In the same year that Harford County Public School employees flooded school board meetings to protest potential salary cuts and actual increases in their healthcare costs, Harford Schools Superintendent Robert M. Tomback will not receive a performance bonus for his first year on the job.
Dr. Tomback’s four-year employment contract with the Harford County Board of Education calls for a bonus of up to 10% of the superintendent’s annual salary, dependent upon a performance evaluation and “if prevailing economic conditions permit, as determined by the Board,”. Teri Kranefeld, manager of communications for HCPS, said the bonus was not awarded this year, strictly due to economic conditions.
By contract, the school board is to complete an evaluation of the superintendent’s performance by June 15 of each year. Upon receiving the highest rating in at least 80% of the evaluation categories, the superintendent is eligible to receive a bonus, but the decision is at the sole discretion of the school board, within the 10% limit. This year’s bonus could have been as high as $19,000, based on the superintendent’s current salary of $190,000.
Regarding the outcome of the superintendent’s first evaluation, Teri Kranefeld of HCPS wrote in an e-mail:
“As with any employee personnel information, I cannot discuss with you the results of an evaluation. I can tell you that the bonus was not administered specifically due to the prevailing economic conditions.”
This was an obvious decision, but the explanation is suspect at best. An objective evaluation of Mr. Tomback’s performance would have the same result. He has accomplished little or nothing during his first year and has not EARNED a bonus payment. In fact he has had major gaffs in his performance and in informed circles his name has been mentioned in the same sentence as former superintendent Wayne Grotski. If you recall Grotski’s contract was bought out early just to get rid of him. Mr. Tomback may last the term of his four year contract but it will not be renewed.
You hit the nail on the head. He hasn’t earned a bonus. 3 more years of this administration could put HCPS into a tail-spin if it hasn’t already. Buying out his contract the way they did Jeff Grotsky’s….hmmm, now there’s an idea!
I am a little surprised that being the head of Harford County Public Schools pays better then being Gov. of the State of Maryland. Before any bonus plan.
Why not give the teachers, and custodians a bonus who make 24,500 a year and work everyday and get awesome evaluations
As the husband of a teacher, I can tell you this person whould have NEVER been allowed to get this position, He has made enemies with all fo the staff in Harford County from day one. He has ZERO understanding of contract law, and not one once of common sense left in him. I think you know what that leaves us with@!