From the Bel Air Police Department:
On Thursday, November 18, 2010, at approximately 10:40pm, investigators from the Bel Air Police Department arrested Rakin Raid Muhammad, age 20, of Parkville, MD for the murder of Derrick Maxey Jr. that occurred on July 2010 in Bel Air, MD.
Bel Air Police investigators received information that Muhammad was hiding out in a residence on Myrtle Avenue in Baltimore City. With the assistance of Baltimore Police Department’s Central District, Baltimore Police Department’s Homicide Unit, SWAT, Aviation and K9 units, they were able to execute a No Knock Search and Seizure warrant on Thursday, November 18, 2010 without incident. There has been an outstanding warrant for the arrest of Muhammad since July 2010, almost four months to the day since the death of Derrick Maxey Jr.
Muhammad was transported by Bel Air Police Department to the Harford County Detention Center, where he is currently being held without bail.
The Bel Air Police Department would like to recognize the following agencies for their assistance during the criminal investigation and subsequent fugitive investigation of Rakin Raid Muhammad.
• Harford County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigative Division
• Harford County Sheriff’s Office Court Services Division
• Harford County Sheriff’s Office Gang Suppression Unit
• Maryland State Police Warrant Apprehension Unit
• Baltimore County Police Career Criminal Unit
• New York Police Department Bronx Homicide
• Aberdeen Police Department Rapid Response Team
• Baltimore Police Department Homicide Unit
• Baltimore Police Department SWAT Team
• Baltimore Police Department Aviation
• Baltimore Police Department K9
Lets just hope justice is served and keep these crimals off the streets instead of slapping them on the wrist!
Free Muhammad!
Sorry…just sounded like a political thing to say and get away with….glad he’s caught….shocker..found in Baltimore CITY!
Apparently a few people know what happened because your son was announced as the main suspect within hours of the shooting. Furthermore, if he was innocent why would he be hiding out since July? Why not turn yourself in and help to explain “what really happened”.
Maybe Allah can answer that for us???
LOL…misguided religious zealots
WHAT WOULD U WOULD HAVE DID, MR RIGHT. LOOK at the picture that society has drawn ,u nor i knows the real story to why he went into hiding.WITH RESPECT,LETS NOT BECOME DEBATABLE ABOUT HIS CHOICE,AND MAXEY CHOICE.
I don’t think Mr. Maxey was given a choice, he certainly did not asked to be gunned down in cold blood. As for why your son went into hiding, I think that pretty much speaks for and answers itself.
I pray that you are forgiven by a higher authority at least so your mind is at peace with society. Once your son is brought to justice, I hope you can learn from this. Please seek counseling and become a volunteer for any worthy cause. You owe that much to society for helping to raise a monster.
Happy Thanksgiving.
First things first Mr. Rakin, I am talking to you directly because I am a victim of this crime as well that your son has been “accused” of. My brother may not have been a saint, however he has never been on TRIAL for 1st degree murder, attempted murder or any other type of violent acts towards society so that distinguishes the difference between his character/criminal record and your sons. I find it very hard to believe as a parent and knowing your sons past criminal experiences that you would believe he was not capable to commit this crime. Of course as a parent I expect you to support him, however to throw out 90% not guilty says enuff about your character as well. I am not here to judge, however like you said we will be judged one day whether its from my GOD or your Allah. And if your higher power is in favor and supports those who kill and take life off earth then I advise you start looking into another faith. FYI, obviously your upbringing of your children were not the best if he’s on trial for murder and your DAUGHTER risks her life and YOUR GRANDCHILDRENS lives hiding him while they were looking for him. Why risk all of that including the kids if he had nothing to hide? And I am sympathetic to them as well because now they will be tramatized from the SWAT team and all other police force rushing into their home due to a poor judgement made by your children!
First things first Mr. Rakin, I am talking to you directly because I am a victim of this crime as well that your son has been “accused” of. My brother may not have been a saint, however he has never been on TRIAL for 1st degree murder, attempted murder, nor any other type of violent acts towards society so that distinguishes the difference between his character/criminal record and your sons. I find it very hard to believe he was not capable to commit this crime. Of course as a parent I expect you to support him, however to throw out 90% not guilty says enuff about your character as well. I am not here to judge, however like you said we will be judged one day whether its from my GOD or your Allah. And if your higher power is in favor and supports those who kill and take life off earth then I advise you start looking into another faith. FYI, obviously your upbringing of your children wwas not the best if hes on trial for murder and your DAUGHTER risks her life and YOUR GRANDCHILDREN’S lives hiding him while they were looking for him. Why risk all of that including the kids if he had nothing to hide? and I am sympathetic to them as well because now they will be tramatized from the SWAT TEAM and all other police force rushing their home due to poor judgement made by your children!
We can only hope that this youth will indeed spend the rest of his life in prison if he is found guilty of the crimes levied against him.
You son should rot and burn if he did this crime. We will feel no remorse except that we wish MD would use the death penalty in a case like this.
YOU need to ask for “GOD”,watch what u say.
Way to try and pass off your failure as a parent on society. Hey, if it helps you sleep at night, go for it. Next time just keep it to yourself. Your tripe will find no sympathy here.
Society is not killing these kids, they do it all on their own. Plenty of people grow up poor and disadvataged but don’t turn to a life of crime. Actually, most of them don’t.
Personal responsibility…get in on it!
I agree with you totally and just for the record I dont blaim you for your sons actions. Iam the mother of three girls and I have instilled values and morals into them and I can only hope that when they become adults they carry them with them but there is a chance that they will follow the doings of there friends and society. My children have all the love in the world and that dosent make a difference. To all you commenters blaiming this women for her sons actions are ridiculous because if the tables were turned you wouldnt feel the same. and for you commenting about what his sister did she felt she was doing the right thing by trying to protect her brother and have his back. I know that if that was 1 of my sisters I would probably do the same thing.
Ok, here we go with the relatives chiming in about what good people their thug children are. Why do they always write in all caps too? LET KNOW (sic) MAN BE JUDGE (sic). Let’s hear from all the other relatives now.
I’m glad he has been caught, I am glad he will face a jury of his peers, I will indeed rejoice when he is convicted of murder. Cut the BS rhetoric about this being society’s fault. This career criminal was in control of his own destiny, not me, not my neighbors, not the school system, not the county, state, or federal government. Stop acting like he’s a f*****g victim, he’s a f*****g MURDERER!
your comments r
Maybe Mr. Muhammad can speak to youth and parent groups about where he went wrong as a parent while his son is sitting in a jail cell.
A matter of fact, I am sure he knew where is son was hiding out and I’m sure supporting him. I am waiting to see who is charged aiding and abetting, if he was found living in someones basement (clearly hiding) then those people need to be publicly charged, I would like to see their rap sheets.
We really need to start enforcing the law in this country, I am getting sick of these law breakers getting probation, suspended sentences, major plea bargains.
Build prisons, hire more judges, prosecutors, public defenders and get to work.
It sure does seem like half of the readers of the Dagger are relatives of the folks mentioned in the articles.
Kudos to all FiveO who assisted in arresting Rakin. I am thankful that there were no law enforcement injuries in his capture.
To Rakin’s relatives: I hope you all assisted the police in capturing your fugitive relative. If not, then you all disrespected the residents of MD as Rakin has a proven history of violence. Shame on you. I hope you pray for forgiveness for yourselves and that you also pray for thanks that no one else was hurt by Rakin. Rakin will have his day in court where he will be afforded all rights to US Citizens, all paid for with taxpayer dollars.
I hope that anyone who assisted Rakin while a fugitive will be brought to justice!
Stay safe!
Id just like to say that it sounds to me your are trying to say Derrick deserved this! Just for your information stating that is was gang related is completely UNTRUE! The only gang member involved was your son. Derrick was an amazing person who cared about others and most of all wasn’t out doing anything that would take him away from his children! Unlike Muhammad he actually had a future going to school and doing everything to be what his daughter’s would be proud of. Personally I have no remorse for this man he has almost killed 2 people and took another mans life by the age of 20. He took the life of someone who never even got to see his children grow, or for that matter see his youngest daughter at all. As a mother you should know how tough life is imagine having 3 children alone not because there father walked out but because some gang member took his life. That’s what ill have to explain to my children and explain what murder is at a young age something we try to protect our children from.
Now your DERRICK was so much of this good person.Before casting the conviction,your boyfriend was not a stranger to crime himself.You know the real story,to this horrible episode…DERRICK explained to you,his intentions towards my son.MY condolence to your lost,we both are human beings…i feel your hurt.I’am not saying that my son is guilty,nor innocent…only “ALLAH ” can pass that judgement.
I am grateful the animal has finally been caught. However, I am mindful of the fact, my distant relative Derrick was also a criminal with a record.
For the girlfriend, I will again suggest you run. Change you life while there is still time. From your comments and less than average command of the english language, you appear young and uneducated. You have children to consider. What about their future?
Look forward and forget the thug who fathered your children. Maybe his departure is God’s way of prepariing you and them for something much better.
Count your blessings!
Who are you? No one seems to know of any distant relative first of all, and you make it out to seem like the family is horrible as well as Derrick. Your obviously distant for a reason, as far as I am concerned Derrick’s family is amazing! My children nor myself will ever run for them. If anything they have always been there for my children as they should. Id appreciate if you didnt down MY FAMILY, as well as the father of my children who is now DECEASED. He was a victim and not some thug that you think. Obviously you dont know this because you are so distant. And also please dont speak about me because you do no know me and never will. I am very educated im not some little statistic that dropped out of high school and lives off the system. I have not just a high school education but college, with a good job and dont have to live off of everyones taxes. Instead, I pay bills and personally buy everything I own. Again, you can stop bashing my family because anyone that knows them know they are amazing, and caring people who are also dealing with grief. Put yourself in their shoes, how would you feel if it was your son?
Girlfriend, Girlfriend,
You are most definitely a statistic by example. Unmarried with children and can you be called a widow? No! In fact, was not your boyfriend and father of your children lost to the streets. Definitely a statistic! And, you have the audacity to refer to yourself as a girlfriend. How complacent!
I love my family. We are indeed survivors of slavery and proverty. We are proud to produce lawyers, doctors, educators, ministers, and simply just good hard working people. Producing thugs is not one of our aspirations. However on occasion, there is one who slips through the cracks. And, Derrick was one of them. We admit it! Regardless of how he attempted to change his life, he contributed greatly to his criminal past.
Pull you head out of the sand. Yes, I know you! We were there to support Derrick’s father and grandmother at the funeral. We were also there to support his recovery in New York after the almost fatal shooting the year before. I guess the shooting was innocent too!
I am not distant from my family but only from those that try to permiate our lives with immoral behavior and criminal lifestyles.
Again my best to you and the children. I hope you will finally wake up and remove yourself from the environment, In order to do so, you must begin to face the reality.
YOU ARE A STATISTIC AND SO ARE YOUR CHILDREN. By the way, regardless of what you think, without tax dollars, there is no way for you could survive.
First off again, I dont know you and I hope I never do because you have nothing but negativity to say. Derrick was not lost in the streets, if he wasnt at school, or doing school work he was with his children. It was rare that he did go out and enjoy himself as we all do need sometime. I seem to think this is the difference between you and I. I was here to know exactly what was going on and you are yet so far away you have no idea what he did with his time. As family your suppossed to stick by them, not put them down. If anything if you feel your family slipping through the cracks so you say, you should be the bigger person and help push them in the right direction. Obviously, you dont know me. Because Derrick was not shot a year ago its been about 6 years ago and for your information I was not around because I didnt know him then. And I was there to support his family because as family thats what we do! But somehow I dont seem to think you were there.
At this time my life isnt a dream so I obviously cant wake up from anything, but I can tell you I will never remove myself or my children from his family who are by far innocent good people who have been there even for me when ive needed them. Obviously, if you werent so distant you would know that. Somehow I seem to think maybe as a family member and you have even stated yourself as one maybe you should reveal yourself or even call the family and tell them how you really feel, because again you are byfar so wrong.
And if you wanna call me a statistic then by far many are. I wonder how perfect you are, and your children. Many people have children whom are not married, we live in a new era, where people are able to accept that. And how do you know I wouldnt have made that same step with Derrick one day? Honestly, I feel as many other people, marriage is a piece of paper as long as you are truthful and commited to one another do you honestly have to go before a priest to be married? No you dont! The only statistic that we are is a statistic of a family that has to grow without a loved one because of the carelessness of another!
I am impressed by your most recent comments dated December 29. You display an obvious love and dedication to Derrick’s memory. Yet, I appreciare your sensitivity and naivity. I only hope Derrick learned to understand and know God before his death. And, as a child of God, I hope you too will return to your roots and seek truth in your beliefs. Please do not allign yourself with what others do because you were taught differently. Stop being complacent and embrace the teachings of those who surround you and your children with love. We can’t undo the past but we can surely influence the future. Adhere to the principles upon which you were raised and nurtured. Derrick certainly understood this although he lost it for a time, he attempted in yet a brief moment to embrace it. I believe he found it in you. Be prepared to make a difference and try for yourself as well as your children without compromise. Derrick was too late. He was in fact, embedded. He was just too late and his time was up. Determine and measure your failures and successes without public census. Believe in truth and not comic or celebrity fantasy. You and your children will receive favor in great measure.
One day the truth, love for you and the children will be revealed. This is the last of my communication. I believe one day we will meet and we’ll recognize and know each other. In fact, we may find that we actually like each other. I believe.
God bless and Protect. The murderer has been apprehended and I can rest. No need to return to the daggerpress.
A job well done by law enforcement! Death by leathal injection is my vote.
Sincerely and lovingly without resentment or remourse!
I am extremely happy that the police were finally able to pull this menace of society off the streets. Its not society’s fault that his parents were not able to guide their son in the right direction of life. His father should be ashamed his self for even making comments which suggest society is at fault. As humans were responsible for our actions and the action’s of our children. Your son is not innocent there were a hundred of people that seen him gun down an innocent man that was just there that night to have a good time. Your son even told people that night he was gonna kill Derrick. As his family you all probably helped him hide out and sell drugs for him. Your son is a known gang member I mean come on his has a gang affliction charge. I hope that Rakin is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law! Hopefully he can receive the death penalty like he gave Mr. Maxey. That way his family can feel the pain the Maxey/Simmons family has felt by losing a son, a brother, an uncle, a cousin, grand son, a nephew, and most importantly A FATHER!
YOU speak of,DERRICK as if he was a monk.I know this comment may not have any remorse to you,but iam sharing it anyway.WE so quickly to pass judgement,especially when we have losted a family member.YOUR DERRICK,appears to have been in the same thinking path as my son…somewhere we failed towards the both of ours.THIS era of youths have their own paths,and directions that they choose…no matter how we structure their upcomings.IT does not start or end with my son.SINCE this allegation of my son as a murderer,how many murders have occured?I pray for your family and your lost,i pray for my son also to be vindicated.
Derrick really did not live a life of crime, but looking at you and your sons criminal records your charges are far more than a DUI. The difference between Derrick and your son was that he actually had something going for himself. As a man he grew up and stopped acting like a child. He started going to school, and became an amazing father. Your son obviously hasnt grown up even after having what 3 women pregnat at the same time to my knowledge. You would think he would want better for his children. Now he will never be able to be a father to them, just like Derrick wasnt able to be either. See he didnt do anything to be taken from his children but your son did. As far as Derricks intentions for your son um…nope dont think there were any, and if there were and Derrick was such a criminal where was his gun to shoot back? He didnt have one! Even if he did have intentions for your son think about it what would you do if someone beat, and stabbed your stepfather so bad that he now has to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair, and may never walk again. I know how I would feel! As far as your son’s innocence I think it explain’s itself.
GET it correctly,your Derrick has a criminal history such as my son.You submit your comments,as DERRick this father no criminal record.What has been done is over,now my son must deal with his situation. To be totally honest,iam getting 90%not guilty 10%guilty.YOUR DERRick is gone,my son will have his day to be vindicated of this crime…May God bless us all.
YES HE DOES!!!!! I just went on maryland judiciary case search and looked him up and he does have a criminal record so he is no better then rakin. It doesnt mean that he deserved to die but he has a criminal record.
can anyone read the tattoo on his neck?
I believe it says….”definition of real”
All of them are revealed on the America’s most wanted website with upclose pictures
Hes black and Muslim so there is no way he’s getting the death penalty.
Hopefully one day Harford County will move beyond the “Rural” mentality.
Stupid comments are not the province of of people situated in rural areas they are typical of simple minds. You are likely to find many simple minds in metropolitan areas. To believe that folks in urban environments are somehow more enlightened than those outside of cities is folly.
(Contrarian “Hopefully one day Harford County will move beyond the “Rural” mentality.”)
whether you realize it or not, your hopes have been realized. Parts of Harford, Edgewood in particular, hasn’t had a “rural” mentality for ages. (not exactly sure what that means anyway perhaps you can articulate for everyone) In fact, Edgewood has unfortunately developed more of a mini West Baltimore mentality w/regards to the way some of its citizens behave, ie. too much gun play, open air drug dealing, refusing to assist police, total disregard for how their teenage kids behave, etc….
That said, some other not so urban places in Harford have their own fair share of problems, ie. Fallston. They have the admitt nothing, deny everything, make counter acusation mentality b/c they are afraid real estate values will suffer if the public knew how much heroin those suburbanite teens are using in H.S., or how many underage drinking parties are condoned in front of parents.
@Paca…..your interpretation of my posts are very interesting. We can debate Rural vs Urban another day but I stand by my post.
You can stand in hole with manure up to your neck if you like it won’t matter a lick. What exactly is a “rural mentality” if you don’t mind me asking?
Mr. Muhammad, you may be right in saying no one knows what happened that night. However, we do know 2 important things: your son went into hiding and your son was out on the streets carrying a gun that enabled him to kill someone, the act of which caused him to go into hiding. Not many “decent” citizens are walking about the streets armed w/out a license to carry arms. I understand that you, as a parent who possibly tried hard to do a good job raising your son can undoubtedly only believe the best of your son, but I think you are purely in denial. Why place yourself in this position at a time that is difficult enough for you by commenting to this post? When this crime goes to trial there will be answers enough for everyone, including you. I hope by then you can face whatever they may be.
I believe his comments were in regards to my post name…. But here is some news for him/her that may throw him for a loop. I grew up in East Baltimore on then moved to edgwood and lived there a while. I used to have the Urban Mentality that he holds so dear. I joined the military ten years ago and learned that most urbanites are full of excuses and have no integrity, including myself. I had to learn the hard way about be accountable for your own actions. But it’s funny how he reads my screen name and stereotypes and takes it at face value.
@Keepin it Rural…it was 10% your post name and 90% your actual post. To say this murderer will walk because he is black and muslim is just plain old…….you get my drift. I could say a lot more about your post but I will refrain. Have a great Thanksgiving.
I guess you have all the answers but you just like to keep them to yourself. How convenient for you hahaha….or are you just to worried we might burst your politically correct bubble. Your efforts to retain the “moral high ground” are laughable. Please enlighten me to your higher way of thinking oh mighty one, or are you also afraid you might betray your hidden bigotry and bias by doing so?
Way to go guys Good work kudos to all law enforcement involved and think if all property owners and apt management companys stand up and say this kind of stuff wont be allowed to happen in our neighborhoods .Be safe out their