From Harford County government:
The independent consulting firm Thomas Comitta Associates, Inc. will present its findings from the Edgewood Small Area Study and resulting plans for Edgewood’s redevelopment on Wednesday, October 18 from 6 – 8 p.m. at Edgewood High School, 2415 Willoughby Beach Road in Edgewood. All stakeholders are welcome to attend. Following the presentation, attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions of the consultants and representatives from the Harford County Office of Economic Development about the plan and what the community can expect as the plan is executed.
The administration under Harford County Executive Barry Glassman commissioned the Edgewood Small Area study to assess existing resources, analyze market opportunities, and help drive revitalization efforts and job growth. Earlier public meetings gathered input from the community for the study, which explored ways to improve the quality of life in the area, particularly regarding the community’s relationship with Aberdeen Proving Ground. The study was funded through a federal program and is an implementation of APG’s Joint Land Use Study (JLUS) to advance the partnership between the community and the installation through resource planning and cooperative land use.
The final Edgewood Small Area Study and redevelopment plan will also be available on October 19 on the county website at
Questions about the presentation may be directed to Jake Adler, project coordinator in the Harford County Office of Economic Development, at 410-638-3414 or
Waste of time until you clean out the thugs, drugs, gangs and other criminal elements.
So, a cell phone store with iron bars across the windows, storefront churches and opioid treatment facility?
Really just sayin and FOOK? Way off, spread your ignorance elsewhere.
What you going to about it? I know, nothing.
No one told you what to do.
Not really ignorance. 7-8 miles up Route 40 you can see all three in Aba’deen. Metro PCS
Take a left on “main st.”
Storefront churches and Mental Health Facility.
Great businesses for the hard tax paying community. LOL
Twins ! Always have been. The repository for the dregs of development. You wont find that stuff in view across 95 from Edgwood or Aberdeen.
Go Dagger !!!!
More planning=wasted taxpayer money and valuable time. The way to revitalization and job growth is to get kids to learn a marketable skill. Companies need skilled workers and won’t relocate to places where there is no workforce. Not everyone Can or should go to college. We need more people entering the trades. Cut the endless freebies that disincentivize people from honest work. Free healthcare, housing, food, clothing, education and energy assistance – its time for everyone to work for what they have and contributing to society.
WOW Just took a look at Havre de Grace. Ohio street backed up. Otsego street backed up. Chapel Hill Road backed up towards Bulle Rock… We have the entirety of cross susquehanna traffic in residential single lane roads so the commuters from Delaware and Cecil county don’t have to pay the 8 dollar I-95 toll. It is so bad the cars waiting on Ohio to make the left to their free toll on Hatem bridge are now using Pizza Huts parking lot to jump the LONG line which backes up to the cemetery.
This is dangerous because of the inordinate amount of traffic. The roads are prematurely destroyed and quality of life is disrupted.
I don’t recall moving next to I-95….why did I-95 move next to me? The Maryland Transportation Authority MUST STOP GIVING THE DISCOUNT TO EVERYONE OR HONOR THE DISCOUNT ON I-95.!!!!
GO DAGGER !!!!!!!!!
People in Harford are no more special circumstance than people in Cecil County in regards to the Hatem bridge use cheese brain. What are you new to area and are now an expert.
Actually, we are special, its our town that clogs up to gridlock for hours daily as a result of the discount being exclusive to the Hatem bridge. That makes us special. If your interest is cheap tolls you need to get on board also and start demanding the discount be on I-95 also. We can no longer tolorate the entirety of the Interstate 95 traffic flow being funneled into a 1 lane road in Havre de Grace. Your discount isn’t that important .
I suggest you start contacting Perryville , Havre de Grace, and the MTA on this matter if your interest is to be preserved. The residents of Havre de Grace’s interest is quality of life….not your cheap tolls..
GO DAGGER !!!!!!
I stopped reading at “We are special.” I surely hope you’re a troll.
It’s Have De Grace, LOL. Brush off ya shoulda and hold that nose up high when you look down upon the rest of us non-incorporated county dwellers.
It’s noon, surely there is someone in that high end neighborhood violating some HOA rules, you better get on the hotline and report that egregious violation of someone making noise during your lunch hour with a mani-pedi.
Better keep looking out that window incase a work truck parks in an assigned parking spot for 20 minutes so you can call the Police.
Jesus. You should probably consider moving to a less populated region of this country because your paranoia about “cheap” tolls isn’t the sole reason there is traffic congestion.
Your problem is arrogance…. Had you not stopped reading you would have seen where your are encouraged to join in and force the MTA to honor the discount on I-95….but you are way to smart to read.
Alas I have your attention…..
It’s 11:58, better go on HOA patrol.
What’s going on over there? You a brass door knob on your front door, that’s not allowed, you’re being reported.
Is that english? I think you’re trying to say I’m living in a gated communidy. I’m not.
Moron says ……
“What’s going on over there? You a brass door knob on your front door, that’s not allowed, you’re being reported.”
Go Dagger !!!
You are “special”. You sound one of those loudmouth azzwipes who just moved here and thinks his views are important. Think again.
The issue of miscalculations in long term development plans is very important. In aberdeen millions are spent long term acquiring property for road expansion, the road expansion of rt 22. All this planning undermined by the short sightedness of not addressing a toll discount that steers the massive amounts of traffic away from the expanded roads to single lane roads in residential communities. Of course some cry at these posts cause they cry at everything. If the posts are carefully read its made very clear that the posts are aimed at improving the conditions for all and not diminishing anything for anyone.
THE TOLL DISCOUNT FOR THE HATEM BRIDGE MUST BE HONORED ON I-95 !!!!! Or the entire expansion of rt 22 in Aberdeen was futile.
Watch and see how this works……..some of you are lemmings….some of us get things done.
Whats funny is watching the bulls on parade.YOU.bellowing and grunting..not understanding what’s going on. At the end of the day you usually find yourself in the cold.
Today at 1530 hrs gridlock will start….Route 40, Chapel road…Ontario st….Otsego, Ohio st. will stop in their tracks. Side streets will all back up and ambulances and 1st responders won’t be able to transit the streets.Please be careful. Dont injure yourself and those with medical conditions should place themselves or loved ones in proximity to a hospital because you wont get the ambulance response when needed if its blocked in gridlocked traffic. We must all do our part to make sure those who want cheap tolls get what they want.
Of course this would not happen if the MTA would allow the Hatem discount on the I-95 Suski crossing.