An electronic scoreboard on the Patterson Mill High School football field was heavily damaged in the early hours of Saturday morning by a worker who commandeered a nearby forklift to cause an estimated $10,000 in damages. After this happened the school decided to send the employee to an intense forklift training, have a peek here.
According to Harford County Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman Monica Worrell, a digital display below the football field’s main scoreboard was smashed with a telescoping forklift which was on school grounds to assist in the construction of solar panels.
The damage occurred between 1:23 a.m. and 2 a.m. early Saturday morning, Worrell said, and was reported at approximately 7:30 a.m. by a contractor arriving to continue work on the panels. Worrell said that 200 feet of chain link fence, a parking lot light pole, and the scoreboard were damaged, at an estimated cost of $10,000.
Three male suspects between the ages of 13 and 20 were captured on video carrying out the crime, and are currently being sought, Worrell said.
Viewing the scene Saturday morning, it appeared that the suspects gained access to the machine, drove it through part of the fence containing it, and began maneuvering it toward the football field, knocking over a parking lot light post along the way.
The driver smashed through part of the football field fence, rammed the scoreboard with the forklift’s forks, and then drove through a third section of fence to leave the field.
The Galaxy Pro digital display panel cost about $45,000 and was originally purchased by the Patterson Mill Athletic Boosters and later gifted to the school, according to Rob Keesling, president of the school’s booster club.
Located beneath the main scoreboard, Keesling said that the digital display rests about 12 feet off of the ground. After observing the damage to the display panel and surrounding fencing, he said, “It’s pretty clear that a piece of heavy equipment crashed through the gate and rammed the Galaxy Pro. You could speculate that it was some sort of a fork lift because you can see a wooden pallet that you would use to transport cargo was impaled into the Galaxy Pro.”
He said it looked as though the driver exited the scoreboard area by crashing through the fence.
The forklift was back near its original location as of late Saturday morning, but it was not clear whether the suspects had left it elsewhere and it had been returned by an authorized operator.
Anyone with information is asked to contact the Harford County Sheriff’s Office’s Southern Precinct at 410-612-1717.
Lots of vandalism happening at Patterson Mill lately. Earlier this week someone got into the loading dock area and rammed the gates (and a work van, I think) with a gator causing something like $7000 worth of damage.
And earlier this school year someone took a backhoe or something from near Parson’s Ridge, drove through a couple fences, and dug up part of the baseball field.
There’s probably been close to $40k worth of vandalism to the school and grounds this school year.
Interesting. Thanks for the info, we’ll check into it.
after they rammed the fence you think they would stop most people need to know how to operate the forklift to even move it, why was they keys left in the forklift or was this a propane lift? luckily noone was killed but whoever did this needs to do some time, we as citizens cant afford this kind of crap
Actually forklifts such as this one are extremely easy to operate, a steering wheel, gas and brake pedals, and only a handful of levers for the boom. The one in the picture would be a diesel machine. Many types of construction equipment also generally have a standard key that would fit many different pieces.
Actually the contractors are paying for all the damages.
Actually the contractors are paying for all the damages that was caused to the scoreboard and fences. As for the other damages that had no connection to the contractors that are there installing the solor panels.
How do you know the contractors are paying for the damages?
This is disgusting and are the contractors at all responsible for allowing easy access to the equipment? Several months ago a similar incident occurred when they were repaving Patterson Mill Road. Not as much damage but ran through a fence, messed fields, etc. I think the Sheriff’s Office should have a meeting with the community to see if any one has information since that school is surrounded by houses. Is this going on at any other school? Damage this time is probably close to $100,000.
@Kate,You are so right,if the contractors put the lift in a cage than why are they held responsible??? Is this a way to allow the kids to get off with no punishment ???? I say get the parents to take a day off work(loose money) pay for all damages (loose more money) pay for court cost and lawyers (loose even more money) Then lets see what happens to those kids.
Score: Vandals-1 Scoreboard-0
After the incident where someone used construction equipment to make donuts on the baseball field, then demolish the newly-built storage unit, you would think people would be smart enough not to leave destructive motor vehicles out where a teenager could easily hotwire it.
Seriously, what are you going to do with a piece of equipment that large? It’s not like you can take it away every night after work. They require tractor trailers or large rollbacks to move them off site. It would be cheaper to pay for 24 hour rent-a-cop service.
They could remove one of the wheels before they go home. Some extra effort, true, but maybe worth it.
@pavel314 Before you go to bed every night take one of your tires off so it cant be stolen.
With most construction equipment there are ways to disable it so that even if you have a key or hotwire it the engine won’t start. Many big construction companies usually do that when leaving their equipment on site someplace because of the amount of theft and vandalism that occurs.
We leave machines like this on sites all the time and all you need to do is pull the start or run fuse.Most are a large snap in fuse easy to un snap and we take them off site at night snap back in in the morning.
Must ask this: Do we or do we not know right from wrong? As a teen I knew it was wrong to mess with this kind of stuff! Where is the responisibilty of the child or even young adult.
Question is: what is the “let’s look for opportunities to vandalize at Patterson Mill HS” motivation here with these folks and Patterson Mill?
It runs a little deeper now, … people are looking (emphasis added) for opportunities to do this at PMHS.
Blame the contractor, Blame the school, Blame everyone!!!
The ONLY ones to blame are the ones who did the crime!! Time to hold people accountable for making poor decisions!! Zero tolerance might make these juveniles think twice next time and set a good example to others!
More parents should be like you. Hold the ‘criminals’ (young if they are) accountable before they do it again and you know they will. WHERE ARE THE PARENTS!!!!!!!!!
WOW!!! Someone who actually sees it my way!! Time for this world to stop making excuses and hold themselves accountable for their actions! And as for the parents… too many don’t know where their kids are!! That might take too much work!! Sad world it is becoming!
@Moose You sit here and piss and moan about the children in our neighborhoods and threaten that you personally won’t allow Bel Air to turn out like Baltimore yet as if you could do anything about it. Personally, if you even confronted my child I would beat you about the head. But then again, you’re probably a stereotypical Bel Air resident and would do nothing except shut yourself in your house and call the police like a good little American. Personally, maybe this situation has some positivity to it. Maybe the local police will stop sitting at Wawa’s congregating like a gaggle of geese and actually go out and attempt to prevent crime. Bel Air Police are over paid as it is. It’s time to get them to actually start working for their pay. As for VOLUNTEER MOM, as if punishments are going to drop the crime rate anymore. This is zero tolerance all ready, what the xxx do you think is going to happen if they catch these kids? Lol. Let them go and just pat them on the butt and send them on their merry old way? Not to mention, I don’t know about you but somethings tells me you have no life other than your kids so you can afford to take the time to monitor your child after midnight. It clearly states the incident occurred in the late hours of the night. Tell me, how many times have you woken up at 2 o clock in the morning just to walk into your kids room and see if he is there? Windows are accessible and are easy to get in and out of. Kids can be little xxx even without the parents influence. I know several kids who grew up in rich, strict homes who still turned out bad and in prison. I’m sorry that most parents can’t live up to your freaky Catholic standards of beating your kid senseless till he gets the message. But maybe we need to start beating Bel Air residents so they get a xxx clue.
Is this some kind of xxx joke?
Let’s see – you insulted Moose, VolunteerMom, Bel Air residents, the Bel Air Police, Catholics – hey, you forgot the TEA Party!
It looks like someone has issues they need to deal with.
They obviously voted for Obama, and wants everyone to do there job for them. Sorry but when my kids were growing up they knew what I expected of them,and if they got out of line it was handled to fit the crime.Todays children have no respect for themselves,so why would they have respect for someone else. They have “NO FEAR” cause the liberals have gotten in the way of morals. If I see wrong doing in my neighborhood I will handle it the same way I’ve always handle it.I don’t bother the police,they have enough to do.
Jesus – you are correct!! I made the choice to have children! Part of making that decision, was the choice to put my children ahead of myself, my hobbies and career. I DO know where my children are at all times of the day! And yes, I am a very busy mom who volunteers at their school, am involved in their sports, spend countless hours talking to them and at 200 am, I am probably checking their text messages and Facebook accounts. Yes I do have a life and it is my family!! My children appreciate and respect the things they have and things that belong to others. They know there will be consquences if/when they lose that respect! I understand that they are kids and they can do careless things but that is not an excuse to turn your back and make believe its ok!! Parenting is by far the hardest job that I have ever had but it was MY choice!
@JK, Ok, so let’s get this right… your kid is doing something wrong, a responsible adult confronts him/her and you want to beat the adult “about the head”. Well, that’s certainly teaching your kid… something. Are you sure it wasn’t your kid on the forklift? I looked over your post again and I’m torn between “where to start?” and “what would be the point?” Good luck.
What shame and a waste! Patterson Mill seems to be a target of late. Better do some deep investigating before it turns more violent and its not just property they are after next time!!!
maybe before parents are blamed there should be more facts. teenagers from good homes have been known to act out. see how this unfolds first
Well parents,you’all need to start watching your kids.This is getting to close to my house.I will not tolerate any of this.If the police wont protect my neighborhood,than I will.So just warn your kids that Im out there and will not let Bel Air turn out like Baltimore.Parents if any happens to your kids,ITS YOUR FAULT !!!!!!!! For those parents that watch and know what there kids are doing,keep up the good job.America needs more parents like you.
And I hope when you do attempt at “protecting your neighborhood” a cop pistol whips the xxx out of you. Or an angry parent presses charges against you for illegally detaining their child. Or even touching their child in general.
I know i’d rock the xxx out of your old ass if you touched my kid. What are you xxx Batman? Get a clue. I don’t think you can deter a baseball bat when some violent youth is swinging it towards your head because you felt you wanted to be the caped crusader. Good luck with that lol i’ll be reading the Aegis waiting to read about your failed attempt at being a vigilante.
I guess your just one of those irresponsible parents that doesn’t know what your kids are doing. With a name like Jesus Krist, I would think you were a responsible parent.
And people like Jesus Krist are exactly why kids are so much worse then when I was growing up. I had fear of my parents spankings and punishments. I had fear of a neighbor catching me, and if not handling it themselves, then telling my parents. Enough with the liberal ways and lets get back to teaching respect & discipline!! I guess if the forklift was taken to your property, you would be ok with that??
Too many parents today want to be “friends” with their children instead of parents. They are the first in line yelling “Not my kid”. And, heaven forbid, their child actually gets in trouble for something, then they fall back on the “bad childhood” alibi. It’s time to cut the crap and parents to act like parents, communities to stick together and let the perpetrators take the blame AND the punishment.
@Moose, dude, relax, chill… “won’t tolerate”?, “then I will”?, “warn your kids”? Let the cops do their job, OK?… maybe try some decaf for a while…
The available reports indicate that video captured three young people as being the perpetrators. If these individuals turn out to be juveniles and attendees of HCPS they should be expelled for the remainder of the year. If they are current PMMHS students they should not be allowed to return to the school in the future. And their parents should be held responsible for the costs of all damages and legal proceedings associated with this matter. A loud and clear message must be sent in this and similar situations.
That would wake up some of these parents !!!
[Admin Note: This will be your only warning. Please refrain from using profanity or personal attacks. ]
Liberals are just as horrible as Republicans and if you have any party affiliation in this nation you are indeed yourself a moron. Morals are for the weak. People like you are the reason why this nation is nothing but a xxx sick bed for the mentally retarded and the socially inept. National selection needs to play its toll. But when everyone is babying their children and refuse to ween them off their mother’s teet till they’re 21 it won’t ever happen. The only good thing about the war is it sending stupid Americans out and killing them for the sole purpose of population control and to line some political powers pockets. Our schools are absolutely pathetic. Nothing but a propaganda source. My children are still being taught Christopher Columbus discovered America when Vinland was founded almost half a century prior to the syphilis rattled explorers birthdate. Not to mention how outrageously present religion is in our schools. Sarah Palin wants students to pray in school. How idiotic. It’s one thing for you to stoop so low as to actually be dumb enough to believe in ANY religion let alone try to force it on students. Sarah Palin needs to be treated exactly as Joseph Smith was. Killed by a crowd of people. And Obama can shove his Health Care up his ass. Solving our nations debt and the issue with our Colleges by simply throwing more money at it will do nothing but drive us deeper and deeper into debt. Republicans are no different. It’s nothing but a never ending cycle of douche baggery. And your morals blind you. Its the exact reason as to why medical marijuana is illegal and homosexuals cannot marry. STUPIDITY, CHRISTIAN MORALS , HYPOCRISY. The taxes alone from issuing marriage licenses and the revenue from the taxes collected from Medical Marijuana would be enough to break this nation out debt within a rather reasonable amount of time. But no, I guess no one is worried about the future because they’re too stupid worrying about 2012. Idiots. Honestly, I hope a something does occur just so it can wipe out this pathetic existence.
***Somebody please alert Homeland Security*** I think a crazy radical has tapped into the Dagger!!!
and he calls himself Jesus Krist ???? However clearly bashes religion and morals.Definitely rubber room material.
Dude, you need a reality check. You talk about morals, hypocrisy and stupidity???? Sounds like you just hit everyone of them with your posts. If the USA is so messed up in your eyes, why don’t you do all of the rest of us a huge favor and check out???
(Oh, yeah, one of the “Stupid Americans” being sent into war is my son-in-law)
Thank your son in law for me.May God bless him.
Please thank your son-in-law for me too!! God Bless the USA and the true men who protect us!!!!
This guy is obviously in need of professional help or a troll, just trying to get reactions. No rational person could be that unhinged.
Jesus Krist is in need of an exorcism …quick!
I can’t believe that Jared Loughner was actually given access to a computer.
when these kids are caught there will be consequences, lawful consequences. their parents will be mortified, embarrassed and disappointed to their core. The parents will accept the brunt of the hurt and responsibility because thats what good parents do. they will still love their child and get them any professional help they can so this does not occur again. I am shocked and saddened to see all emotion and no thought brought to these comments. Most parents do the best they can and they could still have a rebellious child. If it turns out that one of these kids is the child of one of my friends I will offer all of the emotional support I can because it is obvious from these comments that the community is out to blame the parent. And a note to volunteer Mom, stop polishing your halo. One day, one of your children will disappoint you and it will shake your world. It’s inevitable. Start building some empathy for others now.
Well said, Spencer.
kids pranks…I think I have seen this before. I think if found these youngesters should pay the prize to fix the damage and serve some type of punishment. I think some people here are blowing this way out of proportion. Part of the blame has to lay with a contractor whom has shown little forethought as to what might happen when potentially destructive equipment is left unguarded and left for say…stupid people to get around to using it. It would be as simple as disconnecting the battery or removing a moving part for the units so that they remain in place. When I was young a friend of mine thought taking the neighbors tracktor for a ride would be fun until he crashed it into the barn…I have seen this before.
So I agree that some are blowing this out of proportion. I don’t think the kids who did this need to be thrown in jail, but they do need to have a serious consequence.
That being said, I don’t understand how the contractors can be blamed. When I was a kid (and I am not that old…early 30’s), there is no way I would have thought to do anything like that let alone actually do it. I’m not “polishing my halo;” I certainly tested the limits, but property distruction was just “wrong.” Yes, there are kids who rebel despite their parents best efforts, but as a teacher I can tell you from my experience that those kids are few and far between. Most of the kids who are struggling with behavior (not necessarily academics) are coming from homes where either no limits are given or no consequences follow the said limits. Some of these kids (and I means the ones in Bel Air) are raising themselves with only Jersey Shore as their moral guide (not blaming TV either, but it certainly isn’t helping). When we have kids (and not just a few) drinking DURING school on a regular basis, we have lost control somewhere along the way…
Sorry for the couple of typos….
“distruction” instead of “destruction” and “means” instead of “mean”
(Don’t want any of the…”you’re a teacher and can’t spell bashing to start 🙂 )
The forklift (and the gator that was vandalized a few days earlier) were inside a locked fenced in area by the loading dock. It’s not like it was just sitting in the middle of the parking lot.
So, they have video of the vandals carrying out the crime. I know this incident just took place a couple of days ago, but why hasn’t that video been made public? Maybe someone in the community will see something in it that could prove to be a viable lead for the authorities. I am not in law enforcement, but that just seems like common sense to me. Oh, I forgot, we are talking about Harford County Public Schools here…an organization void of common sense.
I help to maintin the schools, help to secure the schools, and this kind of vandalism or any kind is just pure disrespect for the hardworking taxpayers, and disrespect for the school and teachers and staff, Once theese cowards are caught, i would lock em up, and make examples out of them
Keep crying about it, it will help im sure.
I go to this school I’m an 11 year old 6th grader but also am worried about my sister’s games just saying it would be nice if my highschool friends would turn themselves in cuz I’m sure I know whoever did it.
Has anyone heard if they found the juveniles that did this? Why is there never a follow up on the news???
Maybe because it’s still being investigated and they don’t want to divulge any more information than necessary until it’s finished so that the investigation isn’t compromised.
Believe me, it’s not being shoved aside and dropped.
They havent found the kids yet.There is a cash reward posted up at 7-11 today be HCPD looking for anyone that knows anything.