From the office of Sen. J.B. Jennings:
Much To Be Thankful For
As we all prepare to celebrate our blessings with family and friends, I’d like to share a few of those for which I am most grateful this year.
Since my father was flown to Shock Trauma over a month ago with life-threatening injuries after falling from a ladder, I have received countless phone calls, emails and letters offering support and prayers. I am overwhelmed by the outpouring of support and want to thank all of you.
I never knew when I ran for office that the people I represent would become my extended family. For this unexpected blessing, I am grateful.
Dad’s fall was from a height of about 15 feet, after a limb from a tree he was trimming went the wrong way and took out him and the ladder. His severe injuries included a spinal fracture and ruptured artery, as well as significant organ damage due to internal bleeding and blood loss.
If it were not for the quick response of Baltimore County EMTs and the MedEvac helicopter, my father may be in worse condition or may even have succumbed to his injuries. For the first responders, I am grateful.
Over the course of these three weeks, we have seen Dad’s condition go up and down like a roller coaster. He has been through nine surgeries, with more to come. Things are slowly improving but with caution; he is not out of the woods yet. He has come out of his sedation and is beginning to communicate with my family. He is still in the ICU at Shock Trauma at University of Maryland. We hope that we can soon move him to a rehabilitation facility where he can begin his long journey to healing.
We will be blessed if he is home in any capacity by Christmas at the earliest. We have already been blessed to learn that he will not suffer from paralysis or permanent injuries. For having a road to recovery in sight, I am grateful.
I can’t say enough about the doctors, nurses, and all the employees of Shock Trauma and our First Responders. They all are simply amazing. Without a doubt they are the best in the world.
I would be remiss if I didn’t specifically thank Dr. Thomas Scalea, the nurses, and the specialists at University of Maryland Shock Trauma for their absolute professionalism and medical expertise. The leadership Dr. Scalea shows for his team is one of the reasons it remains the benchmark by which other trauma facilities are measured. For their brilliance, I am grateful.
I hope that clearer skies are ahead, and thank you for your continued encouragement. I have a lot to reflect upon this Thanksgiving, and I wish you and your family a happy and healthy holiday together.
More than ever, I am proud to represent you.
Senator J.B. Jennings
Around the District
I am always out and about in District 7, from Essex to Abingdon and everywhere in between. Here are some of the places where I’ve had an opportunity to meet with constituents and learn about your concerns this month:
*Sharing pride at the White Marsh Volunteer Fire Company’s Annual Installation of Officers at the Bowleys Quarters Volunteer Fire Station. Thank you for protecting our communities.
*Attending excellent student-led tours of Vincent Farm Elementary and Oliver Beach Elementary during American Education Week.
* Meeting with an insurance company and homeowners at the Perry Hall Public Library to discuss recovery efforts following that community’s recently devastating three-alarm fire.
If you would like me to speak at your local club meeting, neighborhood gathering, or school event, please contact my District Director, Tammy Larkin at or the district office, 410-591-9758.
I-95 Project in Baltimore & Harford Counties
You may notice work being done on your commute to home or work in the coming months. A $3 million project is underway to preserve seven bridges along I-95 by cleaning and painting structural steel.
The bridges’ locations are as follows –
Baltimore County:
– I-95 over Gunpowder Falls, in the area of mile marker 70.
Harford County:
– Abingdon Road over I-95, in the area of mile marker 78.
– Northbound I-95 over Bynum Run, in the area of mile marker 79.
– Southbound I-95 over Bynum Run, in the area of mile marker 79.
– Stepney Road over I-95, in the area of mile marker 84.
– Chapel Road over I-95, in the area of mile marker 88.
– Lapidum Road over I-95, in the area of mile marker 89.
Hopefully, this project will not present an inconvenience to you. The Maryland Dept. of Transportation (MdTA) has assured me that necessary lane closures will be restricted to overnight or off-peak hours.
According to the MdTA, these bridges were built in 1963, with widening performed in 1970 or 1971 to accommodate increased traffic. This is the first time they will be fully painted, and this will help preserve their structural integrity.
The project is funded by toll revenues, which is exactly what that money is meant for. As you and I firmly believe, toll money is meant for the Trasnportation Trust Fund to complete work like this- not to be raided and put into the General Fund for special interests by our Governor and liberal legislators.
Please let me know if you encounter any problems with this project in the coming months, but I hope the work will go smoothly and its results will serve all of us well.
JB, glad to hear your father is doing better. I hope and pray for his full recovery.
Fred & I just heard about your Dad and our prayer and thoughts to you and your family and wish you dad a full and healthy recovery.
Sooo sorry to hear about your dad. I can truly feel your gratitude in your note, and prayers go out to your father, who I knew briefly back in about 1979-1980. Thinking of your family with faith…