From the office of Del. Mary-Dulany James:
Dear Friends:
I am excited to write on this week’s opening of this 428th session of the Maryland General Assembly!
This year promises to be both one of the most challenging of those I have been here in Annapolis for, but also one with great promise for our state. Although the recession appears to be easing, I know there are many families in Maryland that continue to feel the pressure of the economic downturn.
Jobs are still hard to come by, and with rising gas and heating prices as the winter gets colder, I know there is much to be done at the state
level to support those we can. Creating jobs and getting the economy working again for everyone is my top priority. I am working toward that end every day I am in Annapolis.
There is a lot else to be done. The state budget faces a $1.6 billion deficit, a shortfall we will need to close so as not to increase the tax burden on Maryland families. I will work tirelessly to be sure that happens, hopefully without too drastically cutting from needed programs. There are already a lot of very good ideas for how to accomplish this. I look forward to working with my colleagues to do so.
Despite these bits of gloomy news, there are positive developments that I take pride in.
For the third year in a row our state schools are the best in the country. This is a tribute to the hardworking educators and administrators who are dedicated to giving our children the future they deserve.
As well, Maryland is one of only 8 states in the union that continues to have a AAA bond rating. This makes it easier for our state to borrow money and makes us more attractive to investors. My work on the Appropriations Committee ensures that we continue to be fiscally responsible in order to retain that rating.
While this session may be a tough one, I look forward to contributing to solutions that will hopefully make your load a little lighter, and move our great state forward. I cannot thank you enough for your support and you giving me the honor of representing you in the General Assembly. I hope to keep in close touch, and to hear your thoughts and suggestions. Please feel free to get in contact if there is something that I can do to represent you better, or to help you with any matter.
Happy New Year!
Very Truly Yours,
Mary-Dulany James
To: Del. Mary-Dulany James
Most Marylanders will appreciate your efforts in creating jobs and getting the economy working again. But keep in mind that raising taxes (on anything) and more unnecessary regulations will not create jobs. Marylanders are taxed enough already (TEA) and it’s time to reduce spending. Another thing to keep in mind that creating more government jobs will not get the economy working.
I hope you adhere to the wishes of most Marylanders (the ones who are working hard, just getting by with what’s left after paying their taxes) and vote against any tax inreases. Once again, those who voted for the likes of O’Malley and many other liberal democrats are the ones who benefit the most through entitlements and government jobs (union members, illegal aliens, government workers, etc.).
The typical TEA party mantra…you said “I hope you adhere to the wishes of most Marylanders (the ones who are working hard, just getting by with what’s left after paying their taxes) and vote against any tax inreases. Once again, those who voted for the likes of O’Malley and many other liberal democrats are the ones who benefit the most through entitlements and government jobs (union members, illegal aliens, government workers, etc.)”.
I believe that we returned the same gobernor and no tea party member was elected to serve in the state legislature. The majority of the voters no not believe your TEA party ideology.
The State of Maryland is amongst the most prosperous in the nation, our school system is rated #1 again and our unemployment rate is lower than the nation as a whole. Reductions in spending/tax enhancements will have to be passed so that Maryland can maintain its #1 status. The solutions you spouse to just cut stuff will hurt the state economy and will surely cost more jobs…the TEA party has no credible voice in the FREE STATE with no elected officials and lacks standing to propose or offer any ideas short of “starving the beast” as you guys call government.
Maryland voters are not the smartest in the nation (evidence – election of the same-ole-same-ole – example – O’Malley). Some Marylander’s complain about high taxes, yet they vote the same clowns in over and over again. Then there are those who benefit the most from tax and spend liberals . . . great numbers concentrated in convenient legislative districts. Consequently, the liberals win in these areas (that tend to out number the voters in other jurisdictions – the ones who take the blunt of the tax bill). Of course the TEA Party can not get a hold, but they sure did in other areas of the country. For the first time his life, Obama is sweating.
Maryland is as blue as blue can get. But perhaps one day, with a newer generation of voters, watching their hard earned dollars go to taxes and other government related costs, they will wise up and retire them.
Or just leave the state
Gee, why would you want me to leave the state. If it was not for people like me, working six days a week just to get by, but to also pay my taxes, you wouldn’t be getting your monthly checks.
By the way, O’Malley and friends had nothing to do with the improvement in schools. It was the dedicated teachers that did it. As for jobs in MD, that too has nothing to do with O’Malley and friends. You can put the credit with MD’s proximity to D.C. and the federal government. MD has done nothing to promote jobs in the state except for government jobs.
You must be a liberal politician because you are trying your best at spinning the facts.
Rob-you irrational thoughts and conspiracy theories show a lack of coherent thought and lack critical thinking. Your assumptions as to who votes for whom according to whether they are union or not or if they receive entitlements is short sighted and you really think that these would be be only reasons someone would vote democrat? If so, are all democrats union members or receiving public benefits? Do you believe that only republicans can come up with credible choices as for whom to vote for? Do you really believe the stuff you say?
I am not telling you to leave the state. What I am suggesting is that you will have a younger generation wake up one day and instead of trying to vote these blues out of office a large amount of people will just get fed up and leave the state for a much better situation. I love my state buy hate my government.
@ Frankly Speaking, your arguments are somewhat obvious since Maryland is pretty much a microcosm of the country as a whole… more populous areas (cities) being the haven of those who benefit from a generous government lean heavily Democratic. The rest of the state, where reside those willing to be self dependent, leans heavily Republican. So, obviously, as you state “The majority of the voters no not believe your TEA party ideology.” because they’d be killing the goose that laid the golden egg.
Also, Federal jobs are not a result of how well Maryland is being run and if they were removed from the mix there would be a significant shift in the unemployment numbers you’re so proud of – even if we didn’t convert them from Federally employed to unemployed.
amazed-I am amazed at the total generalizations you make regarding people’s reasons why they vote they way they do. It is not the state’s fault that we surround the capital as it was built in Maryland to start. The state is well positioned for the economic rebound that is sure to happen, just look at the jobs (created by govt) at APG and Fort Meade. I also disagree with the premise that govt can’t create jobs or provide the mechanism needed for private industry to create jobs with tax credits and funding for green industries as was the internet itself a project first conceived as an electronic communication system for the Army.
I also disagree with you that our state has nothing to do with having the #1 ranked education system in the country as it, is mostly funded and provided with public funds…don’t quite understand your rationale there.
Regularguy123-well said.
I support your 1st Amendment right to free speech. However, I question what your point is and/or whether you are just angry in general. What exactly did you mean by …”Once again, those who voted for the likes of O’Malley and many other liberal democrats are the ones who benefit the most through entitlements and government jobs (union members, illegal aliens, government workers, etc..)?”
I happen to be a Federal Gov’t employee who is a registered Republican. Who I vote for is my own business and when elected officials fail to deliver, I vote for someone else, and may even communicate with their office to politely express my position. FYI, my co-workers and I work very hard, and serve the public well. Any benefits derived from civil service jobs are deserved. We have no “entitlements” through the job. If you don’t like your job, do something about it such as find a new job. You have the freedom in this fine country to apply for any government or private sector job you feel you are qualified for.
I don’t understand why you seem angry at civil servants. The elected officials of this country are the ones who set policy and decide which programs to fund. Both Dems and Repubs have screwed up much, so its hard to put the blame on any one party. The Palin’s and O’Donnells are definitely not the answer to this country’s woes.
I am glad that you gave praise to the Teachers of Maryland. Another example of Civil Servants who work their tails off and are underpaid. That is another story altogether, but you at least appreciated them.
Liberals / Democrats in MARYLAND are comfortable with the large group of supporters they have in government workers, illegal aliens (yes, they are voting), unions, and others who benefit the most from entitlements. And where do a large portion of these individuals live? In large legislative districts that tend to favor democratic candidates. At the Federal level, why do you think union bosses are frequent guests at the White House? Why are union members (SEIU) out in force supporting democratic candidates? And let’s not forget ACORN (loaded with union members).
You may be a Republican (if we can believe you), but you must have your head in the sand. As for MD, expect higher taxes to bail the clowns out of debt and Del. James will have to make a choice . . . will she vote for all of the tax increases, vote for some of them, or vote against any increases. I will predict that to stay out of hot water in her district, she will vote for some and vote against others (like she did last time). Maybe she will leave town when the vote comes up (like a previous legislator) and not vote at all. It will be whatever Michael Bush tells her to do.
You resorted to name calling, insulting and not even fully addressing your position. You are an angry man, without a doubt. Just explain why you are so unhappy with government workers and why you lumped them in with your tirade. No one hates you, but you failed to explain your position. You excelled in ranting, but who gives a s%&# about that. If you want to be taken seriously, please relax and avoid the personal attacks. Remember, not all Republicans are angry nor do they agree with you 100%. Accept differences of opinion.
There’s no name calling … just reality. As to being angry. You damn right I’m angry. I’m angry everytime I see how much tax I pay; I’m angry when the same old politicians who raised taxes on Marylander’s nearly four years ago get re-elected and are now talking about doing it to us again (to fix a problem they created); I’m angry that gas is $3.00+ a gallon yet not one mainstream media outlet is critizing the Obama adminstration like they did President Bush when gas prices went up during his time in office; I’m angry that people can come into this country illegally and receive benefits without question, yet American citizens have to jump through hoops to get equal benefits; I’m angry that democrats jammed a health care bill down our throats, yet exempted themselves, certain union members and other groups. So you are correct, I am angry and so should many Americans. So you can call it “rant” but it was that “rant” that helped get the TEA Party started, resulting in cleaning “THE HOUSE” literally. It’s too bad it didn’t occur in the Senate or in MD. Unfortunately, Marylander’s are going to get “hit” again. Perhaps eventually enough Marylanders will become as angry as I am and vote the creeps out of office.
Please control that misplaced anger, and turn it into positive energy somehow.
Rember that politicians in both parties lead us to our current budget woes. There is no way to blame any one party.
We pay just a bit more than $3 for a gallon of gas in this country, yet most of the world pays a lot more. While you and I can’t change that, we can change how much we consume such as driving more efficient vehicles. You can write your politicians about improving public transportation, and you can relocate closer to where you are employed. Choice is yours, complain or focus on changing what you can. Some of these choices are easy, some are not. The unfortunate prediction is that gas taxes will go up as politicians have little choice when revenues on real estate taxes/wages have decreased. Remember, its never just one politician’s fault, its collective.
You are correct in that illegal immigration is hurting this country. However, instead of being mad at individuals who want to come to the US to improve their quality of life, be mad at the employers who take advantage of that. So many employers of blue collar and hi-tech cry about not having enough “qualified Americans” to work their jobs. These same employers get illegals to work for crap wages, or worse, they manipulate Congress to get special work visas to permit the “legal extended visit” of necessary workers for hard to fill jobs, yet they are underpaid compared to what a US Citizen would make for the same job. Start writing or emailing your elected Reps/Senators and articulate your position.
Re: the recently passed Health Care Bill. There are flaws in it. However, the current system we had before was totally blind to Medical indigence, ie. those who had no $ to pay. Hospitals that treat those w/out insurance get reimbursed by the government up to a certain point. However, they usually charge far more for those visits than if the gov’t provided low cost or free insurance in the first place. If you know any ER staff, ask them how often those w/out insurance come to the ER via ambulance for a chest cold. Ask what the bill is and who pays – you and me, the taxpayers. The reform that came about may not be perfect, but it was needed. Otherwise the insurance companies controlled too much and could deny coverage to those with pre-existing conditions and your kids once they hit age 22. You get the point.
As for the TEA Party, well, that’s a misnomer…..I applaud any Americans exercising their right to peaceful free speech. However, the Palin’s and O’Connells are not the answer. Tomorrow’s candidates will realize that they need to be middle of the road, without influence by the Religious Right or the Super Liberal Elitists. The last thing this country needs is extremism on either side.
As they say, Be Happy,Don’t Worry…just express yourself in a calmer fashion.
“Creating jobs and getting the economy working again for everyone is my top priority”
With all due respect, I do not think it’s your job to “create” jobs. Private industry creates jobs. I think it’s YOUR job to legislate and regulate. One way to “legislate (create) more jobs” is to make Maryland as business-friendly as possible by passing/enforcing common-sense regulations.
I do wish you luck in getting things moving again in Maryland.
Del. James…you have been on appropriations for 12 yrs and you and your party just keep taxing and digging us deeper..still 1.6 billion in the hole..nice progress.
Rob-You have it so bad to be born in the greatest country in the world, speak fluent English and have the ability to go to work and pay taxes…you have it so bad. Either you need a brain transplant or you are just a pathetic little whiner..get a life, a job or a new attitude. 99% of the people you complain about would trade places with you in a minute, in fact you are privileged to be born in the right place and at the right time and you don’t have to ask anyone for permission to be here to enjoy the fruits of being an American. I see plenty of people that work is fields that most people turn their noses because they think its demeaning of them while their ancestors were glad to have a job and be productive to contribute to build this great country. Believe or not, illegals have been around the USA for hundreds of years and they eventually found a place at the table and contributed to society…I don’t condone illegal entry and stay here, but I won’t just say that their stay here just takes from us and doesn’t contribute anything of value to our economic future, because they businesses that employ them would likely close and move overseas. Crab picking and chicken raising is mostly done by people working with visas in the Eastern Shore which allows the businesses that support those industries to hire Americans to keep their jobs…their employment is not a net loss for the rest of us since pay less than we would have otherwise or would just have these industries move to China where a bowl of rice is still a fair wage.
Yep, you are definitly a politician hiding behind an anonymopus name . . . it’s obvious . . you are so artful at spin. I put you up there with Ben Cardin (one of the best at spinning).
Ahhh, the they take jobs Americans don’t want defense…….One of the biggest lies a liberal tells.
I would like to see a followup post on Mary-Dulany James’ progress.
don’t hold your breathe. it’ll be weeks before Del. James has permission from Gov. O’Malley and Speaker Busch to speak again