From Tony Passaro, publisher of “Tea Party Views”:
Under the light of a full moon, approximately 500 of the Tea Party faithful came together on a balmy Fall evening to listen to election eve speeches at a local grass roots “Now or Never“ rally.
The rally (organized by Americans For Prosperity) was held in Shamrock Park, not far from the Bel Air public library where early voting polls were already open to voters…..
The speakers included Kendal Ehrlich, Ellen Sauerbury, Jim Rutledge (currently positioned as a write in candidate for State Attorney General), David Schwartz, Chief Organizer of Maryland’s Americans For Prosperity, Dave Pridgeon Chief Organizer for Maryland’s Campaign for Liberty and Tony Passaro publisher of the widely read newsletter, “Tea Party Views” as well as several local businessmen….
Kendal Ehrlich gave a spirited speech and asked the audience, in spite of the polls, to not to give up hope and get the vote out for Bob Ehrlich.
Dave Schwartz advised the audience of the importance of this election and the fact that it would have a long term effect on State and National politics…
Other topics included the rising cost of health insurance to due to Obama Care and the Gerrymandering that would result if Maryland retuned a Liberal O’Malley to the State House (Dave Pridgeon).
Passaro reminded the audience that the current state of affairs was due to voter indifference in the past and that if the Tea Party wanted to take the country back from the Socialists they would need to not only get the vote out but to assist in the election of their local candidates.
The event ended without incident at approximately 9:00 PM.
Yup, thanks for pointing out that the crazies do indeed come out under a full moon. Just my useless two cents…
Take back our country:
You’re right it was useless. Why would label a group of people crazy because they (including myself) want less government intervention in our lives and lower taxes? If you like government in your life so much, I’m sure Venezuela will have you.
Where was the Tea Party when a white man was in office? How come I don’t see any brothers at your rally?
Post a story on here about his experiences in Harford County. I hate race-baiters.
It’s always good to have one for show. Wasn’t Charles the guy that used to go around holding up a tea bag? Too funny! Thanks Charles I’m surprised they didn’t try to groom him for Gov. -or did they. What ever happened to that???
Charles Lollar is running for the House of Reps in MD 5 against House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer.
You need to grow up. And you claim that Tea Party people are racist.
Tea Bag! rotflol 🙂 or in this case rotf-lol-er.
He will probably lose with 35% of the vote which will be a new high against Hoyer.
“Under the light of a full moon, approximately 500 of the Tea Party faithful came together on a balmy Fall evening to listen to election eve speeches at a local grass roots “Now or Never“ rally.
The rally (organized by Americans For Prosperity) was held in Shamrock Park, not far from the Bel Air public library where early voting polls were already open to voters”
What an Oxymoron. This is not grass roots when it is organized by a group funded by oil company execs Koch and Fink
So, when unions have their members show up for an event, is it also not to be considered a “grass-roots” effort?
It amazes me that when a group helps to organize an event and people generally volunteer their time to help out, they are labeled “astro-turf” or shills for big oil. Yet, a union can FORCE folks to pay for the privilege of being a “member” of their group (or become an outcast in the workplace if you choose not to join), and they can then use the dues collected to fund political events and candidates equal to or beyond what conservative groups have done, and it’s not a big deal.
I’m assuming you’ve got a beef with the unions as well?
I am not saying that is either. I agree the Union forcing it is the same thing as you pointed out, but it is not grass roots when Oil Billionaires organize it for you! Essentially this is organized by a bunch of rich people who dislike Obama and they stir up people to make it look like the will of the people. It is essentially replacing representative bug government with the will of a mob controled by Oil Billionaires pulling the strings.
Wow…’re right….those big, evil oil execs!….They should be strung up with the Wall Street scumbags that caused our financial meltdown.
While I can acknowledge that greed and corruption have caused this once great nation to sink to new lows, I’m not prepared to accept that rich scumbags alone have somehow caused this up-swelling of support for the TEA Party movement.
I talked for years before the TEA Party ever came into existence about how the course this country was on needed to change. It just so happens that so did a lot of other Americans that were sick and tired of seeing self-serving, corrupt and evil politicians line their pockets while in office. It’s my opinion that the TEA Party movement is the result of common, everyday folks that have been silent for too long and now they have an outlet to voice their frustrations.
Thank goodness there aren’t any “rich billionaires” pulling strings to push a progressive agenda in this country!
This was the first political rally I ever intended and went on a whim. I’m disgusted with the current leadership and where this country is headed!
I was inspired by the speakers and the common-sense approach of the gathering. The audience in attendance included a lot of senior citizens, business owners, hard-working people and even the under 30 crowd. I have no idea why some people judge “tea party” folks or call them “crazies”. As I experienced my first get-together like this, I was shocked and pleased at how educated, respectable and dignified the crowd was.
I’m happy that America is still “free” and we are allowed to get together to express our opinions and try to protect the Constitution of our forefathers. Shame on those that feel their job is to poke fun of and ridicule a core group of Americans that sincerely love this country and are passionately and legally expressing their opinions. It’s America; we can still do that, right?
The late hour, “under the light of a full moon” Monday night was in part due to the fact the bus pulled in late because of a multi-car accident in I-95 at Route 24. It was to start at 6:00. But they were prepared with generators, a sound system, music and adequate lighting. The crowd only grew in numbers and everyone had a good time visiting while waiting.
I’m as busy as the next person, but I am glad I took the time to experience Monday night.
You intended a rally? Good for you! Next time, attend one!
A few points.
I dislike the TEA party not because of the ideas, some of which I agree with. I dislike the puppet master billionaires and the intollerant front faces of Palin, Beck, Hannity, Rush, McDonough etc. I also dislike the uneducated crazies like O’Donell and Angle. Yes I know they are only a few and for everyone of them their is a Ron Paul. That said I get the impression that if some of my moderate tendencies disagree their is no room for acceptance of those disagreements. Look at the demonization of Gilchrest or Bob Bennett (one of the most conservative senators).
While It is anyones Constitutional right to assemble, redress grievences and speak. It is also my Constitutional right to question their sincerity and disagree. You can not embrace the US Constitution in one breath and not acknowledge my right to disagree!
Also it sounds fishy that a grass roots group had generators on hand to deal with the delay.
cdev maybe you could explain the command and control of the Tea Party groups across Maryland and the country by puppet master billionaire the shadow figures? How exactly does it work?
While the Constitution guarantees your right to an opinion it does not however mean your assertions are even close to being accurate.
PS Even billionaires, progressive and conservative, have a Constitutional right to an opinion and to spend their money to spread it.
Let me see Oil Billionaire’s like the Koch Brothers and Fink who fund American’s for Prosperity fund events like this. It is a TEA party event funded by AFP. They paid for it. You think they want some back scratching? You think they will expect favors from Rand Paul or Pat Toomey if he win’s? I think so!
Again you have the Constitutional right to diagree. I accept, embrace and cherish that. Others don’t. I agree they have the right to spend their money. I just have the right to not be one of their minions and let them play puppet master with me. If you want to let them with you, have at it.
Koch and Fink paid for this week’s event? You know this is in fact true? Explain and be sure to not let any facts get in your way.
They fund AFP which according to the above funded the event. Seems like they pull the string’s. Don’t let the strings on your mouth keep you from thinking!
cdev – so the answer is you have no idea who actually paid for the event.
Olivia – having no proof never stopped Cdev from stating the “facts” before, so why should it now?
Tony said it I am using him as my source. Are you saying Tony is factually incorrect the AFP paid for the rally?
Too cute by half, it is you who said “Koch Brothers and Fink who fund American’s for Prosperity fund events like this”.
What kind of fool should I take you for?
The Koch brothers and Fink are the largets contributors to AFP! Since AFP funded this by extension the Koch brothers and Fink did. Are you that dense to not understand about the hand that feeds you?
So it’s like when one person uses multiple Pseudonyms in order to stir people up and get more hits for their web site. I think I’ve got it.
cdev, are you so dense that you don’t understand that you need to have actual facts and not just your conjecture to prove that this week’s event was funded by billionaire capitalists?
I have read back through your numerous posts and it must be exhausting for you to be so un-convicted and unsure about what your values and political positions are? Not to mention your being so weak kneed to not risk expressing an opinion that you’d be forced to defend.
You are a coward.
Would you agree with the supposition that I put out there that IF AFP is heavily funded by the Koch’s and friends that since AFP organized this event (according to Tony Passoro, a TEA Party Patriot) it would be infact sponsored in large part by Oil Billionaires? Do you accept that premise and only think AFP is not infact heavily funded by such rich tycons? Or do you not accept the premise itself?
How is Beck intolerant (assuming you meant to use that word)?
Can’t speak for the others in the list. Don’t listen to them very much.
I do listen to Beck and it’s my opinion that he’s raised some very valid questions/issues with respect to who is pulling strings on the progressive side of the house to push their agenda forward. Yes, he’s got a strong opinion on things. But, he backs his opinion up with some compelling facts (usually expressed in the words of the person he’s got in his spotlight at the moment).
Please enlighten me on how he is intolerant?
He is not at all tolerant of people with opposing views. that is the intolerence I speak of. He can not understand that people who disagree with can still be loyal americans. Look at his behavior on the View for his inflamatory generalizations. Not that he was the only intolerant one there!
I think you’re misguided in stating that he’s intolerant with those that do not hold his point of view. He REPEATEDLY states on his show that he wants those pushing a certain agenda to simply be up front about it and say what they mean, and mean what they say.
I would not confuse his desire to expose the truth behind the motives of progressives with being intolerant. He’s just exposing them for what they are. If anything, progressives are intolerant of anyone with a differing point of view on things. In the words of Bill Maher….”you just need to drag them to it….they’re stupid…”. Now THAT’S intolerant!
Based on your swiftness to scrutinize conservatives and your only willingness to acknowledge the same faults in liberals’ viewpoints when challenged, I’d say you’re definitely more liberal than independent…and that’s ok….just say it like it is.
Bill Maher is intolerant so is Nancy Pelosi, beside being about as ignorant as Sarah Palin. People like Farakan and Wroght are too. I can call it both ways. I was in this case espousing the reasons I find the TEA party movement to be scary. It is not the fiscal beliefs which I happen to agree with it is the wacko ones like the birther movement (again not all in the TEA Party) or the “inner-muslim” crowd or the TEA party express who believes being muslim is a reason to vote someone out of office. It is the unwillingness to work together for the betterment. If you read the rest of the thread you will read someone who is unwilling to accept that Oil Billionaires are gressing the money wheels of AFP, who by the way organized this rally? So I ask again is that grass roots to have a rally in Bel Air in which people are bused in according to Brenda?
How about some good old fashioned Glenn Beck intolerance and hate?
Here are some more choice quotes from Beck:
“I’m thinking about killing Michael Moore, and I’m wondering if I could kill him myself, or if I would need to hire somebody to do it. … No, I think I could. I think he could be looking me in the eye, you know, and I could just be choking the life out. Is this wrong?”
This president I think has exposed himself over and over again as a guy who has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture….I’m not saying he doesn’t like white people, I’m saying he has a problem. This guy is, I believe, a racist.”
“When I see a 9/11 victim family on television, or whatever, I’m just like, ‘Oh shut up’ I’m so sick of them because they’re always complaining.”
“So here you have Barack Obama going in and spending the money on embryonic stem cell research. … Eugenics. In case you don’t know what Eugenics led us to: the Final Solution. A master race! A perfect person. … The stuff that we are facing is absolutely frightening.”
Yes, he is the epitome of tolerance. An excellent flag bearer for the Tea Party movement and conservatism.
Interesting you used the phrase “choice quotes”. Just what all Beck-bashers do….take “choice quotes” out of context. We can play that game all day long with ANYONE in broadcast media. Take some time and listen to what he’s says instead of relying on what you see on YouTube, The Daily Show, Olbermann and Maddow. Think for yourself instead of being spoon-fed the “choice quotes”.
Except he actually said these things. Not much to be taken out of context there. But believe what you want.
“Except he actually said these things. Not much to be taken out of context there. But believe what you want.”
Wow. You just don’t get it. I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree. Best of luck to you.
Then tell us what he really meant by those statements that puts them in the correct context!
Paycheck vs welfare check. I’m voting for paycheck party candidates…the ones with an ‘R’ behind their names. What about you?
The greatest hoax perpetrated upon the public by conservatives is convincing the party faithful to blame poor people for the financial mess we are in. The link provided by Dave above will help to explain to you deluded tea partiers that since the Reagan Revolution, for most of us, our economic prospects have soured while the super rich have made out like bandits. That income redistribution you all fear with our march toward socialism (?) has happened but in the opposite way you seem to think.
You all want your America back, but which one is that? The one in which a black man could not be president? The one in which homophobia was an accepted belief system?
I want my America back too. The one where we didn’t invade other countries on a whim or presidential personal agenda and remain in an endless, pointless, incredibly expensive war. The one in which church and state were separate and Christians were good samaritans, not egomaniacal vessels of self importance and perceived superiority. The one where tolerance was a strength and not a weakness.
Real patriots can handle a difference in opinion, so I can accept that we will disagree, but at least open yourselves to realities that may not fit your preconceived idea of the truth.
Oh yeah, you want America back to when “tolerance was a strength and not a weakness”, right after stating “and Christians were good samaritans, not egomaniacal vessels of self importance and perceived superiority”.
Slamming all those who believe in Christ in one fell swoop. You have a funny way of practicing this thing that you perceive to be “tolerance”.
Yeah, you’re a real patriot all right, if by “patriot” you mean anti-Christian bigot.
I am a Christian. One can be tolerant of something and still expose it for the fraud it is.
Hey Phil Dagger
My church robo-called and e-mailed me last when health care was on the table to tell me to put pressure on my public officials. What a crock of crap. It would seem to me that religion (specifically christianity) would do better by encouraging us to help one another. The fundamentalist attitude that is anything but Christian is what sparks comments like the above. Missionaries are going on trips to other countries to help their fellow man and stepping over their brothers and sisters in their own back yard on their way.
Oh the Fox News brainwashed people of America… how sad this election is; completely bought and paid by the high bidders. Bidders who are preying upon voters that refuse to really think about things and will vote against their own economic best interest (not to mention the best interest of public education, our environment, our kids, our farms, and our foreign relations).
Maybe the rich billionaire elites like Soros and the unions should have spent more money and then the doctrine of MSNBC/NBC/CBS/ABC/PBS/NPR/AirAmerica might have won the hearts and minds of the unwashed masses?
Don’t fool yourself into believing (as you are prompted to by Fox) that one billionaire plus all the unions in the United States (which, after all, are made of middle-class workers) come close to having the money to pour into elections that corporate CEOs have (they are truly the elites in society, buying elections to suit themselves only). The simple truth to remember is that if any person in society makes money faster than GDP grows, they are making their money off YOUR back. This is why progressive taxation is a must to maintain a strong middle class, and this is why corporate CEOs are spending so feverishly to mislead Americans into thinking that across the board tax cuts and non-progressive taxation is actually good for America. It very much is not, and they (the corporate elitist CEOs) are banking on you believing every word you hear on Fox News…
Olivia there are plenty of good republicans and democrats to vote for. There are also ones whom in my opinion, from both parties mind you, who are feeding you propaganda. The key is to be educated and look through the propaganda and pick the best candidate, regardless of party. This is why independents and moderates like myself decide the winner. When Hannity et al calls us nasty names we tend to not like those type of candidates so when “mama bear” endorses you it turns me off.
I also remind you of the name for Senator Harry S. Truman when he was a freshman in the senate. He was called the senator from pendergast because he was propped up by a rich guy who thought he could pull his strings and did for a while. The problem with having rich billionares giving you money now means you are bought and paid for latter. How nice will the Koch’s be with about 6 GOP senators in the minority, 25 GOP reps in the majority and about 6 govs in key states in their pocket.
cdev, you seem to ignore the great many moderates and independents who have flocked to the Tea Party and/or will vote for Tea Party candidates. You can call yourself a moderate but your posts are representative of a progressive liberal even if you a registered repub.
How about NBC, CBS, ABC and many print publications. Who are they convincing?
Revolution is born of empty stomachs. Bring it on, whatever it is.
500 people?? More like 50.
cdev again you have no idea of who paid for this week’s local event do you? You are just speculating aren’t you?
SO is Tony Passoro a liar?
cdev are you a liar?
No, but you do not seem to accept what Tony said about who organized this event as the truth.
cdev again are you, a liar? Where did Passaro write that Fink or Koch paid for this week’s event?
He wrote
“The rally (organized by Americans For Prosperity) was held in Shamrock Park, ”
AFP is funded substantially by those individuals. One of them is the founder and they have provided large funding. SO indirectly as I have said the money is coming from the second largest company on America. That does not sound so grass roots to me!
I am a bit tired of you obtuse male ego, again you don’t know if any Koch or Fink money has ever been sent to AFP in Harford County Maryland for any purpose now do you?
You are some kind of progressive republican elitist who can’t spell worth a darn.
I think he established the link quite well, actually. Why are you so angry?
Not angry at all Dr, you just read posts you disagree with using your angry voice. Try having someone with a gentle voice and mind read my posts to you.
Olivia keep denying this if you will. Eventually you will wake up and realize that the money came with strings and you might see who is pulling them. Just don’t say you never knew!
Cdev you have made speculative claims about the funding of the AFP event this week that you simply can’t prove and you are upset that I’ve called you on it.
To label these events as anything other than grassroots is absurd and indicates that you buy into the Pelosi steroeotype of the TEA party without having any real understanding of it. The people who show up at these events are average, everyday people who have sacrificed their time and wealth to this cause because they are concerned about the future of our country. We organized a similar event in Cecil County. TEA parties are not costly operations, and the expense that does occur is bourne by the participants. Our TEA party group in Cecil is funded by its membership, local citizens in Cecil County who donate time, money, and materials. Our stage was donated, our sound system was lent to us for the day, a podium was donated, a generator was donated, a tent was donated for the day, money was donated for advertising. People gave up their Saturday to set up and clean up their event. I’m sure there are a million other things these citizens could be doing with their time, but they sacrificing time, energy, and wealth, in defense of liberty. It doesn’t say much for you who choose denigrate your fellow Americans for peacefully seeking to return our country to a Constitutionally-limited government.
By the way, if you prefer to look at Christine O’Donnell as a caricature, rather than for what she really is, you certainly haven’t been listening to the debates between her and the bearded Marxist. She has been laughed at for correctly stating that the “separation of church and state” is not included in the Constitution. That phrase was taken from a writing of Jefferson, and has been taken out of context to mean freedom from religion rather than the intent of freedom of religion. Jefferson himself attended church services that were held in the US Capitol building. The intent of the first amendment was to prohibit a state establishment of religion- Congress shall make no law respecting an ESTABLISHMENT of RELIGION, NOR PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF. Progressives have twisted Jefferson’s writings which mention the separation of church and state to prohibit citizens from freely exercising their religion in public places. That was never the intent and is in fact a violation of the Constitution. Those who lack this basic understanding of the Constitution are the simpletons, not Ms. O’Donnell.
When I judge Christine O’donnell I look at the whole body of her work. Including the non-coached stuff when she worked for S.A.L.T.! Her ignorance is shocking. So what organizning did AFP do then? Is Tony a liar when he talks about AFP’s role or is he over exagerating?
I thought Christine O’Donnell was a witch?
No you are confused, Sharron Angle is a b*tch according to Joy Behar.
I did hear her say that. Uncalled for although Angle’s political ad was out of bounds. And Christine O’Donnell did say she had dabbled in witchcraft and had been on a satanic altar (I’m paraphrasing).
I get all my political and moral advice from Bill Maher and all things on Christine O’Donnell.
Typical strategy of dodging the issue. I never mentioned Maher’s name.
Are you saying O’Donnell didn’t say those things?
What she said was that when she was in high school, she dated a guy who took her to a satanic altar WITHOUT HER KNOWLEDGE. She didn’t figure out what it was until afterward. She never said she was on a satanic altar, but that he took her on a picnic there. It’s amazing how the only thing you can do is distort the message, and you have to go back to her teenage years to do so. Really, is that the best you can do, talk about who she dated when she was 16? If you want to talk about those things, then let’s talk about Obama’s coke habit, or we can talk about Harry Reid’s pet,the “bearded marxist.”
Obama circa 2009…
“I think when you spread the wealth around it’s good for everybody”.
Now THAT’S a scary quote!
This is what she said in 1999
“I dabbled into witchcraft. I never joined a coven.” / “One of my first dates with a witch was on a satanic altar.”
Of course she said this in 2007
“American scientific companies are cross-breeding humans and animals and coming up with mice with fully functioning human brains.”
“mice with fully functioning human brains”
Well Cdev it seems you are a mouse who has the ability to type on a computer.
Nice job, Olivia. Nice job ducking the issue and attacking someone personally.
Geez, did Karl Rove send out a handbook that we aren’t aware of?
Thanks Olivia for your kind words.
One thing I forgot to mention worth noting is that the witch quotes, as we all know, came from an appearance on Politically Incorrect. In that case she was frequently interupted and did not have much chance to clarify if needed. The second was on Bill O’Rilliey and she had the oppertunity to revise and extend. This is what she stood by.
Hi all,
Just a little bit of news for my LIBERAL Gadflies….
As for big money funding the TEA PARTY, there is none… We fund ourselves. As for campaign contrabutions statistics show that more that 70% of O’Malley money comes from “Special Intersts Groups”
while more than 60% of Bob Ehrlich money comes from individuals,
so CDEV and company please let me know where all the “Big Tea Party” money is coming from…we sure can use it. We need it to overcome all the fraudulent and phoney desperation ads being placed by the LIBERALS…and the Now or Never Rally was organized by AFP, not paid for by AFP. We borrowed and rented and volunteered the equipment we used….we policed the area after we were finished so Shamrock Park is now spotless…something the LIBERALS have a hard time doing, you are so accustomed to having the other guy do it for you……
That being said, I would like now to add this insightful opinion
By Larry Kudlow on CSNBC
On the eve of the midterm elections, a third-quarter GDP report showing a meager 2 percent growth rate is the final nail in the Obama Democrats’ political coffin.
The economic nails slowly have been hammered into that coffin all summer and fall. A spate of subpar economic statistics has shown the failure of the fiscal-stimulus spending program. And myriad tax and regulatory threats produced by new government policies have created a massive uncertainty overhang and a dismal jobs outlook. American businesses have gone on an investment-capital and hiring strike.
For a White House that bet the ranch on a massive government pump-priming plan, it has all turned out to be a complete failure. The scheduled economic recovery has simply not occurred.
And that’s why a Republican Tea Party tsunami lies just over the horizon. That tidal wave could be even greater than current polling suggests.
It should have been recovery summer, according to the president and his followers. But it is now officially a recovery slump. The entire command-and-control economic philosophy of the Obama Democrats has proven to be a big bust. And they shall pay a very big price for this.
In fact, the last two GDP reports have averaged less than 2 percent growth, something that qualifies as a growth recession, not a recovery.
Even worse, the GDP deflator — the broadest inflation measure — came in at 2.2 percent in the third quarter, following a 2 percent reading in the second quarter. That means inflation is rising faster than real output. Stagflation.
The Bernanke Fed should take notice of this on the eve of its quantitative-easing pump-priming exercise, expected to be announced the day after the election. We are actually experiencing a mini version of stagflationary growth recession.
The spending, taxing, and regulating policies of the Democratic Congress and administration have blocked growth, putting the Fed in a position to provide even more money to chase fewer goods. But in classic Milton Friedman terms, even though the economy is mired in stagnation, that’s still an inflationary prescription.
On top of all that, the depreciating-dollar policies of the Fed have led to a boom in commodity prices, including food and energy –things ordinary Americans pay for in the course of their typical week.
When the economy came in at 5 percent in the last quarter of 2009, and at 3.7 percent in early 2001, it looked like a recovery scenario. This, of course, followed the Fed’s massive $2 trillion stimulus plan and the more than $1 trillion fiscal stimulus. But those sugar highs quickly evaporated as growth slowed to 1.7 percent in the spring and 2 percent in the summer.
Meanwhile, a stubbornly high unemployment rate of 9.6 percent was supposed to have dropped to 8 percent last year and 7 percent by the end of this year, according to the president’s Council of Economic Advisers. But it didn’t. The so-called stimulus failed to stimulate.
Actually, unemployment is much worse for regular workaday folks. Counting marginal part-time workers and discouraged workers, unemployment is 17.3 percent. And this year, while the president promised 1.5 million new jobs, nonfarm payrolls have grown by only 613,000, and actually have fallen over the past four months.
The trouble with the whole Obama mindset is the notion that government can run the economy. That idea has failed.
It is business that runs the economy, including entrepreneurs and risk-takers. Yet the animal spirits have been stifled, while the producers have been laughed at, mocked, and insulted.
The Obama class-warfare campaign against business and investment has created a wall of worry and a refusal to invest in the future. The incentive model of growth, where it must pay more after tax and regulatory costs to work, produce, and invest, has been discarded by Obama’s extreme left-liberal Keynesianism. Predictably, higher costs — including the cost of Obamacare, probably the single-greatest barrier to growth and jobs — have forced the most productive factors in the economy to hole up and virtually shut down.
But the whole Tea Party movement of free-market populism represents an attempt to re-oxygenate the economy by unclogging the blood vessels of entrepreneurship with a major rollback of spending, taxing, and regulating. This Tea Party philosophy is derided daily by the Democrats, but it represents a bull’s-eye in terms of creating future economic growth.
Fortunately, the Republican party has returned to this Reaganesque message. This is the single most-important theme in the GOP comeback.
Lawrence Kudlow is host of CNBC’s The Kudlow Report and co-host of The Call. He is also a former Reagan economic advisor and a syndicated columnist. Visit his blog, Kudlow’s Money Politics.
Suck on that Cdev
So explain what oraganizing meant? does that mean they told you how to run a rally? I know you as TEA partiers can run a rally I have seen you do it? What did AFP do for you and do you think it comes without strings? Don’t be gullible! AFP is funded by big Oil Execs. They where so great for this country!
Of note is the fact that Ronald Reagan faced similar unemployment, similar low approval and a similar hostile congress (coming soon) at this point.
PS I am a moderate and can clean up my own trash!
What does the moderate Cdev believe and what are your positions on healthcare, taxes, energy and economic matters?
I think some matter of reform was needed as the system being phased out was not working. I thought (as I stated before) that something along the lines of the Swiss or Dutch system was a good idea. One where you do not by insurance as we know it but insurance much like for a car or flood insurance to cover the big items and that being a choice. One that requires providers to advertise the cost of a procedure and that cost be the SAME for everyone. You then pay for it. You can cost shop. Need an X-ray, if Franklin Square has the cheapest price you go there. The cost of the catastrophic insurance would be paid for by you and would not become effective until a certian time period after you signed up to insure people just don’t get it as soon as they find out they have cancer! I believe this would make wages rise as employers would no longer be footing the bill. I also believe that the idea of medicare should be gone.
They are a neccesary evil. We can not get rid of taxes or the government would not be able to fufill it’s mission. That said I favor a flat tax on all income after let’s say the first $25,000. I favor that flat tax on everything recieved as compensation for your job. No hiding benifits. If you get a bonus you pay the tax. If your job gives you a house you pay taxes on the house as if it was part of compensation. As part of this the government should have a balanced budget ammendment similar to what we have in Maryland. I also think if the government is running a surplus it should be used to pay the debt down or refunded to the payer in shares based on how much you paid the previous year. If that was instituted for the years the government overspends (due to an unforseen reason like a disaster) then payers should pick up the tab in much the same way.
What is your specific inquiry here? Do we need it, yes. Should the government be the producer, No. That said is it reasonable for the governmetn to regulate it in some way for the saftey of the people, yes. Funding research into alternative means of energy is a reasonable thing for the government as long as it is independent science. We will run out of Oil one day and OPEC is keeping us hooked by lowering the cost to our country. Electric cars make sense for commuter driving. Should people not own a gasoline vehicle, No. Obviously there is a need for the gasoline combustion engine.
I think your first two where definatively linked and I addressed this but allow me to address the big gorrilla no one wants to touch in fear angry seniors will rise up with their walkers and march on Washington.
Social Security needs to be reworked. It is no longer what it was intended for but has become welfare for old people. Social Security benefits should be limited to those who economically need it and they should have to apply for it. In the era of 401K’s and IRA’s people fund their own retirements. If something happens and fraud is committed with your account (not bad decision making by the holder) or you become physically unable to work in any capacity then you should get a benefit. You should have to apply for this. I take my grandma for example who recieves her pension check, my deceased grandfather’s survivor benefit from his military retirment, annuity money he invested for the two of them and then social security for her. She makes more a month then she spends and does not need the social security check. she chooses to place it in a fund and uses that money to give to schools that are doing things that are in her opinion good for kids. She does this because she taught for thirty plus years. If you ask her she could do without and I suspect alot of people could to. We should phase out SS.
Anyone recieving a benefit should be required to complete community service hours equal to their benefit until they can get a job. Work at a soup kitchen, homeless shelter, etc. Additionally they should have to attend some school to train them for a job to continue the benefit until they get they get a job.
Any other issues?
A few you did not ask for.
Illegal Immagrants. Most come here for a job. Take away the incentive by HARSHLY cracking down on employers who hire them. provide a verification system that works and if they I-9 gets kicked back the employee is suspended until it is resolved. If they do not use it (the employer) or continue to ignore it the first offense should be a fine of 100K per illegal, the second offense should be 2 years in prision per illegal. The third should be forfiture of the assests from the business and 4 years per illegal. The buisness can be auctioned and procedes help pay for further enforcement. Eventually without the jobs most of the illegals will leave and come here legally. Then round ups can begin and be effective.
Based on your responses below, you sound more like a conservative, maybe you need to join the TEA Party. AFP’s organizing means that they provide a communication mechanism, a focal point for collaboration. AFP listed our event in Cecil County on their website, with our contact information. I can assure you, our event was fantastic, and was 100% put together by volunteers through donations of materials, time, and money. We had local volunteers contribute to advertising, donate the trailer that was used for the stage; our musician donated his time to play live music and he brought his own sound system; a local business donated the tent and the owner of the business set it up for us; I asked all of the speakers to participate, and they donated their time to speak to us; we had volunteers deliver flyers in the neighborhood. This is how all of our events are operated. I know it is difficult to understand when you are used to seeing the left-wing SEIU and AFL-CIO functions where they pay to bus people in to events and even pay people for their time in participating. We are truly grassroots, just everyday Americans who care about the future of this country. It is easy to paint us as a caricature as the media has done. We are a lot easier to demonize in that way. Unfortunately for you, that is as far from the truth as you can get, and most average Americans recognize this.
You make it too easy to paint yourself as a caricature by defending Christine O’Donnell. Any credibility you may have had went right out the window.
I would not fit in with the conservative crowd at a TEA party because of my libertarian views on social issues. When engaging a TEA partier in conversation I have found that while they accept my opinions on the above issues they have serious problems with my position on Marrige, criminalization of drugs, abortion etc.