Whiteford psychologist Dr. David Schrumpf, 55, was indicted Tuesday on 24 charges of child sex abuse, sex offense and assault, which allegedly occured over several months earlier this year at his Fallston office.
The case came before Harford County Circut Court Tuesday, and the court set bond at $400,000. Additionally, according to court records, the “Defendant shall surrender passport to [State’s Attorney’s Office]. Defendant shall have no contact with any child under 18 years of age. Defendant may not leave the state or change address without court permission.”
The 24 charges include eight counts of sex abuse of a minor, eight counts of third-degree sex offense, and eight counts of second-degree assault. The alleged offenses are listed as having occurred on March 1, April 26, September 9, September 27, October 15, October 29, and November 19 – all in 2010.
Detectives from the Harford County Child Advocacy Center charged Schrumpf on Dec. 3 after two children who were receiving therapy from him reported acts of abuse.
news like this hits hard and low, especially with children who are troubled to begin with, thus going to get help from a trained professional. then to be betrayed in some way by the ‘help giver’….troubling me big time.
a public stoning would be in order if this man is guilty as charged. and i’m told prison is no picnic for such of his ilk.
disgusting…..off with his head as they say in wonderland….
Maybe the defendant will get lucky and have Judge Carr preside over his case. Then he, too, can get out of jail in 8 years, just like that Fallston gym teacher/lacrosse coach. Way to keep the kids safe!!!