The Harford County Sheriff’s Office faced a busy night in Edgewood from Thursday night into early Friday morning, responding to calls for a pair of stabbings and a robbery within three hours of one another. The information below was provided by the Sheriff’s Office and is presented in chronological order.
ROBBERY – On Thursday June 26, at 9:36 p.m. deputies responded to the area of Woodbridge Center Way and Acorn Ridge Ct in reference to an attempted theft involving a knife.
Police were advised a black male along with several black females were trying to steal a Razor scooter from a residence the area of the 1300 block Acorn Ridge Ct. When a witness confronted the subjects the male pulled a knife and threatened him. The witness called police and a lookout was posted for the suspect.
Deputies then located a subject matching the description at Hanson Road and Harford Square Drive. As deputies attempted to stop the subject he fled on foot. The subject was chased on foot thru the development and apprehended in the 1300 block of Harford Square Drive. He was identified as Kenneth James Young, 39, of 706 Brooke Court in Joppa. Young was later identified by witnesses as the suspect involved in the theft.
He was charged with robbery, resisting arrest and theft. He is being held in the Harford County Detention Center without bond. There were no injuries.
STABBING #1 – On June 26th at 11:45 p.m. deputies responded to the 500 block of Candlewood Drive, Edgewood, for a report of an assault.
Upon arrival deputies made contact with the victim, Joshua Denzel Taylor, 20, 1600 block of Division St. in Baltimore. The victim reported being chased by several subjects, who after catching him, began kicking and punching him. During the assault Mr. Taylor was stabbed in the back.
He was treated at the scene by EMS personnel from the Joppa Magnolia VFC and then transported to Johns Hopkins Bayview. While his current condition is not known his wounds were not considered to be life threatening. Mr. Taylor also reported his wallet containing personal items was stolen. He was unable to identify any suspects at this time. No other information is available at this time.
STABBING #2 – On June 27th at 12:54 a.m. deputies responded to the 1800 block Grempler Way, Edgewood, for a report of a subject sitting on the steps of a townhome and bleeding.
Upon arrival, deputies determined the subject had been stabbed in the abdomen. They identified the subject as Todd Ellis Harris, 44, of the 1900 Block of Brookside Drive, Edgewood. He was treated at the scene by EMS personnel from the Joppa Magnolia VFC and then flown by Maryland State Police Medivac to the University of Maryland STU. His condition was listed as critical. The victim was unable to provide any suspect information and the case is under investigation. No other information is available at this time.
Just some thoughts-
Robbery: the suspect Kenny Young needs to grow up and stop stealing razor scooters.
Stabbing #1 What was 19 year old Denzel from Baltimore City doing roaming around the streets of Meadowood at 1145 at night. Most likely he was doing nothing productive.
Stabbing #2 Todd Harris is well known to all law enforcement in the Edgewood area. He is a piece of crap lifelong criminal.
Willy hit the nail on the head.
* WTH is a 39 year old man doing trying to steal a scooter?
*Why is B-more Denzel in Edgewood at midnight?
*I don’t wish death upon Todd Harris, but karma may finally have caught up to him, Todd got out of tons of sticky situations for decades because his mother was a HCSD.
Aaaah,,, just another boring night in Edgewood,,,Whens the REAL fun gonna come????/
If this keeps up we will soon be eating with just forks and spoons as the donkey’s are sure to try and legislate the sale of knives.
Hopefully Jeff Gahler becomes sheriff soon because I’m sure he has a tri fold plan to stop thugs from being thugs. Oh, that’s right he never has answers, just bashes the sheriff’s office and then closes each letter with how he supports the dedicated men and women of the sheriff’s office…
So, does Sheriff Bane have answers? What is Bane’s plan to reduce violence, stabbings, shootings, home invasions, people getting beat up, armed robbry, murder? No bashing of Bane here, just a question…. what’s his plan?
If one thug wants another thug dead it is going to happen no matter how many Boots on the ground or bane or gahler plans or tri folds. Attacking Thug will just lay in wait until the police aren’t around and cut or stab villain #2. It’s the way of the world, it is a sad reality. If gahler is elected he will face the same scenarios in 4 years. There have been a lot of officers in Edgewood lately, flooded with them and I believe that murder happened shortly after a patrol. It is extremely difficult to stop a crime like that unless vetted and reliable intel is obtained. Our deputies, troopers and municipalities do an excellent job, but they can’t be everywhere.
Nothing like more Bane BS to start the day. Gahler has stated clearly that part of his plan is to focus on returning deputies to patrol and that is plenty for me and also makes your statement an outright lie as far as him never giving answers. You might not agree with it, but John Ryan did since he was saying the exact same think and he is one of the deputies on the road waiting for help.
If Ryan is really sincere in what he campaigned on he will now endorse Gahler and encourage all of his supporters along with those who voted for him to elect Gahler.
Nuke edgewood
Why are these Thugs on the street in the first place? We need to start holding the Judges accountable.
Bingo. The real problem starts with the courts and the lack of punishing violent people. Police and Sheriff’s are bound by laws and can only enforce them. It isn’t our job to convict and sentence
Whoa whoa whoa!!! Hold judges accountable?!? Like one lawyer is gonna go after another! Remember folks, it’s one big club, and you and I? We ain’t in it!
Welcome to Dodge city, Murder & violence is on the increase & expected to continue regard less of increased patrols. stop the low in come housing, & things will change for the better.
It could be time to revisit the idea that was part of an earlier referendum and move towards having a police department.
Wrong. The solution is to revoke any and all subsidies for the particular development(s) in question and force the property owner to either upgrade his clientele or close up shop. Flood the streets with code enforcement inspectors and issue “not suitable for habitation” orders for any infraction. Vacate the premises immediately and no re-entry until inspections are completed (at which time more violations should be found and condemnation proceedings should commence). No grace period for repairs, purge the neighborhood of the troublemakers and those who would harbor them. If it means everyone leaves – then so be it.
Spread that County-wide and watch the fun begin.
Ho-o-o-o-ld on there Bubba-Louie. I have an idea that will catch the eye of the powers that be:
The ‘Bane-Brown whirlybird on wheels program ‘ – sort of a crime fightin’ version of meals on wheels. You see, just before sundown the copter fly’s over the Edgewood projects and drops (along with gift cards to Mickey D’s) leaflets that say, “Don’t slice, play nice” or “Gun be no fun” – or some such. Oh. Can’t read.
Okay, how about a multi-million dollar venture paid for by the BOE where we open the schools up at night for the ladies of all ages in Edgewood to join ‘Girls rule the Nation’ – whereby it gets them off the streets to organize for Brown and learn about the war on women. For the gentlemen we can have a joint (no pun intended) venture with Mickey D’s where they managers come to the schools to teach the guys how to flip burgers for a future job that they would be qualified for.
Everybody will be busy. Brown and Bane will have a super campaign organization.
Get a life Brady Bunch, your shits weak
Damn-aranga-ding-dong! Thanks for knowing how I shit – bowl filler, floater or tar-like stick to the bowl. Can you offer a proffer on how I piss? Dual stream? Hard start with a weak finish.
Come on guy. We await?
What will a police department do, that the current sheriff’s department can’t? Harford Co Sheriff is the primary law enforcement agency here in the county. They’re not just court security and process servers like in other jurisdictions.
Where was Eagle 1?
Marc, Stop stirring the pot! You know that the helicopter can only fly in good weather during daylight hours! There isn’t too much crime at night and hey, we already helped arrest a shoplifter who thankfully was keeping banker hours.
And we were able to help with that because we were returning from a secret mission that MSP has requested we do for them.
Folks, you can’t make this stuff up.
The not so big secret mission was a motorcycle gang on I-95 pointing guns at people as they went past. Not so sure why everyone on here fails to see that the Aviation Unit has a purpose and that almost every non commander / administrator, the “working” guys work well together, support each other…. regardless of which agency they work for to uphold the oath that they swore and just do their jobs.
Everything is not a giant conspiracy Mel Gibson!
Did they catch them? I know motorcycles can’t get away from a helicopter.
Nope…. that wasn’t the mission…. the new conspiracy is that the aviation unit was using the 3 trillion dollar FLIR camera to film a gang “fight? Bang?” At your moms! I think that was the cost, yeah…. 3 trillion! Hope they get that new mileage tax passed thru soon!
It’s not night time rated as of yet, which if you did your homework you’d know the crews are working on. You don’t speak for all of us in the office, in fact you make a lot of us sound/look bad with your rantings on here. You retired, why don’t you let us pick up the torch and move forward instead of constantly looking back?
Military bases always attract this sort of low life culture, it’s the same every where, we just got the added benefit of a bunch of new jersey aholes along with it.
That military base hase been around since World War I, I really don’t think you have a legit argument there.
Not military associated. Look south to the democratic owned city of “Charm City.”
Im sure section 8 housing has nothing to do with it, think about it, take all the time you need.
Not on Dagger yet, but two more stabbings in Edgewood last night. So now we have 1 homicide, 4 stabbings and 1 robbery all in a matter of hours and yet the Wizard of Bane wants us not to look behind the curtain, but hey look at this cool shoplifting assist from our helicopter!! Sheriff Bane do us all a favor and leave with some remaining dignity, just retire already.
Neither Bane nor Gahler nor Meadows or George Patton himself coulda stopped this Jack The Ripper slasher in the hood. If you think otherwise you’re dumber than your rediculous comment you just made.
Wrong on Meadows. He did stop the gangs in the 90’s with good old fashion proactive police work. Maybe it is time for a surge just like in Iraq. Expect complaints but let the cops do their jobs. One problem with this…..this is Bane’s base and he will not cause any waves in Edgewood. Bane, you built this.
Boot Bane- in addition to that there was a Burglary in the apts off off Woodsdale Road and Waldon Road. Two suspects kicked a window in and entered the residence at 145am, then fled on foot.Aviation was requested and MSP Trooper 1 responded. Eagle 1 wasn’t available they only fly during the day. What a half ass operation this aviation unit is. I guarantee you Eagle 1 will be up for fly overs during July 4th festivities.
Get a clue people, if the Maryland Legislator would ban sharp objects, this wouldn’t happen.
Gotta be running out of people. The inner circle hasn’t been dissolved? Darn. My bad. Welfare still a draw on the working taxpayers. Carry on. Keep it close to home(ies) pls. TY.
If something isn’t done soon in Edgewood there is a good chance that a Deputy or Trooper will be injured. Crime is widespread out of control and deputies were forced to call a signal 13 tonight. Now with that said this is not Banes fault or something that Gahler could do better. At this point Commanders from HCSO need to come up With a very proactive solution to combat the problems. If they don’t they run the risk of losing Edgewood and it pretty close. Bring as many deputies in as you can. This is bad
“Bring in as many deputies as you can”
Sure sounds like that “boots on the ground” thing that Gahler keeps talking about.
If the good people of Harford County only knew how few patrol units were out there working on any given night they would scream! Can anyone with they actual numbers please share them my guess is it’s less than 15 cars for the whole county that might be a little high???
I had heard some nights it was as few as 4. The county is cut in quarters one in each. So when you see 2 together talking that’s on big open area.
Anybody see the new Edgewood movie, Planet of the Apes?
Take some of the Csafe and Safestreets money and use it towards directed patrols. Call it Operation DQ, target Drugs and Quality of life issues. Use a zero tolerance approach. Set up the Command Post and have the prisoner wagon on site. I agree with SP3 Something does need to be done.
This issue that now includes officer safety in the Edgewood area is something that Marc Eaton and others should be on here demanding that help be sent to Edgewood in the form of additional police. It’s funny how Monster, Marc and all Marc’s inlaws only write on here when it has to do with politics.
Marc can’t make Bane send additional deputies to Edgewood. Bane does not want to beef up manpower in Edgewood….. that’s exactly the kind of thing Gahler has been advocating in his position papers on more effective policing. Besides, just ask any Bane senior leader, crime is way down in Edgewood. No need for any additional personnel.
Put the bodies on the streets that are just setting around getting lunches and keeping chairs warm. Get with the State Police and put a plan into hitting the high crime areas with as many people as you can. Some in uniform and some covert. Hand pick your best people who are making arrests and know the area. (Community Policing works Monday to Friday weekends and holidays off) Put Community Policing in the area and let them actually do some work. Majors, Captains, Lieutenants, and below are allowed to patrol and make arrests. Drugs, guns, and criminals get around in cars. If it moves and you see a violation stop it. Use what you learned in the Academy and look for drugs guns or other illegal activity. The Citizens of Edgewood who are good law abiding people are not going to complain. Now the low life drug dealing, stealing, killing and gangs are going to be upset. Complaints will come in. Do not take any anonymous complaints on your people. If the want to file a complaint make them swear that the complaint is valid, just like the Police do when they make an arrest. Cars have cameras, the make cameras for wearing on the uniform. Stand behind your people and show the good people of the community you mean business. Flip the people you arrest, debrief them and get good intelligence from them. If the criminal element can not function or make a profit the will move on. When the do you follow them and just keep going at them. This worked in the 1990’s and the gangs moved out of Perrywood and Edgewater. Bane will never do something like this because it is proactive. His Major who is his legal advisor who wants to work for the ACLU will never okay this plan. He can not have a meeting in the middle of Edgewood and spew out numbers and impress the gangs away. Only good old fashion police work and kicking the scum out of these areas will work. It is kind of obvious that what Bane is doing now is not working. So Edgewood Citizens, do you another four years of what you just had or do you want some change in Edgewood? You vote and it is up to you, start with booting Bane.
Marc all of your comments are right on target. Unfortunately you are also right about Bane NEVER being proactive and not willing to do anything to upset the people in Edgewood that he holds prayer vigils with and who have his home phone number. Especially not right before an election. So it will continue unless he is given the heave ho. We all need to get our friends and families out to vote in November–we have to outnumber the Baners and the old people who think Jesse is the best thing since sliced bread. That’s because they are so old they had their sliced bread and milk delivered to their front door 60 years ago.
Well, with Bane pulling Peck to the dark side as a Ross Perot third party he is hoping to pull enough votes away from Gahler. He is desperate.
What a dump
Just wait til they get the metro line hooked up to Edgewood – then the real fun begins.