From the Harford County Public Library:
Several hundred guests shared in the 50th anniversary celebration at the Havre de Grace Branch of Harford County Public Library on December 2nd. County Executive David R. Craig and Havre de Grace Mayor Wayne H. Dougherty were in attendance to launch the evening’s activities with proclamations from the county and city of Havre de Grace. The branch opened at its present location in July of 1960.
Festivities included face painting and balloon animals from Charlie Choo the clown from Nothin’ Up My Sleeve Entertainment; appearances by Darth Vader and a Storm Trooper from Vader’s Fist 501st Legion and a visit from Tales, the library mascot. Musical performances throughout the evening included classical guitarist Anthony Derrico, the Havre de Grace High School Jazz Combo with Richard Hauf and the Upper Chesapeake Women’s Chorus “Sweet Adelines.”Throughout the evening, guests enjoyed a photo display of the history of the branch; 1960’s trivia; dozens of raffle prizes from local businesses and refreshments. Harford County Public Library operates eleven branches located throughout Harford County, Maryland.
The library serves over 200,000 registered borrowers of all ages and has an annual circulation of almost 4,700,000. Harford County Public Library is committed to connecting people with information and promoting the love of reading within the community.
Harford County Public Library Director Mary L. Hastler, County Executive David R. Craig and Havre de Grace Mayor Wayne H. Dougherty help launch the 50th anniversary celebration of the Havre de Grace branch on December 2.
Tales, the library mascot, poses with young fans at the 50th anniversary celebration of the Havre de Grace branch of Harford County Public Library on December 2.
Great for the Library system just think what else they could do for the county if they more financial support. Some other county agencies have much more funds that they waist. The Sheriffs office spends more on gas for take home cars and overtime for vacant positions than the total budget for the Library System..