From Harford Campaign for Liberty:
Dear Campaign for Liberty Members and Friends,
I’m sure you’re aware of what’s happening in Wisconsin, how the organized SEIU union has bussed in thousands of union protesters to keep the taxpayer-funded public benefits and democratic party campaign contributions flowing.
The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) are the two largest public-sector unions in America.
AFSCME and SEIU are holding a rally in Annapolis tomorrow starting at noon and our conservative brothers and sisters will be there with signs (and no poles!) in hand supporting the Governor of Wisconsin.
We must stand up against the liberal ideology, and demand the same conservative leadership here in Maryland.
We were unable to get to Madison, Wisconsin this past Saturday, with the concerned citizens and tea party Americans who showed their support to Governor Scott Walker and his firm stand on his state’s budget solutions.
We CAN get to Annapolis. Few of us have the time. It costs all of us.
But if at all possible, we must show support where we geographically can, because this problem will not go away on its own. Wisconsin’s governor has paved the way, and our nationwide, public support of this stand is crucial.
Will you stand with us?
The conservatives in Annapolis will appreciate the support to continue to make tough decisions by knowing we support them.
Our fellow Patriots will be meeting (no later than 11:30AM) at the Senate Office Building and walk to the street across from Lawyer’s Mall together. For those who are physically unable to walk from a parking garage or the Navy’s parking lot, you can take the shuttle to the Senate Office Building.
The Address is 11 Bladen St.Annapolis, MD 21401. Here’s a link to a map and directions if you need them:
If you can be there, be there. It is important to show support for our principles. These protests in Wisconsin are fuel to the liberal fire, and we need to show the media and the legislators that we are still working hard for Liberty!
And when you get home, join your compatriots who couldn’t attend and give us a report at the monthly Campaign for Liberty meeting at the Forest Hill Knights of Columbus hall. The meeting is 7PM Tuesday, February 22.
There is no moral or logical justification for theft regardless of how noble a cause the Tea Party is attempting to make it seem.
Wisconsin has not given their teachers a pay raise in 4 years. Now they are seeking to reduce pay by 6% to fund pension and rising insurance costs blaming a ballooning budget crisis that requires also ending collective bargaining for teachers unions when it is the state holds the trump card of setting teacher pay to begin with. New teachers in Wisconsin are the second lowest paid in the US and teacher pay overall in Wisconsin is 29th out of 50 states.
The State of Wisconsin is giving the wealthy and businesses tax cuts in the same budget that they claim is causing a crisis requiring repeal of union rights and further cutting teacher pay. Wisconsin debt is not out of control vs other states and the reason for the debt was the making of Wall Street not Unions. Wisconsin has already cut business taxes significantly and has not seen any dividend in added jobs or revenue to the state as a result as manufacturers in the state continue to pocket the additional profits while shipping hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs in the state to China and Mexico.
As a native of Wisconsin now living in Forest Hill and whose mother is a Teacher still in Wisconsin, I can tell you that Wisconsin unions are nothing like what is seen in New Jersey. The unions have always been accommodating and realistic to support the needs of the state.
Please think twice about casting your support behind this disgraceful theft of salary from hard working families to fund additional tax cuts for the wealthy.
Furthermore, I’m aghast to learn by this article that my church, St Ignatius of Hickory is now sponsoring the tea party movement allowing such a hate-filled, intolerant and divisive group to hold regular meetings at it’s facilities.
Whoa, whoa – if I may quote
“Furthermore, I’m aghast to learn by this article that my church, St Ignatius of Hickory is now sponsoring the tea party movement allowing such a hate-filled, intolerant and divisive group to hold regular meetings at it’s facilities.”
Have you seen these howling lunatics in Madison? Signs with Walker as Hitler and with a target on his head? It seems the only ones behaving politely there ARE tea party people!
Also – the tax cuts Walker is giving to “the rich” are for new businesses in wisconisn. The left chased so much business OUT of Wisconsin with their “tax the rich” mentality, that we have to try to get some jobs back in this state.
Public employees (especially teachers) are finally forced to show that their own self-interests are more important to them than students, the State of Wisconsin or anything else!
Please see this about the tolerant, educated, left – who want “civil discourse”
The church as a whole (One body) ceased to amaze me decades ago. The church is another business entity I am all for taxing.
Ok…here we go…lots of nuggets to respond to…
“they are seeking to reduce pay by 6% to fund pension and rising insurance costs” — maybe the teachers can look to their union leaders to fund the pension for them?
“it is the state holds the trump card of setting teacher pay to begin with” — umm…..They’re the employer….correct? I mean, my employer holds a “trump card” in that regard as well. I don’t have the luxury of belonging to a union that is “looking out for me”. Any day I show up at work can be my last….either by MY will or my employer’s will…..Them’s the breaks.
“New teachers in Wisconsin are the second lowest paid in the US” –And to think….this is the case in the state that spearheaded the “labor movement”….hmmm….I wonder if there’s any correlation there?
“The State of Wisconsin is giving the wealthy and businesses tax cuts in the same budget that they claim is causing a crisis requiring repeal of union rights and further cutting teacher pay” –If true, that will surely come out in the wash and those in charge of passing the bill will pay at the next election….Otherwise, it sounds like a line from the Democratic Party playbook.
“manufacturers in the state continue to pocket the additional profits while shipping hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs in the state to China and Mexico” –Do they need to ship jobs out of the country because the unions have made the cost of doing business too high here in the U.S.? Don’t get me wrong….I HATE the fact that we’re hemorrhaging jobs here. It drives me crazy. Me thinks the blame lies somewhere between the unions and the business.
“Please think twice about casting your support behind this disgraceful theft of salary from hard working families to fund additional tax cuts for the wealthy” –Democratic Party playbook.
I will go on the record as stating that my wife used to be teacher. I have nothing but the highest regard for teachers that do their job, and do it well. Unfortunately, there are just as many (if not more) teachers that NEED TO BE FIRED due to their incompetence. But, they can’t be fired because of their tenure! Who gets held to account for the “disgraceful theft of education from students to fund the tenure program”?
The Knights of Columbus is a Religious Organization that is affiliated with St Ignatius it is not part of the Church. I’m sorry is the Governor asking the teachers to invest in their future by contributing 6% to keep their pensions. Where does gov’t get money to pay teachers when they don’t have a revenue stream to fund it? They tax us and give us all a decrease in pay. So the all important question for you, “What comes first the chicken or the egg.”
your church also risks losing its tax exempt status by holding obvious political activities that are outside its religious charter.
Sorry Woody…… They are not at St. I’s
People who are successful and make a lot of money are winners. Being winners they should be rewarded by paying less income taxes. The losers who only make a small amount of money should pay a higher percentage of income taxes than the winners.
This would cause the losers to work harder to try to become winners. This is done with Social Security. Winners pay a smaller percentage of their income than the losers working at minimum wage when taxed for Social Security. The Tea Party members are showing support for the winners. Join the Campaign for Liberty Solidarity Rally in Annapolis.
So, by your definition, teachers, police officers, firefighters and nurses, who all make less than, say, Craig’s chief of staff, are all losers? Please tell me that you are either drunk, stoned or have brain damage. Because if not, you are insane.
@fogdog, sorry, I have to go with “watcher” on this one… your post make no sense whatsoever.
Fogdog’s comment is obvious satire…
The TEA party will go away once the economy recovers and this fringe party starts costing the Republicans seats in Congress. This will happen once the American public sees their jobs threatened. The Tea party supports a race to the botton. Cut jobs, cut benefits, cut needed services. The american voter will swing back to reality and realize that cuts alone won’t fixt the budget and the rich will have to pay their fair share as will corporate tax evaders.
I am interested in the last sentence in your comment;
“The american voter will swing back to reality and realize that cuts alone won’t fixt the budget and the rich will have to pay their fair share as will corporate tax evaders.”
I have never understood what a “fair share” is. If citizen A pays 28% of his or her adjusted gross income because the earnings are $100,000 and citizen B pays 15% of the adjusted gross income of $25,000, how can we make it more fair for all? In this simplistic example citizen A pays $28,000 and citizen B pays $3,750. Are you suggesting that we all pay a fixed amount on income, no matter what we earn? In that case citizen A would end up paying $15,000. How do you suggest that we make it fair?
Many people believe that citizen A making $100,000 should pay enough tax to still live like a person who makes $50,000, and that citizen B making $25,000 should receive enough government help to live like a person who makes $50,000.
Do you really know many people who believe that is how it should work?
Yes. They are the ones who are the first to file their income tax return so they can receive EIC. It is amazing to listen to their thought process as to why they are “owed” this money.
Dave-What is a fair tax? I don’t think we will be able to really figure that one out. No one wants to pay taxes or at least pay as little as possible and I include myself in those, but the rich with all the tax breaks such as investment tax relief, mortgage tax releif, capital gain tax exemptions or no alternative minimum tax owed as long as Congress keeps adding that tab to the yearly addition to the budget deficit…and too many other benefits to count, the reality the rich and by that I mean people that earn more than most middle class of about $300k per year do not contribute as a percentage of their income more to their tax tab as would a regular family of 4 making $80k per year. I am talking in general numbers and I am not telling you that everyone falls preciselly under those numbers. We the middle class are subsidizing by way of mortgage interest deductions for a well to do person to live in a 1 million dollar house ( the tax break is more significant the more your mortgage costs) and they really don’t need the benefit as much as the regular family of 4 living in a 200k townshouse or sfh in Bel Air.
What I would like to see is a simplified system that tells me exactly what I need to do to pay my tax bill and not have local, state and federal govt in my pocket all the time.
I’m no accountant. But I do pay taxes (in Aberdeen who won;t even plow the streets!) Back on topic: But by the Democrats walking out in Wisconsin, they have shut the Government down. Now how is that justified? Seriously, if they aren’t at work, how can any work get down to either pass or defeat this bill?
It takes two side to argue, but also two sides to comprimise. My thoughts are that both sides need to knock off the bs and sit down to work out the budget. But running out of state to block a vote is just childish and will eventually hurt both sides.
Unions came about in a time when the American worker had to suffer deplorable working conditions that in some cases resulted in terrible health problems and even death. The power of banding together in unions changed all that. Now, the unions have degenerated into business ventures themselves (complete with inflated executive salary packages) that fight for such “essentials” as no-cost Viagra, sex change operations and the right to a retirement that costs many times more than the employee ever had to contribute – all the while losing the support or even sympathy of the average non-union worker. When I witnessed a friend that worked for Chrysler sit at home and receive 90% salary for a year I didn’t blame him (who would refuse free money?) but I do blame the union and I swore off buying new cars because I refuse to support that.
AMAZED I agree! I watch a Union Organizer argue about Illinois trying to make their star a RIGHT TO WORK STATE. His argument was that it will thin the pot of people paying dues and hurt the union’s bottom line. He also argued that the union would be helping people and not being compensated for it. No free lunch on the union!! Maybe they should switch parties?