From Del. Pat McDonough:
Delegate Pat McDonough will be the guest speaker on Gun Appreciation Day, Saturday, January 19th at the Horst & McCann Indoor Gun Range located at 2137 North Fountain Green Road in Bel Air. Saturday has been designated as Gun Appreciation Day across the United States providing an opportunity for millions of law abiding citizens and their families to exercise their Second Amendment rights by visiting a gun shop, shooting range, or participating in a similar activity such as Remote Defensive Weapon Training. Delegate McDonough will speak at 12:30 p.m.
Delegate McDonough will introduce legislation called, “The Criminal Gun Control Act,” which would prohibit any offender convicted of a criminal act involving a gun from receiving any form of early release. This proposal would include parole, probation, or good time early release credits. The bill would also disallow a plea bargain. Delegate McDonough stated, “Out of 195 gun murders in Baltimore City, 81% were committed by convicted felons, 40% of whom had prior gun crime convictions. The solution to gun violence is not to destroy the Constitution and law abiding citizens’ rights to bear arms. Politicians are hypocrits when they attack good citizens and pass laws that benefit criminals like early release.”
Delegate Pat McDonough will also be the guest speaker at the Rally for the Second Amendment Dinner on Saturday, March 16th at Columbus Gardens. David Keene, the President of the NRA, has been invited as the keynote speaker. For more information about this event, please call 410-238-0025.
BrianC says
“which would prohibit any offender convicted of a criminal act involving a gun from receiving any form of early release.”
Now you are getting to the heart of the matter!! It’s Criminal Control that will help this country; not gun control.
Almost every gun control law only affects law abiding citizens. Criminals ignore laws, that’s why they’re criminals. If 81% of the murders in Balto. city were committed by convicted felons, one could ask why are they walking around. We could keep ’em locked up and cut the murder rate by 80%.
Chuck says
Your almost there!! We absolutely need tougher criminal laws, or enforce the ones we have. This state is run by a bunch of bullied kids afraid to step on people’s toes and do what is right. I think fingerprinting and mandatory fun classes is a great Idea also
BrianC says
Fingerprinting? 1) criminals that use guns to commit crime probably do not own said gun legally and 2) if they did they’re not going to voluntarily come in to get fingerprint. I don’t see how that is going to help.
FightinBluHen51 says
When the Newtown shooter broke 41 laws…what’s a few more gonna hurt?? (note the sarcasm.
Fed up says
Well maybe O’Malley and others of his ilk will feel better with their bogus knee-jerk infringement of our rights, but it won’t reduce the violence we see on Baltimore’s streets one bit. Does he really think the criminals are purchasing guns legally? All of the points above are on the money – fingerprints? More laws? Get real! O’Malley, Cuomo, Bloomberg, Feinstein – and I thought there were only 3 Stooges?
BrianC says
Speaking of cuomo and “his” new law. Talk about politicians not letting a “good tragedy go to waste.” Here’s the scary part: the cuomo says “An owner caught at home with eight or more bullets in a magazine could face a misdemeanor charge.”
My question is : if you are listed as a legal gunowner, do they now have probable cause to enter your home to check/inspect your magazines? That will be Stalin and Hitler-esque.
BrianC says
remember, you heard it here first. probably cause to enter you home:
Fed up says
And O’Malley is talking “licenses” to purchase because State with this rule have lower murder rates with handguns. Right, like NJ? Has he ever heard of Paterson, Newark, Trenton or Camden? Along with Baltimore, these cities round out some of the worst in the US, and ironically have the most, and “harshest” laws and restrictions. So what’s he trying to prevent? These politicians are showing their true character – cowards.
B says
The most ironic part of the latest gun ban attempt is that the largest gun related mass murder of the past few years was enacted by the Presidents administration, and currently being covered up. Not a peep from the left on it either.
Kharn says
If requiring a permit to carry hasn’t stopped street crime in Baltimore or PG County, why would a permit to keep a firearm at home do the same? Gun control only affects the law abiding.
BrianC says
Great point Kharn! It makes total sense; which means the MD legislature and O’malley will have nothing to do with it.
Fact Check says
Conviction rates in Baltimore City are non-existent. The only chance the State’s Attorney has at locking somebody up is by plea bargaining the case down. Would you rather have a drug dealer with a gun getting 18 months, or walking because the City juror’s distrust the police more than the drug dealers?
I like the rest of McDonough’s bill, and taking away the plea bargain sounds great, until you realize you are leaving it up to a jury of their peers.
Kharn says
Project Exile is supposed to charge felons-in-possession at the federal level, which means juries drawn from all over Maryland (so no Baltimore jury syndrome), harsher penalties (10 years in jail, with sentence served across the country so Grandma can’t come see you once a week, plus tens of thousands of dollars in fines due when you are released). The conviction or plea bargain rate for federal prosecutions is astoundingly high, but O’Malley wasn’t interested in the program when he was mayor, nor is he interested now, because it shows the truth: The judicial system in Baltimore is unable to fix itself and the jury pool is a disaster.
Oh my malley says
FBI crime statistics are out for last year. We had beyond record gun sales to law abiding citizens. Guess what happened. Violent crime was down 41%. Oh no.
BrianC says
Yes! A BIG THANKS to Obama, Cuomo and O’malley!!! Thank you for stimulating the economy!! Gun and Ammo purchases are through the roof………