A peaceful protest in downtown Bel Air drew hundreds of participants and shut down Main Street on Wednesday afternoon as protestors kneeled and chanted against racism and police brutality in front of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office. The otherwise positive event was marred, however, when a family leaving the rally was victimized by a group who shouted racial epithets at them.
The event was organized and promoted on social media as the Bel Air Protest for George Floyd with a mission of raising awareness and bringing an end to the “senseless murder of black lives across America.”
The group began forming by the Harford County Circuit Court House fountain at 1 pm and about an hour later the Bel Air Police Department alerted motorists via its social media page to use caution while traveling through town because a peaceful demonstration was being conducted. Shortly thereafter, Main Street was closed from Route 22 to Pennsylvania Avenue to accommodate the swelling crowd.
The atmosphere of the protest was described as peaceful and positive by many who attended, who also found it encouraging that the movement was spreading beyond big cities.
“I just think it was very moving to see it move out of the cities and into the suburbs. I think people are actually going to listen to this now,” said Kevin Connelly, a protestor who attended the event in Bel Air and snapped a photograph (seen above) of participants with their heads down and arms raised during a moment of silence.
“I think the photo reminds me of the photos from the 60s I’d see in my textbooks from when I was in school. It’s crazy that we are still working for the same movement,” he added.
In contrast to some recent protests across the country, which have turned into violent clashes between police and protestors, Connelly said the law enforcement at this event kept their distance and watched from afar.
The positive mood of the protest changed shortly after the event ended, however, when a family was confronted by quartet of local racists.
In a social media post about the incident, Anita Nickens said she attended the protest in Bel Air with her daughter and two of her daughter’s friends.
As they left the event, Nickens said a group of four teenage boys, apparently all white, engaged them in conversation from several floors up on the Bel Air parking garage. The teens began mocking George Floyd, the man who was killed while being taken into custody by Minneapolis police last week, and the conversation became heated to the point where the teens eventually told Nickens and her group, “You n***** need to shut the f*** up.”
Nickens pulled out her phone and was able to take clear video and photos of the teens, which quickly led to outrage and their identities being outed after she posted it on social media.
The four teens who shouted the racial slurs were evidently all identified as students at Harford Technical High School, who work for the same contracting company. According to follow-up replies on social media, both their school and their employer have been made aware of the situation.
As horrific as the encounter with the racist teens was, Nickens said she was also dismayed at the lack of response from her white protestor counterparts, who saw and heard, the incident, but did nothing to come to her aid.
“Like how do you come from a protest, shedding fake ass tears for our lives, claiming to be in solidarity with our fight, see it first hand and do and say nothing?!?!,” she wrote.
Nickens further alleged that she told nearby deputies from the Harford County Sheriff’s Office about the incident, and even pointed out the offenders in their vehicles as they drove by, but no action was taken.
“But I shouldn’t have expected that from a bunch of white cops in a white county who when we asked y’all to knee with us during the protest you laughed and walked into the building,” she added.
Another protest is scheduled for the same location in Bel Air on Thursday and other protests will be held in Havre de Grace on Saturday and Sunday.
The Harford County Sheriff’s Office did not immediately answer questions about whether it knew about the incident and if it was taking any action.
Below is Nickens’ full and unedited statement about the incident:
“Today my daughter, two of her friends and myself went to a black lives matter protest in Belair MD.
As we where leaving 4 white guys purposely made it their business to ask “what the protest over?”
We told them yes.
The one in the black cap proceeds to say “since he couldn’t breath and died y’all shouldn’t had been protesting shit. That’s what he gets” and laughed…
I asked him “what the fuck did you say?” And he repeated it
My daughter then told them to shut their privileged asses up and went into telling them why why blacks protest bc of people like them.
As she was doing that, the guy in the fatigue hat said “you niggers need to shut the fuck up”. Guy in the black started saying it to.
Once I took out my phone and started video tapping they stopped and the two in the middle tried to hide.
But guess what fucktards….. SCREENSHOTS ARE A BITCH!
I have the video of my 17yr old crying and explaining in tears and anger why she has to fight just to be black in this shitty world with racists like them.
Yep, I got video!!!!
But the shittiest part is this
Dozens and I mean DOZENS of white people who had just left the same fucking protest as us, sporting their fancy ass BLM posters, did nothing, said nothing but simply walked on by. They saw this!!!!!
Like how do you come from a protest, shedding fake ass tears for our lives, claiming to be in solidarity with our fight, see it first hand and do and say nothing?!?!
Y’all use our skin color for something you truly dont care about, for clout!!! You saw something happened and turned a whole ass blind eye!!!! Y’all fake be for the cause for photo opts and to say y’all was there!!!!
Oh and to Harford County Sheriff’s Office shout out to your shit officers who stood by and watched. Not only when I told them and showed them the guys and their truck and car, did fucking nothing but let these idiots drive by!!!
But I shouldn’t have expected that from a bunch of white cops in a white county who when we asked y’all to knee with us during the protest you laughed and walked in to the building…..
I’m hip, trust me.
Y’all are wack af for this and no I’m not gonna shut up about it.
But in the mean time….
Here, I know they are from Harford county.
Don’t know names but trust me I’d love to!
I’m gonna make sure I share this.
And y’all share it too!!
Bc these fuckers definitely had a shit ton to say FOUR FLIGHTS UP like punk bitches and I invite this to be said to my face.
I am a momma bear….
Don’t ever fuck with my kid and her melanin skin.
They didn’t care about my daughter’s and my feelings calling us niggers so fuck their feelings and privilege!”
Free Speech goes both ways. I’m not a friend of Harford County Police, but neither the Bel Air Police or the HCSO had anything to do with George Floyd’s death. The police were present to maintain order if something broke loose. How can they do that from their knees bowing their heads and not observing the situation? Everyone likes free speech until something is said that they don’t agree with and then they say “You can’t say that”. Apparently, they can and they did. If you want one group to loose their free speech, you must cede your own, but you don’t want that, do you?
These teens baited and provoked! Free speech has nothing to do with intimidation and racial slurs. It’s always quite obvious how you may feel or decided to feel. It’s so exhausting to just be who you are and someone hate you! Confusing right I know.,, keep being a part of the problem we just want peace ??
Hate speech is free speech as SCOTUS reaffirmed in Matal v. Tam
You may not like it, but that’s immaterial.
Precisely. If it wasn’t true then Authorities could just round up ALL the white supremacists and KKK to send them to jail. It’s not happening because free speech is free speech….
“Free speech” means that you are free to criticize the GOVERNMENT without fear of retribution. It does not mean that you can say whatever you want with no consequences. Read the freaking amendments before you try to use them and fail. Can they say those things? Sure. There will be consequences for doing so. This is exactly what’s happening. If someone stands screaming at you, they are 100% allowed to do that. You can also figure out who they are and tell people. If they are screaming intimidation or threats at you, which includes racial slurs, that is potentially illegal. It would be great if people understood anything about topics before commenting. If you don’t know what free speech even means, why are you citing it.
No. Racial slurs are not illegal, the statutes are inoperable on the public because of our free speech. You can say whatever you want, with no consequences, unless it causes a harm thru the use of untrue statements. Then you are liable for damages and possible criminal fraud. The government does attack members of society who speak out against it and I’m living proof of that. The 1st Amendment does NOT say anything about what you are saying. It specifically prevents the government from making any law curtailing the freedom of speech or the press. By making a racial slur illegal, it curtails a person from using that slur, which curtails the freedom of speech. That’s what you’re not getting. ALL of government is prohibited from making any law that prohibits free speech due to the 14th Amendment. Therefore, any statute that states otherwise is applicable only to government employees because it is inoperable on the people.
I’d really like to know where this imposter soulcrusher got his law degree… he’s clearly a constitutional scholar.
Ohhh wait, I’m mistaken, he’s just a long-winded blowhard who thinks that since he was arrested and put in jail, that he is the most knowledgeable person out there… when in reality, he’s just a pot-growing felon who should learn to keep his mouth shut!
See right there. That’s all my arrest was ever about. Silencing the free speech of a man who can’t be a felon and never committed a crime. Why is it so important to you that I keep my mouth shut? Is my FREE SPEECH against the government regulated, but everyone else’s isn’t? Please explain to me why I should keep my mouth shut? Please explain to every Dagger Reader why you think I should keep my mouth shut…
No. We arrested you because everyone we talked to about you said you were a complete a-hole, to the point that no matter what rights of yours we violated, people would fall into two categories: those who felt you deserved it, and those who didn’t care if we did it. So we basically had free rein, which made for a fun time for us!I
The Great State of Maryland
Really? Well, then you haven’t seen nothing yet. There is a whole lot more to come and I’m going to have a lot of fun with this. You don’t arrest a person for being an asshole because it isn’t a crime. You don’t convict a person of a non crime, especially a felony. What you scumbag traitors wanted was to redeem me. There isn’t enough gold in the Vatican Bank to redeem me. It is simply not enough. You have failed…
just for the record, the STATE OF MARYLAND is a lifeless entity of fraud, war and treason. There is no physical being that is the STATE OF MARYLAND. It doesn’t bleed or breathe. It is the employees of the STATE OF MARYLAND that have run amok. You are in violation of your oath. In breach of the Constitutional Contracts. Have committed more crimes on your fellow men than those you have arrested, all on behalf of a good ole boy system of bureaucrats and elected traitors.
by the way, next time spell your name right. “Martland”?
Same old Bullshit spewing from my imposter.
Pay no attention to this fuktard. Its clear that he’s delusional!
I’m confident that the next response from “soulcrusher” will be a 5 paragraph diatribe on the injustice thrust upon him, while HE was the one breaking the law.
When you break the law, it doesn’t matter if you were in your own home our not … I guess if the “crusher of souls” had assaulted his girlfriend (as if he could ever get one) in his own home, the police would not have had any authority to stop him.
Everyone needs too recognize what a cancer this guy is and stop giving him any credence on this or any other website.
He is A criminal. He got caught. He got sent to jail. He is deflecting blame on
Everyone but himself.
If he were to have the guts to come to HARCO, I’d be happy to be the first one to kick his sorry ass, but he’s too much of a coward to emerge from his mommy’s basement (which I’d the only place he can afford to live with his criminal record), so we’ll just have to live with the fact that he is an Internet troll who will never amount to anything other than a blowhard on a stupid little local website.
In reference to the comment posted by “Bob” on June 8 2020 at 12:04am it is from another “Bob”.
Once again, I would suggest to Brian Goodman (Executive Editor of the Dagger) that you change the registration process to include unique use of a username. By allowing multiple people to post using the same username you promote confusion that undercuts the value of the Dagger.
To Bob and my imitator, there is no crime if there is no victim, so I am NOT a criminal. I am not a felon because Article 18 of the Maryland Declaration of rights prevents that. Yet the records of the treasonous Maryland Judicial Department state otherwise because the Judicial Department has acted as a criminal organization against the people who their salaries. Now, if I had assaulted someone is my home there would be a victim, right? So then that would be a crime, but none of that happened. No one lived in that condo with me so everything you’re stating is total garbage because you don’t know the law. Now, Bob, for the past 3 years you have barked on about Russian Collusion, the Ukraine Hoax, the Coronavirus and now racism, all on behalf of a political show that has done nothing but proven you a liar and a traitor. Just like those scumbags that attacked me a decade ago in Edgewood. From the words you have used on your latest “post”, it is very easy to see that you are assuming multiple identities and are probably responsible for more than 10 of the Dagger personalities that appear regularly on this website, sometimes even stating one thing and then using another personality to agree with yourself in an attempt to gain credibility. That’s not just uncool, it’s schizophrenia like behavior and no one should listen to a scumbag traitor like you. I still don’t see why you wish for my departure from the Dagger because without the Crusher of Souls you’d have very little to do. Bob, you’re just a punk who couldn’t do a damn thing to someone like me on your best day, even on my worst day. So just give it up….traitor.
After re-reading the “post” I responded to, I realize that the author was not the “Bob” that comments on here regularly. I apologize to the “Bob” who commented on June 8th, 2020 at 10:34 am and condemn the other scumbag for being exactly what I said he is…
We can spell our name however we’d like, just as we can arrest you for no other reason than for being an asshole. Which we did, and which you are. And there is nothing you can or will do about it. You will keep ehiningband crying like a little girl and will never get over it. You will spend countless hours of your life doing so and you will look back on your life with regret that you allowed us to not only take the time away from you while you were arrested, buy that we robbed you of all those hours you spent crying anonymously on an obscure internet website.
We crushed your soul! And all you did was let us.
Keep posting!
The State of Martland
What is “ehiningband”?
“Ehiningband” is a German word that means excessively complaining in a way to draw attention to oneself in order to evoke pity or promote a personal agenda, but without any will or means to help one situation. Pretty much what you do here. Everything comes back to you and your supposed misfortune as a means of promoting ridiculous ideas, while completely lacking the will to actually help your own pathetic condition.
Really? I thought it was a spelling error by a governmental traitor against the United States who is trying to bluff his way out of the Article 3 Section 3 treason charge. Whatever, I will not stop talking and the State must fix its acts of fraud, war and treason. Just for the record, I have no conscience and if I had my way every last one of you scumbag traitors would hang by your necks until dead, just like you did to Aaron Lowinger….
Nope. That’s not what it is. Treason, as defined in the Constitution, does not mean someone who disagrees with you, or who recognizes how pathetic you are.
Article 3 Section 3: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
If you know of someone who is levying war against the US, or is giving US enemies aid and comfort, and you have two people who will testify in court regarding such allegations, you have an obligation to report them to the authorities; failure to do so makes you complicit.
So go ahead and report me and everyone else here who is a traitor. I dare you to report us to the authorities for acts of treason as defined by Article 3 Section 3. Failure to do so means that even you know you’re full of s%$#. You’ve been accusing people of being traitors for long enough. Time to do your civic duty and turn all these people in. Keep us posted on your progress in this area.
You’re not even close. Treason is warring against the United States and WE THE PEOPLE are the United States. Treason is warring against the US Constitution and just testing the Constitution is an act of treason. When you speak of utilizing something that is a test of the US Constitution, that is treason. When a Judge makes a decision of law that the Judge has no jurisdiction over is an act of treason. To stray from the Supreme Law of the Land is in itself an act of treason. To knowingly deprive any individual of their rights is an act of treason. When our government did levy a war against WE THE PEOPLE whom are the United States, regardless of your moral fundamentals, is an act of treason. Even to deprive a person their ability to choose a profession is an act of treason. If ANY law that is knowingly made and is unconstitutional is an act of treason. You don’t know what you’re talking about because warring against the United States means many things. Congress has no authority to codify, define, divide or remove from the meaning of treason because it wasn’t ordained. Congress was only ordained to set the penalty for treason and the 2nd Continental Congress did just that. I AM legally sound on this issue and have many SCOTUS decisions that back me up 100%. We can go on for days on this issue and you will never convince me of your opinion or definitions because I AM fully secure in what I believe and I am that because of what I have learned. No more legalese and Bar Association witchcraft. No more Jedi mind tricks. No more anything you say traitor….
Hey, great. So like he said…are you going to call the authorities and turn him in for treason? Or are you just going to keep presenting a definition of it and claiming everyone is committing it?
He’s right…if you believe someone is committing treason, you have a duty to inform the authorities. Let us know how that goes.
A demand for indictments was already made…
Just for the record, there are no demands for anybody on the Dagger because we are all posting in anonymity and you still have free speech, even if that speech is treasonous. Quite frankly, I don’t care about Dagger readers whom disagree with me. I care about the system not being applied to others and if I can prevent just one person from being unlawfully tortured and convicted by the Jesuit Priests whom occupy your traitor courts, then it is worth it…
Speech that is treasonous? Interesting. So if someone says that they would like to wage war against the US government, is that treason? Treason is an overt act, not a statement. Much like if I were to say that i want to burn down the chicken coop you live in doesn’t make me an arsonist. Im not an arsonist intil i actually attempt to, or at least, seriously plan to start the fire.
Nevertheless, if you believe someone here to legitmately be planning to commit acts of treason, you have a civic duty to report it to the FBI. Failure to do so makes ypu complicit. Anonymous or not, they can still track down posters through ip address.
Believing that someone committed a crime and doing nothing but informing them of your belief is really just an indication that you really don’t believe what you are claiming. You’re just trying to get a reaction out of them, like a little kid calling someone names.
Those whom have warred against the United States, the US Constitution or the Maryland Constitution is a traitor in the State of Maryland. Speaking of it is not actually treason. but to actually war against is treason. Warring against it means many things, you’ll figure it out…maybe. “to merely test the Constitution is an act of treason”.
Hey Soul Crusher there will be a protest tomorrow 6/14 at 5 PM at your alma mater Harford County Detention Center, You need a ride up? Maybe your boyfriend will be there.
Oh, your Father is gonna be there giving free sausage rides? Sounds tempting…
You can’t turn down a good sausage ride can you…..
Not from your Daddy…he’s the best, but both your Mom and your Sister already know that! Don’t they?!?!
These dumb niggs need to shut the fuck up
Tell these apes to go to Liberia. I’m tired of hearing these welfare queens.
I will pray for these two. Clearly you are uneducated children. Please pick up a book. Learn to read. God help your soul because these are words of evil and nothing good will come from that.
Spoken like true Christians.
Tough guy on the dagger…prob the typical 70 year old can’t even piss right.
OR – just ignore them. YEP – walk on by ! I have had to do a THAT a couple of times since George Floyd.
Bad mama I am sorry that you have experienced such hurtful behavior. Be safe!
Imagine not seeing the big picture in this. It’s not about freedom of speech. Black males and woman’s die every day under the hands of police and excessive force because they are power hungry and think they are above the law because they have a badge. All cops are bad until they hold their counterparts accountable. Cops are not above the law! OBVIOUSLY they had nothing to do with George Floyd’s death, but they are still cops in a corrupt system we’re racial profiling happens every day.
These kids were saying hurtful slurs? Are you that dense? Are you racist? Would you say these things to a black persons face or do you just say it in your home or under your breath.
I hope you see the bigger picture someday soon and realize this is a human rights issue and not a first amendment issue.
More whites than blacks are killed by police. A fact backed by statistics. Now what?
White people account for 73% of the United States population according to the 2017 Census. Black people account for 12.7%. That’s backed by statistics. So based on statistics, of course more white people get killed by the police.
The lack of consequences for police officers that kill ANYONE, on camera, when it could have been avoided with better training is one of the issues this is about
White deaths per 10,000 arrests – 4
Black deaths per 10,000 arrests – 3
Population has nothing to do with it, however 13% of the population does commit 50% of the crime.
Actually Fernando white people account for 68.9% of arrests in America while Black people account for 27.2%. Check it out here ??
Jack, I see that blacks are punching far above their weight considering they’re a much smaller percent of the population than whites.
White arrests total vs. murder/manslaughter: 5,626,140 – 4,188 = 1,343:1
Black arrests total vs. murder/manslaughter: 2,221,697 – 5,025 = 442:1
90 percent of black homicides are committed by black. Put the big Kids pants on – these pathetic pity parties are embarrassment. Your energy is so negative 24/7
Once again MissingReagan seems to put it in the right perspective. This isn’t about black people being killed by police. This about ANY of our people being killed by police without justification…
Just curious to see what everyone things about Aberdeen police being shot at yesterday?? Police shouldn’t be killed or shot at without justification too. Police are people too. Just sayin’
The police were conducting a lawful traffic stop and arrest, right? If you know the answer to my question, then I am sure you know the answer to bc’s question as well….however, police may be resisted to the point of killing them if they are conducting an unlawful arrest.
The police didn’t kill George Floyd, the 12mg of fentanyl he swallowed when they pulled him over did (the lethal dose is 2mg, by the way)
Ariette, do you have a source for that information?
Once again ignorant people are using Inaccurate information to justify the situation. I challenge you to post any evidence to back up your statement about Floyd swallowing 12mg of fentanyl.
Per the County Medical Examiner’s autopsy report – https://www.hennepin.us/-/media/hennepinus/residents/public-safety/documents/Autopsy_2020-3700_Floyd.pdf – he had 11ng/mL NOT 12 mg. That is a huge difference
If you read through NIH article on fentanyl https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6609322/, you will see that 11ng/mL is considered to be the upper limit of “low serum concentrations”.
You are a VERY sick individual
“Every day”? Hardly.
Quit being so dramatic and spewing a false narrative.
A Trump hooligan protester dies and Trump goes berserk!!
That’s not what freedom of speech means. The 1st amendment protects you from GOVERNMENT reprisals, not from personal consequences pursuant to your actions.
I now direct you to what MissingReagan commented on June 4, 2020 at 12:57pm on this very same article…
Probably another great opportunity for Sheriff Gahler to have one of his gun raffles to raise money.
Thanks to the liberal Democrats gun sales are at an all time high.
Not unexpected republicans are a frightened bunch.
maybe they are afraid because of liberals rioting, looting and burning down businesses.
That would be the white supremacists and boogaloo boys burning and looting you should educate yourself with something other than Breitbart and OAN
So what you’re saying is that even though it is confirmed that ANTIFA and BLM groups are participating in the protests, it is White Supremacist groups and boogaloo boys that are rioting and looting. You know, when I saw those people running thru Target they didn’t look like white supremacists, they looked like mostly young black males. However, who would’ve thought that George Floyd’s death would bring us ALL so close together that the White supremacists, ANTIFA and BLM would participate in the same event of rioting and looting. You’re obviously out of your beloved mind…
just the facts, how fucking stupid are you? Blacks and white leftist Antifa members are white supremacists now? Talk about brainwashed.
White Supremacists and Boogaloo Boys – laughable considering more than 90% of the videos / live feeds being shared of the looting in major cities contains all races. One race more prevalent than others, but I’d be labeled a racist for pointing out facts.
Nice try on the whole CNN talking points, though 🙂
In this entire country; “A black man is guilty till proven innocent, while a cop is innocent till proven guilty.” That is the American Justice system for over 400 years. Many in our society still believe that is a way of life and should not be changed. To them they can always find something or someone else’s actions to justify that we should not live up to our own constitution. A constitution that even many of the framers wrote the words but never changed their actions. Today those same thinking people still have too much power in this country preventing change for all the citizens.
I am a WHITE man and I was presumed guilty with no chance of ever proving my innocence. Gordon, this isn’t a white/black issue that the Democrat Party and their bought media want it to be. This is an issue about police causing harm without justification to ANY American citizen. The Constitution was drafted to preserve liberty and just because that liberty might not be what you think is right, it doesn’t make it illegal. This is how the Democrat Party has lost its way. This is how you lost me….there is no Constitutional Authority to regulate the behavior of the people. We are beholden to the “common law” and any conviction that is not consistent with the principles of “common law” is an act of fraud. Maybe even fraud, war and treason. There is no equal justice, only equal political persecution by the Democratic traitors against America…
Were you shot and killed??? Like black people are.
I was persecuted like ALL Americans the government singles out in its acts of fraud, war and treason instilled by the Democratic Traitors Against America. Gordon, more white people are killed than blacks every year in America. Your message that black people are being killed is true, but so are white people. At greater rates. Your message is a narrow truth that is ignoring the greater truth and when you make it all about black people you have become lost in YOUR POLITICAL VIEWS. The fact is you Democrats and the media exploits black killings and use it to create riots and looting. Yes Gordon, people just like you are advocating that Black Lives Matter and that White Lives Don’t….
Whine, whine, whine…
You broke the law, and you got caught.
Plain and simple.
Just because you complain about it on A website doesn’t change that.
If you were black, you’d be dead.
I didn’t break the law. The code isn’t law. There was no crime because there was no victim. I am not a felon because Article 18 of the Maryland Declaration of Rights prevents the Legislature from making felonies and applying it to particular persons in the public. The STATE OF MARYLAND is treason and the HCSO acted as a STATE TERRORIST ORGANIZATION in 2009. If I was black I probably would’ve been awarded a scholarship or an honorary degree. Look at the HCDC inmate records involving deaths in 2009-10 and you will see that 95% of the deaths were white males. That is the truth and you can take your BLM crap and stuff it….
WERE YOU SHOT AND KILLED BECAUSE OF THE COLOR OF YOUR SKIN? If the answer is no, then shut the hell up, you have nothing positive to add to the conversation. There are iimportant things in this society that are not about you.
George Floyd wasn’t shot and killed because of the color of his skin either, so WTF are you trying to say? He was choked out moron. I’ve got news for you, George Floyd wasn’t murdered because of his skin color either. Some cops are just scumbags and would’ve killed anybody when they can. People like you and the media exploit black killings by police, even though we whites know that they kill more of us than you, you dumbass. Sad thing is there will never be a protest because a white man gets killed because people like you want to see white people getting killed by police. Now, I accuse you of having nothing positive to add to the conversation because all you are doing is exploiting racism into a political tool for the Democratic Traitors Against the United States aka The Democrat Party. There is no racism in the George Floyd issue because those cops are just murderers and would’ve done it to you or me. You’re an idiot and there is definitely important things to discuss, but you’re not smart enough to have a conversation with a rock. Why don’t you go make a deal with Hogan to get the schools opened on time, but no a Concerned Teacher like yourself only wants to see the kids get dumber and you’re just dumb enough to make that happen….
Gordon cops don’t shoot and kill black people. Stop demonizing the police!!! We don’t have all the facts. It might be possible that this is the horrible result of a personal “man on man” issue. Just one woman’s opinion!
Soul Crusher why the heck did you make this about democrats. It has nothing to do with politics. It has to do with COPs killing black. It’s cops making themselves jUDGE, JURY AND EXECUTIONER. Then they hide behind their union and pretend they did nothing wrong. And there peers back them and hide their crimes. Finally an AG is prosecuting all those who could have stopped this violance to George Floyd.
Daily I travel route 40 and I 95, I see whites stopped with only one cruise car. But when ever it’s a black person 4 or 5 cars are there. This racism in the entire olice force needs to stop.May the young people of this country protest every day the rest of their lives and change this country. It will be hard to do as long as these old dumb ass racist people live.
Just why do you always put yourself as the person who was persecuted, shot and killed. Get a life and get out of your self pity.
I was pointing out that it is NOT black Americans, but ALL Americans that are guilty until proven innocent. I was also pointing out that I, a white man, was illegally and unconstitutionally convicted with no way of defending myself because of the Codes, Rules and Regulations created by the Democratic Traitors Against America. Gordon, I have left you alone because you are an old man who couldn’t pose a threat to a fly and I felt bad that I may have hurt your Geriatric feelings. You even came across in a civil manner on your Facebook page as a reasonable person. However, you don’t have a clue about what you are talking about. I was persecuted in my own home thru treaty law instilled by the UN and foreign religions all made possible by the Democratic Traitors Against America. The Democrat Party is the “Not See” party, you just believe you should be persecuting whites instead of jews. Gordon, you would condemn all white people, even though you are whiter than my bare ass. George Floyd’s death was a horrible tragedy that no American, white or black or indifferent should be subjected to, but lets face the fact that if a white man had been killed like that there would’ve never even been a protest. Doesn’t that bother you? It should make your blood boil, especially when you hear all this bullshit how Black Lives Matter and White People need to get on our knees and apologize for our “white privilege”. If you believe in that Gordon, then I’m going to have to go back to calling you a fuktard on a regular basis…
Soul Crusher have never seen a white person treated like blacks for no reason. In fact I have never seen a white person treated that way.
There you go again bringing in politics. Always insults against Democrat’s while Republicans are the most evil people I have ever met.
I Have personally been attacked on the golf course. This Republican was blaming and cursing Obama, I said Trump is a piece of shit. Luckily I still had a golf club in my hand as he was ready to start swinging. I have tried to be friends with republicans. Every time they they have stabbed me in the back.
Yes I am usually sincere on Facebook. On this site republicans act like complete idiots and insult. I give back twice of what I receive from Republican jerks.
You and I have cleaned up our act to each other and I respect you for that. If we ever meet and talk am sure we would get along.
Gordon, I and another inmate at HCDC were treated worse than any black in that jail. We were housed together in a 1 person cell for 10 days and I had to live on the floor. A black man was in a cell next to us and he was actually given two spaces because of the feces he would throw at the cops. He would cut himself and say he was suicidal. He kept a razor blade in his mouth somehow. He was treated with far more respect than the wo of us. Every time my room mate pissed the spray would get on me and my belongings. I hate those HCSO scumbags and if I ever run into those who did the deed I will break their necks on sight. Yes, I would kill them on sight, with my bare hands. In 2009, the HCSO was the epitome of a terrorist organization, lead by the Democratic Traitor, Jesse Bane. Quite frankly, I’d probably break Bane’s neck too and I don’t even know him. The HCSO was breeding hatred and if you or any one else from Harford County doesn’t understand that then I don’t know what to tell you. Yes, white people were treated worse than blacks in HCDC in 2009.
Gordon, if you have never seen any other race treated poorly – suggest you widen your lens and focus on events that the mainstream media does not cover. If you think, for one second, that police officers are not antagonized by whites / Asians (any other race than black) – then you have a small window to the world.
You contradict your argument several times in your statement – Republicans are ‘evil’ while you spew foul language about someone you don’t agree with politically. A simple word for that is ‘hypocrite’. Hate begets hate, just be nice to everyone – regardless of political affiliation. Who cares who supports who – how does one person “liking” the current President affect your day?
It shouldn’t, and if it does – if someone supporting Trump brings your blood to boil – then you have another set of issues to work on.
Gordon I don’t know you and quite frankly I don’t care if you are white, black, or green but I feel you are painting with a very broad brush when you group all police together in a negative context. Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I am a white retired police officer who in my 30 plus years of service never took a life and never had a sustained bias or brutality complaint. I worked in both black and white neighborhoods. The majority of my service was in predominately black areas. I have to tell you that I was disgusted with what took place and n Minneapolis.
I realize that some bias does exist and needs to be addressed, but I can tell you with certainty that those officers are a small minority. You may not believe this because you are bombarded with misinformation on a daily basis. For some reason the media wants us to believe that white people and white police are solely responsible for the situation. Failed race relations is due to parties on both sides.
Today I was on the parking lot of a Bel Air area convenience store when to young black men drove in and one of them exited the passenger seat and I held the door for him as he entered the store and he said thanks. I made my purchase and came out and noticed the driver was clearly smoking a big fatty (marijuana). I said to him that wasn’t very wise because many of the local police frequent the store and it wasn’t worth him getting in trouble. He said “f—k the cops, this is the wrong time for them to f—k with a N——r we will wreck this town” I said ok and got in my car and left.
This behavior and attitude is what police have to deal with day after day night after night. During my career if a I caught a black man with a gun, drugs, burglarizing or robbing a person or business on many occasions they would say they were only arrested because they were black. For some reason unknown to me they felt entitled to do what they were doing and the police had no right to engage them. You would get a call for a disturbance in the hallway of an apartment complex at 4 in the morning. The complainant was an older black woman who had to work in the morning. You get their and find a small group of young intoxicated black males. You tell them they are bothering residence and ask them nicely to leave. They accuse you of being a racist. It happens all too frequently but is never reported by the media.
As a police supervisor I fielded many complaints regarding racial bias or misconduct. On many occasions, the great majority after reviewing audio and visual video from the car camera, the incidents were in my opinion unfounded. If the incident was questionable I referred the matter to I.A. Body cameras were used primarily after I retired.
On the national front I give you cases like Michael Brown “hands up don’t shoot” allegations. It didn’t happen. Total misinformation and look at what it caused. How about Timmonsville S.C. the Reverend Jerrod Mourtrie President of the local Chapter of the NAACP making a false racial allegation against a white police officer. His body camera cleared him of any wrongdoing. The media stayed away from that one. President Obama’s friend Harvard Professor Gates trying to break into his own home prompting a concerned citizen to call the police about a perceived suspicious incident. When approached by the police the professor instead of just providing identification chose to play a race card creating an unnecessary situation.
I guess what I am trying to say is there is quite a bit of improper behavior taking place on both sides. Police shouldn’t be profiling black people or practicing bias. Those that do either need to be retrained, reprogrammed, or fired. Blacks need to accept that a good police officer doing their job is not a racial issue. Furthermore, there should be no tolerance for those who claim racial bias as a cover for bad or criminal behavior. For whatever reasons there are attempts being made by the media and other parties to misrepresent facts and transparency. You may not agree with me but I thought it would be beneficial to present my point of view. Things aren’t going to get better until both sides fairly and honestly present the facts.
Finally the voice of reason from Open Your Eyes. The reality of life isn’t quite so bad when you are not pointing fingers, shouting and screaming, drinking, or doing drugs to escape the truth. As a society, we need a lot of work to make things right.
Anybody know where I can buy some Dunkaroos? I’m hungry.
Whatever happened to those two redneck bois who got their ass whooped on the side of Route 1 by the dam?
NOT condoning their behavior, it is deplorable, but there isn’t anything the police could do to them. Their words were disgusting and racist but not illegal. Honestly not sure what anyone could do that wouldn’t have escalated that situation into something worse. I know those words and actions are incredibly painful, I am however glad it did not become physical and violent. This should not have happened to this family! I truly hope there will be some type of repercussion for them and their abhorrent behavior, maybe from their school, jobs, something! They need to crawl back under whatever rock they came out from!!!
Nothing racist about her comments. Bunch of white cops in a white county
It’s a one way street these days.
Was Harford county state delegate Mary Ann Lisanti in attendance?
She has a proven track record equality and race issues.
I don’t think Demonshits bother with Harford County.
This is what we all need . Excellent article from the Billy Graham organization I just read
OK…I”m a racist bigot…sue me.
I AM NOT a racist or a bigot. I treat people the way they treat me. If you treat me bad, then I’ll treat you 1000 times worse because that is what I do…
I’m A law breaking douche who calls people names and berates anyone who I don’t agree with with long diatribes that don’t make any sense, but include every accusation and conspiracy theory that I can make up to try and sound intelligent even though I have the intellect of a 12 year old, and the emotions of a pre-pubescent little girl.
That sounds more accurate.
Look, you fuktard!
I don’t know who you think you are, but you better stop using my moniker. If I figure out who is trying to steal My identity, I’ll kick you in the teeth!
Just another imposter, everyone knows that the real crusher of souls only speaks truth, and not the traitorous lies of this imposter!
Both of the above comments were written by the imitator. I didn’t break a law because the code isn’t law and I’m not a government employee. The fact is the MSP and the HCSO broke the law in 2009 and conducted a terrorist act in my home. Everyone involved should be charged under Article 3 Section 3….
Oh no!
Moniker theft! That is Moniker theft!
You can use my moniker, screenname, alias, profile or whatever you want to call it because all that matters is that it is anonymous.
Shoulda reported it to Bel Air PD. The Sheriffs office doesn’t cover the parking garage. They could at least cite them for something.
Cited for what, mean words? Hate speech doesn’t exist.
Hurt Feelings?
Cite them for trespassing and harassment. Talk about white trash. Their parents are probably siblings.
Is the parking garage open to the public? If so they were not trespassing. Also, it is kinda hard to cite someone for harassment when you are leaving a controversial area of a protest. It is not unheard of for two protesting factions to be at the same event. If your free speech is ok then so is theirs. Quite frankly, a BLM protest can be construed to be racist in it’s own creation because you are not calling for the end of police brutality to all races, only the black race. ALL Lives Matter….not just black ones.
The comments and racial slurs, supposedly made by the four white youths, are repugnant. Then to make a bad situation worse someone their picture, including names & emails from the garage to social media.
We don’t want leftist protesters from other towns coming into ours with this BLM/Antifa bullshit. Go home.
OK Sharon….go back to the stone ages and quit watching sensational MSM.
Disagree, this will do Harford County some good. Life long resident of Bel Air, happy to see this. Please have some compassion.
Has Sheriff Jeffie come out and addressed the crowd?
Maybe he will burn some more Ravens clothing.
The article says “a family leaving the rally was victimized by a group who shouted racial epithets at them.”
This is the problem. That family was not “victimized” – they were insulted. Just because some ignorant people say something to you that you don’t like doesn’t make you a “victim.” There is no law (nor should there ever be) protecting someone from being offended.
Like we used to say to kids: “sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.”
Agreed 100%
Another excuse for the animals to loot. Next time a white man is killed by police ( which happens more often, google it ) I guess its ok for white people too loot ? Lol, we don’t roll that way. Hopefully they will try my store, and I have alittle surprise for them. Loot, and I’ll shoot, real easy.
Hey Dave, no looting in Harco, stfu, thanks. I know you don’t understand your white privilege, but please try.
I’m an inbred hillbilly from Harford County who doesn’t understand white privilege.
Another imitator. I’m a Baltimoron and don’t step foot in Harford County…
Moniker theft!
Moniker theft!!
You can use it. I will too, but everyone will know you’re just an imitator…
OH Anita Nickens! (Sigh…..)
The last few paragraphs pretty much sum up Thanksgiving conversations of the black community in Harford County. Hate whitey. Hate cops (until you need them to investigate your broken in home, homicide or husband that took off with your welfare check).
Gotta love the photo! You know….the one that shows all the white privileged Harford County College kids feeling white guilt over a black criminal 5 states away killed by a racist cop. So, instead of learning the FACTS behind #BlackLivesMatter (a militant, leftist group that burns down churches, loots businesses and wants to defund all police departments) you want to join them out of guilt because you are told through FAKE NEWS that this is happening all across America…every day…every hour…every minute. When in fact. Last year, 990 people where shot by cops. 46% were white, 26% were black…but this does not fit into the narrative and I don’t want you to have to make up new signs so I digress.
Now, all the Millennial’s are flooding instagram with “You can’t believe that all lives matter until you believe in black lives matter”. It is so easy to jump on the political correctness bandwagon with generic statements like that. If you TRULY believe that BLM than where is your cry over the 6 to 7 black protesters (one a cop) that have been killed so far? #SayTheirNames
Is this worth the nationwide Looting, stealing, church burning, business burning (yes, of black owned businesses as well)? – Is this getting your positive PEACEFUL message across?
Most of you are collecting un-employment and looking for a “cause” to believe in and be angry over…no?
sure you are! Get angry then over the #UnbornMatters – Again….isn’t the COOL thing to do and doesn’t fit the lefty narrative…right?
Pick and choose your fight…as for me…I will continue to be a leader. Who is a leader? Think of it this way. When you lead an Orchestra….you have to turn your back to the people.
@Harford County Citizen, The looting is called for at this point (which isn’t happening in Harco). Years of silent and peaceful protest haven’t done any good. I’m sure you also had a problem with Kaepernick taking a knee.
You keep talking about a lefty narrative, what you about the righty narrative? Neither extreme is a good thing. Get off the Trump dick and try to have some compassion.
If you support the following you should take a close look at yourself. Let me lay it out for you without mentioning race, since that triggers you so much.
– Police killing detained, unarmed people
– 0 accountability for police actions
– General police brutality
– Militarization of the police
It’s a shame you can’t try and support your ‘educated’ ‘facts’ without being racist.
You’re a moron. How can you actually say that looting is called for? They are NOT taking away from the people that killed George Floyd. They are STEALING from local businesses all across this country. That is not something I’ve seen enumerated in any fundamental document of our great country. You act as if you have a Constitutional right to loot. You’d be wrong because looting is a common law crime and is forbidden by the Constitution.
Me thinks that “Doug” and “SoulCrusher’s Husband” are one and the same. The talking points are eerily the same. Who would’ve though I had a husband named Doug? I hope my girlfriend doesn’t find out….
I am so sad reading these comments. Our beautiful community is so rancid, dirty and hollow in how it cares for each other and how they value of the quality of life for each other. I cannot imagine that I have lived here all these years as a white person and not realized how racist and degraded the people who have shared above are. BLM is about the fact that a black parent has to teach a black child how to act around a white person in a position of power in order to not be arrested, hurt or DIE. It’s about having white privilege which means that we can trust that as a white person, we will be given a fair shake in every dealing with the police when we know that our black brothers and sisters are not. It’s about walking out of store at the same time as a black person and having the sound alarm go off and the person checking out ONLY the black person’s bag. It’s about a father afraid to take a walk around a neighborhood without his child so as to not appear to be casing the neighborhood. It’s about a mother afraid to let her son work at night because he will need to drive home in the dark and be considered possibly dangerous. It’s about a college girl being stopped by cops and told they like their girls that age. THESE are things that people want to change. The heart has to change, and the value of the lives of our brothers and sister of color need to MATTER.
Let’s take her daydreaming trip with CDB oil one by one shall we?
BLM – They do not teach. They are a militant organization. Stop spreading your racist bigotry by stating that just because a white person has any type of position of power that all of a sudden he/she can arrest…hurt or kill a black person. Unreal.
WHITE PRIVILEGE – Studies show that the break-up of the family is a common cause of poverty. So perhaps we should talk about a “Two-Parent Privilege” instead of a “White Privilege”. Parents’ attitudes toward learning is a strong predictor of academic success. So maybe we’re dealing with a “Learning-Lover’s Privilege?”
Race does not dictate the strength of a marriage, parents’ attitudes toward learning, nor their propensity to lovingly and consistently discipline their children. Neither does race dictate financial status. Not all white kids are rich, and not all minorities are poor.
Some of you may be thinking, “Yes, but a higher percentage of whites are wealthy and college-educated.” To you I say: Don’t be placated by statistics. I assure you they bring no comfort to the bright 12-year-old white girl from a poor, dysfunctional family, who is told she does not qualify for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity because her skin is the wrong color.
The stereotype of “white privilege” undermines the American dream. Our ancestors worked hard to build a society where anyone, through discipline and hard work, can achieve a reasonable measure of social and economic success. The idea of “white privilege” suggests that the system is rigged–that the scales are still tipped in favor of whites. Non-whites who believe that others are “privileged” may be discouraged from buying into the dream.
The white privilege myth goes further. It undermines our national unity, pitting races against one another. It slanders racial minorities.
WALKING OUT OF A STORE – Seriously? So NOW store alarm systems are rigged to tell when it is a black person vs. a privileged white person that is walking through the detector only to sound the ALARM with the black man walks through?
Father afraid to walk a neighborhood….mother can’t drive at night or will be considered dangerous? YOU “Janice” are really stretching to make your point but falling so short unless you can provide news clips of these DIRTY cops just siting in their patrol cars looking for the Black man to make a wrong move!
COLLEGE GIRLS? – WHAT the H%$^ are you even talking about?? Please site your FAKE NEWS story?!
You have just proved my point about how racist our county is. I have nothing else to say because your rant has pretty much proved everything I have said. Another person with rage who misinterprets, misquotes, misunderstands and has no desire to even attempt to try to find a way to draw us together as a country of people who all want to be at peace with each other. Rant on, unknown Harford County Citizen, rant on. And be proud of your anonymity.
If black lives matter so much then why are blacks killing each other all the time. How can you actually say what you say with a straight face knowing that more of your “brothers and sisters” are being killed by your own kind than any police agency in the US. What happened in Minneapolis was wrong, but had the video been taken of a white man being choked to death there would be no outrage. There would’ve been no protest. There would’ve been no riots or looting. There would’ve been nothing to see at all. Until you realize that all lives matter you have no high ground to stand on because more of us white people die in police interactions than any other race in this country. Don’t be upset at the cops because a black man died without just cause, be upset because an American citizen died without just cause.
Quite the opposite, your list of CNN, MSNBC talking points that are divisive is the problem. Bring racist facts with stats THEN I would love to have an intellectual conversation with you concerning TODAY’s events. NOT how the bad white man held your great grandfather down.
None of my points were from these sources, as I no not watch those channels. These were all from this area. The Target incident was from the day before yesterday in Bel Air. Reported by the white woman. The girl going to college was from Fallston, going to Texas across the south and stopped at a gas station. The man with his son goes to a local church and shared this with us. I am listening because I care. These little things make a person feel less than human. THAT is what I am talking about. We need to listen. I agree about the outrage of the death of George Floyd being murdered, but in order to change things, we need to listen to those who feel they live in the shadow of harm when they leave their very doors. The reason I used these stories was because they were right here, this past week. You simply cannot deny they live at lower level of safety in their treatment from police. You cannot.
@Janice Chan – When the HCSO or any of your local police departments hold a man down and choke him to death then you can express your outrage. You don’t hold your local police accountable for a death that occurred in Minnesota at the hands of bad cops. I have had my problems with Harford County Law Enforcement, but it was because of their actions INSIDE my home, not outside of it. That’s my gripe. Your gripe doesn’t make sense…unless of course you can tell us when Law Enforcement from your County has held down a human being and choked them to death. Stop being afraid and become the free person you already are….
@Janice – Those are your sources and stats? I’ll call it now…..Bullsh$#&
Pardon me Janice but it is my opinion that you may be embellishing some of your cited examples of possible bias violations. Did you witness these accounts first hand or are you passing a long hear say. Does bias sometime occur targeting Black people? The answer is yes. I can remember an incident when I was a narcotics detective sitting on a parking lot of a retail area going through some discarded trash belonging to drug suspect at about 3 in the morning. At that time, I observed the back door of an all night store open and the white male night clerk exited holding a small bag. The parking lot was empty. The clerk walked a short distance away to an area of shrubbery and placed the bag in same and returned to the store. Minutes later numerous police vehicles responded rapidly and the officers entered the store. I walked to the store and identified myself as a police officer and made contact with the on scene supervisor and asked what was going on . He said three armed black males just entered the store and robbed the clerk. I told him I had been in the area for almost an hour and no one went in the store. I walked the supervisor to the area where the bag had been concealed. The alleged stolen money was recovered and the clerk was charged with false report and theft. On other occasions I had a young white girl coming home late and was confronted by her parents. In a panic she said she was abducted by two black men but somehow managed to get away. A subsequent investigation determined it to be a false report. It happens. It has been my experience that the great majority of racial bias complaints made by blacks on police were almost always unverified. The motive was either the police had disrupted their improper often criminal behavior or they resented the police performing their job. Many felt the police have no dominion over them for any reason. Many turned what could have been a brief investigative encounter, which was often times based on a legitimate call for police service, in to an arrest situation to defuse a disorderly disturbance. For whatever reason improper or criminal conduct by elements of the black community are rarely if ever fairly or transparently covered by the media. This partial presentation of a one sided story is a serious factor in inflaming racial divide. My last point is if you were to query most white people and ask them to explain what factors most contribute to racial bias and distrust they will say it is based on witnessed bad behavior or by what appears to be an inordinate amount of criminal behavior perpetrated by many Black people. Most will preface their comments by saying “ I have wonderful black neighbors or I work with great black people and they don’t make me feel uncomfortable at all”. They wii go on to say that bias is committed by both the white and black society but the media attempts to portray blacks as the lone victims in this problem. It is not true. During my police career I found it interesting that small business owners of all races and religions in urban areas would unilaterally confirm that of people of all descriptions entering the stores at closing time, the people who made them feel most uncomfortable and concerned were young black males. This included black merchants. Just trying to give you a different perspective Janice. Just something to think about. I do have one question Janice. If you had to drive to Pimlico or North Ave would you roll up your windows and lock your doors? Be honest please. Take care and thanks for listening.
So many ignorant, privilege fucks in HARCO. Heartless.
So many ignorant, brainwashed dipshits that hold their local police accountable for what happened a thousand miles away in Minnesota. I will now use my White Privilege to proclaim you a fuktard….
Plenty of racist cops and general police brutality in Harco. Good to know you stand for:
– Police killing detained, unarmed people
– Zero accountability for police actions
– General police brutality and excessive use of violence
– Militarization of the police
Can you name an instance of police brutality that you would like to share that has happened in “Harco” involving a black detainee(s)? We’ll wait while you type….
Still waiting….
Racism. The Democratic rallying cry from the party of the KKK and the pro-slavery movements of the past. We are now learning of how Democratic policies were created to enslave free blacks to a system of illegal and unconstitutional statutes made by those same Democratic leaders that are urging you to protest, loot and riot. When will everyone just wake up and see the truth with their own eyes and stop being so politically stupid. The bottom line is you will be oppressed for as long as you think you are oppressed. That’s the bottom line because the SoulCrusher says so…
@Doug You say “have compassion” then in the same post you advocate looting (breaking into and stealing from black owned businesses). Very thoughtful Doug.
I think what he meant, was that the looting was understandable. Advocating would be a stretch. Nice to see you cherry pick instead of speaking to any of the other valid points made.
We are talking about the protests in Harford County. Last I heard there hasn’t been any looting.
When did looting become “understandable”? You obviously have mental issues…
99% of protesters are not looting, give it a rest.
but when did looting become understandable?
Just for the record, 99% of the police are NOT murderers. You failed to mention that.
Just heard a MEGA church preacher in Harford County begin his service yelling “there may be injustice in America today!!!!”.
Listen Pastor, there was one injustice in Minneapolis….racism.
There are hundreds of injustices across this country under the banner of peaceful protesting called looting, fire starting, beatings, killings, cop killing, terrorists acts by Antifa happening daily.
Please stop with the PC crap. Call it what it is. Yeah, you’ll lose a few millennials that you love to pander to but you’ll gain much needed respect.
99% of protesters are NOT LOOTING, keep trying to spin that narrative that the protest/movement isn’t valid because of looting, your stated ‘injustices’. LOL
The protest/movement isn’t valid because ALL lives matter. Once again the Democratic Party has pulled the race card in order to garner the black vote. More white people are killed every year than blacks by police in ALL States. Here in Maryland, the police don’t have to kill you because the black community kills its own more than any law enforcement agency ever could. Here in Maryland, you should protest yourselves because until black people stop killing each other in the numbers we see today, we all have to wonder do they really think Black Lives Matter?
Standard white supremacists propaganda. Well said by a racist.
Well then STOP killing each other all ready….
Don’t forget that George Floyd’s own brother is being used to urge people to go and vote. The Democrats have literally turned George Floyd’s murder into a campaign tool. You know, if a family member of mine was killed by police, I have to wonder if I would even bring up voting. If you think voting because George Floyd was killed by white police and that they are all racists I would like to remind you that your current Democratic candidate is a rich, old, white man that drew up the legislation that allowed “Stop and Frisk”. You guys really aren’t using your heads…
Well…then again I like to talk out my arse so….there’s that!
Really? Ok, so you morons have said you want to defund police, that looting is understandable and that Joe Biden is a credible candidate. You brainwashed fools want to actually support the political party that created all the rules, regulations and policies that you are complaining about. Biden actually help create the tough on crime policies that you are complaining about and now you want him to lead you? Look, you can’t defund police because even though I hate to admit it, we need them. Looting is never understandable and Biden is a complete imbecile that did take part in the creation of the policies that you guys are complaining about. Who is really talking out of there ass here?
LOL at Bel Air area peeps….white privileged believe what they want to so they can sleep at night peeps. You just don’t want to get it….and that’s too bad. Throw out wrong stats….like “oh well more white people are killed by the police than black”…how do you know??? How do you know that everything is reported as it should….either you are just that stupid or don’t want to believe or have things change. Own up to it…if you like your white privilege just say it…don’t hide behind BS stats or say everything is ok. And thank your Mommy and Daddy for setting you up for your success.
We know that more white people are killed by police because of the national database that tracks the statistics. We know that ANTIFA and BLM took part in riots and looting across this country. We know that the policies that have enraged these movements were created by the Democrat Party. We know that Joe Biden can’t speak three sentences without a gaff and is probably suffering from light dementia. We know that facts will never be accepted by a group of ignorant brainwashed morons whom believe they can create riots to change things and that looting is understandable. We know that there is no such thing as white privilege anymore and we know that if any race in this country is more privileged it is the blacks. Look at the Baltimore Mayoral Race and you will see that it is an unspoken requirement to be black in order to be elected even though black leadership has seen the last two Mayors thrown out of office for committing crimes against the public. Now, once again I will use my so called “white privilege” to call you a fuktard…
Miss black America…National Association for Advancement of Colored People…black entertainment television…black quotas for college admissions…black colleges…black safe spaces…separate black dorms…black hiring quotas…black lives matter….blacks are the most privileged race in the USA
you forgot minority business status that ensures that even if they aren’t the lowest price they are still awarded city, county, state and federal contracts
In reference to the comment posted by “Bob” on June 11 2020 at 4:13pm it is from another “Bob”.
Aside from the actual circumstances that this protest is supposedly about, the image of a bunch of white kids who would cry if you look at them funny kneeling, fists in the air in a power salute and in the direction of Sheriff Gahlers office while chanting “black lives matter” is parody at its finest.
“Do Harford Republicans have a plan for racial justice? | READER COMMENTARY”
I agree. Real change should begin at the local level and the majority party should step up and take the lead in our struggle to ensure racial justice and equality.
Why does Harford County need a plan for racial justice? Haven’t really heard of any major issues of discrimination or racism in quite some time. Even this article that you are placing this garbage on clearly states that 4 white youths are the issue that the Nickens woman complained about. If you want to declare Harford County the seat of racism in the great hate State of Maryland, you’d better have more to your story than 4 white youths yelling racial slurs at protesters. Until you do, you really got a whole hell of a lot of nothing….
Why do you care you don’t live here asshole
Because I don’t sit back and listen to liars. That’s why, asshole.
If you want to feel guilty today on SUNDAY for being white…listen to a FEW of the local church services online….good grief!!
Just found out this morning that my WHITE Pastor now supports BLM because obviously he is feeling guilty over being white.
Does your church or Pastor support BLM?
The violence in the name of BLM is with the definition of domestic terrorism in the United states under the patriot act. The BLM movement has destroyed property, thrown glass at opposition, calls for the death of calls for dead cops and supports cop killers such as Assata Shakur who is on the FBI’s most wanted terrorist list who had the same views as the movement yet it claims to be a peaceful movement but it is as peaceful as Malcolm X’s movement in the 50’s and 60’s calling for reparations to their community that has already been paid in the 60’s, death to cops, calling “open season on crackers”, hijack other events to further their agenda of hate and preventing emergency services from responding to emergency’s by blocking the road leaving lives at risk, the BLM glorifies criminal behavior and it is shown as their actions in Dallas, Falcon Heights, and Baton Rouge.
If YOUR local Pastor supports BLM…he/she is supporting all of this! Be careful who you follow sheep.
What churches are you talking about?
For the record as I have stated before I’m a white retired career cop, an American, and a Christian. Unlike BLM, I unconditionally think that all lives matter. I concur that radical elements have hijacked BLM which most probably started out to be a well intended organization. Unfortunately much of their narrative has been manipulated by the main stream media with their own political agendas. That same media incites division by improperly conveying the facts or in many cases totally omitting them. They would have you believe that all police officers, particularly white police officer, have just one mission and that is to harass and victimize black people. This is not the case. Yes there have been bad actors but they are in a very limited minority. The media and the BLM movement will have you believe that black people are always victims and never contribute in any way to negative interaction with police. This often not the case. This fallacy could be dispelled if members of the media were to accompany police officers on patrol on a regular basis and report same in a fair and unbiased forum. I encourage all readers to Google “Ocean City, MD fight 06/10/20” . I caution you it is graphic and appalling. You will see a video from not a demonstration but people attending Senior week. You will see several black males violently and repeatedly attacking a young white man who was sitting on a bench. This should have been reported and charged as a Federal hate crime. For the record I support the charging of the Minneapolis police officers the same way. They then began throwing objects at cars and other innocent people. The police responded and made several arrests. This is what police deal with every night. Where is the media reporting this side of the problem. I am sorry but these young black were not innocent victims they were criminals. If BLM had any credibility they would condemn these actions and hold those responsible accountable. Neither the media or BLM will address this. There are people on both sides of racial issues responsible for this horrific behavior. You can tear down a thousand statues. You can attempt to erase history. This isn’t going to get better until the offenders on both sides are identified and held accountable. Sadly and beyond the control of most good people, the media really doesn’t care what division or harm they they cause to reach their political objectives.
If you ask BLM to respond to something like the OC video you will hear nothing but “crickets”. That isn’t what their mission is about. I saw the video and it was bad. They knocked that one boy out and went after another who wouldn’t stay down. It’s gang mentality out of control and that is what we are seeing all over this country. Yet, they call me a criminal…
Says a couple of old white farts i’m sure. I have heard people from the BLM condemn the looters and not at all justify the crimes that are out there…but I get that doesn’t fit your narrative. So keep crying about the MSM (typical Trump cry cry cry about the media) when you don’t hear what you want to.
if you are a Christian, I”m sure you know the story of Jesus and the shepherd who had 100 sheep and one had wondered off….yes all sheep matter, but the one was in jeopardy and Jesus went to save it.
Now lets hear the hate come! (cause come on…this is the Dagger…it’s been crazy crazy crazy since forever!)
The only thing I hear from Black Lives Matter is Black Lives Matter. Whites get gunned down far more than Blacks every year by police, yet more Blacks get gunned down every year by their own fucking people than any other race in the USA. Don’t really want to talk about that do you? Until you dingbats realize that this isn’t about racism and is about police brutality, then you are part of the problem. Let’s face it, George Floyd was killed by someone who probably knew him from the Club they both worked at, on the same shift no doubt. That story got quickly hushed up didn’t it. They guy in Georgia, did a stupid thing and got shot in the back, but it is my belief that the cop would’ve shot a White guy in the back too. If you think otherwise then your just showing how much of a racist YOU are. You are a serial racist that sees racism in everything because you are far more racist than any of us arguing against your stupidity. The Black race is the most privileged and protected race in this country. Cops groan when they are dealing with a Black because they know anything they do will be under scrutiny. Look, ALL LIVES MATTER and the cops need to stop killing us and torturing us because we pay their fucking salaries. Period. Until you drop your reverse racism and start understanding that ANY American citizen that is killed or beaten without just cause is wrong, then you are part of the problem. Just for the record, the incident in Georgia may have given police a reason to draw weapons and fire, but I wouldn’t have done that. Especially with the way things are going right now. It was a very thoughtless thing to do during the current events of this time. Lastly, I will condemn the media for exploiting the killing of Blacks, while virtually ignoring the killing of Whites. Once again the media has proven they are the enemy of the people and that they alone can divide us more than any else.
You are correct. I am old and I am white. I will give you that but I being a Christian am going to go out on a limb and tell you with complete certainty that while Jesus and the shepherd were out looking for the lost sheep they probably didn’t injure sheep from other flocks or set fire to pastures and grazing areas. Think about it
Will any of these crimes ever be prosecuted as hate crimes.
No. Hate Crimes are difficult to prosecute and Whites are on the bottom of the totem pole. Until there is equal protection under the law for everyone and there is no race classified as “protected”, then there will be no justice for every American. Only those Americans that have a “protected” status will get justice and that is a perversion of justice.
The racist are right there in plain site at HCSO HQ. Did the mighty (in his own mind) Ed Keplin make a come back to downtown Belair? He is a scum bag retired HCSO with an interesting past.