By Kate Froehlich
Special to The Dagger
Jim Rutledge and Daniel McAndrew live just 10 miles apart, in White Hall and Forest Hill, respectively. But the distance between their campaigns to unseat long-time Senator Barbara Mikulski seems much further.
While both Republicans align closely with the national GOP platform, Rutledge said he’s confident he’ll be his party’s nominee to face Mikulski in November, while McAndrew hopes to fix the policy mistakes in DC, but doesn’t expect to win.
The candidates, according to McAndrew, have “met each other.” He added, “Since this business of running for this office, we’ve crossed paths. He seems like a nice guy. That’s fine on the surface, but because I don’t know him beyond these once in a while meetings, I don’t know how good a man he is really. My approach is may the better man win.”
In the race against Mikulski, who has consistently won her seat by an average of 73.3 percent over her GOP opponents, McAndew acknowledges that he will “probably not” win. However, “at the same time, it’s not making me back down.”
Rutledge, however, was more sure of his chances. “I believe I will be the nominee for the party,” he said. “We have the strongest grassroots and bona fide campaign. We have the strong base in the key counties which are going to turn the primary election.”
Rutledge said Mikulski has drawn negative reactions in recent polls, polling more than 50 percent “unfavorable” with the Maryland population. He also pointed to what he called a movement to unseat “incumbents and career politicians.”
“[Mikulski is the] queen of this. She’s served on the throne of Maryland for longer than Queen Elizabeth served in England. We’re not supposed to have an aristocracy,” Rutledge said. “She has the long term career politician anchor around her neck this year. It’s lining up to make my chances very good.”
McAndrew made the decision to seek election “basically after paying attention to what was going on for the past few years, I couldn’t take it anymore. I couldn’t trust people in power [and seeing them] make decisions that I know are wrong.”
Rutledge is running because “we’re at a critical time in America to stand up and preserve what made this country great. I love the people of Maryland and have deep roots in state of Maryland. I want to fight for my family, neighbors, and friends to preserve those liberties.”
He added, “Everything we hold dear to us is held threat in Washington DC. Mikulski is the number one culprit in these events and needs to be defeated.”
Both candidates are running for office for the first time.
McAndrew has previously helped with a friend’s campaign and “learned an awful lot” in the process.
Rutledge said he is “no newcomer to the concept of persuading people to get out and vote.” He said, “I am an active citizen and voter. I worked in campaigns for candidates, was involved in campaign management as well as the production of messaging and advertising, and did grassroots organization for statewide and federal offices.”
McAndrew said his job as a principal engineer for Northrop Grumman, would benefit him as he enters politics. “A whole part of my job is to save customers money,” he said.
Rutledge, who has worked as an attorney since 1986, said, “[I have worked with] federal law, federal regulatory law, constitutional law, business law, tax law, as well as trade law issues. All of those things are front and center in the US Senate.”
That experience will “equip me to read [a] bill, understand the bill, and translate the impact of the bill to plain English for the citizens of Maryland. Given my significant experience with the judiciary, I have a front-end view of how the courts view what the legislature does.”
To prepare for the primaries, McAndrew is “just traveling around the state, meeting with various Republican clubs [and] other club. I actually have another aspect – I spoke at a Libertarian convention because [they found out that I was] behind a website that talks about the Maryland Constitutional Convention. They contacted me to give them details and let them know what to expect.”
Rutledge said that his campaign has “momentum” and has “been dramatically picking up over the state.” He calls his campaign the “best grassroots team this state has seen in a long time,” and has been “taking that message out directly to the people or using technology to the maximum, as well as just hard, traditional campaigning [like] signs [and] sign waving.”
He particularly hopes to focus on the “overwhelming expansion of federal government,” through “its debt of $13 trillion dollars, deficit spending of over $1.3 trillion, and expansion of tax burdens and regulatory burdens.”
In particular, Rutledge sees problems with border protection, saying “We don’t guard own borders, but guard the border of Iraq and Syria.” He supports the completion of the Mexico-U.S. border fence: “The fence works in Southern California which is why Arizona has been flooded [with illegal immigrants].”
McAndrew cites a lack of financial controls and the recent passage of President Obama’s health care reform as examples of “things that are happening right now that have to be stopped right now dead in its tracks and reversed.”
However, McAndrew said that “the economy and jobs” are the most serious problems facing the state. He cites Northrop Grumman’s choice to move its corporate headquarters to Virginia instead of Maryland as a key example: “The state [Maryland] doesn’t take a long term view. They should have offered [more] or matched the Virginia package.”
“The relocation of a company from one state to another means a shot in the arm for economy because more people can be hired here, not to mention the people that would come from the West Coast to jobs over here,” McAndrew said.
According to McAndrew, what makes him different from others in the race is that “I don’t trust the other politicians.”
“I don’t really know my competition that well so I’m not sure that I would trust them either,” he added. “I’m not in this for the glory or money. I’m in this because I want someone to stand up for others and fix it and get it right.”
“I’m definitely a conservative. I’m an American first, conservative second, [and] Republican last. The Republican Party on the national level doesn’t know me. Even the state level is just beginning to get to know me. There is no vested interest with any control over me. I have complete freedom to tell the truth,” McAndrew said.
About what he brings to the race, Rutledge said, “I’m the clear cut conservative, as far as being a Constitutional conservative. I would encourage people to go to my Web site and encourage folks to see where I’m going to be speaking and to go out and hear me speak and ask me questions. I am confident that they will join my campaign.”
Rutledge for U.S. Senate Web site
David McAndrew’s Web site
I only hope it’s not too late to turn back the tide.
I’m placing that hope in a person who is fresh from the ranks of being an American citizen, a person with common sense and with no political baggage.
If you want to see what Daniel McAndrew is making a stand for :
Clearly the people have a choice this time around. Another Lawyer or a hard working layman who knows how to balance a budget. Being a layman myself, and one who understands the value of a dollar, my vote is going to Mr. Daniel McAndrew. My god bless him real good.
the man’s and engineer with Northrop. What makes him any more”hardworking” than a local attorney?
I’ve known Jim for over a year now and his family for even longer. Jim and his family have deep roots in the farming community which go way back. His great great great grandfather fought in the Maryland Line during the Revolutionary War, was captured by the British, and returned to farming once he was released. Jim is a lawyer and has fought for civil rights and wants to serve the average Joe Citizen. It would be nice to have a Senator who actually reads legislation and won’t be bought off by bringing pork back to his State.
I don’t agree with Jim on all issues, however the most important issues to me Jim and I share the same viewpoints. Jim is a very principled Constitutional Conservative and will bring much needed leadership to MD.
Jim’s campaign is a full grassroots effort supported by friends, family, and small businesses, especially the farming community within HarCo and all along the Eastern Shore.
We need to end Mikulski’s reign this year!
Learn more at:
Every word on that site was written by Jim.
Jim Rutledge is an honest, able and compassionate man, he loves his God, his family and his country, and his ideas are clearly expressed by him. I support him and hope he trounces Ms. Mikulski, big time in the election.
Mr. Rutledge says what he thinks, and acts as he talks…I cannot say the same thing about Ms. Mikulski.
You’ve got my vote, Mr. Rutledge.
I’ve said it before… there isn’t a politician inside the beltway I’d trust to watch my yardsale for ten minutes so any new blood even of the same parties has to be an improvement. The existing power structures and cabals have to be flushed out of DC if there is to be any hope for change. Please people… don’t vote the incumbents!
I don’t know, and I haven’t met either of these gentlemen, but my initial impression of them (based on THEIR words) is as follows:
Danial McAndrew: Intelligent, yet modest gentleman. A man of the people, and a good candidate.
Jim Rutledge: Intelligent, yet arrogant smart-assed attorney. A right-wing whack job that uses God and patriotism for political gain (in other words….a good panderer). A terrible candidate.
Says he wants to serve “the average Joe” (the plumber?), yet is from the elitist class (lawyer!). Said “we’re not supposed to have an aristocracy” (which we clearly don’t), but seems to favor a Theocracy. All the while, he spreads lies about Barbara Mikulski’s poll numbers and childishly calls her “a queen on a throne”. Yep….textbook hypocrite would be another way to describe old Jim Rutledge. Maryland voters may, or may not send old Jim packing on primary election day (and let’s hope that they do), but if Jim Rutledge is his party’s nominee for the general election in November, then ol’ Babs will surely have 6 more years representing Maryland in D.C. Mark my words…..!
“elitist class”. you know nothing, I repeat, nothing about Jim Rutledge!!!
What’s with all this GOD stuff? He loves his God? What does that mean? Babs and Obama also have a strong belief in GOD. I say GOD helps those who help themselves without the help of yet another lawyer.
I just don’t get it.
Someone please explain.
If I had to try and explain, it would be something like this:
God grants people liberties. In the absence of this belief, liberties are granted by government, and can be rescinded by the stroke of a pen.
That’s no good. If Mikulski believes in God, she has me fooled with her abortion funding.
And I can’t comment on Obama’s belief in God but he seems to want government to replace God as the provider of support to people.
caroie, you need to read the Declaration of Independence
If “God grants people liberties”, then why is our political system full of lawyers?
My God never intended for someone else (another lawyer) to represent me or my liberties. He trusts I will do what is right in my own way.
Lawyers know the law- that’s why.
Honestly, the problem isn’t lawyers, it’s big government. The government strong enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take away everything you have.
Attorneys are used by legislators to draft the bills before they vote on them. Most Senators and Reps don’t fully use their law degrees. If you think Rutledge’s biggest problem is that he is a practicing attorney (who has fought hard for civil rights) then I think he still deserves your vote.
you need to read the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution.
Lawyer’s know the law, that’s why?
I think they are more skilled at controlling or playing upon the laws by artful, unfair, or insidious means, especially to their own advantage.
One thing is for sure, I’m sickened by the elitist attitude displayed by those currently in office and I refuse to vote for any candidate that shows any traces of it.
It is time for a TRUE change for the better.
Well said Pam.
I’m with you 100%.
Someone needs to think about unseating a couple of the Judges at Harford County Circuit Court as well. Their “Old School” mentality is what’s destroying our children today. Leading them to drugs, sex or violence because the child cannot be heard.
Just yesterday, Judge Waldron orded that because a child was not physically or sexually abused by themother, the the child should be forced to visit with the parent despite the on going years of verbal and emotional abuse. The child will get over it!!!
Tell me that’s not crazy…. Where is the justice for the kids?
Hello, Artful Dodger.
I appreciate your kind words. Thank you very much.
The upcoming events I list on my site are likely where I will be attending, if you are interested and capable of visiting.
However, should you be interested in meeting me closer to home let’s say – I would be happy to entertain any suggestions you may have and would love to meet you, or anyone, near the Bel Air Area.
This Thursday evening (24th) I will be at the Jarrettsville Library just attending the North Harford Republican Club meeting if you would like to meet me there, I would be happy to spend some time with you afterwards.
Danial, You are welcome, and as you can probably tell, I am a very opinionated person. I would like to meet you sometime soon, but I couldn’t make the North Harford Republican Club meeting. According to your web site, you’ll be attending the Rte 40 Republican meeting on July 8th. If you’ll be there, maybe I’ll attend and we can talk. By the way, where do they meet, and what time does it start?
Hello there. That club is situated at the Richlin Ballroom off of Route 24. Here’s the address:
1700 Van Bibber Rd
Edgewood, MD 21040-1034
(410) 671-7500
If you know where the Exxon is on 24 just southside of I-95, the Burger King is behind that and the Richlin is behind that. As you drive toward and into the parking lot, we meet in the rooms at the far left of the building front.
The meeting starts at 7pm (every 2nd Thursday).
I will be there this coming July 8th as we had delayed having a special meeting in honor of Stephen Wright until this particular meeting. I am sure a lot of members will be there for this.
If you can’t make that, make a suggestion if you’d like to meet one-on-one somewhere if you’d like.
There, you see? A personal response from a candidate not so arrogant to think he’s too elite to take the time to actually listen to us. 🙂
Agrees with Pam.
Hey Kate–great article on the two Harford County candidates for the US Senate. You really contrasted them nicely and fairly. I will be voting for Jim Rutledge. The Constitution is being trampled on by our elected officials, especially at the highest levels. It will take someone like Jim Rutledge to defend and protect the Constitution if we have any chance at saving the Republic.
I put my vote in for Jim Rutledge! He is truely a good man that I would trust with putting this country in the right direction. Go Rutledge!
I don’t know mr. Andrews but i do know Jim Rutledge. He is an upstanding family man, a constitutional attorney, great morals and surely knows his stuff. He would make a terrifice U.S. states attorney and would never give in to political demands also called political favors that i call bribes.. Too much of that in politics. Most of our elected officals work for the political favors of each other instead of what their citizens want and need.. Jim will stand up for justice and truths and will truly listen to us. Ask Jim rutledge yourself and see how worthy he is.
I don’t know Jim Ruttledge but I like what I am seeing on Dan McAndrew’s blog:
“There should be no voting on a bill that is not available for review and no bill should be so large to prevent proper and timely proofreading.”
One thing that really sticks in my throat is the ramming through of these bills by congress that THEY AREN”T EVEN READING to see what they’re foisting upon us (while exempting themselves)next!
“…Federal and State governments need to eliminate discretionary spending (aka, earmarks) for the next 12 years at a minimum due to the current economic problems.
…I support auditing the FED”
Go get ’em, Dan!