From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
On Thursday, September 09, 2010, the Emergency Operations Center received several 911 calls for a fight in the area near the 800 block of Fisherman Lane. In addition to the fight, several callers also identified they heard shots fired near the scene of the fight. Harford County Sheriff’s Office deputies located the first victim, identified as Coty Wilson, age 20 of Aberdeen, MD with a gunshot wound to the lower torso region of the body. He was transported by Joppa Magnolia Volunteer Fire Company to John Hopkins Bayview Medical Center. He is currently listed in stable condition. The second victim was identified and located. It was determined that his injuries were superficial.
At this time, it is believed that the fight occurred between two individuals (not named at this time). As the fight escalated, an additional person (s) became involved and someone fired a gunshot that struck Mr. Wilson, who was at the scene of the fight during the occurrence
No arrests have been made at this time, however anyone with information is encouraged to contact Detective Tom Walsh at 410-836-5408.
Anyone with information regarding the crime wishing to remain anonymous may report their information through the following methods listed below. Qualifying tips that lead to a conviction may be eligible for up to $ 2,000.00 in rewards.
Website/Email: Submit a tip online at
Text message: Metro Crime Stoppers: Text “CRIMES” (274637). Begin the message “MCS,” then add the information.
Phone: Harford Crime Solvers: Call 1-888-540-8477
Unbelieveable – Proof again that Jesse Bane’s policy of throwing $20 Million at a problem Just Doesn’t Work. Dollars without good policing and planning behind it fail every time.
Time for a change in 2010!
That may be part of it but I think that’s proof that unregulated and unsupervised Section 8 housing is a nuisance and must be brought under control.
Thank you Rob, this is what folks have been saying for quite some time to no avail unfortunately. Maybe we the county and Housing authority needs to wake up like Baltimore did by shutting down areas that continue to harbor criminals.
Couldn’t agree more Rob. I’m not a Jesse Bane fan, but you cannot blame him for some of the random acts of violence that occur down there Big Blue. If someone wants to shoot someone, its going to happen. You could have every deputy and trooper in the county down in Edgewood, but if someone is determined, it will happen.
Common Sense are you Jesse’s wife? What are you talking about? When there are shots fired virtually every night how is that a random act of violence. Random would demand that it happen in north harford with the same regularity. And as for putting all the deputies in Edgewood ; why not? Crime mapping cleaned up New York City, why not Edgewood. Put a dot on a map for every crime and put a cop on that dot. The people along the rust belt of the rt 40 corridor deserve better from our sheriff. Containment to a certain area is racist atleast and piss poor law enforcement at best. With road officers making as much as $100K a year and a bloated budget with almost no over sight, we couldn’t any worse if we just saved our money and didn’t elect a sheriff. My question to Bane is this; what record are you running on? Edgewood is a goddamn war zone and you engage the battle with hand holding sessions and chicken dinners.
Its election time, start asking our County Council and County Executive candidates questions about what is their strategy for dealing with Section 8’s proliferation in Harford, and what will they do about creating a Landlord Registration Process. Let’s face it, the majority (> 50%) of crime in Harford County is committed in public housing/rental housing area. Thus, shouldn’t we expect landlords to be taxed at a higher rate and also pay a user fee for the priveledge of being a licensed landlord in Harford County?
This is not just a law enforcement based solution, so stop blaming whoever the Sheriff is. Start pressuring your elected officials to take action!
Another gang member is a “victim” of a shooting.
I’m shocked that such a fine upstanding young man like Coty Wilson was shot.
The problem is Harford County was so greedy that they let these people come in and tear everything down. If Baltimore did not want them they should have know something was wrong. We pay taxes and they get $1500 a month to destory neighborhoods. Tell me what is fair about that.
I am tired of the shootings and “gangs” in Edgewood. I wish that I could feel safe in my own home. I don’t know how to fix it or whom is to blame. I live in “section 8 housing” which is more accurately described as subsidized housing. The government does not hand me any money and I pay taxes just as you do. I am a law abiding citizen who works full time to support myself and my son. It is ignorant to label people into one category simply because of where they live.
Sugar, If your housing is “subsidized”, than you ARE being handed money. Maybe not in cash, but you are still having the government (i.e. the taxpayer) cover part of your rent every month. I have no problem with helping decent hard working people such as yourself, but at least be honest about what you are taking. Also…these types of programs are not designed to take care of a person from cradle to grave. Ensure that your children understand that section 8 is not the ideal.
What Ayn Randy says is correct. That said, no one appears to be knocking the decent Section 8 Program recipients, whom the program is designed to help. Rather, the consensus is frustration with how the program is abused by landlords and certain recipients. Some landlords have housing that barely passed a meager inspection, then they fail to keep it up. However these landlords love it when the Eagle lands in their bank accounts every month. As far as recipients abusing the program, some expect cradle to grave socialistic benefits, which is not how our country operates. Other abuses include allowing convicted felon boyfriends, husbands and baby’s daddys to lay there head there. This usually becomes the convicted felon’s crash pad, where he goes to hide out even though he brings his narcotics and firearms, which ultimately creates a crime zone in the subsidized housing area. That is the issue!
I thank you for your input and wish you & your family the best.
I was perfectly honest in what I’m taking. I know people who do recieve section 8 in my neighborhood and it is different than the 236 program that I am on. Like I said no one hands me money, my rent is based off of my income and in that aspect I do accept assistance from the government. And why shouldn’t I? I pay taxes just as you do and living in “government housing” temporarily will allow me to save money to purchase my own home before my son is old enough to take notice of the drugs and violence going on in our neighborhood. I’m just sick of reading all these articles putting everyone who lives in these developments in the same category. I am surrounded by no good people who take advantage of the government completely, have never worked a day in their lives, and keep popping out kids they don’t want and can’t take care of properly. Its offensive to be compared to these people just because i live in their neighboorhood in my time of need. I just think its important for people to realize that within neighborhoods such as edgewater village and winsor valley there are good, educated people even if they are few and far between.
“And why shouldn’t I?” Sums up your attitude pretty nicely Jessica. There seems to be a sense of entitlement in your tone. Hopefully you are teaching your child not to rely on the government and to make the right choices in life.
Ironic how Sheriff Bane and his cronies were posing for another photo op Thursday morning and then 2 people are shot later that same day. Think he drove through the problem areas of Edgewood on his way there? Of course not, he’s terrified to go anywhere near there. Shovel, smile, go hide in the upper end of the county before a bad guy looks at you the wrong way, Sheriff Bane.
Bane has to go! Harford County can do better.
I live in Aberdeen, and why is it all our gang members go to edgewood to do there buisness?
Because the Aberdeen Police do a great job utilizing an auxiliary police unit to direct traffic and handle misc. business while they go out and arrest bad guys. HCSO should take notice.
because you had a Mayor that would take a drug house and burn it down and give the lot to Habitat where it would be owner occupied. You had a Mayor that walked the meanest streets with a gun and a vest and met the bad guys where they lived and did business. Not sure I agreed with all his tactics but if Jesse walked the walk a little more than he talks the talk Edgewood would be a safer place.
Unbelievable!! Does the Harford Co. police force have their heads up their a$$es?? I’ve seen less crime Baltimore City. Something has to be done here before an innocent person gets caught in the middle of some street thug’s gunfire. This was the middle of the day – there could have been children playing nearby. What is it going to take before this crime is taken seriously??
Oh, and no one living in a 10 mile radius can be safe from this. These guys travel and spread out.
Please, if I told you once, I told you a million times, stop exaggerating.
The HCSO does fine work. The problem in Edgewood is not just a law enforcement problem, but rather a social problem that should be addressed by our elected officials, schools, social services and citizens.
With respect to your comment about “seeing less crime in Baltimore City,” perhaps you enjoy quick trips to the Inner Harbor, Canton, or Fed Hill. Son,every day, there are shootings and other criminal activities in Baltimore City, many of which the newspapers do not cover b/c no arrests were made.
Please focus your anger into contacting your elected officials and or by calling the local police to provide witness information.
I’m not a son. I used to live in the city and I know about the crime rate there.
The HCPO must be held to a higher level than is currently being accepted. There should be patrols in certain areas and they should be paired up with a partner at all times.
You cannot police social problems, but you can police thugs.
gb11: Don’t take this personally. Just articulate your position and go from there. For example, what do you mean the HCSO needs to be held to a higher std than what is currently accepted? Explain your position. Have you actually spoken to any staff of the HCSO and learned what they are doing w/respect to tandem patrols? Are you aware that they now are not allowed to go out on foot alone, rather they must be a paired team?
I’m glad you said “you cannot police social problems…” that much is exactly what I said earlier. The problem you ID’d is a social problem. Do you finally see that point? Thanks for your input.
Umm the social problem is what is cuasing the mess, the HCSO should be able to do a better job at deterring the social problem from elscelating like it is. And that lies with the guy running it and what support is put behind the guys doing the work. If they dont have support to do what is neccessary then the work wont be put in and the double shootings will continue.
HCSO not HCPO, mabey if it was a police agency instead of sheriff it would be differant
This social problem needs a multi-faceted approach. Law enforcement is not to blame, and it is only a part of the solution. The HCSO is doing a fine job of making arrests and working with the State’s Attorneys Office to secure prosecutions. If you are not happy with the sentence the Judges serve on the Defendant’s, don’t blame the police.
Our politicians need to strengthen up the rules about rental properties, create a landlord registration process, and limit the # of Section 8 as well as other subsidized housing in the county. Our school officials are doing the best they can and going above and beyond. They can’t help it if parents are apathetic and bury their heads in the sand. Probation/Parole and other social services need to have regular communications with law enforcement to share information about problem areas.
This is not a blame five-oh game. Start coming up with creative solutions.
yes the problems sometimes starts at the elementary level, when the childern bring knives to school and the principals dont suspend the student, or they see fights at home, or drugs at home, then they learn from what they see and in this area the role models to the youth are not real good role models
Lets see.. that same day that this shooting happened I counted 7 sherriff cruisers pulled over on the side of 22 in the middle of Bel air. Two of them had the right lane of travel blocked and were standing on the sidewalk chit chatting. Further down the road there were 5 more blocking an entrance to the wawa with a single vehicle pulled over. If that isn’t excessive I don’t know what is. Why are they standing there talking when there is definitely crime going on elsewhere, blocking an entire lane with their cruisers when there are huge parking lots directly behind them? Why does it take 5 cruisers for one traffic stop? We pay taxes that fund their paychecks, buy their equipment and fuel their cruisers.. we don’t pay them for excessive misuse. If it takes potentially 10 police to handle one traffic stop in suburban Bel air, of course they will not be able to control the violence in edgewood.
I find it hard to believe some of the “rhetoric” that gets trumped up on this webthread. Perhaps you saw one or two, maybe 3 police cars. I doubt 7 were present doing as you say. Why do you waste your energy JD. You have no idea what happened prior to your arrival: perhaps there were multiple accidents or arrests;or a female that needed to be searched, and one of the police cars was driven by a female. In other words, how can you scream misuse when you have no other data?
Believe me, any “excessive misuse” is investigated internally.
JD you are so clueless. First off if you seen the deputies in Bel Air and the shooting occurred in Edgewood, guess what there is nothing those deputies could have done to prevent the situation. They are assigned to work a different part of the county and that part is not close to Edgewood. And “7” really, i find that hard to believe. Maybe you seen 2 to 3 deputies and a few Bel Air police guys, but not 7 deputies. We don’t know what type of call they were on so stop assuming that it was just a traffic stop. You should probably post factual proof next time or dont post at all.
Hah, you think that’s bad? Try a trip across the Hatem Bridge some time… typically 3 patrol cars on duty (ready to pounce on such nefarious types as those missing a front license plate or a blown headlight), usually 4 more parked in the toll facility lot. How they justify maintaining 7 cars for a bridge that’s a mile and a half long – currently only 2 lanes – is a mystery. Give them an extra mile on either side and they could still park the car, stand on the roof and survey their entire domain… come back when you can top that. Ah, if only we had that kind of coverage on the southern border…
Its amazing how everyone blames the police. Do you know what the chances are in being at the exact location where a crime is going to occur, slim to known. So yes blaming the police is an easy way out. How bout people start to man up and take blame for there own actions. Lets see how bout the suspect himself, maybe his parents for there lack of parenting or maybe his boys who he is gang-banging with. Maybe they could have done something before it happened considering that they deal with that person everyday. But wait the police are at fault because they let it happen.
They told him to gang-bang and hangout with drug dealers. Those damn cops, why aren’t they raising my kids and doing everything else for me.
I definitely agree with you as to who is at fault here. Everyone wants to put the blame on the cop when in all actuality, it has absolutely nothing to do with them but rather the parties that were involved. I am happy to know that the two people who were shot are okay but they choose to live that lifestyle(I know them personally) so thats what happens…..You cant possibly expect to live your life in the streets and not get hurt by the streets. Some of the issues however would not exist if some didnt make deals which takes away from their sentence time enabling them to commit crime after crime and get off the hook so that extent, i blame the law. However, its impossible for the police to be everywhere at every second trying to stop and fight the crime or sitting there babysitting adults to make sure they are abiding by the law.