From the Office of the State’s Attorney For Harford County:
January 3, 2023 will forever be a historic day in Harford County, as Alison M. Healey was sworn in as the first ever female State’s Attorney.
Ms. Healey secured an overwhelming victory against the Republican incumbent in the primary election held on July 19, 2022, by a more than two to one margin.
During her investiture held in the Circuit Court for Harford County, Ms. Healey emphasized the historic place she now holds but maintained that “…male or female, I was the most qualified and best candidate for the job, and I could not be more blessed that the citizens of this county confirmed that definitively with their votes.”
Throughout her campaign, Ms. Healey ran on the platform of restoring law and order in Harford County, repairing the relationships between the State’s Attorney’s Office and law enforcement, and being a “champion for victims in our county.”
During the ceremony she renewed those commitments. “I can assure you that when the men and women of law enforcement work so diligently, as they always do, to bring cases to the court for prosecution, our office will always strive to hold offenders accountable to our fullest potential… We will ensure that every victim in this county feels compassion, is prepared for every step and phase of their case and knows that they always come first.”
Ms. Healey went on to highlight her lifelong history in Harford County and committed to spending the next four years ensuring “…that our County remains a safe place for all our citizens.”
Give them all the maximum penalty. Lock them up and throw away the key. These assholes are trying to terrorize our county. It’s been pretty bad in the last year alone. And some of these judges think giving these bad guys multiple chances over and over is working. It’s not. They will always be a piece of shit. It’s all a game.
People don’t need to be jailed. This is so wrong. We can offer better alternatives when crimes are committed such as gay sex or free transition operations. HARCO needs to think outside the box.
Adam Schiff bounced from House Intelligence committee. Good move!!! Good news!!! That is certainly no placed for a confirmed and verified liar. I am quite sure that the Democrats should be able to find someone in their ranks with integrity. See I am of an open mind unlike some of haters who post on the Dagger.
Wishing her success and hoping she isn’t another DemoKKKrat hack
So what will she do with the Bel Air police chief with restraining orders against him for repeatedly beating his ex-wife and choking her teenage son? I’ll go out on a limb and say nothing. Tired of the multi-tiered justice system. Hold citizens accountable to the fullest extent but those charged with upholding the law get a pass and we pay for their malfeasance
Hey Marvin! Are these accusations proven??? Let me go out on a limb to say there are 2 sides to a story. But, you probably don’t care about the other side…
everyone starts with a clean slate..all the best to her…she knows to do the right thing…we all know that, but many fail to live up to it…i do believe ms. healey will be good, with this new challenge…
This is a segment of a quote by Baltimore Mayor Scott in reference to recent arrests involving members of the notorious Wick Squad which was operating in Baltimore City. The organization was responsible for the distribution of drugs, including fentanyl, and firearms. Many arrested were repeat offenders. Some of the issued sentences for firearm and/or drug distribution were only 3 years.
‘This is an example of our Group Violence Reduction Strategy in action,” said Mayor Brandon M. Scott. “Imprisonment should not be a first resort, but if people decide that they are going to deny the opportunities on the table and continue down the path of crime and violence, we are going to hold them accountable with swift, certain, and legitimate consequences.” ‘
Almost 50 shootings, several dead, in Baltimore City already and January is only 2/3s over. I have to wonder why the Mayor is refusing to address the gun and drug problem in the city much more aggressively. As an outsider looking in it generates many concerns. I have to wonder what criteria that the Mayor considered in his decision making. People are dying!
I sense he fails to address the problem because doing so might yield positive results. If the city managed to clean up the problems it would cost them power.
Hopefully she stops allowing women and men to make false statements and charge there spouse with absolutely no evidence with domestic violence. Pessinger allowed this and let his assistants waste tax payer money and run a muck. A lot of men’s and women’s lives have been destroyed with false claims of domestic violence. Being falsely accused of this is a crime is devastating and can lead to severe depression. The accusers should be charged with purgery or it will never stop. This has become a epidemic and it also disrespects people that have really been victims of DV. Please Alison Healy so many I know have voted for you in hopes of you stopping this horrible act.
She appoints David Ryden as her Deputy. Do we need to say anymore? Isn’t this the same David Ryden who was Deputy under the now debarred Joe Cassilly? Oh wait it gets better. Joe Cassilly Brother the County Exec has now nominated Joe for a position on the Ethics Board. Isn’t that rich?
Are the voters of Harford County really this stupid? Return to Law and order I don’t think so. Return to the Good Old Boy now with a Girl involved is more like it. Corruption at its best. Only in Harford County.