From the Harford County Municipal Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 128:
The Harford County Municipal Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 128 voted not to endorse either Sheriff Jesse Bane or challenger Jeff Gahler for the November 2 election. Both candidates spoke openly to members at our monthly meeting.
“Both candidates have pros and cons”, said Jason Neidig, President of the lodge.
“It was the feeling of the membership in attendance not to go against the endorsement of the Deputies Association. If there had been an endorsement by our lodge, there would have been a chance it could have put the F.O.P supporting one candidate and the Deputies Association supporting another. While we typically endorse, it should be them (the Deputies Association) who endorse their next boss”, said Neidig.
Good decision guys!!
Only because H de G officers want their Chief out since there is much turmoil with the current chief at the helm. I dont blame them for looking out for themselves wanting her gone and the easiest way for that in their eyes is she basically abandons them to go with Gahler, but she asked the City to hold off negotiating her contract conveniently until after the election, keeping her options open when Gahler looses, so she still has a job. Lets hope for the officers’ sake, the Mayor and City Council choose to not renew, playing them like a fiddle. Go with Bane
Agree. Good decision.
So why would anyone care if they didn’t endorse anyone?
Seems like the Walters have “fans” wherever they go. Is Gahler really buddy, buddy with them and if so why when it seems they are pretty much detested by men and women in blue everywhere?
Because Old Retired Howwie is running the campaign, and pulling poor Jeff like a puppet. Face it, Jeff is a cop not apolitician, and the job of Sheriff is more than being a cop, you have to be a politician, and understand the inner workings of the budgetary process and who to go to when there is a problem etc. Look at campaign photos, you see them in alot of photos, as well as Ed Norris, who I like, but, as someone wanted to raise, policy states moral character and not consorting with felons…There are some great photoss of Gahler with Norris arm in arm, just google it! Gahler was a great street cop, and a good person, but I think he let his campaign crew pull his puppet strings and make him look like a horrible person for the job. Jesse has the connections, know how and support that he needs to win. Bane for 4 more! Lets not turn HCSO into MSP. That and bringing back a major who was about as unethical as they come for a Command Position….no way bodway
When are you going to stop trying to fool the readers of these forums and come out of the closet with your secret. I get that you really can’t reveal yourself at the moment but your secret will probably come out soon enough. Don’t worry, I won’t tell yet but you need to be upfront with people and stop spewing the garbage. A vote for Bane is a vote for unions, higher taxes, higher crime rates and wasted millions. Haven’t we all had enough?
Come on, tell us your secret
Jesse may be unhappy if I share any secrets just yet. You are ‘real’ original though. It’s kind of like saying Jesse is a nice old guy.
A vote for Bane is a vote for unions, higher taxes, higher crime rates and wasted millions. Haven’t we all had enough?
How much you getting paid to spout this garbage? The reign of Bane is over my old friend. Anyone can research a few basic facts :
Higher Murder Rates, Increased Rapes, Millions Wasted.
How could anyone logically vote for Bane based solely on those proven facts? I pray for my grandchildren. How many young women have been raped because of Bane’s failures? Why would we continue to risk our children with a proven failure. But hey everyone; He’s a nice old guy. Well I am too. That doesn’t equal a successful Sheriff.
When is the last time you have been driving down any street and seen a rape or a murder? These crimes dont take place in the public view, they are crimes of opportunity and largely done behind closed doors or under cover of darkness. Vandalism, theft, burglary are all crimes that are usually caught on view by patrol much easier than a rape or murder. Refer yourself to another article on here where there is an excellent explanation on the statistics, I dont need to repeat them.
Citizens of Harford County,
Please look closely. Here we have Jesse Bane’s Public Supporter #1 downplaying rape and muder in Harford County. Both have had huge increases under Jesse Bane. Maybe if they downplay them it will all go away. Try telling the family’s of the victims that. We can not afford to be fooled by rhetoric. The facts are out there and easy to confirm. I urge you all to do your due diligence and verify the facts:
Bane = higher violent crime rates and wasted millions of our tax dollars. But hey, less cars were broken into and he’s a nice old guy.
Souds to me like Notojeff is stating the truth, no one gets raped in the courtyard of Harford Mall, scum gets shot outside a legion at 2am in bel air while the police are busy making sure there are no issues with all the bars crowds…sounds like facts not downplay…scum kills scum go for it
Where did he downplay rape and murder? He said that those are crimes that usually take place when outsiders aren’t around, especially rape. A rapist is going to commit his crime out in the middle of the common area of Meadowood or in the middle of Brookside Dr. He’s going to rape her inside a residence or someplace similar where no one will see him.
It’s not uncommon for murders to take place outside, especially if it’s during an argument or fight between gangs, but as stupid as these thugs are in some respects they usually aren’t going to pull out a gun and start shooting while a cop is driving by. Usually they scatter like the cockroaches they are when the police come through. You want to know something else that virtually every murderer in Harford County has had in common? More arrests than you can count on one hand (frequently both hands and including everything from weapons offenses, drug charges, assaults, robberies, thefts, etc.) Whose fault is it that these guys are back on the streets? We just lock them up and give the SAO the most evidence we can. The judges are giving out greatly reduced sentences or even probation when jail time is warranted and even when these thugs go to prison they get out after serving less than half their time (just look at the guy who committed the murder at the Legion in Bel Air…10 year sentence and out in 3.) That has nothing to do with Bane.
NoToJeff said this:
NoToJeff says:
October 21, 2010 at 10:38 pm
When is the last time you have been driving down any street and seen a rape or a murder? These crimes dont take place in the public view, they are crimes of opportunity and largely done behind closed doors or under cover of darkness. Vandalism, theft, burglary are all crimes that are usually caught on view by patrol much easier than a rape or murder. Refer yourself to another article on here where there is an excellent explanation on the statistics, I dont need to repeat them.
*It is acknowledged in NoToJeff’s post that Bane had, and still has, no plan to address crimes of opportunity that occur under ‘cover of darkness’.
This is a simple denial and downplay of murders and rapes increasing under Bane.
Citizens, this is our Sheriff. A vote for Bane is a vote to allow MURDERS and RAPES to continue to increase in Harford County. This while he spent millions more of our tax dollars.
Ask a Bane supporter these questions and demand a YES or NO answer:
1.)Are murders in Harford County up under Bane?
2.)Are rape incidents in Harford County up under Bane?
3.)Has Bane’s budget increased by approximately 40%?
I’ll give everyone a hint. The answer is YES to all 3 questions. Each can be independently verified by spending 5-10 minutes on the internet. It is all public information. Ask Bane, or a Bane supporter, to answer these questions with a simple YES or NO. I promise you that after you do you’ll know that the clear choice will be to vote for Jeff Gahler.
There are plenty of Recent pictures of Ed Norris and Jesse Bane from a recent event at Main Street Cigar. Ed Norris is now an entertainment person plain and simple. Ed does have years and years of well respected police work prior to his legal issues.
Jeff Gahler is and has always run his campaign. Howard Walter was assisting in the campaign process. Jeff Gahler is and always will be a Cop first. Everyone in the County knows that Jesse Bane is a politic first. He hasn’t stopped politicing since he was elected 4 years ago.
They are detested by a few who like to be heard. Squeaky wheel syndrome. Problem is with the squeaky people is that it is easier to complain than to work. Which “men and women in blue” are squeaking? Probably those getting lots of sleep on our tax dollars.
Did you read the story? The FOP President all but said they are behind Gahler, but are AFRAID of the all too powerful Deputy Sheriff’s Union to go against their endorsement. There is nothing here to indicate anything but support for Gahler. Gahler’s message is growing and Bane is in serious trouble on November 2nd.
They being H de G officers want Gahler to take their Chief with him, so thats the only reason…to getrid of Ghalers campaign managers wife and the tyrannical rule ove HdeG PD, otherwise it would have been easy…so they did not want to cause any problems. Holding hope that the Mayor and City Council dont renew the Chief’s contract
Is this one of Don Gividen’s Union minions? Wow what are you going to do when there is a Sheriff that is actually going to make you work…..
Yes 1 of 145 to your slight 33 favorites
The majority of America is realizing the destruction unions have caused in every town, city, county, and state in our country and in all facets of any organization they touch. At least you finally shared your secret. At least most of your secret anyway. Don’t worry, I still won’t tell. I may not have to now. There you have it voting public. It’s now clear who the Bane supportes are.
It’s highly doubtful that they are “afraid” of the DSU but rather it comes down to the FOP lodge not wanting to put out an endorcement out for the opposing candidate as the DSU. If you know anything about the men and women that are members of FOP lodge 128 it is that they are not “afraid” of political pressure at all. It’s nothing new to them and they stand up for what is right and fair. In this case, not going against the DSU’s endorsement is the right thing.
“not wanting to put out an endorcement out for the opposing candidate” Thanks for making my point.
Uneducated as we thought…Sandi and William; its ENDORSEMENT, not endorCement….duh, no doubt gahler fans
The proper grammar is it’s and not its. Also, Gahler is a proper name and as such should be capitalized; just saying. Education is wonderful, isn’t it?
Ignorance usually proves another point. You didn’t help your cause. Duh! No doubt a Bane fan. Hey, he’s a nice old guy though.
Another Bane supporter showing his ignorance. If you are quoting someone, you do not change what they have written. Please see the above message with the quote marks….Oops, it looks like this ”
There is one (“) when you start relaying EXACTLY what is said and then another one (“) when you are finished relaying EXACTLY what is said.
Are you friends with Phoenix or maybe the same person with a new name?
a spelling genius and i thought you were an idiot!! my bad!!*rolleyes*..
you suffer from delusions and paranoia; seek counseling
Halloween is just around the corner. Go hide in the closet until then. You’ve offered nothing to this argument. Stay in the shadows if you can’t answer these basic questions with a YES or NO. Do this if you dare:
1.) Are murders in Harford County up under Bane?
2.) Are rape incidents in Harford County up under Bane?
3.) Has the budget increased nearly 40% under Bane?
The public is waiting……….
I just read a article where again Bane said he got his degree in Criminology and he worked his way up through the ranks. Liar. He has a degree in Socialogy and he was appointed to all his ranks throughout his career. He once never had to take a test or oral board for promotion. In 38 years he never had to work night shift. When are you people in Harford County going to realize what type of man Bane is. He has no intergity. Here’s a man who doesn’t even know what his degree is in, fall sleep in meetings and doesn,t even show up to scheduled meetings. Would someone please tell him what his degree is in. Maybe Colonel Waltman can tell him when he’s driving him in the Bane mobile. Bane the sheriff’s position has aged you to the point you look 100. Stay home with your three doggies Lord Gizmo,Princess Ella and Coco Chanel. You people just don’t see the evil side of this man like many others. He plays to the public and tells them what they want to hear.
Roadhouse, I am tired of hearing from you also. Support Gahler, if you want, stop running down a good man. In the days that BAne went to college, criminology was part of the sociology department. Today, you can major is criminology.
so his degree is in sociology, not criminology, like I said
Monster, if you’re tired of hearing from me, then don’t read what I write. Pretty simple concept.
Some people go from forum to forum that allows jerks to stalk and complain as if they dehumanizing
It is hard to ignore cow manure after it has been spread on the field.
Halloween is just around the corner. Go hide in the closet until then. You’ve offered nothing to this argument. Stay in the shadows if you can’t answer these basic questions with a YES or NO. Do this if you dare:
1.) Are murders in Harford County up under Bane?
2.) Are rape incidents in Harford County up under Bane?
3.) Has the budget increased nearly 40% under Bane?
The public is waiting……….
So you’ve just confirmed Bane lied about his degree? Or are you saying he didn’t know what his degree was in? Hey, he’s a nice old guy though.
I am tired of hearing everyone say that the “Walters” are coming back and using Jeff Gahler as their puppet to re-gain control of the Sheriff’s Office. These statements could not be further from the truth. To prove this fact I want to say here and now the I am no longer apart Jeff Gahler’s campaign for Sheriff. I wish to officially announce my resignation as his campaign manager, and will remove myself from any affiliation with his race. For those who can’t see eye-2-eye with me, I hope now that this will put these nasty rumors to rest. I wish Jeff well, and the best of luck in the upcoming race (he‘s going to need it). I have come to realize that I need to leave the Sheriff’ Office alone. I was voted out almost 4 years ago, and even though it took this long for it to sink in, I realize that no one there really likes me. I hear Aberdeen is going to be looking for a new Chief; perhaps I’ll put my resume in for that. If I can’t have the County then 2 out of 3 towns isn’t bad!!! If all else fail’s I plan on heading to Florida with my old pale Golding. I think there is an agency down there we can destroy, and treat their people like dirt.
I would like to bring up something that was hinted at by “NoToJeff”. Gahler’s way of running things at the Bel Air when he was Lieutenant and Captain was to dump calls on the Sheriff’s Office. Time and time again telling the public “We don’t handle this type of call. You need to call the Sheriff’s Office.” Any patrol deputy on the road long enough knows what I’m talking about. Deputies respond to a call for service, (i.e. burglary, vandalism, missing person) and the complainant would tell the deputy “I called the State Police, but they said to call you because they don’t handle this type of call.” How was this good working relationship with deputies? And now he wants to run the Sheriff’s Office? If that’s the case, and Gahler is elected Sheriff, can we choose our calls? Whatever we don’t want to handle we can tell the public “We don’t handle this type of call. You need to call the Sate Police”.
Having worked out of the Bel Air Barrack for several years (until recently) I can tell you that for every one of your stories, I can provide one about how a citizen came into or called the barrack because they didnt want a deputy to handle their complaint. Some deputies (i.e. no to jeff) resent the State Police being in “their” county. Get over it. Slowly we are going away and you will have the county all to yourself. And by the way, I can pretty much guarantee that Gahler will not run the Sheriff’s Office as a pseudo-msp. Most MSP retirees who go on to be chiefs of other agencies tend to reject the “msp way.” Look at Charles County Sheriff’s, Baltimore County PD (Col Sheridan’s leadership) Aberdeen PD etc. They tend to bring whatever lessons are learned about how msp is run and still respect the traditions of their new agency. If anything, msp is all about respecting tradition.
Blah Blah Blah….that’s the best you can come-up with. “No your agency doesn’t handle, calls we do!“ You’re missing the point. You are the Maryland State Police!!!! In the eyes of the public your agency is perceived as the top agency in the state (sorry I just threw up in my mouth after saying that). You don’t tell the public “We don’t handle that…call the Sheriff’s Office.” Like you’re too good to do police work. You’re suppose to handle everything. Captain Gahler allowed this to happen, and had his supervisors dump calls on the Sheriff’s Office. And now he thinks he’s good enough to run the Sheriff’s Office. Please…go sell crazy somewhere else.
You have already articulated your points well enough. Let me remind you what you responded to the three questions you were asked.
The question you were asked followed by your response:
1.) Are murders in Harford County up under Bane? YES
2.) Are rape incidents in Harford County up under Bane? YES
3.) Has the budget increased nearly 40% under Bane? YES
Your Barrick stories really won’t offer you any more help after those admissions. We appreciate your support because after all voters see those admissions no one in their right mind can logically support Jesse Bane except maybe a top county RHINO.
I’ll say it again…YES YES YES. So answer mine…that I asked you before. You think Bane is the reason all the rates are up. Fine…I can’t change your mind on that. So…why is Gahler the man for the job. Explain with his plain of action is to fix this? What is he going to do? He hasn’t!!! He can talk a good game but where are his plays? He has never said how he’s going to fix this. It’s easy to say put more police on the road. Thats the catch all..but how? There’s no money. The county ex. holds that purse.
Regrettably more weak stuff. First pretending to be Howard Walter and now bashing over calls for service? Any trooper will tell you no one stood up more for the road dogs than Jeff Gahler and he did so at all ranks, never forgetting were he came from. For every story you have, I have one of a citizen coming in the barrack wanting a case done right because they were so dissatisfied with the Sheriff’s Office, most likely calls that you tried to handle. If Gahler wins, what I think everyone can count on is the best working relationship between the different agencies.
Well the only “standing up” Gahler did was for his own guys then. His working relationship with the Sheriff’s Office…well…SUCKED!!! By “standing up for his men” he did so at the expense of Sheriff’s Deputies. Don’t get me wrong, if my boss deflected all my work for me I’d love em too. So keep on support-em!!! However, let me be clear, I have nothing against the fine working road Troopers. It’s their administration that is/was the problem. Consequently Gahler is the problem. He never established a working relationship with the Sheriff’s Office except to be a dumping ground. And now he wants to stand there and say “he’s the right man for the job.” I need hip waiters to keep listening to his rhetoric.
Sucked so bad that he worked with the current bunch to get his troopers teamed up with the deputies in the CID building. That kind of makes your statement that “he never established a working relationship with the Sheriff’s Office except to be a dumping ground” nothing more that a downright and now very clear lie. Better hide well Sam, Gahler has made it quite clear that those who can’t tell the truth will be jobless and looks like you might be a candidate.
Once again Bane taking credit and forgetting to mention that officers from all the other Ha Co municipalities as well as MSP are part of the task force.
you are just being offensive and stupid- when did Bane take sole credit for this>
Wow…you just proved my point as to what’s wrong with Ghaler!!! “Better hide well…will be jobless” all trademarks from the old administration with Howard Walter. Targeting those who speak out and have an opinion will be fired. BTW I guess you never heard of LEOBR. And I’m sorry I just don’t see eye2eye with you. You say Troopers, as in more then one, assigned to CID. There was only one Trooper assigned here…so where’s the rest of them? I think you need to get your facts straight.
You have already articulated your points well enough. Let me remind you what you responded to the three questions you were asked.
The question you were asked followed by your response:
1.) Are murders in Harford County up under Bane? YES
2.) Are rape incidents in Harford County up under Bane? YES
3.) Has the budget increased nearly 40% under Bane? YES
Your Barrick stories really won’t offer you any more help after those admissions. We appreciate your support because after all voters see those admissions no one in their right mind can logically support Jesse Bane except maybe a top county RHINO.
Upset that I think Gahler would fire you for lying, sounds like you are a perfect Bane employee.
He siad assigned to CID not SID. There is a difference. The other municipalities do not have anyone assigned to HCSO CID. And if MSP does such a great job investigating crimes, why did they ask for a spot in HCSO CID?
Here I have to interject again and ask the MSP not to take the silly comments made by my coworkers to heart (if it really is one of my coworkers). This is fear from the inner circle of Bane supporters that their free ride is a couple of weeks from coming to an end. The majority of us value the working relationship with the troopers.
Why don’t you distort what was said. You Bane haters will stop at nothing. If you are a policeman, we are in trouble.
Halloween is just around the corner. Go hide in the closet until then. You’ve offered nothing to this argument. Stay in the shadows if you can’t answer these basic questions with a YES or NO. Do this if you dare:
1.) Are murders in Harford County up under Bane?
2.) Are rape incidents in Harford County up under Bane?
3.) Has the budget increased nearly 40% under Bane?
The public is waiting……….
I answered your stupid questions. You have nothing else to say but are murders up, are rapes up, is the budget up? YES YES and YES!!! Tell me why that means Gahler will do a better job? Honestly…how is he going to redude murders and rapes? Also since everything is up with you, hows that stick doing UP your ass?
So Sam-52,
You’ve answered for Monster. Who has been tossing all the accusations out there about people being multiple users? Seems to be like you just outed yourself. Thanks for coming out of the closet.
By the way. Let’s remind everyone of the questions followed by your responses:
1.) Are murders in Harford County up under Bane? YES
2.) Are rape incidents in Harford County up under Bane? YES
3.) Has the budget increased nearly 40% under Bane? YES
Does Bane really need another chance after wasting our tax dollars for those results? No chance!
Sam52, they seem to have reading problems. I, too, have answered their questions, as well as others. They can’t seem to tell us about Mr. Gahler, only cut up Bane. They are pathetic.
I’m glad to see you called Sam-52 out pappa. The Bane supporters are now admitting Bane’s failures but they say Gahler is pathetic. Let’s add this up everyone.
Bane = Increased Murders = His supporters verified this as FACT
Bane = Increased Rapes = His supporters verified this as FACT
Bane = Wasting our tax dollars = His supporters verified this as FACT.
Results = Bane = Failed
Let’s get Gahler in there to turn these nightmare numbers around. Bane has proven his ideas just don’t work. Remember what his support staff says:
“These are crimes of opportunity that happen under cover of darkness. The Sheriff isn’t responsible.”
Citizens of Harford County,
If our current Sheriff won’t accept accountability for his results let’s put someone in place who will. Vote Jeff Gahler —> A law enforcement professional who will drive to get results and not a politician who plays with your money and puts your children at risk.
LOL…I outted my self…who do you think I am? Honestly…who am I? And also answer my question that you keep avoiding…How is Gahler going to fix these rates? It’s easy to say Bane is the reason for them. But he’s not…rates are up all over the country. So again…why is you boy Gahler the right man for the job. What are his plans to stop this. It’s easy to say we need to fix this. Ok…then how? Gahler has never explained how. Finding the problems easy…explaining what his plan of action is…not!!
Get to know this Candidate. You’ll love his accomplishments.
callmepappa, I speak for myself. That is why I give my name. I also have friends on here. No, I don’t email 10 times to boost the popularity of Jesse Bane. That is your tactic and that skinflint Big Blue who likes to email over and over with different handles. I will prove it to you…..My name is Dale Neeper. What is yours, and I know you won’t give it. The message that we have given you, you are ignoring. Tell us about Gahler. If I were Mr. Gahler, I would pay you to get off this site. All you are doing is siding with teabaggers who are going to try to get at deputies’ salaries and benefits. I don’t think you even know anything about Mr. Gahler. As to your answer, he has to be better than Bane, well, that is how we ended up with Obama. Be for something, mudslinging turns off thinking votes.
I hate myself when I do this, but you are a big coward just like Big Blue, or are you Big Blue? I apologize for that, but I just couldn’t help myself.
Who are you? Who are you? That’s all you care about. What about the murders and rapes? When are you going to start caring about the increases we are seeing in Harford County. The message you have given us is: YES they are increasing and we’ve spent millions more of your tax dollars to achieve those increases. Your response to the issues is to ‘ask who we are and say Bane can’t help it because people commit crimes under the cover of darkness.’
I’ll tell you what. You go on the local news and spout that garbage just like you are spouting it here and I’ll reveal myself. (I’ll give you a hint. A top county RHINO might know me).
Dale, facts are facts. The facts say Bane failed.
Neeper – RINOs like you that didn’t research Obama are the reason we now have Obama. Do your own homework on Bane and you’ll see that Violent Crime is UP, the Budget is $19 Million UP, and Arrests are DOWN.
Focus on Gahler?? What? Let’s focus on Bane’s record. He’s the current Sheriff. Yes, let’s start there.
Bane supporters have finally admitted these three things right here on these forums:
MURDERS are up under Bane.
RAPES are up under Bane.
MILLIONS wasted under Bane.
and you want to focus on Gahler??????
Oh, that’s right, ‘these crimes were committed under the cover of darkness and the Sheriff can not impact this area’. That’s pathetic. Why isn’t the larger media outlets reporting what these Bane insiders are saying here. The public needs to be made aware.
You should all be honest and make Bane’s new slogan = ‘Wasting tax player millions while protecting unions and allowing more and more Harford County citizens to be murdered or raped.’
That’s a winner all right. God Help Us!
It’s close to Halloween. I’d go will Dale Creeper. The garbage you spout is creepy stuff. Hey, Jesse’s a nice old guy though.
There’s no cowards here just fact sayers.
The Bane train has run off the tracks. With his supporters now acknowledging the increase of murders, rapes, and spending during his watch how can anyone stick with him. They do say that these crimes happened ‘under cover of darkness.’
I guess we just can’t go outside after dark any more. It’s creepy out there.
Street, MD
Anti Union Deputies For Gahler
Jeff, I’m one of many that have seen people like Visnaw and Gividen step in it and embarrass us all. We are looking for real change and you have our support.
I can understand why the FOP didn’t want to come out for either. The rank and file is concerned that Gahler will bring the Walter crew with him. Bane who does not believe in the golden rule,or in showing one bit of concern for people that worked for the agency for 25 to 35 years and would rather pay $55.00 an hour in overtime then bring back retired deputies who are in need of a job at $15.00 an hour. The Tax payers need Bane and his waist of funds to go. The tax payers would be better off with Gahler at least he will put more boots on the street when they are needed. Bane has had an increase in budget of 16 million dollars a year over what the budget was in 2006 when he was elected. he was able to put on 25 Deputies on the street for 16 million what will it cost to put 70 Deputies in the 40 million dollar detention center expansion due to come on line in 6 to 8 months.