From Cindy Sharretts of Aberdeen:
Planning communities wisely is complicated, especially as the decision makers are rarely the same as those whose lives are affected. I wonder, though, if a little less government planning and a little more of citizens building solutions might do us all (and related County budgets) some good.
I noticed that the April 29, 2011 a Harford County-funded Arbor Day tree planting was held at Cedar Lane Regional Park (close to the forest of trees in the Bynum Run Conservation Area), promoting the idea of caring for the community forest to foster a healthy environment in a sustainable community.
Link here:
Now it appears that the same County government will tear down some nearby trees to clear for a new road through the Bynum Run Conservation Area to connect the Cedarday community to Rt. 136.
Link here:,0,7573333.story
Central Planning creates a cycle of continually causing new needs which government must solve with more “solutions.” Central planning is costly, leaves out real citizen governing, and does not achieve a finalized higher quality of life, as often promised. History has shown its failure, even though each single step seems so necessary or appealing. A little less government interference (and the spending of related taxpayer funds) please. Let’s try for a little more citizen-designed solutions!
Thank you,
Cindy Sharretts
Aberdeen, MD
Greensleaves says
Good letter Cindy. Big Government always screws up incentives. More government programs created lead to more government problems with more government solutions!
“Somebody should do something about that” should become “I am going to do something about that” for many problems.
Elsie says
Last time I looked “government” in the U.S. IS the citizenry! Maybe more “citizens” should be involved in electing others who reflect their views rather than acting like “government” is some other being. More people need to be involved!