From Roy Whiteley, founder, Marylanders for Fair Property Taxation:
Hello Harford Delegates and Senators
Over a month ago we contacted you regarding the curt, unsatisfactory response we received from the Attorney General’s office regarding fiscal and policy matters on the Internet Access to Worksheets bill and the Task Force Study of SDAT we posed to analyst, Michael Sanelli. We sent you a copy of the original questions to Sanelli and the Attorney General’s letter telling us that we taxpayers are not entitled to those answers. Once again, we repeat our message to you, are you interested in helping us get the answers we believe we are entitled to?
This matter is being completely ignored thus far in the upcoming elections. We have posed questions regarding these matters including the original questions to analyst, Michael Sanelli, to each of the gubernatorial candidates only to be completely ignored. Gansler sent our mail back unanswered. Like the delegation, ONLY gubernatorial candidate David Craig has helped us consistently with written testimony and staff member oral testimony over the years.
For eleven years each of you has been very supportive of our efforts on behalf of Maryland’s 2.2 property taxpayers through your introduction and testimony for these legislative endeavors. BUT now it seems that effort has disappeared. Several of you have contacted us requesting status updates but thus far NO ONE has stepped up to seek answers for us. What would it take for the delegation chair to get you together to collectively seek as a unified body these answers for your Harford County constituents, 2.2 million property taxpayers, us and our several thousand followers? We would appreciate any efforts you can put forth to get the answers we believe we deserve and ARE entitled to so that we can put out the response BEFORE the elections.
Thanks for your interest . We look forward to a positive Harford County response.
Roy Whiteley
Your requests are too intrusive into the inner workings of an operation. not having qualified staff is a significant issue, and SDAT should hire more people to do the job if needed. Clerical staff is qualified to do their job, they aren’t computer programmers or information coding techies. Your questions are not in compliance or meet the requirements of the ACT(S). The ACT is a fishing line to catch a fish, not a fishing net to capture the entire school, battery, gam swarml of fish. Think about it in those terms!