When some schools are overcrowded and other schools have open seats, the solution may seem obvious. But anyone who thinks that redistricting is easy has never gone through the process.
School redistricting is often contentious, as school officials move students around to make better use of taxpayer-funded facilities, and parents object to changes that will separate their children from friends and familiar school communities. The conflicts inherent in redistricting can be minimized by a transparent process, parental involvement, and clear communications.
It is in that spirit that we bring you the first draft of a plan to balance enrollment among the 32 public elementary schools in Harford County, and to fill the new Red Pump Elementary School in Bel Air in time for the start of the 2011-12 school year. The draft was put together by a Harford County Public Schools committee known as the Superintendent’s Technical Advisory Committee (STAC), after receiving some initial input from parents who served on school-based focus groups. The focus groups will continue to advise STAC and recommend modifications to the draft. A plan will then be approved by Superintendent Robert M. Tomback and presented to the school board for further consideration, sometime in late November or early December.
A final decision on redistricting will not be made until March 1, 2011, and it will come in the form of a vote by the Harford County Board of Education. Allowing for potential modifications to the draft along the way, the plan approved by the superintendent and the school board may be different from the draft below. Between now and then, there will be a variety of opportunities for public input.
First, the draft is posted on the school system’s web site, where an e-mail link is set up for your comments to go directly to HCPS. In addition, public hearings will be held in January and February, and public comments are also accepted at the beginning of any school board business meeting. A board meeting schedule can be found on the school system’s Web site.
Here on The Dagger, your comments are welcome in the interest of providing an opportunity for discussion among all stakeholders.
View and zoom in on the map below:
Answers to Questions about the Redistricting Maps
1. The black outline represents the current district boundary.
2. The solid color areas represent the proposed district. Use the color the school icon is on as the color for the district.
3. Some parcels are colored gray. These are parcel anomalies. This means that no one person owns the parcel. This
includes right-of-ways for highways, utilities, and developments. It also includes parks such as Susquehannock.4. Maps are oriented to fit the page. In some cases, this means that north is not always the top of the page. Check the compass rose to make sure.
5. The majority of roads are labeled. A few smaller ones may not be if the label overlapped with a main road.
6. Student data (not seen on the map) is from September 15, 2009. This will be updated with the current students (September 15, 2010) within the next few weeks.
7. Parcel data came from the county and is accurate to October 2009. This will be updated when the 2010 student data is used.
8. Class distribution graphs represent the spread of students by grade level. 91 represents Kindergarten and 92 represents pre-K . Pre-K students may attend a different school currently, but live in the district.
9. The map does not account for special programs within the school only the students in the district.
10. A computer did not generate the map. A committee of people from across the county utilized it as a decision making tool.
Each link below will take you to a map presenting the proposed attendance area for each elementary school in greater detail:
– George D. Lisby at Hillsdale Elementary
– Hall’s Cross Roads Elementary
– Homestead/Wakefield Elementary
– William Paca/Old Post Rd Elementary
Below is the text of an e-mail sent by HCPS to e-mail subscribers upon the release of the draft elementary redistricting plan:
Elementary Redistricting Update
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Dear Elementary School Parents;
A DRAFT of the Proposed Comprehensive Elementary Redistricting Plan has been posted to the school system website for review. The plan can be found on the elementary redistricting page at hcps.org. New attendance area maps for individual schools and the district as a whole were released following five regional meetings that took place with designated Focus Groups for each school that began early this week and concluded this evening. Focus Groups were established last year to provide the Superintendent’s Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) with parameters for redistricting.
Parents and community members are encouraged to subscribe to the RSS Feed on the redistricting page to receive real-time alerts when content is revised or updated as the redistricting process continues to move forward.
The Harford Cable Network will air the five Focus Group meetings consecutively every Saturday at 8:30 p.m. during the month of December on Comcast Channel 21, Armstrong Channel 7 and Verizon FiOS Channel 31. Video footage of the meetings also will be posted on the school system’s website. The Focus Groups have been charged with taking information back to their respective communities to compile meaningful feedback.
Parents can also direct comments or questions to the elementary redistricting email, elementaryredistricting@hcps.org. The plan is still in draft form and has not yet been presented to the Board of Education. The STAC will consider all feedback and make any necessary changes to the plan before the proposed plan is presented to the Board at the end of the month. Parents are reminded that attendance areas for secondary schools will NOT be affected as a result of the elementary redistricting.
When the Board Members take over the proposed redistricting plan, they will hold regional community meetings and public hearings to gather their own feedback. Those community meetings and hearings will take place in December, January and February. Information will be forthcoming regarding dates, times and locations of those meetings.
Superintendent’s Technical Advisory Committee (STAC)For up-to-date information, news and events, visit www.hcps.org.
The focus group that took place on Tuesday at Deerfield Elementary was not a input session but rather a presentation on the proposed redistricting that was to take place by Mr. Joseph P. Licata, whom did a good job relaying the message (he is not the authority to make changes as he stated). I am only asking to clarify if there was a prior focus group that provided input in the past. The focus group yesterday, which was recorded by Harford County Cable Network, already had the proposed redistricting plan and this presentation given to us at the beginning of the meeting. We were specifically told that the session was to present the information and answer questions, and the public hearings where were parents and residents could voice concern.
Was there a prior focus group from our area, and if so, is there any way we can link up to get some insight into changes and or information that they provided prior to the draft release. Just trying to figure out what focus group was asked for input.
btw…Cindy thank you for getting this information out. This is not directed you but rather to see if a focus group was already held prior. The information was given to us already proposed and drafted. But in defense of Mr. Licata, he did encourage all parents to voice any concerns at the public hearings to be held later. He was the messenger not the decider. He did a great job presenting the info, its the details that are somewhat poorly provided, in my opinion, to the community. Its going to happen, but it would be nice to get the word out and start the communication a little earlier to Harford residents.
Ron, here’s a link to an earlier Dagger story that provides more background on the focus groups and the redistricting process overall:
I was part of the “focus group” that attended the Monday night meeting at Prospect Mill Elementary. Apparently, Ron, that was it for us!! This was ABSOLUTELY a presentation, NOT a meeting in which to be involved. I was VERY disappointed to find that our involvement, moving forward, is via email. REALLY??? Also, the public hearings in January that were referred to on Monday night will occur only AFTER the final draft is sent to the BOE.
I was impressed by Mr. Licata’s knowledge, ability to convey the plan succinctly, and his patience with questions from the “focus group” members. However, we were/are in NO way a “focus group.” Many of our school’s attendees breathed a sigh of relief when they found out they are staying where they are. My neighborhood, however will not….and our “focus group” was diminished to ME…one Mom…saddened by the news, with no ground to stand on. It was appalling, to say the least. Thank God my neighborhood is behind me and we will fight this to the bitter end.
Everyone complains about how overcrowded Prospect Mill is, but no one want to move out of the attendance area. Sounds like your neighborhood is selfish and just out for yourselves, just like the whiners in Fallston. Pathetic.
William, for the record, my children don’t attend Prospect Mill. The meeting was held there.
You make a rash accusation about selfishness without knowing all the facts. As Amy stated, our neighborhood does not go to Prospect Mill. However, what does it tell you that no one wants to move out of the district despite overcrowding? Perhaps the education experience encompasses more than just capacity statistics. Looking out for the well being of one’s kids can hardly be called “selfish”.
I was at the meeting in Jarrettsville on Monday night for the Northern County Schools. I have to agree with Amy that the meeting was realy more of a presentation. They did take questions although I think it would have been helpful for those involved to have the information before the meeting so we would have had time to form more educated questions. Cornell Brown led our presentation, we did not see Mr. Licata.
I understand why this has to happen but I feel for Amy. I am not being moved but a lot of my friends are. We are losing good volunteers and PTA Chairs. My heart goes out to the families who are forced to change schools. I hope that the families coming into our school mainly from the Fallston area are as willing to volunteer as those we are losing.
I also hope the Board of Education has a plan for money. A big part of fundraising falls on the shoulders of the PTA. With, 100 new students in our building we are going to need a lot of supplies.
Oh and where is the map for Norrisville ELementary School?
Norrisville ES is posted now – thanks for catching it.
Amy, the redistricting meetings this week were for focus group representatives from each school to receive the draft presentation to take back to their respective communities for further discussion and to gather feedback for STAC to consider.
So while the regional meetings were to present the draft, the idea was that the school-based focus groups would still be active in suggesting modifications to the plan. At least that was the process originally outlined by HCPS, but I have an inquiry into HCPS to find out if anything has changed. Thanks for the heads up.
What do you propose?
Amy if this is regarding Prospect Mill, I am with you. My wife and I spread ourselves very thin to move into this neighborhood (Villages of Thomas Run) partly based on the schools, and primarily for our childrens future. Ironically, the move was prompted by redistricting plans that would have moved my children into Edgewood schools. Unfortunately divorce soon followed, and I have full financial support of the children, and having them 5 nights a week, their residence is here. Needless to say, we were thin before, so I have been in borderline financial ruin handling this myself for the past 3 years fighting to stay here for my kids. My oldest is now in middle school, but my youngest has 3 years of elementary remaining. I am willing to fight as long and hard as I can to ensure the last 5 years of my life have not been in vain. My email address is gedorrisjr@gmail.com if anyone has a plan, please let me know.
It saddens me that my neighborhood is being shunted from one overcrowding situation to another. They placed it in Prospect Mill when it was overcrowded, and now it’s being put in Bel Air Elementary area which is already at capacity. I don’t have school aged children, but I feel bad for the many kids who ride the 7 buses that go through my neighborhood.
Julie looking at the maps about 1/3rd of BelAirs old area is at Redpump and the density of that area looks to be high where as the density of the new student area is smaller. My guess is Bel Air will have less kids.
People need to remember when looking at this. You need to see beyond how this impacts just you. They didn’t just move kids from YBES, PMES and EMES. The put them in schools and then had to shift those schools outward to balance numbers. This impacted schools far away from them. Like Abingdon lost kids to Old Post Road to absorb some kids from Emmorton or William S James which made room for kids from Emmorton. It is a tricky balancing act.
Maybe I’m looking at it the wrong way – it didn’t appear that Abingdon absorbed any kids from Emmorton or William S. James. I saw WP/OPR will be sending some children to Deerfield or Edgewood.
Cdev, while I appreciate and respect your point of view, we are not looking at how this impacts ‘us’. We are looking at how this impacts our children, and to ask a parent to overlook the impact anything would have on our children, well, I don’t know a decent parent that can.
My point was that we have to look at how this impacts ALL children. You are at Prospect Mill which as we all know is UBBER crowded. So crowded the 5th grade goes to South Hampton. This is not a viable solution. It hurts the 5th graders who lose valuable instructional time spending extra time on a bus. It hurts the school as they no longer feel like part of the community and it hurts South Hampton MS who can not use the Middle School for it’s intended purpose. I am not sure where you are getting redistricted to but I am willing to bet that it is not a horrible school. Based on your earlier post I am sure you know this too!
The question that really needs to be asked is what real input did these focus groups have? When were they actually formed, how often and on what dates did they meet, are there any minutes from these meetings, what recommendations did the members present to the school system before this draft was created, were any of these suggestions (if any were offered) were taken into account by the school system? Since the elementary school principals chose the focus group members what criteria did they use in their selection? A list of focus group members from each school should be made public and published on individual school web pages so that parents can contact these people to answer questions they might have. There is much to be concerned about in the process of how the draft was formulated and the apparent rush to have the matter settled by the end of February. The perception is that redristricting has been intentionally cloaked in secrecy to avoid public scrutany, and therefore make the school system more accountable to parents and the public in general. People are demanding transparency and accountability at all levels of government and the school system is no exception. Eventhough the current redistricting process is flawed this is now the opportunity for parents and concerned citizens to be heard on the redistricting issue. Certain communities will come out in force, others will not. People get the kind of government they deserve based on their own willingness to get involved and remain engaged. In the next couple of months we will see which communities will demand that their government/ school system work for them instead of dictating to them.
Observer a few things to note. The process needs to be done by february so plans can be put in motion to implement it next year. For example. If Prospect Mill loses 25% of it’s students about 25% of it’s staff will need to be transferred to a different school perhaps like Red Pump which will be opening or maybe a school which will experience an increase in population. This is not a simple process either. Bus routes need to be reconfigured. It might involve some schools becoming a 4th teir and vice versa. So the plan needs to be finalized to be implemented in a smooth process. Kids need to be placed in classes and grouped. Records will need to be packed by the old school and moved to the new school.
There will be oportunity to comment publiclly and as was said to offer constuctive criticism. What people need to be careful of is showing up like was done with HS/MS and screaming don’t move me child and doing so irrationally with no real suggestion is likely to be ignored. Not because input is not valued but because the person is simply not concerned with the BIG picture. Working for you does not mean leaving a school at 120% capacity because you no one wants to leave. If the numbers are flawed then by all meanss that needs to be addressed. If there is a logistical problem point it out but don’t scream don’t move my child without offering a viable alternative. That too is part of being involved in government.
My concern is that this process if handled properly could have been completed months ago with appropriate community input. There was no legitimate reason for this process to be rushed at this late date. The current schedule does not allow sufficiet time for legimate public comment and serious consideration of that input by the school system to modify their plan. What you see today is what will be enacted with very little change because that is how the school system wants it. This what you get when those in charge of the school system are not accountable to the people it is supposed to serve.
Your right, the redistricting is going to happen, that’s a fact. But I do feel it would have been in the best interest of Harford County Schools to involve parents, through public communication efforts, ahead of time. As was presented, the parental concerns must be of substance and not “I just don’t want to move”. But again it was addressed that constructive alternatives that fit within the overall perspective of balancing schools would be heard. They have developed the plan to almost eliminate (again this is relayed) the splitting of subdivisions/neighborhoods. Parents who were offered “School Choice” will be able to maintain that policy. And there will be policy and/or guidelines for grandfathering. Once again this was all relayed and are not the experts, but I feel it alleviates the burden of those said expert to inform the community as a whole when compared to asking focus groups to bring the word to their respective communities. The communication could and should be better in the future for all residents.
I think you can understand though that when you push something like this out to the county, as a whole, so close to the implementation how it could start a wave of concern. I believe it boils down some communication that could have been better relayed ahead of time. Possibly better transparency in the future. Redistricting is tough and takes time and effort, bringing the community up to speed throughout the process only helps to limit the confusion and/or misinformation that you may have now. But thats hindsight 20/20, so the only thing folks can and should do is review the information vs hearsay and present valid concerns when the public hearings do occur if they have issues.
This is a vast improvement over the secondary process. Again a good solution will always be taken. Most people however seem to come with “don’t move my child” and maybe a why arguement that doesn’t look at the big picture. When the secondary plan came out they did make changes. For example the Joppatowne/Fallston line was Singer Road. The plan called to move it down to route 7. After parents got grandfathered from the Fallston Bel Air switch they then revised the line to Franklinville road. As I understood it the focus groups provided the parameters. The draft was formulated within those parameters. If the parameters was 95% occupancy or below then that will require a school at 100% to be shuffled. When would you propose we put this off to. To start earlier the school system would have had to know if the new school was going in at Red Pump or Campus Hills. Thanks to your county council that got delayed and it set the whole process back. People seem to have no problem looking at the draft now and when they have the public meetings people need to go. I am not holding my breath that people will suggest contsructive ideas but simply complain.
The building of Red Pump has been a two plus year project. There has been more than enough time for the school system to have initicated and completed the redistricting process before now. Concerning community imput it takes time to do the research to formulate and offer constructive suggestions to modify the just published plan. The current timeline for implemenatation does not allow this to happen even if the school system was really interested in our opinions – which they are not as evidenced by their late release of their plan without any real input by parents in the creation of the plan.
The parameters where set by members of the community. Red Pump was forced down the school systems throat in 2009. May of 2009 that has only been 18 months between the vote to build there and now.
Apparently you have forgotten that Red Pump was all set and ready to go – contracts were signed, bids put out etc. Campus Hills was going to be next because the process hadn’t even been started. No traffic studies nothing. Pat Hess and Dr. Haas have a press conference and say they have decided to switch to Campus Hills first without ever consulting the County Council. Yes the County Council (the people who have a say about our tax money) weren’t even given a phone call. You may blame themm for this but this school could have been up and running already if the school system didn’t suddenly do a big turn. There are major water and sewer and road issues at Campus Hills also. It is outside the development envelope. People are on well water. You don’t know what type of delays there may have been.
There are homes going up at Ring Factory and Tollgate and many more at Monmouth Meadows. Abingdon Elementary right across the street but those homes go to Emmorton and Bel Air High School. Maybe the school system needs to deal with that now and not after the kids already start attending another school.
As state law says the BOE makes those decisions. They didn’t need to consult the council as to which school gets built first.
Second I am well aware about the South Tollgate situation. I live there. They are dealing with it all at once. It is the only effective way to deal with this mess. Look at the figures provided as to how the enrollment will be with this plan.
If these same people you are talking about had paid attention, they would know that this redistricting was coming 5 years ago. But, as we are apt to do, we don’t get involved until the issue is upon us.
My concern is that capacity has become the be all end all. Is it important? Yes. But the education of my child is more important. So if the capacity has a direct, deleterious impact upon education then we should address it. But to move kids just because we are at 105% capacity rather than some arbitratily picked ideal number is losing sight of the ultimate goal. Put another way, I can accept some overrcrowding if the education level is maintained (our current MSA scores suggest it is ) and our neighborhood doesn’t have to go through the wrenching changes of changing schools.
Jeffery I agree with you on that but when you look at Emmorton ES which has a trailer park on the premises and Prospect Mill which is sending it’s 5th graders to a MS (which now impacts what South Hampton can do) it needs to be adressed and this will effect lots of people. ALso what if your school stayed at 105% capacity but they are building a set of town houses to boot across the street. Does that change your assessment?
Yes it would change my assessment. As always, judgment has to be used. Would your assessment change if your district showed declining enrollment and almost no growth (max of 20 additional homesites, maybe)? Put another way, by doing nothing your slightly over capacity issue goes away quickly (maybe as soon as next year) if you do nothing. Plus you don’t rip the heart out of your current neighborhood. That’s what Fountain Green looks like.
When I look at the map and numbers it looked like FG was at 111% capacity and dropped to 89% (about 130 kids) by dropping Stoneridge and Shirely road. I doubt 130 kids would fix itself ina year. The only puzzlement I have is the one street, Littlefield I think, from that neighborhood and why it got moved.
We were puzzled about Littlefield at the meeting also and were told that is a mistake and will be revised on the map.
We have a question about the 111%. I believe that is based on 2009. Per the website of Foutain Green, current enrollment is 604 which is at 106% and not 111%. That is a drop in 30 kids in one year. I believe there was a similar drop from 2008. The little information I have suggests another drop next year as the graduating class is significantly larger than the incoming kindergarten class. If it drops another 30 kids where at 574, just 3 above capacity. Trends suggest this fixes itself. I woudl be very curious to see hard numbers on the enrollment for 2010 and the breakdown by class.
In addition to my previous comment, if my figures are correct then we are moving a neighborhood that is in a district of declining enrollment and minimal to zero growth to another district that has significant growth projected. We maybe creating a problem for the future and “fixing” a probelm that doesn’t (or won’t) exist in the very near future.
Well Jeff the numbers on the HCPS site had 2009 actual and 2011 projected using 2009 data as a base. If I read it correctly. It sounds like you have a lucid question which you should probably use the e-mail for to get an answer. That is the rational questions we need. So go and ask and let us know what you find out.
What I’ve found out is even more supportive of my case. It’s possible my information is incorrect but it should be easy to verify. My latest information for 2010 shows enrollment BELOW capacity. Moreover, the difference between grade 5 (graduating) and Kindergarten is 40+. By the start of 2011 assuming flat enrollment (this is conservative as the trend is going down for 6 years straight and there is almost zero growth in our district) our capacity % will be 92%. Again, assuming flat enrollment 2012 will be at 86% and it continues to go down to ultimately 76%. It looks like the analysis assumed 2009 going forward was reality when they should have looked at what was in the pipeline, as that is more representative of reality. Our community will definitely get this point across in the email forum.
That Jeff is the rational type of discussion we need. What is irrational is the Don’t move me syndrome. Jeff I do think they used 2010 numbers as that is all they had to work with. 2011 numbers are based on enrollment on October 1, 2010 and they have to be verified first.
Will Boundary exemptions exist anymore? Will those currently on one be grandfathered in by any chance?
Those are good questions!
Ask them on the website?
In all the discussions about redistricting, why is the role of building projects (specifically housing) rarely brought up? The reason these schools are continually overcrowded, or are redistricted then overcrowded a few years later, is the new houses that are constantly being built in certain areas. I live in an area that’s not going to be impacted significantly by this redistricting…and an area where there aren’t townhouses or McMansions popping up every other week. I live there intentionally to avoid this crowding, in schools and in space. So not to seem unsympathetic because redistricting won’t impact me (this time), but it’s a necessary evil when we allow builders and real estate interests to be the end all be all and don’t question the development plan. The development envelope concept doesn’t seem to be helping.
I know that building is good for the economy and creates jobs, but the need for redistricting is the result of all the building…and that’s just how it is and it will continue to be that way. So instead of (or in addition to) complaining to the school board about the redistricting, call your county council person to question the rampant building of more and more housing before Harford County loses what’s left of its rural areas.
It is the third rail around here.
I live in an area that isn’t being built in so much either and we are being affected because of Bel Air area. They are shifting the northern school district lines south. They were discussing closing Darlington due to enrollment… so the solution they came up with was to overcrowd it with Dublin students which would create a void in Dublin… to fill up Dublin they decided to pull from Hickory it seems. I chose to live where we live because I thought building, overpopulation, etc wouldn’t affect us but it has.
Yes overcrowded by 6 kids. Perhaps you should talk to PMES and EMES parents about overcrowded. The people think that 180 extra kids is not overcrowded and is acceptable.
Hey Folks, I have an idea. We will only move someone else’s kids and break up their neighborhood. That would make everyone happy. The children will handle any redistricting, it is the parents that need to take a breath. Military children move many times in their school careers, and may be stronger because of it. Yes, your children may tell you they will be separated from their friends and that they don’t know anyone. Give it a short time and watch that change. Students come to Harford Tech from all around the county and find that they make new friends and don’t have to forget their old ones. They grow because of this experience. We have a large number of students who go to private schools, sometimes several, and they are new. With guidance and reassurance, the children do fine. I am afraid that some parents are concerned because they have made the judgement that one school is better than another. Don’t be fooled by these test scores. It is like winning a battle and losing a war. Yes, the test scores are great, we are doing a good job of teaching the test. We are not going to get doctors, scientists, engineers from teaching a test. Even worse, there are some parents who are afraid that their property value will fall if the kids are redistricted to what realtors consider a less desireable area. We all need to grow up. Money doesn’t grow on trees, let’s balance the enrollment.
Monster, I hear prison builds character too, but I don’t want my kids going through that. I am not overly concerned about test scores. I am concerned about my kids, their well-being, and their sense of security, everything you should worry about with your kids. Part of the reason many of us work ourselves to death is to provide a life for our kids in an area we are proud of and teach them that if you work hard, you can build better lives for yourselves. Not that regardless of what you do, someone can come and upheave a major part of your life with no input.
Glenn Doris, Are you kidding? Prisons build character? You are comparing moving some kids to a new school to balance enrollment to a prison. My child moved 4 times in 12 years and it did not hurt her. I don’t know what this security is that you are talking about from a neighborhood. Your child may be picking up your fears and anxiety, be an adult. If you think children should be sheltered this way, no wonder American youth are having problems in the real world. I would tell you to help them grow up, but you have to first.
No Monster, I am pointing out that while you suggest our children will grow from this, there are many things our children can grow from. This does not mean they are all in the best interest of the children. And while I respect your right to your opinions, and while some of my responses may contain sarcasm, telling me to grow up is not exactly the issue here. I do however find it amusing that “we all need to grow up and be adult” seems to be a standard opinion of yours, yet you hide behind an alias. I have opinions and I am not afraid to voice them, and let people know that it is MY opinion.
Cindy, you did a great job of getting information for us all. Thanks.
I am surprised by some of the new boundaries. Specifically PMES, I would be interested to see the actual numbers.
None of this will really make sense to me until we can all see where capacity stands at each school based upon this proposal.
What we have been given right now is only 1/2 of the puzzle. The other half is what effect this redistricting plan has on each school’s enrollment….and how those calculations were arrived at.
For PMES — Hampton Ridge is slated to be moved to Bel Air….that’s a very large area. When I look at whatis moving out of Bel Air to make room for PMES kids…it does not seem proportionate. Yes it may be a third of the land area assigned to Bel Air Elem and yes – maybe more densely populated …but …the Hampton Ridge area is larger. What is the house comparison? How many homes out – how many homes in?
I am also interested to see how the head count from these houses was made to determine how many children are expected to leave PMES to go to Bel Air and how many are expected to leave Bel Air to go to Red Pump. Is this based on actual bodies or “a formula”. Ideally it would be based on actuals – but my guess is that it is based upon a formula….so many elem school children per house. I am skeptical of formulas. The worst thing to happen here is you move PMES kids from one grossly overcrowded sitation to another. Bel Air is a great school and happily, a small school. That is great for scademics – but from an overcrowding standpoint – you don’t have the same fudge factor you have in a larger school.
I would encourage every neighborhood to do a specific head count of kids leaving a school to go to another and prove out the County’s assumptions on the number of kids leaving versus coming. The formula used has to be tested and proven to work in most if not all of these neighborhoods or this redistricting will not balance enrollment – it will just shift it – which is not anyone’s goal.
If you find that the formulas don’t hold up to actual numbers – this is an argument the school board will, well…should, listen to – it will be factual not emotional. If you are involved – start an elem age kid census in your neighborhood and see how that compares to the County’s assumptions used. it’s a morning drive around to the bus stops in your neighborhood….
To me – that is a critical factor in the proposed plan.
Janet numbers can be found on HCPS and on the maps. The pie chart shows the estimated enrollment next year. The numbers from this year according to the HCPS site will be integrated when crunched.
I would also say counting bus stops is not a good idea. I drove by Abingdon ES for a dentist appointment and the cars dropping off kids is a lot.
It would be interesting to see how the numbers where arrived at.
Everyone wants a new plan. Here’s one. Redistrict for the new schools and incoming classes, grandfather in the current students, and let those that don’t care under the guise of ‘it’s for the greater good’ move their children.
Someone brought up an interesting point about the houses popping up everwhere contribuing to the problem. Well, that seems easy enough to correct. Based on what I have seen over the past 16 years in Harford County, quite a few people have gotten rich selling their families farms, possibly held by several generations. Then someone builds houses there.
The builders are making a ton, what do they do? They build things. If they are going to put up 50 houses, they need to allot a portion of the land for a school, and build it. Penance for contributing to the overcrowding of the area. They can use supplies furnished by the seller of the land as his penance.
Definitely – your idea is great –
yes Glenn it’s “ME” in the hood….
Your plan should have been put in place years ago then we wouldn’t be in this mess….
Glenn Doris, you idea is preposterous. No one wants redistricting, but cry their heads off about overcrowded conditions in some of the schools. In order to balance these enrollments, it becomes a domino effect. You don’t get that?
Glenn Doris, selling family farms is pure American capitalism, which to me is sacred. The farmers are making fortunes off their land to sell for houses. Good for them. They worked their heads off on the farm and scratched out a living. Your house and mine are built on what used to be farm land. Are you from Baltimore County? If so, you have helped farmers make money off their land. Furthermore, if houses aren’t built, where is your child and mine going to live if they want to stay in Harford County. Your idea about the developer giving some land or resources for education is a good one that actually occurs in some places. But we both know that developers are big campaign financers, and since we live in a democracy, they can buy a lot of votes. So, is that going to happen. I doubt it.
Again, you attack without acknowledging the content of my response, only that my opinion is different than yours. I did not say, dont build houses. I pointed out, that if people are going to profit by creating issues in the community, such as overcrowding. They should have some responsibility to minimize the problems.
Glenn Doris, I did read and responded to you.
As we learned from High School two problems with grandfathering
1) It costs way two much money to have buses for two different elementary schools running the same route. (do you want your taxes to go up)
2) Next we have split families who all request boundary exceptions and say well the bus is going through my neighborhood anyway. This is then used as an excuse to prevent being redistricted in the first place.
Will this affect middle and high school boundaries?
HCPS has stated that this redistricing will not affect secondary schools – BUT they will consider rezoning for secondary schools in 10-15 years… So, if your children are young enough they could be affected down the road a bit.
Glenn Doris, I don’t use my real name anymore because when I did, I got anonymous phone calls. So, I have been using this name to make sure that some crazy isn’t bothering me. Yes, we do disagree. You are of the belief that sending your children to another school is going to hurt them. The glass is half empty. You, sir, not your children is who is concerned about this. If you don’t like my comments, that is your problem. One simple solution, igmore me, but I am going comment against this absurd view that you and others have about your neighborhood being destroyed and your child devastated.
Perhaps, Monster, if you actually stayed put in a neighborhood for more than 3yrs you would understand the thoughts and feelings of these parents.
I hope your daughter is adjusting as well as you seem to think she is. But in these tween and teen years, kids, especially girls, tend to be less open about things that are bothering them.
My husband and I have roots right here, in this one town that go back to 1966. We have friends that we share memories with starting back in Kindergarten. I couldn’t have asked for a better childhood. What will your daughter have? Class pictures of vaguely familiar faces. More addresses than a phonebook?
Do not tell others to grow up because they want more for their kids. Yes, my child will adjust to a move that is forced upon her by the greedy, self serving decision makers in this county. But she should not have to. We chose to stay here because it was such a great area.
No, this county does not need all these homes, TOWNhomes that are being built on every square inch in the name of BRAC. That’s an abused excuse used to continue the building. If you don’t have money to build enough schools, then you should not be building more homes. We certainly should not be helping fund the developers.
Since you seem to know the minds of children so well, Monster, one might suggest you need growing up.
HarCo43, you have been here since 1966 is what I thought. My family has been here for over 125 years. You and many like you are why our schools and roads are overcrowded and unbalanced. You are part of the reason houses have been built here, and yet you say we don’t need them. Wake up. you think the BOE members and the HCPS staff get up each morning and think how they can screw up the kids. Come on, grow up. Your thinking is absurd. You want more for your kids. What is it that you want? Do you want to give them your prejudices and fears? I grew up some time ago and learned that unjustified fears do not make for secure children.
My thoughts exactly, Monster. You’re speaking for the silent majority of us here. Keep it up!
Please clarify…what is we’re all so afraid of? What is it we need to grow up about?
You’re “grown up” because you sit on you butt and let a group of people run yours and your childs lives how They see fit? How is it the fault of familys like ours that we’re in this situation?
I don’t know what you are all afraid of in redistricting. Why don’t you tell me. Don’t deny that you all don’t have fear. Is it your home values? No, of course not, it is your kids. What is it you are afraid of is going to happen?
HarCo34, it is no one’s fault. It is something that needs to be done. Do you not get that?
schools are unbalanced and so are you. what fear are you talking of in a matter of fact just what is your point except extreme rambling..
Monster..schools are unbalanced and so are you. what fear are you talking of in a matter of fact just what is your point except extreme rambling..
You tell me what you are all afraid of happening. Don’t deny that there is a lot of unwarranted fear out there. Tell me about it.
Monster…your name is perfect…
Thank you. You need to drop the emotion and use rational thinking. If you can’t handle that, igmore me. But I am tired of hearing prejudiced fears. Every
one of our schools has produced successful people. Obviously, all children will not be successful. Whose fault is that?
Monster, in the interest of getting back on track with the issues, and not continuing down this road. Please understand I am not attempting to attack or undermine you or your opinion, however, you keep rebutting specific concerns with accusations of fear and immaturity. I am quite certain this was not the goal here. But, if we want to apply rationalism to this, someone mentioned the added expense of taxes. Lets equate this to another similar issue. When I grew up, we said the pledge of allegiance in school. There have now been court battles across the country, and many districts do not allow it. I think every rational person I have ever met had the same response. Why are we spending money and time discussing this, if a few people don’t like it, move their own children. Don’t make everyone else change. To apply this point, My child is in Prospect mill, I realize it is overcrowded, and I am perfectly happy with the situation. My child is doing great! So, why are we changing everyones situation to appease a few people. Why don’t we just allow those that are not happy with the situation there to move themselves, or if that is not a financial option, give them the freedom to move their children on their own to any other school in the district. I am not saying allow everyone to choose their own school, but if 1 or 2 schools are overcrowded, then allow those parents that have problems with it to adjust. I realize there is a new school coming, so take that geographic area and make it the district. I am sure there are 1000 problems with that as well, but it shows there are other options. In the interest of saving time, I welcome your opinions and point of view, but if it is simply another response of your scared and need to grow up, then let me save you the time. Yes, I don’t know everything, I have wisdom yet to gain, and I am a single father of 2 wonderful children in an extremely screwed up world. Yes, I am afraid.
So we should spend tax money bussing kids all over? I think not. Second Specificlly with the PMES situation. South Hampton should not have to continue to deal with your problem!
also it is not 1 or 2 schools it is many!
What is it you are afraid is going to happen to your children. Whoever guaranteed you that you would not have redistricting? Your idea sounds simple,but it isn’t. You have to redistrict the entire county, you can’t have people deciding whether they want to stay or go. That is a wonderful idea, but it is not practical. It is the Harford County Public Schools and the concern has to be the entire county.
We also live in Thomas Run. The truth is the kids are now being sent to….Hickory Elementary. It is not like they are being sent to the inner city. In fact, if you check mdreportcard.org, Hickory’s tests scores in many areas are higher than PMES–not saying that the MSA is the be all end all–just saying that the two schools are smilar in opoulation, demographics, etc. I think Glenn is being a little over the top. I am a parent too, but the “new” school is not going to be some evil place.
Parent says, Yes, I think he is also, as well as many other people on this site. Good comments. Thank you.
As in life, success or failure rests with each individual. Some succeed as a result of a school they attended, and some in spite of the school they attended.
and some succeed because of their parents, and some despite them.
To me, the most fair solution would have been to blow the whole thing up and start over, clean sheet.
Step 1 – Throw away the old attendance map. (The most important step)
Step 2 – Assign each student to the closest school to their home.
Step 3 – Adjust students on the fringes of attendance areas to balance attendance between all schools.
Step 4 – Adjust borders to account for natural boundaries (neighborhoods, highways, etc.)
Step 5 – Let the public blow off steam and then implement plan.
Since so many people just want the other kids to move but not theirs, most of the inputs will not be for the benefit of the entire system. Like it or not, the best decision sometimes may not be what you want, so you just have to live with it or take your children elsewhere. Life isn’t always what you think is fair.
Phildirt, I agree with you. This issue brings great emotion and no understanding of what has to be done.
They should simply stop building new homes, there are thousands of homes for sale/foreclosure but that’s another argument. I pay a ton of money for daycare so my son can utilize a boundary exemption, and I have to drive him as one of the many rules and I don’t mind a bit.
Parents who want there kids to remain at a school and those who want to go to the re-assigned school should be able to so. We buy our houses based on the school district so don’t change it. It’s bad enough our values dropped so much but at least we should still have the school we thought we bought into. Title 1 schools get a choice of 2 different schools or remain at their failing school. Why shouldn’t other folks get a choice?
me says, stop building houses and you will help cause the economy to drop. Also, as our population grows, we need more housing. You and I are living on land that once was a farm. Where will your children live, if they choose to remain in Harford County. Maybe, we should stop people from moving to Harford County. Hsd we done that, I doubt you would be living here now. The only solution that I see to this issue is planned growth. As far as the location of your house, no one guaranteed you that you would never be redistricted to another school. I am sorry about your house value, but that is not the real issue here. You must live in Fallston.
Nope not Fallston – your prejudice shows in that comment. All I’m saying is we don’t need massive building with thousands of homes for sale already and people unable to sell them. Less inventory I would think would raise values…people move out, people move in – less redistricting needed. Yes there will be building but smaller, more planned and thought out building..I’ve been hearing forever about the influx of people moving here…but I’m not seeing those big numbers actually arrive.
Get off the “this used to be farmland” speech..yes it was but hasn’t been in a long time families owned the land and made a lot of money when they sold it, great, move on. I have no idea what your point is. Where will my children live? I have no idea but I’d like to know where they will be going to school, have a say in that decision.
Me, I asked about Fallston not because I am prejudiced, but because I know the secondary school redistricting history. I never saw such poor behavior as I did at Fallston Middle School on the part of the parents. I shouldn’t assume. How about Forest Lakes? They are the ones who did not get their way and got the support of Glassman to introduce the elected school board.
The farmland speech was to make people aware that we can’t close the doors to the county. As I said before, many of you would not be here now. Yeah, you will have a say, and then if your kids are moved, you will say that they didn’t listen to you. Your concern is you, your children and your property. The Board of Education’s concern is all of Harford County. You are right to read and study this issue. The STAC does this in a very detailed and technical way. As far as BRAC goes, we have only gotten a small number of people from Ft. Monmouth thus far. The bulk of people will be coming into the building at the front gate of APG and that will be the contractors and their employees. How many? You have seen the estimates the same as me. What do you want to do, wait for them to arrive and overcrowd other aress. No, this is what I am talking about with planned growth. Now, you post back and tell me that I am rambling, but I have tried to explain things I don’t think you know or understand. I am sorry to make you all so mad, but I remember the secondary redistricting and the whining that went on for months. It is going to happen again.
Monster, I agree with you. I, too, attended that meeting at Fallston. If kids behaved the way these adults did, they would be sent to their room.
I remember during secondary redistricting I got asked to sign a petition at the mall to keep kids at Fallston. When I said no they said I should sign it to keep the “trash from Joppatowne” out of Fallston. This trashing other communities and school mess needs to stop. It also shows how concieted and arogant some people are.
Thanks Cdev – don’t see them onthe pie charts but found the chart on HCPS’s website.
That actually confirms my concern for the Hampton Ridge community.
Bel Air elem. is showing at 99% of capacity based upon this proposal, using some formula.
My concern is that if this formula is faulty and they underestimate incoming children – there is almost no margin for error and this school has literally no land for portables.
The “beauty” ?? of Prospect Mill was that the County could continue to add portables to handle the overflow…and did (10) . I believe they would have continued to add more had the failing of the aged existing on site sewer system prevented it.
That’s the “fudge factor” I mentioned…the capacity “projected” for this school it 100%. It will be critical to see what actual 9/30/2010 numbers show and then there has to be real debate whether it is responsible to move this many kids into this school that has no temp. capacity to expand.
This is with a body of children who have experienced long term overcrowding already.
I think this plan has to be looked at to shift some of PMES’s population South to Fountain Green (they are projected at 89%) rather than over to Bel Air.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not one of those parents who says move someone else! My youngest just started middle school so you an say we are not “affected” BUT – if he were still at PMES, I would be thrilled to have him go to Bel Air or Fountain Green or Hickory! Its not about the school – its about the capacity of the school to handle the kids slated to attend. There is no margin of error here and…. there are new developments slated to go to Bel Air – that’s the piece of the puzzle no one wants to talk about but it exists. These capacity figures only count live bodies — not new students to come from new developments in the area.
This plan is too tight for Bel Air elem. – other schools may be up that high in projected capacity but I will suggest they have land area to add portables (I am realist – there will still be portables) – but Bel Air doesn’t have it…you can’t set this school up to be forced to redistrict again in a couple years.
Good Point and rational thinking. The pie charts are on the individual maps. I have read Fountian Green parents or ones being moved from there complain about that too. Perhaps you should e-mail the suggestion to the address on the HCPS page. This is another good data supported suggestion.
why doesn’t anyone simply understand with so many uncertainties in life with no control over most folks lives the simple fact of their child’s school is a constant in their life.
If someone doesn’t want to remain fine, but if they do they should have their choice. The kids can adopt to a new school but many have difficulties with so many other changes in their life not to mention the school district is what many people buy when they buy a house and grow into that community and pay those taxes.
me says, why don’t you understand that you can help your child if they are moved by not conveying your fears and prejudices. How is your life going to change, and how is your child going to be damaged? As someone pointed out very clearly, this is Harford County and we have many good schools. You are being emotional.
my son’s school is not overcrowded so please feel welcome and come over here/personally I don’t want more folks coming in and making the school overcrowded but people should have a choice – why is that so unacceptable?
You still don’t get it. There are schools that are overcrowded, so the Board of Education is trying to balance the enrollment. You pay taxes, so do I and everyone else. I am glad your child’d school is not overcrowded, but there are many that are. It is the Harford County Public Schools…….
I do “get it” I don’t think you do. I understand the redistricting/overcrowded issue…all I’ve been trying to say is since so many don’t care and want their kids to remain where they are and some want to go to the “new” school then why can’t it be the parents choice?
Yes I’m emotional – it’s a big deal. Most parents are emotional when it comes to their kids..Perhaps you don’t have children in the schools so that is why you are “unemotional” but don’t speak for those affected…I’m done with this as it is pointless..
It can not be a parent choice because it is not fiscally sound. The school system can not continue to over use resources to allow people to have a choice. You would have buses traveling to two different schools going to the same neighborhood. This is not a sound use of resources. It is not educationally sound. You can not continue to allow kids to remain in a bad situation because their parents want to. It needs to be fixed.
no, I am sorry, you don’t get it. It isn’t just about your children, it is about everyone’s. Now, do you get it?
Again, yes I “get it” and realize it is about everyone’s children and have mentioned that several times…you keep bringing up stuff that people aren’t saying…stop it…
me says,
I just read your posts. You go from one thing to another and accuse me of saying things that people aren’t saying. You are saying so many things you don’t know what you are saying. No, you still don’t get it because you don’t want to. Everyone is emotional about their children, of course, but again you are revealing a fear. You can deny all you want, but that is what you are doing. And by the way, cdev already explained to you why your idea won’t work. Believe it or not.
One of my friends suggested that the school redistricting is not quite understood. The whole county is the school district. We as a county, own all of the schools. The individual schools are one aspect. The comment made,(Phil Dirt, #16) the closest school is where each child should attend, makes the most sense.
The problems that moving children to another school is an effect of poor management of growth, road construction and development. IE. The school system gets almost 70% of the county budget. That being said, if the county and the boe is more effectively run, ie. condensing depts., within the county, that overlap, like human resources, maintenance, purchasing,might eliminate the overspending, and perhaps close the gap in funding for separate schools. Maybe then folks wouldn’t protest their child being moved.
Or, maybe the planning and zoning of the county, should be shared w/ the boe, so that the community input would be considered before major housing or commercial growth would be approved, like the increased commercial properties w/n the rt. 24 and rt. 924 and the surrounding areas.
The county is in a major transitional state right now. One highlight of our county is the Rt.40 Security, Science and Technology corridor and the outside resources that it will bring.
That being said, each current resident needs to be aware and informed of what they want in their county. Be informed. Be aware. Take a stand. That is not a comfortable place for many of us.
Deal with it and let your elected officials know that you want or don’t want your school overcrowded or that you’re fine with it. Without a voice, we, each one of us, become less.
Taking a stand could be a phone call, a letter, or an email.
Don’think that your vote is the end of your involvement. It is not.
Second verse same as the first. Could get better but it’s gonna get worse. For all the facts w/o the drama go to the HCPS web page. It’s really quite nicely done. Also try being involved other than when you’re ticked.
btw: Cdev, which is it? Do you live in Joe Wood’s area or do you live on S. Tollgate?
south tollagat extands from 24 by the wallmart up to route 1. There is a nice uncompleted section between plumtree and duclaw. I live down by Abingdon ES.. This also happens to be part of District B
So who did you vote for, Eaton or Beverly?
Does her political activism (current member of the Harford County Democratic Central Committee) bother you? Were/are you concerned about a stepping stone to higher office scenario, or that her obvious political bent could cloud her judgment and votes? Of course she will have to resign that position for obvious reasons before she joins the BOE.
I voted for Eaton. I voted for him because when I sent out a list of questions that I wanted to know and I judged ROn Eaton’s as better. One of them was about a further Career in polotics.
And as your neighbor I’d add it’s the part of Joe Wood’s district that he doesn’t realize is in his district. (Of course I have said the same thing about our previous representation on the county council.)
No I think she knew it was in her district she just only visted when she went to Chik Fillett. We are ignored and this is exactly why the BOE should not be elected by council districts if at all. in 4 years Fallston schools will get all sorts of stuff and the edgewood section of District B will be ignored!
I agree again. Some neighborhoods feel that they will dominate with an elected board. Their views are always the correct ones, so if the BOE goes against them, then they say that no one listened to them. That’s why I kept saying grow up.
yeah, attend some BOE meetings prior to you rants.
By the way, Cindy is much prettier than her picture at the top of this page.
My wife received an e-mail from a parent in the Stone Ridge development concerning joining the PTA to increase it’s number and fight the BOE by a large majority. My kids attend Fountain Green and will not be moved in the redistricting. Stone Ridge will be redistricted to Homestead-Wakefield and they are aghast that their kids will have to attend a school with students who live in trailers.(Shirley Ave.) Oh the Humanity!!!!!!! Maybe they should look into private schools.
Old Skool,
My kids currently go to a school with and (OH WOW!) associate with kids who live in “trailers.” Funny…we are FIGHTING to stay there! Oh, the humanity!!!!
If we move, we will go to school with kids in Todd Lakes, Willow Chase and Glenangus…and, oh yeah, my kids have friends there too!!!!
You need to get over yourself and find a cause to fight. This one is not for you.
Get your facts straight!!!! By the way, I am quite sure the email was from me and has nothing to do with you, where people live and anything inflammatory. You are trying to get a rise out of others!
WHo ARE you “Old Skool”? Scared to state your real name?
Bring it!
Oh yeah, “Old Skool”…maybe I should post my email about PTA so we can set the record straight. Or maybe you should! Do you know how? I didn’t think so…
Why were Harford Co. Planning and Zoning personnel included on the Superintendent’s Technical Advisory Committee if this was just about balancing elementary school capacity by moving students around? Seeking information from Planning and Zoning is understandable but giving them positions on the committee raises serious questions. When questioned about the lack of anyone outside of the school system and county gov. being involved in formulating the initial draft plan for redistricting the HCPS spokesperson said, “Community involvement at that point is not productive.” It is exactly this kind of decision making and attitude toward our communities (especially parents) that has rightly led us to the elected school board.
They are on the comitte to provide insight as to proposed building and the type of building. There is usually someone from the PTA on the STAC too if I am not mistaken. If you are saying that the plan should be drafted with a whole slew of parents at the table I would ask, do you know the chaos that could ensue? Look at the US House of Representatives 435 people can not make a good decision, you think 435 parents would? who and how many?
There are no STAC committee members outside of the school system administration and P&Z personnel. The STAC should give consideration to future housing growth but to seat P&Z on the committee was not necessary and only fuels the fire for those that believe there are other motives at work in the drawing of new school boundaries. Not saying a whole lot of parents but a couple couldn’t have hurt. Would have given more credibility to the draft plan. PTA would have been nice but they were also excluded – seems like the only thing the school system wants to use them for is fund raising and trip chaperons. There was no need for all this secrecy. Claims of unforeseen delay by the school system in formulating the draft also raise suspicion and as far as I can tell lack credibility.
Unforseen delay claims like the delay in Red Pump or Campus Hills or Both. That played out publiclly!
The school system had the ability to start the draft process as soon as the final decision on Red Pump was made. The computer software the system possesses allows for the redistricting process to move along quickly. By their own admission STAC was supposed to make the draft plan public two months ago, which they have failed to adequately explain. I am not a conspiracy theorist but I can certainly see why certain people would want to delay releasing the draft to the public until after the election. Redistricting would most definitely have become a major hot potato in the County Council races and something they wanted to stay clear of. Try as they might the Council candidates (especially the incumbents) could no longer claim is not their business since they had already interjected themselves in BOE activities with the whole Red Pump/Campus Hills matter. Council members are already trying (in some cases running) to distance themselves from the whole redistricting process so they don’t get caught in the political meat grinder this is going to become. It also served the Superintendent and BOE (already feeling their authority was undermined over Red Pump) well not to give the County Council another opportunity to meddle on their turf. A two month delay would provide such a roadblock to their perception of outside interference by the County Council. And do not forget the election of new BOE members. Redistricting would have become THE issue and raised raw politics to a prominent level for those candidates, which many were hoping to avoid and was largely accomplished thanks to the delayed release.
Correct they started then. That process was held up for two months. That is the hold up and they explained that!
If the BOE wanted to stick it to the county council they would have hurried it and released one that would piss everyone off and explain that this was neccessary because of the building of Red Pump and not Campus Hills like they wanted.
I think you are too willing to accept the school systems explanation for the delay. I am certain that they could have released the draft months ago. The delay served everyone’s interests except those that matter most – parents and students.
I am certian that you are not really paying attention to what has been going on for the last three years.
This is not easy. Are you one of those irrational people who are going to do what ever to get your kid’s school to not change. There are schools with Trailer Parks that have had enough of their kid being slighted! These schools got promised relief and now they want it.
Furthermore I find it funny that the Fallston Community concieved the idea to prevent redistricting as a method of devolpment control. This was hatched two years ago. I see they have no problem using their kids and others as pawns!
I would like to see an overlay of the middle/high school districts and the proposed Elem. districts. I attended Dublin as a child and we were split 50/50 to NHHS and SHMS/CMWHS. As a 5th grader it is devastating that you no longer attend school with your best friends. Middle school is hard enough but to barely know anyone due to being split is horrible. As I look at the proposed redistricting not only will Dublin be split AGAIN but so will Darlington. I honestly have not looked at add’l districts because they do not impact me and I don’t know the MS/HS districts. I don’t think it’s fair to the children – both for educational and emotional reasons – to split an elem. school. IMO the focus group has not looked at this aspect.
If you are split surely some people in your nieghborhood will still go with you. Are you saying all your friends are in the other half? Was not making new friends part of life? How many of your elementary school friends are you still friends with as adults?
I’d say probably 20. Thanks to our parents carting us to & from each others homes.
Devastating?…You are exaggerating. I was re-districted as a 5th grader and I turned out just fine.
The elementary redistricting is long overdue. I’m afraid that the Fallston folks are going to end up screwing the rest of the kids in the county because their precious “community” might have to sustain some change.
They were all too happy to get their own high school in the early 80s that they immediately dubbed as having a “proud tradition of excellence”. The NIMBY mentality is selfish. and Fallston exemplifies that train of thought.
Get over yourselves and think about the county as a whole.
Can you please find out what the timeline is for BOE to upload the focus group session video for Deerfield and Joppatowne areas please (unedited of course). There are three videos posted presently with more to come, as indidcated. Would like to have a timeline for this. I have sent emails with no response.