From the Office of the Maryland State Fire Marshall:
ABERDEEN, MARYLAND (April 30, 2010) – Investigators from the Office of the State Fire Marshal have charged two juveniles with manufacturing and using an improvised chemical reaction device. The device was placed on a table inside the McDonald’s Restaurant in Bel Camp, Harford County on April 23, 2010. Four employees were transported to Harford Memorial Hospital with symptoms of nausea and sore throat pain. All were treated and released.
The two sixteen year old male juveniles were arrested at Aberdeen High School with the assistance of Aberdeen Police Department. They were transported to the Charles Hickey School and will await a hearing scheduled for Monday, May 3, 2010. They are charged with Manufacture of a Destructive Device, Conspiracy and Reckless Endangerment. One juvenile has an additional charge of Witness Intimidation. If convicted of these crimes, each could face a maximum penalty of 60 years imprisonment and/or fines of $510,000.
Wonder just what exactly these two knuckle heads were mixing. I believe the true content of the mixture will determine if this was a stupid prank (i.e. mentos and coca-cola) or something that could have injured someone, and done with motive, in which case Harford needs to send a clear message.
I believe it was a draino bomb (not positive on that), but there’s quite a bit more involved than just the bomb that’s not mentioned in the press release.
too bad those bumbling cops got the wrong kids… and they wonder why people hate cops.
I love when complete idiots voice their opinions. Thanks wewe
Did I miss something not in the story?
I dont think they didnt it..they have no evidence from what im hearing only words from others.It could of been a hate against those two boys.Where are the proof of video tapeing?did the two boys watch the tape?Did they admit to the crime or not?What about finger printing?None of that was in this story of the exident.
Why would any of that be in the press release? Evidence is presented in court during a trial, not in a press release.
And I go to school with these boys… Smh.
Me too
No you didn’t, some idiot just felt like making a comment without any truth or intelligence involved beforehand. Probably one of the “bombers” relatives. And people in general don’t hate police wewe, usually its jackasses like yourself who I guarantee has been locked up before, go kill yourself.
They are good boys that get good grades in school and cause no problems in school or to others. I think these guyz are innocent.They’ve been framed.They are about to go though somethin g for no reason of at all
Hitler got good grades too!
I’ll bet a 30 dollar bill there is a video.
Go Dagger!
So did Ted Kaczynski
I have been in that mcdonalds, there are cameras I am sure they got it on tape, but who were these kids cause I go to aberdeen high
I am not a criminal have never been to jail nor had any run in’s with the law at all. Yet I happen to agree WEWE. Aberdeen Cops can be assholes. My grandkids think cops are bad because of what they see. Which is overly aggressive Police work. I relize cops have a tough job it’s dangerous and they want to go home to thier families at nite. But that’s no reason to push, punch and cuss at people who are innocent as they often do. Don’t bother filing a complaint because nothing will get done. Dirty cops make all of you look bad.
APD has nothing to do with this case…it happened in Riverside which is well outside of APD’s jurisdiction.
I have never seen any “innocent” person get punched or pushed by any officer (that’s a use of force doing so without cause is a good way to get suspended.) Cussing…it happens sometimes, but most of the time it doesn’t and usually when it does it’s in response to what the civilian is doing. Police don’t just walk up to a random person and start cursing.
Slight correction to my post…all APD had to do with this was assisting in arresting the suspects and that was only because they were arrested at AHS. APD had nothing to do with the investigation, responding to the initial call, etc. The suspects don’t even live inside town limits.
let’s tone down the anger and accusations. Cops, much as Dr.’s, Priests, and other professionals can be jerks or they can be great. Irresponsible arents who let their kids roam the streets and hang with gang bangers are examples of jerks. So you claim your grandkids think cops are bad b/c of what they see. Do they think kids/young adults wearing gang colors and selling drugs in their neighborhoods are assholes too? I highly doubt your grandkids see cops acting like “assholes,” perhaps they are hearing someone’s biased version of events which forms their opinions.
Police for the most part are by the book and are well-trained. What you fail to realize is that some people who police encounter are nasty, and violent. Police have a difficult job and often have to defend themselves when outnumbered.
If you had a clear cut example of excessive force, speak up and make a complaint. Police take these complaints seriously when they can be articulated. However, certain people make a BS complaint which is part of the old “admit nothing, deny everything, make a counter acusation” attitude.
I certainly hope you are not one of those who turn a blind eye to letting their teenage grandkids hide “things” such as drugs/guns in their homes. I also hope your grandkids are not hanging out with the local thugs.
Yeah I’m sure you see them pushing and punching innocent people all the time, why dont you give an example? you are a moron and you probably live in the crappy part of town where if it wasn’t for the aggressive police work you and your grandkids would probably be calling 911 on a regular basis. You don’t know what’s going on and to make statements like that based on what you see or think you see from a distance is asinine. You are one of the idiots that I hope really needs the cops one day and THEY DONT SHOW UP.
I don’t have any reason to call the cops and your attitude shows what I am talking about. Where I live is a nice place. Where I work is another. You don’t know your ass from a hole in the ground. You sound like some young punk. STUPID as APD… I though I was fair and balanced in my comment but you sure as hell weren’t Just like the dumb cops. NOT a clue whats really going on.
you are the reason I could not ever be a cop (not that I would want to) because I wouldnt show up to your calls. You show your ignorance to APD and all the surrounding agencies. Why don’t you go on a ride along? Then you can see the “innocent” people you speak of. Really?
Hmm no I don’t believe you I think you live in the ghetto east side with your idiot grandkids. Oh yea and saying they beat innocent people is pretty balanced dummy. I’m.not going to argue with you, people like you always get got in some form or fashion, I think maybe you wanted to be police and couldn’t make the cut and instead got stuck living in affinity old post with your entire extended family, id be bitter too.
Your an Idiot. What’s east sid e? What’s affinity? You make no sense go away looser. LOL never had any desire to be an Idiot like you. You do seem to have a lot of rage in you. Then again all of APD does so it seems.
Nothing is as entertaining as reading “Your an idiot” and “go away looser” in a post that was intended to make someone else look bad.
As a parent I am upset that others have even made the attempt to defend these two, placing blame on the APD. They only stepped in to arrest the two. Other agencies are involved. Let’s look at a time line. A chemical bomb was placed in a resturant with children inside of it on Friday 4/23 and the two were arrested on 4/30. That is a week and in that time one of them attempted to intimidate a withness.
No one even made the statement that I hope those who were injured are ok. Remember 4 employees went to the hospital. Where is your concern for those persons. A judge will deceid on the fate of the two charged and from where I stand I just see two boys who threw their lives away and for what?
It doesn’t matter if you like the police. It doesn’t matter if they had good grades. What matters is that what will we as a community going to do to make sure this never happens again.
if you are a long time resident you would know what the east side and affinity old post is. Just sayin’
Sandi I don’t go to that area of aberdeen very Much. I knew it as old post apts. JUST SAYIN!!
As a parent I am upset that others have even made the attempt to defend these two, placing blame on the APD. They only stepped in to arrest the two. Other agencies are involved. Let’s look at a time line. A chemical bomb was placed in a resturant with children inside of it on Friday 4/23 and the two were arrested on 4/30. That is a week and in that time one of them attempted to intimidate a withness.
No one even made the statement that I hope those who were injured are ok. Remember 4 employees went to the hospital. Where is your concern for those persons. A judge will deceid on the fate of the two charged and from where I stand I just see two boys who threw their lives away and for what?
as a parent i’m upset to see that you people are speaking off these two boys as if you already know they are guilty. As a law abiding citizen, I’ve seen many accounts first hand of police in this area making “convenient” arrests and writing horrible reports, just to “get the job done” instead of getting it done correctly.
@RichieC I bet $30 dollars there is no video. If there is, the police didn’t use it as evidence in the arrest. If there were a video, there would have been an arrest involving the driver of the getaway car or more information about the car given to the public to help with apprehending more suspects.
Also, if the witness was so sure it was the same two boys who were at the store McDonald’s earlier in the day, why weren’t they brought in for questioning until a week later.
like I said, this is simply a matter of convenience for the police department. i’m sure (i hope) the truth will come out in the end, the cops will chalk it up as a loss, and the real suspects will never be apprehended.
edit: i’m sure the truth will come out in the end and the boys will be freed, but unfortunately beyond that the result will be the cops chalking it up as a loss, and the real suspects getting away…
You are absolutely correct. The truth will come out but as you expect. However as will all children they will not admit to it and it will take a court of law to get others to beleive that two children with good grades, from a good neighborhood and good upbringing could do such a horrific thing! Then again isn’t this the same background as so many stories. Leaving everyone to say I can not beleive that so and so would do this.
As for the timing of the questioning and arrest. You see the police will not arrest you for no reason at all. Again APD just picked them up. I wonder what other agencies are involved? Don ‘t you?
As for the get away driver,this was not mentioned in the above article. You seem to know more than you are telling everyone. And how did you know that the two who were arrested was not driving?
I hope and pray that who ever was responsible for this act and the witnees intimidation gets what they deserve. As for the victims who apparently do not warrant concern from you I am for one glad to see that they are ok. In this case employees were injured, what about the customers with children who were there at that time and I am sure there were some. It was a Friday night!
Terrorist deserve what they get. And make no mistake the person or persons who did this are terrorist. (a person who terrorizes or frightens others) I simply feel for their parents they must be going thru hell right now.
And in the event no one else will say so. I for one am thankful for the police who have stepped up their patrol of this area, in an effort to keep all citizens safe! THANK YOU!!!!1
i know because there were other articles written about the situation and I know through my kids that these kids aren’t of driving age (if they were they’d be charged with unlawfully operating a motor vehicle). the witness told the press that he saw the two boys run and jump into a green Honda if i’m not mistaken. (it was Baltimore sun i’ll find the link later)
Its also important that you don’t assume the witness was intimidated. He was ‘allegedly’ intimidated. For all you know, he could be trying to remove two kids he doesn’t like.
I’m certainly do feel for the victims and i’m glad no one was more seriously injured and like i said before I hope and pray that those who really did commit this act do get the punishment they deserve, but nothing tells me it was these boys.
i know because there were other articles written about the situation and I know through my kids that these kids aren’t of driving age (if they were they’d be charged with unlawfully operating a motor vehicle). the witness told the press that he saw the two boys run and jump into Honda. (
Its also important that you don’t assume the witness was intimidated. He was ‘allegedly’ intimidated. For all you know, he could be trying to remove two kids he doesn’t like.
I’m certainly do feel for the victims and i’m glad no one was more seriously injured and like i said before I hope and pray that those who really did commit this act do get the punishment they deserve, but nothing tells me it was these boys.
On 6 June 2010, the charges against these young men will be dismissed at the Circuit Court of Harford County. One student witness told Investigators that these were the boys that did theses crimes. However, 30 days later while the boys sat at the Hickey School, the State reviewed video tape of the incident (4 June 2010). The boys were no where in the Video when the item was placed in the Mcdonalds. Makes you wonder, why the Fire Marshal or the State Prosecutors took so long to review video tape evidence that do not lie. Makes you wonder, what will happen to the Aberdeen High School student that told Investigators it was the boys when video tape evidence shows that it was not. HUUMMMMM
How can charges be dismissed in court on a sunday? Court is only in session on Sunday for arraignments!
Correction, June 7th Circuit court
@wow ….. the charges against these young men will be dismissed at the Circuit Court of Harford County.
Let’s be straight the court did not dismiss all of the charges. They pled to lesser charges.
What will happen to the AHS student that witness the crime. NOTHING! Since when do we go after law abiding citizens that come forward as witnesses?
Right because the video evidence that finally appeared did was totally different from what the law abiding citizen said.
do innocent people plead guilty to lesser charges?
@ Wow….still not being strait are you? Video evidence showed the boys but it didn’t capture everything.
@ Cdev I agree innocent people don’t plead guilty to lesser charges they also do not treaten witness!
While innocent people do sometimes plead guilty to lesser charges for a variety of reasons, innocent people don’t go around threatening witnesses.
@wow…you’re an idiot. Security cameras don’t show everything and so far the only argument you’ve made is that because the cameras don’t show everything then these punks must be innocent. If someone else actually did it and you actually have evidence to back your claim (rather just going off what either these punks are saying or other students at AHS who weren’t even there are saying) then you should’ve gone to the HCSO and SFMO with it.
I know for a fact that these punks were served with banning letters for the McDonald’s earlier that day and that when they were served they tore up the letters in front of the deputies.
They did not plead guilty to any lesser charges. A lesser charge is a smaller charge of the Original, IE: 1st degree muder, a lesser charge would be second degree murder. 2nd example: 1st degree assault, a lesser charge would be second degree assault. Every charge dealing with any explosive was dismissed. They pled guilty to one count of trespassing and 1 count of witness intimidation for threating to whoop a liers but for his false claims. All other charges dropped. NO evidence. The States attorney new they had no case because video evidence disputed everything that the witness said. Go figure.
WOW you are still misleading people. They did not just threaten a witness, they threatend a police officer, oh yeah and ONE (understand this one) of the many witnesses’ family. It was not to whoop a butt, OR maybe it is just me because Whoop butt & kill your family sure sound different. How about anyone else?
Somewhere in your soul you find an honest answer. As for me I plan on working to return our community to a safe place to live. This debate was stimulating but now it is just becoming annoying.
In the event you forgot on 4/23/10 someone (we know who) attempted to blow-up McDonald’s in Riverside because they were banned for selling drugs in the resturant. They won this time, next time they may not be so lucky. This is what is important! The lives of everyone involved. There are drugs, drug dealers and thugs in our neighborhood.
What are you/we going to do to solve the problem?
That’s still not an uncommon occurrence when someone is charged with multiple crimes from the more serious ones to get dropped and the criminals to plead out to less serious charges. This happens very often in juvenile court and doesn’t mean they didn’t put the homemade bomb in the McDonald’s.
Keep defending these turds. Give them a couple years to turn 18 and they’ll be locked up in the jail in no time, I’m sure.
The real deal is the Defense attorney’s office played dirty pool. first they mixed up all the time lines so that the mother of one of the kids, could make up some lie, that they were “shopping” at klien’s for a party or some garbage. then they had that mother place false charges against the witness’s (whom is African American by the way) father (whom is a police officer)the Friday before the trial to pressure them to drop the charges.
oh yeah lets not forget that two days before they were arrested, they not only threatened the witness at the place they were band from, but they also threatened his father and family.
thus, this semantics of this situation are the suspects who were acting grown on the date of the incident, played like kids to get a plea so that they can get out. the realityis, they are calculating criminals who will be back on our streets, with their crew of fellow delinquents, that have been terrorizing the shopping Center for the past couple years.
Bravo to the employees of McDonald’s who took a stand!!! Thank you for giving us a month of peace from those two ticks, but of course they will soon be, Back to hiding there dope and dealing drugs in the bath rooms of the gas stations, fast food restaurants and other public areas.
The important issue is that we as a community didn’t pull together to help this family, whom as obviously, raised a good child and our silence and allowed pieces of trash to capture our neighborhood.
It’s an election year! Perhaps if we made our Outrage herd to County Exsectutive Craig, Sheriff Bane and State’s Attorney Cassily, things will change..
Until then, keep walking with your heads down, or you blinders on. keep putting up this this epidemic of unruly terrorist, that have taken over the shopping center. When it happens to you, we hope you will survive to see Mr Cassily’s office pleads the case!
banned* not band
WOW you people are a work of art. Lets see, the video tape showed that the two kids were not in the store at the time of the crime yet you still believe to boys are guilty. The mothers “lie” about being at the supermarket with her son is likely on video tape as well yet you claim she wasn’t there. The witnesses report is clearly false (considering the two boys weren’t there) yet you still treat him like some hero. Honestly, if I were in high school and he was making false reports about me, I’d want to kick his a** too. As for the father/cop who was “threatened”, I bet the apple doesn’t fall from the tree; he’s a liar just like his son.
I have a great respect for witness who come forward to help with investigations. But no respect should be given to witnesses who lie. I’m not sure what he got out of this, maybe he thought it would be cool to act like he was in the know- maybe he had something against the two boys- whatever the case may be he wasted precious investigation time and made it that much harder for the real criminals to be caught. I’d like to see him pay for bearing false witness and making a false report. Had he not be a liar, he never would have been “intimidated”
and sunoco… wtf are you talking about. Dealing drugs? Where are the drug charges? Mixed up time lines? That could only be fault of law enforcement and the prosecutors. The defense doesn’t even get to see any evidence until 3 weeks after the arrest. You’re spreading rumors just like that lying witness. I bet you are related to him…
@R U SERIOUS you are a liar and a slanderer. The kids were not banned for selling drugs at McDonald’s. They were banned for not leaving when asked to leave. If they were selling drugs, the police would have arrested them instead of issuing them a banning letter. Your accusations are not only false, and demeaning, but they lack any logical merit. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
@Henry, the truth of the matter is that there is more evidence that the boys didn’t do it than there is that the boys did it. Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty. Apparently all the state had was an unreliable witness and a possible motive. The defense had proof of alibi, that they didn’t have to use because video tape showed the witness to be a liar so they dropped the charges. Face the facts, the kid didn’t see what he says he saw, and the “suspects” didn’t like the fact that he was telling lies.
And anyone who believes that the innocent don’t plead to lesser charges doesn’t know the legal system. Innocent people get convicted everyday. Sometimes in a pinch its best for them to take a bargain if their innocence less apparent. Sometimes (if they’re lucky) the truth about there innocents comes out later. You here these stories all the time. In this case the boys are not totally innocent, and the convictions show that. They should have left the store when asked and they should have let the witness tell his lies in court without confronting him. Those are the crimes they were convicted of. But as far as the bombing is concerned, they were proven innocent. You got the wrong guys. Get over it. Its just sad that a false witness hindered an investigation.
I originally type a response then realized it wasn’t worth the effort, because everything in the darkness comes to light.
Let’s focus on the possitive and Please enjoy your day!
I might start not going there anymore, even tho i go there wat every week?
you don’t make the community safe by arresting the wrong people. You don’t make it safe by spreading false rumors and slander. You don’t make it safe by bearing false witness. You don’t do by making unfounded allegations. By your comments, these are al practices you support. Come down off your horse and realize gung-ho guys like yourselves are a part of the problem; the reason our youth have trouble trusting the system.
you were not a witness of this case, yet you make allegations as if they are fact… despite the fact that the evidence contradicts your claims. I’d hate to have some1 like you heading anytype of community improvement.
Then since you are so skilled you head the organization. If I am on a high horse it is because you have placed me there. I asked for solutions you again came up with name calling and rather rude comments.
Speeks loads.
I came up with name calling and rude comments? look at all the things you’ve said since this started! Please point out one comment that wewe has made that isn’t valid based on things you’ve said. All she said is that if you want security you’re going about it wrong. Fear-mongering, pre-judging, and spreading rumors is no way to gather a community together. All it does is separate people.
The first thing you have to realize is that children are a part of the community too. If you want them to respect us as adults, then we owe them a bit of respect as well. To see adults on here calling this kids names before they even got a fair trial is disgusting. What if these two boys have friends and classmate who see these comments, yet know of their innocence. What kind of view do you think they’ll have towards the adult community after seeing this. How should kids gain respect for the system, if the the people they look up to constantly have their fingers pointed.
You build a community, through responsible communication and understanding. Responsible communication doesn’t include presenting allegations, rumors, as fact. Especially when there are kids involved. The sad part about it is that its the actions of us adults that make our youth support movements like “stop snitching” because they feel like the justice system doesn’t properly represent them. Here we are still calling them guilty after the State showed that they believe otherwise. How’s that for justice.
And as far as businesses in the area go, they need to have respect and appreciate our children more. I’m willing to bet that children bring more money to that McDonald’s everyday than any other demographic, yet i see them get asked to leave almost everyday, while they are eating peacefully or sitting for too long. Seems to me that adults just don’t like having them around and that is disrespectful. Would they ask a group of businessmen to leave for sitting too long? I doubt it.
What you’re doing by spreading things that aren’t known as fact IS called fear-mongering and shows you have the mob mentality. History shows that mob mentality does nothing to improve communities. It only tears them apart.
May god bless all who were injured, the families who were affected and may justice find those who are truly responsible.
I did not blame just her for being rude there are others as well. As for the facts in this case she knows what she knows and I know what I know and it appears that we are just going to have to agree to disagree on the those issues. But please let me make this clear kick butt and kill are two different things. (This is what was known as a crediable threat. The rest will never come to light as it is sealed. So lets all move forward as I have stated time and time again.
I agree that children are due respect in one way or another.Many adults are noticing a trend in which our teens and children are very disrespectful to everyone around them.
Thank you for your comments. I agree and have in fact argued on behalf or better yet vouched for teens sitting in McDonalds as well as other places. The teens in Riverside have no where to go and just be kids with the exception of Thursday nights at the church.
As for how the children see the adult community I do not know this is why I wanted to get the focus off of the witness, the cop, and the two young men and focus on what we can do.
I too hope and pray that justice if found. In the mean time I will continue to also pray for all involved as I have done from day one.
While typing this I realized that Riverside has a rec as small as it may be. Perhaps it is time we try to make something of it so that our children have a safe place to hang out, go to and perhaps even have mentors to talk to.
Again thank you for your words. Enjoy your day.
actually credible threats that there are grounds to believe the threat will actually be carried out. It has nothing to do with the magnitude of the threat. It’s not cool to threaten to kill people, but I think we all know that 99.9 percent of the time it’s done out of anger not intent. (e.i. I’ll kill you if you if I see you here again, I want to kill my boss, my son stole my car, i’m gonna kill him, even in an argument it’s usually not a credible threat). Seein that the kids have been released to their families, the courts don’t see them as a credible threat to the community, so maybe you been pushing it a little. Just sayin.
just saying I am not pushing it a little. This treat was deamed crediable by more than one law enforcement agency. Remember they plead guilty to that threat. I am just glad they did not carry it out. Just Saying
from what I can see, they plead guilty to intimidating A witness. That covers any type of threat, credible or non credible, and Is not limited to death threats. So unless you were threatened yourself, you shouldn’t be making these comments, that’s hearsay. And those multiple law enforcement agencies completely botched this investigation, so I don’t think there endorsement helps your argument at all. Besides for it’s not uncommon for cops to lie. Just sayin.
either way they are guilty of that crime! That makes them criminals!
Pleading guilty in order to end complex litigation and BEING guilty are too different things, but i’ll bite. Whatever the case may be, they are carrying out their sentences and paying their debt to society. It makes no sense to continue to spread rumors about them, make unfounded allegations, or seek to further isolate them from the community.
If anything, as God fearing and responsible adults, we should be extending our hands to help all of our youth become productive members of society, not condemning them to jail by the age of 18 (as stated by Henry). Its hard to see R U Serious as the voice of reason, when as recently as June 8th he was still implying that they attempted to “Blow up McDonald’s”. Were you there? Did you collect the evidence? Don’t ask for respect if you aren’t so keen on giving it yourself. What if you’re wrong? How can you be so sure you’re right? How would you feel if people made this type of allegation against you with so little evidence. I mean really, any one can go to the police station and say they saw you committing a crime.
If videotape isn’t enough to PROVE that they didn’t do it, then a witnesses report doesn’t PROVE that they did do it. thats why they have trials. It’s true. video might not show everything. Its also true that witnesses can embellish, be mistake, or lie. No one but the boys know for sure why they came in contact w/ witness. Were they simply angry that he was spreading false rumors around school? That’s quite possible. And if it is the case, it isn’t uncommon for high schoolers to fight over rumors. So “intimidating the witness” isn’t evidence that they set the chemical bomb. So to continue to speak as if they are guilty of “trying to blow up” McDonald’s is unfounded.
reading such comments from adults almost brings me to tears.
No it does not a guilty plea will require an alocution! Essentially they will have to describe what they did. Regardless they are guilty of a crime and that makes them criminals! You can offer all the excuses but when they plead guilty they said to all that they did what they plead to. If their intent was to end it and accept the punishment even though they maintain their innocence then they should have plead No lo contendre!
but of course they are 16 year olds, not law experts and they probably acted under advisement of a public defender who probably didn’t even mention such an option. Please don’t act like the legal system is perfect. regardless of their status, they are paying their debt to society so there is no need for this immature badgering that has been taking place here.
And to Officer/Attorney CDEV, if I’m ever in trouble, I will seek your legal advice. How the heck would a 15 and 16 year old know that? And when you’re dealing with Public Defenders, remember, they all work together (states attorney, judges, defenders, officers, etc.). They share lunch together, probably play golf together. It’s all in a day’s work. How many public defenders do you know that actually win real cases. It’s an assembly line – move em in and move em out. Don’t think for a minute they give a F>> about you or me.
Most criminals know the law, that’s why they oftentimes don’t get caught or it takes alot of resources and time before they are. Are you a criminal? Those boys are not criminals – they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. The criminals are those that lie, those that write false reports, those that discriminate for their own benefit, those that abuse their powers. Loitering and harassment = 33 days in jail! What about this crime committed by our legal system? …On to the next one. I wish you well in this dog eat dog world.
They plead guilty they are criminals!
Let me please interject! Obviously there’s so much everyone doesn’t know about this case. And that’s just the way the State’s Attorney Office wants it. But, this will make a good news article one day! First off, Kleins produced video evidence that the mother and son were in the store at the time the incident occurred – they also offered to testify in court. Second, there were witnesses subpoenaed on behalf of the defendants who saw the mother and son inside the Kleins outside the Kleins when the incident allegedly occurred. The two boys were banned from McDonald’s early that day, and so were 3 other part-time students (no one thought to mention). Some of you people out here are so self-righteous. You sit here and act like life is golden, you do know wrong, but the fact of it all is you hide behind venues such as this. And when your children grow up, don’t expect they will be a straight shooter. Plus so many officers out here hide behind those badges and we know they bully and sometimes kill. But there are some goods one out there who really stand for what that badge means. But the reality is our children are in danger – they don’t need this kind of negative attention. They are all God’s children and have a right to be here like the next person. So, be careful when you speak of others; show some respect to the readers.
Now,if you read the first entry of the Dagger’s report (April 23), the Marshal’s office was asking for help to identify these individuals( this is date when the incident occurred). If there was a witness that night, why were they seeking help? It wasn’t until a “personal visit” was made to the witnesses home where the Marshall showed up with pictures flashing them in the witnesses’ face. If the witness had knowledge, who he need a picture? Hmmm. This is a technique used by law enforcement. Sure, the young guy may have saw them there earlier; but when they flash a photo in his face then he becomes convinced he saw them. His Dad’s a cop – he knows how it works. The defense for these 2 boys had phone records showing the two defendants were on the phone at the time the incident occurred. Moving on, the witnesses’ at McDonald’s stories changed dramatically. First, a bottle was thrown towards the counter, 2nd it was seen bubbling on a table. The witness was working drive thru, he saw the suspects enter 1/2 way across the dining room, he saw them put it there, but a customer said someone left it there, and he rushed to put out the smoke. He did a lot that night, but needed help remembering. Oh and coincidentally, the same officer there earlier just so happened to come back just as all of this was going on. Now, why didn’t he see anything? And no one else saw anything – not even the video. There was no analysis done. From what I hear, they didn’t even search the boys’ homes. Seems to me either McD or our law enforcement has something to hide.
Day 4 – these kids approach the so-called witness and shouted from a distance, “why are you spreading rumors”. They never took a punch at him, they just yelled from 50 feet (so witness intimidation – nah!). He goes and calls his Daddy! Instead of Daddy running to his son, he runs up on those boys. They had words, the boys walk away. If they were doing something so wrong, why weren’t they arrested then? Why? it was important those officers not know what really transpired in that station. See it’s all in who you know these days.
Seven days later (why not sooner – if they had a firm witness), they’re arrested. If McDonald’s had a surveillance tape showing the bottle on the table, then it would have to show the bottle getting there. Sounds to me someone in our legal system F’ed up. The State had no case, so in order to “save face” (cover their asses), they had to stick them with something. Those boys wanted to come home – they did whatever their defense attorneys advised. They were never in trouble with the law before, so was this a bit harsh, yes! There were no original charges of Loitering (they were banned!). And McDonald’s didn’t make that charge, the State did. Once they were found not guilty of the incident, where does the “witness intimidation” come in. A witness to what? Harassment – maybe! These kids spent 33 days in jail for a crime they did not commit and no one so much as said “sorry.” But instead the State is so consumed with Cassilly’s upcoming election and couldn’t have this loss on his record – so you stick em with something, give em classes to take, community service, have them kicked out of school, and have to deal with this type of criticism from a so-called tight-knit community. GIVE ME A BREAK! Come on people, this is a case of sloppy investigative work and a community being run by the good ol’ boys system.
For you reading pleasure, any comments on the six arrested for soda bottle bombings on June 23rd in Aberdeen? I guess you all know these young men, so your outlook is different or maybe the color of their skin plays a role. hmmmm! Discriminiation written all over it! God Bless all of the families that fell victim to any unfair treatment, discrimination, tort, abuse of powers, threats, and misrepresentation of our legal system.
Ok so since you know all about this case I will just interject some comments about what you wrote.
1)you write in your opening paragraph about how everyone is God’s child,etc. While I appreciate you throwing this in as I am a religious person myself I take issue with the fact that previous to this and following this comment you outright bash the government. This is 100% contrary to what the Bible teaches so you should probably stay on one side of the fence or the other
2) I admit,as I am sure most Americans will, that the system is broken. Example being, a person has 3 DUI’s and still is allowed to drive. That is a horrible letdown of the system BUT there is only so much pull one person can have (in regards to your “good ole boys comment”
3)If their plea was pushed on them they obviously didnt do their homework legally. You do NOT have to accept plea bargains and in my opinion, if they were innocent they shouldnt have.
4)in regards to the length of time it took for charges to be filed-do you know how to build a solid case? Do you know how often charges are dropped because of “sloppy investigations?” (as you claim this was) Why don’t you actually talk to a detective in the sheriffs office and ask them about their job? Probably because you have no respect for authority as you are clearly showing through your comment.
5)Sure there are cops that are out of line, sure there are bogus charges placed on people throughout the US. Is anyone perfect? Do you do your job 100% all the time? I would be willing to bet that you have some emotional ties to these kids and I really hope you can seperate that to see both sides of this case. As I am sure you have heard, there are 2 sides to every story. Just for the record I do not for a second believe that the authorities that handled this did any of the above.
My last issue is that you played the race card. I absolutely lost all respect for you at that point. I am neither caucasian nor african american just as a reference. I cannot stand when people use that. That just shows that you as well as others try to hide behind that as an excuse for bad behavior.
I hope that you take this comment as it is meant with respect to you although I completely disagree with your position. May you do well in your life and never have to deal with this side of the law.
and i never said I was Black or White – discrimination is not limited to color and only black/white. In this case it could be gender, age, weight, etc. We are entitled to our own opinion. Again, I never claim to be self-righteous and hide behind Christianity, etc. And the freedoms that were so graciously given to us, entitles us all to voice our opinion. But the truth does hurt and we oftentimes get antsy when the subject touches a little close to home. I am guilty of that too! I’m just saying, everyone (you, me, them, he, she, they, whomever), needs to take a step back from this. Those families had to suffer and everyone out here is trying to condemn them even after the fact. If no one was there to witness it, sit in that court room, feel what those families (all of them) were going through, then don’t comment. Hearsay and rumors is what started this mess in the first place. The case is closed.
Sorry plead guilty you are saying you did it you are guilty and criminals!
And to Officer/Attorney CDEV, if I’m ever in trouble, I will seek your legal advice. How the heck would a 15 and 16 year old know that? And when you’re dealing with Public Defenders, remember, they all work together (states attorney, judges, defenders, officers, etc.). They share lunch together, probably play golf together. It’s all in a day’s work. How many public defenders do you know that actually win real cases. It’s an assembly line – move em in and move em out. Don’t think for a minute they give a F>> about you or me.
HCS it is a well taught fact that you have the right to an attorney. If they had all this exculpitory evidence they should not have plead guilty. They plead guilty that makes them criminals….
For the record I have no clue who is what color…..nor do I care. the 6 blowing up mailboxes can go to jail.
FYI: The boys plead guilty to Witness Intimidation and Trespassing. NOT TO THE CHEMICAL BOMBING!!
Evidence shows that these boys had absolutely nothing to do with the Mcdonalds incident.
guilty of witness intimidation still makes you a criminal in my book. Is that correct?