From Harford Center For the Arts:
Dr. Hugo Benalcazar, MD, FACS won the “Judge’s Choice Award” at the 3rd Annual “Dancing for the Arts” gala on Saturday, October 2, 2010 at the Residents’ Club at Bulle Rock. He wowed the judges dancing the samba with professional dancer Shara Rzepnicki of Dancing With Friends. Dr. Mary Teddy Wray won the “Top Fundraiser Award” for raising $12,958. Craig Ward was the second top fundraiser and brought in $12,177 and Jim Butcher was the third top fundraiser with $8,446. Each of the ten dancers exceeded their individual fundraising goals. The event raised $121,797 to help sustain the Center for the Arts as they move forward to build a regional Center for the Arts in Harford County. Last year’s “Dancing for the Arts” Gala raised $99,630.
The Harford County “Stars” who showcased their ballroom dancing talents and competed for top honors included:
*Craig Ward, President, Frederick Ward & Associates danced the quickstep with Shara Rzepnicki
*Paige Boyle, Director of Marketing & Customer Relations, Boyle Buick GMC Truck danced the paso doble with Gonzolo Zambrana
*Monica Worrell, Public Information Specialist, Harford County Sheriff’s Office danced the west coast swing with Tom Rzepnicki
*Bill Vanden Eynden, Associate Broker, RKS Realty danced the East Coast Swing with Debbie Howley
*Diane Sengstacke, Attorney & President, Home Title Company of MD, Inc. danced the tango with Tom Rzepnicki
*Jim Butcher, Artist danced the waltz with Debbie Howley
*Dr. Mary Teddy Wray, Laurel Bush Dentistry danced the cha-cha with Tom Rzepnicki
*Betty Pearce, Board member of the Village at Carsin’s Run danced the rumba with Gonzaol Zambrana
*Dr. Hugo Benalcazar, MD, FACS, Chief, Neurosurgery, Upper Chesapeake Medical Center, danced the cha-cha with Shara Rzepnicki
*Chris Street, Associate Broker, Garceau Realty, Inc. danced the cha-cha with Debbie Howley
The evening also included a special choreographed ensemble dance with former celebrity dancers: Betsy Campion, Alan Doran, Claudia Holman, Lynne LaCalle, Jim LaCalle, Eric McLauchlin, and Betty Ward. The Dancing With Friends Studio choreographed the dances and instructed all of the dancers.
The Honorary Co-Chairs of the event were Harford County Executive David Craig and Melinda Craig. The evening included sumptuous food by Simply Elegant, music, open bar, silent auction, and the ballroom dancing competition.
Deborah Pro-Marshall, Judge Angela Eaves, Tony Meoli, and Mark Welsh returned for the third year to judge the dancing competition and award the “Judge’s Choice Award”.
The emcee was Diane Lyn, Morning Co-Host & Midday Host 101.9 Lite FM and the Co-Host was Don Thomann.
Sponsors included:
*Presenting Sponsor- Harford Mutual
*Art Masterpiece – Maryland Public Television (MPT) and Mason-Dixon Arrive Magazine
*Art Society – Comcast and Modular Components National, Inc.
*Art Ambassador – Laurel Bush Dentistry and Clark Turner Signature Homes
*Friends of the Arts-APG Federal Credit Union, The Aegis, Fast Frame, Harford’s Heart Magazine, and Diane Smith
*Art Gallery-Harford Cable Network and the Village at Carsin’s Run
The 4th Annual “Dancing for the Arts” gala will be held on Saturday, September 24, 2011. Contact Lyndi Richards, Director of Corporate Development & Public Relations for sponsorship opportunities at (410) 838-2177 or
It was a wonderful evening, thoroughly entertaining and especially exciting to see Elvis in the house – again!