Once again maintaining its role as a Republican stronghold in an otherwise Democratic state, Harford County overwhelmingly supported the Presidential ticket of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, the U.S. Senate candidate Daniel Bongino, and voted against the Dream Act, gay marriage and expanded gambling – even though the state of Maryland at-large chose Barack Obama […]
Harford Votes: 2012 Presidential General Election Edition
Harford County joins the rest of the nation Tuesday in participating in the 2012 Presidential General Election – having a hand in selecting the President of the United States of America, but also voting on several historic state issues and local county charter changes. In addition to the Presidency, voters Tuesday will also have a […]
Maryland Watch: Get Your Aspirin
On November 7th, 2012 we begin a historical new journey. That journey won’t change too much depending on whether Barack Obama or Mitt Romney win, because it is the journey to the 2014 and 2016 elections and Maryland will be front and center for both. 2014 will be a new gubernatorial election where several Republicans […]
Rep. Harris: “President Obama Engages in Unnecessary Attack on U.S. Navy”
From the office of Congressman Andy Harris: In last night’s debate, Governor Romney accurately pointed out that our Navy now has fewer ships than it has since 1916. President Obama incorrectly implied that Governor Romney was not aware of what a modern military force looks like. In his response, President Obama stated that, “You mentioned […]
Simpson: “It Makes No Sense to Go Back to Policies that Crashed the Whole World’s Economy”
By Omar Simpson, Esq. Before You Vote… What a hurricane takes seconds to destroy, will take people years to rebuild. Before you go out and vote, before you fall into either sides political rhetoric…take a real trip down memory lane…go online, pull and actually read the headlines from four years ago…read about the impending economic […]
Maryland Watch: Every Time You Don’t Vote, an Angel Loses Its Wings
This is the most important election of our lifetime and you need to vote. With the fiscal cliff fast approaching, America is at a defining point in our nation’s history. No election has ever been so important since…2008. You had to vote in the 2008 election. It was the most important election of our lifetime […]
“The Harford Edge” Oct: 5: Former Sen. Gary Hart on How to Assess the Presidential Candidates
Offering advice to voters in the upcoming election, former presidential candidate and Colorado Senator Gary Hart will be our guest this week on “The Harford Edge”. Since his retirement from the U.S. Congress, Sen. Hart has been an author, lecturer and advisor on matters of national security, international law and business. Sen. Hart will join […]
Watch Presidential Debate Wednesday in Aberdeen with New Harford Democratic Club
From the New Harford Democratic Club: New Harford Democratic Club Meeting Reminder Wednesday October 3rd, 7pm Aberdeen Holiday Inn, 1007 Beards Hill Rd Join us for an exciting evening with fellow-Democrats as we watch the first Presidential Debate on October 3 at 7 pm at the Holiday Inn in Aberdeen. Sponsored by the New Harford […]