Following the announcement last week that Harford County Detention Center supervisor Maj. Michael Capasso would retire at the end of the month, Chief Deputy Col. Gregory Carlevaro has been assigned as acting warden on a temporary basis, the Harford County Sheriff’s Office said.
Carlevaro has been with the Sheriff’s Office since October 1975. Before his appointment to the position of chief deputy by Sheriff Jesse Bane in December 2006, he held the rank of captain and was commander of administrative services.
“Effective April 1, 2012, Col. Carlevaro will assume the role of acting warden and will temporarily be working at the detention center,” Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman Monica Worrell said. “Major Dale Stonesifer will assume the duties of chief deputy temporarily while Col. Carlevaro is assigned to the detention center.”
Worrell declined comment Thursday on the agency’s long-term plans regarding the leadership structure of the jail.
Capasso announced his retirement Tuesday in an e-mail to the agency, following 25 years of service, all at the detention center. He took over supervisory duties at the facility in December, following the retirement of Warden Elwood DeHaven. Capasso had been promoted to major in February 2011 to serve as assistant warden.
At the time of DeHaven’s retirement, Sheriff Jesse Bane said no new warden would be named to the position due to economic reasons and a desire to restructure the agency’s operations.
Carlevaro will be the detention center’s third day-to-day commander in approximately five months, a time span which saw two deaths connected to the jail during that time.
If Major Stonesifer can do his job and the job of Chief Deputy, why can’t Colonel Carlevaro who is the Chief Deputy, do his job and the job of Warden. Does anyone see a problem here?
Jesse, just let Carlevaro retire and appoint him the Warden. Most people could already see this coming. You are such a phony.
Lets see, retired Col. pay somewhere in the neighborhood of $75,000, then warden pay of approximately $125,000, for a nice round number of $200,000 yearly compensation from Harford taxpayers. You go Greg!! Get deep in their pockets!!
@mike….the Col is a good man and can do the job. You seem to know a lot about how things are run. Come out of the shadows, like Marc, and show yourself. Have you ever talked to these people that you love to hate?
Why do you think I hate people? I certainly don’t hate the Colonel, nor do I hate Sheriff Bane. You say the Colonel is a good man who can do the job, yet you sign your posts as: hmmmmmmmmmmm, why would you do that? Are you concerned about what your peers or friends would think of you?
You are quick to start throwing around words such as hate. If you believe Colonel Carlevaro is the man for the job, lay out your reasons. In my view, the job calls for someone with a strong background in Corrections, not Law Enforcement which is the background for Colonel Carlevaro. If you have experience in public safety, then you know damn well that is true.
Jesse’s paranoia drives his decision-making. Carlevaro knows nothing about running the jail. Jesse doe not trust the good people who work there. If he was doing his job he would have been preparing someone there to at least act as Warden when Dehaven retired. Bottom line, Jesse has no clue and as a result he is tearing down a good instituation. We told everyone what would happen and it is happening…
From my November 11th post on the story of Dehaven retiring:
“In a statement, Bane said DeHaven would not be replaced due to cost considerations.”
That’s odd since we are hearing that the plan is from Greg Carlevero to retire and then be appointed at the jail to allow him to draw his pension and then another salary from the citizens of Harford County. I guess time will tell if the above statement from Bane, pulled right from the article, was one of honesty or not!
Here we are four months later and even though Jesse can’t be honest about what he is doing, remember I told you so!
i noticed you took out all the negative comments made about our fine feathered friends in and about the hilton…what a bunch of self serving pretentiously dignified deluted fools we have for servants in harford co?
The reason why uncle Jesse said he would not appoint anyone to warden months back is because he’s running out of people who wasn’t covering up shit already. He’s getting to far down in ranks now, the officers he does have left.
In that being said I think Greg will do a good job.