Far-reaching changes proposed for local funding to public schools are among the items on the March 12 meeting agenda for the Harford County Board of Education.
Board members will receive an update on the 2012 Maryland General Assembly, which will include significant changes proposed to county funding for local schools through the minimum funding requirement known as “Maintenance of Effort”. According to the published report, the changes would allow the counties to override voter-approved tax caps to raise property and income taxes, if the money is used to fund the approved local education budget. In situations where a county fails to meet minimum school funding requirements, the proposed legislation would empower the state to distribute required education funding directly to local school boards by withholding local income tax revenue due to the counties. No Board action is requested on the legislation, which is supported by the approved Board Legislative Platform.
Also on the agenda is a rare formal presentation by the teachers’ union. Randy Cerveny, president of the Harford County Education Association, will give the presentation.
A “healthcare premium holiday” for employees will be proposed by Superintendent Robert Tomback through a transfer of $870,642 to the Healthcare expenditure account. The money will be used to offset employees’ annual contributions. The superintendent will also recommend the transfer of other one-time funds to the Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) Investment Trust Fund. The transfer is in keeping with a prior Board directive to use excess healthcare monies to fund OPEB.
Board members will vote on appointments and promotions as proposed on Monday evening by Superintendent Tomback.
Champion swimmers and sportsmanship award winners for the 2012 winter athletic season will be recognized.
As always, the meeting will conclude with a report by Superintendent Tomback.
The March 12 meeting is set to begin at 7:00 p.m. in the A. A. Roberty Building in Bel Air. The public comment period is scheduled for 7:20 p.m. Below is the published meeting agenda. Please note that published agendas are subject to change.
A.A. Roberty Building
102 S. Hickory Avenue, Bel Air, Maryland 21014
Telephone: 410-838-7300 FAX: 410-893-2478
Customer Action Line (24 hours): 410-638-0022
Web Site: http://www.hcps.orgAGENDA
March 12, 2012Board Open Session – 6:25 P.M. – Board Room
Board Closed Session – 6:30P.M. – Executive Conference Room
Board Business Meeting – 7:00 P.M. – Board Room7:00 P.M. Call to Order – Dr. Leonard D. Wheeler, President
Quorum Roll Call
Adoption of Agenda
Pledge of Allegiance*7:05 P.M. Recognition
• Winter 2012 Swimming State/Region Interscholastic Athletic Champions and Sportsmanship Award Winners
*7:20 P.M. Public Comment
*7:30 P.M. Introductions
*7:35 P.M. Board Committee Reports and CommentsOld Business
Action Item(s):
*7:45 P.M. A. Consent Agenda:
1) Affirmation of Monthly Contract Awards (Goal 4)
2) Minutes of Previous Meetings: (Goal 1-4)
• February 27, 2012
3) Approval of OPEB Transfer and Premium Holiday (Goal 3)
4) Approval of Reclassification of Income Supporting OPEB Funding Transfer (Goal 3)New Business
Action Item(s):
*7:50 P.M. B. Legislative Update and Possible Action, Mrs. Kathryn M. Carmello (Goal 3)
*8:05 P.M. C. Decision on Appointments and Promotions, Dr. Robert M. Tomback (Goal 3)
*8:15 P.M. D. Approval of the OPEB Funding Transfer, Mr. James M. Jewell (Goal 3)
Presentation Item(s):
*8:30 P.M. E. Presentation from Harford County Education Association, Mr. Randy Cerveny, President, (HCEA)
*8:50P.M. F. Superintendent’s Report
Future Meetings Review
Is Cerveny going to bring the bonus checks with him?
What promotions were announced? I missed the meeting.
@ Citizen HC – Here’s the list from HCPS:
Appointment to Principal Pool:
Edith Buckler – Elementary
James A. Dendinger – Elementary and Middle
Jennifer D. Drumgoole – Elementary
Victoria L. Elliott – Elementary
Dawn A. Gardner – Elementary
Dyann R. Mack – Elementary
Promotion to Supervisor of Accountability:
Phillip Snyder
Thank you.