From Tom Myers:
Hello, my supporters!
On Friday morning, I called Cassandra Beverley and congratulated her on her primary victory. I have not yet spoken with Ron Eaton yet, but I intend to congratulate him on his primary win, as well.
Although there are some absentee and provisional ballots still to be counted, there is a very small chance that I will receive enough of a margin to be one of the top two vote getters that will advance to the General Election in November.
Even though I am not going to make it to the Board of Education this election year, this was a fun campaign and I am proud to have had the opportunity to travel around Abingdon and Fallston and talk to voters about their concerns for the public school system. I also enjoyed sharing and discussing ideas with Cassandra, Ron and the other District B candidates, Gregory Seltzer and William Street. I have met and talked with a lot of great people for the last three months and this campaign is an experience I will not forget.
I wish Cassandra and Ron the best and hope that they have a spirited campaign for the 45 days remaining until Election Day. As a voter in District B, I will weigh the ideas of each candidate and make a determination as to who will best represent the district, just as you have done with me.
Finally, I want to thank you, my supporters, and to the (as of now) 1,161 people who cast their vote for me to represent them on the Harford County Board of Education. I may not have won this primary, but the work will go [on] and I will continue to advocate for the people of Harford County.
I thank you for your support and I hope you will all stay in touch.
Tom Myers for Harford County
Board of Education – District B
“Putting Education First”
“the work will go [on]and I will continue to advocate for the people of Harford County.”
Now that’s the spirit, Tom!
I’ll have a big bite, a twix, and a large cherry Slurpee.
Get a life Terrance!
Maybe your mom can give you that Slurpee.
Seriously Terrance, grow up! At least Tom tried his best and proved that anything is possible if you set your mind to it. I don’t see YOU running for campaign or attempt to better people’s lives. I just hope you can comprehend that through that little ignorant brain of yours.
Also, I hope Tom finds out who you are and bans you from every 7-11 out there. I hope you enjoy your low quality ICEEs!
It is sad in District B. The choice is between a black lawyer who is a member of the Democrat Central Committee and a has been who always was blowhard in Ron Eaton.
Beverly should resign from the Central Committee to be non-partisan, if she wants my vote.
Eaton, when he was on the Board gave the teachers union everthing they wanted. Now he is a fiscal watchdog. Bullshit! He was a Democrat- now a Republican! Gimme a break. That picture of him 20 years ago is nothing but shit piled high and deep. What does it say when HCEA endorses him and also AEGIS.
The stupid voters of District B should have looked at the qualifications of Seltzer and Street. They were the only educators in the race. Now we are left with …..
As a member of the DCC Ms. Beverley is as far left as you can get. We do not need partisan politicians on the Board of Education. I think she has aspirations for other political office and what better place to start than a low level office like the school board to build a resume.
This is one of the reasons many were against having an elected school board.
Mr. Eton may not be your first choice but he is a much better than the alternative.
That is the most obnoxious bit of reasoning one could possibly use. First off she would not be able to serve on both, so if elected as a member of the School Board the DCC would be a non-issue. Secondly serving on the Democratic Central Committee does not make one ‘far left’; in fact my guess is (and my hope is) that you would find the central committees of either party a diverse place where there is a spectrum of political ideologies.
It is a shame that you use fear tactics to denigrate a respectable person in our society because you simply dislike anybody that identifies themselves as a Democrat. The truth is that Beverly is well qualified to serve on the Board, has a history of advocating for the school system, and will work for the students of our school system as hard as anybody would. The board requires a range of perspectives and backgrounds, and Mrs. Beverly would bring with her a wealth of experiences and background that few on the board (if any) currently have. She would be a superb addition to the School Board, and deserves your vote regardless of your political leanings…
The job of members of either democratic or republican central committees is to push the party agenda. I still think she is far left just as most RCC are far right. If she wanted a job on the BOE then she should have resigned from the DCC before the election. Just looks like she was hedging her bets. Like Carol, my guy lost in the primary.
Hmm… ProudDem says a lot but never denies that she’s on the far left. But knowing where PD drives, if he said that she is middle-of-the-road, that means she’s sharing a lane with Hugo Chavez.
Congrats to you in your campaign, Tom. Folks are quick to decry and belittle folks like you, who aren’t of the upper-crust ilk or the horse-shit aristocracy. So be it. Folks like you go on to run companies, raise great families and contribute to the community as a whole. Every person can do what you just did, and for that, to many of the working class people, you broke new ground. Run again, keep your head above water, and be of the people, and for the people. Let the others cast the first stones.
Todd, I wish I could’ve seen you laughing to yourself while typing that comment. Well played, sir!
Well Tom, now that you lost, you can always fall back on your successful comedy career. Check out this clip (on an empty stomach, preferably):
The host’s reaction to Tom’s “joke” at 0:59 is priceless!
Very classy letter. Tom, thanks so much for looking out and trying to do what is best for the kids in District B, as well as those all over Harford County. I think a logical voice of reason, like yours, would go a long way to better our education system. Thanks for giving your all, you have certainly earned my respect.
As for the nasty comments, I am very impressed with the way you were able to ignore some and respond with so much sincerity and class to others. I have never met you, but I have no doubt you are a good person. Much success to you in whatever you do next!