like he is definitely a follower.
Is that the behavior of a Sheriff?
RetiredCop says
Mr. Knowledgaeable, worked with him for 22 years. Do you even know the many programs Steve Bodway started in the Sheriff’s Office? DWI enforcement, Traffic Unit, Accident Reconstruction just to name a few. As for skirt chasing serious allegations there my friend be careful. I can name one place where there is a Gahler sign, which was put up after our sign. Again, what is the problem with the signs? I see other candidates signs going up along side others, why does this bother you? If you get a chance look at Steve’s face book page. Nancy Jacobs is backing him, pretty good for a no show. Please tell me who you support and give me five good things they have done which can be proven.
Dave says
“OUR” sign? Are you Bodway, 189, or just looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? As for me, I had no dog in this fight but now I will take a look and see what the OTHERS have to offer.
RetiredCop says
Yes Dave our signs, we build them and we put them up. And Steve even helps us little guys in putting them up. When I was still working it was our department. Steve is the candidate, we support him. He makes us feel that we are a part of it, just like a good leader should. Lead by example. We are not puppets. Dave, you have a dog in this race, you have from the start. (249) If all you can do is play on words we use, you better stick with your current Boss. You owe him, right, remember. Should I go into it more for you?
Mr. Smigley says
RetiredCop –
“Nancy Jacobs” endorsement – is that supposed to carry any weight? As an independent – she is just part of the problem…
As far as the Bodway skirt chasing – I’m not making any allegations – I seem to remember reading/hearing the allegations somewhere.
I’m sure I’ve seen the Bodway signs pop up after others – don’t know about Gahler. Did I say there was a problem with signs?
Wise Old Guy says
Mr. Smigley:
You need to check your “facts”…Senator Nancy Jacobs is NOT and Independent, she IS a Republican and a damned good Senator. Harford County is fortunate to have her. What is unfortunate is the majority of the Senators and Delegates in Annapolis have butchered Senator Jacobs’ Anti-Gang Bill (and many other Bills that she submitted) to the point that it is not as effective as it was when written by Senator Jacobs. Something about the left-wing liberals in Annapolis, don’t you think?
You made the allegations but, you aren’t making the allegations???? Hmmmm…..
Either you aren’t paying attention or, you’re just trying to stir up a lot of crap. Mr. Bodway’s signs started to “pop up”, as you say, in late March and early April, long before ANY candidate for political office in Harford County posted any signs. What you are seeing are other candidate’s signs being posted near his, most of which are only posted with permission of the property owner.
No need for you to reply.
RetiredCop says
Yes Mrs. Jacobs, are republican does carry some weight. She is a good senator.
The skirt chasing allegation was made on the Dagger months ago, it was posted under someone screen name by another person. It was never in print in any paper so you need to be sure of what you are posting on here. So if someone goes to the trouble of posting under someone’s name it may be just a rumor.
knowledgeable says
Mr. Smigley:
obviously you have not been paying attention, and please explain what they (and you) mean when you say “All show and no go” since you have been “hearing” it from other people
Wise Old Guy says
Mr. Smigley:
You’ve read on this site “repeatedly” and “hear” from “numerous sources” close to Harford County Deputies that Bodway is “all show and no go” and a “skirt chaser”? That’s strange, I haven’t seen those comments. Nor, have I heard them directly from any of the Deputies or any “numerous sources” close to Harford County Deputies. Smear tactics and lies won’t help your candidate and will only hurt them in the long run.
We all can only hope that you are not a cop….Hearsay? Numerous “anonymous” sources?…’ll never get a conviction in court using those tactics.
Ellis says
I forgot about this letter.
BBC says
David A Porter: Read this article and you will see that it is not just a bunch of disgruntled employees who know that Bane is a fraud. This is a former sheriff who retired who has absolutely nothing to gain by writing this letter. Everyone else needs to read it again to refresh their memory. What do you think of the Baner now?