From Sarahia Benn, a candidate for state delegate in District 34A:
I remember attending an Andy Harris town hall in Joppa’s 7th District earlier this year. It’s not in my district however I wanted to hear from a current representative. An attendee stood up and told his story of how he was having an extremely hard time keeping a fully employed workforce. He said he had jobs starting at $18 an hour he couldn’t fill. He said that due to a lack of transport (non functioning or not having)was the number one cause of absences from the candidate management system. Harris had no solutions so I went up to the man afterwards and explained a bit of my transportation plan which requires a massive overhaul of the system. I explained that We need to be proactive. That We can no longer exclude so many in the workforce because they can’t maintain their transport or have none in general. Most importantly continuing down the road of utilizing fossil fuel cars is a heavy load on our environment and makes Maryland energy dependent, instead of independent. My plan will create high paying jobs while reducing emissions and congestion. Instead of creating express lanes which are just another way to tax the public and to suppress workforce growth we need to be more bold, proactive, and move towards energy independent means of transport publicly, as well as, privately.
I’m saying without doubt that if we don’t invest in transforming our transportation system now District 34A & statewide will be paying: 1. massive costs in the lack of productivity of the workforce which means less tax base which causes less state revenues to fix issues; 2. ourselves & our children will pay by experiencing excessive environmental disaster events; 3. and finally our state will remain dependent on outside means which could cause us to run into deficit. With the current tariffs in place and future presidents who can do the same this could cause additional massive financial losses in Maryland as well. Contrary to popular belief transportation issues do not only effect lower income workers but everyone. It is just more severe for those who’s incomes are less.
So are we ready TO BE BOLD AND HAVE A REAL transportation PLAN THAT WORKS FOR ALL? Or do we want to pay severely for procrastinating? Add the mismanagement of the state transportation funding where District 34A mysteriously lost several millions from its budget due to the state robbing Peter to pay Paul, it is time for a new direction. The choice is ours. Make sure you choose, me, Sarahia Benn to be your next State Delegate in District 34A. I will bring positive change and ingenuity to our policy that will work for all Marylanders
Sarahia Benn
All that talk about “my plan” and in the entire article she never mentions what her plan is…empty promise! Can’t vote for somebody who cannot articulate “their plan” or what they want to do much less how they are going to get it done.
Ms. Benn, thank you for providing a detailed, comprehensive plan for making Harford County energy independent. I admire your thoughtfulness and hard work.
I have to assume that your comment was sarcasm in the extreme. It was not comprehensive and it had no detail. Sariah Benn is a bunch of hot wind. Maybe we should set up a windmill next to her. That might generate a little energy.
Jaguar Judy
I thought it was detailed and promising, and has convinced me to vote for her.
Jugaer wonder if you went to the Magnolia Fire Station last month where the state laid out their plans for the I-95 corridor. It is a total mess. Spending lots of money, that all it does is make traffic travel faster to Bel Air interchange creating a mess with more backed up traffic. Scoping the area, it would cost little money to make a 4th lane all the way to the rest area beyond Route 543 interchange and even to route 22 interchange. It doesnot take a genuis to figure out that the problem is not enough lanes. What does Hogan want to do. Spend hundreds millions to change 2 bridges in 2019, then add an express lane from White Marsh to Bel Air interchange. Never even thinking about expanding I 95 beyond Route 24 till some time in 2025. Dumb plan. Yes, I know the engineer money is being spent to change the 152 interchange and the bridge before that. Construction will not start till late 2019 or 2020. Here is hoping for a new governor and more democrats in Harford County to fight this nonsense.
Well, Gordon, looks like your hopes are not going to be realized. Governor Hogan is very popular with Democrats and Republicans. And the best the Democrats can come up with is Jealous? And Boardman? Frankly, the Democrats couldn’t find their backside if someone gave them a flashlight and a mirror.
Gahler is loving it…He has absolutely no competition, which is a blessing for him because he isn’t exactly the ideal candidate. Look at his endorsements during the primaries and the results most of them had. Not well thought out to say the least.
Then his publicity stunts he continually pulls. I am surprised he didn’t get in the picture concerning recycling of Oyster shells.
We will all know on Nov. 7th just how popular Hogan is.
She can’t run her own house, how can she run the State House?
Re: Friends of Art
Not Friends of Art Helton?
It was political boss Art Helton’s voting day fake “sample ballot” that corrupted the Democratic primary this year.
It was Art Helton’s corrupt “sample ballot” shenanigans that created the Write-In-Ballot campaign!
The fake “sample ballot” shenanigans was endorsed by Helton backed candidates Mary D. James, Steve Johnson.and Mary A. Lisanti!
It was Art Heltons Corrupt “sample ballot” that will likely damage Democrat efforts this Fall!
Thanks Friends of Art!
Art and MDJ don’t get along, why do you think there are two democrat clubs in Harford County. You’re just mad that Art though of it before your group did. The only one damaging the democrats chances this fall are the democrats.
Art scum! Nuff said
Lol. Lots of reasons why people don’t work somewhere. I’m sure reliable transportation is some of it, but it’s usually either the pay sucks for the job, the business management personnel are terrible to work for, and/or just the general business itself has a hard time attracting quality applicants – Trade/skill jobs come to mind.
Example: Nobody wants to be flat rate auto technician anymore. Pop the hood on your 2018 economy car, would you want to work that? LOL
It’s just a “transportation plan which requires a massive overhaul of the system”, said the Democrat.
Thanks..but I am voting for an American.
There is an ignorant comment.
Sarahia Benn is a sore loser and a distraction from all four legitimate candidates.
She obviously has no plan. Ignore her and she will go away after the general election.
You are a worm. She will be a winner in a few weeks.
I see plenty of big blue busses that say “Harford Link” on them. Call them up then ask for more busses and routes.
In all honesty, your voting base probably wants bigger Royal farms and more gas pumps so pretty much talking about fossil fuels, congestion… nah. Lol
No thanks, I think I will keep going with Andy.
RE: Oops:
There is no candidate named Andy in District 34!
Are Republicans really this confused?
Are Friends of Art really this corrupt?
When will democrats ever learn that it is not the governments job to create jobs
RE: Ribaskins
Tell that to the Republican Orange Con Man!
How come the 10 poorest cities in the US have voted Democrat for the last 40 years. When are we going to see positive results? How come when Democrats with over 95 percent of media on there side lose a presidential election even when their candidate was provided debate question prior to the debate? How come Democrats rioted and destroyed millions of dollars in personal and public property when their presidential candidate didn’t win? How come Democrat’s support the continued abuse of entitlement programs and instead of punishing the abusers reward them with additional funding repeatedly? How come Democrat’s forget about the former actions of Ted Kennedy who knowingly left a woman to die and subsequently re-elect him numerous times. How come Democrat’s re-elect a mayor who was caught in a hotel room smoking crack with a prostitute? How come Democrat’s feel it is ok to assault and harass people of opposing parties, If Mike Callahan or any other Democrat can answer these and a hundred other questions I would really appreciate it.
Re: How come
First you answer one question: How come Republicans ask the stupidest , moronic, inane,crazy-ass,paranoid, demented, racist, sexist, conspiracy-laced bullshit questions in the world?
What was paranoid? What was racist? What was sexist? Typical of you folks. When you can’t justify bad behavior you come back with the racist sexist stuff. I got an idea Mikey. Lock your doors and windows and turn on MSNBC. What is your mom fixing you for dinner tonight?
“How come the 10 poorest cities in the US have voted Democrat for the last 40 years. When are we going to see positive results?”
Because they have faith that when the congress is finally Democrat things will finally change. Unlike the 40 poorest counties that continue to vote Republican and just keep getting poorer.
Very lame response. Is that the best justification you can make????
By the way. I am sorry it took so long for me to respond but unlike most modern day Democrat’s I go to work and don’t look for the government to give me free stuff or a handout. I had to wait for my break. Also for the record I’m an Independent
It is governemnts job to creat a climate that businesses can grow in. That is something republicans do not understand.
You’re funny. That’s what Trump did and it’s working. #MAGA
trump did something? Do you have evidence?
He went golfing, there is plenty of evidence of that.
Lets not forget trump added 2 trillion to the national debt. That’s not easy and took a lot of work.
Evidence? Start with the Wall Street Journal.
This woman is a sore loser looking for a job. Most of her campaign funds from before the primary went to McDonalds for food. She also had a piece out with just her name on it and asked people to NOT cast their votes. Her resume doesn’t include a work history. She is not from this area and has never been the part of any solution. She would like you to think she’s been infringed on by others instead of looking at the truth. The people spoke, they believed her to be a poor choice. Rather than see that for what it is, she continues to blame others for her demise and in the process put a rift in the party. She was a poor choice in the primary and is a poor choice now.
Get over it – you are very wrong. Who in their right mind would spend time, resources, money and effort into running for public service if they didn’t think they could win? She already has a job. She also has deep roots and family in this area. However, are you trying to insinuate that someone has to be from an area for 40 years to represent well? Please get out of that shell and stop undermining voters who had the good sense to support her. If you want to continue to support candidates who intentionally conducted an unethical practice you have that right but it was wrong. I do see you are full of insults though so I cannot take you seriously but you need to get your head on straight and be prepared for her victory. She will still help you when you call her office for assistance.
Didn’t you run a couple times and not win?
Piss off, you old fart.
I proudly cast my vote for today for Ms. Benn, and so did three of my neighbors.