From the office of Congressman Andy Harris:
Today, Rep. Andy Harris held a press conference with members of the business community to oppose the proposed 320% Bay Bridge toll hike and other toll increases that will hurt Maryland families, businesses and job creators.
“Maryland families and job creators, particularly on the Eastern Shore, cannot afford another tax hike by the big spenders in Annapolis,” said Rep. Andy Harris. “Governor O’Malley’s administration does not have a revenue problem – they have a spending problem.”
The O’Malley Administration is proposing drastic toll increases, including a tripling of the Bay Bridge toll (adding $5.50 per trip), and $2 hikes for the Harbor and Fort McHenry Tunnels and $3 for the John F. Kennedy Memorial Highway. While Maryland families and small businesses continue to struggle with making ends meet in this difficult economy, the $210 million tax hike comes at the worst possible time.
fogdog says
How can the money be obtaind to keep the roads and bridges repaired? Harris never gives a solution to a problem. This is a question he lacks the ability to answer.
Rob in Bel air says
Andy harris has offered solutions but the Daggar chose not to print it or the plan has not been released yet. Part of the plan is for O’Malley and crowd to stop stealing from the highway funds (or the money designated for highways) in an attempt to balance the budget.
Let me also refresh your memory. When “Owe”-Malley ran campaign adds against Bob Erlich you heard such things as: “A Fee is a tax”; When it comes out of my pocket it is a tax.” Now it goes back to just being a fee.
Here’s a plan: illegal immigration in this state costs taxpayers over a billion dollars annual. And a huge load of taxpayers cash was given to Casa de Maryland. Let’s take that money to improve our highways and bridges. Typical democrat strategy: raise taxes, raise taxes, keep spending, keep spending.
You have seen nothing yet. Besides raising all these fees (or is a fee a tax), wait until the so-called special session when an increase in the gas tax (and other taxes) will be considered. Higher gas taxes and higher fees … result in higher prices in the stores … but gee, Marylanders don’t care, they keep voting in these jokers over and over again. Now it’s time to pay the price.
Cindy Mumby says
We published the full text of the press release we received on May 18 from Rep. Harris’ office.
Beastmaster says
320% toll hike?
Could we put the excess revenue toward education so that the next generation of politicians understand how percentages work?
WheresPatton says
And have it squandered away in PG, Monty Counties, and B-more happy city?
Yeah, thanks but no. Here’s a thought! Fund accounting. Meaning, fund the budget fully for each state provided service. Roads means roads. Roads doesn’t mean, education, police, casa de MD, slush fund for B-more happy city, and buying votes from the DC burbs.
When you actually spend less than budgeted, the tax payers get a rebate, OR…those funds are held in surplus for bad years (like the current fix we are in).
Oh, the Keynesian perverts always forget that one important factor of the theory…don’t over spend in the good years, so that you don’t continue to pile up the debt in the bad years.
Rob in Bel air says
Excellent idea. In fact, it should be a prerequisite that all candidates for a political office must take at least two ecomonic courses and pass with nothing less than an “A” before they can take the seat. I’m sure O’Malley and many of the dems and some of the republicans currently in Annapolis will not be there if this was the case.
Rob in Bel air says
Yeah . . I know it will be coming . . . I misspelled economic in my post. I wanted to jump on it before some liberal, who thinks he or she is smart, to comment on it.
Brint says
Exaggerated claims of the cost of “illegal immigration” to Maryland are irrelevant. This is not New Mexico or Arizona. I would rather pay increased tolls with the assurance that the bridge over which I am driving won’t fall into the water. I would rather pay a few dollars more in tolls than pay the $500-$1000 to repair damage to my vehicle caused by rough and poorly maintained roads. Mr. Harris doesn’t seem to understand the basic cost/benefit relationships here.
Rob in Bel Air says
The numbers are correct . . . much of it is medical costs and education. But don’t forget about the costs of welfare and the criminal justice system. And please do not forget the amount of money that is shipped out of this country by illegals working here. I bet the billion dollar figure is low. But gee, who cares, it’s only money and the dems have their votes.
Rob in Bel air says
You are missing the point. It’s politicians not being fiscally responsible.
Bill says
Maryland is a haven for liberals who do things like support abortion. People here do keep electing officials who let government take care of all the problems, dont they? Doesnt the Thornton Bill say that the education budget must increase each year? What if the money isnt there? Well then just increase taxes? The smartest kid I have been around got scholarships all the way through a doctorate to pay for her education, and she was home schooled. If the family isnt getting the job done at home, chances are there will be problems that the government cant fix. How to fix the families? Not from the government. From a good basic foundation in God and church. Of course many dont want to hear this. It isnt how they were brought up. It isnt what they were taught, and it isnt anything they really know how to deal with when it comes to raising their children. That doesnt make it any less important, however, and if any place can show that it is needed, it is the state of Maryland.
decoydude says
I appreciate your faith in God, but he alone is not going to solve the RT 40 bridge scam by the Maryland Transportation Authority for us. Residents of Harford and Cecil counties need to unite to win this battle. I hope the vocal left and the right on this blog will actually show up at the hearings at Perryville and Havre de Grace. You all talk a good game, but is it all just talk? I will be there with many of my friends and neighbors(center, right and left). It is a time to see if we can stand together for a common cause and purpose or will our ideological differences divide and weaken us? I challenge you all to show up or perhaps reconsider your relevance to the debate and spare us your back and forth ranting and demagoguery on this and other issues.
Bill says
Actually God builds bridges all the time. I do think that people need to think when they vote in this state. Obama just forgave Egypt for a billion dollars in debt. That could have gone a long way in doing something. Thanks.
Rob in Bel Air says
Obama forgiving the debt of another country . . . what did you expect. He forgave a billion dollar debt for Egypt and gave billions of dollars to Brazil to help with drilling technology. What has the great U.S.A. received from this guy . . . three trillion in debt. What a guy.
decoydude says
ROB IN BEL AIR – In any direct way, what does this have to do with the toll issue?
Rob in Bel Air says
Following up on Bill’s comment. Pay attention.
decoydude says
ROB IN BEL AIR – Are you going to attend the hearings on the toll increases? Yes or No
Dulcinea says
What a guy, indeed. He has made me prouder to be an American than I have been in a long time. While you may never allow yourself to see his greatness it doesn’t really matter. Given the choices that seem to be what the Republicans have to offer for 2012 he will be around for you to hate for a good long time.
Porter says
@Dulcinea While Pres, Obama may have made you proud, he has made our country and economy weaker.
Rob in Bel Air says
My friend, there is nothing great about the man . . . nothing at all. He came out of nowhere, has accmomplish little, and hopefully will go away in the next election. He fooled many and many will not be fooled again.
Qualified says
Back to tolls. The rate comes from the Board of Directors for the Maryland Transportation Authority (MdTA), not the Gov or the GA. MdTA is a division of MDOT and with the “borrowing” of transprotation trust fund for Juan Jose O’Maaaaaaallllllley’s budget there is a decrease in the funding for MdTA. Part of the problem is duplication, we have the State Police as well as the MdTA Police. Why both?
decoydude says
Qualified – I agree. Do we really need all the current employees at the RT 40 bridge. How often do we see officers just parked on the Havre de Grace end of the bridge for hours and hours. We have city police that could easily handle the load. I say remove the toll booth, the maintenance garage and the police and reassign employee positions where and if needed. Probably, maintain the scales to keep the trucks honest.
Rob in Bel Air says
I will certainly try . . . when and where?
decoydude says
ROB IN BEL AIR and other bloggers
Toll hearings:
June 16 at Perryville High School – 6 pm
June 23 at the Havre de Grace Activity Center – 6 pm
I hope to see us and hear us well represented at both hearings!