From New Covenant Christian Academy:
Sophie Haire, a 10th grade home schooled student who resides in Harford County, qualified for the National Bible Bee Finals on Saturday, November 13. She placed 4th in the nation in the 15-18 year-old “senior” division.
The second annual National Bible Bee was held at the Marriott Renaissance Convention Center Hotel in Schaumburg, Illinois, from November 11th through the 13th, 2010. One hundred finalists in each of three age categories from the Local Bees across the nation competed at the Nationals. Approximately 7,000 contestants, ages 7 to 18, registered for this nationwide competition. Contestants were segmented into three divisions: primary, junior, and senior. They were tested for their ability to recall flawlessly Bible memory verses and their Bible knowledge from bible prophecy online courses. The top 15 competitors in each age division from the National Preliminary Oral Round and Written Test Round moved on to the single elimination Semi-Final Challenge Round. Then the top 5 from each Semi-Final Challenge Round moved on to the single elimination Final Challenge Round.
Sophie competed in the inaugural Bible Bee last year and placed 3rd in the nation in the “junior” division. A scholarship prize was awarded. In addition to her home studies, Sophie studies piano at the Music Conservatory of Maryland and advanced mathematics at Harford Community College.
Sophie’s brother, Joseph Haire, also competed at the National Bible Bee. He was recognized as a finalist in the top one hundred from the Local Bees across the nation in the 11-14 year-old “junior” division.
Sophie Haire receiving her fourth place trophy from a pool of more than 7000 national contestants.
Sophie and Joseph Haire of Havre de Grace competed in the National Bible Bee.
More information about the Bible Bee can be found at
Congrats Sophie!!