From Joan Ryder:
Has anyone looked at what Craig promised when he was running in 2006?
David Craig’s promises were cheap, but his BROKEN PROMISES will COST YOU MONEY
As County Executive, Craig promised to “improve the operation of county government … and save taxpayer’s money”; however his pledge to “reform the culture of government” remains unfulfilled. Among the broken promises, Craig pledged to:
Implement time management systems for County employees to control and reduce payroll and comp time expense – Score F
Consolidate and eliminate outdated County facilities, and improve the County’s facility management plan – Score F
Reduce the number of County cell phones, take-home vehicles, implement sound inventory control procedures and decentralize an outdated information management system – Score F
Develop user-based fees to reduce demand on the County’s General Obligation Fund and maintain manageable levels of County debt – Score C
Subdivide DPW into separate divisions with specific responsibility for transportaion, water and sewer and solid waste management – Score F
Seek federal and state support to make significant transportation improvements to the County’s main arterials in advance of BRAC – Score D
Improve public safety, and show leadership by leading the County through a dialogue on the merits of converting to a County-wide police force -Score F
Outsource and privatize County services where possible so that taxpayers get the best value for their dollar – Score F
Craig has not done his homework. He is a FAILURE
Joan Ryder, Fallston
Candidate for Harford County Republican Central Committee
I also want to know how we as taxpayers will be able to make up the $40 Million Dollar deficit. If the taxes are raised to cover this, it could mean $.16 per $100 of assessed value for each of us. We cannot pay any more taxes. Government has to get under control.
It appears that you’re the one who hasn’t done her homework Joan. Its easy to criticize and toss out meaningless letter grades to advance your political attack agenda. But it adds nothing to the dialogue, nor does it have any constructive, intelligent suggestions. If you have an axe to grind against David, you owe it to all of us to be fair, and substantive. Otherwise you come off as a transparent, shrill complainer. Not many will take you seriously (nor should they).
And at a time when your party has a great opportunity, with much work to do, your language and divisiveness is the last this county needs.
Thank you for listening and have a good day.
Well said!
Excellent points about Craig.
Ms. Ryder,
Can you please provide more information for the benefit of the voters? Why not take your points one at a time?
#1: “Implement time management systems for County employees to control and reduce payroll and comp time expense – Score F”
Please expand on how you think the County’s efforts to improve HR systems and reduce payroll have been insufficient. Please be specific and provide the figures that you used to reach your conclusion that the Craig Administration has failed on this front.
GOP Voter
How do you think Craig has done in the categories that Joan has listed?
I think it fairly obvious for reasonable people to see that Craig has done an abysmal job as County Executive.
Mr. Cross,
I’m not sure. That is why I asked for more information.
Ms. Ryder’s article gave “grades”, but didn’t provide any explanations or justifications. Nor did your post. Again, I am just a voter looking for information (not just opinions) so that I can make an informed decision.
GOP Voter
What are you sure about? What are your opinions?
Chris Cross,
I’ll tell you what I am sure about — I am sure that I am getting annoyed that I simply gave Ms. Ryder the opportunity to elaborate on her article, and you keep pestering me with questions.
You seem to think that I have some ulterior motive, when all I’m trying to do is inform myself. I will say that I am always skeptical when I read things that don’t provide facts and figures. I’m giving Joan the opportunity to provide them to undecided voters like myself.
Since Chris Cross doesn’t seem to offer anything productive on that front, I hope that somebody else out there can help.
GOP Voter
I guess you have no opinions or you may have an ulterior motive since Joan’s brief article and subsequent posts were clear on Craig’s record.
Hey GOP Voter and the rest of the voters out there… Do your own homework, don’t depend on what bloggers and the media tell you. If you have questions, find the answers. David Craig’s former campaign promises and his record are there for all to see and delve into. Joan Ryder has done a fine job of laying out her case against voting for Craig, and the Craig supporters are doing a fine job of defending him. GOP Voter, get on the ball and do your own fact checking if you want the answers to your questions.
Mommy Patriot,
Thanks for that. It’s great advice and I fully intend to thoroughly research each candidate. But I was only giving Joan the opportunity to elaborate.
I would disagree with you that Joan Ryder “has done a fine job of laying out her case against voting for Craig.” All she really did was re-type verbatim his campaign promises from 4 years ago and assign letter grades. We have no idea what her criteria were, or how she arrived at the grades. Right now, it looks like she pulled the grades out of the sky.
I asked her to explain her grades in more detail for the benefit of the readers, but as yet she has not. In the absense of such explanations, it just seems to me that her opposition to Craig is more personal than policy-based. (Which is her right I suppose.)
The only answers we’ve received so far have essentially been “We don’t have to explain, Craig’s failures are obvious,” or “Do your own research.” I’d love to hear an informed response to Mr. Passaro’s detailed rebuttal if one is possible.
Not bad Joan. Now how about a couple of your grades. You’re doing quite well by comparison:
Asking County Government for an emergency appropriation of an additional $30,000 in taxpayer money for Farm Fair Incorporated, of which she is president, rather than leading a fundraising drive for private funds, which surely could have been successful – Score A
Trying to save face with those of us in the TEA Party by actually telling people that she asked the board not to accept the $30K check (after she had personally lobbied for it) – Score A+
Great fireworks this year at the Fair, Joan. I really enjoyed letting my kids know that there was no fireworks, because some clown wasn’t on the ball to raise the money…
The responsibility of the Harford County Republican Central Committee is to grow and unify the Republican Party. Maybe Joan Ryder should have run for County Executive and not the Republican Central Committee since her comments cause division not unity!
What an interesting post about the RCC responsibilty to grow and unify the Republican Party. From what I’ve observed just the opposite is taking place with your group. In fact your committee, by way of its dysfunctional nature, spawned the rt 40 republican club giving rise to young guns like Patrick McGrady and giving even more power to some embarrassing thugs in our party like Impallaria. Not to mention sending a fat bill collector to fill Senator Hooper’s seat. Quite a track record for the RCC.
My thoughts exactly. We republicans a really good at eating our young. Look at the mess in Delaware. for better or worse, Christine ODonnel won the primary but the national group has taken to nipping at her heals. Both losers in the County Exec race are doing the same. The republican party just doesn’t get it, and really never has. Let’s start a new one.
It always amazes me when a politician says something like “Outsource and privatize County services where possible so that taxpayers get the best value for their dollar” – almost always this ‘outsourcing and privatizing’ leads to LESS efficient services that cost MORE money (see military and medical reports about such thing, not to mention our own state’s efforts at ‘deregulating’ electricity). This is one promise that the county was MUCH better off having not been kept!
Joan Ryder,
Please be advised friend, there is a moron out there trying to besmirch and sully your name.
They made this ridiculous post on the Dagger and then boldly signed your name to it.
Must be one of your political opponents trying to make you look ridiculous………
I know you and I know you can not be so stupid as to post such down right inaccurate and slanderous tripe.
Good luck and I hope you catch those rats….
Tony Passaro
More to come………………
Whoever wrote the article above and signed Joan’s name to it has also hacked into her facebook account and posted the same misinformation there.
Beware Joan. Somebody’s out there trying to make you look like a fool.
Tony Passaro
Glad to see you are enjoying your new role as Craig lackey and proxy. The question is will you be able to turn your Craig devotion into a full time job in government?
I find it comical that you question Mr. Passaro’s character, but find nothing wrong with Joan Ryder. Tony has taken positions against the County Executive, but he is a very intelligent man who can see the big picture.
Also, a few points:
-You have to remember that Craig is not a king or a dictator, he can not make everything he wants to happen, just happen.
-Harford County has to grow, and not spending more now in anticipation of BRAC is fiscally irresponsible.
-I forgot he could just go to our completely friendly and best-of-intentions delegation and they could work to get the State Department of Transportation to spend on the roads. -O’Malley loves to throw road-project money Harford County’s way because of all the votes he gets over here.
-In conclusion, I always trust someone when their business is going downhill, and lobbies the County for big $$$ because of her own fundraising failures.
Your comments about CE Craig imply that he must spend taxpayer funds because of BRAC. If that is the case, lets figure out the places that could be cut. We, as a county, must be ready for several things…an influx of new residents, jobs, students, emergencies,
but what don’t we need?
Perhaps that is where the CE cost cutting needs to start. IE. do we as a county need to generate non-taxpaying development areas? What about the empty stores, businesses, factories, lots, houses, apts? Many of the courts are filled with failure to pay rent cases, the newspaper is filled weekly with foreclures…the list goes on…
Frustrated Taxpayer,
Don’t get me wrong, I do not agree with everything that the CE does, but in-large I do.
Also, I feel as if Mr. Wagner wouldn’t be any more fiscally responsible than Craig. The reason I believe he is running is because he is mad at Craig for not running free water out to his property when he sold out his family farm. That statement was completely opinion by the way.
I asked earlier to no response, what has Mr. Wagner ever done to show fiscal conservatism/responsibility?
Oh, goody! Republicans fighting among themselves. Have fun, all of you!
Amazing when issues are brought to the attention of well informed citizens they lack the ability to comprehend the substance of the information. Harford County is facing a budget crisis in the coming years and David Craig lack of fiscal responsibility and planning are a big part of the problem. You only seem to get the message when the impact is directly felt. So get ready it is coming. Joan brings up issues as to the ability of David Craig to lead Harford County. Review each issue carefully. If David Craig could not deliver on his promises made in 2006 that tells us we need better leadership now. Harford County can do much better, David Craig has proven he is not the leader that Harford County once voted for. It is David Craig that has to be held accountable for his record. It is our obligation to fairly look back and see if he has done his job. As Joan says he could have done much better.
Dear Change Is Coming,
I comprehend fully what is being said here. Privatize, privatize, privatize! It seldom works. Private contractors have bilked the US Treasury BILLIONS! Haliburton and Black Hawk come to mind. It is stylish to blame public employees. The bottom line is that there is NO FREE LUNCH. You want a county that works smoothly, you have to pay taxes. As for me, it doesn’t matter. There’s nobody to vote for anyway.
Dear Larraine. The glass is still half full and optimism is our best way to think. There is always choice and while the Harford County Council leaves little to optimistic about we can change Harford County for the better by not allowing David Craig to be re-elected. His record speaks for itself and Joan has done an excellent job in reporting his failures. Harford County cannot allow four more years of excessive spending. Harford County cannot allow four more years of David Craigs inability to recognize what his job entails. Harford County cannot allow four more years of David Craig not knowing the values of the republican party. Harford County cannot allow four more years of on the job training for David Craig. Harford County government has grown to big and has reached the breaking point of being sustained. You can thank David Craig and the Harford County Council for that. They have set us all up for tax increases that would never have happened if they had managed prudently. Yes the glass is half full and Harford County can return to being fiscally sound with reasonable taxes. That is the promise of Robert Wagner and he will keep his promise.
Change is coming = RINO Hunter?
Anyway, What has Rob Wagner done to display fiscal conservatism or fiscal responsibility?
Ms.Ryder has shared some of the less successful promises Mr. Craig made. He did not reduce many of the excessive costs that Harford county charges. If one does look at the costs that have risen since 2006, in addition to the added fees on services, Mr. Craig did not keep many of his promised goals. He did not consolidate resources, he did not reduce fees, he increased the spending on administration costs, and he allowed many costs to increase w/n the Board of Ed budget, without checking on the implied needs vs. actual need/or use of funds. Mr.Craig did follow the TEA party advice/demand/PLEA to reduce property taxes.
I appreciate that. He did not reduce spending, tho, and hence we face a $40mil. deficit, which will mandate a property tax increase of .16per 100.00 if the budget is not cut. This is a major problem.
Ms. Ryder has every right to share her report card for the county exec. with the Dagger. As do all of you that critique her for her opinion, no matter if you choose not to identify yourselves. She has courage to do so and I respect her for it.
Once again Miz Ryder’s mouth engaged before her brain! Beside the Fair grant she lobbied for(or not)did she also refuse to sell homes to folks receiving the homebuyers tax credit, which we all paid for in the Obama/Pelosi bailout(I suspect not). Probably turned in her clunker to buy a new luxury vehicle too!!!! Perhaps Miz Ryder filled in the wrong filing document when she decided to run for office…since she clearly is no friend of the GOP. Stick to real estate Miz Ryder.
Harvey, Harvey, Harvey…You speculate about Joan instead of trying to understand her concerns about how David Craig has mismanaged Harford County. This election had better move past such trivial nonsense and move onto the matters that David Craig has not accomplished and hold him accountable as to why he made the promises and failed to accomplish them. That is the message brought to our attention by Joan. A responsible person comments on the issues that Joan is sharing. Only a fool runs from the truth. There is more to the republican party than blindly following the incumbent. Republican leadership is about the core values of the republican party. They are the values Joan is talking about. Maybe the time has come for those who believe that David Craig follows the republican values to ask yourselves why has he failed on so many of his promises.
I thought David Craig proposed consolidating buildings to save money and that it was the Council that rejected it. Shouldn’t they be the one’s getting the “F” for that? Also, didn’t David Craig close and sell off a few buildings on one of those side streets by the court?
Hopefully our Harford County Citizens & Taxpayers are watching how our elected Politicians and “some” of our Government Employees (Services & Administration, Eduction, and Sheriff”s Office) are reacting to life in the Real World.
It is amazing that these Elected Officials and Government Employees feel “entitled” to 9% property tax increases year after year. Please think about that for a minute – how can these people be reasonable at all with that kind of thought process – continual 9% increases? THAT GOODNESS FOR THE TAXPAYERS THAT WORKED TO CAP AT 5%.
It is amazing how the Leadership in Government failed to timely plan for this econmic downturn. This storm didn’t just appear – overextended state and local governments were reported in the WSJ for the past two years – hint hint David Craig – put down the USA Today, DC Post, NY Times, and Balto Sun.
It is clear that there are two general trains of thought when it comes to Government Spending, Liberals that few taxpapyer resources as unlimited and the Taxpayers that would like to keep more of their hard earned dollars.
Thankfully, I believe most Harford County Residents share the second view. The view of Thomas Jefferson, that government shouldn’t be any different than ordinary citizens. Government should live within its means and only exist to serve us not the other way around.
The Harford County Operating Budget increased from $420,000,000 in 2005 to $610,000,000+ in 2009, a 45 % increase. The demographics of the County don’t remotely support such drastic increases.
Thank goodness, that the Harford County citizens as a group have finally taken notice and better yet are finally taking action.
After looking at the condition of the other Counties in Maryland since the financial downturn, I am glad I live in Harford County.
Hi Joan Ryder,
I did some research on your behalf. It was easy, David Craig’s record is an open book and one to be proud of….
Maybe you can use it to dispel the lies those scoundrels fabricated and attached your name to in order to cause you to look like a moron in the aforementioned Dagger Post….
Semper Fi
Tony Passaro
LIE #1: Implement time management systems for County employees to control and reduce payroll and comp time expense – Score F NOT A VERY FAIR GRADE
Facts Show
David Craig is successfully controlling overtime. Take for example the landfill, which has historically had one of the highest overtime budgets. As a result of union negotiations and better scheduling, overtime has been decreased by 8,000 saving taxpayers nearly a quarter of a million dollars. There are still emergencies, which require overtime. For example, snow removal cost the County $1.9 million. We also have overtime at EOC, when there is an unexpected absence. It is better to pay overtime then let a seat sit empty at the 911 call center. Additionally, David Craig has lowered payroll by reducing the workforce by 15%.
Consolidate and eliminate outdated County facilities, and improve the County’s facility management plan – Score F David Craig researched and proposed a building consolidation plan to the County Council that would have saved the tax payers money each year. That plan was rejected by the County Council. Despite that and because he has decreased the workforce by 15%, David Craig has been able to reassign staff eliminating the need for 3 out-dated buildings in downtown Bel Air. All three building were offered for sale at public auction.
LIE #2: Reduce the number of County cell phones, take-home vehicles, implement sound inventory control procedures and decentralize an outdated information management system – Score NOT A VERY FAIR GRADE
Facts Show
Since taking office, David Craig has eliminated 100 take-home vehicles saving tax payers $300,000 per year.
Develop user-based fees to reduce demand on the County’s General Obligation Fund and maintain manageable levels of County debt – Score C Financial experts at two of the country’s most respected bon rating agencies awarded Harford County a “AAA” bond rating. This is the highest bond rating Harford County has ever seen. These financial experts attributed the improved rating to County Executive Craig’s consistent conservative management of the County’s money and debt.
LIE #3: Subdivide DPW into separate divisions with specific responsibility for transportation, water and sewer and solid waste management – Score NOT A VERY FAIR GRADE
Facts Show
DPW has been sub-divided into separate divisions for decades. It has a division focused on water and sewer. It has a division focused on roads and highways. It has a division that manages solid waste.
LIE #4: Improve public safety, and show leadership by leading the County through a dialogue on the merits of converting to a County-wide police force -Score F NOT A VERY FAIR GRADE
Facts Show
According to the experts, we are safer. From 2006 – 2009 Harford County has seen a 2.8% reduction in total crime and a 4.6% reduction in property crime. In addition, there have been significant reductions in breaking & entering (-18.3%), and motor vehicle thefts (-42.6%). Statistics for 2010 will be available at the end of the year. County Executive Craig has led a number of multi-agency discussions to discuss the challenges facing our communities. His partnership with HCSO has led to one of the strongest revitalization efforts ever undertaken in the Route 40 corridor.
And as for the BOARD OF EDUCATION BUDGET (51% of the County’s budget), Craig has no control of influence over it. This is the private province of the Board of Ed….If you have a problem with BOE spending and or practices, I suggest you take it to the BOE…
Have you ever been to one of their meetings?? I have, never seen you there, and these guys are spending 51% of our/the County’s budget…they need speaking to. BOE grade F on spending, F on practices, F on transparency F on overall performance….
I willl forward additional facts as I uncover them….something the MORONS and LIARS who constructed that pack of lies, never did….
BTW, I am not a member of the Republican Party. I am the PROUD MEMBER of the AMERICAN TEA PARTY MOVEMENT which follows the will of the people and does not supports a political party in any form……
See all of you on 9/12 when we all bus to W.D.C. to join hundreds of thousands of TEA PARTY brethren when we deal another dose of the Will OF THE PEOPLE to the deaf, dumb and blind GREAT IMPOSTER B.O.
I would like to see if he or his puppet, the main stream media, fail to see us this time.
We will be heard, we will be seen, we will let them know, how the American People feel about this tyrannical government…
Seats $25.00 per Adult, $20.00 for Seniors and Children under 15.
Buses leaves 220 South Main, 9/12 at 7:00 AM, return 7:00 PM that day. Parking in the County Parking lot (next to the Dark Horse Pub) thank you Executive Craig. Lunch and beverage will be provided….
Tony Passaro
If you were an informed member of the TEA Party then you would have realized by now that this administration is the very antithesis of what you supposedly believe in. You Tony are the puppet and the administration is the puppet master. You sold your support for a 2cents tax decrease and free parking on the tax payers parking lot. This administration is smart and shrewd and has played you for the fool that you are. I will see you on 9/12, 7:00 am and don’t forget my lunch.
Did you read his comment? He is very informed, I’m not sure how you can argue with his logic.
I respectfully disagree with you APC. There is no logic to his post just a set of talking points in answer to a set of talking points. Many have risen to their 15 minutes of fame under the guise of the TEA Party Movement and in the end they are simply an opportunst.
Agreed Contrarian!
Also, the facts still remain, regardless of the defenders of Mr.Craig’s protestations to the contrary, the county budget increased from 420M to 610M. Since the county did not grow by 45% in 4 years, he only explanation is this government is eagerly feeding at the trough of the taxpayer & giving away revenue as favors to connected special interests & their projects.
If re-elected CE Craig & the County Council will put a bullet through the head of HarCo taxpayers unless they impose steep spending controls. If spending is not brought under control expect increases in the property tax, piggy back income tax and other fees.
One of the biggest consumers of tax dollars is the school board. The school board budget is out of control both in its capital & its operating budget. Two 100M schools with artifical turf fields is a ridiculous expenditure. Artificial turf? Really?? Is this the NFL?? The school board accounts for 50%+ of the county budget. All other cuts are nibbling around the edges. The nibbling should be done but the school board needs to be brought back to reality. However, as Mr. Craig is a former teacher I doubt he has the stomach for any real cuts there. CE Craig had the chance to cut the school budget when a 2% salary reduction was put forth. He took that with one hand & gave it back with the other.
The county government is full of over inflated salaries. Regular non-government employees have seen their incomes reduced by more than 2% in the last 18 months. However, county employees continue on vacuuming the dollars out of the wallets of the private sector taxpaying public with impunity while telling what a great job they are doing.
Do your wallets a favor Harford. Say Adios to Senor Craig.
Tony Passaro
Tony are you a Craig supporter now? What do you personally stand to gain from selling out to Craig?
You sold you soul for what? David Craig was only at one Tea Party, and in fact he tried to stop the April Party in BelAir. Even Bob Erhlich is having second thoughts about supporting this Republicrat. I am deeply saddened by your actions but I still consider you a brother. We are on opposite sides of the battle now but “If I draw my sword on you may the good lord strike me dead.”
In Liberty,
I would like to know what proof you have to show Ehrlich has considered retracting his support?
Mr. Passaro
In response to your long drawn out post above, I will point out one area that you are WRONG!! The County Executive is the one elected official in the County that has complete control over the BOE budget. He is the one that decides how much if any that the county is going to fund of the BOE budget. I know that you are very informed and this could only be a oversight on your part. Next time check your facts!!
Quiet Man
You are the one person that has been able to silence Tony Passaro. Congratulations!
Inarticulate incompetents cannot be silenced since they don’t know that they don’t know. Awareness eludes them and they are a danger to themselves and others, but unfortunately they cannot be helped.
Very correct while Mr. Craig can not dictate what money is spent on [in the BOE budget]. He and the County Council gets to determine how much they have to spend as long as he honor the MOE requirement. BTW we have the 3rd lowest perstudent expenditure in the state!
and the turf fields save money in the long run when you consider how much it costs per year to maintain regular fields and you would have to use more then one to keep excessive wear down. Also P&R helped pay for them!
Chris Cross (is that your real name??)
Your insipid comments smell of partisan politics and are not worthy of a reply.
Tony Passaro
Bel Air
Tony Passaro
Well I’ll ask again. Tony are you a Craig supporter now? What do you personally stand to gain from selling out to Craig?
Hey Schaffer,
From an older, wiser brother,
you are still not the sharpest tool in the tool shed. Your post indicates how far from reality you are…..In short you do not know your butt from Shinola.
And, a word of advice to the foolhardy, keep your sword in its scabbard for otherwise you risk facing a Master Swordsman and it will not be the Lord who will strike you down.
See you on the bus.
Brother Tony Passaro
Bel Air
Hi Double Cross,
O.K. Fool,
What part about “Not worthy of a reply” do you not understand??
Tony Passaro
Bel Air, MD.
Tony Passaro
Aside from your invective and bullying, yet again I ask…are you a Craig supporter now? What do you personally stand to gain from selling out to Craig?
The facts that Mr. Passarro quotes seem to be a touch beyond reality. The costs of overtime, the costs of combining resources, costs of developments, ie. $14mil bonds for friends of county exec,( TIF ring anyones’ bell?) increasing BOE funds to ensure teacher support, increased school violence or assaults on students/teachers, increased parks and rec facilities, increased funds for the detention center without increase of staff, increased funds for the Sheriff’s dept. and the new detention center addition…what about the costs for the new Citizen’s nursing home facility? How about the increased costs close to 300 thousand towards the animal shelter? How is this combining resources to reduce costs? The new schools in Edgewood, the new school being built on Red Pump Rd how is this decreasing costs? What about the road repairs? The county police and fire depts. and their needs? Are these all sef-supporting agencies? The costs generated by the county to keep you/me us safe…where and how are they generated? The sheriff forum last week with the Repub. candidates provided different perspectives about the need and direction that those candidates saw as relevant for the Sheriff dept. budget. How has the current exec. met or addressed those needs? Mr. Craig talks the talk, but seldom does what he says. Mr. Passarro, your comments lead to a commercial for the bus trip on 9/11. You do not represent the TEA party, Taxed Enough Already, but you do have the right to share your personal opinion.
Let me get a few things straight:
-Mr. Passaro used numbers and statistics, while you didn’t, which helps prove his case.
-The extra money to the BOE was supposedly supposed to be so the teachers wouldn’t be forced to take a pay cut. He gives the money to the board and they choose how to spend it. Personally, I believe our teachers deserve to be paid…
-Also, in relation to the last post, you can not blame him for school violence.
-I believe the schools are a necessary expenditure. You do realize that we have more and more people coming to the area for BRAC? We don’t want crowding in the schools we already have, especially in the valuable elementary years. BTW I don’t know how long ago you were in Edgewood High School, but it was long overdue a renovation.
-I also have some problems with the Sheriff’s budget, but the County Executive doesn’t choose how to spend that. I do support the extra funds to keep the county safe, but they money is not being used as productively as possible.
-Finally, I could be wrong, but I believe this budget was smaller than the last, yet provided all the resources that public safety needed.
Craig has imposed no fiscal restraint or accountability on the Board of Ed. Why?
Why are teachers immune to pay cuts even the most meager 2%. Are you kidding me?? There are a lot of people in the private sector in this county that have had their pay reduced by more than 2%.
Families are required to live within their means. Government should be no different.
Hi Frustrated Taxpayer,
Suggest you take an aspirin or some Midol and lie down…..Your post is specious at best and full of dis-information. Apparently you are totally un-aware of what is going on in the County. From what you wrote, the only conclusion I can draw is that you dislike David Craig.
You are entitled to that, however, you are not entitled to make spurious, misleading claims. That is called “LYING” and in that case you are a “PUSILANEMOUS LYER” hiding in the weeds,
so insecure of your position that you hide your identity behind a “Nome De Plume”…
Not only I, but every red blooded American represents the TEA PARTY’S voice. I am just one simple member of the movement I am proud to belong to. I support the TEA PARTY with all my resources, with all my energy and with all my time….
And I beg to differ with you. I am one of the original TEA PARTY organizers going back to before 4/15/2009 rally. I helped organize the first 9/12 march, I helped organize the Harford County TEA PARTY Coalition, I helped organize every Harford County TEA PARTY rally held in the area, I helped reduce taxes in the county, I have discovered and reported on spending in the budget to a tune of 35 million dollars in redundant costs, I have helped sponsor legislation to reduce our property taxes even more, I am helping to sponsor legislation this year for Property Tax Reform…., I have marched, written, faxed, demonstrated, stood in the rain by the roadside and waved a sign, I have meet with the candidates, I have called and supported Liberty…in Bel Air, in Annapolis, In W.D.C.
May I ask, “What have you done for this county, state, or country except take pot shots at those not afraid to show their name?”
But thank you for giving me permission to express my opinion as I
do you.
That being said, shall I save you a seat on the bus??? You can wear a mask so you can remain in the weeds…..and no one will know who your are. I will even buy your ticket.
Tony Passaro
Bel Air MD…
Communist party of Maryland scorecard on some HC candidates. Mr. Norman’s score is too high for me
This post is for JON Schaffer,
Dear Brother,
Your post puzzles me. Are you now opening an argument about Norman??
Where can I see the Communist party of Maryland web site and score card. This truly intrigues me.
Do you mean to say that Wayne Norman is a Communist??
Wow, do not fall on your sword, but are you taking lessons from Joan??? You sure can make provocative, if not specious statements…..
BTW, do you need a seat on our 9/12 bus?? Would love to ride and talk with you. But, please do not bring your sword, just a simple sign will do….
Tony Passaro
Bel Air, MD.
-Norman claims you endorse him.
- here. Dig.
-Civil War reference. Hancock and Armistead, were friends before the war. Armistead was quoted as saying “If I ever fight against you may God strike me dead.” Nothing more nothing less
Your overuse of “specious” is…well…specious.
“Let me die in this old uniform in which I fought my battles. May God forgive me for ever having put on another.”
How is this organization communist? In looking at their “About Us” page, they support a living wage, improving public education, campaign finance reform, and increased voter registration. Sounds pretty good to me…more income for me, a better school for my children, more participation in our democracy. They do also support universal health care and I’m going to guess you’re fixating on that one issue and therefore throwing out the “communist” label. Do you know the definition of communism? This ain’t it.
Hey Tony P. Keep fighting the good fight, my friend. As to that Progressive Maryland Score Card where I got 31%, my votes look exactly the same as those of Delegate Susan McComas who rated a lower score. Gee, could it be that I have only been down there 3 years compared to her 4 years? Just proof that some people can twist numbers anyway they choose…..
Wayne… wow so endorsements and score cards don’t mean anything? Why is it every time you talk, all you do is brag about all the endorsements from special interest groups you have?
If you look at the scorecard from progressive maryland, it is only talking about this year, where you “suddenly” remembered you were a republican. I wonder why… oh yeah, it’s an election year. Probably the reason you didn’t have O’Malley at your party like you had every other year. McComas doesn’t need an election year to remember how to vote the RIGHT way, and that’s probably why she doesn’t have a primary challenger.
Cal–You better take another look at the fine print. It says 4 years, buddy. And again, my votes were exactly the same as Delegate McComas’s. But perhaps you think you think she is a communist also?
You have NOT organized every Tea Party in the county.
First of All Tony, Thanks for your service to our great Nation. Thanks again for doing what Joan should have done and present fact’s. Good man Good work Joan what is it that you do? Real Estae Fine work there How many of those loans did you direct toward friendly lender’s? How many apprassials were directed to friendly apprassiers? Wow! realator~ throwing eggs must be nice the world you live in! Tony again, thanks for your service~
In southern Califoria we have the city of Bell.Everyone has heard about it! Why not ask david craig, the how much question? How much is he really making? There is the issue of pensions. How much will his pension be? He is a professional. He has been in office his whole life. In California we have term limits. I have looked at some of the laws he authored while in the legislature. Most were for his special interested friends. I see nothing for the public good.I grew up in Edgewood and I pay my attention!
The focus is to stop the growth of government and entitlements. We should never elect someone to see how much bacon they can bring home to their state or country. We should elect those that will adhere to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, reduce the size of government and the mandates that Big Government puts upon the PEOPLE. Should we not understand those principles as a PEOPLE then we will forever fall into the bawls of deceit and the evil one will have gained control forever! Terry W. Bettis 8/25/2010
Guards at the Gate
That said there are an enormous number of services and unfunded mandates that the county is bound by State and federal law to provide and perform.
If we don’t perform these, we as a community get sued. Just like how McDonough is promising to begin suing law enforcement officers if they don’t detain anyone with brown skin or an accent that is not carrying the proper paperwork.
Getting hung up on the size of the budget without paying attention to the much greater costs of non-compliance (be it civil lawsuit or the harm that comes to person or property due to the absence of govt regulation) that seems to be the Tea Party way does not make sense. I’m not a fan of the senseless scramble by the Tea Party to romanticize and return our society to a pre Upton Sinclair era.
The goal should be an environment that maximizes long-term local and national GDP growth within a balanced Govt budget. The budget should allow for sufficient Govt investment in regulation and infrastructure to ensure that
1) People aren’t unwittingly killed by their job (or getting to/from it),
2) We can protect our autonomy by responding appropriately to the next natural disaster or foreign attack
3) People can trust the products they buy to function as promised with sufficient means to seek compensation for losses if they don’t.
4) We don’t pass on the costs for doing any of the above onto the next generation.
5) We aren’t killing through neglect those must vulnerable of people who are unable to work and in exchange for recognizing that one day we may become one of these vulnerable people we use the opportunity we have now to share in the common cost of of making productive those who may one day be able to enter or reenter workforce that may later shoulder the burden of ensuring we’re not neglected.
Show me a government function or earmark that doesn’t aid in the accomplishment of one of these goals or the subsequent cost of failing to meet one of these goals in the past I’ll most likely agree with the Tea Party that we should cut it out.
Within the above functions, though, we need to be making the obvious investments that deliver upon the goals sufficiently and efficiently. The Tea Party movement is doing nothing to improve upon what we have. Important debates are being dumbed down by Sarah Palin slogans and unbalanced litmus tests. In my view, the Tea Party is heading down a path where they’re going to be stuck one day having to account for the blood on their hands as the system gets hung up and fails in different ways that cause people to die.
As a result, although I’m a long-time conservative, I do not ever imagine a day where I will consider myself a Tea Party member.
Well said. Those political cats that bring home the “pork” are stealing it from others.
Tony Passaro
Bel Air, MD.
You can learn alot from these articles from candidates and the subsequent comments and I applaud Joan for her attempt at solidifying a case against David Craig because it is only through this process of challenging incumbents that the truth comes out and we don’t end up with a a government full of cronies wasting taxpayer dollars.
In my mind, though, Craig has done a lot right in a challenging economic period to keep the county in good economic standing. When you expand your viewpoint to other counties around the US during this same time it’s clear that there were many fatal financial pitfalls that Harford County under Craig’s leadership managed to sidestep.
Our financial picture could be better but let’s not forget how absolutely ineffective our county’s state delegation has been at representing our needs and ensuring that the state budgets align with our county’s needs. David’s job appears to have been harder than it should since he’s been having to fill some leadership voids at that level.
I also have a general fear that there are a lot of balls in flight related to BRAC and general economic uncertainty that can all come crashing down if a new candidate takes office who must learn the intricacies of the job and is incapable of hitting the ground running. A few more years of stability in the office before going in a new direction is not that bad of a prospect.
The failed campaign promises, even if they were as true as Joan positions them, pale in comparison to what could have gone wrong but didn’t so I’m willing to overlook.
There are several incumbants that need to go (Impallaria and McDonough, for instance) but I don’t see Craig as being on that list.
For these reasons my vote here is for David Craig.
Forest Hill Resident,
Thanks for your paid political announcement!
Opinions are my own and I typically post for my own enjoyment when I’m procrastinating on other projects. Never attended a political meeting anywhere so it’s easy to protect my anonymity. I can’t give my name because my Wife who occasionally looks over my shoulder doesn’t like it when I dive into topics that will offend at least some of the neighbors and I also honestly don’t trust that McDonough or Impallaria are above doing a drive-by of my house if they knew who I was (which is why they gotta go).
In the above post, I figured I should make a point of complementing someone who has done a good job since all I otherwise seem to do is criticize McDonough, Impallaria, Heathcare Reform Opponents, Tea Party nuttiness and No Kohls in Forest Hill activists for the past few years after moving down here.
Honestly, I couldn’t pick David Craig out of a lineup – I’ve only seen the guy once in person at a 4th of July parade where McDonough’s signage got on my nerve.
If I do decide to branch out and make a career out of endorsements, though, can I ask what are you getting paid Cincinnatus? Clearly you’re some kind of career politician living off the public dole or crony looking for a handout or special favor but is it really that hard to believe that some people just have a natural interest in what is going on locally and want to see the good things move forward?
At this point my primary message is anybody but McDonough, Impallaria. My mind is open on any other campaign but as I say above I don’t see a case for advocating regime change for county executive. I also don’t see a case for advocating regime change for County Sheriff or State Governor. Feel free to educate me on why I should think differently – I promise I’ll at least thoughtfully consider.
Oh – by the way I’m 90% certain that it’s McDonough who posts under the name Phil Dirt. Once you factor out those supportive messages on the anti-immigration front, I’m pretty sure the only people who think his ideas have any merit have all acknowledged that they’re from out of state.
If the rest of your opinions are as incorrect as this one (90% certain? Where did you pull that from?), nobody should ever believe a single thing you say.
To keep it simple, McDonough does not live in Bel Air. I, on the other hand, do. Hence, I am not McDonough. Do you need me to explain it further?
I guess you missed the whole Bel Air Town Commissioner debates or any of the other Bel Air-themed comments I have made and simply jumped to this 90% conclusion based on a handful of posts. Well, I am 90% certain that you don’t know what the hell you are talking about. Actually, I’m 100% certain.
I will consider anything posted without a NAME to be composed by the Craig campaign!!!!
“I was blind but now I see”!!
The question is, who to vote for. Too often we are told why NOT to vote for someone, but I don’t think Joan could defend Rob Wagner’s record either. So does that mean Fred Silva, who is completely absent from the campaign?
24 Dennis Stankie says:
August 26, 2010 at 12:43 pm
I will consider anything posted without a NAME to be composed by the Craig campaign!!!!
“I was blind but now I see”!!
Are you a shill for one of the lesser cantidates?? Your post is a classic. You statement made me laugh so hard, I am thinking of sending out to my readers as a “CLASSIC CHUCKLE”….
Be advised, you are suffering from more that bad eyesight, not only are you still blind, but your writing indicates that you are showing definite signs of moronic dementia.
Tony Passaro
Bel Air, MD..
No.Mr Passaro: “It ain’t me,babe,No,No,No it ain’t me your loooking for!” I can tell from the way you talk; you are looking to jump on me and take me for a ride.
It’s Mr passaro who is the lesser canidate. So, much less, he’s not even in the game!
Mr. Stankie,
Very sophomoric Jr.. Put down your bong and try again.
Tony Passaro
Bel Air, MD.
Quiet Man,
I just saw your post. Please excuse my delay in responding. You certainly deserve to be answered….You speak so positively and so knowingly about how the BOE budget is controlled that I assume that you are an expert in this area….excellent, I can use some help…after all, I am just a simple TEA PARTY sign waving activist. All the budget experience I ever got was running, for 8 years, a sucessful 85 million dollar company for Philips, NV…
Please tell me then Sir, have you ever heard of the state mandated “Maintenance of Effort” rule???
Please correct me if I am wrong, Here is what I have on it “Maintenance of Effort” consist of existing legislation commonly referred to as “5-202 State Financial Assistance for Public Education”. This and other State mandated regulatory policy have resulted in redundant operations, questionable management and procurement practices, non standard and excessive design and construction costs, as well as a top heavy staff within the Board of Education in every county in this “TAX AND SPEND” state of Maryland. I believe the problem lies with O’Malley and the State House, not the Counties….
I recently testified in Annapolis against its imposition. From my perspective it prevents County Government from affecting the B.O.E. Budget…..and or its operations.
Montgomery County and Price Georges County were there the same day I was. Both counties were petitioning for a waiver of said rule and it’s accompanying penalty……..They needed the waiver so that they could cut their B.O.E. budget in order to balance their Counties’ overall budget…Unfortunately if a county fails to comply with this onerous state law, they are fined up to 29 million dollars??
Sure surprised me. It never ceases to amaze me how much Marylanders are willing to put up with…
Now, as an expert, please take the time to elucidate me. I am taking your advice and checking the facts….
May I suggest that if you are unfamiliar with this rule that you investigate it’s provisions…
Then, after you become familiar with the “Maintenance of Effort” rule and other State mandated regulatory policies dealing with the B.O.E., you can explain to me how County Executive David Craig can control the BOE budget (51% of this Counties overall budget)….and or the B.O.E. operations..
Thank you for your time and advice and for assisting me in checking the facts….
Tony Passaro
Bel Air, MD
MOE requires that a county appropriate per pupil operating budget funds to the local school system in an amount that is not less than the prior years per pupil funded amount. So in Harford county why have the CE’s agreed to fund above the required amount? That is where they have the control. Now if you look at F/Y 2003 to F/Y 2009 in Harford County you will see that the CE’S have budgeted above the MOE requirement. Except for F/Y 2004.
I believe 2008 to 2009 was fla and the same with 2009 and 2010 or close. Remmber that does not mean the same amount of money total same per pupil. As enrollment changes so does the money.
He can control it by giving them the same they had the year before.
CAN SOMEBODY PLEASE tell me why I should vote for someone other than Craig based upon THEIR record? With Craig I know what I am getting, with Wagner and his 16 years on the Council that NEVER ONCE reduced the homeowners assessment cap I know what I am getting. Do I vote for Fred Silva where I have no clue what I am getting?
County Council Bill 06-37 introduced by Rob Wagner would have lowered your assessment cap to 104% years before they eventually lowered it to 105%. Those Council members would not support the bill and it was withdrawn. Just wanted to set the record straight.
From what I understand, that is what “Maintenance of Effort” is all about…..which to me means the BOE budget can never, ever get smaller than the prior year…so how then can you make the BOE budget smaller w/o being on the BOE Board???
Are you ready to run for a seat?
Suggest that the problem lies with the BOE Board, not the County Executive. If you have a problem with the BOE budget come to a BOE meeting and let them hear you…..I am prepared to stand with you.
Tony Passaro
Bel Air, MD.
Ther per pupil expenditure. so if we have spent 9,000 last year per kid and had 10,000 kids and our budget was 90,000,000. then next year we must spend 9,000 a kid. The catch is if the enrollment is only 9,000 then the school budget can be 81,000,000 or 9 million less. The converse is true also.
I do not think it is ethical for me to be on the BOE while I work for my current employer!
Ok! you old wind bag:Mr passaro. I will give you a real challenge.On or by
October 29,2010 let’s see how much you really care about Harford county and it’s people.By October 29,2010 you will have completly forgotten about the name,” DEBORAH ELAINE BURGESS”. The question then will be how many murders are OK?
Donot blow a fuse trying to reply!
Sorry, I do not have time to play trivia games with children..
And calling me an Old Wind Bag is very childish, but if you insist, look punk, I was kicking butt before you were born. If you have nothing to do but make idiotic posts, forget about it and just go away.
Tony Passaro
Bel Air, MD..
Just like I said, Mr. windbag, passaro is to busy blowing hot air at the wahington monumeant to even mention Ms. DEBORAH ELAINE BURGESS. I have discovereed that after 60 days everyone will forget about Ms burgess.So, no matter what you all call me or think of my views: murder is murder.How many murders do you have?The issue is taxes. Murders and their investigations are important.I bring this example to your attention because old windbag wants you to believe his lies.Likewise politicians want you to believe in them.Old wind bag, wants you believe he is a leader, a new leader of a movement!He’s a “lost-leader”!
He’s an old wingbag dragging good persons down, and has dark motivations.Davis craig is not dark but only greedy for gain, like many!!!Sorry-full, caught between the greedy and the dark.
“It ain’t me baby,No, No, No it ain’t me!”
I have been amused by the extent of speculation and down right lies that have been made about the Harford County 2011 Expense Budget.
I was surprise that J.R. could be so far off the mark.
So I put on my Accounting Hat, collected actual budget data and
made an analysis of the new 2011 spending.
What follows is a result of that study. The detail covers those expense items directly controlled by the County Executive
Mr. David Craig.
The comparison is a year over year (2011 over 2010)
review of the Counties spending.
Please be advised:
In Fiscal 2010 the expense budget was $65,326,538
In Fiscal 2011 the expense budget was $62,078,020
The difference year over year is $(3,248,518)
The 2011 spending is actually 4.9% less than in 2010.
So for those experts who claim the budget grew,
you are flat out wrong. You should take
In 2011 the County Executive, Mr. Craig, actually reduced
overall spending by 4.9%.
Data was supplied to me, as a member of the Budget Oversight Committee, By the County Treasury Department……
F2010 F2011 Diff % change
01 COUNTY EXECUTIVE 1,599,462 2,024,393 424,931 +26.57%
RELATIONS 535,114 Dep ELIM (535,114) -100.00%
02 ADMINISTRATION 11,619,189 10,971,649 (647,540) -5.57%
03 PROCUREMENT 3,971,424 3,673,803 (297,621) -7.49%
04 TREASURY 3,963,429 3,878,816 (84,613) -2.13%
05 LAW 1,839,675 1,811,126 (28,549) -1.55%
06 PLANNING/ZONING 3,623,853 3,613,444 (10,409) -0.29%
08 HUMAN RESOURCES 1,770,758 1,380,351 (390,407) -22.05%
09 COMMUNITY SER 7,348,057 7,013,848 (334,209) -4.55%
17 HOUSING AGENCY 611,174 571,261 (39,913) -6.53%
22 EM/SER(less VFC) 9,292,838 9,367,407 74,569 +0.80%
& PERMITS 3,788,443 3,782,851 (5,592) -0.15%
30 PUBLIC/WORKS 3,997,385 2,721,481 (1,275,904) -31.92%
& RECREATION 9,172,977 9,166,709 (6,268) -0.07%
DEVELOPMENT 2,192,760 2,100,881 (91,879) -4.19%
GRAND TOTAL 65,326,538 62,078,020 (3,248,518) -4.97%
* Functions, not the spending of the abolished Gov’t & Community Relations department transferred to County Executive – Office of Chief of Staff. So A. Tormachio was given an extra department, w/o increase in staff or $$$$.
This analysis should lay to rest all the B/S about the budget growing and the spending increasing. The County in Fiscal 2011
is spending 4.9 % LESS that it spent in 2010. The savings to the tax payers came to $3,248,518. In the chart negative (numbers) – mean less than. Posative + numbers mean more than.
Keep in mind that the BOE budget (51% of the Counties spending) is untouchable as if it were on sacred groud..
So I shall close by addressing all the amature financial types, the so called experts, pudents, number checkers and Wagner supporters sniping from the weeds, YOU who all know so much about so little, I challenge you to check my data.
To: Cincinnatus: You are correct sir. I mispoke and for that I must apologize…I did not arrange every Tea Party in the County, however, I did help to arrange and or took part in every Tea Party in Bel Air.
To: Jon, as for my “excessive” use of the word “specious” I use it to preclude my use of the word BULL SHIT…..which I am so often tempted to do when reading some posts….
To: the children that like to call me names, well have at it kids, “sticks and stones, etc”.
Respectfully submitted,
Tony Passaro
Bel Air
You are right Joan, his broken promises will cost us plenty and his land speculation will cost us even more. Lets not forget that housing speculation coupled with corporate greed brought this country and the global economy to its knees. Yet, this administration continues with business as usual. He claims to be a Republican and yet taxes and spends like a liberal. Those Republicans that voted for him in the primary election told the rest of us that they accept corruption and the status quo. For those who voted for me and Bob Wagner they indicated that serious change is needed. For the thousands more that were not able to vote in the primary they are faced with little choice in the general election. To give these folks a voice and another option in the general election I decide to remain in the race as a write in candidate. I just hope that in the general election apathy is a thing of the past. Change and tax reform will only be realized when the public removes this arrogant government.
Why didn’t you get behind Mark Fisher? Is this about change or is this about personal ego?
I wish voters would have been forced to read this before choosing her to be on central committee.
If you don’t like Craig, vote for Mark Fisher in November.