The next installment of The Dagger’s Q & A with candidates in the 2014 Gubernatorial Primary Election features the Republican candidates running for Harford County Sheriff.
Two candidates will face off in the primary, retired Maryland State Police Capt. Jeff Gahler, and Harford County Sheriff’s Office deputy John Ryan. The winner will advance to face incumbent Sheriff Jesse Bane, who is seeking a third term, and independent candidate Bob Peck in the General Election. Their answers to The Dagger’s four questions appear below, in the alphabetical order of the candidate’s name.
Dagger: What qualifications would you bring to the office of Sheriff of Harford County?
Gahler: Character, competence, and commitment are essential attributes that I bring to the Office of the Sheriff for Harford County, Maryland.
I have proudly served the citizens of Harford County and the State of Maryland for 28 years as a career police officer with the Maryland State Police. I retired as a Captain, a leadership position in the State Police I proudly held for nine years after providing a full range of law enforcement and public safety services to our communities. In my role of Captain, among other operational, executive, and administrative assignments, I led State Police activities in Harford, Cecil and Carroll counties, providing a wide range of police services to a population of more than 500,000 citizens and daily leadership and support for nearly 200 police personnel. Utilizing a leadership style that sought causes and solutions, accountability and responsibility, and encouraged innovative solutions and recognition of effectiveness and efficiency, I am pleased to have shown a repeated record of success to include leading Carroll County to the lowest crime rate in the state during my tenure as the area’s Troop Commander.
My wife and I are proud residents of Harford County, with our two wonderful daughters in our public schools and many family members and friends throughout our community. I graduated from North Harford High School; hold an A.A. from Harford Community College, a B.S. and M.S. in leadership from Johns Hopkins University. Additionally, I am a founding partner of the Advanced Leadership Consortium , a law enforcement and public safety training and consulting company dedicated to providing quality and timely topics to public safety leaders and I also instruct undergraduate students at Johns Hopkins University School of Education. My experience, education and perseverance combined with my strong character, competence, and commitment makes me uniquely qualified to serve as Harford County’s next Sheriff.
Ryan: I feel I have several critical factors which make me the best qualified candidate for the Office of Sheriff. First I am a career law enforcement officer with 25 years of service. The majority of that service is with the Sheriff’s Office. That makes me very familiar with the internal workings of the agency and its associated dynamics. I have served in multiple specialized units as well as having extensive experience as a patrol deputy in every area of the county. I understand the complex issues that our citizens face and the issues that face our deputies. This is an important factor. Administrators often focus on upper level management issues while micromanaging the tasks that deputies must preform. This leads to low moral and ineffective policing. Coming from inside the ranks I have not lost perspective. I truly understand what the important issues and tasks are at the working end.
Second, I have experience as a small business owner and business manager. I have the ability to prioritize tasks and goals, plan for the future, manage budgets, and make the difficult decisions that are required of an agency head. I will surround myself with competent professionals. Each of whom are fully qualified to run their respective commands. As agency head I will utilize each members abilities toward the collective goal. Which is, providing the most professional, effective and efficient law enforcement service possible to the citizens of Harford County. I am a life long resident of Harford County and I share the same dream as each of you, to live in and raise my family in a safe environment.
In short my combination of law enforcement experience, direct knowledge of the agency and it’s function, knowledge of the issues at hand and a solid business background fully prepare me for the Office of Sheriff. When combined with true leadership, a direct, common sense approach, and a burning desire to advance the agency forward I feel I am truly the best man for the job.
Dagger: Please cite a previous decision, strategy, or initiative carried out by the agency with which you either strongly agree or disagree, and why.
Gahler: The incumbent’s deliberate decision to not appoint a qualified leader at the Detention Center is one decision I strongly disagree with. Over 25 months ago, the incumbent Sheriff, in response to publicity surrounding the shocking number of inmate deaths at the Detention Center, committed, in response to a call to correct deficiencies, “…to hire a person with an extensive background in corrections with experience in re-entry and mental health issues in a correctional setting….”
Now it appears that the incumbent’s commitment to the citizens of Harford County is again being called into question with the just announced hiring of a person who, based on Sheriff Bane’s own statement, lacks the qualifications to be the Warden of the Detention Center. After 25 months, the appointment of an individual with no corrections experience to lead the Detention Center appears to be politically motivated and its timing suspect.
Nine deaths while in custody within the protective environment of the Harford County Detention Center and no leadership action to speak of is very troubling. More than two years of inaction on the part of the incumbent to recruit and hire a professional to lead the Detention Center is even more troubling. Every effort must be made to ensure the safety of each individual under the supervision of the incumbent while being held at the Detention Center, even if that protection is from themselves. It is the incumbent’s basic responsibility to protect people in his custody from harm and to uphold their constitutional rights. As the incumbent proclaims on his website “The primary purpose of the Detention Center is to provide care, custody and safety of the prisoners and staff.”
As Sheriff, one of my first acts will be to appoint an individual, “with an extensive background in corrections with experience in re-entry and mental health issues in a correctional setting,” to the position of warden. Unlike the incumbent’s unfulfilled promise, I will keep my word and hire a person who will possess the experience and qualifications for the position. I will then work with the Warden to ensure proper monitoring and accountability while identifying and addressing the multitude of leadership, mental health, staffing and other issues plaguing the Detention Center.
Ryan: One area which I believe the Sheriff’s Office has been proactive is the acquisition of a helicopter. While I may not completely agree with every aspect of the process I do believe it was forward thinking. Coming from an aviation background I understand that while it is certainly expensive to acquire and operate such a unit it also offers great advantages. We can not continue to rely on other agencies for support. An aviation unit is much like a SWAT Team, expensive, high liability, and when you need one absolutely priceless. Acquiring the aircraft from government surplus allowed us to step into the aviation arena with minimal financial impact. The start up costs being the most prohibitive factor, that became a non issue. This allowed for seized drug money to fund initial phases until budgeting could catch up and be directed toward the continued functioning of the unit. I see it as a great opportunity to move forward. Like most all other areas of the agencies advancement it will not be without trial and error. Also like other areas we do not arrive at the finish line overnight. It is a process of growth and expansion until we reach our goal which is a fully functioning and manned aviation unit that supports law enforcement operations within the county. I realize that the decision was unpopular with some and that the timing seemed bad. However, you take the opportunities as they come.
Dagger: The Sheriff’s Office faces a number of challenges in very different arenas. Which are of particular interest to you, and why?
Gahler: Violent crime, gangs, drugs, including the growing use of heroin, repeat offenders, and traffic safety are the most serious law enforcement issues facing Harford County. Intellectually these issues appear separate, but operationally they will be viewed as one and will remain the focus of my administration.
The answers and methods of addressing these threats to our safety and social harm are synonymous. A commitment to focus on that small group among our citizens who are responsible for the majority of the crimes, those few locations throughout the county where a measurable amount of crimes and crashes occur and to focus resources in those locations at times when particular crimes and crashes are committed will have a major and positive impact on the safety of our citizens and communities.
My commitment to safe communities begins with restoring positions in the patrol function of the Sheriff’s Office. Providing a more robust and responsive patrol force by reducing duplicative special units that have taken deputies from our neighborhoods is key to county-wide crime reduction efforts. The patrol force is the backbone of any proactive and effective law enforcement agency. The return of deputies to the main mission; equipped with logistical, operational and administrative support, will create a safer Harford County. Although most investigations are primarily assigned to patrol deputies, investigations requiring specialized skill, knowledge, and abilities will remain with dedicated investigative personnel possessing required expertise.
My administration will strive not only to attack crime and criminals but to be the voice for our citizens and communities to call for more jail time for violent crime. It is important to remove violent criminals from our neighborhoods and to provide for effective incarceration. A comprehensive approach of enforcement and incarceration sends a strong message to criminals who may want to victimize law abiding citizens.
Ryan: One of the main issues is manpower. This means that for at least the near future we have to make due with what we have. My initial plan is to move toward precinct based operations. What this means is that the agency will be realigned. Personnel and resources will be allocated where they are most needed, at the precincts or directly under the precinct commander’s control. I will direct that commanders have the latitude to re-allocate these resources as and when they are needed. When coupled with real time information deputies can be directed to areas in advance of criminal activity or to crimes immediately after they have occurred.
I will direct my commanders to establish a system of command which is unified and flexible. Constant real time vetting of information coupled with flexible response options will allow us to move from being reactive (answering calls for service) toward being proactive (anticipating crime trends or hot spots). Gangs control drug traffic. In turn drug traffic and associated drug use is connected to the vast majority of all other non-domestic related crime. I will direct that we continue with our current special enforcement activities. Additionally, I will combine and coordinate these efforts with other operations. I believe we could be more aggressive with the enforcement of street level dealers. This could be done with current Specialized Units under the Command of the Precinct Commanders. Renewed efforts in this area will not only have an immediate impact on the lower level of drug sales and use but can be directed toward the upper level of the drug dealers food chain. I want to stay focused and realistic in my goals. Little can be accomplished without sufficient manpower and modern equipment and tactics. That is why I place these items high on my list. Also, I plan to use these things to complete the follow on objectives. Everyone knows that gangs and drugs go hand in hand. What most do not realize is that the majority of all crime is committed by only a small select portion of the criminal element. Again, drugs are a major component. By staying focused and addressing the core issues with a combination of special enforcement and coordinated patrol activities we will see real results. I will direct my commanders to develop effective stratagems to address these issues. I plan to work closely with the county administrators, the States Attorney’s Office and Annapolis to ensure we have a complete, realistic and effective full on approach.
Each of the Sheriff’s Office deputies understand their job and they know what has to be done to accomplish the task at hand. What they need is the required support and a efficient framework and command structure in which to operate. By restructuring and allowing for flexibility I will empower those commanders and deputies with the freedom required to tackle the difficult problems they face.
If elected I will use a multi pronged approach to combat crime while utilizing educational efforts and partnering with prosecutors and the courts to ensure that we address all aspects of the criminal and public safety issues that face our county. I have no doubt that we will be successful.
Dagger: What law enforcement issue or issues have residents of Harford County overlooked, or not yet fully understood?
Gahler: The incumbent’s decision to initiate an Aviation Unit within the Office of Sheriff was an act taken with a complete lack of transparency. This is an issue where residents do not have a complete understanding of its immediate and long term impact.
Maryland is home to one of the most premier helicopter programs in the world. This publicly funded, fully operational, aviation program operated by the Maryland State Police is always at the ready to serve all the jurisdictions of this state and, should their helicopters be committed elsewhere, coordinate sufficient “back up” services from other aviation programs to meet Harford County’s needs.
Sheriff Bane’s lack of openness on this issue gives me, as a taxpayer, great pause and as a candidate for Sheriff of Harford County great concern. By his own admission, Sheriff Bane had been looking at this program since 2010 and in all that time, failed the public by not including room for citizen’s input. The Sheriff held countless public appearances since 2010 and not once did he present any information on the project to the public until the unit was in-service.
I have made it clear in previous articles and postings that there are so many other challenges facing Harford County and the Sheriff’s Office that I would not have pursued a helicopter program as Sheriff. Some of those challenges are outlined in responses to these questions and there are several other pressing issues such as well-deserved and overdue pay raises for both our law enforcement and correctional deputies and civilian staff and maintaining acceptable staffing levels on patrol and in the Detention Center; each established priorities of my campaign platform
Now that the unit has been formed, I have committed to reviewing the program and ascertaining if the costs for the helicopter can be kept even close to the figure cited by the incumbent. To be clear, the incumbent has claimed the entire cost of this venture is being paid with asset forfeiture monies and therefore not costing the taxpayers anything. The fact is, personnel costs cannot be charged against forfeiture funds, so the hours and shifts spent by the 10 “part time” personnel assigned to the unit are already in conflict with the incumbent’s claims. In addition, I am not a supporter of forward funding projects with Asset Forfeiture monies. The goal of public safety should not be to seize a preordained amount of money needed to institute or continue a desired program. The goal must always be to target crime, arrest the offender and provide for a safe and secure environment.
Ryan: There are two areas where I believe that law enforcement has yet to fully realize the impact of associated issues or the potential available to them to affect future issues. The first area that is not fully accounted for and is becoming increasing apparent is the impact that mental illness has on criminal activity and eventually on inmate populations. By percentage a large portion of the Detention Centers population has at some point, some form of mental health issue. Additionally, individuals who suffer from mental health issues are in negative contact with law enforcement at an ever increasing rate. The Sheriff’s Office is a front runner in recognizing this and has some plans and procedures in place to deal with the problem. I plan to advance these current practices and seek funding for longer term strategies to address the problem and offer a counter to incarceration or arrest for persons in crisis. Arresting our way out of this problem is clearly not a viable or equitable solution.
I will also take a fresh look at what can be done to prevent crimes before they occur. This can be accomplished thru programs that direct criminal offenders away from future criminal activity and thru youth based programs that deter poor decisions based on peer pressure or other factors. Practically all criminals got their start while juveniles and it is in this area where we may alter their path. Technology is increasing at fantastic rates and more people including all youth are wedded to modern web based information. I believe that technology can benefit us in this arena. Thru the use of modern social media technology such as the Sheriff’s Office web page and Twitter account and other web based profiles we can reach a wide range of people with only a minimal impact on our personnel and budget. Today’s youth are intimately familiar computer based formats and I plan to examine this area as a way to reach out to them. This approach is modern and connects with them in a way that is on line with their generational thinking. Subsequently, we can also continue to keep the public appraised of current crime trends and active situations as well as offer information concerning programs that are available thru the county and other various means.
Previous Entries:
Harford County Council President – Democratic Candidates
Harford County Council President – Republican Candidates
Harford County Council District A (Edgewood/Joppatowne) – Republican Candidates
Harford County Council District C (Bel Air) – Republican Candidates
Harford County Council District D (North Harford) – Republican Candidates
Harford County Council District E (Aberdeen/Churchville) – Democratic Candidates
Harford County Council District E (Aberdeen/Churchville) – Republican Candidates
Harford County Council District F (Havre de Grace) – Republican Candidates
Harford/Cecil County State Senate District 35 Republican Candidates
Harford/Cecil County State Delegate District 35B Republican Candidates
Harford County State Senate District 34 Democratic Candidates
Harford County State Delegate District 34A Republican Candidates
Harford County State Delegate District 34A Democratic Candidates
Harford County State Delegate District 34B Democratic Candidates
Mr. Ryan is the first person who gets it and addressed it perfectly. …..mental illness is a huge issue. I am glad he has the boldness to address it and have a plan.
He was the first to get it alright. First to borrow it from Bane and Gahler hashing mental health issues at the jail for months.
OMG. I work with John and not sure who wrote this, but it wasn’t John. Gahler’s message has been consistent and no surprise, Mr. Gahler is the clear choice for anyone wanting to help the deputies and Harford County.
Same thing I thought! Who wrote this for John? Way over his head.
How true, after reading and reviewing his reports, it’s abundantly clear he didn’t write the responses. He lacks the ability to formulate any type of sentence structure. Coupled with being one of the laziest Deputy’s I have worked with or supervised, I strappingly agree with the above comments.
John Ryan has my vote. He answers the questions with a plan and solutions rather than bash “the incumbent”. He outlines ways to improve the way business is done without micromanagement, which is a huge deal, and he broaches the mental health issues that are increasing daily. Mr. Gahler continues to belittle the incumbent and gives little solutions. He has the endorsements of “has beens” that the Sheriff’s Office is probably glad they are gone and doesn’t want them back, in addition to a questionable backer from Balto City who has zero integrity and he is considering for a command position?? JOHN RYAN has my vote.
Spoken like a real democrat. Please ignore people dying, please ignore the facts, let’s just hear what the good news is. Your thinking is ludicrous and is what has destroyed this country.
Mr. Ryan says we can’t rely on other helicopter units and that the new HCSO will be expensive. I would like to know why can’t rely on the units that have been around for years and we are already paying for? Ryan sounds like a taxem up dem. I smell RINO.
Ryan says that the current plan is to use drugs funds until budgeting can catch up and the Sheriff has said he will not use budgeted funds for this program? What does Ryan know about the real plan and the real cost increases that are coming? Is he saying Sheriff Bane lied?
Using seized assets, purportedly associated with the drug trade, is not just a slippery slope, it is a bottomless pit. Currently, we have the flood of the-end-of-the-month ticket writing (no quotas of course… snicker, snicker). In the future we will have the-end-of-the-month stop and search for drugs – or, cash on hand that looks a little high or the K9 was encouraged to sniff out something.
Think not? Well okay. But for those of you who have youngsters living at home and out driving around, do you really want to add additional motivation for them to be pulled over? And, when will carrying large amounts of cash be considered justification for confiscation drop to your child’s paycheck they decided to cash for cash.
I don’t know Gahler at all. But his position on funding the program by confiscation is one of the more enlightened things I have read in this thread.
Why should taxpayers from Baltimore Co support us with their helicopter which is many times busy enough in their own area, or as Gahler states MSP provides helicopter service. MSP main mission with the aircraft is Medical Evacuation, and is usually busy on them. Their new copters are not designed for police work, but medical as primary and medical as secondary. I agree that HCSO going onto aviation was bad timing but the cost very minimal compared to others. Talk to Baltimore Co police aviators, they will tell you this is how they started out as well. It is here and its already proven effective in the short time its been in service. Gahler being the Trooper of course he will rely on MSP, its all he knows. No outsider, you want someone from within the agency to lead.
Sorry Sam. If you knew what you were talking about you would know that the primary mission of the State Police Aviation Unit is law enforcement. Medivac calls often take priority and are the majority of the use, but that does not change the mission statement.
When the original press conference was held for the helicopter, the Maryland State Police Aviation Commander was there supporting the Sheriff’s Office aviation endeavor and spoke on camera as to the good it will do for Harford County citizens. If the Maryland State Police Aviation Unit supports it, you certainly think Gahler would too considering he was a lifelong trooper as well. Lets hope Gahler’s bio stays the same and he doesn’t add Harford County Sheriff to it!
Taxpayers are already paying for a full-service aviation unit with the State Police. The original response by SamOne is false, the primary mission of the MSP Aviation Unit is law enforcement-helping units on the ground. A quick visit to our homepage will tell you that.
Additionally, the State Police AU Commander.being there is 100% political. Just because he is there does not mean he supports the action. It is taking work away from his unit…
Nearly 2 1/2 years ago Sheriff Bane said he would hire not just any warden -but- a warden with specific skill levels to include: an extensive background in corrections with experience in re-entry and someone with an accomplished background in providing for inmates with mental health issues in a correctional setting. He did NOT do that! INSTEAD — he is placing a candidate in that position without the pledged qualifications. He has not been a man of his word in this situation which indicates poor decision making on his part. You don’t stand up to the plate and pledge to do something and then do something different. He hasn’t even felt it is necessary to explain his actions………..
THE ACQUISITION OF THE HELICOPTER: What county wouldn’t want their own aviation department? Sounds like progress? Sounds like forward thinking? Why should Baltimore County assist Harford County’s emergency needs? Let’s answer the 3rd question first: because they are neighbors and that’s what good neighbors do — they assist and help each other. Harford County can NOT afford an aviation unit — a qualified SWATT team — yes — but not an aviation unit at this time. They got a “super” deal on the helicopter and took advantage of it — and that’s ok. But now Harford County has to do the same thing that was done to Sheriff Bane’s other important project “the Detention Center extension”. He has to leave it stand “as is” because there are no funds to support it and supporting an aviation unit is just not the present priority. There is only so much money in the budget to spread around and “expansion” should not even be considered until the other major issues are addressed. Expansion, when you can’t afford it, is futile; it takes the time, manpower and money needed to strengthen the existing areas that are suffering and need the most attention. Ignoring what’s broken only encourages bigger problems. The Detention Center is only one example of “broken for too long”. The deaths there are enough to draw all citizens to attention, to ask: are they doing all that can be done? that should be done? Sheriff Bane has stated that the HCDC;s population consists of people in need of Mental Health Services -yet- he’s the one responsible to negotiate health services to be provided and he signs the contract with Con Med the medical subcontractor. Why not negotiate a medical contract that fits the needs of the inmates? You may say I’m “bashing” Sheriff Bane but truth is not bashing. That truth may not be easy to accept -but- if it’s documented in black and white it still makes it truth. When candidates “expose” and enlighten us to the truth — we then have choice………..
I have already voted and having looked into both of these candidates and the above qualifications one thing is clear, Mr. Ryan does not have the experience needed. Where is anything related to education? Did he graduate high school? Any college? What has he supervised? Being a road patrol officer and saying you can be the boss is like being a hospital custodian and deciding you want to start doing surgery. My vote went to Jeff Gahler already.
A mute point since you have already cast your vote….but with respect to education, please Sir look south to Washington DC and see what a nice education gets you. All education and ZERO experience.
I will take Mr. Ryan’s experience any day of the week. All to often today we benchmark someone’s creditability based on education. I understand the value of education and how it can be a discriminator….but having multiple degrees is not a indicator of future success.
Additionally, sometimes those who are used to leading forget what it is like to be led… and in time fail to understand the issues “in the field” or use a distant memory of what the field used to be like to make decisions.
Since I am on my soap box: As a Harford County citizen (and taxpayer) I truly hope the law enforcement officers in this county become better compensated in the –near– future; we should all be embarrassed… especially County gov’t leadership. Thanks for what you guys and gals do daily!
Out here.
Since you will take Mr. Ryan’s experience any day of the week, please share with us just what experience he really has.
He certainly has experience at being led, so, for sure he has not forgotten what it is like to be led. The real issue here is that Deputy First Class Ryan has zero experience as a law enforcement leader, and even more telling is his lack of demonstrated desire to ever compete for a leadership position within the HCSO in over 23 years on the job.
You’re right when you say that education does not always produce a desired outcome. But, since we are on our soapbox here, lets also live in the real world. Those who perform (or want to perform) in senior leadership positions and who lack some formal degree from a university have proven themselves by advancing through the grades in their respective police agencies. They have done this by “demonstrating” their leadership qualities, attendance at training offered through their agency and competing for the leadership positions when they become available. Deputy First Class Ryan has never done this in his 23 years of service with the Harford County Sheriff’s Office.
you mean like Marc Eaton?
I do not know Mr. Eaton’s educational level. I do know that, unlike Deputy First Calss Ryan, Mr. Eaton has never filed to be a candidate for Sheriff of Harford County. Unlike Ryan, Mr. Eaton has never, to my knowledge, purported himself to have the qualifications to be Sheriff of Harford County.
What Dom Miele’s education to be sheriff? How about Bill Kunkel (he received his law degree well into being sheriff)? How about Raymond Faulkner? If all of this is so important, why isn’t it stipulated as a requirement to be sheriff? It sounds like to me that the neutral Mike Welsh is trying to quell the fire of John Ryan. Oh, you wouldn’t do that because you don’t have a favorite candidate.
12 grade and a lot of extra training as a Dfc that I used to teach in the academy and train people and like Monster I am too much of an a–hole to be a politician. Sorry Monster, but in that department we are the same.
There is nothing that stipulates you must have a college education to be Sheriff. In fact, you can’t find any post made by me that even suggests a college education should be a prerequisite for election to Sheriff, or any other county held office. Education however, certainly doesn’t hurt any candidate who is asking for my vote.
You asked about Mele, Kunkel and Faulkner. Not one of these men became Sheriff after a 23 year career as a Deputy First Class patrol Deputy. Each one of them had progressed through the grades to leadership positions within the Sheriff’s Office prior to being elected or appointed Sheriff. So I really don’t understand your point, if you actually have one.
The most recent announcement from Sheriff Bane to fill the soon to be vacant Major positions stated that applicants must already have an advanced degree or be currently pursuing an advanced degree. Even Sheriff Bane understands the advantage of having education beyond the high school level. So again, I don’t understand your point, if you have one.
Mr. Ryan has never held, pursued, or attempted in any way to be a leader in any capacity related to law enforcement. His lacking such leadership experience tells me that the deputies and civilian employees of the HCSO along with the citizens of Harford County would not experience a good outcome should Ryan be elected.
So, Mike, someone who was in the HCSO that was a DFC for 20 years would not make a good sheriff. They may see becoming sheriff as the way to gain leadership. Below what rank would disqualify a candidate in your opinion? You must have thought this out, so share your wisdom with us all. That is my point, get it? You might wish to confer with those deputies that confide in you and give you all the straight scoop. When are you going to tell us all that you are a Gahler supporter, in fact, on his committee or are him.
Someone who has spent over 23 years avoiding any leadership position would, in my opinion, not be a good candidate for the top leadership position in the Sheriff’s Office.
Huh…Ol Sheriff Joseph P. Meadows had ZERO law enforcement leadership experience nor did he have the desire to advance through the ranks of Law Enforcement because he was never a police officer. He was a sharp lawyer, and one of, if not thee best Sheriff’s the HCSO has ever had! Sometimes what it takes is just that ordinary guy to do the job, the man who has the passion to do right for the agency and community he served for 25 years. No John Ryan was not a trooper with 28 yrs experience and a masters degree as explained in the
tri fold. But he is a Sheriff’s Deputy who loves this place, dedicated his career to the HCSO and Harford county and wants whats right for the
deputies and community. I personally respect what John has done and he hasdone it with class and respect for who and where he works. It would be nice if all politicians could be that way, because we all know deep down that politics is more often than not the reason the right thing for the people isnt done.
Im from the south and i tell ya…a lot of the southern sheriffs arent these master degree holding 30 year vets. A lot of them folk were just deputies, and some of the finest crime fightin leaders around.
John Ryan has my vote. He did not bash anyone like Mr. Gahler did. John Ryan stated his intentions very clearly and this Great Agency should be led by one of their own and not an outsider posturing the MSP uniform in their photos.
Why no questions about MRAP’s (surplus military vehicles) being distributed to local police departments?
Why no questions regarding upholding the U.S. Constitution?
Why no question as to whether they will enforce unconstitutional laws?
I expected better Dagger.
Joe Meadows was the only Sheriff to make any real progress and that is because he had the vision of someone not limited to just the Sheriff’s Office. I look for Gahler to be that same type of leader who will bring the needed change and stop all the in house politics while moving the entire office forward.
Deputy, will he swagger, wear a uniform that he never earned and harass women like Meadows? Or do you care about that?
Harass women? Quite a leap to say Gahler would follow that path. I was just saying faults aside, it took an outsider to bring the Office forward. You make me wonder, lets ask Gahler and Bane (and his new warden) if any of them have ever been accused of harassing women.
Deputy Dog, I don’t know about the rest, but I would bet my life Bane hasn’t. Why don’t you ask him instead of giving me such a weak response?
I suggested we ask Bane and Gahler. You worried about Bane’s ability to answer?
You should be cautious with that bet. The comment made was regarding harassment (not necessarily sexual harassment) and could include workplace harassment. There are several female employees who may have accused Sheriff Bane of harassment. One, a female corporal who had been fired by Bane over a year ago, just recently won her case in court. The court ordered Bane to reinstate her to her previous position, and pay her all of her back pay and benefits.
Uh Oh! Looks like “Huh?” owes us his life!
Sheriff Meadows was a fine Sheriff and leader. Yes he did have some personal issues with highest paid records manager I ever met. Look into her past and history with other males in the HCSO, and other departments in Harford and Baltimore County. Mr. Meadows took the high road and resigned to spare the department the drama and turmoil. Personally, I feel he should have challenge the accusations, and set the record straight. He too fell into the Walter trap, but sent him to the jail, where Walter and his cronies messed that up as well. Heck his daughter is still screwing things and other things up out there.
There have been several well performing female deputies over the years, but more have stirred up unsubstantiated accusations against decent male deputies, hurting their careers. The lure of sexual harassment suit money is very tempting…. How about female deputies that sleep with their supervisors or say drill instructors or others in the academy?
The female corporal case involving Bane, does it have to do with her gender or the fact she has the freedom of speech like her fellow male Deputies? Regardless a heinous mistake by the current Sheriff…
Let’s focus on the abilities of the present candidates, not bash Mr. Meadows and not speak on what was never proven.
How about the Major who has a gang like film making boyfriend at the jail? How about the road deputies or gaurds sleeping with each other, their supervisors , inmates and work releases. Will Moore stop this? Will Gahler do anything about it? Bane certainly hasn’t.
The HCSO leadership and conduct of some of the others make it tough for the rest of us honest hard working deputies and correctional officers to do our job and be proud of ourselves.
Sleep with the right person, get promoted. Back the right person in the election, get promoted. Screw over others in the department, get promoted. Do no work, hide all shift, get promoted. Just some of the problems stemming from years of poor leadership.
@ for real @ truth:
That crap has been going on for decades here. Don’t forget the precinct desk bunnies, records clerks and the dispatchers? Like I said for a very long time. When will we get a Sheirff with some stones to stop all the BS?
Let’s Hear The Truth, you absolutely speak the truth! Unfortunately the mind set now is stay low and unheard and you will stay out of trouble. The Deputies that work hard get nothing in return except self gratification. The chain of command could care less how hard the Deputies work as long as they don’t do anything to cause conflict with the public. And never ever challenge what the Sheriff thinks, we know what happens then.
I heard Bane has the support of the Gays and Lesbians. Whats the story there? Is he into them? Are they into him? Excuse the pun…
I didn’t think Gahler supporters could get any lower, but you proved me wrong.
Monster – The Rainbow Coalition is not supporting Gahler.
Are you for real? It was never proven because Meadows resigned before a trial was held. You know that.
@ Monster,
are you for real? Guilty until proven innocent? What an idiot you are. Ever think he would have been cleared of all wrongdoing? She had other intentions and funny she never pressed it any further after she was offered and received a few hundred thousand from the county. Best grab she made from all her other so called harassment from other officers. Takes two to tango. Enjoy your retirement beginning in December.
Your name is the opposite of what you are. If he was innocent, and as an attorney, why did he resign? I won’t comment on what personal details I know in this case, but you are totally out of line with your comments. Get real.
This female that all of you are referring to. Was she found guilty by a trial board of any charge? You make it sound like she did nothing wrong is that the case?
The court did not find that she did anything wrong. In fact, the court found that Sheriff Bane had acted in a vengeful manner when he fired her and ordered her reinstatement with full back pay and benefits. The Court was not very kind to Sheriff Bane in the comments used to describe his actions toward this female employee.
What exactly did the court say then? Why is this a big secret
Too Scared, it’s not a secret, I’m sure you can get a copy of the Judges opinion. Go to Circuit Court and request it.
Union member, one thing Bane doesn’t like is being wrong. This Corporal won the appeal and I don’t think she wants this aired on here. Remember, Bane is still Sheriff and she now has an even bigger target on her back. I think she is smart enough to know she has to watch her back now even more.
Courage, that reminds me of a certain Major (IA28) that was charged by a male deputy and when the outside agency did the investigation and found she was in violation. Bane chalked it up to a police problem. Kinda like “not a smidgeon of proof she was wrong.” By the way that Major is black and very well protected. I don’t think Bane wants anyone to see the Judge’s ruling on this. It shows him to be the weak little frail person that he is. I think he needs a new legal advisor, maybe one that has actually practice law and not just reads books.
He does need a new legal advisor. One who will tell him the truth and is not 3/4 the way up his colon. The current advisor does not serve Bane well, the Deputies well, or the citizens of Harford County.
Too Scared, yes that female was found guilty of not having her Deputies write a report that by policy was NOT required. The other two Deputies that were at the scene with her would tell you the same thing. That trial board was fixed before it started. Do a little research and speak to the Corporal or Sergeant that was on the board. You might find out some interesting facts such as the Major of the board strong armed one of them to change their vote to guilty. We all know how politics work. She was doomed the day she decided to support Impallaria and Betz.
Question is does this have anything to do with her being a female?
Bane, just Like when Walter was handling trial boards had the fix on with board members being assigned to hear the cases. Good for her, taking on the almighty Bane!
@ For Real
Check Banes record for firing, white females. I can count about 7 that he has fired, forced to retire, or made resign. So, I would say yes it had to do with her being a female. He doesn’t like to be challenged, especially by a female.
John is a good guy but people must understand that he still works for the HCSO. Bane has proven time after time what he does to people who critique any of his decisions inside the Agency. He will fire or demote anyone that disagrees with him so John is at a complete disadvantage when it comes to voicing problems with the Agency. That being said Jeff has my support and that of a great many others!!
I cannot believe some of the comments on this board. I find it pretty sad that people think that John Ryan is a qualified candidate for Sheriff. He has shown absolutely no initiative to further his education or strive to work up in the ranks during is entire career as a patrol officer. What kind of leadership qualities does that display? Who in their right mind wants a Sheriff with no zero leadership experience? Being a small business owner does not qualify him either – doesn’t he have some failed businesses under his belt?
Bayne 2-1 No compelling reason to fire high sheriff
Ryan 5-1 Mental health issue boosts campaign
Gahler 6-1 Would he disband Community Police social workers?
Peck 18-1 It’s good to be independent
Isn’t Peck the one who was initally going to run on the Republican ticket but then switched to Independent when he realized he had no chance of winning the Primary. He is a JOKE!!!!! …..and another one who has absolutely no leadership experience and lacking in his educational background.
Make no mistake, Peck is a sell out of the Republican Party who is in Bane’s pocket. Look no further than the new warden to see how Bane will repay Peck for running as a spoiler, another taxpayer funded gift job for someone with no qualifications. Bane is playing politics with public safety and our tax money. Say no to Peck, say bye to Moore and vote Bane into retirement regardless of who you support in the Rep. primary.
Be careful when looking at Schmidlap’s odds. He picked California Chrome as the 2-1 odds on favorite to win the Belmont!
This shows the class of the Gahler supporters that they not only bad mouth Bane, but that they take a deputy who is running and try to make him sound like a loser. Where is the loyalty you all accuse Bane of not having. As I have said repeatedly, you are a bunch of hypocrites that support Gahler in hopes of gain for yourselves, not the department. Tell Mr. Gahler that he is not in the MSP any more so find a picture out of his MSP uniform. And, if by some fate he becomes sheriff, help him wear the uniform correctly that he never earned. I am voting for Bane in the General Election, and feel more confident with Ryan in the primary.
Is there some sort of ‘sarcasm’ or ‘comedy’ tag that is missing from this post? Of course the supporters of one candidate want to make the other candidate sound like a loser. Actually, they want to make him a loser. Isn’t that the point of elections? How many candidates and their supporters will go out of their way to say why you should vote for the other guy?
Now about the election… if there was any doubt about who I was going to vote for, it all went away when the helicopter subject came up. It’s a complete and utter money pit, totally inappropriate for a county the size of Harford and an agency like HCSO, with the actual costs for training and maintenance known but never fully disclosed.
Verdict: All points awarded to Gahler. Time to clean up the Jesse mess and relieve the pain of Bane.
To answer your question, these same “brothers” who talk about Bane not being loyal, try to destroy a man who is part of the “brotherhood.” Of course it is politics, that is what I have been saying for years about the HCSO and what takes place there. However, they are being as hypocritical as they accuse Bane of being. Now, you make whatever political hay you want out of this post and maybe you can join the handful of Gahler supporters.
Be good monster. I like the fact that Gahler is proud of his MSP uniform and the rank he earned there and the service he performed. I look forward to him representing the HCSO in the same stand up manner. Now go to your room and be good.
Monster’s Mom,
Guess where you should go.
Go to Mr. Gahler’s Facebook or website and you will see about a million pictures (not really a million, but you get the point) out of uniform. Looks like the next Sheriff no matter what he is wearing.
Gahler Voter, You guys exaggerate everything don’t you? Thanks for correcting yourself, no one would ever imagine that it wasn’t a million pictures. Every official picture I have seen has him in an MSP uniform. Gee, I wonder how many MSP retirees will get a job on his command staff?
Not sure? Lets think about it. Gahler spoke to the union and gave names of those he was considering and NONE were troopers. Ryan says command staff will come from within but won’t give names. Peck picks his best friend from Balto. County, but won’t give a warden name. L. Jesse comes in and won’t say and then hires a trooper. Sound like you just jumped off the Bane Train????
Deputy dog,
I hope you aren’t a policeman. You jump to a lot of incorrect conclusions. No one has chosen, other than Bane, a command staff. So, don’t tell me what Gahler said to the union. That remains to be seen.
I watched all the presentations and I have assumed you have had access to by some of your postings. If not, all the candidates were recorded and what I wrote is what happened. You don’t want MSP command staff, tell it to Bane, he is the only one doing it.
Bane is the only one that has a command staff. We all know who they are. The other candidates- it is conjecture.
Yes, but you are the one who wanted us to examine the candidates? Do you remember asking, “Gee, I wonder how many MSP retirees will get a job on his command staff?” Yes, that was you just a few lines up and now that the answer doesn’t fit your liking, change the question! Good lib move Monster. Gahler’s responses to the union with specific names did not include any MSP retirees or active personnel. ZERO!
Deputy Dog,
I don’t know why I feel compelled to answer your dumb questions. Gahler can say anything. He has not appointed anyone because he is not the Sheriff. I didn’t change anything and I am not a liberal. The only command staff is the one appointed by Bane. You guys know that. You spend your life cutting them down like a bunch of whiney babies. I doubt few, if any of you, have ever served in the military. At least, you don’t post like it. If you were, you wouldn’t be crying about some of the crap you post on here. You would also praise your candidate and not constantly try to character assassinate your current leader. Think about it and leave the keyboard alone until you have. Gahler can say anything, it doesn’t mean it is true.
Here was my question that you say you don’t know why you feel compelled to answer, “Yes, but you are the one who wanted us to examine the candidates?” It is the only thing that ends with a question mark. That is how you can tell it is a question. Now look at your response. You did not address this at all? There is another question. You did nothing but go on your own rant about others having their say. Another lib twist, do as I say not as I am allowed to do.
Ryan or Bane but not Gahler. No matter what he said at the Union meeting Gahler is still getting his marching orders from Howard Walter. Voters don’t be fooled. For the sake of the Deputies and the HCSO vote Ryan or Bane!!!!!
Chuck Moore is a very well respected, liked and smart man with all the beloved command experience. I think he will do just fine
What did Moore command? 30 officers at an all but closed barrack? Moore is a vindictive ego driven man. Sound like anyone else we know? Birds of a feather you might say.
Ouch! I guess that answered your question Monster.
Gahler voter,
You reveal your limited intelligence by your name and responses. Reread my answer to Deputy Dog and tell me who is right and who is wrong. Then, try to put together and intelligent thought.
No need. Monster is wrong.
Deputy Dog,
As I said, I hope you aren’t a police officer, and I really hope that you aren’t in the HCSO.
How is Monster wrong? Deputy Dog if you work at HCSO you are clearly a disgruntled crybaby.
Deputy Dog,
What big question did you ask? That I wanted you to examine the candidates? The answer is yes. But if that is all you got out of my post, you are even dumber than I thought you were. Or is it your technique to tire legitimate posters who disagree with you? That is a liberal technique.
I am voting for Ryan, Thanks ! All your arguing convinced me to who the best man is. Losers, why don’t you retire from the HCSO and Get A Life, you aren’t changing anything arguing on here…..
Think about this for a moment please… Everyone has or at sometime has had a boss. The Sheriff is boss to many people. Can you imagine if all the citizens of Harford County voted for who your boss will be? 80% of those people know nothing about your job or your boss’ job. They do not know what happens day in and day out. They do not see how your boss treats you and your co-workers. Voters see things in the media but don’t know the reality of your job. Yet your career in technically in their hands. Personally I think voters should speak to the Deputies and hear what they have to say. Wouldn’t you want your opinion taken into consideration since the person being voted for will be your boss? The Deputies are the ones who know the truth. They deal with Sheriff Bane every day.
Be an informed voter. Don’t just listen to the political hype. Find out the truth. Voting just because you know the person or because you saw a sign on the side of the road is part of the problem with this country today. Talk to the Deputies and hear their side.
Sure. Why don’t we all vote for our bosses. Maybe we would all get promoted if our pick wins. Heck, let’s choose our generals and admirals also.
I’m not gonna ask a deputy when they’re all just voting the way their Union president tells them to. That’s like asking Burbey to fill out my ballot.
Owned by the union, you must have the current union president confused with the last union president. Kevin Thomas cared about no one but himself. He just wanted that extra $800 a month to help support his family, he could care less about any of the Deputies. The current union president, Tim Impallaria has done more in the short time he’s been president than Kevin ever did. Kevin was in the Sheriff’s back pocket and would never go against the Sheriff.
Courage Honor Integrity:
Didn’t Tim Impallaria the current Union president get demoted for some kind of falsifying sick leave? I don’t think that was the last president. I wouldn’t go put any of these guys on a pedestal. There just guys at the end.
Everybody’s got there angle, I guess. I’m just saying I’m not going to vote based on what the deputy’s union says. The deputies have there own concerns about a sheriff and I have mine.
Perspective, you are correct. Exactly why I left Harford co. government. Only folks who follow the dagger know how the deputies feel. Sad situation for the deputies, but they have choices just as I had. You can’t change the ego of your boss so bail out as soon as you can and sit back and watch him fall, trust me it will happen sooner than later.
I am glad you left Emily. I hope the door didn’t hit you in the ass.
Love seeing all these posts back in forth by about 6 people. Hopefully voters will follow the facts and look at Gahlers track record. He has never waivered from more deputies on the street, less administration, and better mgmt. of the detention center. Don’t know John Ryan personally but it seems as though Jeff clearly has the more established leadership career. Jeff is the better bet for a better sheriff come November.
I’m going to have to agree with Perspective. If more of the public would talk to the Deputies and find out the truth about the inner workings of the Sheriff’s Office then the right person might be elected. I’m so tired of people getting promoted in the agency because they are willing to sell their soul to the devil. What ever happened to honor and integrity? It’s more like who can I screw over to get promoted. It is supposed to be a brotherhood but unfortunately that is not the mind set anymore, thanks to the current leadership. Look at who was just chosen to become Major. We all know what Jack Meckley is about, HIMSELF!!!! It’s absolutely disgusting the things that go on that the public knows nothing about. So, if you see one of those brave men or women in uniform pull them aside and talk to them. Make sure no one is around because there are more people in that place ready to knife the next guy in the back in hopes that one day they can be like Jack Meckley. I am for whoever will make a change because that’s what the Deputies deserve.
All you have to do is watch the commercial on tv JACK SAYS YES
Why are people commenting and bashing Sheriff Bane. Do you all realize how pathetic and desperate you look. This is doing nothing to make the public respect the officers or your department.
Where does Bane stand on gays? Are they into him?
John Ryan has run a Honest campaign, unlike the other candidate. Please read the previous 3 years worth of Sheriff articles, and you`ll see comments from “On Point” ( Jeff Gahler) and Mike Welsh (Gahler`s Committee) bashing Bane/Ryan constantly. Just FYI…
Where does that leave you then Crystal Clear are you part of Ryan’s staff?
Chrystal Clear is a fellow DFC that John has promised the position of Police Services Commander if he gets elected.
Please point out a post from Mike Welsh that bashes John Ryan. I have only read comments from Welsh that speak to Ryan’s lack of leadership experience and apparent lack of any desire to be involved in a leadership position within the Sheriff’s Office. The facts support Mr. Welsh’s comments. In 23 years, Ryan has demonstrated no desire to move beyond his position as a patrol deputy in the HCSO. Now Ryan wants to be Sheriff, a significant leap from patrol deputy to the agency top position, and even more amazing is Ryan wants the voters to believe that he is actually qualified to make that leap.
How about this scenario. Ryan is elected Sheriff and immediately names his Command Staff. He promotes five fellow Deputy First Class contemporaries to the positions of Chief Deputy, and the four Major Commander positions. Moving out of his comfort zone, Ryan selects a recently promoted Corporal at the Detention Center to be the new Warden, along with promoting three Deputy First Class Correctional Officers to the grades of Major and two Captains. Yes indeed, if we are to believe that DFC Ryan is qualified to make the leap from DFC to Sheriff there is no reason to believe that all of the others would not be able to make a similar leap to Command Positions. Good luck to each and every one of them. I see a well oiled leadership team right around the corner if DFC Ryan is elected Sheriff.
You Gahlerites seemed worried about Ryan. Sounds like you are getting very worried and making up fantasy stories to scare others.
Monster – One thing will stay the same regardless of who is elected, you will still be a Big Dick. I endorse anyone but you.
One thing stays the same
You are all class. Very characteristic of what I and many others seeing being posted for the Gahler side. Keep up the good work.
Can you say exactly what was dishonest about any of the articles written by Mr. Gahler? That fact that he has identified the many shortcomings of the current sheriff and his plans to address these issues don’t equal being dishonest. It does equal being informed and aware of the issues that exist in the HCSO. Mr. Gahler appears to be concerned for our future and for that alone he is a leg up on everyone else.
John Ryan is a pathetic ROD(Retired on Duty). He has spent the later part of his career figuring out how to do as little as he can.
Right on Man!!! Right On Point !!!!
Bring back “Rat” Meadows!
Yet another example of a dagger article not related to Bane that is turned into a Bane bashing thread. I think pond scum has more credibility then most posters on here. It’s ok keep up the good work your cockroach pack of Bane character assassinating fools, you look ridiculous
You are too kind to this group, but then, you probably think for yourself and have class.
John Ryan lacks leadership experience. There is a big difference between managing a bushel of crabs and managing an agency with several hundred people.
Best leader in:
Police work- Jeff Gahler
Food prep/service- John Ryan
Bottom line I wouldn’t go to Jeff Gahler for advice on making a crab cake. I also wouldn’t go to John Ryan for advice on police leadership.
Actually Jeff is pretty good on the grill. I know that Jeff is clearly the more qualified sheriff candidate and probably makes a better sandwich as well.
How about a big side of Bodway BS to go with that sandwich?
Come on Darryl – Gahler is an ignorant, selfish, elitist cowardly Politician.
He is just like Bane say or do anything for a vote. Basically a whore!
Darryl, I guess the voters will decide. How bout a bet that Jeff wins easily by a margin of 2 to 1. John Ryan retires and opens a new Orange Bowl in the Mall. With his new found time John and dress up as the gold guy at the corner of tollgate and route 1 and waive signs.
yes Impallaria was demoted from leutenant to sargent for falsifying sick leave so he could spend time with his girlfriend now he is up Bane’s butt. The union is a joke
Impallaria was never promoted to Lieutenant. He was demoted to Corporal from Sergeant. And he has to have contact with Bane, he is the union president.
My bad about Impallarias rank but you don’t dispute that he was demoted for falsifying documents. Of course the union pres has to have contact with Bane but they don’t have to be palsy walsy like they are now
Nearly 2 1/2 years ago Sheriff Bane said he would hire not just any warden -but- a warden with specific skill levels to include: an extensive background in corrections with experience in re-entry and someone with an accomplished background in providing for inmates with mental health issues in a correctional setting. He did NOT do that! INSTEAD — he is placing a candidate in that position without the pledged qualifications. He has not been a man of his word in this situation which indicates poor decision making on his part. You don’t stand up to the plate and pledge to do something and then do something different. He hasn’t even felt it is necessary to explain his actions………..
This is very typical for Bane. Tell the people one thing the do something else. Bane has made an entire career of this. Nothing new here.
Dude, that was like 2 1/2 years ago. He also said he would not deal punishment greater then what a Trial Board recommended, he had to eat that one. Then again in Bane’s defense, he can’t remember the list of lies he tells.
Cry me a river people. If you hate your job that bad get another one. Is anyone forcing you to stay?
Well, most people don’t have the luxury of just quitting there job simply because they don’t like it. Having familial and financial responsibilities will do that.
Besides, what kind of an attitude is that? If you don’t like the way something is going, don’t try to change it…QUIT! Don’t try to improve things or make things better, GET OUT!
Now if we could just get you tea baggers to adopt the same philosophy you prescribe for others….now THAT would bring about some positive improvements!
For those that feel that Bane is harassing white females, what is the race/sex makeup of HCSO. #1 white males (probably at least 65%), #2 white females (around 20%), #3 black males (around 8%), #4 black females (around 5%) and #5 all other race/sex (around 2%). This is my guess based on civilian and sworn personnel. With white females and white males leading the make up of the agency it would make sense that they also lead in resignations/firings/demotions. Stop trying to pull the reverse race/sex card.
I am certainly not implying or suggesting that the harassment is focused on any particular race. Harassment in any form against anyone in the workplace is inexcusable. The Sheriff has directed harassment to both male and female.
My original post regarding this most recent court finding against Sheriff Bane was in response to someone stating that he/she would “bet their life” that Sheriff Bane had never harassed any female employees. I was pointing out that with regard to such a statement they would be “dead wrong”.
So why is yet another member of Bane’s command staff leaving? Major Doug Verzi announced his retirement. That makes 4 of his top honchos bailing on him. And you still don’t think the ship is sinking?
Discount- Verzi has been planning on retiring for months. He has been training to get his pilots license. What for you ask? So that he can fly Eagle1 as a full time civilian pilot. Oops that wasn’t supposed to get out
To be hired as a civilian in the Eagle One Program, as a civilian. Double dip Baby !!!!! Non educated, tobacco chewing, crooked piece of crap. Stating it nicely of course.
I couldn’t have said it any better.
Well you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to be a member of the HCSO, need I say more?
When we look at the candidates, we are looking for “Leadership Skills”; what is their proven history? how have they demonstrated their skill levels in the past? have they been effective in accomplishing what they needed to? what are the changes that you are looking for and who will come on board to make that happen? who will be the one that is “easy to do daily business with”? who will be effective? Some of you act as though this is a “personality contest”. It should be: what are the real issues, what do you want to see happen in your County’s future, and who has what it takes to be effective in that job? The “PAST” of your candidate does matter — their education and proven experience, their honesty to the public, and how the people who have worked with them and under them, consider them as a leader. They can all be very nice people -but- can they “lead” us to where our County needs to go. For years, so many have had so much to say about Sheriff Bane’s leadership abilities — he must have done some things right or he wouldn’t have been in his seat for this long -but- the gross mistakes that he has made are also very evident. The employees under him have had to experience him on a daily basis — and they’ve had a lot to say about him as their boss that is very negative and shameful toward Mr. Bane. The deputies and the HCDC staff have done their best to continue to work everyday in an environment that does not address their needs as employees (limited staff, mandatory overtime, no living increase on their pay, without proper equipment to do their job etc…..). Don’t they deserve better? Then there’s the detention center — with so many problems on so many levels. Their problems have been ignored for so long and any excuse for why they were not addressed long ago is just not acceptable. The people there have really had to struggle along and make do with what they had. Sheriff Bane has given us the projected population that’s coming to HCDC in the future. Presently, they are NOT prepared to provide those services and they are a long way from being on top of that. The Sheriff KNEW and understood the imperative need for a Warden with “extensive” correctional background — yet he chose a lesser candidate who does not have the background needed. The Sheriff’s of “yesterday” maybe didn’t need those qualifications -but- in today’s world, especially with the projected population that’s coming, Harford County needs a Warden that is more qualified and experienced in running a correctional facility. The people that work there and the inmates deserve better than to struggle along for more years.
Stand Corrected, I respect your post because you have a right to your opinion, and you did it in a proper manner. I disagree with your premise that Bane’s people don’t respect his leadership and we should listen to them. How do you know that the few posters on this site represent over 300 employees? Yes, Bane has probably made mistakes, show me any leader who hasn’t. Not one of the few anti-Bane posters ever mentions Golding and how he tried to cover up for a Captain that was DWI. Some of these posters are members of the Tea Bag group who try to make people think they are in the HCSO. Do your own investigation and don’t rely on posters on the Dagger to tell you the whole story.
Duane Williams will be the next Major. I had a lot of respect for him before he became a captain. Now he is a political tool just like the rest of the command staff
don’t forget to vote for Jesse Bane and Dave Hot Dog Man Mitchell tomorrow
That’s right, time to get on the program and fly the friendly seizure skies with Helicopter Bane.
After all, the National Motorists Association ranks MD the third worst state to drive in with its high tolls, excessive roadblocks, errant speed cameras and overall number of speed traps.
So, let’s get on board with pull-’em-over Bane!
The HOT DOG man?! You must be kidding.
Besides, they’re not even on the same ballot Bob Persons – one is Democrat and the other is Republican.
I find it very interesting that the Gahler group avoids the former Colonel Howard Walter issue like the plague. They know that Howard is leading Gahler around by the nose or maybe another piece of his anatomy. Gahler lost the last election because he couldn’t say no to Howard. Gahler will be probably win the primary because he has 100 times the money that John Ryan has. But no one can say that John is not his own man free of personal agendas. John isn’t a puppet for Howard or any one. Gahler will not win the general election because he will not distance himself from Howard. A brave group of Union members stood up to Howard in 2006 and ruined his plans for law enforcemnt domination. Howard will never forget that set back. He will try to get even. People have not forgotten how it was under his rule. There are enough people in the law enforcement community who will not allow Gahler to be elected for just that reason.
Gahler has said flat out several times this election cycle that Howard will have no part of his administration. Either you believe him or you think he’s a liar. If you think he’s a liar then obviously don’t vote for him.
I don’t know if Gahler is really the man to be running the HCSO, but I feel more comfortable choosing him over Ryan.
Whichever one of them wins the nomination I’m voting for in the general election. The only thing that I am 100% certain of is that it’s time for Bane to retire. If Gahler or Ryan comes in a doesn’t fix things then in 4 years we’ll vote him out and hopefully get someone who will.