From the Harford County State’s Attorney’s Office:
On 31 March 2011, Guy Christopher, 36, pled guilty to Theft over $1000 to under $10000 and forgery. He was ordered to pay restitution to Cook Volkswagen in the amount of $4,100.00 by August 30, 2011 and serve three days at the Harford County Detention Center. The case was handled by the Harford County State’s Attorney’s Office.
The defendant was employed as the finance manager at Cooks Volkswagen from May 1, 2010 through September 3, 2011. After taking a customer’s cash down payment he modified the sales contract after the customer left to reflect that there was no cash down payment, thus pocketing the money. On September 3, the defendant was terminated, for unrelated reasons and this particular deal, along with 14 others, were found in a file cabinet in the defendant’s office unprocessed. The new finance manager submitted the deal to the lender for processing on September 8, 2010. On September 14, 2010, the lender notified Cook Volkswagen that the deal was missing $2,700.00 in equity, as the contract reflected a trade in of $300.00 and financing was conditioned upon a $3,000.00 down payment. Cook Volkswagen requested that they return the contract, as they intended to seek alternate financing.
Shortly thereafter, the customer’s parents came into the dealership with concerns that their son did not receive a payment book for a vehicle purchased on August 13, 2010. It was at this point that the finance manager explained that there was an issue with the financing and asked if they had money to put down. The customer’s mother immediately said that she paid $3,000.00 cash to Guy Christopher on 8/14/10. The finance manager asked if she had a receipt, to which she responded in the affirmative, Guy Christopher had written “pd 8/14” directly on the contract. The finance manager then requested to see their paperwork. Upon receipt of that documentation, it was evident that the contract in Cook’s files was different than that which the customer executed and received. Specifically, the customer’s copy reflected a $3,000.00 down payment, as well as an extended warranty. The copy which Cook Volkswagen maintained reflected no down payment, no warranty, and the customer’s signature appeared to be forged. When Cook searched their records, there were no cash payments of $3,000.00 and the warranty which the customer paid for was not effective.
State’s Attorney Joe Cassilly recommended that any other customers who purchased a car from Cook during this time period and have a concern about payment or warranty should contact the dealership.
The guy just got 3 days at the detention center? I bet Cook Automotive would like to see this former employee be out of the news cycle as soon as possible, so then they can rip off clients while selling cars instead of just stealing people’s money.
@Frankly Speaking
I take it that you have had a bad experience with Cook Automotive. Have you been ripped off by them?
Thats why we call them Crook VW. I now have another reason to never go back.
This guy plead guilty and was awarded a PBJ and restitution after stealing the deposits from 3 customers? And he only got 3 days in jail? His actions had an effect on at least 3 people and the reputation of the dealership and he got 3 days! It is because he is caucasion. If an african american had committed this crime he would have been locked up for at least 3 years! Once again the Harford County State’s Attorney Office is letting whitey off the hook! How on earth could such a travesty of justice take place? Its because Joseph Cassilly is running a racist office that prosecutes african americans to the full degree of the law and lets caucasions basically do whatever as long as they say they are sorry and will pay back the money! If this guy does not violate probation, in three years this incident will be totally forgotten. Cassilly, he committed forgery at least 3 times on financial documents for christ’s sake! He stole $4,100.00 and you are just letting him go! Cassilly, you are a disgrace to your office and you should resign! Total waste of tax payer’s money to basically get no conviction for multiple felonies committed on your watch! Was he another one of your relatives? Did he pay you off? Something is wrong with this plea deal as it does not fit the crime. Good thing he wasn’t black!
I take it you believe the crime committed deserved at least 3 years in jail. Based on that belief, it would seem that the black offender would have been treated ‘fairly’ (based on the crime) and the white offender has been treated ‘unfairly’. I agree with you, both the white guy and black guy should receive at least 3 years for such a crime.
I don’t think unfairly is the word I would use, maybe the term “incredibly leniant”!
Yep, better description than mine.
1st of all Joe Cassily is not racist. I know both him and his family you couldnt ask for better people. 2nd the guys has 14 other files in his office so Im pretty sure they are building another and bigger case against him. So he might see some serious jail time. The whole black and white thing is just an old overplayed arguement from angry black people, and I for one am tired of it.
Well Matt, it looks like a lot of others on here are tired of being racially prosecuted by an administration that allows racism to affect the outcome of cases. This is just a prime example of the racism that goes on in Harford County’s courts. If you are tired of hearing about the racism, maybe you can use your influence to help Mr. Cassilly make decisions based on facts and not race. As for Mr. Cassily’s family goes I have two words for you, BO PEEP!