From the Harford County State’s Attorney’s Office:
Kyle Johnson, 20, of Belcamp, Maryland will spend 12 months in the Detention Center after pleading guilty to negligent driving of a motor vehicle while impaired by a controlled dangerous substance that killed Jenna Nicole Pollock, 15. On 27 October 2014, at an emotional sentencing hearing Jenna’s father and aunt told Judge Maurice Baldwin of the devastation and grief the family had suffered as a result of Johnson’s irresponsible behavior.
At the plea hearing, State’s Attorney Joe Cassilly told the Judge that on 27 June 2013 witnesses reported that Johnson was using a controlled dangerous substance referred to as “spice” which caused him to lose consciousness temporarily. Shortly before the accident Johnson almost struck a police car. Soon after he lost control of the car, crossed the center line and hit an oncoming car. Ms. Pollock was dead at the scene. A forensic test identified the substance that Johnson and Pollack were using as a synthetic marijuana. Johnson had two years of incarceration suspended and was placed on three years probation.
here we go again says
So he gets a two year suspended sentence and a 12 month jail sentence for pleading guilty. Why the heck do we keep doing plea deals when some is killed. Why the heck is he doing his sentence at the Harford Hilton. He should be sent to DOC and made to serve his sentence. Gotta love these plea deals that give the criminal the best deal. sorry for the loss of the sister/daughter and hope the family gets closer.We need to elect state’s attorney that will go for harsher sentences.
Reelect the Sheriff says
You really have no idea what you are talking about. He would serve less time if sent to DOC than if he remains at the HCDC. By the way, the deceased was also using spice along with the driver Johnson, so she was no prize. Had she been driving, this situation would have probably been reversed, she would be going to jail and Johnson would be deceased.
SoulCrusher says
DOC, with a year and a day is a cake walk. However, being a short timer, you won’t be able to get those TVs and CD Players because no one will approve you to receive packages. I know it from experience.
Open your eyes says
Is there any topic that the all omniscient Soul Man doesn’t know about. Hey Bud, looking for a reasonably priced chimney sweep in HC. Help a brother out.
SoulCrusher says
Here you go.
Next, time just Google it yourself……
Harford Hilton Bellhop says
Just an FYI about your DOC argument, if he was sent to DOC with a 1yr+1day sentence which is the minimum he would be out in probably 4 months while he will end up serving 8-9 months at the “Hilton”. The DOC allows the inmates to get personal TV’s, cd players, etc while the “Hilton” has none of that. Most inmates would prefer to be in the DOC rather than the Hilton.
Concerned Teacher says
The bigger question is why vehicular manslaughter while under the influence a crime with such a light sentence.
SoulCrusher says
Very good point. I got that same sentence for growing my own pot. You would think that negligent driving that caused a death by manslaughter to be more serious than a pothead growing a plant found in nature. But what do I know, I’m just a felon………
just saying says
spice is not a controlled substance, they are still having trouble banning it
SoulCrusher says
That’s because whenever they ban a certain type of the JWH, the manufacturers just change it slightly so its not the same substance, therefore once again the SPICE is legal. They have banned may types of JWH so far and I’m sure they will ban more in the future.
Hedley Lamarr says
How about this, send all them freaking Indians back to India and and let them open some 7-11’s and quikmarts etc., and sell that $hit to their kids.
SoulCrusher says
“Spice” has been a problem all over the world. If you want to blame a certain country or region for the JWH, China was mass producing it for years. Not India…….
SoulCrusher says
Here is a site that gives you a brief overview of the JWH and its related substances……
????? says
Who let’s there 15 year old daughter hang out with a 20 year old?
Why did she get in a car with someone who was doing the same drug she was doing?
Not that this excuses his criminal behavior but perhaps parents need to ask these questions of their children and do a better job of parenting.
SoulCrusher says
It amazes me how people forget what it was like to be young. I am sure you never did anything when you were young that amazes you that you did it once you were an adult. Look, people like to get HIGH, I don’t know what else to say. Sometimes $hit happens…….
Let them eat cake "spice" says
She was probably riding with a person who was doing the same spice to get some free spice. I’m so tired of all these liberals letting society do whatever they want and saying it is part of free speech or everyone has “RIGHT” to do spice. Whatever happened to telling society that NO you can’t do this because it’s wrong. I’m sure his lawyer tried to paint him as someone who went to church on Sunday and always helped people across the street. I know you pay a lawyer to represent you in court, but if the lawyers weren’t chasing the almighty dollar and say to the client….You messed up and have to pay the consequences. But public defenders are paid, by the state, and do the same thing. As a lawyer you are supposed to make sure your client gets all the proper legal protection and you don’t have to agree with what they do, but come on. Oh and how many of the people here who know that DOC gives more time off, would want to spend a night in DOC. Glad you all can quote what time he would get off his sentence. He deserves to be in a place that the atmosphere is not a country club that caters to the inmate.
SoulCrusher says
THE TRUTH ABOUT DOC, is your time literally gets cut in half in DOC unless its a crime of violence. If your time, after getting cut in half, is more than 18 months, you get sent somewhere that is pretty bad. Under 18 months you get sent to a Pre Release Unit. The PRU’s are way better than HCDC, hell the one I went to didn’t even have fences. You could literally walk off. It is more like a labor camp than jail. The food in DOC is better than HCDC, you actually get fed enough to not get hungry and its made fresh, not some reheated airline food that HCDC gives out. You get issued blue shirts and blue jeans, there is no limit to the amount of clothes you can have and you can actually get street clothes sent in via packages upon approval and inspection by DOC Officers. In HCDC you get two sets of clothes and they only get washed once a week, making you live in filth and spreading disease like MIRCA and Staph. HCDC doesn’t want people to know this, but they have quite a few instances of MIRCA and Staph on a regular basis because they make sure you are kept filthy. The only part of DOC that was scary was MRDCC, when you are getting classified. Once that is over, its a snap. People think DOC is this scary system, but in truth, its 10 times better than HCDC. This guy who is doing his time in HCDC, will spend more time incarcerated, has less of a chance of getting Paroled and will be kept filthy. In truth, if a Judge makes you do your sentence in HCDC, he is making your life harder than if you went to DOC, period.
ace says
If anyone had attended any of the court hearings they would know that she was in the car with her 17yr old boyfriend and her friend, the driver who was 19 at the time. You would also know neither of the passengers were wearing their seatbelts, and that their tox screen showed various drugs in their system. The driver’s tox screen was clean, he was not under the influence of anything and did not have any drugs or synthetics on him but was found on the passengers and in the car which became posession for the driver since it was his car. The girl’s mother was well known by all the kids and other friends to buy the spice for her daughter since she was too young. The police report also reported the car was only going 25mph in a 35mph zone. The driver accidentally crossed the center line and that’s why he is being held negligent. No matter the details/circumstances of this case, it is tragic from all sides. A family has lost a child, and two others lost thier girlfirend and good friend.
Helen Hunt says
Thanks for the information. It’s wonderful to hear that he “accidentally” crossed the center line causing the girls death. Kinda makes it like she’s not even dead and it wasn’t his fault.
So why did he plead guilty to being under the influence if the tox screens were clear? Just another inmate who is innocent.
SoulCrusher says
Why would you think that a Toxic Screening would show Spice in someone’s system? If it is legal, its one of the newer JWH mixtures, because the older mixtures have been identified and may or may not be detectable through a Toxic Screening. They have to know the substance before they can check for it or any of its metabolized traces left in someone’s system. The whole reason people were using Spice was because it was undetectable in the first place. Then they outlawed certain substances once they were identified. If someone is using a product that has a JWH derivative that has not been identified, then there isn’t any Toxicology Report that will be able to detect it.
Helen Hunt says
Apparently almost hitting a cop car passing out and running head on into another car is just an “accident” and the passengers somehow deserved what they got including being dead for doing drugs the drive didn’t.
Insider says
Thank you. It’s about time we heard something positive about the HCDC.