Criticized recently by her opponent for missing key legislative votes during her years in Annapolis, Sen. Nancy Jacobs fired back this week with a late-election campaign to raise money by pointing out Art Helton’s own missed votes while he was serving in the state senate.
In his robo-call to residents of District 34 (southern Harford/western Cecil), Helton, a Democrat, has referred to Jacobs, a Republican, as “No Show Nancy” – a name he asserted she was given after missing many votes. Jacobs claims she missed very few votes and those few absences were excused because she was dealing with the deaths of both her parents as well as her husband’s battle with cancer.
This week, Jacobs unleashed her new “Stop Art Helton’s Money Bomb” drive – an attempt to convince voters that the deep-pocketed Helton is trying to buy the District 34 senate seat, while also taking a swipe at Helton’s own spotty voting record.
Here is an excerpt from a mailer Jacobs disseminated Friday, in which she chastises Helton for lying about her and throwing his personal fortune into the campaign:
“First off and unfortunately, my opponent, Art Helton, has been attacking me with downright lies and misleading campaign innuendo. He is using his personal wealth to try to drown out any attempts to correct the record by already spending close to $300,000.
Helton is advocating for at least two new tax hikes and increased spending beyond the current $6.5 billion deficit. He just doesn’t get it.”
In this excerpt, Jacobs hammers home on Helton’s voting record while he was a state senator and lays out the design of her “Stop Art Helton’s Money Bomb” plan:
“When he was in office, Helton missed over 1,000 votes. He now chastises me for missing 18 votes in 16 years to deal with emergency family matters including a death in the family (my father) and cancer surgery (my husband). We need to stop Art Helton.
That’s why I’m writing you. Right now, I’m running a “Stop Art Money Bomb” today with the goal of raising $10,000–$10 for every one of Art’s missed votes by Election Day, Tuesday, November 2. Your support will help me to pay for the extra advertising and mail pieces needed to answer Art’s unfounded charges.
Please help me send a strong message to Art Helton: he’s already wasting his own personal wealth and I know you don’t want him in Annapolis wasting your tax dollars too!”
The campaign finance figures for the most recent filing period show that Helton has spent $159,558 and Jacobs has spent $147,505 on their respective campaigns.
Helton declined to comment on Jacobs’ “Money Bomb” campaign, but one of his longtime supporters, Steve Johnson, said Jacobs’ ads show a measure of desperation for a candidate who is not used to being a runner-up in the fundraising department.
Johnson, who claims Jacobs has spent more than $1 million on her political campaigns since she’s been in office, said many of the high-dollar campaign contributors who typically line up for Jacobs are supporting Helton’s candidacy in this election.
“She’s always had the advantage of being the big dog and getting all the big dollars,” Johson said.
Johnson said Jacobs “hasn’t been there” for her constituents and the result is a lack of support, and corresponding reduction in donations, for her campaign.
“There’s a reason she doesn’t have the money this year that she usually does and nobody’s done this to Nancy, but Nancy,” he added.
“I do think it’s an act of desperation. It’s the first time she’s been in this position,” Johnson said.
I received one of Art Helton’s mailers in which he criticizes Sen. Jacobs for missing votes during the 2007 special session (he points out four in particular).
Okay. So what about the regular session in 2007? And 2008? And 2009? And 2010?
That’s all Helton is going on? Seems to me that if someone shows up to work faithfully over a period of four years with the exception of a few absences during a short period of time, you’d be inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt.
Nancy raised $30k in 4 hours with this email– this shows the local distrust for the Artful Dodger.
Art’s boyfriend Steve Johnson (and paid employee) is the only person that trusts Art.
My dear Insider,
Please refrain from being derrogatory towards Mr. Helton and Mr. Johnson. The insinuation you make is most likely false and therefore only harms your arguement.
No matter what you or I may think about a candidate, he/she deserves respect as a human being. Be above such baseless attacks.
For No-Show Nancy, the truth certainly hurts. Let’s look at Jacobs’s last minute charges. She says Art Helton is “lying” about her record. I’ve read some of his mailers, and I’m impressed that he includes a source for each and every item. For example, when Jacobs missed 12 of 15 votes during Governor Ehrlich’s 2004 special session, that’s not according to Art Helton, that’s according to the bipartisan Department of Legislative Services. When Jacobs publicly complained about “missing her flight” (probably to her houses in Florida) in 2007, and still missed critical votes, her quote came from the neutral Associated Press. And Helton wasn’t making up the fact that Jacobs was voted “one of the least influential state senators” this year. That appeared in the Gazette.
There’s an old saying, “facts are stubborn things.” For No-Show Nancy Jacobs, the facts are just dreadful.
I notice you talk about facts while editorializng on them. The question of the missed votes has already been addressed, numerous times over. And if you would not attend your father’s funeral, or leave your spouse to go into his/her life-threatening surgery alone, I wouldn’t vote for you if you were the only person on the ballot. I think it shows character that she put her family above her job for such instances. It’s not like Bruce broke his finger. It was CANCER, for goodness’s sake.
As for the quote, I believe she said something to the effect of “A lot of us…” etc. Will Art go after the many, or is the Senator to be singled out among her peers? And I have not seen the context of this quote. It could be as Art says, it could be something else. We don’t know. So when you bring that up as a “fact”, quote it exactly, with context from that article. Because that’s the only way you’ll get the whole truth, whatever that truth may be.
Come to think of it, I seem to recall Art’s last campaign claiming he was endorsed by the NRA, when he was not (only the local chapter, I believe). So I’d follow up on those references rather than take them at face value…
Art Helton’s only big donor is himself. It’s not like this is a hidden secret. He hasn’t even raised $10,000 from other people.
So Helton missed 1,000 votes in four years and he’s upset that Jacobs missed 18 votes over 16 years? Pathetic.
I see John is digging deep into the Nancy Jacobs Department of “Just Making Stuff Up.” I’m an old Annapolis watcher and as far back as I can remember, Art Helton had an almost perfect attendance record as one could get. And that includes both floor votes and committee meetings. That’s why he was picked to serve on the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee, the most powerful committee in the General Assembly. Of course the fact that Helton was and remains a strong fiscal conservative was another reason for his selection.
Compare that to Jacobs’ serial absenteeism and “least influential” ranking…both proven facts.
Again, facts are stubborn things. John, you might want to look into that…
And yet the fact remains that Art has not managed to win an election in the past 28 years, despite his huge fortune.
The nickname “No Show Nancy” is one I never heard before this election, and I’ve been a Joppatowne/Edgewood resident for over 20 years.
I’ve not even heard it from my acquaintences who are against her. He’s come up with his own nickname to discredit her in one of the silliest ways possible. I truly pity anyone who blindly follows Art Helton. Should he be elected, I hope that they learn a lesson from their actions.
I’ve looked at literature on both sides. I’ve carefully considered the claims of each. I don’t vote party on either side. I vote for the person most likely to succeed in doing what this district needs, and that’s Nancy Jacobs.
jacobs’ excuses remind me of the excuses we heard for years from terrible orioles managers.
then, they bring in showalter and he does amazing with the same damn team.
Helton has proven his ability to make it work, as had showalter.
it’s time to bring in buck and turn this team around!
WHEN? WHEN did Art prove this ability to get things done?
What did he do? Tell me!
Schools? The Senate has NOTHING to do with creating schools. Maybe they did back in the 70’s (I don’t know one way or another), but they don’t now.
He harps about how he has a proven track record, but that record is almost 30 years obsolete. Nancy knows the current condition of the state and the county. She’s been on the front lines for a long time now. If anyone knows how to get things done, it’s her. The world is vastly different from what it was thirty years ago. That includes government.
And I’ve yet to hear just what it is Art wants to get done. He’s given us nothing but mudslinging at his opponent and some catchphrases about himself. WHAT DOES HE WANT TO DO? I don’t know. No one can tell me. Please, Orioles Fan, if you know his agenda, I’d dearly love to know it.
If you don’t, I suggest you try and find out. Otherwise you’re blindly following a ghost.
You have been hit too many times in the head with baseballs.
When? Tell us all about it.
oh shizzzzzz!
don’t talk about money in politics.
it is what it is. republicans need to be strong conservative stewards of the dollar and do more with less, like we preach, and not complain!
if you can’t do more with what you have, you my dear should enroll in some political welfare or campaign sign-stamps!
it didn’t hurt the past few terms when her money bomb blew up her opponents spot, it was cool until it was done to her.
she needs to get her Cuban workers to get her florida houses ready for the winter
You are silly and should not be posting such things here unless you know with a high degree of certainty what you are talking about. I doubt you do.
When I read Art Helton’s trashing of his opponent, Nancy Jacobs, I wonder what it is he is planning to do about his own reputation. If one believes half of what is floating around about him, he is not fit to be dog catcher, let alone senator.
Helton treats people around him as if they were serfs. I prefer the direct approach from Senator Jacobs. I believe she tells the whole truth, unlike Helton.
When you have nothing to run on, the only alternative is to attack the opponent. Art Helton (and/or his campaign workers) should also follow the law. His signs are being posted where it is illegal (county and state property, private property w/o permission). I own a home in the Joppa area and someone posted a Helton sign on the property without asking. I’m guessing the worker (or Helton himself) thought it was county right-of-way. The timing was right. I needed something to put under a cabinet door so I could paint it. The sign was just the right size.
Even the playing field in Annapolis, vote Republican.
You sure you don’t own two houses in Jappa? =)
Hello all,
I’m praying that the voters that fall within the 34th District do not send another democrat to Annapolis. I have nothing negative to say about either candidate. My only concern is yet another democrat in the already “democratic” infested Annapolis crowd. If we don’t even the playing field this time around, this crowd in Annapolis can and will jam anything down our throats (and there will be nothing we can do about it). Remember the closed and secret special sessions for the tax increases (O’Malley and bunch). It will happen again. I hope citizens of the state have not already forgotten.
The union for the teachers are hoping that Art (if he is elected) will send more money their way; why else would they endorse him. How much more money will it take for the teacher’s union to be happy.
I think most teachers (the foot soldiers so to speak) know that the board of ed in most jurisdictions are top heavy. The money that Art will try to get for the teachers will never reach the teachers on the ground. Fortunately, the teachers do not necessarily vote according to their unions’ wishes (at least I hope not). Teachers are smart enough to think for themselves and not bow down to some union boss.
In the past, Art may have been a friend to the board of ed, refurnished buildings in Harford County (he made a great deal of money doing so), and helped some woman dredge her stream (what’s that about?), but we can’t afford another democrat in Annapolis and any more tax hikes.
Some will argue that if the playing field is more even, there will be gridlock. In reality, gridlock in Annapolis can be a good thing because they won’t be able to hurt us with passing tax hikes and nonsensical laws. If you are thinking about voting for Art Helton, please think twice. We don’t need him there.
Rob in Bel Air,
Hoping that Helton will send money the teachers way……DA…yeah, Send money the Police Departments way……DA…yeah, Send money the Emergency Services way….DA…yeah. That is a Senators job. We pay our taxes and a portion is supposed to come back to us for those services. THAT HAS NOT BEEN HAPPENING……DA
saggy bottom boy,
You have it wrong . . . and from reading what your post, I can understand why. First, the counties do receive money back from the state to supplement their budgets, but how much is enough. The school board asks for more money every year, yet the salaries for the teachers (those on the ground, in the classrooms, doing the actual work) do not see it. A county worker with no former education can make as much as a teacher (but that’s another subject for another day).
I don’t know about anyone else here, but I am not in favor of paying more taxes. O’Malley raised taxes the fist year into his administration and he will have to raise taxes again in the next couple of years. He (and his budget) was bailed out this year by O’bama, but when the federal money dries up, the only alternative is to cut spending big time or raise taxes. What do you think will happen? Once again, the sneaky democrats will go behind closed doors and hold secret sessions (like they did a few years ago) and think of ways to generate income. Adding yet another democrat (Art Helton) will only add to the democrat infestation in Annapolis and ensure a tax increase. Remember this: When O’malley looks down (rather than look the citizens) and saids, “We have to make some tough decisions”, watch your wallet because it is coming. And if elected, Art Helton will be there, alongside Mike Miller with a big smile, “It was tough but we did it” (now pay up).
Saggy bottom boy, if you are OK with paying more taxes, then please write a check out and send it to the comptroller. However, I’m guessing you don’t pay taxes.
You can’t vote for a Govener on election day, because if you don’t like O’Malley taxes you suley hated Ehrlich with his tax, and fee increases. But then, reading your comments, you seem like you hate everything. I think you should run for office.
I do every pay check Rob!
Saggy Bottom, you are correct. And why? Because the Democrats in Annapolis, that have run the state for decades, want to punish Harford County for electing Republicans. They did the same thing to Ehrlich. One example of many- slots. Does everyone remember that? That cesspool in Annapolis spawns this kind of behavior. Go Nancy. To my knowledge, Nancy hasn’t abused her husband either.
You are right most classroom teachers do not receive the benefits of greater funding coming to the school system. Most of the money gets eaten up in administrative costs, unnecessary programs, or equipment teachers do not need or want. They belong to the union to protect themselves against abusive school boards, vindictive administrators, false allegations by students and frivolous lawsuits brought by enabling parents. They have little use for the state and national union leadership but have no recourse to stop what they do. Most teachers by their nature do not like politics and that is why the the rank and file seldom get involved except when they feel wronged at the local level. We would like to see a major reduction in administrative positions because these people usually bring little benefit/support to classroom teachers and in many cases are an impediment to classroom instruction.
You are correct. Most teachers belong to the union to protect themselves from the administration which plays favorites, lying students and parents, and false allegations.
As long as Art is assuming that every Nancy Jacobs is Senator Nancy Jacobs (ie, his totally goofy Florida residence mistake where the other house is owned by an 87 year old grandmother with the same name) he should see this:
Norman Jacobs Obituary: View Norman Jacobs’s Obituary by The …
He was the son of the late Norman L. and Evelyn A. (Larson) Jacobs; brother of Mary J. Jacobs and the late John and Nancy Jacobs.
He we then see that actually Nancy died years ago and is actually a robot placed by aliens interested in taking over the world.
There are two Florida residences on her financial statement she filed to run for office. Whats that about? Don’t tell us she lied to you too!
Isn’t it kind of ironic that we are talking about ownership of property and Nancy Jacobs when it’s Art Helton who illegally runs in district 34 when he lives in Darlington which is in district 35.
Art Helton has had truth problems for as long as I can remember. When he ran against Nancy last time and lost by 20% he lied to the Catholic Review who wrote an entire article on his deceit. The Cecil Whig ran a front page story exposing his lies about being endorsed by the NRA which he was not.
When I know how much he has lied in the past to get elected (and failed repeatedly) I cannot and will not believe a word he says. He would be the absolute worst Senator because he cannot tell the truth. His lies are documented. Your lying to yourself (or you can’t read) if you say he is an honest man.
The democrats in Harco had an opportunity to get behind a decent man with Rovall Washington. Helton lied about him too. Democrats will pay the price again with another loss.
How did he lie about Washington?
Hi GOP Operative…is that you Karl Rove? Probably not because he’s too busy on Fox News. Is that you Lee Atwater? Definitely not, because he’s dead. No, you’re probably some overly partisan hack who follows the Jacobs tradition of making stuff up. Now you’re engaging in school yard chants of “liar, liar, pants on fire.” Go back to the 3rd grade where you belong.
The Jacobs realities that you can’t evade are growing in strength every day. She missed too many important votes in Annapolis. She likes Florida, maybe Jacobs positively loves Florida.
She was voted “least influential” State Senator by an independent media source.
You know, in 2006 Nancy promised to “work hard” for the citizens of the 34th District. Now we know she was hardly working…
MD Pundit,
You must have a lot of hate built up or perhaps you are Mr. Helton himself. Unfortunately, the likes of you are walking among us. What;s worse is the likes of you vote. Do you really think Mr. Helton wants to go to Annapolis to “work hard” for us. Come on, you can’t be that much uninformed. Mr. Helton wants to get into the “Mike Miller ole boys club” and nothing more. Have you ever been to Annapolis when its in session; the parties, lavish dinners, treating friends, being courtedg by lobbyists. It’s a near endless expense for those in the MM club (but at taxpayers expense). (Wasn’t it Mr. Leggitt, Montgomery County Executive and democrat who complained that they didn’t serve lobster at one of the democrat functions – at taxpayer expense?) It’s also all about power and name recognition and little to do with “working hard” for us.
I did notice that you quoted something from a media source, but did not identify it. Everyone here knows, or should know, that most media outfits are liberal based and tend to support democrats regardless of qualifications and experience. An excellent example: Barack Obama.
I am a Republican, but I do not necessarily vote for all “Rs”. But this year I will as the democrats are making a mess of this state and this country. So call me an operative, do the name calling, do the insulting, that fine. It defines you (childish) and how you think (if that is what you want to call it).
By the way, I like Florida also … who doesn’t.
In earlier post the two houses were explained to you. Nancy and Bruce bought a home in The Villages several years ago. I believe it was intended as a retirement home. Before you or any of the other ARTists out there jump on that, sane good hard working people plan for their retirement, years in advance. The other folk believe the FDR, LBJ, BHO crap about just letting the government take care of you when you run out of of money two oe three years into the unplanned end of work.
The second house belonged to Nancey’s mother. Maybe you missed all of that too.
Which now belongs to Nancy. COUNT WITH ME DAVE YENSAN 1 house—-2 houses. Thanks for clearing that up for the voters Dave. Yes voters, and Becky, Nancy Jacobs owns 2 houses in Florida.
Dave, the second house belongs to another Nancy Jacobs (no relation to my mother).
Voter, Senator Nancy Jacobs owns one house in FL… I think I’d know that.
Maybe they don’t want you to know where they are going when they retire. Now thats what I call a true get away!
Don’t care, that’s a good one… I’ll have to look into that one! 🙂
You sound a little anti-government all together. You sure youre not a communist your self?
You go Dave,
I heard you speak several times when you were on the Aberdeen council. I thought you were out there then. Now I now for sure. Try to remain quiet for the next couple of days, ok? Your not helping us!
Thank you Dave for clearing up the house comment. Since the Jacobs crew have been denying it all along. Would you like to help us prove that she has been lying about the other stuff too? Dave Yensan, keep up the good work.
Oh my goodness, people… she only owns one house in Florida!!! The other house belongs to a woman in her 80’s that is also named Nancy Jacobs (no relation to my mother).
What other “stuff?” That is how kids write. When they don’t know something, they say stuff.
Thanks Dave
Yes, thanks Dave
Hi Rob,
Hate? Me? I think this is a case where the beam is in someone’e eye, and it’s certainly not in mine…
So the issue is No-Show Nancy’s last minute untruthful and vicious attacks(“Helton missed a 1000 votes”) and you morph it into a smear on Mike Miller, Ike Leggett (not Leggitt), the media, and Democrats in general. Sounds like you have some issues but that’s not my concern. Good luck in resolving them.
By the way, I like Florida too…but not as much as Nancy!
It’s surprising how many personal attacks have not been deleted from this line of comments.
I can’t believe you all are reasonable adults. Actually, I know you all aren’t reasonable adults. Facts have been voiced on both sides and have been either rebuffed or ignored. Those rebuttals are either agreed with or ignored. I’ve seen very little admission of the possibility of being wrong when one’s understanding of the facts is rebuffed.
What does this say about us? Blind Faith seems to be the law of the land in election season.
For myself, I’m willing to consider Art Helton’s claims to be the best candidate if he could just tell me what he plans to do once in office. Because I see Senator Jacobs pointing to definite events in her term, and laying out a plan of what she wants to do this time around, and I see Mr. Helton throwing random accusations and hoping something sticks, all the while keeping his own agenda so far under wraps I don’t even know if he has one.
If Mr. Helton would be willing to put down the projectiles and tell us his plans, I’d be more than willing to listen.
Anyone have info on that?
I can’t believe that anyone would vote for Helton, given his many illegal attempts to establish residency to run for some office or another in various districts. The fact that the voters of Harford County have defeated him many times in the past leads me to believe that there is some intelligence out there.
I believe the residency issue was dealt with in court, and the judge sided with Mr. Helton (but you know how that goes sometimes – it’s more who you know). I still feel there is something “smelly” about it. For anyone who is a democrat, there is a better chance of being elected in the lower end of the county (since there are a significant block of voting democrats in District 34).
I favor Nancy Jacobs because I think she is best suited for the job, but also because Annapolis is already infested with enough democrats — and you see what happens when there is an infestation, they take over and it hard to get rid of them. Want higher taxes – vote for the democrat. I feel we are taxed way too much in Maryland and at the Federal level (and we haven’t see anything yet). That’s why I am voting for all republicans and hope they do better. It’s the only chance we have left.
That would be 2 election boards and 2 courts Ron in Bel Air. It seems the only thing smelly was Jacobs using other people, attempting to de-rail Helton so she wouldn’t have to run against him. And from what I’m hearing, it was for good reason. Seems Helton has a real head of steam going with lots of support. If you are Rob in Bel Air, why is it you are trashing people down this way? You don’t even live in the District! Let us handle our own business Rob. Thats part of our problem, people from Bel Air have been usuing this area for a dumping ground for far too long.
why didn’t Helton run in the district where he lives?
how long has he been out of elected office?
how old is he?
why is he running now and not his wife?
what has Jacobs done wrong besides miss votes?
what did Helton do right when in office?
why did he lose his office?
what’s he been doing with himself while out of office?
quit being so lazy. Go to their web sites and check them out. Don’t expect everyone else to do your homework for you!
what has Nancy Jacobs done right while in office?
nothing of substance.
Unless you’re a career obstructionist.
it’s all over.
I found a glitch in the voting system and have already voted 120 times for Jacobs an wil really turn the machine on tomorrow!
Does it really matter who lives where, Just who will do the job!! I have meet both of the folks running here, and I can tell you when it comes to the ones who supports business in the local area, That is easy that is Mr. Helton, I have seen him in our local area several tims, as well as that of a customer, As far as of Mrs. Jacobs never once saw her grace our door step. When attending many events to do with elderly, He has been there, where was she at? Based on these items, If Mr. Helton cares enough to do these things, then he has our vote.
I work for a living.
I get paid for showing up at work.
Tomorrow, I will not show up for work, go out and get some plastic surgery done — while I fully expect to get paid for work.
This is a good thing.
It was verified with just one call, that Nancy Jacobs was spending our tax dollars this week end by getting the State High Way Department to work overtime picking up Helton campaign signs.
Jacobs would do just about anything, anything, to get re-elected. Anything.
Author: Theoted
Comment: Jacobs would do just about anything, anything, to get re-elected. Anything.