From Harford County Public Schools:
Harford County Public Schools (HCPS) and Harford County Government’s Green Team announced the winners of the 2010 Conservation and Stewardship Poster Contest at an awards luncheon held today, Tuesday, October 26th, at the Harford Glen Environmental Educational Center in Bel Air. County Executive David R. Craig and members of the Superintendent’s Leadership Team, as well as Board of Education members and elected officials were in attendance to honor the students.
Over 500 high quality entries were submitted but only three winners were selected, one from each level: elementary, middle and high. The winners are fifth grade student Katie Frailer of Prospect Mill Elementary School, eighth grade student Chad Herndon of Patterson Mill Middle/High School and senior Megan Kaplon of Fallston High School.
“We are proud of all of our students that participated in this effort to promote environmental education and awareness,” said Superintendent of Schools Robert M. Tomback. “The three students honored today will serve as role models in the effort to preserve and sustain our community and our environment.”
The contest is part of a continued partnership with the county to promote sustainability; furthermore, the contest showcased HCPS students’ interest in improving the environment. Participants were asked to demonstrate themes which promoted conservation and stewardship. The winning posters were reviewed and selected by a committee, which consisted of representatives from HCPS and Harford County Government’s Green Team.
“The poster contest goes a long way to foster environmental awareness in our school community.” said HCPS Resource Conservation Manager, Andrew Cassilly. “Many times the student messages are a constant reminder to other students and even the faculty.”
County Executive David R. Craig affirmed, “Our hope is that each poster inspires and encourages the community to incorporate sustainability into each activity as we strive to conserve today and preserve tomorrow.”
The winning posters will be reproduced and displayed in Harford County Government, Harford County Public Schools, and Harford Public Library offices and buildings.
The program out at Harford Glen is wonderful, It teaches the Childern as well as adults who come out , how to be responsible stewards of our environment. This is a bueatiful place with plants, trees, habitats, ponds, streams, hiking trails, hills and valleys, this is a very well maintained property, everyone involved needs to be commended so many other facilities i have been to offer alot however they are not in good shape. When i hike here on the weekends I always feel safe, and I know that i will not walk upon broken glass or see trash in this area. I think that this poster contest was a wonderful thing, Enviromental stewardship is Critical for our generation as well as our Childerns future, I think that Harford glen is a role model for the county and if not the state for all the Good things that we can do with the environment, and teaches our Childern how to reduce and eliminate some of the bad things we put into our environment. Again Im pleased to read Good news on here and Proud to say that I live in Harford County and can enjoy a well maintained, Clean, and Safe place in our own backyard.
Your right I walk here in the summer as well as the weekends and I use the ponds to fish. This is The best fishin spot in the county. This place is always up to Par, Trails well kept , and the pond and river is always full of fish, This is one of the best kept secrets I know about. I look forward to comming back time and time again. I have spotted Eagles, Deer, Beaver, Snakes, Turtles, and all sorts of fish, Every time I come out there is something new and exciting to see, The place has a friendly care taker maintenace man who is very informative about the wildlife and is always willing to give a helping hand with anything that we need. I look forward to my next fish and my next picnic
Coming from someone who promotes and sells GREEN Renewable Energy as an alternative inexpensive choice to “Brown Electric”…this is a great program!