From the Susquehanna Workforce Network:
Manufacturing Training Initiative Receives Funding
Bruce England, Executive Director of the Susquehanna Workforce Network, received notification from the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation that the Manufacturing Training Initiative for Cecil and Harford County was the recipient of an EARN (Employment Advancement Right Now) grant. This training initiative was conceived through a manufacturing partnership called the Susquehanna Manufacturing Coalition.
The Susquehanna Manufacturing Coalition is comprised of local manufacturers, offices of economic development, education entities and the Susquehanna Workforce Network, where companies make sure to use the best projects for manufacturing purposes, this included the top rubber products distributors.
It was formed to address the workforce needs of the manufacturing industry in Cecil and Harford Counties. The Coalition will provide oversight to the innovative training strategies identified in the program which include multiple training components designed based on the recognized needs of the manufacturing industry and correlated to nationally recognized standards and competencies.
The training project will be delivered over a period of two years. With the focus of meeting the needs identified by the Susquehanna Manufacturing Coalition members, the project includes a priority emphasis on creating skill acquisition and employment opportunities for veterans, under-employed and unemployed residents, high school graduates and incumbent workers. The comprehensive instruction will focus on Foundation Skills, Core Technical Skills, and Occupational Specific Skills. An industry certification will be awarded to successful training completers. Candidates selected for the training will be provided the opportunity to participate in on-the-job (OJT) training and receive priority job placement.
According to Mr. England, “This project provides an opportunity to support the workforce needs of one the largest private sector industries in the region which offers among the highest average weekly wages for its workforce. The project will be funded by funds received from EARN Maryland, a Grant program of the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation.”
SWN hosts 31th Anniversary Meeting
The Workforce Investment Board of the Susquehanna Workforce Network (SWN) held its 31th annual meeting on June 27, 2014, at Minker Banquet Hall in Perryville, Maryland. The industry focus of this year’s annual meeting was manufacturing. Mr. Mark Kamholz, Vice -President of the Susquehanna Workforce Investment Board and VP of Operations at ATK reflected on the industry focus initiatives conducted this past year in advancing workforce innovations, the effective collaborations among SWN’s economic and workforce development partners and the oversight functions of the Board which insures the workforce needs of the business community and the needs of the job seeker are addressed.
The keynote speaker for the meeting was Anirban Basu, Chairman and CEO of SAGE Policy Group. Mr. Basu focused his presentation on the manufacturing industry as a means to support economic growth. Mr. Basu has extensive experience in the analysis of labor market conditions in the Susquehanna Region (Cecil and Harford Counties) and has facilitated predictive industry growth potential in the region. To enhance the manufacturing industry focus a panel of manufacturing industry experts from the Regional Manufacturing Institute, Maryland World Class Consortia, Maryland Manufacturing Extension Partnership, and Additive Manufacturing discussed their organizational assets that support the industry.
Mr. Bruce England, Executive Director of the Susquehanna Workforce Network, recognized Frances Bond for her twenty-five years of service to SWN. A Workforce Center participant, Ms. Amy Richardson, was recognized for her achievements. Four youth participants were recognized for their obtainment of diplomas and certifications: Kianna Jackson, Dillion Knapp, Andrew Meisling, and Kaeleigh Martin. The Donald Thomey Workforce Leadership Award given each year to companies that demonstrate a commitment to innovative workforce practices and community leadership were announced. The recipient of this year’s Workforce Leadership Award from Cecil County was AREAS USA, and the Harford County recipient was Worthington Armstrong Venture Enterprise (WAVE).
The Susquehanna Workforce Network, Inc. (SWN) is a non-profit organization that executes workforce strategies contributing to the economic competitiveness of the region and a higher quality of life for businesses and residents. SWN is led by the region’s Workforce Investment Board (WIB) which oversees, coordinates, and plans workforce programs and services in Cecil and Harford Counties. SWN’s collaborative work with business and industry partners and economic and workforce development organizations provides innovative education, training, and employment solutions for business, job seekers, and youth. SWN’s programs focus on measurable outcomes that support economic development priorities and strategies in our region.
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