From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
At approximately 7:30pm on Friday, May 21, 2010, Harford County Sheriff’s Office deputies and members of the Abingdon Volunteer Fire Company responded to a 911 call involving a boy that had fallen in a stream that was located in a wooded area off the rear of the 1300 block of Harford Town Drive in Abingdon, MD.
Investigation determined that two boys, ages 8 and 7, had been playing in the stream skimming stones less than a mile from their home. The eight year old, Justin Hayes Wilson, slipped and fell into the stream. After several failed attempts to reach his friend in the water, the seven-year-old ran home to get help. His parents called 911.
Together, members of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office, Abingdon Volunteer Fire Company, APG Fire Department and Kingsville Volunteer Fire Company worked diligently to render aid to the youth. He was transported by Abingdon Volunteer Fire Company to Upper Chesapeake Medical Center. Justin Hayes Wilson was pronounced dead at approximately 8:45pm on Friday, May 21, 2010. He was eight years old.
Harford County Sheriff’s Office detectives determined the death was accidental with no suspicious circumstances. Final cause of death will be determined by the Medical Examiner’s Office.
Wow…how tragic. my prayers go out to the families involved as well as the first responders. that is never an easy call to get.
I’m still trying to figure out exactly where this happened.
Off of route 7 (about a mile from the intersection of Rt. 7 and Rt. 543), Harford Town has wooded areas with streams. I live in the neighborhood and had NO IDEA there were streams deep and/or powerful enough to take a life!
I used to swim in the stream where the boys were and even I didn’t know that there were areas deep enough to drown in or even a strong current. I will say that it isn’t exactly a child friendly area; I never went there myself before I was fourteen years old, and even then I never went with less than two other people. I wouldn’t advise letting children play back there.
I don’t think it was very deep…maybe only 2-3 feet, but that’s more than enough to drown in if you happen to hit your head (which I’m guessing happened, but really have no idea.)
I feel terrible for both his family, but especially his friend who was with him and couldn’t save him. I can’t imagine going through that as an adult, let alone as a young kid.
Actually, there are places that reach maybe six feet deep; I was mistaken. A child could easily be harmed or drown in this body of water.
yes of coarse it goes up to about 13 ft i live right around the corner from the lake and a lot of my friends used to go swimming in it every summer but i am scared to even get within 30 ft of the entrance and i am Justin’s older sister Amber’s best friend so me and my mom are helping them get them get through this incident
I live in HT also. I’m thinking it’s on the old Bush Road. I never let my kids play back there, especially at that age.
Justin was a fantastic young boy and a great neighbor he will be missed. To his family you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Justin was a 3rd grader at my school. We are all shocked devastated by this tragic loss. My heart goes out to his family.
My heart goes out to the parents. I am truly sorry for their loss. I feel that Harford County needs to protect our children in areas such as this. It needs to be fenced around the perimeter.
Butler Family, that is foolish…..this is bynum run and feeds the bush river. it’s not harford counties responsibility to childproof the entire county.
To the wilson family I am truly sorry for your loss. You will all be in our prayers…
My heart breaks for the family of Justin…I just can not imagine.My prayers are with you.
This truly is a tragedy and my sympathies are with this family. What people–and especially little kids–may not realize is that a stream can be safe and fun one day and dangerous the next. I have no problem with my kids playing in the stream when the water is low, but after a rain, it is dangerous even for a teenager or an adult. And it can run pretty deep and fast for several days. I am not familiar with the area where this occured, but the streams and creeks are everywhere around Harford County.
We were not aware that this tragedy had happened in our neighborhood until last night when we recieved the flier for his funeral. Our hearts go out to this adorable little boys family and friends. Also the other little boy and his family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
I am not sure where this stream is,but there is what I call a creek behind the town homes on Swift Run Drive. Kids are always back in the Community field where the soccer goal is set up and maintained by the Association. There is nothing stopping the kids from going into the woods to the creek/stream/drainage ditch whatever you want to call it. With the rain this year and the amount of snow we had it is deeper than I have seen in the last 3 yrs. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to fence the area off, or thin the trees so parents and neighbors can watch out for the kids.The foilage is very thick now if you don’t see the kids entering or hear them, you would never know they are back there. Kids go back there all the time after playing in the soccer field. I do believe it takes a community to raise and keep our children safe. We together as a community can help prevent a Tragedy like this from happening again by keeping our eyes open. God bless these families during this time.
Truly devastating. The stream is right behind my town home. I do not let my kids back there alone, however we hike together back there frequently. We truly enjoy nature, but we also respect nature. It’s difficult for a child to understand these dangers, and having a young son myself, I know that boys love to explore. This is a tragedy, no one is to blame. Not the county, not the neighborhood, no one. My daughter was good friends with Justin, as they have played together in the neighborhood and are in the same grade at the same school. My heart aches for him and his family. My prayers and heart will continually go out to them.
I just wana say that my heart goes out to the family for there very tragic and heart breaking loss an my prayers will be with them an there young child who may be gone but will always be with them forever god bless the family and his soul.