Just a few days before Harford County Executive candidate Stephen Wright died, John Bowers agreed to become his campaign manager. Now, just a few weeks after Wright’s untimely death, Bowers, a 65-year-old Havre de Grace resident, has decided to run for the office his friend and political ally sought.
Rather than fight out a three-way Republican primary election battle against the party that had come to view Wright as an outsider, Bowers said Wednesday night he intends to run for office as an Independent, Tea Party candidate with the goal of stream-lining local government and cleansing it of the corruption he clams is running wild in the county’s current administration.
“I’m just another citizen that’s set back like everyone else,” said Bowers, who has spent 30 years in executive management and currently serves as chairman of Maryland Horse Park, Inc. Although he has run state races for other candidates and worked on a Presidential campaign, Bowers has never run for elected office and said he has never wanted to until the current situation unfolded.
Bowers said he began working closely with Wright six months ago, sometimes communicating as many as a half-dozen times a day, but resisted becoming his campaign manager until just before his death. Bowers said he wanted to get to know the candidates and the race better, and met separately with both Wright and former county council president and Republican county executive candidate Rob Wagner.
It was Wright’s beliefs and fearlessness in the face of intense opposition that ultimately drew Bowers to him.
“Wright was running as a Republican against his whole party’s wishes,” he said.
A week before Wright’s death, Bowers agreed to become his campaign manager. On the day of his death, the two men were working together when Wright said he didn’t feel well and headed home. A few hours later, Wright was dead.
After Wright’s death, Bowers said he was “disgusted” by what he saw next. The very people who had abandoned Wright and his candidacy were lining up to hug his wife, shake hands, and be seen at his wake and funeral, he said.
“The same ones that wouldn’t endorse him, the same ones that didn’t want to be seen with him were there,” Bowers said.
Bowers even claims political insiders have been pressuring Wright’s widow, Krista, to run for the officer her late husband sought – something he said he believes is unfair to her and the family.
As the county’s various GOP clubs and candidates jockey for position to align themselves with the movement Wright started, Bowers looks to stand in the way.
“There are nefarious forces at work now, as I speak, that will take away everything Steve has worked for; everything I have worked for,” he said. “I’m not going to let that happen. I’m going to expose them.”
Chief among those he said he looks to expose is current county executive David Craig. Bowers said he not only sees bloat in the Craig administration, but accused Craig of extreme nepotism, obvious developer-preference, and the worst kinds of election trickery.
“The corruption in the current Harford County administration is to a degree that is unconscionable and most of the public doesn’t know it,” he said.
Bowers said believes the three-way Republican primary election was a political trap set to siphon votes away from Wright and ensure Craig glides easily back into office in his reelection bid.
“I told Steve, this primary situation is a set up deal, you’ve got a person in there to dilute your vote,” Bowers said.
Although he is guarded with any details, Bowers suspects Wagner was cut a deal by Craig or Craig’s backers to enter the race and thwart Wright’s election attempt. Wagner was unavailable for comment Wednesday night.
Bowers said his suspicions were all but confirmed in his mind after meeting with some Craig “cronies” who urged him to throw his support behind Wagner. That was all he needed to hear, he said.
“I wanted to get [Wright] out of the Republican primary, that’s what I wanted to do. And that’s what I’m going to do,” Bowers said, who will run as an Independent candidate.
“I don’t want to have anything to do with either party,” he said. “I think the American people are beginning to see these two parties are one of the main problems we have in politics.”
Police now believe suffered Wright suffered a medical emergency while behind the wheel of his vehicle on Wheel Road in Bel Air on May 20. If not for his death, Bowers is sure Harford County would have been under new leadership after November’s general election.
“Had he lived, Stephen would have been the next county executive,” he said.
As for his own chances, Bowers won’t promise anything except a good fight.
“I don’t know if I can win this election, but I can tell you I’ll be in the fight up until the day of the election.”
Wild Bill says
This guy is as dirty and tricky as they come. Ask anyone around Havre de Grace. He comes into town for bit, stirs up trouble, tries to get someone to buy into one of his schemes, when they don’t work out, he leaves town again. A modern day snake oil salesman.
This guy could not even hold a candle to Steve Wright. Mr. Bowers says he sees corruption everywhere and tells wild tales that could give a Hollywood screen writer enough material to last a career.
Beware of him and his motives. He is pissed at Craig for not dumping millions of taxpayers dollars into his crazed horse park boondoggle scheme that he peddled a few years back. Sour grapes!
Queen Mary says
Am I reading the National Inquirer?
Queen Mary says
Correction: Am I reading the National Enquirer?
Like Minded says
As a person who believes that honesty is the best policy I must admit I am guilty on all counts. I can be a little tricky at times but always staying within ethical bounds. Also I have been an executive in the sales and marketing arena for over 30 years. My business does take me in and out of town quite a bit and I do like to travel. As to Stephen Wright he is a hard act to follow and I hope I can do him proud. The Hollywood screen writer bit does intrigue me and maybe I can sell it to one when the story is concluded. Finally, I was a bit disenchanted with Craig over the horse park project but not by your reasoning. The horse park would have cost the taxpayers nothing (check out the Beechtree deal) but would have created millions of dollars in economic impact for Harford county. This being said I have never put much value in what one says when they don’t put their name to it. If you would be willing to abandon the alias and state your true name I will be glad to have a gentlemanly debate with you on these issues.
John Bowers
Queen Mary says
Let’s see how long it takes for Ehrlich/Bowers signs to start showing up around town!
Rob Wagner says
John, the only confirmations that I get from your ramblings is that whoever you have talked with regarding my “cutting any deals with the Craig camp” is an absolute liar….what a shock. Secondly, I’m beginning to question your motivations. That white horse you rode into town on is starting to look dark to me and should be hitched at the Craig ranch. What a disappointment.
Like Minded says
Rob, as you well know I met with you when you first announced your candidacy and I was the first to make a financial contribution to your campaign. I cannot say that what I said in the interview was slanted in any way. When the discussion came up concerning you I said there were those that were saying you were in the race to dilute Stephen Wright’s vote and that there had been attempts to maneuver me into your camp. Let me apologize to you now publicly for not sticking to the facts. I will be careful to do so in the future. If for some reason I am not in the race at the end you have my vote.
John bowers
Queen Mary says
Mr. Bowers,
Sir, it appears as though you are starting off on the wrong foot.
You lost my vote when you began participating in totally inappropriate political banter on your friends memorial page. Real class act.
Queen Mary says
Well said, Wagner!
I think John Bowers is conveniently trying to forget that he was part of the deal that Wright made with Craig to siphon votes from Wagner? Let’s see how he lies his way out of this one.
Like Minded says
If my memory is correct Stephen Wright announced his candidacy in Nov. of 2009. Wagner announced his in Feb. of 2010. Pretty hard for Stephen to cut a deal when Wagner had not even announced he was running till three months after Stephen.
New to Aberdeen says
Actually I’m looking to vote for someone who is going to clean up Aberdeen and Harford County. There are many homes with junk in their yards, I have never seem this much blight in an area. According to the Harford County Zoning Enforcement Office there are no rules against this, as a BRAC transferee I find this AMAZING.
Anyone out there willing to take this on?
Political Critic says
Harford County Government is supposed to be a government that respects “WE THE PEOPLE” not a government that provides for Craig and Company. The citizens need to know who the real Craig is and that is coming. Harford County must change and vote for honest and conservative leaders who tell the truth. The time is RIGHT NOW to remove Craig and his Harford County Council from office. Please listen to those who are seeking office and search for truth. There is much that Craig has done that is not in the best interest of the citizens of Harford County. There is much that Craig has done for the benefit of Craig and Company. All of that has been well documented in the Baltimore Sun, The Baltimore Business Journal and the Aegis. With the never ending spending by Craig and Company including recent muliti million dollar new borrowings Harford County is going to have a financial burden for a long time. Prepare for tax increases right after the election courtesy of Craig and Company. The bond rating agencies have stated that the financial position of Harford County has narrowed and their rating is based on the fact that Craig can raise your taxes to whatever is needed to pay for the bond debt service. That is not what you will hear from Craig until after the election. Mr. Bowers has started to present these facts that other candidates have refrained from. I suggest to Mr. Wagner and whomever else may decide to run for County Executive that they speak about what wrong is happening right now in Harford County and leave the trash talk behind. Just tell us what the real Craig and Company is and how you will govern to make Harford County the best place to live. Just tell us how you will STOP THE SPENDING!!! Please respect that values that Steve Wright spoke of. Steve was preparing to address the real concerns about Craig and Company and the right direction for Harford County. Follow his leadership and tell us why you deserve to be our next County Executive. Tell all of Harford County that Craig and Company have a constitutional obligation to serve “WE THE PEOPLE”. Once that cherished principle of American Democracy is lost our government fails. That has happened in Harford County and our new leaders must restore it. Shame on Governor Ehrlich endorsing Craig. As you listen to that endorsement it is very easy to see all the false statements made by Ehrlich for Craig. Any person running for County Executive should address those false statements.
cisco says
Political Critic=you need to back up your blah with a little things known as a fact.
Fact-Craig has not raised taxes. Nor could he do it by himself because the council would have to approve it. The present budget cut taxes. I don’t think you really know anything about the goings on in the county.
Fact-the county’s AAA rating says to me that we are borrowing well below revenues and taxing power. Schools being built and senior centers added to our infrastructure and usually expenditures of this size are funded through the sale of bonds.
Political Critic says
Any time the assessable property increases and that has occurred every year the tax rate should go down. That has not happened with Craig because he increased spending. That is a tax increase. Merely lowering it in an election year to a rate that is still much higher than what the constant yield rate would be is just election year politics. Bonds have to be paid back with interest. The cost of capital projects are not free. As you say taxing power means higher taxes. Cisco you have the facts, problem is you do not recognize them and therefore plainly do not understand them. Point in fact you encourage taxing power…that means higher taxes. You should read again what you call blah. Maybe then you will learn something about Harford County but I respectfully doubt it.
Political Critic says
Cisco you should know that the chairman from Moodys (a rating agency) and Waren Buffet both testified recently before Congress regarding the financial collapse from CDO’S that were rated as investment grade when they were actually junk. The chairman from Moodys said do not place any trust in how they rate securities. Any time you purchase a security a good broker should inform you not to rely on the rating. Yet you want to believe in Harford County bond rating. Please learn from recent history those ratings are a joke bought and paid for by the same companies they rate. That is why the ratings companies are being investigated. For Craig to boast about the bond rating especially in a time when the rating companies have failed investors again shows that Craig is not fit to be Harford County Executive. Those are the facts I respectfully ask you to recognize.
cisco says
I do recognize that the market right now does not know its left food from its right arm, but the issues you bring up are more in line with mortgage debt obligations and credit default swaps, not with govt issued debt obligations. The fact is that the county has not over borrowed according to its taxing power or its revenues.
Political Critic says
The rating agencies have current national news that they have acted in a corrupt manner and will be investigated by the United States Congress. They have a big problem. The severity of the problem cannot ever be limited to one or a few rating activities because this is a major code of conduct, image and reputation matter affecting the entire company. If you believe that the rating of Harford County bonds is beyond question based on rating agencies of such corrupt practices and reputation you should purchase the bonds. As a Harford County resident prepare to receive less than the yield expected as your taxes will be increased so payment can be made. You say this is fine because of taxing power. Sound very financially imprudent to me. If Craig had acted with financial responsibility all the prior years he has been in office and corrected the property tax rate as we go, there would not be a problem now. A tax increase to cover debt service on the new bond issues would have brought us to what the current tax rate is. That good friend the problem you will eventually find when Spending Is Left Out Of Control. Craigs legacy is evident… Craig has now entered the time of Taxing because of his past spending. Sorry but Harford County has over borrowed and has overspent. When corrupt rating agencies say otherwise it is time to realize they want to make money and they do not care how. I am profoundly dismayed that Craig is boasting about the ratings from corrupt rating agencies. At least for the image of Harford County he should just say nothing at all.
Outsider says
Having grown up and living most of my life in Harford County, I still love to follow the local political scene even though I haven’t lived in the area for a few years. I have known John Bowers for better than 40 years and am confident that his true character, values, morals, and integrity would be a much needed asset to Harford County. John has a natural ability to work with people while remaining true to his convictions. The description made above by Wild Bill is a gross misrepresentation of this man. I only regret that i no longer live in Harford County. If I did, he’d have my vote……..
Louis says
Interesting that you grew up in Harford County AND have known Jon Bowers for the “better part of 40 years”. Didn’t Jon ride into Harford County on a horse around the 2004 timeframe? Hmmm. Where did you all meet along the way?
Outsider says
It is my understanding that Mr. Bowers was raised in Havre de Grace and lived in Harford County well into adulthood before leaving the area. If I am wrong, please correct my information but don’t make a post that insinuates something sinister. Rode in on a horse in 2004? I think Mr. Bowers’ history in Harford County goes back much much farther than that. But again, correct me if I am wrong and you somehow have more valid information than I.
Louis says
You’re the one who has claimed to know him for 40 years – you should know better than anyone! Please enlighten us.
Must be a long ride everyday for Mr. Bowers to claim his mail, of which is sent to an address in KY! How will he handle the commute to Harford County?
Outsider says
I have no idea wbere Mr. Bowers’ mail is sent, nor do i care. I was just simply posting some input since I have known him for many years. It appears that your intention, on tne other hand, is to indulge in unseemly insinuates and cast aspersions. I detect some underlying animosity toward Mr. Bowers in your posts, so why not just spit it out. What valid, factual information do you have to offer regarding the issue at hand; his candidacy.
Louis says
Valid, factual information on the way.
Kim Wagner says
Good morning. I have to take issue with John’s statement from the article: The very people who had abandoned Wright and his candidacy were lining up to hug his wife, shake hands, and be seen at his wake and funeral, he said.
“The same ones that wouldn’t endorse him, the same ones that didn’t want to be seen with him were there,” Bowers said.
Your statement is disrespectful to Steve’s memory and very disrespectful of Krista’s and the girls’ feelings. There are widely divergent opinions in the Republican party, but it is fair to say we all stand for “smaller government, less taxes and personal responsibility.” How we think we should get there varies. I was not always of the same opinion as Steve, but I respected the man’s passion and work ethic. Krista and her beautiful girls have ALWAYS been gracious and kind to EVERYONE, regardless of whether we agreed or disagreed with Steve. That is part of the reason why EVERYONE turned out for his funeral. His memory deserves more!
Like Minded says
Kim, I will have to respectfully disagree as I may be privy to some actions that took place that you are not aware. Enough said, no one wants to see Stephen’s memory shed in a positive light more then I. I agree this should stop now and as for my part it will.
John Bowers
Kathy Thompson says
Mr Bowers,
Nice picture – nothing inspires confidence more than a creepy picture. And your comments about a supposed collusion only show that you are a candidate that will not be taken seriously.
By the way, “Independent” (nor Tea Party for that matter) is not an officially recognized party by the state, but you being the political mastermind that you apparently are already knew that.
Outsider says
Nice post- I always make sure I cast my vote for the guy who has the best picture too! (unbelievable)
Thomas Cromwell says
John Bowers a political mastermind? Excuse me while I roll on the floor laughing. This guy is an opportunist. Pure and Simple. Like Mr. Wagner said, I question his motives.
Kathy, I have to agree with you on Mr. Bower’s picture. My son even commented that he looks like someone who belongs in the sex offenders issue of The Aegis.
Engineer says
“I may be privy to some actions that took place that you are not aware” Now that is a great reason to rationalize your wrong headed statements without producing any facts. I find most of your accusations are nothing but inflated inuendo. You play the word game very well without backing up anything you say with facts.
Harco Res. says
I will back up Mr. Bowers on his statement about the viewing and funeral. I was very close to Steve and know for a fact that there were several people who turned their back on him and even went behind his back on a few things, then pretended to love Steve after his death. I also know several of them read this board!
Phil Dirt says
This is so not going to happen. Not saying it’s right or wrong, but just saying.
GorgesGeorge says
Maybe Mike Hiob should run!
Tim Impallaria says
Mr. Bowers it seems that I was at the political insiders meeting you talk about; where the option of Krista Exploring running for office was discused. You were the one that was so forceful about her making a decision right there and then. You said, “I believe you can win Krista, but we cannot wait for two week for an answer.” Now you come out and try to use your true compassion for Steve’s widow!! What calious political opportune move by YOU! I form opinions of people pretty quick (a fault of mine)and after I saw you and experienced you, you gave me the creeps. Take your HAT and MOBILE HOME some place else Mr Bowers. Also, Mr Bowers people often vote by the appearance of the person running for office. If you were going for a part of Lab assistant in a “B” Horror Movie; you would win hands down.
Tim Impallaria Political Insider
Honestman says
Is this supposed to be a joke? Bowers running for office. Last time I checked he was living in an RV at HdeG ciy park.The last time someone like John Bowers got elected it was a Bavarian corporal
Harco Res. says
trying to be neutral here, Mr. bowers i agreed with the part about backstabbers, but I also heard from a good friend of steve’s that u were willing to be kristas campaign manager and was pushing hard for it
Like Minded says
You heard right sir, but only if she was committed to run. When she made the decision not to I left the meeting. I was happy she did not run as the fools advising her would have gotten her trounced in the republican primary. Krista has more brains then they do. I only hope they are running my opponents campaign.
Like Minded says
Second thought.I beliveve the whole story should be told but iI agreed in one of earlier comments, out of respect for the Wright family, I would not carry this on publicly. If you wish to know the truth you may call me anytime. ph.443-616-7333.
John Bowers
OMG says
Are you saying that Krista could have won with you as her campaign manager? I guess you must be right as I can see by how expertly you have launched your bid for county executive.
Harco Res. says
let’s see who would have been advising her? no I was not at the meeting, but I do know that inner circle and let’s see it would have involved atleast 1 delegate, probably 2, politically involved family of one of those delegates, a minister and maybe some others…. lol, sorry Mr. Bowers you lost any support I may have given you with your uninformed arrogant remarks about this group of people!
Engineer says
Like Minded: You started all this with your PUBLIC comments. Now you say you won’t back up your statements PUBLICLY with the facts. If your concern was genuine, you would not have made those comments in the first place. I don’t think we need a County Executive that talks first and thinks about what he said later.
juls says
I’ve been in Harford County for 15 years now and with what I’ve seen of the “good old boys network” and the complete LACK OF SERVICES that we recieve while paying similar taxes to other counties, I won’t vote for anyone over the age of 50 or anyone in the current political machine.
I know it sounds discriminatory, but there is too much political garbage in this county and not enough garbage collection. If my house value hadn’t dropped to the point of being practically worthless thanks to this economy and developer driven county, I’d move, but since I’m chained here I’ve opted out of all county run programs. This includes the school system, which is an absolute joke when compared to AA or Balto County.
All this tax money and I have to pay for trash collection, homeschool my kids if they are to have a decent education, and live on a tar and chip road. What a joke.
How about if someone with real class and a desire to serve the public instead of themselves steps up to LEAD Harford County instead of this backroom selfish agenda I’ve seen for the last 15 years I’ve lived here.
My apologies for my obvious disgust and frustration – the politics in all aspects of this county may be truly disgusting but the regular folks of Harford County are great. I just wish a real leader would step up, and Mr. Bowers, your history in the county disqualifies you from that position. You have more to gain from the position then you could ever give back to the people.
Harford Lifer says
Hey, Juls. You make Harford County out to be some third world nation. We have great public schools, solid parks and rec programs, well equipped libraries and the quality of life here is great as well. Maybe some of us like the rural character of tar and chip roads in our rural areas. You have to pay to get your trash picked up BFD. I would rather pay a contractor than see government get into the business of picking up trash. That would be a huge debacle and could bloat government even more, and I bet the taxes would have to go up as a result. Our trash does go to a county funded waste facility. The choice to home school your kids is YOUR choice. I don’t see any issue with the quality of education my children are receiving from the county school system.
Given your comments, why did you choose to move here? If you don’t like it, then don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way back to Baltimore County.
Habern Barranger says
Couldn’t have said it better myself Harford Lifer. I can’t stand when people move here, and immediately start complaining about everything. Wanna bet her road was “tar and chip” when she bought her house? Did she expect that her fellow taxpayers would be nice enough to pave it just because she moved there? (My road is tar and chip as well, and I actually prefer it that way — keeps people from flying down it.)
Personally, I generally try to only vote for people who grew up in Harford County in local elections. But that’s just me.
juls says
Tar and chip doesn’t stop people from doing 70 down my road, and NO it was not tar and chip when I moved it – they did a tar and chip job over the asphault about 8 years ago.
The park and rec programs are great and the library is excellent. The school in my area is hugely overcrowded and I really feel for the teachers. I started homeschooling when my high school student graduated from FHS’s certificat of merit program with a 3.5 gpa and had to take remedial classes to get into HCC.
juls says
Oh, and by the way – 15 years in Harford County, paying property taxes, and being a good citizen cleaning up the Gunpowder park, does not make me a newbie. I live in a 60 year old house, not in any of the McMansions, and I help take care of my elderly neighbors and neighborhood. If you don’t like new folks coming into “your” county then you need to do something about the developers.
My beef with the county is the lack of equitable services for residents. Bel Air is beautiful but the rest of us get very little out of the taxes we pay.
harco res. says
So Mr. Bowers never filed? He’s been going on and on about the constitutional party, but they nominated a seperate candidate and Mr. Bowers is not on the ballot….
sickofit says
This is why I hate elections. Mud slinging in every direction and everyone acting like first graders. I try to inform myself but I always end up at the ballot box looking at the ballot and coming to the realization that I don’t want to vote for any of the candidates. I listen to the speeches and the platforms but it has become too difficult to decipher truth from bull$%#! I have lost faith in the democratic system. I’m done with politics. I believe in the constitution which many politicians seem to forget.
have faith says
I think a lot of the public has seen all they want to see of professional politicians and there is new blood out there that, like you, are sick of it and decided to step up to the plate. Incumbents of both parties are in serious danger. We have finally reached a point where the people have recognized the terrible position that career politicians have put us in and they will be swept aside, and those that are not will clearly get the message to straighten out or they will soon be out of office as well.