North Harford represents the last bastion of the county’s rural roots, but that agricultural way of life is increasingly at odds with encroaching residential and commercial development.
Balancing the best interests of residents, employees, and businesses is a difficult, seemingly endless, and usually thankless job – perhaps that’s why only two candidates have expressed official interest in representing the North Harford District D on the Harford County Council.
With only two Republicans running for the office and no Democratic candidate stepping forward to be placed on the ballot, the next District D councilman will be decided in the Primary Election.
The Dagger caught up with those candidates – Todd Paterniti and Chad Shrodes – and posed to them the same set of questions.
Those questions, and the varying answers of the candidates, are listed below:
In one paragraph, please give a brief biographical sketch of yourself.
I was born on September 14, 1967, ironically the same day that I will find out if I am to become the republican candidate for Harford County Council. I have lived in Harford County since 1972, and attended Jarrettsville Elementary, North Harford Middle and North High School. As a youngster I was active in boy scouts, baseball and 4H. As an adult, I decided to settle in Harford County and raise a family. My wife Karen and I bought our first home in Harford County in 1989, and now reside in our second Harford County home. Karen and I have been married for 21 years, and we have three children. Tiffany and Tyler they graduated from North Harford High School and our youngest Courtney will be entering North Harford High School this year. When my children were younger, I was very active in the Churchville Rec. Council and North Harford Rec. Council. I began my professional career with Brocker Steel after graduating from North Harford High School. I also worked part time at Fork CITGO as night manager and mechanic. I advanced to a management position for Carroll Independent Fuel Company, and continued to work two jobs to support my young family. In 1997, I opened my own industrial supply company. Then, due to outsourcing, I diversified into lawn care and landscaping. Three years ago I went to work for Victory Steel Company. I have also recently sold the lawn care company. I have personally felt the effects of this tough economy, which prompted me to run for Harford County Council.
I was born and raised in Norrisville. My family’s home adjoins the farm where my grandmother, Jean McElwain Shrodes, was raised, and where my great-grandfather farmed. This is a great source of pride for me. In May, 2008 I married my amazing wife, Amber at Kilgore’s Falls, and in December, 2009 we welcomed our beautiful daughter Madelyn Grace to our family. I attended Norrisville Elementary, North Harford Middle, and North Harford High schools, Harford Community College, and then graduated from Towson University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Land Use and Environmental Planning. Prior to taking office as the Councilman for North Harford, I served in many capacities as a Planner for both Harford County and the State of Maryland. These positions, which involved all aspects of land preservation, historic preservation, forest conservation, and development review at the State and County level, provide me with an intimate and comprehensive background of Harford County’s communities and the Nation’s most innovative land-use policies. Further, this experience prepares me with profound insight regarding the update of the Master Plan and will help me to temper the growth of the County with the preservation of our rural heritage.
I am active in numerous community groups including the Harford County Farm Bureau, Extension Advisory Committee, the Rocks Road Improvement Committee, the Jarrettsville Lions Club, the Harford County Library Board of Trustees, the Mason-Dixon Business Association, the Harford Land Trust, the Izaack Walton Sportsman’s Chapter, and attend the Whiteford/Cardiff/Pylesville/Street, Jarrettsville/Norrisville, and Darlington/Dublin community meetings regularly. I am a resolute supporter of Harford’s volunteer fire companies, PTAs, park and recreation councils, the Harford County Library System, and the Harford County 4-H, Boy and Girl Scouts programs. Our family attends Norrisville United Methodist Church. For more information please visit my web site at
What is at stake for District D (North Harford) in this race?
I feel what is at stake for District D (North Harford) in this race is the future for our children, our families, our small businesses, our homes, our farms, our farm land , our safety and the American dream. Our economy is shrinking, unemployment is rising, our property taxes are running residents out of the county and our home values are falling. North Harford has a proud heritage of hard working people. I grew up knowing the value of working hard to achieve my goals. I have always been a hands-on, family oriented businessman, and I would be honored to represent the residents of Harford County, and help bring back the way of life that I was privileged to know growing up in this great county.
The update of the Master Plan makes the next four years critical. In 2006, I ran for County Council to meet the challenges facing our County’s rural areas and agricultural community, and felt my land-use experience would be particularly valuable in the Comprehensive Rezoning process and the Zoning Code rewrite. I was grateful to receive the support of the voters of northern Harford County, and of the farming community then, and am proud of my accomplishments and of those of the council. I am seeking re-election because there is still important work to do, and I feel strongly that my strengths, which now include experience on the County Council, will best serve my district again.
The decisions made in the next term will have lasting effects on our community for generations. North Harford’s communities, and agricultural community in particular, require a strong advocate. I hope I will have the opportunity to continue serve as North Harford’s Voice on the council for the next four years.
What is the biggest problem in District D (North Harford) and what will you do if elected to make it better?
I feel the biggest problem in District D (North Harford) is the rise of foreclosures in these economic times. Hard working families are losing their homes. Communities are losing valuable citizens. Homeowners in surrounding areas are seeing their home values fall. If elected as your county councilman, I will do everything possible to protect every citizen’s way of life. I will fight for legislation to help homeowners struggling to make mortgage payments and battle for ways to lower property taxes for all, especially our seniors. I will work to encourage growth in the small business sector and bring more jobs to our part of the county. And I will strive to be the voice of the everyday person.
The biggest problems facing the voters of District D are the same facing all of the voters of Harford County: the poor economy, rampant government spending, and the need to keep taxes as low as possible without sacrificing essential services.
I am proud of my record as an advocate for fiscal responsibility, and have supported needed tax relief for the citizens of Harford County, and acted on behalf of small businesses and of family farms in particular.
In terms of an issue of concern that is specific to North Harford, the most pressing is the degradation of our rural heritage. Preserving our rural heritage is a top priority, and I am pleased to have championed improvements to our land preservation and agriculture economic development programs, as well as played a leading role in the effort to “Save the Rocks.”
In addition I want to enhance efforts to bring the latest technologies, such as FiOS and broadband, to the citizens of North Harford. I am incessantly working with the division of Information & Communications Technology to expedite Broadband Carriers deliver high speed Fiber or Wireless access to every home and business in Harford County. Together, we are studying options for low cost, high speed connectivity to homes where private carriers cannot provide high speed service in the near future. Investing in technologies that create value, efficiency, transparency and accountability in government are key. I am proud that multiple initiatives are underway to enhance government service to citizens, including efforts to connect all Educational Institutions, Government, Health & Public Safety facilities via ultra high speed Fiber., a platform for citizen collaboration to make your local government more accessible and engaging, is already underway.
With the slow pace of the economy the last few years, residential development in the northern end of Harford has all but come to a halt. That figures to change if and when the economy picks up and with the continued development of the county’s new Transfer of Development Right rules, which could see North Harford serve as both a major sending and receiving area for development rights. With that in mind, how will the balance of rural/agriculture and residential development look in North Harford? How is North Harford changing in that respect and how do you think North Harford should be changing? How is North Harford dealing with that change? What is North Harford’s long-range future?
Right now, the balance of rural and residential development in North Harford looks like the cart is in front of the horse. North Harford is suffering from overcrowding in our schools, lack of modern communications technologies, insufficient transportation routes, and not enough active state and local law enforcement to support the expanding residential development. North Harford should be taking advantage of the current slow growth period to catch up on all these important issues before the next growth wave occurs and it is anticipated that it will, particularly with BRAC (Base Realignment and Closure). North Harford has been slow to advance with these changes. We need to do our best to accurately estimate development envelopes in order prevent the value of northern Harford land from skyrocketing. Developing outside the envelope will cause both the value of preserved land and open acreage to rise in value. I believe Harford County needs more technical schools, and we must be proactive in addressing the expansion of our student population. We must grow the infrastructure and make improvements to unsafe roadways which are currently overpopulated with traffic. Public safety must be a priority. We need added law enforcement on state and local levels. My fellow neighbors and I feel the lack of communications technology in North Harford every day. We must work to be as equipped as the other parts of the county with modern communications.
I am optimistic that we will be able to maintain the agricultural/rural and residential balance in the North Harford area well into the future. We already have 47,000 acres of farmland that is permanently preserved, and Harford County is a model when it comes to developing the next generation of farmers to work the land. I’m very excited about the new Natural Resources and Ag Magnet program at North Harford, which will educate students on the latest technologies in agriculture and prepare them for careers in farming.
My first term in office has been incredibly fulfilling to me, as I feel that we have made progress in the mission to preserve our quality of life and to keep Harford County rural. Shortly after taking office, I sponsored legislation that made our County’s Land Preservation program more attractive to prospective landowners wishing to extinguish development rights in perpetuity, and ensured that the County’s is preserving the most productive and fertile land resources in the County. I also successfully advocated for the expansion of both the State’s Rural Legacy Program and our Priority Preservation Area (PPA) to include the “upper” Deer Creek Watershed, creating new land preservation opportunities to North Harford, specifically in the areas of Street, Pylesville, Norrisville, Jarrettsville, White Hall and Shawsville.
The County Council took on the responsibility to rewrite the Harford County Zoning Code and Development Regulations, as they hadn’t been updated for an astonishing 26 years. This allowed us the opportunity to adopt a true Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) program. While our creation of TDR program is not perfect, it is a vast improvement over the previous non-TDR program. Now that we have one that includes sending and receiving areas, it can be revised, expanded, and improved. My vision for a future TDR program would be led by a dynamic task force and tie residential up-zoning within the Development Envelope to the preservation of productive agricultural land outside of the Development Envelope.
Of course, there’s no point in preserving farmland if farmers aren’t given every opportunity to make a decent living. So I am a strong supporter of Harford County’s Agricultural Economic Development program — one of the best in the state — and was pleased to partner with the Harford County Farm Bureau, the County’s Ag Economic Development staff, and members of the farming community at large to form an Ag Viability Task force three years ago. This task force created a report the led to the creation of legislation allowing farmers to better market value-added and processed agricultural products directly to the consumer, encouraging residents to “Buy Local”.
Looking toward the future, my priorities over the next term to preserve Harford’s rural heritage include: 1) Creating a comprehensive TDR Program that establishes sending areas tied to up-zonings within the Development Envelope. 2) Encourage Conservation-Cluster Developments in agricultural areas. 3) Advocacy of county, state, and federal land preservation programs and land trusts. 4) Support Right-to-Farm Legislation 5) Promote Agri-tourism/direct marketing of Ag products to consumers. 6) Seek tools and creative funding solutions to meet Ag Land Preservation goals. 7) Establish architectural design standards that compliment Rural Village Centers. 8) Support Historic Preservation initiatives.
Paterniti who? Well this is a no brainer. Have a great next 4 years in office Mr Shrodes!
Now let’s talk about the Sheriff race. Why shouldn’t I vote for Jesse Bane, I forgot? If I remember correctly he is a really nice guy. The jail guards seem to like him. That’s good enough for me.
These comments are a joke. HarfordMom is a personal friend of Shrodes so those attacks are just mudslinging. Personally, if Mr. Paterniti had/has his home in foreclosure that is one more reason to get my vote since he knows the struggles of the common, everyday man much like myself. It’s no secret one in 10 homeowners in Harford County has faced foreclosure and it’s also no secret the situation is about to get even worse. Mr. Shrodes has had his 4 years in office like the rest of the council and where are we now? Tremendously over-valued property assessments, infrastructure that is literally crumbling, and a law enforcement sector that is stretched so thin it’s ready to snap! I would gladly support the ‘average joe’ who lives in the real world and knows what it’s like to work for everything they have vs. someone else from the Harford Co “good’ole boy network” who has had everything handed down to him and is only interested in self interest!
Looks great Chad. You have done a good job the last 4 years, now we need to get you 4 more!! See you around!
I think Paterniti would be a great councilman. He seems to be down to earth and can relate to everyone else out there. He actually lives in the real world. Shrodes seems to be stuck on himself and more worried about how many groups he can be involved in, instead of actually achieving some kind of difference. It’s people, like Paterniti, that actually want to make that difference and can achieve it. Unlike Shrodes, who just wants to have his name out there. All the luck to you Paterniti!
At first glance, I’d agree with you. Paterniti seems like the “average, everyday person”. After reading his bio, I felt that he was entering this race because he’s either out of money or doesn’t have any real path forward for his career. I had no idea about his home foreclosure issue (as raised by HarfordMom), but now his comment regarding his desire to “fight for legislation to help homeowners struggling to make mortgage payments” makes sense. Not saying that’s a good, or bad, thing. I’m just not aware of things that can be done at this granular of a level (county council level) to really help someone that’s behind on their mortgage payments with the mortgage company. I could be way off base about that…don’t know.
I heard Mr. Shrodes speak in person at Forest Hill Elementary School back when there was a drinking water issue due to the (former) gas station on the corner leaking stuff into the ground. Anyway, I got home from that meeting and I swore to my wife that I would not vote for him again. He sounded like a bumbling idiot. He attended with another council memeber that sounded just as bad. Don’t know if it was the pressure from the crowd or just nerves from speaking in public, but I left the meeting very frustrated. However, his thoughts and words above are very cohesive and well-formed. Will the real Chad Shrodes please step forward?!?
He is a bumbling idiot. Just pick any council meeting and watch him talk.
This sounds good because someone else wrote it.
Wonder who… maybe his wife?
KAL, I’ve done some research on the candidates for this year’s elections. Paterniti has had his home in foreclosure several times, as one can see from court records. I don’t care to have someone with no experience and extremely poor financial skills manage the finances for our entire county. Paterniti has no idea what he’s getting himself into. This is not a game, sir.
I think Mr Paterniti knows exactly what he’s getting himself into. That’s what has the Shrodes clan so worried that they have to try & use the name bashing. So what if he had uncontrollable financial issues. He explained in his biographical sketch that he owned an industrial supply company which he lost due to outsourcing. Is that something he could control? In his own words, “I have personally felt the effects of this tough economy, which prompted me to run for Harford County Council.”
Mr. Paterniti started a family at 21 yrs old & has owned 2 homes in Harford County. He didn’t have the luxury of living in a home that adjoins his family’s farm. If you think about it honestly how many people can say they did everything right the 1st time. The point shouldn’t be if his home may or may not have been in foreclosure, it should be what he learned from it. For him to run for county council shows me that he is willing to step up and try to make a difference in this county with some serious issues that need addressing. And it’s not like only one member of the council can make ALL the financial decisions for the entire county.
These comments are a joke. HarfordMom is a personal friend of Shrodes so those attacks are just mudslinging. Personally, if Mr. Paterniti had/has his home in foreclosure that is one more reason to get my vote since he knows the struggles of the common, everyday man much like myself. It’s no secret one in 10 homeowners in Harford County has faced foreclosure and it’s also no secret the situation is about to get even worse. Mr. Shrodes has had his 4 years in office like the rest of the council and where are we now? Tremendously over-valued property assessments, infrastructure that is literally crumbling, and a law enforcement sector that is stretched so thin it’s ready to snap! I would gladly support the ‘average joe’ who lives in the real world and knows what it’s like to work for everything they have vs. someone else from the Harford Co “good’ole boy network” who has had everything handed down to him and is only interested in self interest!
“Mr. Shrodes has had his 4 years in office like the rest of the council and where are we now? Tremendously over-valued property assessments…”
For better or worse, assessments are a function of State government, not local, and they run on a three year cycle. Depending on where you are in the cycle, it is extremely likely that the next time you are assessed it will be for a lower amount than where you are now.
:…infrastructure that is literally crumbling…”
Well, you can probably thank Nancy Jacobs, Susan McCommas, Impallaria, McDonough and Stifler for that. In there years in Annapolis, they have brought little back to Harford County in the way of cold, hard cash. They’d rather demagogue and rail about speaking English and hop on their cut taxes bandwagon than actually work to fix things and bring home the bacon.
“…and a law enforcement sector that is stretched so thin it’s ready to snap!…”
The Sheriff’s department has been underfunded for years, yet here on the Dagger you have many people posting and crying about how the budget has gone up under Jesse Bane. The Department’s budget, relative to other jurisdictions of the same size, is relatively light. If there is a need for more deputies and greater presence throughout the County, one would have to pay to play.
“I would gladly support the ‘average joe’ who lives in the real world and knows what it’s like to work for everything they have vs. someone else from the Harford Co “good’ole boy network” who has had everything handed down to him and is only interested in self interest!”
Shrodes may be part of the “good ol’ boy” network, but I have never gotten the impression that his only interest is self-interest. For that you can check out Dion Guthrie.
Jesse Bane has increased the budget approximately 50% or $20 Million. He has mismanaged at very level. He has unnecessary special units, unneeded levels of command, union deputies sleeping on the job,keeping jobs, and making great overtime.
Change is coming.
I don’t know the players in this game very well, but comments like Fanboy… uh, I mean Jonboy made such as, “Personally, if Mr. Paterniti had/has his home in foreclosure that is one more reason to get my vote since he knows the struggles of the common, everyday man much like myself” are just plain ridiculous.
I may vote for a candidate in spite of the fact that his home is in foreclosure, depending on the circumstances, but never BECAUSE he can’t pay his bills.
I guess Jonboy was right about one thing – these comments ARE a joke.
One in 10 American households with a mortgage were at risk of foreclosure this summer as the government’s efforts to help have had little impact stemming the housing crisis.
About 9.9 percent of homeowners had missed at least one mortgage payment as of June 30, said by the Mortgage Bankers Association.
More than 2.3 million homes have been repossessed by lenders since the recession began in December 2007, according to foreclosure listing service Realty Trac Inc. Economists expect the number of foreclosures to grow well into next year.
The number of Americans missing payments and falling into foreclosure has followed the upward trend in unemployment, which has been near double digits all year and has shown no sign of dropping soon.
Wow~ Shrodes does love himdelf. Dem or Republican, let’s get new blood… change it up I don’t even believe Shrodes has a job?
Amen! New blood in harford Co.
its himself, not himdelf buddy.
Paterniti is not in my mind who I want respresenting me in the NH district. Lets look into simple differences, Paterniti didnt go to college and went to work blue collar directly out of high school. What this means is that he doesn’t have the upper level experiences that go with college which are essential in politics. Shroades went to college and has a great record taking care of northern county, his college education shows in the way he wrote his responses to the above questions where paterniti was jumbled and scattered lacking focus and organization in his writing.
Paterniti’s responses, when you read into them are all about building new roads, homes, and more urbanization of the northern end of this county, which is not in the interests of anyone who isn’t looking for a quick buck to develop property… The BRAC? let the Brac go to bel air or fallston, or hey checj this out, aberdeen and edgewood, near the bases.
Paterniti also said NHHS is overcrowded, he is not correct on that. NHHs is probably one of the top two schools with student population at or under building capacities. If you want to talk about overcrowding go to Aberdeen High or Edgewood where ther schools are 400 or more students over capacity, 30 students per classroom on average. Nhhs keeps class sizes to around or under 22.
As for the law enforcement being stretched thin, Paterniti is again way off, I drove across the county yesterday and passed 15 marked and unmarked cars on patrol, I was on the same major road as well. Furthurmore the Northern County has the Jarrettsville Barrack for the harco shefiffs. That in itself has increased the presence 10 fold and in my opinion there are too many sheriffs is the northern half when they could be better utilized on the Rt. 40 cooridor. Basically I see many on-duty cops pulled over off of back roads or in convenience store lots, not being vigilant and often not acting as public survants like the time the sheriff was flirting with the hig store girl for a long time while on the clock, etc.
In conclusion, Paterniti comes off as a proponant for development in Northern County where as Shrodes in a proponant of preservation. Paterniti just isn’t doing it for me, he carries himself as if he had just decided to run the day before the application was due and didnt take the politicing procedure seriously. Shrodes is doing a hell of a job and needs to continue and save north county.
This comment board is retarded and means nothing and some people leaving comments are obviously members of the paternity family lamely posing as others, trashing Shrodes and unsuccessfully blaming him for things that are actually the responsibility of other MD elected politicians who have dropped the ball on their responsibilities to the people.
Shrodes, not Shroades
check, not checj
corridor, not cooridor
servants, not survants
proponent, not proponant
So let me get this straight Harford Mom..You are basing your opinion of Mr. Paterniti on the facts that he has suffered some hardships in the past most likely because of the serious economic problems that we have all had to adhere to..I feel Mr. Paterniti will be going to bat for our county because of the financial turmoil he and his family have had to suffer..He like the rest of us need change in our county..I feel with his ability as a people person who has lived his most of his life here and has witnessed first hand the ups and downs of this county, will make every effort possible to see positive changes.. We need someone new that doesn’t start and finish every sentence with I, I, I. President Obama never served his country, but he is now our President..Just because you are less experience in one thing doesn’t mean your not the right person for the job..
Working in communities trying to help people that have been abandoned by much of society IS serving your country! President Obama has, and currently is, serving his country. You may not like his perspectives or politics, but do not cut short the VERY hard work that people are doing every day just like he has. Military service is an essential and wonderful way to serve your country, but it is not the only way to serve your country! We MUST as a society start to realize that if we ever want to advance.
Yea, Yea, Yea…LOL
N H mom,
The fact you put Obama into you response shows me how much wool is over your eyes.
Obama is a progressive party member, do you know what the rest of the know world calls them? In short, The new communist party. Don’t believe me, look it up, then go back and watch his state of the union address and see how he addresses the repulicans and democrats in the beginning, he says, “thanks to my republican brothers on the right, and my progressive brothers on my left.”
Anyway Paterniti is not educated to a high enough standard to adequately serve this county. as well he is not involved in the local community like shrodes, I mean I had never heard of him until the election and even so did not know he was running for the district which I live, and the only reason I remembered his name was because of its resemblance to paterinty tests, lol
Shrodes represents the next generation of harford, he is young and sees things that the older generation may be blind or ignorant to. Partniti is 10 years older than shrodes and falls into that blind ignorant generation which make change that much different.
As well it really bothers me that Mr. Paterniti has had his house foreclosed on, and had other business ventures and things go south for him. I also wonder if the reason he is on his second house in the county is because he had to sell or sold the first because he was in money trouble and moved to another just to see the trouble follow. I do not know but this makes me weary to trust him in control of county funding and monies. Our political system of the USA is grossly corrupt which shows that it isnt hard to steal from and it funnels to the county level.
i’m sure you’ve all seen him. he shows up at every event, but the bad thing is he looks like he’s sleep walking, he has no expression he doesn’t interact with any body. he finds 1 friend and sits there the whole time. he’s not worried about the county, the county is out of control. i haven’t seen any improvements. why would you worry about the blue collar workers when your sitting in a 700,000 house looking like a dry personality pretty boy. Sorry chad hope we don’t have another 4 years.
You are obviously thinking of someone else. I don’t know where to begin. For one, you be hard-pressed to find an elected official who works harder for his constituents. I had an issue with county government and permits on my farm, and Chad really went to bat for us, going above and beyond what we expected him to do. And we are not alone in that.
Second, if you think his house is worth $700,000 then you obviously have the wrong address. (But why would that matter anyway?)
You are obviously a Paterniti plant. Is that the kind of campaign he’s running? Spreading lies about a good man? I’ve got news for you bub, Todd won’t break 25% come Sept. 14. I’d bet the farm on that.
does chad shrodes have a full time job? Does he work> Is the County Council his only claim to some income
I don’t know Chad well enough to answer that, but based on what I have seen he easily puts in 40+ hours a week as our county councilman. When he was helping my family and my business, I felt comfortable calling him at any hour. Even if he was busy, he was always willing to help, and I very much appreciate that.
Is it your desire to have a councilman who just comes to council meetings for a couple hours a week, and that’s it? I must say, I don’t see what you’re driving at here. Nor do I think Chad’s opponent knows what he’s getting himself in to.
well i respect your comment,and if he has the dedication that you affirm that is good enough for me. I do not believe you would not tell the truth. I was concerned that this postion is a part time job, he would need some real expierence in order to have a grasp on reality. You make an excellant point!
After living in Harford County for 35 years and having to move to Delaware due to the inappropriate, continuing rate of Harford County property taxes that were driving senior citizens out of their homes. The infrastructure is lacking for the amount of people moving into this county. Take a look at route 152 from 95 to Fallston and Jarrettsville 165 past the high schools or any route needed to get to a job.Bumper to bumper traffic. Look at where a Kohls store and pharmacy after pharmacy are along a congested route through Forest Hill. Who’s decision was it to put a department store next to and elementary school with small children walking to and from school. Someone had to benefit from that decision.I’m not sure of the county councils duties but I say, you need to clean out whats there and start fresh. Chad has had four years and I can only see more homes, more congestion and school crowding. Who’s buying all the farm land that will end up creating more housing and congestion. What does a harford County citizen get for their tax dollars. We had our own water and sewage and paid for our own trash pick-up. As usual everything in this county as with our country the rich get richer and the rest of us have to work to pay the people who are paving their own way.
Funny post,
All the examples you listed as Chad Shrode’s fault dont even fall into his district. The new Kohls by the elementary school is in Bel Air/Rock Spring which is not District D
Route 152 has been crowded bumper to bumper for 20 years or more, so not a new problem, but also not in District D
Where is the tax money going? I dont doubt there is corruption and misuse by our county government but I will vouch that Shrodes is not involved in that, he is straight and honest, unlike most political figures.
Dont blame shrodes for things he has no control over. Also remember that permits and zoning come from the planning and zoning office and I know they are crooked, or at least there are people who will do what you want for the right price. evict that dept and start over, and while your at it impeach the school superintendant
Nice Job Mr. Paterniti, here is my piece of mind. Anyone in our District that cant see how bad we need change needs glasses. Paterniniti is real guy that lives a real life and works hard to make ends meet just like I do, someone that feels the Economic impact as much as I do. I gave Schrodes my vote last election and I have not seen any beneficial change there fore i will Vote Paterniti!!!
You got your house foreclosed on and watched your lawn care business go bankrupt?
I dont call that making ends meet, but if you want to waste your vote, go ahead.
Honestly change takes time, and the benificial change with shrodes was the protection from bad things happening concerning development and shady land deals that he stopped. politics is slow, dont act like you always get something out of them. look at obama, he lied about giving everyone free healthcare then put a scoialistic screw into it and required the middle class to pay for the welfare and lower class’s health plans, so he lied, you hate him too? honestly I do at this point.
I have been a Harford County resident for over 30 years.I seen elected officials come and go.Some do their jobs and some don’t.Some put alot of time in and get nothing done.I can just tell you this,I pay alot of taxes and don’t know what I get for it.The roads are over crowed,and out dated.Every road in this county is single lane,which causes major delays.The grass along the roads and highways have not been cut,there is trash everywhere,what are we paying for!I hear what our councilman has done,but I don’t see any results.The councilman must hear and listen to all of the people in his district not a chosen few.It is time for new thoughts and ideas,so Paterniti gets my vote.
I am Forest Hill resident and have been for along time.People are leaving this county due to high taxes,over crowed roads and lack of services.Our elected officials must understand these problems in order to fix these problems and I don’t believe current ones do.I have seen what the current officials have done,now I want to see what the new ones will do.Vote Paterniti.
Look buddy, when you post the same basic message twice using two different names, putting the same unnecessary apostrophe in both of your names and not leaving a space after each sentence makes it easy for us to tell what you’re up to.
Try a little harder next time.
I’m not so sure it is the same person despite all the glaring similarities. The top name is in all caps…
It is obvious you don’t know what you are talking about when you say vote Shrodes.You are more worried about what people say then what the candidates can do.
I know both candidates, I went to school and graduated with Paterniti. Not to be biased here, but my honest thoughts. We too have a small Farm or Farmette you may call it. I was raised around farming and appreciate any land we can preserve. I appreciate the hard work and values of the County Farmers. I also think that Chad has done good for the farmers in the community. But, I also have the non farmer in mind as well. This County has changed so much. I was born in this County 43 yrs. ago in the North Harford area and with the exception of 5 years, I have lived in the North Harford area my whole life. I just get the feeling that Chad is for the Farmer only. Everything that is posted above by him leads me to this decision. Todd has proven he can over come a “bad misfortune”. This he did ON HIS OWN. I have since worked for a few companies away from farming in a regular grueling work world and am fortunate enough now to have a small at home business. Times are very tough and I still have to go “outside the box” to find income during slow times. For this, I think Todd Paterniti is the better choice for he too has had to make the changes and sacrifices to stay where he is today. There is more to Harford County than just Farming. Though I strongly appreciate the farming industry. Todd, you have my vote in 2010.
As a life long resident of Harford County, in particular Jarrettsville, I am honored to reside in the farming community (of which we are not part of). I took the time to sitdown with Chad and his family this past month (yes he will sit with you one on one if time permits)and talk to him about his wishes and wants for the northern end. Yes I feel he is about the farmer and the farming community but that is what he should be – we fight to stay rural but complain that we do not have all of the convinences of the “eest side”. Many in out area want to stay as rural as possible and want someone in office that knows the history of our area and can speak with the knowledge of our communities. as citizens, we want someone who is involved in all of our community activites, networks with small business, farmers, and those who see our area as a bedroom community. Chad attends, speaks and listens where ever possible and holds down a job and takes care of his new family. Chad is in the real estate business. Now one would think it would be to his advantage to sell all of the property or promote all of the building he could to serve his own pocket but the man is acutely aware of where he lives and how important our heritage is to all in the area. He is not about personel gain.
The previous writers are correct in saying that we all make mistakes and loosing a business can affect your personal finances, causing one to refinance or foreclose, but then in this community how many children of farmers grab a piece of family property and build on it – and that is fine. Home foreclosure are many times nothing more than people purchasing more than they can afford, counting on what is to be instead of the reality of what they really have. It is not the goverments business to pull citizen Joe/Jane out of the mess that they have created we need to take a good hard look at ourselves and get a reality check and stop blaming government or others for our errors. Pick yourself up, dust off and move on.
I would like to see Mr. Paterniti involved more in the community that he wants to represent.To simply say I want to help those in forclosure and in dire needs is simply just the same lip service that all canidates give. I want to see specific solutions, is there a plan sir and what are the steps in that plan. You have to give us credit we are smarter than those empty promises – if you have something to put in place then put it out there for all to see.
I am again voting for Mr. Shrodes simply because it takes more than four years to right a wrong and he deserves a chance to see it though
Get in the 21st century lady. Farming is a dying industry. North Harford can’t be “rural” anymore, with BRAC and everything goin on. Schroads represents the past. He is too old and has been in there too long. We need new blood like Todd who knows about housing and what it’s like to fight with banks to keep their homes nowadays. Vote Paterniti.
If this came down to maintaining the North’s agricultural roots vs. urbanization, the historical side is going to win up there every time.
Also, in regards to your age argument, Shrodes graduated from North Harford High School in 1992. Assuming he graduated at 19, he would be 37 right now, on the other hand, Paterniti was born in ’67 making him 43.
And, being in office for four years isn’t “too long”. Even the most fierce term limits advocates would likely agree on two terms.
Well, I think you just convinced a bunch of peole to vote for Shrodes. NIce work.
Farming is an industry that is far from dying and I for one wish for your familys sake and mine also that it does not die. For heavens sake where are you going to get your meat if not for a farmer, your vegetables if not for a farmer and might I dare say your alcohol if not for a farmer. You can choose to eat your empty plastic calories until the cows come home (pun intended) but in our current govermental state with universal health care being shoved down our throats you better get yourself in a mode to purchase what our neck of the woods has to offer. The goverment is demanding that you go back to food basics and eat what nature not Utz intended!
There is plenty of community support for Mr Shrodes as shown this past weekend at the event at Jarrettsville Creamery and then again at the Fireman’s breakfast in Darlington.
You my friend need to get with the 21st century and realize that sometimes things do need to stand still for the sake of us all and that includes keeping the northern end as rural as possible. We have fought and contine to fight for any commercialization in that end save it be for the small local business people. It must be thriving or else why would be Board of Ed create an agricultural magnet at North Harford High School? Please go out and vote tis evening and remember when you stop and pick up your wings and pizza you have a farmer to thanks for the meat, vegetables and grains that are included in that meal
Did someone say Paterini is in real estate? What other interest could he have than to change zoning so as to increase the number of houses built to be sold and resold by realtors? What man who has financial trouble is not interested in personal gain? I assume he knows better than to waste his time in power and his opportunity to change things to his advantage.
No, I’m pretty sure Shrodes is the one who is in real estate. There were listing posted on his facebook page.
……21st Century News Update…..Food is no longer necessary as Government supplied “paste” replaces the need for farms……
Seriously, Chad Shrodes is dumb… no doubt about it, but at least he’s not self centered. Chad is a politician, always wanting to be re-elected so he will do whatever the majority in his district wants. Paterniti is only concerned with forclosures because he was foreclosed (or attempted to be forclosed) on. He’s only interested in in topics that affect him. We don’t need politicians that are self serving and don’t look at things that are larger than them. It pains me to say it, but vote Shrodes.
by majority you mean the farmers!
Look Calvin. How can you say Paterniti is only concerned with foreclosures..Did you read his statements..He’s concerened with everything that has to do with the county..Todd also wants to be elected to do whatever is needed to among the ALL the people of harford county..Farmers and non-farmers..Todd is the farthest from self-centered. How can you not look at things that are larger than us. Are you living in the real world? Everything that happens in Harford County affects us.. That includes you, your family, me, my family, Todd and his family..Calvin, you really need to educate yourself a lttle better next time. You made very little sense.
Sorry my fingers have a mind of their own.Sentence 4 should read Todd also wants to be elected to do whatever is necessary for ALL the people in Harford County..
Are you for real ? look at your opening line….I read nothing anywhere that would make me feel like Mr Patterninti is in this for himself or that he is self centered. As for foreclosures look at how many there has been in Harford County how does that affect only him. People like you have no idea. WHAT HAS SCHRODES DONE FOR YOU IN HIS LAST TERM ? unless you are a farmer your answer is the same as mine …Nothing!!!!
You need to take a pill Dennis. You have no clue..I was responding to Calvin James comment..I have no idea what you are referring to..Bye
I also was responding to Calvin’s post not yours He called it right in his first sentence then he proceeded to give him props. Sorry N.Harford Mom if you somehow thought that I was replying to you. Todd Paterninti all the way in my book.
Thanks Dennis..I was confused..Feel better now..We need Todd..He is the best choice for Harford County.
If you think Chad hasn’t done anything for you, then you must not have been paying attention.
Or, you must like paying higher taxes, tipping fees at the landfill, funding a new $80 million administration building, and underwriting loans to developers. (By my recollection, Chad was the only council member to vote against the TIF.) You must support runaway government spending, and opposed the successful effort by the council to cut David Craig’s budget by 5% last year.
Dennis, you must also have supported the widening of Route 24 through the Rocks, and the blasting away of the rocks to do so. You must not support the preservation of open spaces, environmentally sensitive areas, historically significant sites, and farmland.
You can support his opponent if you want. He seems like an ok guy. But if you think that Chad hasn’t done anything in his first term, then you are either a developer, a county employee upset with budget cuts, or you just haven’t been paying attention.
Someone has gotten the candidates confused here. Todd is not in real estate, so he isn’t self serving. As far as his foreclosure is concerned, I’ve never heard him say that was his reason for running. That has nothing at all to do with why he is putting himself out there. He feels there are other problems that need addressing. Someone replied about the roads and no shoulders on some back roads maybe the accident the other day could have been avoided if there was some type of a way out for Brian besides having to hit that stopped van. More issues out there then foreclousures, so you shouldn’t hold that against anyone. With this no job economy you may be next. Maybe when you bought your home you had a job and could afford it. How about tomorrow, you become unemployed. Now it’s your home. Don’t feel to safe, that could be you. But would that encourage you to run for an office , I wouldn’t think so. You need to think and see what is going on in the county and see who is profiting from your surroundings.
Let me tell you about Todd Paterniti:
I went to high school with him, I saw him start a family young. He worked his butt off to provide for his family. Todd has a high level of passion for whatever it is he is doing. I have read a lot of the post above and learned things I did not know since I moved to Lilburn, Georgia. It is a shame that becasue someone may have went through a tough time and wants to change things that they are degraded for it.
What I can tell you is that Todd has passion as a personality characteristic trait. He will stand up for what is right. I was there when Todd was working two and three jobs.
Mr Shrodes I wish you luck in your persuit for a second term. When you have worked in the “trenches” you have a better understanding as to how to manage the people / issues that are in the “trenches” with you.
I no longer live up in Maryland anymore, but my father does, and I have heard him on numerous occassion speak of the ridiculous taxes. I can not vote but I felt the need to speak to Mr. Paterniti’s character
Kirk Corsello
Lilburn, Georgia
Proud son of Dr. Richard Corsello D.D.S.
Macton Road & 136
Well said!
I would never claim to be highly intelligent, but after reading through the comments it is clear to me that the candidates may want to make education in Harford county a priority. The spelling and punctuation errors in these comments is horrendous.
Left of Center, you need to be corrected the word is are not is. Your english isn’t so great either.
Chad and Guthrie need to go! Read all i needed Guthries is self Serving and Chad well? not smart?
Dennis good point~ yes we need to help farmer’s But “NOT” only Famer’s Good Comment’s
I did not vote for Chad in the last election. However, I have followed him since he won. At first I thought he couldn’t speak for crap… kinda goofy… not really my idea of a politician.
Have to say that my views have changed over the past few years. Although I don’t think he has a gift for speaking… he has a big heart and actually LISTENS to what the community wants. I have personally asked for his support on more than one topic and he was not only quick to respond, but very interested in the feedback from US – the taxpayers. He has actually STOOD UP to the council on several different issues – even though he went against the majority vote. He stood his ground and I give him credit for that.
I can’t believe that someone would make fun of him for attending so many different events. It is called – GETTING INVOLVED WITH YOUR COMMUNITY!! I have invited Chad to several fundraisers for local community groups. He not only responded… but attended 3 out of 4 and socialized with everyone attending while there. He donated his time AND money to help support local causes.
He is always one if the FIRST people to contact us when our schools have fundraisers. He asks what he can do to support us and always sponsors prizes… and/or donates items for the cause. I have personally seen him sit through a 2 hour awards ceremony for our children that would put anyone to sleep!! (yet he has no children that attend the the school).
He seems very dedicated to listening to US – the Community… and doing what he can to vote as WE the taxpayers have asked him. He is only ONE vote… not all. I give him 100% for his efforts and I think if we continue to support him as he grows – he can only improve.
I would rather continue to support Chad – then to start over from square one all over again.
I understand that times are hard for all of us… but my husband and myself are both young. We have always UNDER-estimated what we can and cannot afford. We based our budget upon what we could afford if one of us were to lose our jobs. The problem with young couples in this day and age is that they want everything NOW and everything NEW and BIG and Shiny! Overspending… and then when someone hits hard times – they are in trouble… can’t afford taxes, cars.. and homes foreclosed upon.
I think I would rather have someone that is not stressed with their own financial struggles concentrating on our County. Money stresses are difficult enough for a family when that is their only concern. It can tear a marriage apart.
So Judge Chad all you want for being active in many different clubs, events and groups. I give him credit. Credit for taking the time to get to know his fellow neighbors and what is important to them. After all – he is OUR voice…
You may not be the best speaker Chad… but I think your heart is in the right place. You have supported our community in so many ways.. and you won me over. You have my vote next Tuesday. Thank you for your service. I hope you win.
Very well said, Duck Farmer. Like you, I voted for one of his opponents last time. (I voted for Jason Gallion, who now fully supports Chad’s re-election.) Chad has more than earned my support after his first term, and his name will be the first that I vote for when it pops up on the screen in the voting booth.
Chad does not talk like a politician. He talks like a real person. He works full-time for his constituents, and he is very well-versed on the issues that the County Council deals with the most — land use, planning, zoning, and the budget.
If only everyone running for office had half the heart and dedication to their community that Chad has, our county would be a better place.
AMEN Brother,
Its not how well you speak , but how well you deliver on what you spoke
duck farmer~ Ok Chad is a full time Politician~ enough said, I guess that may be a plus or a minus?
Route 40..
I have no clue why at all you would be directed anything about Shrodes and the other guy to me. I had no pony it that Race. I was just commenting that Chad seems like a professional Politician. I think we have had enough of that. real People Real Values. As far as education, please again we are doing blog’s! Also I am totally upset at the word retard…. Have you any clue really how deep that word cut’s to some parent’s. Don’t use it!
good job Todd there is always next time. maybe when some of Harford county gets fed up of being late to work due to the mass amount of tractors on the roads, they’ll vote for you. but hey did i see somewhere on here that if you received more than 25% of votes they would bet their farm on it. that’s unfortunate, unless we have another case of someone not going through with their word. good job Todd you got it next time! oh and happy belated birthday.