From Patrick McGrady, Republican candidate for District 34A delegation:
The hard-working people of the Route 40 Corridor deserve better representation then they have had for the past few years.
We all remember the 2007 tax hikes that came from Annapolis- the 20% sales tax hike, the 18.5% corporate tax hike, and the 18% income tax hike. We cannot afford more of the same. Unless we elect new people to represent us, we will surely see more tax hikes in just a few months.
I am running for the House of Delegates because I understand the struggles we face in Havre de Grace, Aberdeen, Joppatowne, and everywhere in between.
If you think the best way to create more jobs in our district is to raise taxes, and to make more regulations on small business, please vote for my opponents.
If you think Maryland is – and can continue to be – a great place to live, work, and raise a family, please consider voting for me on November 2.
The State government in Maryland must do our part to keep taxes predictable, low, and fair to help create an environment where entrepreneurs want to invest in new jobs. Lower taxes will help businesses create more jobs.
I successfully fought against property tax hikes for the citizens of Harford County, and I want to bring a fiscally conservative viewpoint to Annapolis.
Let’s work together to get Maryland working again.
Miles Kress says
Only 4 days to go! Its time for to keep working, don’t pay any attention to the polls of the Sun or the Washington Post. Sitting back will not get the job done.
On Tuesday November 2 get out and VOTE!
Steve Joyce says
Glen Glass is out sign waving in Havre de Grace today. I don’t know of any other candidate who has worked as hard as this guy to get elected. I am my voting…Glen Glass and Mary Dulaney-James.
Figured it out says
Patrick was waving in Aberdeen today– Glen Glass is crazy.
Steve Joyce says
I admire Glen Glass’ effort to get elected and I think the guy will work hard for the people of 34A.
Regarding McGrady sign waving the day before the election…where was he all the days leading up to today?
Figured it out says
Maybe he was talking with voters? Or maybe he has a job? Is Glen just looking for a job?
vote for Frisch says
I know one. Bob Frisch is running for the school board in District A. He has been everywhere and doing everything he can to get his message out. He was out waving again at 6:00 AM this morning.
Connie says
Sorry Patrick I am not able to vote for a 20something young adult with no life experience. You just got out of college, you haven’t had a real job, you rely on your parents for your home and you want Harford County families to trust that you can represent us in Annapolis? I don’t think so!
I am NOT voting for Patrick McGrady.
Kind words of advice to you Patrick, cut the apron strings, get a real job, support yourself and once you have proven to yourself that you are able to live on your own, maybe then you can represent others.
No-longer xxx says
Thanks Delegate,
Your bitter input is well-received.
Mike Perrone Jr. says
Funny how not having had a “real job” is an indictment in a state where the top two legislators have between them 60 years without having held a real job…
John M. Paff Jr. says
Patrick may be young, but his work ethic is second to none! He has a “real job” as a property manager and any job is a “real” job. Patrick has a B.S. in finance and a B.A. in economics from Penn State University. Last time I checked the #1 issue in this state was the economy! With his family owning a small business and his educational background, Patrick is more qualified for this position at his age than 80% of the General Asylum!
I will be proudly voting for Patrick McGrady on Nov. 2nd!
Mike Perrone Jr. says
Right on, John. I too don’t understand the assumption that working in a family business isn’t really working. Regardless, business owners have the best vantage point as far as observing the effects of endless government regulation and expansion, so I would choose Patrick over any of his opponents without thinking twice.
Woody says
Who cares how old he is as long as he votes right. Mary Dulany-James votes half the time or more with Martin O’Malley. And Marla is just way out there with her politics saying our kids should be instructed bilingually in Chinese and English?! I like McGrady’s fiscal stances–no tax hikes and no deficits. It’s responsible.
Dave Pridgeon says
Connie, your raising of Patrick’s age brings to my mind another young patriot associated with the State of Maryland. His name was John Francis Mercer. In 1776 at the age of 17 he would enlist in the Continental Army. He would be wounded the following year at the Battle of Brandywine. In 1778 at the age of 19 he would achieve the rank of Major and become the aide-de-camp to General Charles Lee. At the age of 21 he was present with General Washington for the Siege of Yorktown. At the age of 24 he would answer the call and serve two years in the Continental Congress beginning in 1883. And at the ripe old age of 28, would be one of just five Marylanders to represent our state in the Constitutional Convention held in Philadelphia.
Our history is ripe with citizens in their late teens and twenties giving their all to our nation. I for one am glad to see a young man with so much character, principle, and promise, try and answer the call at a time when our country desperately needs new leadership.
Connie says
Mr. Pridgeon
If Patrick McGrady had served his country in Iraq or Afghanistan honorably or done anything noteworthy I might agree with you. All Patrick McGrady has done is be a young person born into a wealthy family who has done little to nothing but promote himself.
Roger says
I am a senior citizen who will vote for Patrick. After hearing him speak at an event where he volunteered to provide tax advice, he struck me as making sense regarding his tax, or lack thereof, philosophy. Is he young? Yes. Is he on the right track in this particular economic climate? Yes. Will his ideas be carried out to the fullest extent in a legislative body dominated by democrats? No, but his election and others like him will make our politicians more accountable to what should be done in our current economic times rather than increasing government and spending.
DemFem says
Yes Roger I can understand why you would vote for Pat McGrady since he wants to reduce property taxes for senior citizens by de-funding schools, government services and public safety. Shady McGrady is for the rich and connected.
Regarding his job as “property manager” who owns the company he works for, who is the president and who does Pat report to?
On his company-owned apartment what happens if he can’t pay his rent? Well I’ll tell you, the rent is forgiven or he moves back into his mommy and daddy’s basement.
Mike Perrone Jr. says
There’s the standard liberal conclusion – that seeing the need to scale back government automatically means that you’re out to screw everyone who isn’t rich…
DemFem says
Dear Mr. Perrone,
I am a moderate democrat who believes in fairness and a government that works for the people. I am scared out of my skin that Pat McGrady with his inexperience will be in a position of power that he doesn’t understand and cannot manage. We cannot afford McGrady’s on the job training, it is a risk we cannot take.
Mike Perrone Jr. says
I too believe in fairness, and I believe that state and local governments do have important roles to play in terms of working for the people. But I also believe that we have got it backwards in terms of our approach to how we reach out to those in need of help. Government should step in and administer programs when private, charitable, religious, and civic organizations cannot. Instead, we seem to look to government first.
Whatever level of risk there may be in electing Patrick I am completely comfortable with. I’ve gotten to know him quite well over the course of the past two years and believe him to be both and advocate AND a steward. It seems most every politician is happy to fulfill their role as the former, but precious few seem to take seriously their dual role as a steward of our resources.
As far as experience goes, the wisdom that one acquires from a lifetime of dealing with people is a characteristic that I would look for in a governor or county exec, but not necessarily in a legislator. A young and energetic newcomer is the antithesis to the career politician – something Annapolis has far too many of.
Crysta says
Perrone are you out of your head in saying “the wisdom that one acquires from a lifetime of dealing with people is a characteristic that I would look for in a governor or county exec, but not necessarily in a legislator.”
Pat has no experience whatsoever he’s only 23 years old! What could he have possibly done in his life to prepare him for more than a manager-in-training position at McDonald’s or Panera?
Dave Pridgeon says
You are completely right, McGrady has no experience.
He has no experience completely draining the states surplus “rainy day fund”.
He has no experience in voting for the regulation, then deregulation mess that has our state having some of the highest utility rates in the country.
He has no experience growing government at a time when revenues are increasingly drying up.
He has no experience voting in a special session for the highest tax increase in Maryland history during the middle of a serious recession.
If this is what counts as experience in Annapolis, then lack of experience may be Patrick’s strongest asset in the environment he will enter in the Maryland legislature.
Crysta says
Dave I agree Pat McGrady has no experience and we can’t support him. Thank you!
Pontificator says
I find it hillarious that people are criticizing Pat McGrady’s parents support when Mary Dulaney James is running on her Daddy’s name and with the sole purpose of getting back her Daddy’s seat in the Senate. I mean, she wouldn’t take her husband’s name, or even hyphenate her husband’s name so that she could hold on to her Daddy’s legacy.
DemFem says
Harford County Deputy Sheriff’s Union called the people of 34A endorsing James and Glass last night.
It’s important for Democrats to get out the vote for James and Glass.
Roger says
Hi DemFem,
You assume too much from my senior citizen label. Just to give you a better idea of where I am coming from, in my humble opinion, there should be social security and medicare reform and soon. This reform will likely cut my benefits, but it should be done for the good of future generations. However, despite many, many people saying that it is necessary, politicians continue to ignore the input from citizens because of political pressures, mostly from my peers. I am not for defunding government or ravaging the educational system. I was an educator for 40 plus years and value their services highly. Should education and government be more accountable? Yes, but so should parents and citizens. I dare say because of where I live that my taxes are more than equal to most others for the property that I own. At this point, I believe that I get close to fair value for what I pay, which would not be true with higher taxes.
My point is that we continue to EXPAND government. Truthfully, I don’t know everything that Patrick stands for, but if you read what was said by me carefully, you will note that I said not everything he wants will be acted upon in the legislature because of a majority who do not adhere to his philosophy on taxes. His point of view will be highly diluted by other, more traditional points of view and much more experienced people. However, again if you read carefully, I said his election will send a message that constantly INCREASING government and spending in these times is not what a significant number of people want. I believe this to be especially true in Harford County, much more than other parts of the state where the people view the government as their nannies to their benefit and detriment of others and future generations.
I won’t be upset if Patrick does not get elected, but I hope he gets enough attention to make other politicians take notice that there is a real concern about the increasing role and cost of government. Please don’t let us become like some European or Scandanavian countries.
It is good that you are involved and express a point of view. Stay that way.
Crysta says
McGrady? No fricken way! I could never vote for him. he acts today just like he did when he was in high school.
Joppa Donkey says
Maybe you’re still mad because he never called you back? It’s ok, I’m sure every girl didn’t go to the prom.
Crysta says
No one would date Shady Shorty Slim McGrady. I think he took his mom to the prom.
Sarah says
Dear Crysta…
I now see your reasoning and agree. Short, thin people should NEVER hold office! They’re biologically inept! They obviously don’t have the drive to get taller and wider, which is essential to holding a successful office.
‘scuse me while I pull my tongue out of my cheek…
BSmeter says
Hey McGrady, stop misleading the people of Harford County and point out the reality of the so called tax-increase. This $0.01 per dollar tax increase (that you sell as a 20% increase in a deliberate effort to mislead) was more than offset by the property tax decrease that was instituted by Governor O’Malley. Unless you are routinely purchasing big ticket items (when if you are, you must be doing pretty damn well in difficult times), then you are paying LESS under Governor O’Malley than you were under Governor Ehrlich.
But… I am sure you will ignore this or try to mislead futher in your response, but it does not change the reality of what I say.
You can't do math. says
A tax hike of .01 when the previous tax was .05 is a 20% tax increase, no matter how you slice it.
If you buy $5000 worth of school supplies, clothes, and other household products over the course of a year, your taxes will be 20% higher now. Before, your tax burden would be $5000x.05=250 dollars. The tax burden now would be $5000x.06= 300. The increase? 50 bucks. 50/250= 20%.
The sales tax impacts poor people more than rich people- as there are no exemptions. So, you have proved that you can’t do math. Grow up, and quit bitching.
Cdev says
There are exemptions. It is called the tax free week before schools go back.
Spartan says
McGrady and I just finished playing video games in my mom’s basement and now we are trying to decide whether to sign wave, prank call democrats or go to the Xtreme Dungeon and Dragons convention at the Holiday Inn Express-BWI.
Spartan says
Everyone McGrady and I went to 7/11, got some slurpies and we decided to wave signs while we prank call Demonuts and still go to the Xtreme Dungeon and Dragons convention at the Holiday Inn Express-BWI. Fist bump me on this trifecta.
Steve Joyce says
McGrady’s immaturity should not concern anyone since there are no grown-ups in the state house any way. If McGrady wins we can hope he does vote the way his mommy tells him to.
Sarah says
Spartan. Two words. Grow Up.
You’re doing nothing to aid or hinder his campaign. Don’t you have better things to do than spam The Dagger?
more jobs. less taxes says
what is he actually going to DO to create these jobs he promises?
it’s all horse S&&& that he thinks voters want to hear.
I should run and put ‘winning lotto tickets for all’ on my signs. I’d have as good of a chance to make good on my promises
Paca says
I am Tea Party, CFL, AFP Constitutionalist and I am voting to take our State back with a Patrick McGady vote. Screw the democrats.
DemFem says
Not very nice callin Democrats names if you want them to vote for Shady McGrady the young man born with a silver spoon in his mouth. My family and friends of both parties are opposed to Shady Pat McGrady.
gimme glenner, I want Holyfield! says
I hope we elect glen glass. he’s a complete *** psycho and it’d be fun to watch!
DemFem says
Sheesh I got 4 Shady McGrady junk mailers today? The Shady team must think he can fool democrats into voting for this young prince of the manor. The true democrats aren’t that foolish. Shady has underestimated us.
Figured it out says
For a couple of days, I thought that you were MDJ, but now your class-warfare-based remarks and horrible grammar skills have betrayed your secreted true identity, Ms. Posey-Moss.
Good luck on Tuesday– a silly progressive liberal like you will need it.
The lack of accountability from commenters on this website is apalling.
undecided says
Some commentary is out of bounds but it is the anonymity of posters that allows for valuable information to come out, which otherwise we would probably never see or know about. A free press is what keeps us free even if we have to put up with a few screwballs along the way.
Brian Goodman says
I couldn’t have said it better myself, even though I have; in some cases repeatedly…
undecided says
Thank you.
Figured it out says
A free press doesn’t mean a libelous, hate-filled press. Consider the implications if people could say ANYTHING without repercussions– Free political speech is one thing; lies and rumors, that’s completely different.
DemFem says
People received a negative mailer from McGrady attacking Posey-Moss and Glass in the mail today. I guess McGrady will make up things to get elected?
undecided says
People have different ideas about what are the shades of truth.
Figured it out says
Negative doesn’t mean false 🙂
What did the mail say? Who was it from?
Figured it out says
The Taxpayer protection pledge? Look at all the candidates nationwide that have signed it.
Sorry Posey– your goose is cooked.
Demfem says
The negative piece refers to some phony conservative pledge that was never offered to Posey-Moss to consider signing. McGrady helped write the pledge and then selectively offered to some candidates. I don’t have anything against pledges or promises but you can’t create a self-serving pledge, then keep it from a candidate and then complain they didn’t sign it.
This just proves that McGrady is too immature to represent us and that he is controlled by Campaign for Liberty.
Figured it out says
The Taxpayer protection pledge? Look at all the candidates nationwide that have signed it.
Sorry Posey– your goose is cooked.
DemFem says
I was referring to the phony Campaign for Liberty Pledge that McGrady and his puppeteer Dave Pridgeon created and sent out.
Figured it out says
How is it phony? Look at it– It says that you didn’t sign the “Taxpayer protection Pledge” from the link I just sent you. Clearly you didn’t sign it.
Facts are funny things sometimes.
DemFem says
Maryland State Delegate race polling news just in shows McGrady losing. Mary Dulaney James wins and Posey vs Glass too close to call.
Aberdeen Floyd says
McGrady and his Shady family have never done well with Democrats so it is not a surprise that he might lose. I don’t have anything against this young man but I will not vote for him.
Maryland voter says
You have to give credit where it is due. You have no facts. You have no purpose other than name-calling. You have no honor or integrity.
Mr. McGrady, Patrick, has listened to the people in Harford county and has taken concrete steps to correct issues that he has heard about. He is involved with civic organizations, the Chamber of Commerce, the Republican Central Committee, the Campaign for Liberty and Americans for Prosperity, he sings with the Bay Country Gentlemen, and is campaigned with/for many of the other candidates that either ran or are running for elected office to serve our state.
Mr. McGrady is young. He is intelligent. He has the energy and the ambition to succeed. He has the desire to help re-focus and re-direct our state back to the Constitution. If that sits well with you, vote for him.
Ms. Posey-Moss has declared herself a social progressive. That translates to me as communism, socialism and more of the failed policies we have now. It you like what we have now, vote for her.
The name calling, vile and hateful trash spewed by anonymous “dem-fem” or “crysta” or attacks on his family are more things that reflect those writers inability to provide legitimate reasons to support their candidates.
At this point we Americans, still have the ability to chose our leaders. I plan to vote.
undecided says
Where can we see this polling? Can you give us a web site or the actual numbers?
Dave Yensan says
Just in from where? Who conducted the polling using what methodology? What was the geographical and demographic cross section used and what were the exact questions asked? Just another useless and ignorant comment from a feminist democrat.
Moderate says
I have it on good authority that Jacobs and McGrady have the poll info showing McGrady losing and Jacobs winning. Helton knows he cannot win against Jacobs unless he out spends her and even then it would be a long shot.
undecided says
If McGrady loses who gets the second slot – Glass or Moss? We know MDJ is in.
Demonut says
I used to be a Republican and now a Democrat. I will not be voting for McGrady.
Another Political Critic says
Did he really have a mailer attacking Moss and Glass? Maybe he does have my vote. I’ve been hesitant to vote for McGrady because I thought he was a Glass supporter and I might have had a small concern regarding his age.
Glass is a lawbreaker who plays the system and does not deserve to represent us, while Moss is openly running as a progressive, despite the fact the progressives ran the country into the ground.
Theoted says
I love it.
Slim Shady!
Sarah says
Keep at it, Patrick. Ignore the buffoons. You have character and drive, and if (heaven forbid) you don’t make this election, run again as soon as possible. Our government needs a few Mr. Smiths.
Senior Voter says
I have my doubts about you Mr. McGrady.
Your young age, your immaturity and lack of experience is a problem for me. So, I will be voting for Dulaney-James and Glen Glass as delegates in 34A.
Senior Voter
Joe says
It seems like you are posting as multiple people with the same message:
Per “steve joyce” above:
“Glen Glass is out sign waving in Havre de Grace today. I don’t know of any other candidate who has worked as hard as this guy to get elected. I am my voting…Glen Glass and Mary Dulaney-James.”
“McGrady and his Shady family have never done well with Democrats so it is not a surprise that he might lose. I don’t have anything against this young man but I will not vote for him.
Senior Voter says
Joe says:
You can say what you will. My votes are my votes and my opinions are my opinions.
I am voting for James and Glass as delegates in 34A and saying no to the inexperienced McGrady and the too liberal Moss.
Senior Voter
This message was paid for by a Senior Voter for responsible leadership.
Theoted says
No self-serving Shady. Not now. Not ever.
Theoted says
DemFem rocks! Right on!
DemFem says
All my Deomcrat friends should call ten friends of any party and warn them NOT to vote McGrady.
one more former student says
Patrick has a great view on how to help businesses. Unfortunatly ; he looks at them from the Disney point side. It would be nice to lower regulations on business. However very few of them can take care of the environment ; their employees and the community when left unchecked. They all talk a good game , but when it comes down to it; the all look out for the bottom line and the CEO ‘s pockets first and all else later. No matter what harm it may do. If he could get them all to do what we teach kids; ” Do the Right thing” , then he would get my vote. But I don’t think he can do that without the regulations that he is pointedly against.
Psephologist says
To All Citizens:
I have determined based on my anecdotal evidence and extensive provincial study that Patrick McGrady cannot win his race.
He is a nice young man but his Shady McGrady family history has cast a dark shadow on his candidacy. People just can’t trust that McGrady won’t vote in favor of his families vast rental real estate empire and extreme far-right political views.
HarCoResident says
Having a family who owns a lot of highly taxed rental property, get their son elected to try and lower the tax rate, is a bit like having a lawyer campaigning against limits on damage claims…..they have a vested interest in the outcome, without regard to what is actually best for the common man.
I believe he is a nice guy, and probably agree with many of his positions….but he cannot make his #1 campaign point about an issue which he clearly has a conflict of interest about….I am not saying we shouldnt try to have lower taxes….but he would do it regardless of whether it is in our best interests when they try to weigh the issue versus the budget and other effects it has.
A legislator needs to be more impartial to issues and come to the table seeking the best answer, or the answer which helps our state and county and citizens the most…not the one which helps their interests much more than an average citizen’s.
Pontificator says
Ouch… so I guess Mary Dulaney James is out since she is a trial lawyer. And I guess Marla Posey Moss is out since she is a teacher. And I guess Glen Glass is out since he is… oh wait… I don’t even know if he has a job.
That’s the ticket. Vote for the unemployed. Oh wait, they’re living off unemployment benefits and would have a conflict there too.
HarCoResident says
I agree, Marla is looking out for her own interests….shes running on making teachers eligible for unemployment during the 8 weeks they don’t get checks from the school system……I would not vote for her either…..
Mary Dulaney James does not seem to be running on anything that is a conflict of interest….she is a small business owner and longtime resident who is well respected in the community and will get re-elected because she is in line with the views and needs of her constituents….Marla and Patrick are not….
I wish Riley hadn’t been too seriously ill to campaign this time….I even drove by him on Route 24 one morning as he was going to Upper Chesapeake for treatments…..its so sad to lose his voice for us.
Psephologist says
Random exit polls show James and Glass running away with the state delegate election.
HarCoResident says
Oh and don’t mislead, Mary Dulaney James has started her own law practice, with a background in commercial and business litigation, far from being a defense attorney or “trial lawyer” in the sense you implied. She has been endorsed by the police, teachers, farmers, and conservationists.
She focuses on gang legislation and child protection laws, as well as pro-environment bills, and being fiscally conservative while maintaining funding for the priorities of her conservative constituents, education and public safety, and public works.
So yes, Pat is out because he only cares about the family business profitting from a massive tax bill reduction, and Marla is out because she wants to give herself unemplyment checks when she should get a second job like me to make ends meet instead.
I do not see anywhere except in the attacks of people who care about furthering “R” agendas where she is criticized or has been shown to be lacking in any way.
DemFem says
MacGrady is getting trounced and his poll workers are being ignored.
Thank you to all those fair minded folks who are calling their friends to vote James and Glass.
Pontificator says
You call Mary Dulaney James a fiscal conservative, but don’t forget, she voted for the 20% sales tax before she voted against it.
HarCoResident says
How did she vote for it before she voted against it? Do you mean she voted to end debate?
I cannot find any record on VoteSmart or any other site that shows her voting “yes” to the sales tax increase, both records/votes I find show “no” votes.
If she voted to end debate or what not, then I am sorry that is not the same.
She voted “yes” to REPEAL the sales tax being applied to computer services and some other things….like the conservatives favored….and she has favored the exact approach being favored by the likes of Jay Hancock and other financial writers….so I dont get your point
Pontificator says
She voted in committee for the 20% sales tax to become law, then when it came to the floor, she voted against it. But had she voted against it in committee it would have died.
Pontificator says
I know you might not believe me, but here is a link to the Baltimore Sun story on her doing the flip flop action to help the sales tax increase move along.,0,2019246.story
HarCoResident says
okay, seeing that, I wish someone would have made her answer that before….she ignored the sun reporters on it…but maybe a citizen could have brought it up during the election to her in person…..
I personally don’t mind the extra MAYBE $250 or so per year that we spend in my household because of the sales tax increase, I prefer it to an income tax hike or more highway funds being taken away from the counties and towns.
But I do think that she should explain her thinking on the issue.
Pontificator says
I was only pushing back on the title of “Fiscal Conservative” If you ask me, Mary Dulany James is perfect if land use is your major concern. She has a real passion for land use issues and ensuring the preservation of natural resources. That’s not so much my thing, but it is a major concern for many people in Harford County.
Pontificator says
Question for McGrady about successfully fighting the property tax hikes in Harford County. My tax bill still went up. How successful was he?