From Patrick McGrady:
First, a Harvard Story: A new Harvard study says that if a child attends an Independence Day Parade (before age 18) and the weather is clear, he/she is 2% more likely to grow up and be a Republican. The Study can be found here if you are interested:
LINK Let’s hope for beatiful weather on Monday 🙂
This Independence Day, I pray that Americans all across our Nation remember the sacrifice of the early Americans who fought against tyranny to satisfy their need to be free!
The Bel Air Independence Day Celebration usually involves such things as frog jumping contests and pancake breakfasts, and these are all well and good– but they surely do not teach our children and grandchildren about what makes America special.
If you find yourself in Bel Air on Monday, July 4 any time from 9am-Noon, stop by the Hays House located at 324 S Kenmore Avenue (across from Bel Air High School).
Cindy and I (and other volunteers) will be inviting passers-by to use a real feather quill to write 15 words from the Declaration of Independence. The second feature will allow anyone to put on a Patriotic cap and read a short verse of Patriotic Prose to cheering fans. It will be fun, and our way to promote American principles.
Rodney’s Ride
Caesar Rodney is an American Founding Father who’s story is often overlooked in lieu of more famous FFs like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, but his influence was just as great.
Here is a quick story about Rodney, put together by my friend Derek Howell. Derek is currently working with the Institution on the Constutition. The website for IOTC can be found here:
Now, here’s the story:
American Founding Father, Caesar Rodney, is unfortunately forgotten by many textbook writers today. Nonetheless, Caesar Rodney’s midnight ride to Philadelphia forever changed American history and gave us independence from Great Britain. The following quickly recounts Caesar Rodney’s important role in American Independence.
On June 30, 1776, a motion for independence was put forward in the Continental Congress. Debates continued into July 1, 1776. A vote was held whereby nine colonies voted for independence, two colonies, Pennsylvania and South Carolina voted against independence, one colony, New York, abstained from the vote, and one colony, Delaware, was split on its vote. Delaware sent three delegates to the Continental Congress: Thomas McKean, George Read and Caesar Rodney.
Caesar Rodney, however, was not present June 30 – July 1, 1776, because he was performing his militia duties as Brigadier General of the Delaware militia. Thus, Delaware’s tied voted was between McKean, who voted for independence, and Read, who voted against independence.
Although the Continental Congress had enough support to carry a motion declaring independence, it did not want to go forward with such declaration without unanimous support from the colonies. A dispatch rider was sent to notify Caesar Rodney of Delaware’s tied vote. The rider reached Rodney at almost midnight on July 1, 1776. Without delay, Caesar Rodney got on his horse and rode approximately 80 miles, thru the night, to Philadelphia.
Caesar Rodney’s midnight ride to Philadelphia would have been a strenuous ride for just about anyone, but it was even more taxing on Rodney who was of ill heath; suffering from, among other things, asthma and cancer of the jaw.
It is believed that Caesar Rodney was told of a physician in London who could treat his cancer. However, if Rodney were to vote for independence, he would be branded a traitor and considered to have committed treason against the Crown.
As history records, Caesar Rodney gave up the possibility of receiving medical treatment in London because he pledged his life, fortune and sacred honor for American Independence. Rodney arrived in Philadelphia on the afternoon of July 2, 1776, in enough time to cast his vote for independence; breaking Delaware’s tied vote. South Carolina and Pennsylvania changed their vote and voted for independence. New York still abstained from voting on the basis that its delegates had no specific instructions, but the Continental Congress now had its unanimous support for independence from all the voting colonies. You can find an image of Caesar Rodney on the 1999 U.S. Delaware Quarter.
As you can see, Caesar Rodney should get more credit in the Declaration of Independence from tyranny! Tell somebody about him over your Independence Day Barbecue Celebration!
Patrick McGrady
This is a satistical insignificant difference. This shows how republicans appeal to those who lack thinking abilityl
The study, and this article are anti-American. This is absurd. That’s like saying celebrating Christmas makes you an evangelical (THEY celebrate Christmas!) or that observing Labor Day makes you pro-labor union.
Are Democartes less patratic than Republicans?
I wonder if the same thinking hold true for NASCAR?
Is this why parades were cancelled in some towns?
Should democrates and socialists not take their children to parades?
If you children sees a gay parade will they turn out gay?
Should Democratic political candidates skip this weekend’s July 4th parades.
If it rains on the parade will your children turn out to be Democrates or worse?
Should everyone in jail be required to watch 4 of July parades everyday on tv to change their behavior?
• Attending one Fourth of July before age 18 increases the likelihood of identifying as a Republican by at least 2 percent and voting for the Republican candidate by 4 percent.
I believe the writer has it wrong here as most uninformed people tend to do “This Independence Day, I pray that Americans all across our Nation remember the sacrifice of the early Americans who fought against tyranny to satisfy their need to be free”.
While any day is a good day to remember those who fought for freedom, we already have Flag Day and Veterans Day specifically designated to honor veterans and armed forces. Independence Day celebrates the Declaration of Independence from the British and the birth of our great nation. In all, it celebrates all things American.
Did he even read the first paragraph????
“Not every child in America has the opportunity to attend Fourth of July celebrations, but those that do are prone to be more politically engaged and associate more closely with the Republican Party than their peers. Those are two conclusions in a new research paper co-authored by Harvard Kennedy School Assistant Professor David Yanagizawa-Drott and Bocconi University Assistant Professor Andreas Madestam.”
It said associate or identify with not become a republican!!! That is a big difference! It also said to attend a fourth of July Celebration not just a parade! No wonder our delgation is a miserable failure they can’t read, just skim!
You are simply looking for semantic differences to make the Harvard Study less valid. Learn to read.
identify with does not mean become. If this was the case we would not have what are referred to as RINO’s. Identify with mean they may share some values but may still not join the party or may join the party but not be a “real” republican.
The assumption is silly. If parades create patriots and those patriots have a 3% chance of being a republican, there must be a 97% chance they will become democrats.
• Attending one Fourth of July before age 18 increases the likelihood of identifying as a Republican by at least 2 percent and voting for the Republican candidate by 4 percent.
The article from the Kennedy School is too vague. It isn’t peer reviewed, and doesn’t supply imformation about the population sample. It fails to provide other correlations, like family indoctrination or geographic location.
I will remember to keep my children away from May Day celebrations
I can’t believe that we “Americans” can manage to politicize a day as important as this day. We are truly headed for ruin as a country. I guess the good news is that once you hit rock bottom you can start the climb up the hill again. Our Founders have likely turned over in their graves many times throughout our nation’s history.
I am more intrigued by the story of Caesar Rodney. I was certainly never taught this in any of my US History classes in high school or college. Props to Patrick McGrady for calling this fascinating bit of history to my attention. Off to the coin jar to try to find a Delaware quarter!
“This Independence Day, I pray that Americans all across our Nation remember the sacrifice of the early Americans who fought against tyranny to satisfy their need to be free!”
So by this you are talking about the Native Americans..Right?
It always bothers me that on this day people conveniently forget what most of the founding fathers did to the native population in order to secure /their/ freedom. Merely take it from someone else!
I’m not trying to say that Native Americans were the only noble race, there were plenty of tribes that would attack and steal from other neighboring groups.
You speak the truth. Despite being a native population, the native americans came to be seen by many colonists as impediments to expansion and progress. By 1828 The Indian Removal Act became the law of the land. The atrocities done in the name of our new country were generaly accepted as appropriate due to the “savages” being considered of lower worth than the colonists.
Given their potential opportunity to “influence” the youth of this county, one wonders why Mr. McGrady and his fellow Republicans failed to show up for the Havre de Grace Fourth of July Parade – one of the area’s largest. It appears that the Republican Central Committee is much like the Harford County Republican delegation to the General Assembly – all talk and no action.
His tea bagger buddies decided to show up at the Bel Air parade and act like disrespectful immature little ilks.
Kettle? Pot on line 2.
Is Bel Air in Mr. McGrady’s district?
We need a more detailed report on this one Tired. Were they actually tea bagging in public? Did they only go through the motions or did they go full thrust and actually tea bag? By the by, what is an ilk? No wonder you’re tired of it all, yo must believe that the parade is only to ooh and aah at the politicians.
No it’s about family celebrating the birthday of our nation in public.
It’s about showing respect for other people and their family in public not act like a bunch of assholes which you seem to approve of.
Sorry Tired. I didn’t say that I approve of boorish or bad behavior. You mentioned tea baggers and someone you called an ilk. I only wanted more data.
I seem to have moved up in the world. Now I’m known in these parts as Mr. McGrady 🙂
Our Declaration signing and Liberty Tree presentation at the Hays House went swimmingly, and I am excited to update you with a letter and some photos of the event.
Brian, I will send it as soon as I get it finished.
Everybody else– Liberty is serious business. If you want to wax political, keep it to the issues.
I used to live in Delaware and sadly, many Delawareans don’t even know who Caesar Rodney is.