From Harford County government:
The Harford County Waste Disposal Center under the administration of County Executive Barry Glassman will extend its hours of operation until 7:00 p.m. on Thursdays from March 17 through June 16, 2016, to improve service and reduce Saturday traffic at the landfill. The extended Thursday hours are only for residential customers disposing of household waste or recycling at the homeowner drop-off area of the facility located in Street, Md. Operating hours on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday will remain from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
“I am pleased that my administration is able to offer extended service hours for the convenience of our citizens without increasing fees,” said County Executive Glassman. “This action is made possible thanks to our decision to outsource environmental service operations to Maryland Environmental Service, an independent state agency with a track record of improving efficiencies and customer service.”
Maryland Environmental Service (MES) received permission from the Maryland Department of the Environment to expand hours on Thursdays for three months in order to relieve congestion on Saturdays. If successful, MES will request a permit modification to permanently expand operating hours at the landfill.
Operating hours for Harford County’s mulch and compost facility and the commercial waste disposal will not change, remaining Monday through Saturday from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
For additional information, including acceptable materials for disposal and recycling as well as garbage removal and dumpster rental options, please visit or call the Harford Waste Disposal Center at 410-638-3018.
This is what happens when you slaughter the fat lazy hogs feeding at the trough. Amazing the taxpayers get better service for the same or a lower price. How ever did a private industry do it.
If this were left in the hands of county employees to produce the same results their only solution would have been to hire more people and purchase more equipment.
Anyone know what happened to the pair of county employees that were caught stealing gas at the dump?
MES is a state agency
Private industry? Bro, stock up on more tin foil so you can impress everyone in line at McDonalds today at lunch.
MES is an independent state agency.
What’s with you fat white muddle aged males and your ignorant drivel? It’s an epedemic.
Let me guess, Republican?
For all those trying to make MES look like it’s the state government you are just uninformed.
We have no regulatory authority and we receive no direct appropriations. MES is a self-supporting, independent State agency, combining the public sector’s commitment to environmental protection with the private sector’s flexibility and responsiveness.
Unlike the county or state government if you don’t do your job at MES you will be fired.
Okay, you’re right. “Independent state agency”
Right. So, there is nothijg political about it? It’s just a mom and pop run private business, as “Jim in Hickory” alludes to on his anti government rants.
I alluded to MES as a mom and pop operation :)…. Clearly another retarded Harford county employee.
Thanks for sharing.
Way to go Barry Glassman.
Giving the people of Harford county more while costing less.
Could you do something for he teachers of the county by reducing the waste of the HCPS system?
I wonder why it got privatized. I wonder who benefits in the private sector. Mmmmmm it’s a sham there are no really good investigative reporters in Harford County. .
Isn’t MES a state agency?
I mean, sure, the Board of Directors and Executive staff of MES are most likely part of an “insider club”, but as with most private businesses (and even public sector jobs), it often comes down to WHO you know, not WHAT you know.
I was skeptical when I first heard about the transition of the landfill to MES, but on first glance it seems to be working out. Is there something nefarious going on that we should know about?
Some of you people are mucking forons.
I love the “taxpayer” rhetoric from the usual cheesesteak with gravy fries, overweight middle aged white males. Stick with ordering 1 double quarter pounder at McKie D”s instead of two, the grease is clogging your brain receptors.
MES is a state agency, idiots.
Sorry your wrong. The money made from that landfill does not go to the state.
Where the hell in my reply did I type, “the money goes towards the state”? Please show me. Because I do not see it.
I simply stated that MES is a independent state agency, multiple times now inore ways than one.
Actually you stated MES is a state agency. Go back and read your own post. There is a huge difference in the two. Sorry
I not so bright.
Right. State agency, Independent State Agency.
What I said was correct, as ‘State agency’ is in both words.
Yeah, you’re right. I’m wrong.
I like the idea of not having to take off work or spend all Saturday morning in line to go to the landfill. Does it matter if this good customer service idea comes from the government or not? I wouldn’t boycott something good just because the government did it.