From the office of Congressman Andy Harris:
Rep. Andy Harris, M.D. voted for H.R. 2560, the Cut, Cap and Balance Act. The legislation would condition a debt ceiling increase on passage of a Balanced Budget Amendment, which would contain a super-majority requirement for Congress to raise taxes, as well as a provision limiting spending as a percentage of the entire economy.
“This bill will force the government to do what hard working Maryland families and businesses do every single day: balance their budget,” said Rep. Andy Harris, M.D. “Cut, cap and balance will assure job creators that the government is serious about solving our long term spending problems.”
H.R. 2560 Quick Facts:
* Cut – In FY2012, the legislation reduces discretionary and mandatory spending by $111 billion compared to last year.
* Cap – From FY2013-2021, the legislation caps federal spending at the same levels as the House-passed FY2012 budget resolution. The cap would be just under 20% of GDP by the end of the ten-year window. This saves $5.8 trillion over ten years.
* Balance – The legislation would condition a debt ceiling increase on passage of a Balanced Budget Amendment (that contains a super-majority requirement for Congress to raise taxes, as well as a provision limiting spending as a percentage of the economy).
Rock on Rep. Harris.
I liked this point/ counterpoint presentation of this article and Senator Mikulski’s thoughts. Nice service to the rraders.
I agree on that, Dagger gets credit there.
Just too bad both press releases are worthless.
I wonder if we had won the Cold War with a balanced budget ammendment?
This is political posturing and a waste of time.
$5.8 Trillion saved over 10 years?
Funny, I seem to remember a plan that saved $8 Trillion over 10 years.
I am weary. Taxes are discussed and the people who pay them are left to struggle. Why is Bank of America not paying taxes? Why not BGE? Whya re some 600 companies paying minimal or no taxes and haven’t for some 5 years? They are also sitting on some $5 billion in profits.
Why does the government continue to let contracts to companies that are in arrears with taxes? They can owe millions and are still selected over other contractors who are current and they are still favored and continue the pattern of non-payment.
Until this is rectified, ther are no “heroes” in the Senate, the House, etc. The repeat failure to honor their oaths and pledges to serve and protect the people, the Constitution and the Declaration, etc. do not serve us well.
Get back to real issues and stop pretending to be super heroes with your faux grandstand heroicisms and semantics. We need people to remember where they came from and that the U.S. they wanted to serve is “us” and their performance evaluations show that they are lacking in many categories.
How can you sleep nights knowing that the game the parties are playing is funded by the people and the ball you are so casually tossing is their livelihood and survival?
Dear Rep Harris – Please stop trying to take money from my retiring parents to further fund tax cuts for the Rich, loop holes for Multi-Nationals shipping jobs overseas, polluters and funnel more profits to Wall Street in the forms of privatized SSI and Medicare. Your party’s current plan to do nothing else until after the markets crash and my parent’s IRA account is impacted is truly despicable and fails to come anywhere close to the moral high ground that you think you have secured. You are a bigger danger to the average American’s way of life than any other enemy of the state.