From the office of U.S. Senator Barbara Mikulski:
Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.) today urged her colleagues to come together to prevent a catastrophic default and downgrade of U.S. debt that would force sky-high interest rates on American families.
“We are less than one week away from reaching our debt limit. If we fail and we falter, the United States of America will be irrevocably fractured,” Senator Mikulski said in a statement on the Senate floor, “We’re destroying ourselves by a self-inflicted wound because of political dysfunction, political rigidity, and political ideology.”
“Let’s stop being Democrats. Let’s stop being Republicans. Let’s really call us what we should be called: Americans,” Senator Mikulski said, “Let’s make the tough decisions. Let’s put politics aside, put America number one, and get us back on track.”
For audio of Senator Mikulski’s remarks, visit:
Video of Senator Mikulski’s statement is available at:
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Senator Mikulski’s full statement as delivered on the Senate floor follows:
“Madam President, I come to the floor today with a great sense of urgency. We are less than one week away from reaching our debt limit. If we fail, the United States of America will be irrevocably fractured. We aren’t an impasse, we are at the edge of a cliff. Unless Congress acts, we are going to go over it. And what would be the consequences?
“If we do not meet our obligations to pay our debts, it will result in default. And default will result in enormous increases in interest rates for all of America. For Americans that are so worried about tax increases, I’ve got to send a real red alert. When interest rates go sky-high because of our failure to act, it will be the biggest tax on America that we could have. It would be a tax at the kitchen table. It means if you have a variable rate mortgage, it will skyrocket. If you have a student loan, that interest is going to increase. And if you have a car loan, forget it, the payments are going to be enormous. So we need to face what this means.
“Raising the debt limit – we need to prevent default so that our bond rating is not lowered. Now, I’ve never been big on talking about bond ratings, but this is a crucial one. We now have a AAA bond rating, so what does that mean? It means when they buy our treasury bills or other government secured investments, but particularly our T-bills, it is as good as gold.
“If we are downgraded, we would just be a tin horn, tin cup nation. This is not the United States of America. This is not what people fought and died for. When people say they represent a party that wants to defend the Constitution, we all have to defend the Constitution. And right now, defending the Constitution and defending America is to lift our debt ceiling and get to work, the hard work of, number one, dealing with our debt, but also dealing with the issue of job growth. So we’ve got to get to work. Instead we are busy at work playing the blame game. Squabbling is not a solution.
“But I believe we Democrats do have a solution, and I think the solution does lie in the Reid proposal. The Reid proposal that the Senator from Nevada, the Majority Leader, has offered is substantive, it’s real, and it’s achievable.
“Madam President, I was on TV and they said, “Oh, you’re a liberal Democrat.” I don’t know if I’m a liberal, I don’t know if I’m a conservative, but I’m a diner Democrat. I think about the ordinary people and their day-to-day needs. And when people talk about what kind of solutions they mean, they want everything on the table. What I want on the table are the things that affect the kitchen table. And that’s why I support the Reid proposal. It is an achievable framework for avoiding default and avoiding a downgrade of our bond rating.
“What does it do? It has three important elements. One, timing, to take us through 2012. It’s not about the next election. It’s showing that we are serious and we’re substantive. Second, it has really important content, where we really do cut federal spending. It’s observable, it’s quantifiable, and it’s verifiable. And, number three, it gives us a path forward to deal with the important issues of entitlement and revenue reform.
“Wow, so why can’t they take it? I am really puzzled about why they can’t take it. It’s 2012? Okay. Who knows who’s going to be in control of either the White House or the Congress then? But it can’t be about us. It’s not about me. It’s about WE. We, the people.
“Let’s go to the content. There are substantial cuts there in discretionary spending. And there are substantial cuts to defense spending that do not affect readiness or military health care. These are actually cuts that the House voted for in the Ryan Budget.
“So a few weeks ago they say yes to the cuts, but when we say yes to the cuts, they say no to the proposal. I don’t get it.
“But it’s not whether I get it. It’s that we have to make sure we get a solution.
“What I think is important about the Reid proposal is its $2.7 trillion in cuts. I understand the CBO has scored it, and they say it’s $2.2 trillion. $2.2 trillion, $2.7 trillion, that’s real money. That’s real money and it shows that we’re serious. It also provides this important path forward through a joint committee.
“Now, it is not a commission where it’s going to be outsiders who are experts from think tanks and hoo-haw. It’s members of Congress, both sides of the aisle, both sides of the dome. Let’s get together with them and let’s have this committee to move forward on the reform of revenue as well as looking at entitlement reform.
“I want to be clear that if in the horror of all horrors comes where we fracture the standing of the United States of America not only in the financial markets, but in the standing of the world, it will have very serious consequences. First of all, to benefits – the President is going to have to pay the bills based on whatever money is coming in. He won’t be able to borrow. America won’t be able to borrow. So our T-bill will not have the same value that it once did. He’s going to have to pay our bills. So what are the effects on benefits?
“One is paychecks. The first paycheck he’s going to need is the paycheck to our troops. He’s got to makes sure that if they’re fighting to defend America while we’re squabbling around and screwing around, we’re going to pay our troops. My God, did it ever occur to anyone that our troops wouldn’t get paid?
“Yeah, it’s going to be tight, so we pay the troops. We’re going to certainly pay our veterans’ benefits. They might not be in the same amount the first month, but we’ll kind of squeak through.
“Then, it will be Social Security. Well, maybe the checks will go out, but maybe it all would be in half the amount. But the Social Security offices will be closed. So benefits will have a direct impact.
“Where is he going to slow down the trickle of money to state and local governments? So what does that mean? Community development block grant money, education and so on, that’s going to really cause enormous layoffs of public employees and contractors at the state and local level. That asphalt contractor, that person who handles the office machinery and so on, all the small businesses they love to romanticize over. Minority contractors are going to have a big impact.
“Then it takes us to the government. It will definitely slow down, or not pay contractors at all, whether it’s the big defense guys that employ thousands and thousands of people or it’s not going to pay the small to medium-size businesses like in my own state that do information technology.
“Now, we are about to destroy the reputation and solvency of the United States of America. We are about to destroy the reputation and solvency of the United States of America, not just for one day, but for a decade and maybe the rest of the century. And this is not being done by an outside power. We’re spending $700 billion on defense, and we’re destroying ourselves by a self-inflicted wound because of political dysfunction, political rigidity, and political ideology.
“What the heck is this?
“And I could use more intense language. We cannot allow this to happen. One of my colleagues said to me yesterday, “Senator Mikulski, what would it take to get to the table?” I said, “Give me a plan and 30 Republican names behind it. I’ll see if I can support the plan and get 30 others.”
“So, Madam President, I know my time’s up, but I don’t want the time to be up on America. Let’s come together. Let’s stop being Democrats. Let’s stop being Republicans. Let’s really say call us what we should be called: Americans. And what do Americans do? When the times are tough, the tough get going. Let’s get going. Let’s make the tough decisions. Let’s put politics aside, put America number one, and get us back on track.
“Madam President, I yield the floor.”
K says
How do political parasites such as Miss Mikulski live with themselves? The lies and complete disregard for hard working citizens is truly incomprehensible. Now she’s concerned about the United States and the destructive debt obligations that she and her democrat colleagues have accumulated. Oh yeah, I forgot it’s Bush’s fault.
noble says
“Now she’s concerned about the United States and the destructive debt obligations…”
This is about the only correct thing you said. It’s laughable and astonishing that she’s suddenly concerned about it. But if you think one party is responsible for any of this, you should evaluate where you get your news and information from.
1980 national debt, aprox 2.5 trillion
1990 national debt, aprox 5 trillion
2000 national debt, aprox 6 trillion
2010 national debt, aprox 12 trillion
So which of these things would have liked for us not to spend money on in the last 30 years?
a) Cold War and tax cuts (Reagan)
b) Gulf War (Bush)
c) Invastion of Afghanistan (W)
d) Liberation Iraq (W)
e) Bailout (W) and Stimulus (Obama)
Or should we have raised taxes to pay for those things? Because those are our choices. The price tags for these actions of our government are where the trillions of dollars of debt come from. The price tag for all of the welfare and social programs combined are a fraction of that amount.
We have all wanted our cake and gorged on it too.
Cdev says
To be fair you forgot a few other items as well like Balkan conflicts and NATO actions under Clinton although the price tag was not as high!
Pissed with the Government says
Seems like Ms. Mikulski does not get it still. I have called her office to voice my opinion so much that her staff has asked me to stop calling with my opinions. This is the United States of America, where is our countries personal responsibility, the same that most good Americans I know show. When money becomes tight we spend less we don’t get a credit card and continue business as normal. My father was accustomed to around 20 hours of overtime a week for the best part of 20 years and when his employer cut that back, my parents stopped eating out, conserved more electricity, and other such cuts necessary to remain financially above water. Now listen here I am not saying to cut social security, or stop paying our troops, but if we do not have the money for all social programs, and with the economy in the toilet we can not raise taxes. We must shutdown government waste, and unnecessary social and other government programs. I refuse to see my future in the hands of Chinese creditors. If I must be personally responsible for my finances all Americans must hold congress responsible for our countries finances, and not force us into more debt. We need a balanced budget amendment and we need it now. If congress can not fix this situation and the government shuts down, I express the greatest sorrow for the seniors on Social Security, and our soldiers, but I will relish the thought that the drug dealing welfare cheats behind me that drive a mercedes benz will not be getting there government money checks and food stamps. This country is on a cliff Ms. Mikulski and this great precipice is forked, we can fall to our death being strangled by death or we can climb down slowly and surely and turn America back into the great nation I once knew and greatly miss.
K says
I love what you wrote! Why the heck is it that we have so much passion and know right from wrong. Yet our elected officials don’t care at all and just keep living large on our money. It seems that the decent members of society are truly scared of our current financial status. Is it finally enough people to drastically change our political trajectory? It has to be. If not, the USA is no more.
pizzle says
“I refuse to see my future in the hands of Chinese creditors”
….too late.
We Americans were too content to just keep shopping at Wal-Mart for the “best prices”, while not really paying attention to just where all the crap we were buying was made. So, not only do the Chinese “own” us, but we (through our purchasing habits) SEND MONEY to them over and above what we owe them in interest on the debt.
As they say….”Only in America….”
Rob in Bel Air says
Oh Barbara, please shut up ! ! !
Watcher says
You first….
Mary Murphy says
Way to go Senator Mikulski!!!! YEAH!!!! We need to pass the debt ceiling limit. We need to eliminate the corporate welfare programs in this country. Archer Daniels Midland does not need any handouts from me. The same with the handouts to the oil companies and the subsidized agricultural interests such as the sugar and ethanol industries. Stop providing tax breaks for companies such as GE that don’t pay taxes and certainly aren’t adding jobs in this country.
Finally, taxes need to be increased to pre-Bush levels, at least for those making over $250,000. There certainly is no reason that a hedge fund manager should be paing less in taxes than what I, a registered nurse, pays. They contribute nothing to the world and make several hundred percent more in income then I do.
Keesha says
Well nurse Murphy I have to tell you that my hedge fund manager made money by investing my meager and hard earned resources to earn a decent return for me. She is very skilled at making money off the poor choices of others like those who bought houses they knew they couldn’t afford and the banks and government agencies that helped them, actually encouraged them to do it. Thanks to Democratic senators like Barney Frank and Chris Dodd, companies such as Countrywide, FNMA, AIG, Merrill, Goldman Sachs, UBS and all you other folks who created and ran that scheme. Thanks also to Tim Geithner who Obama picked to help make sure they bankers didn’t get hurt. Unfortunately you all walked away smiling when you should have been put in jail. Too bad about the little folks. Collateral damage. But, hey, somebody had to fail and the fat cats were, well, “too big to fail”.
K says
Anyone at this point in time who can rationalize and cheerlead what the democrats have done to this country will also be proud when the last shred of what we know as America is gone. To promote what Obama has done, with the heavy handed assistance of his political party is gruesome. How dare anyone suggest they have the right to take an arbitrary amount of money from any working person, rich or poor. The federal government has spent all its’ money. It’s tapped out. Now because of the mishandling of our dough, the beast needs more. Why didn’t the democrats, most notably then Senator Obama, vote yea on raising the debt limit? Why don’t those of you who accuse everyone of not locating accurate information take your own advice? You might want to start with U.S. House Of Representatives Roll Call Votes. Unless that’s too partisan for you takers. Then you can head over to the Congressional Budget Office and see all the scored prelegislation. There are many, many government websites that seemingly give accurate financial accounts. Anyone that can look into the face of an innocent child, then tell me how much more money they need, knowing they are strapping that little baby with an insurmountable debt, destroying that kid’s opportunity at success is a disgusting, selfish, parasite. Stop with the democrat talking points and help fix the health of your country.
Cdev says
You really think only ONE party did all of this? You need to get in touch with reality. The fact is we ALL did it. The ME, ME, ME Spend mentality is to blame. If you fixed Social Security old people wwould revolt yet that is part of the problem. If we taxed foriegn goods the importers would complain. Yet they complain when American jobs leave! We as a country from BOTH parties have done this. We ALL must sacrifice to solve it.
K says
No, I don’t think one party is to blame. BUT, based on the history of entitlement program creation, democrats win the prize hands down. Beginning with FDR’s New Deal and Social Security through LBJ’s Great Society and the advent of Medicaid and Medicare, democrats once again get all the credit. As of the year 2010, 66% of the federal budget (hmmm, budget is a word that democrats don’t understand since the democrat senate hasn’t submitted one in years) constitutes entitlement payments, up 28% since 1965. Bottom line, thanks to fanciful, destructive entitlement programs and a greedy, averse to work population, our nation has been destroyed. Rich folk don’t have enough money to remedy the debt problem. Personally, my family and I sacrifice too much each and every day. We are tapped out. Maybe you can give more Cdev, we can’t. Two people working two jobs each is enough in my book. It’s obvious that for the general population in this country to understand the ramifications of all their wants and needs, the country will have to go belly up. In truth, we already have.
Cdev says
Again agressive military spending has made much borrowing neccesary and I would label bank bailouts as an entitlement. It is not one party it is BOTH. No one is more or less to blame. If we continue to think that way this problem will never be solved we will continue to kick the can….CLINK!
K says
The democrats shoulder a much greater percentage of the blame. The current “crisis” we find ourselves in should be over. The republicans created and voted on, in the House, “Cut, Cap, and Balance.” The leader of the Senate, Harry Reid, a democrat, wouldn’t allow the legislation to come to the floor for a vote. That, in my book, is obstruction. The republicans have done far, far more positive things for our country. Yeah, I guess spending money on military activity like the Libyan War, democrat created, certainly falls under the big waste of money and lives category.
noble says
You didn’t provide a source, but I am going to assume your figures are correct, and that it’s 66% of the DISCRETIONARY spending budget. Non-discretionary, such as defense, is usually not included.
And we dont really have an overwhelming “budget” problem on a year to year basis, it’s more of an accumulated debt problem over the years that we’ve never decided to pay for.
What happened when Republicans were completely in charge? Did they understake massive reforms of these bloated entitlement programs? No.
You can assign responsibility/blame to Democrats for iniating many social programs (some that are needed), but the failure of leadership that didn’t reform them, or reign them in, at ANY point in several decades falls to both parties, and all of us who continued to vote for those who told us what we wanted to hear.
K says
From what I understand George Bush attempted to reform social security. He was blocked by a democrat congress. Paul Ryan put together a plan to reform unnecessary entitlement programs. Once again, the democrat senate failed to do their job and tabled Ryan’s plan. The republicans have tried and tried and tried to reform/eliminate democrat created problems, to no avail. Making excuses for bad behavior(s) enables the problem(s). It is so patently clear that too many people don’t give a darn about the future of this country with regard to our progeny. No wonder we’re momentarily financially insolvent.
Cdev says
Only in OZ did Bush attempt to reform anything.
Cdev says
Ryan attempting to do so in the last year does not make up for over 100 years of doing squat! I mean Regan was not in a hurry to fix it and neither was older Bush, Nixon, Ford, Eisenhower!
Alex R says
Yes, you are correct, both parties did it. Shame on each and all of us for allowing them to do it. The stark reality is that there is so much fat in the US budget that we could cut tons of money without touching the money that goes to education, fire fighters, police, the elderly, children and all of the other programs like those. But the truth also is that there is much that could be cut in those programs with no negative impact. That response is just what they use to try to scare us.
The next time an elected official says that if we cut the budget we will have to stop giving money to National Public Radio I will not only vote for them I will probably contribute to their campaign.
Since this column is about Senator Mikulski, let me ask a few questions please. Why is Social Security not good enough for her and her colleagues? Why do they have a different and better retirement program? If she is so concerned about me then I want the same retirement program she has.
Keesha Jackson says
The reason for the retirement program difference is summed up succinctly in several sentences first written by Mr. Orwell in chapter ten of Animal Farm. “ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS. After that it did not seem strange when next day the pigs who were supervising the work of the farm all carried whips in their trotters.”
Since Mikulski has been a Senator for 20 -25 years and there are only 100 senators, I’d say she is a big part of the problem. It’s nice she finally woke up and realized there is a problem. Here are a few ways to save billions starting tomorrow. Eliminate the BATFE, Freddy Mae and Fanny Mac, aid to illegals, foreign aid to countries that hate us, HUD, the Fed Board of Education, Section 8 vouchers, Move to Opportunity,the Army Corp. of Engineers,free breakfast, lunch , dinner and snacks and housing for all the bums who keep having kids they can’t afford and bring our troops home from Iraq, Afganistan, Libya,Germany and Japan.But DON’T BORROW MORE MONEY.
noble says
Since you said, “elminate”, do you understand that about 50% of those with Section 8 housing assistance are elderly or disabled? What do you want to do with those people? Do you want them all to move in with relatives? That is going to drag down consumer spending and the economy along with it. Or what about the portion of those elderly who have no family or friends left to turn to? Just put them out on the street?
My friend, I am all for reform of every program we have, but to “eliminate” programs is thoughtless, heartless, and mindless talk of a large mouth, a small heart, and an empty mind.
You should run for a seat in the House.
K says
Yeah right, revert back to talking points. The time is up and that doesn’t work any longer. I live my life based on my big mouth and small heart. Those that take care of their own don’t have much need for public assistance. It’s called working together as a family. It makes my heart so very heavy to think when my kids enter the workforce they’ll be busting their backs so others can live comfortably. You can misconstrue and name call all you like. The fact of the matter is this, people need to be responsible for themselves. If that is evil, so be it. I don’t need you or the government to tell me how much money I need to spend on others so that I’m a decent, honorable member of society. I already do it on my own. Maybe I want to by my mother’s medication instead of paying for an abortion for an unwed teenager who I don’t know. To that point maybe I want to pay for an abortion for my own kid, not someone else’s, got it?
Dulcinea says
Not everyone is as fortunate as you, to have family that are supportive and available to help, and to have a good job that allows you to support them. Children are not able to be “responsible for themselves”.
I am not sure who you think is living comfortably on government assistance, but I assure you in 95% of cases it is not a pretty, easy, or pleasant life. Nor should it be, of course, but you seem to have a skewed idea of how it is.
As for being a decent and honorable member of society, I guess we all define what that is to us. To me that involves looking out for the less fortunate, as I have been mightily blessed in my life and do not take that for granted. I hope that any children that enter my sphere of influence will see from my behavior that I actively attempt to reach out to those who need a hand up. And yes, sometimes that means a hand out.
Daddy Rabbit says
“Not everyone is as fortunate as you.” We hear this used a lot. Those who are failing, below average, mentally hindered, drug addicts, offspring of drug addicts,alcoholics, etc, etc are referred to as unfortunate. Those of us who took advantage of the great opportunities afforded all Americans, made wise choices, got an education, didn’t fall victim to spending someone else’s money are referred to as fortunate. STOP perverting the English language. We are not fortunate! We took advantage of all opportunities. We remained productive useful parts of society. WE are not fortunate, we are not lucky, we are not someone who sat on the curb and waited for someone to drop a winning lottery ticket. Now that’s a fortunate guy. If the lottery ticket falls down the sewer he’s unfortunate.
Call it what it really is, someone who does not have the same toolbox because they wasted their time, treasures and talents on useless things and don’t have a thing to show for it.
Political correctness stifles the ability to communicate. The guy’s not homeless he’s a bum!
H says
Obama’s Auntie Zeitunie has been living quite well off the government dole since she overstayed her visa years ago. She even said it’s her right. Recently she got an immigration lawyer, paid for by an unnamed source, who got a judge (who’s alleigance is to?) to say that she could stay here because it’s too dangerous for her to go back to Kenya. Apparently it’s not too dangerous for Obama’s other relatives, including his half-brother, George, to live there.
Cdev says
True so the old people who did not properly plan for their retirement should be forced to move in with their younger relatives who did not properly supervise them!
noble says
Personal responsibility is a cornerstone philosophy of everything in my life.
But there are people who are not, and never were, capable of taking care of their own lives. I don’t mean by choice, and I don’t even mean those who made a series of bad choices, I mean those who never had any choice at all.
Probably the greatest responsibility we have is to each other.
Cdev says
pssst….under K’s plan the crack baby should take some personal responsibility for itself and stop muching off the system.
Keesha Jackson says
While you are partly correct, the fact remains that our politicians are unable or unwilling to do what needs to be done. You choose which it is, and perhaps it is a little of both, but it simply is not going to be done by those now in office. So, we are left with no alternative. If they refuse to use a scalpel we will use an ax. No more taxes. None. Not a dime.
noble says
I totally agree, except that if there any readers of the Dagger who are in the top 2-3% in income, I don’t see all the passionate argument about a little tax increase? Does some rich person’s $500 pillow mean that much to you?
As we see now after this weekend, the current group of idiots in both parties have yet again kicked the can down the road again and found the best “compromise” that allows them the best chance to get elected again.
It’s all garbage. At another great crossroads, our leadership has failed us again. Voters have to hold them ALL accountable. Harris, Rupersburger, Cardin, EVERYONE.
J T says
BA BA time to hang em up hunny!!
K says
Yes, most seem to understand. Voluntarily help those that you personally choose to assist, not the biggest voting block that an elected official deems the neediest.
Dulcinea says
Daddy Rabbit,
You were born in America. You have an IQ that is reasonably high. You have all of your senses. You are incredibly fortunate. If you really believe that someone born to a drug addict, into poverty or intellectually limited is not unfortunate you are sadly mistaken.
Political correctedness does not stifle the ability to communicate. An obtuse refusal to understand the complexity of the world around you does.
David A. Porter says
This is true Dulcinea, but not all problems are solved by an open checkbook. I know a person who just had her fourth child from three fathers. She is on state assistance for food, power and medical care. Her choices are poor up to this point in time. But the state will continue to issue her an Independence Card and pay for her medical care without addressing the real cause of her problem which is a terrible personality disorder. Her mother told me she isn’t the same since she stopped taking her medication.. but even that was simply enabling her to remain untreated for the root cause of her adverse behaviors that affect us all.
Dave Yensan says
Your statements about my birth right, etc. are all true, but that does not make me lucky/fortunate. I was born into abject poverty, the son of a sharecropped. I attended school and learned that nothing comes out of anything but hard work. I learned a work ethic at a very young age, and worked hard from then on. There is absolutely no luck involved in this. If someone else is born into a miserable situation, they have the choice of rising above it or wallowing in it. Being on welfare for the third or fourth generation is the definition of wallowing in it.
Dulcinea says
Good for you, Dave. I must point out to you, however, that you had the very fortunate opportunity to learn a work ethic. That only happens by having a role model to observe and emulate. One of the absolute necessary components to being successful in this world is a healthy work ethic. It is not innate, can’t be taught through lecture or reading, and involves exposure as a child, the younger the better.
Porter says
Where does institutionalized government charity forced upon the productive taxpaying citizens begin and end? Our social welfare system has created a generational permanent underclass. It is financially and economically unsustainable. Your bankrupt progressive ideology is destroying the country.
Our problems are due to systemic economic erosion and failed government intervention created by the past 50 years of a slow slide toward a European social welfare state.
The collective economic illiteracy of progressives is to blame.
Dulcinea says
Making the underclass the the ones at fault for our current and future economic problems is the biggest hoax perpetrated on the masses by conservatives. My bankrupt progressive ideology is not killing this country. Two financially unsustainable wars are, however, and if you look at the numbers you will see that is the case. If you are unable to accept that Bush tax cuts and military involvements are the cause for our current situation there is no point in debating with you. The facts are there.
amazed says
Bush tax cuts and unsustainable wars… you’re absolutely correct. Thank goodness Obama took office and had BOTH houses of Congress so he could address those two egregious errors… oh, no… wait, he didn’t. Instead, he passed a trillion dollar pork package that helped to get us where we are. I remember it went like: We have to pass it, then we can read it… EVERYTHING that happens in the U.S. happens because Congress and the White House WANT it to happen… it’s all a game to them and nothing is done without careful consideration given to their most important priority – staying in office.
David A. Porter says
A retiring congressman wrote many years ago, the congress you have is a reflection of the inconsistent wants of the constituency they represent. Look to yourself for what you are willing to give up in order to balance the budget. Don’t expect anyone else to shoulder the burden alone.
amazed says
I don’t even know what you’re trying to say, but I’d be willing to give up sending money to countries that hate us, wasting money on the stupidity that gets funding from DC every year and all the pork project nonsense. The line between what’s useful and what’s just clearly frickin stupid is not a difficult thing to recognize. Billions are wasted every year by DC and no one there will lift a finger to stop it – because it is how they want it to be. Why should I care about the ramblings of one of the retiring perpetrators? I say hammer the rich with taxes but cut the b.s. as well.
Cdev says
An idea I have that may or may not be original. THinking back to when Robert C. Byrd was getting governmetn agencies moved to WV. Similarly we could relocate agencies who do not have to have imediate proximity to DC to low cost of living areas. THis would save money as the salary scale for the government workers could decrease and the contractors would have lower bids as the employees might make less. Not things like FBI HQ but things like Office of The Comptroller, Bureu of Printing and Engraving I am sure there are many others which we need but could fufill their mission from an alternate location at a much cheaper cost.
David A. Porter says
Personal Responsibility.
Most everyone wants it but few are willing to step up and do what they have to do for the betterment of the country. The Air Force is looking at a new bomber program… like the ones we used to bomb Tora Bora had difficulties reaching their targets and hitting them. The Navy wants a replacement for the F-18, a fighter that won’t be fielded until after 2020; and they haven’t even fielded the F-35 yet. I work for the Department of Defense and I will tell you first hand that Defense Spending is White Man’s Welfare. Talk about cutting it and you’ll find a lot of people who will complain they will lose their jobs. Instead, let’s target those welfare recipients. Mind you, I am not in favor of subsidizing drug users with welfare payments – on the contrary they should get kicked out of the program and placed in one of either psychiatric counseling or rehabilitation. Even if I had my way, none of the people on the extreme ends of the bell curve would be happy either.
K says
It is so clear after reading the comments how intellectually/physically/ideologically divided we are in this country. Because I don’t want my meager paycheck stolen and redistributed by a bunch of buffoons , I’m a cold-hearted, stupid, evil piece of garbage who hasn’t a clue the plight of the poor, infirmed, elderly, physically challenged populace. I already pay taxes and can’t afford anymore. Those of you that are so philanthropic, especially with other’s money, please direct every red cent you have to the U.S. Treasury.
Anonymous says
You have a vote. You have a voice. You can leave. I would hope that more people are smart enough to not want to return us back to the days described in an Upton Sinclair novel but it is your choice. Funny how much in common you have with those people who brought down the towers who also dislike our society and are happy to see it brought to it’s knees.
Patrick says
Upton Sinclair an avowed Socialist who was the most influential person responsible for moving the Democrat Party to left. He helped destroy the Democrat Party and make it a social progressive liberal party focused on Social Justice a squishy euphemism for wealth redistribution, growth of the welfare state and diminishment of individual property rights.
anonymous says
You terrorists and your meaningless labels because you hold no standard for applying them. Upton Sinclair was an author, a founder of the ACLU and a Democrat. Unlike the Tea Party terrrorists like Andy “Osama Bin” Harris and the Klan for Liberty, Upton Sinclair had a vision for improving this country not destroying it.
Patrick says
@ANONYMOUS No Upton Sinclair was an avowed Socialists, he did forever change the Democrat Party and he promoted progressive government centralised planning.
Sinclair planned to turn California into a Socialist State in the 1930s bit he lost his election bid for governor in 1934.
Famous Sinclair Quote –
“The American People will take Socialism, but they won’t take the label. I certainly proved it in the case of EPIC. Running on the Socialist ticket I got 60,000 votes, and running on the slogan to ‘End Poverty in California’ I got 879,000. I think we simply have to recognize the fact that our enemies have succeeded in spreading the Big Lie. There is no use attacking it by a front attack, it is much better to out-flank them.”
Phil Dirt says
Your rants are become more maniacal as you are becoming more and more unhinged. Please seek help.
Patrick says
@ANONYMOUS Is the king of the fools, he has no relationship with reality.
Phil Dirt says
Anonymous, you have reached a new low: equating someone who is in favor of smaller government with Islamic terrorists who murdered thousands of our fellow citizens.
Pathetic. You should be ashamed of yourself.
anonymous says
Quote from NY Times today… “The maniacal Tea Party freshmen are trying to burn down the House they were elected to serve in. It turns out they wanted to come inside to get a blueprint of the historic building to sabotage it.”
Not just me that sees the Klan for Liberty as the terrorists that they are.
Taxpayer says
Being in the NY Times does not make it fact. The TEA Party has no control of Congress. It has been the two parties that have created this mess.
It does seem easy for both to blame the TEA Party. So…. let’s just give them a few trillion more of our children’s money to squander over the next couple of years and then we will be right back where we are now with the threats of economic collapse, etc. unless we give them more money and more debt. A bunch of spendaholics in need of another fix.
Alex R says
Anonymous (I’m sure you have a name but you are rightfully ashamed to use it),
I do indeed have a vote and a voice. I’m not going anywhere. I have fought for this country and some of my relatives have died in the defense of it. I am tired of the relentless tax increases in both the US and Maryland so that our politicians, both Liberal and some Conservatives, can buy the votes of the populace and become entrenched spendthrifts. I want the spending slashed. Now. I don’t care how we got to where we are today but if we have to default in order to get spending slashed then bring it on. Yes, many other approaches should have worked but the point is that they have not worked. Politicians have listened and said they agreed but then went about the business of more and more spending. They tell me if they cut spending it will be the old people and the sick and the police and the children and the firefighters who will suffer. Well I am in several of this categories and I still say bring it on.
The point is not that they can’t cut spending, the point is that they will not. I do not fear default. They fear default because they know that those of us outside the beltway will wake up to the fact that we actually had nothing to fear, including default. They countgry will go on. When that happens they have lost their grip on our throats and we have started to regain our rightful position of being in charge.
noble says
K stated: “Because I don’t want my meager paycheck stolen and redistributed by a bunch of buffoons…”
So you are saying your family makes over $250k a year? Is that really what you’re saying? And you call that meager? Because income tax increases that are being talked about in DC by ANYONE from either party are family incomes over $200k or $250k. If you are struggling to take care of your family with $250k in annual income, you have either made massively bad choices in life, or you are ill or own a farm, and for those last two, you have my sympathy.
But I certainly agree they are all buffoons.
We don’t even have a partisan problem anymore because all members of Congress have demonstrated they ARE problem, in every party.
The problem is them. Vote them all out. No excuses. Time to his the RESET button America.
K says
You lost me with reference to my income. What does it have to do with anything? More importantly, why is it any of your business?
Cdev says
It has to do with your tax rate!
K says
My tax rate is way too high no matter what it may be. All anyone needs to know now is our credit rating has been downgraded by Standard and Poor’s. The current president is Obama, end of story.
noble says
Not my business, I don’t want to know. Just pointing out that your taxes aren’t going to go up.
Unless you make over $200k a year. And if you consider that “meager”, then well, I think my point is made for me.
And perhaps I misunderstood your original point, and by having your paycheck “stolen” you are referring to your current tax rate, which I can only assume means you want your tax rate to go down.
That aint happening in your wildest dreams while we still have public debt, nor should it.
anonymous says
K – You clearly have no understanding of the strategic investments that the US Government has made over time that made this country great. You are one of the terrorists seeking to tear us down and make a buck in the process. Your utopia (low tax rates and no government regulation keeping oligarchs in check leaving them to plunder the populace) already exists today — in Russia. Move there and let America continue to be great.
K says
If nothing else you are adept at libelous inferences.
K says
Hey what do you think about an $1,100 Louis Vuitton diaper bag? Do you think a conservative TEA Party member has one or does a liberal democrat hollywood type think it’s chic and perfectly okay for her? Y’all have your sides confused. It’s the conservatives who are the true lovers of life and those that participate. The liberals are the hypocrites who want to siphon from others and then talk about how magnanimous they are. Plus, they want everyone to stop using precious resources, as long as they can plow ahead full steam. Just a crazy, wicked thought…..
Cdev says
K no polotician is perfect, or even to be emulated, You point out the diaper bag. What about the TEA party congressman who owes over 100K in child support and does not pay?
K says
Cdev, do you really want to go tit for tat regarding elected officials behavior? I don’t think the earth will be around long enough to cover that topic. All I know is I’m tired of working my fingers to the bone while others, including elected officials, go about their merry ways. Our country is broke, do you dispute that? I’m sick beyond words about the future for my children. If this makes me warped and feelingless, so be it.
Cdev says
K have you read a thing I said? While you have blamed the democrats for everything and highlighted their dublicity in the current problem; I and others have been telling you it is everyones fault, get over it and they need to solve the problem because partisan bickering is not going to solve the problems, It will create more!
K says
Cdev, you certainly show your true colors. What I’m telling you is I’m experiencing great emotional suffering due to deep, deep concern for the future of my family. All you are able to do is chastise me for not viewing the woes of our nation through your eyes. So much for compassion and concern for a fellow being. Your comment illustrates my observations to a tee.
Cdev says
Sorry don’t take you seriously when you regurgitate FOX talking points inbetween!
Porter says
Anytime someone promotes conservative points of view weak-minded morons like Cdev play the Fox News attribution card.
Dave Yensan says
Is watching FOX news any different than watching NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC or CNBC? Wasn’t it one of the respected, main-stream talking heads who said listening to President Obama gave him a tingle up his leg? No one source is any good if yo want to have some insight into what is happening. Try a bit harder CDEV.
Cdev says
Dave and Porter all news has a biased and recognizing that is one thing. But when you spout it off and refuse to shop around for your news you are no better then the sheep in Animal Farm!
Porter says
@Cdev You are the most equivocating, shallow and insipid version of Casper Milquetoast on the Dagger. You are on both sides and the middle of every issue. Which makes your comments irrelevant and you unreliable.
amazed says
You said: “Hey what do you think about an $1,100 Louis Vuitton diaper bag?” Well, I think it’s carried by an IDIOT who paid $1,100 for an eight dollar bag made in China. America is full of idiots that will pay big dollars for LV, Coach, D&B, etc. that are all made in China for dirt cheap and while they and their friends see it as a status symbol, anyone with any sense thinks they’re all idiots.
David A. Porter says
The characterization of liberals as always reaching into others pockets is over the top. I consider myself a moderate and yet I would be painted with the same brush by you as people much further to the left than I am. And the amusing thing is they probably regard me as some sort of fascist for my position in the middle. Yes both parties are at fault. The Democrats are at fault for making sacred cows out of entitlement programs. And the Republicans are at fault for failing to realize that we do not pay for the services we want (not need) and people at the very highest income levels should have a sense of civic responsibility to pay their fair share of taxes for the country that enabled them to amass their wealth. I remind you of Warren Buffet. Granted people with money know how to make it and hold onto it – and they would be foolish to just spend it frivolously. But I do not believe the rhetoric that Paying more on their taxes will affect their ability to hire more people. Those should always be business decisions and reflect their desire to grow their business -not to be seen as a welfare program from a cut in their taxes.
Take more taxes from me to reduce the deficit – put my taxes back to the level before George W gave me back my money. Because I still have to pay back my debt as well as everyone else that came before me. And I am well below $250K per year.
Cdev says
Most people forget if Bush did not rebate and lower taxes twice that we all would be paying more taxes to be on the way to repaying the debt.
Watcher says
I think you should carry your Depends under garments in something more sensible.
K says
I only regurgitate the facts issued from the CBO, OBM, and GAO. It saddens me so that you only feel sorrow for those that fall victim to their circumstances rather than use a disadvantageous environment and pull theirself up out of poverty/abuse/illiteracy. As for me, I would never count on you or others who share the same basic disdain for those of us who try to succeed versus those that succomb to their own misery. Please don’t put words in my mouth such as crack babies, etc.. Just the term is vulgar an uncaring.
Cdev says
K you sat here and have said it is “Obama’s fault and the Democrats fault” you are only interested in assigning blame.
Where did the CBO, GAO or OBM say this which you said?
“Hey what do you think about an $1,100 Louis Vuitton diaper bag? Do you think a conservative TEA Party member has one or does a liberal democrat hollywood type think it’s chic and perfectly okay for her?”
I did here that on FOX yesterday!!!!!
You want to eliminate social programs in their entirety. When a poster pointed out that some of the recipients are people who by no fault of their own needed them you said tough. I am glad when somone overcomes their bad enviornment but the sad fact is they are the exception not the rule. I feel sorry if we can’t fix it and agree that spending and undertaxation caused this. Particularly over the last 11 years. We had just started to get a handle on debt and spending and in one year reversed all of it. I don’t blame one group more then the other but argueing about who is at fault won’t solve a thing.
K says
I read about the diaper bag on Comcast’s front page. Trying to inject a bit of levity is impossible in the company of such erudite ninnies.
Cdev says
OK Re-read your first post on this thread!!!!! Where did that come from?
Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt says
I can’t imagine anyone has disdain for you or anyone else who works hard to succeed. Or anyone that looks out so intensely for your family, as you seem to. What troubles me about your attitude is that you seem to think we all have the same opportunity for success. Not to acknowledge the challenges faced by those who experience early deprivation is foolish. To simply believe one can succeed by hard work and that alone is a far too simplistic view of out very complex world.
K says
Boy oh boy, I have no idea where some of you get your information. You put words where they never were. You make false accusations. Plus, you manipulate and twist individual thoughts so they conform with your agenda. It’s so, so sad to try and converse honestly and factually only to have your ideas gerrymandered. As far as empathy, sympathy, neediness, economic status, familial structure, whatever, read a few of Dr. Ben Carson’s books.
im getting real pissed says
we need to eliminate all this welfare fraud, medicare fraud, start eliminating people on death row, we need to cut alot of things, we need to bring our manufacturing back, you can raise the debt cieling and thats a temporary fix,
im getting real pissed says
Oh and on a state level, Anyone who is able to work make there ass work, if you have two arms and two legs, and your not disabled then you can do something, stop milking all the benfits designed to help the elderly and the disabled, also cut the End of fiscal year spending bull crap the govt does, this forces agencies to buy unnecessary bull crap, First I would start cutting welfare, 2nd illegal Aliens, i know its hard to keep them out and they are good workers so what i would do it make them pay a higher federal tax for a long period of time, i would make them contribute a higher rate of social security and make them pay a higher medicare percentage, hey they broke the law we didnt, and if we deport them they will be right back next week, 3rd thing i would do is start taxing the crap out o0f any foreign vehicle comming into this country, i would like to see section 8 housing go away also, i understand people with disablities, and militgary vets and elderly people, im not talking about that, im talking about scum bags that dont want to work and never will work because our system enables them to sponge off of society thats what im talking about. im talking about the guy who rcieves ssi diablity because they eat to many twinkies, im talking about the guy who has 150 years behind bars and will never get out no matter what they do. eliminate them!
David A. Porter says
I would like to see Maryland enact mandatory drug testing and psychiatric counseling for people on welfare. Determine why they can’t pull themselves up – evaluate the cause. Make corrections since they are effectively employees of the state – if they want to get paid.
frankly speaking says
Many people on welfare can’t work due to medical, mental and drug addiction. Still, welfare also supports the children of those receiving benefits. What would drug testing accomplish?…, other than confirm what is already known. I would support drug testing as a means to offer drug addiction treatment to help them break the cycle of addiction and help them rebuild their lives. Somehow your idea to drug test them would be more punitive, that I am sure. Being that I’ve had family members afflicted by drug addiction and the ills that it causes to the family, I would support drug treatment and supports to help those that want to help themselves get out of the drug addiction cycle. If the war on drugs was more focused on drug treatment that jailing people, I think we would have been better of as a nation.
concerned local says
All the more reason that we need a true 3rd party. Other thriving countries have multiple parties, and I feel with the amount of disgust around the nation, I hope we could really get this going!
K says
We already have third and fourth parties. Libertarians, Green, and probably others that don’t come to mind.
anonymous says
“The money powers prey upon the nation in times of peace and conspire against it in times of adversity. The banking powers are more despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. They denounce as public enemies all who question their methods or throw light upon their crimes. I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me and the bankers in the rear. Of the two, the one at my rear is my greatest foe.”
Abraham Lincoln
Of course, the Klan for Liberty and Tea Party Patriots are all in bed with the bankers. Bought and paid for.
Taxpayer says
Read the book ‘Reckless Endangerment’ and see who backed the bankers and Wall Street during the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac debacle. I will let you know there were no Tea Party names involved but there was most of the current administration, including Tim Geitner.
Facts can really be a pain.
K says
Unbelievable read! Your short but sweet summary is right on target. The book made me so upset, I had a difficult time finishing it. Why are these criminals still walking our streets?
Keesha Jackson says
They are still walking the streets and their companies have been bailed out and they, personally, have been given increased salaries and bonuses for what they did because Obama needs them and so he brought in Tim Geithner to make it happen. The little folks are the ones that got hurt. But then they always do when big business conspires with big politics and big labor.
Cdev says
not just Obama but Bush too.
anonymous says
By no means, I’m not saying that all members of the Tea Party patriots are master-mind terrorists….
Lex Luthor had Otis and Miss Teschmacher.
OJ had Kato Kaelin.
I’m sure that history will view most of you the same way.
Dave Yensan says
Many of you have been using the terms scumbag, scum bag and scumbaggers fairly liberally. Are you aware of what a scum bag really is? It’s a used condom full of sperm. Please think a little before tossing that out there.
Cdev says
Never heard that definition for scumbag. Usually heard it in the context of a person with no manners and low class. Although a cursury look online does yield that result too. Not sure which came first.
Alex R says
Dave Yensan,
You are correct about the term. We have a lot of terms that are used by people like CDEV with a loose mouth, a lack of education and no class because they let their mouth run and don’t really care what comes out of it. CDEV, clean up your mouth a little if you are going to participate in these “discussions” or whatever they are.
Watcher says
Thanks for educating everyone, Yensan. Takes one to define one, I guess.
Keesha Jackson says
Well it looks like Mikulski has saved us all again by voting for raising the debt ceiling which has happened and for spending cuts which probably won’t happen. But then that is what she is counting on. We get increased borrowing power now and we kick the can of spending cuts down the road. Where would we be if we didn’t have Babs there to save the day?
And don’t talk to me about bringing troops home. She has voted repeatedly to send them there and to keep them there.
K says
Hooray, the great credit downgrade has finally come to fruition. I don’t remember an economic calamity of this magnitude occuring under ANY other president’s watch. I hope each and every liberal, america hater is proud of their contribution to America’s demise! Your wishes have come true. Too darn bad there’s no money left for your freebies off the backs of the poor working stiffs.
Watcher says
This crisis started long before he got into office. His just has to eat the shit sandwich now. Typical right wing TEA party bullshit. They would rather see the country in an economic freefall to try and retake the White House. What then? More corporate tax breaks? I’m sickened.
K says
Wrong, wrong, wrong. The crisis began this evening with our new AA+ credit rating. We have entered a new, unexplored territory. Let me repeat, no other president has had the dishonor of holding office while the creditworthiness of our country has been tarnished and physically altered. This is all Obama and company’s work. The numbers don’t lie. Maybe now, when you and all your conniving, democrat butt kissing ninnies go to buy a car or a house or whatever requires credit, you’ll understand the importance of fiscal prudence and economic sanity.
Watcher says
Make sure you don’t step in what’s coming out of your mouth. It’ll get your shoes dirty.
K says
My my, you are such an eloquent writer. When the facts are clear and you’ve been played like a fine Strativarius, your only recourse is to hurl false accusations and cast childish aspersions.
K says
Do you think it’s possible to have an opinion or more importantly to understand cause and effect without membership or affiliation in a group? Facts are facts, as they come to us from nonpartisan agencies and firms. Analyzing the data and drawing conclusions can be done by one’s self without assistance. Some sheeple are unable to use their gray matter. They can only muster enough energy to restate what someone has already said, day after day after day. It then becomes their reality.
Patrick says
@K It may not seem so but conservative Milton Friedman and Fredric Hayek followers are winning. The Liberal/progressives are losing and President Obama’s ideology has been vanquished. President Obama has surpassed President Carter’s incompetence.
The recent stock market correction is a repudiation of President Obama’s administration and policies. Obama is a cooked goose.
K says
Unfortunately for the rest of us, our lives will change due to the absolutely gut wrenching behaviors of Barack Hussein Obama and the political party to which he pledges his allegiance. Doesn’t it make you feel great that we payed for his multiple 50th birthday parties? I only pray that we can hold on until we elect a new president.
Clay says
So our economy is in a mess? Over two thousand people were slaughtered at the World Trade Center and a section of metal that looks like a cross that was found and erected is being taken down to build a Muslim temple. The president supports the Muslims, after refusing to give a speech at Georgetown until a cross was taken down. He wouldnt let Franklin Graham speak at the White House. Too much excitedness about Christ. Our governor gives millions in taxpayers money to Casa de Maryland to support illegal immigration for people to have jobs when many of them wont even pay income taxes. It is against the rules for a public school student to take a bible to school yet some schools have rooms so that Muslim students can pray for Ramadan. The governor and Barbara Mikulski dont care about millions of infants being aborted with piles of cut up arms, heads and legs awaiting disposal but they are very concerned about not enough oxygen in the bay that may kill fish. So our economy is in trouble. You dont say? Romney and more Republicans, especially those needed in Maryland, will help, but it wont be solved until we are obedient to God. This country was founded on Christian principles. Another of those principles is to work hard and not borrow money continually, to be responsible for debt. The governor and Senator Mikulski call themselves Catholics. They and most other Maryland politicians are liars. For all of us, not accepting Christ is foolish, and it will get worse before He returns and straightens it out.
Watcher says
What time is Jesus coming back? I want to dress appropriately. Freak.
cheryl says
Things are not going to change until people get off their couches,unite together, and get the federal government to stop putting their noses in the business of the average citizen. According to the Constitution, the major, and almost only role of the federal government, is to defend our borders; but because of the monetary greed of the congressmen and president, it’s the only thing it DOESN’T do. The states are supposed to have more say in our lives than the federal government, because the founding fathers knew that citizens would have more say and power in their local governments, rather that the distant federal government. What type of light bulb we use, toilet we sit upon, healthcare system we use should all be decided by the local government, IF the citizens even want the LOCAL government to be entrusted with such things. The further away the power is from the average citizen, the less we have a say in what goes on. The federal government has no right to be spending our money for anything other than the federal defense.
As for Christianity, this is what our founding fathers based our government upon. The Constitution and Bill of Rights are based on the Ten Commandments and the Bible. Without these Christian morals, the government wouldn’t have stood over all these years. In fact, that is why the government is failing now. We are not following God’s guidelines or helping to protect Israel, God’s chosen ones. As long as we continue to lie, cheat, murder,etc., our country will not stand. How can it?