Contract authorizations for the construction of a wastewater treatment plant and related infrastructure are among the items on the August 9 meeting agenda for the Harford Community College Board of Trustees. College officials say that the overall project will consolidate existing systems, expand wastewater flow capacity, and protect the Chesapeake Bay by limiting nitrogen discharge in compliance with Maryland Department of the Environment requirements.
The engineering estimate for the project is $3.5 million, according to John Cox, HCC vice president for finance, operations and government relations. Cox said that the work will be done in two phases and will be completed by June 1, 2013.
Phase one, set to begin this month, is construction of a new treatment plant and sewage disposal area, and connection of the Susquehanna Center and Chesapeake Center to the new system.
The following background was provided by Cox and Dr. Greg Deal, HCC associate vice president for operations:
“The new sewage disposal area will consolidate all existing systems under a single permit, and will increase the wastewater flow capacity to 26,500 gallons per day average daily flow (51,000 gallons per day peak daily flow). This capacity should permit a full build-out of the east campus. The treatment plant will ensure that all wastewater discharged from the new sewage disposal area meets the total nitrogen limit of 10 milligrams per liter.
The wastewater treatment plant will consist of a circulating media filter/subsurface wetlands system with a final ultraviolet light disinfection stage. It will convey wastewater to the new sewage disposal area consisting of deep bed disposal trench using drip irrigation. Also included in the project is the campus-wide infrastructure work including construction of six new lift stations, installation of two emergency generators, removal of existing septic tanks, installation of new equalization tanks for the treatment plan, installation of a central electronic control system, and all of the associated septic piping and electrical connectivity.”
Cox said that phase two of the project consists of all remaining work, including the lift stations, emergency generators, central electronic control system, and connectivity to the other campus buildings.
Other action items on the August 9 agenda include approval of a multi-year plan and a 2011 progress report on the college’s program of cultural diversity, and a contract authorization for printing student schedules for 2012. The trustees will review the bids and approve the printing contract at the August 9 meeting, at which time the price of the contract will be announced.
Also on the August 9 agenda are reports from HCC President Dennis Golladay, including a report on promotion and tenure criteria and procedures, and an update on the Higher Education Task Force. President Golladay will also provide an academic report on the college’s articulation agreements, which allow a student who has earned an associate degree at HCC to transfer into a four-year baccalaureate program as a junior, at specified institutions. Harford Community College has over 70 articulation agreements with colleges and universities, according to Dr. Annette Haggray, HCC vice president of instruction.
Below is the published August 9 meeting agenda for the Harford Community College Board of Trustees. Published agendas are subject to change:
August 9, 2011
6:00 p.m.
Chesapeake Center Board RoomPRELIMINARY AGENDA
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Consent Agenda
A. Agenda
B. Minutes
C. Candidates for Graduation – August 2011
D. Personnel UpdateIV. Public Comment
V. Board Reports
A. Chair’s Report
B. Member ReportsVI. President’s Report
A. Information Items
1. Board Orientation Manual
2. Promotion and Tenure Criteria and Procedures
3. Update on Higher Education Task Force
B. Academic Reports – College Articulation Agreements
C. Introduction of New EmployeesVII. Action Items
A. Maryland Higher Education Commission 2011-2013 Harford Community College Plan for a Program of Cultural Diversity and 2011 Progress Report
B. Contract Authorizations
1. Printing Class Schedules 2012
2. Construction of Waste Water Treatment Plant and Associated Infrastructure
C. Faculty Promotion
D. Sabbatical RequestVIII. Closed Session
IX. Return to Open Session
X. September Workshop
XI. Adjournment
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