From the office of U.S. Sen. Barbara Mikulski:
Senator to Reach Milestone Saturday, March 17; Be Recognized on Senate Floor Wednesday, March 21
Democratic Leader Pelosi to Host Open-Press Women’s History Reception Recognizing Senator Mikulski
At approximately 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 21, 2012, U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.) will be recognized on the Senate floor as the longest-serving woman in the history of the U.S. Congress. Sworn in to her fifth term on January 5, 2011, Senator Mikulski became the longest-serving woman in U.S. Senate history. On Saturday, March 17, she’ll surpass Rep. Edith Nourse Rogers as the longest-serving woman to serve in the U.S. Congress. In 1976, she was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives as the Congresswoman from Maryland’s third district, and was first elected to the Senate in 1986.
Senator Mikulski will be recognized with Senate floor remarks bySenate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and her colleagues, followed by her own remarks on her continued work on behalf of the people of Maryland.
Additionally, at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 21, 2012, Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is convening a Women’s History Month reception honoring Senator Mikulski’s milestone as the longest-serving women in Congress.
Republican says
I vote republican most of the time, but she is one classy lady who works for everyone! I am proud that she works for veterans and the lowly person. WAY TO GO..I am proud to have gotten the chance to vote for you!
district one says
I hope Andy Harris is a one term congressman! He could never reach the stature of Sen Mikulski. She has the interests of all republicans and democrats at heart. He only wants to make sure his retirement is set and that he has health insurance. He should take a cue from such a outstanding politician. YOU WORK FOR THE PEOPLE AND NOT FOR YOURSELF! Life is to short to be so self centered!
Rita Lowe says
Yes, and it’s time she stepped down.
district one says
and who would you put in her place? Someone like Andy Harris? They would be more concerned with getting what they want and then we would be worse off!
Localguy says
I don’t think Andy Harris has the statewide appeal to earn election to that office. Thus, your comment to that end seems only to inflame and incite some sort of reaction. In fora such as this that is called flame bait by some troll. Congrats.
The Honorable Ms. Mikulski serves her party’s bosses very loyally. Her longevity attracting voters is not due to her steadfast defense of the American taxpayer. The website Council for Citizens Against Government Waste has awarded her the label of “hostile [to taxpayers]” 21 of the 22 years she’s been rated (her off year was a “lukewarm” rating). Atta a girl!
Thus, look at our country’s condition today and tell me she’s done a good job defending the interests of the taxpayers she serves. Can you say that being honest and with a straight face? Doubt it…
jtownejeff says
mikulski is a shill. a mouthpiece for the DNC. she has done little, if anything, to better the lives of her constituents. Dan Bongino will make a good senator when he unseats Cardin and will help to keep ‘Babs’ in check.
Billy Jack says
As one her constituents I completely disagree. She has always been accessible and willing to assist in matters if requested. Her path into politics is an inspiring one and I have the greatest respect for her.
Localguy says
That is good for you. Some years back I was having trouble with a government agency (getting resolution to a problem) and contacted her office (and Cardin’s and Dutch’s). Cardin sent the nicest form letter response (it’s been 5 years, and still waiting to hear the follow-up he promised was coming), Dutch was a treat (three weeks for them to tell me everything I already knew – we fixed the problem without his help a week later – they were “thrilled” for us – yeah, thanks for nothing!), and The Honorable Ms. Mikulski… not a word after all these years. Good for you – I have found her useless. Combine my personal experiences together with her voting record – I’ll hold out hope she gets voted out next time. To believe I voted for her once… Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice – shame on me. I’m not shamed.
Arturro Nasney says
Babsy will respond as long as you agree with her lockstep socialist ideology. challenge her in any way and you are so much dust on her floor. She and Ben leave a great number of having absolutely no representation in the Senate
Otto Schmidlap says
“Serving” that long isn’t what The Founders had in mind. By the way, when is the Catholic Church going to convene a reception in honor of the senator’s position on abortion? Pelosi’s,too,for that matter.
Billy Jack says
Perhaps they discussed that with her when Pope John Paul II was in Baltimore in 1995 and she was honored for her work on the Katyn Memorial in his presence.
RWinger says
All the more reason for term limits. Look at Mikulski’s voting record, she’s done nothing but sit in a chair that she is allowed to occupy because she has name recognition come voting day. Put term limits in place and no more professional politicians, put term limits in place and these folks may have to actually work a real full time job at some point, put term limits in place so that slugs, regardless of any political affiliation, are not allowed to fester.
Amazed. says
Term limits are a pipe dream… there’s no way those dedicated servants of the public interest would ever vote themselves out of a “job”. Don’t waste your time on that dream.
jtownejeff says
Mikulski panders to special interest groups (veterans, feminists, etc.,) but doesn’t care about them. as long as her name is at the top of a press release bragging about getting rediculous amounts of money for one of her pet projects, she’s happy.
Billy Jack says
She actually cares about veteran, feminists, and the working class folks of her old neighborhood. My guess is that: You have no direct knowledge of her and have never met her. 2. You are not from her East Baltimore working class roots and have no perception of the issues for which she advocates. 3. Your major problem with her is that she is a feminist, which doesn’t jibe with your view of how the world should work.
jtownejeff says
oh, billy, you couldn’t be more wrong if you tried. I have not met her personally but have called an emailed her offices several times to no avail. I emailed my concerns over obama-care and recieved a response… 3 weeks after it had passed. I grew up in east baltimore (overlea, actually, but close enough) in a working class family in a working class neighborhood. and your post about her being honored in the presence of the pope only proves my point that all she wants is the attention, notariety, and power. thanks for that.
Billy Jack says
Being personally acknowledged by the Pope, to a Catholic, means little about attention, notoriety and power. Sen. Mikulski does not have the need for attention and adulation many politicians do, but she does have a commitment to standing up and speaking out for what she believes to be right.
She is an incredibly well respected and powerful woman who has acheived her place in the world by hard work, commitment to her ideals, tenacity, and the respect of her peers. That she has done this as a liberal female will forever give conservative/traditional men heartburn.
Amazed. says
Wow, as I read your comment I swear I began to hear strains of “God Bless America” playing softly somewhere… before you get all teary eyed, remember she’s just another politician. She “cares” about a. re-election, b. herself, and c. whatever the Party tells her to care about – in no certain order. I’d be interested in hearing about any incident when she voted against the party. The day she crowed that Inouye (the self proclaimed “King of Pork”) is her hero was the day I knew there was no hope for her.
ALEX R says
Absolutely true. And little hope for us as long she and those like her hold the reins of power.
PS. I was just joshin’ with ya on the Food section.
Localguy says
Cannot argue that the Senator is committed and stands up for what she believes in, and that she speaks her mind. She should – she is a senator after all. Also cannot argue that there are people who repsect her, that she worked hard and has the respect of her peers. No argument from me.
I will argue it does NOT gives me heart burn. In many issues she has a stated stance I find myself opposed. I find her perspective represents those of her party loyalty far more and above than the good of her constituents.
Her voting record reflects outright hostility to the tax payer in regard to pork spending. Such loyatly to the forces of government waste will certainly win praise and adoration from her colleagues – their record of wasting our money on their pet projects is legendary.
So no, I won’t join the group hug for her nor will I gulp down the kool aid in celebration to her “service”. It’s not because she is a woman. It’s not directly because she is a liberal (heck, I voted for her once). In my personal experience I found her and her office useless. In my capacity as a tax payer I find her hostile to good stewardship. I find her loyatly to the Democratic Party first and the American people way lower on the list.
Thus, good for her that she worked hard and moved up. Better she did it against odds. Yet, I can still find her to be a lousy senator.
ALEX R says
A shameful legacy and even more shameful is that the people of Maryland have been taken in by her for decades. When the top ten Senators who are to blame for the economic devastation of the USA are posted she will be near the top of the list. Senator Mikulski, my children and grandchildren will be devastated by the debt you have created and left for them to pay.