From Roy Whiteley, Founder, Marylanders for Fair Property Taxation:
– We need election and campaign reform.
– Shorter election cycles to limit the garbage polluting our lives.
– A media that educates the electorate rather than feeding them biased propaganda without revealing their support of the candidate.
– Campaign spending limits.
– Campaign ad truth and ethic reforms.
– Factual, truthful campaign ads.
– Elimination of robot calls.
– Debates that are actual debates without “softball” questions.
– Elimination of “mudslinging”.
– Positive ads stating the candidates’ positions, goals, and programs in well-defined terms.
– Term limits.
A pipe dream, you say? True, but what a better world it would be?! And we might make well informed decisions on our next vote.
Roy Whiteley
Founder, Marylanders for Fair Property Taxation
this joker first taxes,now this b.s. give it a rest,or get a job!
after reading this again,why don’t you start by practicing what you preach? You are the biggest blowhard and are more factually inept that many of these so called truth yielding politicians